George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 2


Friday, December 10

George W. Bush had been president less than a year when thoughts of wealth, power, and influence consumed his malleable mind and set him on a one-way path to evil. Influenced by a vice president whose moral turpitude eclipsed his own, Bush converted the Oval Office into a den of depravity, a sinister sanctum where he and his cancerous cabal plotted to kill three birds with one stone, as a modified version of the saying goes. Find a way to legitimize seizing foreign oil while also capturing, and profiting from, the expansive opium fields covering the vast landscape of Afghanistan. He also, of course, wanted to finish what his father had started in Iraq—deposing or assassinating Saddam Hussein. Moreover, Bush felt Americans had too many freedoms, and he desperately sought to curtail the rights and freedoms Americans hold dear.

That was Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall’s opening message, as George W. Bush’s tribunal resumed Friday morning at Guantanamo Bay.

Surprisingly, Bush’s attorney David Aufhauser said he would forego an opening statement, instead opting to deliver remarks after JAG rested its case.

The first item Rear Adm. Crandall offered into evidence was a microcassette with three distinct voices: George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld’s. Three independent experts, he told the panel, had digitally compared voices on the tape against over 150 publicly available recordings of the three men, and determined with reasonable certainty (97.5%) that the voices indeed belonged to Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld.

“We don’t know the exact date this conversation took place, but we can infer through the conversation it was approximately three months before 9/11,” Rear Adm. Crandall said, and pressed the play button.

Bush: “If we’re doing this, we have to go all in, you know. And after it’s done, we’ll need a damn good excuse to sell Congress, and our hands, they’ll have to be squeaky clean.”

Cheney: “They’ll be no ties to us. And our hands—well, they’ll be bathed in bleach.”

Bush: “How much is this gonna cost?”

Cheney: “Who cares? It’s not our money (Cheney laughs) and we get richer at taxpayer expense. I can set everything up, but I need your ok on it.”

Rumsfeld: “If we want this for September, we don’t have a lot of preparation time, maybe 3 months.”

Cheney: “Don, the government works efficiently when we need it to. We do this, and a lot of information we don’t want made public goes away forever. We blame Bin Laden—I don’t think we need him anymore—and after the dust settles in New York and Washington, we bomb the shit out of Kabul. No one cares if we destroy some ancient stone buildings and thatch huts. And you get to show off shiny new weapons.”

Bush: “And the world will buy it? They’ll believe some poorly funded Jihadists managed to pull off the most sophisticated and deadly terror attack in history, and on American soil? I’m all for killing the fuckers, Dick, but they’ll believe this?”

Cheney: “You’re the fucking president, George, they’ll believe whatever you tell them to believe.”

Rear Adm. Crandall paused the tape. “This obviously is not the first conversation they had on planning 9/11, but this alone speaks volumes and—”

Aufhauser stood, raising an objection. “This seems highly improper. You suddenly have a magic tape, a smoking gun, and expect us to accept its legitimacy. Until now, Defense had no knowledge of the tape. Wouldn’t it have been proper to provide us a copy, so we, too, could’ve had it tested for authenticity. Could you tell us, please, where you obtained this tape?”

“I can: Rumsfeld made it. All I can say is it was discovered among his personal possessions after he suicided himself at his tribunal,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

“Why would he have made a recording that could eventually incriminate him?” Aufhauser asked.

“How should I know, and that’s not our concern. Maybe he wanted an insurance policy in case the plan went south and George and Dick tried to pin the blame on him, but I don’t engage in speculation, only fact. And fact is, that is Gorge, Dick, and Don on that tape,” Rear Adm. Crandall said sardonically.

Aufhauser asked why, if the tape was authentic, Cheney wasn’t sitting beside Bush as a co-defendant.

“Because he fled the country the same night George was arrested. An interesting coincidence, don’t you think?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked, and played the tape.

Bush: “What kind of casualties are we looking at on the Homefront?”

Cheney: “So, a few thousand, maybe more.”

Bush: “Oh, that’s not so bad.”

Rumsfeld: “Every battle has collateral damage. We must accept ours.”

Bush: “As long as we’re not getting fucking blamed for it.”

Cheney: “Like I said, that won’t happen.”

While the tape played, Bush seemed unphased, simply staring glassily at the wall as his attorney contested the tape’s veracity.

“Before we hear more, Admiral Crandall, could we please recess until Monday, so Defense, with your consent, can have this tape authenticated over the weekend. I also respectfully ask for copies of any additional evidence you plan to use that we haven’t been made aware of,” Aufhauser said.

“As you’ve been reminded in the past, this is not a civilian trial. We don’t have to oblige that request. But I will give you a copy of the tape and the weekend,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

He put the tribunal in recess until Monday morning.

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I will be livid if this does not eventually come to light. Every day, all day, 24/7 for many years now the media and its a## buddy the DNC lie and deceive the American people. It’s all about them getting enriched at our expense. No deals for this fool. Daddy got a deal with Trump, I don’t know why, but his EVIL was hidden so his ‘legacy’ would be intact.

STOP SHIELDING THE EVIL. No deals. The American people are suffering horrific human rights abuses right now and these people exempt themselves from the rules they make for us.

What an abject loser GWB is. Can we sterilize the remaining Bushes? I think Jenna and Sophia are already breeding. Maybe there’s a bona fide evil gene in there somewhere. Give them the clot shot, that’ll fix it, maybe some Remesdevir and a breathing tube. Sorry, not sorry.


Your music is your passion, keep on keeping on OWD! You’re a good man, I can tell.


George Bush was aslo a fag. A homosexual and his wife too was known as the biggest lesbian in HS.Their marriage was one of convenience for power. Just like the Clintons. Hillary was Bi. And She is a massive serial killer. Just like bush. His GrandFather was aiding and abetting Hitler and the third Reich and was arrested. The first George bush was involved with the horrible assassination of John f. Kennedy. A bloodbath in front of all the Woman And children. . This was one sick demonic POS coward. Yes. Bush was involved with carrying out 911.


The only problem I have when people say a missile hit the Pentagon and that the planes hitting the towers were fake cgi is that real people were on those flights never to be seen again. Conservative commentator and Author Barbara Olsen the wife of Ted Olsen the Washington lawyer was on the Pentagon plane and hasn’t been seen since. Were all these peoples deaths faked? Given new identities? More people may have died on the ground than we were told but dont forget the planes, I dont know the number but it must be at least 300.


It was a kind of ‘shell game’ with the four flights. Let me try to briefly tell what happened based on prior research.

On 9/11 the 4 doomed flights load up and take off. But here’s the thing, they ALL were not filled to capacity and were each mostly empty. Keep that fact in mind as you read on.

The op happens and the ‘shell game’ begins. The 4 flights wander around all over the place. The key to their wandering about was that a ‘swap’ happened to each flight. They all passed near and landed at bases of some sort while planes took off from there to take their place to continue the ‘shell game’. The ATC people wouldn’t really notice something was amiss due to the transponder signals they received. The only way the ‘switcheroo’ could work is if the transponders ‘pulse’ at regular intervals and not broadcast continuously. If that were the case, they would see on their scopes 2 planes
(actually 8 planes in this case) sharing the same four transponder codes. This would indicate equipment malfunction or some kind or foul play (which had to be avoided for that part of the op to work).

What likely happened was that the passengers were forced at gunpoint to participate in the op on the ground–leading to those ‘impossible’ cell phone calls and the curious absence of muted engine noise inside the cabin proving the call was not made while airborne.

Once done with the op, one of two things happened:

1) The passengers on all 4 flights were gathered together on the ground from the various bases and ‘crammed’ into one (remote control) plane (likely at gunpoint) which took off, gassed them (to sleep or death) then eventually crashed into the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean and sank out of sight to the bottom–where they Olympic lays (but that is another conspiracy all together that I learned about some time ago).

2) The passengers on all 4 flights were gathered together on the ground from the various bases, forced inside some type of giant ‘autoclave’, at gunpoint, gunned down, then incinerated and the remains disposed of. I saw this explanation in a 9/11 conspiracy movie long ago.

R.G. Spiritus Arbitus

” ,,, and their blood cries from the earth. ”

Justice will be done,,, tic,,, tic,,, tic,,,


George Bushes dad was a Satanic monster. How do we deal with the fact that George Jr. most likely underwent satanic ritual abuse from the time he was born. I’m not making excuses for him, but I’m sure God will take that into consideration.


You’re spot on about George being a victim of SRA, his brother Jeb was also abused. W may have committed some heinous offenses in his life, but nowhere near the lethality of GHWB’s offenses. I’m sure if W repents, God will forgive him. Even Cheney can repent of his hellacious depredations, although I truly detest him for what he did to trafficked girls including his daughters. Too late for Rumsfeld or the Satanic monster, though. Didn’t hear anything about them repenting. Whoever gave GHWB the needle would know what his last words were on that execution table.


Shits going down in Missouri. Low flying military aircraft everywhere.

Cori Bush has got to go!

Good times. #SaveTheChildren


Thank you Eric. Clean up in aisles 17, 18, 19 and 20 before heading to the swamp.

Payback’s a bitch. Ha, ha.


Days of darkness beginning ?


Definitely, those text messages are coming any minute now. Aaaaaaaaaaaany minute now.


A lot of movement going on. I’m loving this!

unlabeled quality

project for new american century.


I hope that I am one of them, I try hard to be to not piss anyone off.

Ken Noel

I clearly remember on 9/11 thinking that blaming Osama Bin Laden was just too convenient. Then when the war against Iraq was announced I asked myself What is the connection to Iraq? It just seemed too improbable. After a long time with my eyes and ears open and my mouth shut I realized grabbing the resources was the main reason for spending all that blood and treasure. This included opium in Afghanistan, subsurface resources including rare earth deposits also in Afghanistan. Oil in Iraq, and political cover for efforts to grab all these resources.

Americans will be very righteously angry at the spending of all their blood and treasure to make self-righteous evil men at the top of our government very wealthy.


Cabal wanted to build the best military in the world and use it as mercenaries. Thus Kissinger saying AND I QUOTE “MILITARY MAN ARE JUST DUMB STUPID ANIMALS TO BE USED IN FOREIGN POLICY”.

And they are called “elite”….


Trump didn’t just fire Kissinger, he FIRED Kissinger!


Pres. REAGAN never let kissinger inside to WH…he knew who is this beautie….




Troops are not moving out .


yes they are…….will be gonne soon…


Iraq leading GESARA!


iraq leading theeeeeese nuts in your iraqi mouth lmaooooooooooooooooooooo


great -48 responses up in here

Dave Strickland

One way to accept that the reports fed to Michael B are true and accurate is to realise that each is of necessity incomplete, because the contents given by the anonymous source can only be extracted highlights from much lengthier proceedings. But on this occasion, it really does seem the whole sitting was over and done with in a few minutes, and that was that for the rest of the day by recessing the tribunal until Monday It starts with Adm. Crandall’s opening assessment of GWB’s character and then attention is focused solely on the microcassette recording. The conversation moves quickly to the decision to allow the proceedings to be recessed. Seems an uncomfortably short period of time for the tribunal to convene and then disband again. Or were a lot of other subjects discussed before attention was paid to the microcassette? Doesn’t seem so by the way the report is worded, which suggests the microcassette was introduced at the outset. I regard MB as genuine and his reports true, but I sometimes worry about this. For example, has a well-written repudiation of RRN. He is probably DS, but many readers of his piece will be persuaded by his arguments.

john h

I have a few points for all you guys who think Donald Trump is this righteous force behind the scenes here. No. #1: He brags about ‘fathering’ this global deadly vaccine injection that has destroyed 100’s of thousands of lives with 10’s of thousands DEAD. Plus Many millions of vaccine injuries. And BILLIONS for Pfizer and Moderna & the rest. And No. #2: HIS NAME was recently revealed as a passenger on Epstein’s Lolita express pedophile island plane. Entered into Court.

So what are people doing supporting him so blindly here? Huh? Plus, Trump NEVER told the truth about 9/11, the FED, etc. DO NOT justify him for the evil he has passively supported. Do not tell me he doesnt know about all the death and destruction from these damn demonic covid shots. He may have been duped in the beginning, but he knows. He is deceiving people, even still telling people to get it.

I 100% support these tribunals but I need you people, and Michael, to tell the WHOLE truth here and to stop being blinded by Trumpism. And look, if we have to have a highly compromised man like Trump, who has participated in evil, to be the guy to spearhead these tribunals, to get some justice done here in America, then i guess we have to live with that to some degree, but let’s be calling out the truth on all fronts here.

Let’s hear from the Trump supporters here. And Michael Baxter?


You know not a damn thing of President Trump, all you have is your hatred for a man that you don’t personally know. All you hear is the falsehoods and negativity spewed my MSM. You want to believe he is a bad man because that is what you’ve been fed over the last 5 years, he has done more good than most people will ever know.

American Living in Canada

In agreement with you Shutterbug.


Don’t you love the dumbasses who claim to know what Trump says and doesn’t say? They never listened to a single speech but they know it all.


Oh so you personally know Tom Hanks and Hillary Clinton and all the other people you condemn as evil yourself?


I didn’t condemn them numb nuts, they condemned themselves, just like you have been doing.. They’re all gonna die Jay, they’re all gonna die, just like the worthless bag of subhuman flesh that you are. Now curl up with your binkie and blankie and cry more pedophile.




maga these nuts in your mouth lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo

J Bill

fuck off shit for brains

J Bill

Agree. Some people’s disdain for Trump is second/third hand projected sentiments. Far removed from real beginnings or personal experience. But like the kind of revelations found in a “pass-the-word” party game that little kids play.

Corrupted info that’s evolved into illegal wiretaps and FISA warrants, blatantly false narratives and accusations, or conspiracies to prosecute with outlandishly false foundations. Just like a game little kids play…

But we’re “Blinded by Trumpism…..” ??

The big controversy around him begins with his commitment to bring in Nesara/Gesara Law with Military support in 2016. Like it was supposed to have been in Oct. 2000. It already cost 1 President’s life who swore to eliminate corruption starting in earlier years. Trump’s business knowledge gave hope to people who saw America failing and evil taking hold.

Certainly, all other President’s since then “hate him” and have done everything to eliminate him and his family. Lest they run the risk of being prosecuted for their involvement in this massive gold heist then, murderous behavior, satanic worshipping with bloodletting rituals and sacrifice, and complicit debauchery leading to their prosecution now in Military Tribunals. For their crimes, they have Hell to pay now.

Trump is not the greedy man here. Nor is he the twisted one.
Say what you want. He was never either.

Best to leave now troll and take your evil mindset with you.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

Operation warp speed was a mass arrest event. The military had to deliver the jabs because they required very cold storage. Today woketards carry jabs in backpacks when knocking on doors begging people to get jabbed.

September 2020 we were told what Operation warp speed was about. Plus, look who’s getting jabbed. Stupid people. Total backfire.

Good enough explanation for you pedophile?


Nobody is supporting blindly anyone.


FACT-.DJT CONFIRMED hetravelled from one airport to another when his plane was in maintenance.

Thanks for playing.


That pedo knows the truth he’s just panicking like the rest of them.

J Bill

Agree. Beware he’s forwarding this same crap.


Excellent Factual Points, kikas !!


Do you think his return is imminent ?


have a diapers ready……because you will shitting as brandon in the VATICAN CITY…..

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon


Try that again . I have no idea what you are saying .


i’m so triggered right now




like who shits “as Brandon”?


#1 – He doesn’t Brag about it, he just reminds everyone he Accomplished Operation Warp Speed. And getting the jab, is Your Choice.

#2 – I’m almost 100% sure.. He admitted to taking a ride on his jet. Go Find Something Else that states Trump is Pedophile. I Triple Dog Dare you because you ain’t gonna find it. And Why Don’t You Mention how many times Clinton invited Epstein to the White House and Why Don’t You Remind People that Trump Banned Epstein from Mar-A-Lago. Why are you soo worried about Trump being a Pedophile when Active members of Congress and fellow Officials have had their fair share of lawsuits doing nefarious things, that You Will Never Hear About, and Who Pays the bill when the Victims win and the cases get settled. Us Taxpayers.

#3 – No One is ‘Blindly’ Supporting Him. We are witnessing the battle of Good Vs. Evil. This is about the NWO and controlling Your Stupid Ass and it’s lookin like Mission Accomplished, for You.

#4 – Who has Told The Whole Truth about 9/11 – As far as I’m concerned I’ll find out when I die… Everything is up for speculation at this point. And Trump has made it known how corrupt the DS is and points you in the direction of Who the Enemy is. And again, he is telling everyone that the vaccine.. it is a Choice, not mandatory you WordTwister. If you can’t do your research like the rest of us, I can only imagine how your work ethic is ‘earning’ that paycheck.

#5 – Who’s “You People” ????

And #6 – Are you truly an Idiot with this long wording of drivel. You face Fire With Fire. You can’t sugar coat things and tell Demons, “Can you Please stop being evil and raping little kids and killing them and eating people and injecting the adrenochrome for youth and/or whatever highness.” You fight Dirty sometimes in Life. That’s reality. Are you StreetSmart or just StreetTrash. You Sound like a condescending pile of crap that’s stuck between the crevices on the bottom of my shoe.


Love, love Melissa!


love theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese nuts lmaooooooooooooooo


Tell him, Melissa!


He is up against rich domestic and foreign Marxists. Does that mean anything to you?? This is the one and only issue that leftists can use to try to agitate.

Using some critical thinking skills, my guess is that he was tricked and currently being threatened daily to not let the cat out of the bag while they (the cabal) continue to line their pockets (while the patriot covert operation is catching and detaining them).

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou
Boss Lady

Let’s not hear from the Trump supporters, they have way better things to do than entertain some troll.


I wonder if he will repent. I wonder if Dick Cheney even understands the concept of sin. And I have to say, Rumsfeld was a smart man; but the wages of sin is always death. Only repentance and restoration of the relationship with Jesus (i.e. being born again) will make it possible for any of the Bushes and any of the Cheneys to make it to heaven. The love and mercy of God is amazing…grace is undeserved.

Lucky Star

Come on, don’t be so naive. If they wanted to repent it had already been done long time. Seriously, pls keep it to yourself your religion. Even the bastard pedo Pope, praying everyday, do u think he is repent?Jesus forgive him over and over again???.

I do really have a problem with fanatical churchgoers like you that always think any other human outside the church will 100% go to hell because they don’t accept Jesus or they believe in different God.


Cheney is an extremely evil man. He truly does not deserve grace after the heinous crimes he has committed which are not only local or federal crime, but Nuremberg-0level genocidal crimes against humanity. I perceive a reprobate mind on Cheney and GHWB and Rumsfeld, however W may yet repent.


Michael, could you please tell me what Jeb knew about all this? Is there blood on his hands as well? I suspect yes but haven’t heard much about him. If anyone else would like to chime in, please do.


Always knew 9/11 was an inside job. I want to know where the cruise missile that hit the Pentagon came from.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lew

According to Dimitry Khalezov in this:

The missile came off the Kursk (Russian ‘boomer’ sub) that sank in 2000. The men who survived the disaster were left to die when the [N2 mines] the Kursk held were rescued instead to be used by the bad guys whenever the need arose. On 9/11, the [package] in one was carefully disarmed but left in so it wouldn’t go ‘poof’ on impact. It was launched at the Pentagon and hit. Thankfully, it didn’t go ‘poof’. It was examined and the [package] found to be disabled as a kind of ‘warning’ I guess. A good chunk of WDC or all of it would have gone bye-bye at 670,000,000+ MPH then by the shockwave coming through ‘blowing everything away’ at a snail’s pace of around 760 MPH.

Get Khalezov’s 3 books here:

The time line in the main book is exhaustive and rather exhausting to read due to the detail and EXTREME length. A LOT happened that day..

And his dictionary research here:

Sadly his website where you could get the above zip files appeared to have finally gone kaput.


If you have 47 minutes to spare or don’t want to wade through Dimitri’s 5-hour presentation, watch this clip where truther Peter Valentino presents his findings and
14:50 in, deems Dimitri’s explanation of [N2 mines] for what happened to WTC1, WTC2, and Building 7 to be the only answer that makes sense and that it is a waste of time to pursue any other explanation.


Dimitry’s presentation is worth the time to go through. His credentials are substantive.
odessey has his entire series odyseeDOTcom/@GenderPirate:3/911_WTC_nuclear_demolition_Dimitri_Khalezov_part01_480p:f


Hey GW! Hertz Donut?


What did they have on Rumsfeld if this tape was seized after.
For all the crimes these vile demons had their claws into they must have more than a tape recording of the treasonous vampires.
I know MB only reports on what he is told but this secrecy is beyond tolerably.
People are losing hope we are winning the fight.


Go back a few articles to the one on Rumsfeld, get all you need to know.


Lisa,if they are losing hope,either they never had it,anyway or they are just BLIND.


As much as Dubya et al wanted to kill people and enjoyed it, so will many people rejoice at hearing the news of their demise.
I wonder if Dubya is going to shout and scream at some point?


The pic Michael used for this article is cool. George is all wrinkly and shriveled.

Looks Gitmo-ish


Bush: “And the world will buy it? They’ll believe some poorly funded Jihadists managed to pull off the most sophisticated and deadly terror attack in history, and on American soil? I’m all for killing the fuckers, Dick, but they’ll believe this?”

okay I don’t believe Bush was smart enough to have come up with these intelligent sentences

Gregg Nickens

Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin…..

Gregg Nickens

George H.W. Scherff – Nazi Youth Party member. The Real Raw News IS out….


Scherffs and nazis control antartica…what’s left of scherffs anyway.


So the number in just the towers coming down went from 2-3000 to 6- 7500 hundred not counting ALL the service men and women along with the Afghani’s and Iraqi’s who went down too…….triple the amount originally counted……WHERE in their pea brains can they legitimately justify these deaths as ok?

Last edited 2 years ago by Vikki

I guess no one brushed up on their JAG law before reading this story…
The controlling authority in this Circuit on the authentication of tapes is United States v. Biggins, 551 F.2d 64 (5th Cir. 1977). In Biggins, the Fifth Circuit held that the party introducing a tape into evidence has the burden of going forward with sufficient evidence to show the recording is an accurate reproduction of the conversation recorded. In a criminal trial, generally this will require the government to show: (1) the competency of the operator; (2) the fidelity of the recording equipment; (3) the absence of material deletions, additions, or alterations in the relevant part of the tape; and (4) the identification of the relevant speakers. Id. at 66. Although this is the preferred foundation, there are not strict particularized standards governing the admissibility of tapes since the purpose of the inquiry is to establish and ensure the accuracy of the recording. United States v. Hughes, 658 F.2d 317, 322 (5th Cir. 1981), cert. denied, 455 U.S. 922 (1982); see also United States v. Stone, 960 F.2d 426, 436 (5th Cir. 1992) (the Biggins factors are not meant to require “formalistic adherence” at the expense of the trial judge’s discretion). The trial judge has broad discretion to determining whether this burden has been satisfied, and his determination will not be disturbed absent extraordinary circumstances. Hughes, 658 F.2d at 323; Biggins, 551 F.2d at 66-67.


Lol of course not. The whole premise of this site, that the military is arresting, trying, and executing US citizens, is blatantly unconstitutional. Nobody who buys that premise is gonna give half a shit about the minute details of actual JAG statutes like this.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay

That’s not a jag statute


This is precedence for JAG to use to weigh the admissibility of evidence. JAG uses Federal court cases as citations. Do your research.


Says the non-legal scholar CIA spook Ted. I’d almost think you were Jim Comey if he was still alive.


Even if the Insurrection act is signed ? Or people say it’s signed ?


JAG law” as u put it is not the same as federal circuit Court law, i.e. federal case law, u.s. codes, etc DONT APPLY.

These are military tribunals, not federal criminal cases.


The pedos are panicking. They lie to themselves to make it through another day. Lies are their hopium.


So true. It’s 😂 hilarious tho that ” ted” would attempt to fool people into thinking JAG and these tribunals are in the 5th Circuit!! Lol.


Asked and answered. Do your research.


Exactly. Good luck getting that through the troll gray matter.

Lucky Star

Strike 3…he’s out


Actually, Mike works for me. There will be a big reveal soon. Just wait. This is a long playing movie of a 4D chess game.


I am sorry to hear that. My friend has stage 4 lung and stomach cancer and is tired of fighting. We talk a lot at odd times. Sometimes he talks about stuff we did as teenagers and laughs and other times he tells me how afraid he is of what will happen to his family when he dies. I just listen and let him let it out. He has realized that he is mortal and time is not his friend and he is almost out of the anger stage and putting a toe in acceptance.
Sometimes after we talk and I can’t sleep, I come here and read and post. I don’t think about if I am relevant or boring but I will never be without hope.


Military tribunals held outside the boundaries of the continental USA and any of its states are not subjected to the same rules/regs as civilian court trials held inside the boundaries of the USA and its states. Everything you misleadingly quoted applies ONLY to civilian trials. Nice try though.


I am a little angry with Mike. He lifted this story from another site. Now we have to donate to THEIR site since they wrote the story!

httpsCOLON Forwardslash Forwardslash bestnewshereDOTcomForwardSlashgeorge-w-bush-military-tribunal-day-2/


When will any of this be made known in the Public domain ?


Never . You must be new here .


Is this website not public? Did you have to crack a code or something to see it? I didn’t.


“These “people”are STUPID”….

Rondelle Cagwin

Our country will repeat this war if we do not expose the truth and I mean all of it. I am certain of it !
This should be all over the TV, the radio, multiple places on the Internet and every talkshow should be talking about what happened and exposing everything! I think it is fair to say that Americans are tired of the secrets and corruption that has been kept from them. We have been dumbed down long enough! Thank you real Ron news. Now it’s time for the military to step up and give the bitter pill to the American public. I don’t believe that there will be a revolution, but we are starved for justice. God bless America!


Not going to happen, isn’t it kind of obvious why?

Lucky Star

Revolution against Antifa…..once and for all to bury this fascist group


The whole Bush family is corrupt to the 9’s. No better than the Clintons or Obumer. Hell is waiting Mr W better planificate your ass off Satan is not easy to make deals with? I always thought the 911 was a set up by our own to many things just didn’t add up. All the first responders Fire and Police even Helicopter pilot and News people that said there was a second explosion at Building seven and the fake attack at the Pentagon.??? And flight 93 was shot down by US to further make people believe a lie.

Last edited 2 years ago by PAT

Right, no bodies anywhere no fuselage
Holograms at twin towers
Bank robbery at bldg 7
Hole in PA made by missile or something, not plane that’s for sure
Drone missile hit the pentagon

Come on people!! Civil War II is at hand.


All true Statethis.


Not to mention the fact that Vince Dmitri was reporting on the collapse of the Twins towers that they had to get him out of the network for doing his job, which was reporting the truth about the explosions going off in the Twin Towers. The powers that be wanted the world to believe that the planes did the damage and not the inserted explosives with thermal nitrite.


Mini nukes are what really took down the towers, that’s why all the steel and concrete was vaporized, that fact has been proven.


WTC 7 was brought down by many small explosives planted there days or weeks before, it was a controlled demolition, there was no sane reason for WTC 7 to go down when it received very little damage from the twin towers.


To Michael Baxter. I left a comment today…clean, no bad language or anything of the sort and I saw that it was pending approval and it’s still pending approval. It was a decent comment with a link to some very Iconic pictures of 911 that I’m sure we’ve all seen before. But I sort of don’t get it because I put up something decent and patriotic to be used as a reminder and it’s hidden at least until it’s approved or not while others on here blatantly comment using all kinds of filthy language but yet that filth doesn’t get taken down when with any measure of decency, it should be taken down like PRONTO as well as the requests from some that ask that the Trolls, Bots, etc… be banned but then again, they and the those using filthy language is all good and remains. Clearly doesn’t make sense.


Links are difficult. If you remove the dot in .com and spell the word dot it will post and everyone will add the . themselves.


Exactly, Maria, that’s what I do to avoid those delays. Take out the period and put in the dot spelld out in place of the period. That works. Never had a problem again.


To me it’s 100% confirming:

Cheney: “Don, the government works efficiently

Cheney: “You’re the f*cking president, George

Aufhauser asked why, if the tape was authentic, Cheney wasn’t sitting beside Bush as a co-defendant.

“Because he fled the country the same night George was arrested.

So, you have clear and certain evidence of whom the players are…all by name.


“Aufhauser asked why, if the tape was authentic, Cheney wasn’t sitting beside Bush as a co-defendant.
“Because he fled the country the same night George was arrested. An interesting coincidence, don’t you think?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked, and played the tape.”
Cheney must be in Borneo or Antarctica right now. He knows his goose is cooked. Fantastic work, Michael! Awaiting Day 3!


I bet he is with The CCP.

J Bill

I’d go with your odds.


No, I think that’s DiFi’s playpen now.


The inherent dangers for Dick Cheney provide insight as to why Liz Cheney is acting out so much on the Jan 6th committee, trying to now suggest that Trump be targeted, and not just his close team members. For some reason, they are very interested in the communications of Jan 6th. (Except for Nancy Pelosi’s, of course.)


Pelosi set it all up on Jan. 6


No wonder Bush turned to alcohol. His conscious was hurting him about the lives he killed.


Snorts coke too. A lot of coke.


Remember the Shoe Incident… Maybe the coke enhanced his dodging skills…?

https colon //youtu dot be/_RFH7C3vkK4
-Man throws shoes at Bush


I love laughing at that!

Lil Bush cartoons too.


I completely forgot about those cartoons !!



Sure, during his days in the National Guard. He got in trouble for not showing up once. Dan Rather got fired for reporting it because the deep state wanted it to be hushed up.


I wonder if the bubbles messed up his brain ?….damn I crack myself up ….🤣🤣🤣


He was a stark raving drunk years ago. His wife told him to stop or she’d leave with the twins. He stopped. Don’t remember when he started drinking again after he left office, but I remember he was being snotty when other people could drink and he could not. He only had 6 state dinners throughout his eight years, because he didn’t want to get tempted to drink and make a fool of himself in front of the world.


The only question I have right now is how many others in our government – both federal employees (think Senior Executive Service – SES) and elected officials, and the top brass at the Pentagon were aware of what was being planned?



I think that’s accurate, no?


Quit stalling people – hang the dirt bag!!!!!

Hal Brown

Aufhauser, just ask George if the tape is authentic. If he says “yes”, then we have saved you some effort, and I spose some billing hours. If he says ‘no”, then check it out ten ways to Sunday.

Lucky Star

His job is to delay the process not expedite. The longer the fatter for his pocket


POETIC JUSTICE would be if the Patriot Act was applied in his case.


Best idea yet !


Lawyers are coin-operated, that much is certain.


The very first sentence reminds me of the Bible where it says, ” an evil thought will come into your mind”… it’s a prophecy about Gog ( George, ironically enough, in hebrew)and/ or, the antichrist, invading Israel.


Spoiler alert ( do not read if you can’t handle the truth): he dies at the end.

Shrubby, daddy poppy and cheney&Co ruled you. We all know that. It’s still no excuse.


Dude no spoilers, not everyone has read Mr. Baxter’s novels already 🙁


I am so glad I paid the hosting bill for this site! This stuff is priceless!

Vlad The Impaler

Please JAG go full medieval with this motherfucker.


Shoot the Little Prick and be done with it. There’s more work to be done.


Are u talking about Ted or Jay?




Did people like Mohammed Atta ever exist or was that all fabricated to fit their narrative? Did they use this as an excuse to invade those countries?


Yes. Yes. And yes.

Rose Mary Abbott

Remember the look W had on his face at his Daddy’s funeral when they passed the surprise envelope to his family? That is the way he is looking in this I do imagine. He knew his goose was cooked at that very moment and his guts have been skewing up inside ever since. Goodbye! Georgie Boy!


I can’t seem to locate it now (DS probably succeeded in scrubbing it from the internet) but I remember at the time an anonymous attendee at the funeral managed to snap a pic of one of those notes and leak it. The note consisted of one single cryptic word, in hand-written fine calligraphy: Ligma.


Ever the clever one, using a fictional “ligma” (fake prank) to cover over a mystery of the envelopes at HW funeral received by Clinton’s, W Bushes, Obamas, Pences, purported to say, “They know everything. I’m sorry.” The recipients all looked quite unhappy on reading it.

J Bill

You give that one too much credit. Be sure he/she had to google it.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

But nothing ever became of the notes .


Had to google what exactly? You think I don’t already know what ligma is, Bill?


Lol well if you googled it that makes it a successful prank, eh Spart? 😀

Anyways the note was “purported to say” that by rando people on the internet just making up fan-fiction the same way MB does. People at a funeral generally do not look very happy so I don’t think there’s a whole lot to be read into that. Who knows what the notes actually said, but chances are it was something totally mundane and inconsequential.


The videos of them looking at their notes (which were inside the funeral bulletins given to them,) they do look unusually unhappy and perturbed. And only a handful received them. Could we say that is old-style HW CIA technique? (You should know this.)


It said that the reception after would be a cash bar.


U idiot, they meant YOU had to Google it….hmm, by your standards, the prank worked on YOU!! lmaooooooooo


I didn’t have to google anything, I am well aware what Ligma is 🙂

J Bill

sure. after you googled it.


The note said that the reception would have a cash bar. That was why everyone was so upset.


Ah, now I understand .


Was that the reason Jill was so upset and Karen Pencepretended she didn´t receive any envelope?


I only have a drinking problem when I’m broke.


You triggered several pedos (Jay, Ted, exile) with this comment.
Good job!

Good times!


Hey TW, do you have kids or just want to fuck them?


Why is your dick so small? Did Jennifer/Jason eat it?


It’s kind of funny that the trolls are so transparent. 😄


I do my best , no use in hiding anything .


They brag about being pedos and tranny’s. The tranny part is funny.:)


They also think rape is something to joke about.
Can´t wait until they all die.


I said for Bush to be fried but now I hope Bush gets the guillotine. I had family fight in Afghanistan, they lived but screwed in the head thanks to these bastards.

Rose Mary Abbott


Gregg Nickens

Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin……..

Rose Mary Abbott

Yep! Exactly.


A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found. Psalm 37:10



Had Hillary rigged the 2016 election better and won we would have had another 9-11.

Never forget that Hillary skimmed some of the uranium she sold to Russia and built a dirty bomb with it.

Never forget Hillary placed the dirty bomb over seas and intended to strike the U.S. with it.

Never forget Hillary planned to blame Russia for the strike on the U.S. to begin a nuclear war with Russia.

Never forget the plandemic is the back up plan for depopulation and the New World Order.

Never forget the Pedo Joe Administration is involved with all of it.

Never forget!


And never forget that Obama pardoned the CIA Abu Ghraib torturers 8 days into his presidency.

Rose Mary Abbott

There are so many people saying that Obama is dead. That he took 2 to the back of his head. I don’t know though. We will surely see.


Do you really think people on the internet would lie to you Rose? Impossible.

Jan D Hunsinger

Yeah….Trust CNN like Jay here.


Lol name one time I have ever cited CNN. I don’t even watch cable news Jan.


Jay is a CNN pedophile.


Who hurt you?


Who says that?


I think they all are. No way Trumps military waited years to take the scumbags out. We saw Hillary’s arrest years ago. Same with Papa Bush funeral. They were all disposed of quickly. Not years later.

Soros, Cheney, the Queen, they’re all dead. Many more that we never even heard of.

Trumps military took out Solemeni and Al Baghdadi quietly and waited for a deep state reaction before going public.

Trump knew who the head of the snake in the U.S. was before he won the 2016 election. He told us, the Clintons. Once in the White House he had all the documented proof and the power to make things happen. The urgency to remove Trump on day one proves this theory. Distracting the public with hoax after hoax provided cover for deep state losses.

Yes it’s taking years to get them all. The corruption is so deep and wide but the heavy hitters are gone. All that’s left are the bloodlines maybe and useless idiots.




Well said and written. Agreed as well!


TW, any idea on when the last two items you mentioned will happen? As late as last year, anons were talking about the declass taking the house down (possibly with Julian’s assistance?). Btw, IMO, the head of the snake was just a Manchurian candidate of the DS/Cabal? Blessings,


Well I don’t agree with the New World Order but we do need depopulation. TNR: Trap, Neuter, Return for ALL illegals! Trust me, the word would get around in 3 days and traffic at the border drop dramatically. And round up the ones already here; give them the same treatment.


Think of who’s taking the jab. Backfired!


It amazes me that criminals and their family members can go on unfazed knowing someone in the family is arrested of heinous crimes or executed. Take for example, Jenna Bush. Is that a quality of psychopaths? I would be sweating bullets.


It’s because it never happened . Not hard to figure out .

Jan D Hunsinger



Wait and see. How’s the media coverage of the Maxwell trial going ? Days of darkness starting or just the EBS?


Well that trial is overseen by DS , so there’s that.

Rose Mary Abbott

Actually, I have heard they are somewhat emotionless. That would mean Ws’ tears at his Daddy’s funeral were a fake put on. Now Jeb! on the other hand dropped a load when he saw the surprise letter from his Daddy. W. just stared on in silence like described in this tribunal.

Jan D Hunsinger

After looking like he would vomit. Laura looked the same.


Had never seen Laura B look like that. Her “Nancy Reagan-esque” poise was definitely disrupted greatly when she saw that contents of the envelope.


In certain families crying is a sign of weakness. Control of one’s emotions is paramount, especially in public. Years ago Queen Elizabeth was riding her horse in a parade. Shots rang out but she remained impassive with a “stiff upper lip” and kept control of her horse.
The silly twits who openly weep and wail over nothing could learn much such as those overemotional persons who didn’t even know Diana but threw themselves on the palace gates wailing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Guest4579

True, we must not forget the generations that raised us fought in WW 1,and 2 and we know the other conflicts we grew up seeing and living. Of coarse crying and complaining is seen as weakness and even A LUXURY. These kids are so off it´s not even funny.

Last edited 2 years ago by kikas
Jan D Hunsinger

Not if you were raised in this satanic crap from birth. We are not like them.


These criminals need to be hanged in public


Just like the criminals who were involved with January 6th.


You mean the Feds ?

J Bill

I think that’s what he meant. It’s the rhyme that scares him.


Ted’s Feds…quite catchy don’t you think !

J Bill

Word! Ted probably wasn’t there… because he was here.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

The ones who are turning on each other and pleading guilty? The Shaman, the real estate fat lady, the dorky girl who tried to steal a computer to sell to Russia. You know who they are…


You left off that spook Sullivan and his CNN accomplice who wore false flags and did video inside the capitol and sold it to the MSM for $70,000. Any reason you conveniently omitted them?

Just Me

All the clones, doubles that are taking the place of these criminals they too need to be arrested and be dealt with.

Rose Mary Abbott

They sure don’t seem to mind doing what they are doing. So, I agree they too are guilty of impersonating an officer among many things.


Then when they are arrested the truth has to be revealed as there will be no TV or personal appearances by these people . Gone ! Can you imagine how hard this will be to explain to most people ?


Where are they being cloned? Have they taken out those facilities?


No because some of the facilities themselves are clones and cannot be authenticated as real targets.