Military Arrests White House Deputy Chief of Staff


U.S. Army Rangers on Wednesday arrested former Biden campaign manager and current Deputy Chief of Staff Jennifer Brigid O’Malley Dillon at a Washington, D.C. hotel, the result of a military investigation into whether she took part in a ballot harvesting ring in which Democrat-liberal sympathizers, known as “mules,” illegally collected and deposited ballots into drop boxes in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin during the 2020 presidential election.

According to a JAG source, White Hats took interest in Dillon after viewing conservative author Dinesh D’Souza’s video 2000 Mules, which shows surveillance video of seedy individuals making repeated trips to drop boxes in the aforementioned states; in each instance the mules carried reams of ballots.

The video, our source said, sounded alarm bells in the White Hat community, and prompted a thorough probe.

Although Dillon goes unmentioned in D’Souza’s video, the military began its investigation at the crest of Biden’s election hierarchy, believing that she, who became Biden’s campaign manager in April 2020, had knowledge of the scheme—or orchestrated it. Our source would not at this time cite specific evidence, but said JAG had obtained from U.S. Army Cyber Command “concrete proof” linking her to “innumerable” illegal ballots.

“The case against Dillon is open and shut,” he said.

The charge on a military arrest warrant was suspicion of treason, which, if proven, can carry a death sentence.

However, it’s still unclear whether JAG will prosecute Dillon or strike a deal in hopes she will lead them to bigger fish.

Real Raw News will update as more information becomes available.

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She will never lead them to “bigger fish”. Execute her.

carolyn smith



I love how we are covertly having a worldwide holocaust and no one has had to mention the j word. They are just going after the seditious, evil, traitorous, criminals and they just always happen to be one and the same. God himself says that they are an evil tribe. Jeremiah 8.

Tracy Reinert

Good job. These people are all liars & evil deceivers, who care nothing for America, her people, & the planet.


Execute her No quarter No mery. That is high capitol treason and sedition. I dont know who these traitors think they are but you need to set an example to these communists.

Ellen Calsbeek

Arrest Lawyer Joe Edson at Marana criminal court. He is definitely a cabal thinker and doesn’t treat people with any respect when they are on trial.

Ellen Calsbeek

President Trump needs to act NOW!!!’ He is allowing the deep state to get stronger as he waits which will cost more American lives and turmoil. IF HE WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT AGAINST, HE CAN’T STOP NOW. BOTH DESANTIS AND ABBOTT ARE IN THE WINGS! Please President Trump, ACT!!!


If monkey pox suddenly becomes airborne we will know whom to blame.

Sandy Koufax

Trump advisor Peter Navarro has been indicted by a Federal Grand Jury. Will the military let this indictment stand?

Scott V. Smith

Nice job today Michael. Phil Godlewski had much to say about your website, all good. It helped me to understand a bit better what it is you’re accomplishing. Stay in the fight.

Jos Ramirez

Hung the lady. And we still waiting for the mass arrest. Now, please!!! Trump is our president!!!!

Stinky Perfume

Nice to get some disclosure but it’s at a level, so there’s more to go. For example at the beginning of all this Richard Hoagland did the Mars disclosure and kept saying over and over. “There’s a lie at every level” Meaning we know this much truth but, what’s the lie? What level is this above and below?

Terminally deplorable

She will wish, she had lost significant weight.


What bigger fish are left? Obama and Michael
are dead. The military has Biden under house arrest, as he is allegedly a prisoner in his Delaware basement.


It’s very nice to know that the US military is going to the top now and are taking these Biden admin. devotee traitors out of circulation.

Elisa Orozco

It appears that many arrests have resulted from the release of Dinesh D’Souza’s movie, 2,000 MULES. I hope EVERY ONE of those traitorous minions will be prosecuted. An example MUST be made of them in order to dissuade similar attempts in the future.

Mark Mariani

Just sort of wondering why this is taking so long? Why are we not seeing MASS ARRESTS? Why are those who committed TREASON in Congress, selling out this country NOT BEHIND BARS? Seriously? WHERE IS THE MILITARY??????? What are you guys doing? We’re getting our butts kicked out here!! I do a post everyday for over a hundred people, and do you know what is happening? They’re not believing any of it. They think this is alll a bunch of crap. I’m fully “Q”‘d in. I’ve been doing the Conspiracy Theorist thing for 25 years and hoping and praying that this was the final take down!! But what do we see? An occasional low lying fruit. YAWN. What you waiting for???? UNLEASH THE MILITARY, NOW!!!~


Ouch thats just gotta hurt.
A Chief of Staff.
No deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She wont talk anyway, so we know where she’s going already.


Good job military.

Keith White

Jennifer Brigid O’Malley better talk and rat the rest of them out or spend the rest of her life at GITMO.

Jack Lee

Durham’s next trial starts in October, anyone want to wait that long?

Jack Lee

Need to see public arrests


I want to know more about that meeting with the generals and the sluggish arrests. Is this their solution to continue to arrest a person here and there, instead of the mass arrest?

The white hats MUST stop the deep state ability to put in look a likes … it like nothing is being done because the crimes continue.


Yup Yup. Waiting with bated breath for MB’s next act in his play.


Did you preorder the book?


Falsely usufruct (F–ked by Government at Birth).  

USUFRUCT is the legal right of using and enjoying the fruits or profits of something belonging to another.

annavonreitz DOT com/passportfraud.pdf


Falsely usufruct (F–ked by Government at Birth).

USUFRUCT is the legal right of using and enjoying the fruits or profits of something belonging to another.

annavonreitz DOT com/passportfraud.pdf


What do a tomato and a gay quadriplegic have in common?
They are both fruits that are kind of like vegetables.


She will always be my vegetable queen after she said she was a quadriplegic.

Hal Brown

Jennifer Frigid O’Malley will lose that life preserver ring she has around her waist if she hangs around, oops, stays around Gitmo for very long.


Wow! Trolls, traitors, and Ted, all wasting time and energy , laughably poop posting like crazy and triggered to a T! Michael you are over the target! Keep up the good work!


Maybe the Trolls, Traitors Ted and all hisTribe will never GET IT as they are not fully human. Anyone that can think and publish only ‘bad’ ‘evil’ ‘twisting of truths’ ‘porno’ are themselves just like mental vermin trying to dis-ease the minds of real humans..


Have you read any of the posts you have made? Remember the troll lists? I feel bad for your care taker.

J Bill

we need an updated list

question everything

….says the left-coast name-caller….LOL


So 2000 Mules is starting to prove useful…finally after 2 years we got one person

J Bill

how’s durham doing?


There have been no arrests. no tribunals and no executions. There are no ‘white hats.” MB, I believe is conducting some kind of experiment to see how gullible you are. Publish his findings in some psychological journal and write a book. The DS is watching and taking names. Don’t kid yourselves.
All the names referenced by him are legit. No pushback or denials from them because they are most likely “in on it” in some shape or form. MB is playing you suckers like a cheap violin.
It’s very interesting and kinda fun to watch.
Most entertaining. Fantasies to suck you in. I wonder if MB has already received an advance from some study group, government agency or book publisher. Prove me wrong, I want to see the “receipts.”
Stay Salty my friends and carry on. I’ll be in the area all day. As you were. Dismissed.

Rob William

You don’t believe MB? He is the famous journalist who disclosed important information about Anunnaki people from Nibiru planet. In fact our beloved Steven Seagal fought with them and lost badly.


Yup and Johnny Depp is a real pirate aaar matey.

J Bill

wait – he’s not a real pirate?




But the Steven Seagal who fought the Anunnaki may have been a clone. There are 19 chapters of the book about the battle on Wattpad.





Jack Lee

Garbage like this, Earl post, is why we need public arrests. Even a couple being dragged away by military will wake up many.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack Lee

What are you? A fucking commie? Arrest me for what Come git sum boi!

Me me

Again all is being done under the vail of secrecy. What good is this information if the general public is not made aware. This website is not definitive proof of anything.


You should discuss your concerns with your state representatives. Make them aware of the situation and demand that they take action.

Rob William

Anunnaki’s are watching, so it’s better keep everything low key otherwise they will do a direct space laser attack on us.




Wake Up


Go for a walk and calm down Rose.


With the overwhelming amount of voter fraud rampaging across our country, mostly contributed by Demon Crats, would educating every potential voter that fraud carries a treason account punishable by death? I just think a lot of Americans are not aware of the consequences of voter fraud?

Sandy Koufax

Most Americans have been turned into passive docile creatures by Trump’s COVID Shot, but there are a small percentage of Trump COVID Shot Addicts who are aggressive lunatics as evidenced by the Moronic Maggot Millennials on this site.


There are so many Trolls, Shills & Bots lurking and spewing their vermin verbal rot here –READER BEWARE – they are down voting the good guys and up vote their vermin fellow troll rats.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Yes. At the next election you should hand out flyers at the polling place with a list of people who have been executed by JAG. Please let Mike and I know if you have any additional questions.




Democrats are laughing at Trump for those rallies, because he liked to show them how popular he is. However, democrat doesn’t care about how popular Trump is, because they believe that the rallies were only foe the show just like the apprentice. What democrat focused on is the final vote counts, because they have a troop of Mules, and they can deliver millions and millions illegal/fake ballots for each state and national elections, and the results would always be Democrat Win, just like Biden stayed in his basement in 2020 election, and got more than 100 millions votes, and Trump did many rallies and only got 80 millions votes. We knew Trump actually got 135,657,231 votes with 410 electoral votes on the evening of November 3, 2020, and Biden only got 128 electoral votes with little over 20 million votes. Unfortunately, Trump didn’t have the guts to publicly speak out this number at his rallies. This has been very discouraged to many of his supporters.
Also, the Sussman trial revealed that Merrick Garland had more than 30 email communications with the Clinton campaign team in 2016, and Garland could be one of the conspirators as well. Garland should be arrested for jailing those patriots , and Trump has done nothing to save these jailed patriots. I read Peter Navarro’s Complaint filed to District Court in D.C. on behalf of himself, and suing the J6 committee and DOJ. I believe the Judges in DC are all corrupted no matter which President appointed them, because they all live in the same swamp. If Trump has the courage to standup for these patriots, he should just order a Martial Law in D.C. and shut down these illegitimate administration under Biden, and release those jailed patriots and make January 6, 2021 as a National Memorial Day for Election Integrity.


Brilliant recommendations!! THANK YOU, YuanChen!! 👏👏👏👏

question everything

Maybe the operate under the code of ‘Give me Liberalism or give me death!’ LOL

Last edited 2 years ago by question everything
Michael R Davis

Beware of the trolls, lurking behind every bush.
J Bill (green) another communist troll, J Bill (red) a patriot.
K ai, J ason, W edge, T ed, R uth, R on Burgundy, R ob William, G unny Hiway, S andy Koufax, s tacy, many others are communist trolls, enemy agents here to divide, discourage, confuse us, replacing the unpaid ANTIFA BLM agents. Ignore the SOBs. T ed has absolutely nothing to do with RRN or Michael Baxter, T ed is a compulsive liar.

Notice that this ‘deliberate disinformation’ from Putin, the Generals, and Trump has the paid trolls here on RRN all in a frenzy. Hilarious. Wake up all you clueless ‘fair weather’ Trump supporters. This Sun Tzu Art of War ‘disinformation’ aimed at the Deep-State should not be turning you people into a bunch of ‘cry babies’. Grow a pair and open your eyes and really take a serious look around. DC Corporation is defunct, bankrupt, dead, its corrupt bribe-taking Judiciary no longer constitutionally lawful. The White House, Congress are out-of-business.

NOTHING stated publicly is written in stone, intended to be policy. Trump does NOT telegraph his moves. So end the whining, wimping out.

Sandy Koufax

I’m not a Communist. I didn’t take Trump’s COVID Shot. Did you take it?

I have rejected all of the following cults. Have you?

Climate Change
Corporate Religion

Last edited 2 years ago by Sandy Koufax
Ron Burgundy

Mike, I’m not a communist, I’m a clone.



J Bill

sandy is gay and loves bukkake

Jack Lee

You first Michael. Stop complaining about free speech


They want bigger fish, if I was in her shoes I would share information.

Michael R Davis

Haha, that tickles me. The true lawful Judiciary in America since the DC Corporation is defunct, bankrupt, constitutionally illegal, the US Military Tribunal JAG court system, is using ‘2000 Mules’ to arrest and execute traitors. Hilarious, sure to bring about thousands of suicides, confessions, whistleblowing among the traitors and election thieves. Justice returning to America, even with the treasonous FAKE Newsmedia, FAKE Socialmedia, RRN trolls, still desperately trying to censor, block, twist, propagandize everything. JUSTICE for our people, thank GOD.

Aryu Serious

This alleged slow walking arresting of traitors is nothing but a psyop. Time to take matters into our own hands. If you see one deal with one on site. Plenty of vacant lamp posts available.


What are you suggesting?

Sandy Koufax

Ted just filled up his depends undergarment. LOL!


That is a definition. Let her answer and outline the plan.


Trolling ?

Sandy Koufax

Dillion can easily be replaced. The Biden regime won’t miss a beat.


Lone wolf here, yes Dillon and others can be replaced. But imho, it is the white hats who are replacing these clones to keep the clone/double industry in business and portray to DS fans that they are still alive. But only for so long and then the hammer drops. End of game and the show/movie that QUE asks us to enjoy. 🙏🙏🙏

Sandy Koufax

White hats would have to provide security for the replacements, if the replacements are working for them. Certainly the Black Hats would be aware that the replacement is a mortal enemy and would not permit a peaceful coexistence.

J Bill

But I’m guessing the biden regime will be missing their paychecks…


its treason to fraud the public with ballot trafficking and over throw the government. She is part of the Big Machine. She has to hang!


that’s the middle management i’m talking about

J Bill

a reverse image search of your avi returns results of boomers

Mostly Harmless

None of this shit is happening. How delusional do you people have to BE to keep imagining any of this is real? You want to know how people in JONESTOWN managed to choke down the Kool-Aid? Look in a MIRROR.

Sandy Koufax

Those who chose to take Trump’s COVID Shot are the ones like the people in Jonestown.


Right on. Jonestown was a Gov. eugenics test to see how easily they can get people to aid in their own death.


Trolling ?


Ummm I see evidence of Kool Aid drinking every day at the hospital, my delusional friend. Today I saw on the ER board “chest pain, right side drooping”, he was 38 with a high ProBnP meaning heart damage. FAKE VAXX DAMAGE, you nitwit! I did not drink the Kool Aid and I hope you did not lead your family astray even if you were stupid enough to drink it. This poor naive young guy, his life is very likely ruined.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ceecee
Ron Burgundy

Bring on the fake murder porn, Mike. Your super Christian readers need to salivate over more executions and come up with super clever ideas like “promise her mercy then kill her anyway.”

What a sad pile of delusional whackjobs.


I could not agree more. When my prayer group protests abortion clinics, we read RRN stories during our downtime. We love it when the military executes someone!


Old Trolling Shill


Stand up for yourself Rose.


Another Trolling Shill

Robert James

How frustrating! People like this are targeted and Jared Kushner is still committing treason!

Ron Burgundy

Don’t worry, he’ll be executed and then his “clone” will take over doing the exact same real estate deals.

Dave P.

Curious to know what is the latest status of Alec Baldwin and was he hung on June 1st or not. The other one is is Valerie June Jarett???? She was due for Trial on May 18th. Kindly let us know Mr. Baxter. Thanks.


MB has said countless times that he does not bug his sources. He doesn’t call and say, “Hey, wassup?” He waits, as we do, for them to call and relay news. I also think they tell him when not to publish. If, for example, Valerie Jarrett revealed anything about Obama to gain leniency, they will use that info but probably won’t disseminate it.


The way Mike gets his information is outlined in our new book. “AKA Michael B@#ter. From Anunnaki to Camp X-Ray: A Patriots Journey”
Presale is doing very well!


Ted end your evil BS Shilling


Quite possible–makes sense- give ’em one last chance to save their lives — spew truth

I can hear the drumbeats getting faster.

My younger sibling played soccer in high school and I went to a game; they had a drummer on our side, and it really made the game more interesting! He would drum softer when the ball was near our goal, and louder and faster when we were about to score.


Get her to squeal on the bigger fish…
And then execute her anyway.


SQUEAL LIKE A PIG. And then lock her way for life. She can be punished way worse that way. No TV, no radio, no internet, no books, no magazines, no newspapers, no gym, no rec room, no smoke breaks in the yard, no family or friends visiting other than her lawyer, and no way out.


Are you ok? You seem to have some detailed comments.

Brian the SolarBee

GREAT! <3 Now let’s get Walensky and the CDC, NIH, FDA, CIA…


Off topic but I found this tidbit very interesting. In Ben Fulford’s latest report he cites a slew of politicos who recently came down with covid, some for the second time. The most interesting names on the list caught me totally off guard, none other than
the L.A. Dodgers play-by-play announcers Charlie Steyner and Jaime Jarrin. Never did like either one. Stay tuned folks.

Barry Williamz

I sure hope that there is more reveal.


I wish they make all these secret arrests public little buy little…


What is Neo-Imperialism? See Pt. 2 – John Barnwell & Douglas Gabriel explore the spiritual dimensions of the Patriots’ struggle against the Elite Cabal in the modern world.

Mont Schroeder

She was just following aw’dahs……………


Didn’t we hear that in 1946 at Nuremberg? They had to follow their bosses’ orders to stay alive, they were told they have no choice.