Deep State Attacks Nuclear Disassembly Plant


The Deep State last week launched a disorganized assault on a nuclear disassembly plant in the Texas panhandle but was repelled by the White Hats who’ve been guarding the facility since the U.S. military took provisional control of the strategic nuclear arsenal after the stolen 2020 presidential election, sources in Gen. David H. Berger’s Office told Real Raw News.

The failed incursion took place at Pantex, a mammoth complex on 16,000 acres of land close to Amarillo. Prior to January 2021, the plant was managed and operated for the United States Department of Energy by Consolidated Nuclear Security and Sandia National Laboratories, all of which the U.S. military ejected when Biden was unlawfully sworn into office. By then, the rogue regime already faced in intractable quandary: the military had seized of ICBM and SLBM nuclear launch codes, as well as the country’s strategic bomber force. This meant if Biden’s handlers wanted nuclear war, or a nuclear False Flag on American soil, they’d have to pilfer atomic components elsewhere.

Pantex is the only remaining nuclear decommissioning plant in the United States, and it purportedly still houses dozens of intact, Cold War-era warheads and fissionable material. It had impressive security even before White Hats took control: motion sensors and surveillance cameras sprinkle the acreage, and the airspace above was designated a no-fly zone. A barbwire, electrified fence encircled the structures, the most sensitive of which required a key card and thumbprint and retinal scans for entry.

Sources told Real Raw News that White Hats had bolstered Pantex’s defenses, but gave no specifics.

In the predawn hours on July 9, perimeter guards spotted a throng of armed intruders marching toward the fence line. Dressed in black and carrying tactical gear, the invaders inched forward but employed no discernable tactics. Numbering approximately 100, they marched in formation, conspicuously, 10 abreast and 10 deep, like Civil War soldiers marching blindly into canon fire.

By then, White Hats—a U.S. Army Ranger and Delta Force detachment—had boarded armored Hummers and were speeding to the point of incursion. Guided by the perimeter guards, who had concealed themselves, the detachment approached to within 300 meters of the enemy and dismounted the vehicles, using them for cover. They painted their foes in a swath of light—headlights and strobes mounted atop the Hummers.

Then came a voice on a bullhorn: “Surrender the facility or we’ll take it by force.”

Meanwhile, word of the raid had reached Marine Corps General David H. Berger at Camp Pendleton. Sources told Real Raw News that the Deep State’s archaic advance stirred his suspicion—he suspected a diversion. He ordered additional patrols to fan out across Pantex’s sprawling property, in case the Deep State was trying to breech the fence at a different location.

As patrols mobilized, a firefight erupted between the Ranger-Delta detachment and the 100-man-strong Deep State attackers. Our sources said it’s unclear who fired first, but the numerically inferior but better trained White Hats had a decisive advantage. They had cover and concealment, whereas the Deep State was exposed.

Rounds sizzled through the air, ricocheting off the armored hummers but striking no flesh. White Hats let loose a hailstorm of gunfire, and the Deep State’s first and second ranks fell almost immediately; 20 men wounded or killed in seconds. The onslaught overwhelmed them, and they then began a tactical retrograde, laying down suppressive fire as they retreated to the direction from whence they came.

White Hats pressed the attack, striking at least 12 more Deep State goons before the unit commander ordered them to cease fire.

It’s unclear whether the unit commander spoke directly to Gen. Berger or his adjuncts, but when he requested permission to pursue and eliminate the enemy, he was told to maintain a defensive posture but not give pursuit.

That ended the Pantex assault. White Hats found no evidence of other incursions.

“We know it was the Deep State. We’ve taken survivors. Some had credentials—FEMA, ATF, all Deep State agencies. We can’t explain why they attacked the way they did—it makes no sense. Maybe they were ordered to test our defenses, sacrifice themselves if needed. I don’t know the results of prisoner interrogations,” our source said.

In closing, he said patriots should not accept a Deep State takeover of the United States as an ineluctable fate. “We’re working very hard to prevent that.”

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Katie Jones

Find out with the survivors who order that attack and why?

Katie Jones

Thank you white hats for Biden does not have the nuclear codes before cause Nancy would not let Biden have them. Why would he need those codes?

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie Jones

my feeling is these were military criminals and were sent in to be killed by combat as a honorable death or captured and arrested for there crimes which will be held by firing squad but there honor dissolved.


If this is the way ATF, FEMA, FBI orchestrate an assault, We the People have nothing to worry about.



In spite of the foregoing commentary, it seems necessary to point out from a tactical perspective that Gen Berger was correct to suspect a diversionary movement. However, 100 massed against automatic weapons also gives rise to a suspicion that there were some deep state assets that were deemed expendable, and their leaders decided it best to have the White Hats to their dirty work for them, as in the Branch Davidian Waco incident.

Last edited 2 years ago by PayingCloseAttention

the only difference being FBI/ATF attacked the private citizens FIRST. They burned kids alive. how brave!


Sounds like more BS to me!



Stinky Perfume

It sounds like deep state that sent them convinced them they had a chance to take over. What’s really spooky is the photo here. What is this, some ancient B/W photo from WW2?

The military is hanging onto fissionable nuclear material? For what? Why haven’t they gotten rid of it all?

What scientists are working so hard for deep state they still want to play nuclear war games and send out grunts to get at this place?

Either the scientists have gone retarded or they want these men dead and gone so they don’t kill their own deep state themselves, so they send them to a place to die, where it appears they have a chance, but of course so many people have gambling disorder and ego, they take these jobs thinking they have a chance to bombard places by the hoards. It’s well known there’s no way out of deep state but death anyway. If they don’t kill someone right away, it don’t mean they aren’t on the later to kill plan when they can.

Elite or their upper level intelligences running the world, city by city, is underground or up in satellites and spaceships. Obviously they use clones and doubles as actors on the surface for massive public trickery. Probably always has been for this is all planned.

Say this really happened and 80 men survived the retreat. Those 80 men were expected to die for the purpose. Now where can they run? For sure they realize they got a shit job for work by now watching the front rows get shot up, so no longer trust their superiors for sending them to that sketchy scenario.

I know there are mostly over a dozen levels down under hospitals and post offices, museums and cathedrals, Hollywood, and engineering firms, etc. More levels down many miles for mag trains, spaceships….Cities under the Pentagon and Getty Museum in Brentwood, CA. Nobody is proving alleged clearing. No tours, no photos, obviously both side of ruling factions want their secrets, and underground places to stay is for insiders and those watching surface dweller news are deliberately kept in the dark. I can wage a guess since they survive underground, and have their spaceships, and secrets, there’s nothing won for surface dwellers are all in the same short life forever reincarnated death boat while they live thousands of years down there, forever resetting surface earth at harvest time.

The hospital and postal on the surface are screwing up, because we all get mail daily in the wrong mail boxes, at times, even packages from Amazon, coming to the wrong building numbers.

They missed the past two days to deliver mail, Friday and Saturday. Was it just the heat? There’s no longer a postal mail box in San Pedro, CA even at the Post Office, so I would guess they got rid of all mail boxes every place in California over voter fraud they want mail put where they get a facial photograph.

Going inside the post office reminds me of the busses driving all over Los Angeles with 0-3 people for well over 2 years now. Tourists don’t come anymore. Street gangs and addicts are still thriving out there with raging donuts, flash bangers and drag racing last night divert the cops tactics, while the drugs are run through elsewhere. Addictive drugs and sex are their priorities if not selling children. Obviously the deep state wants them to populate but not if they can’t control the secrets of the human trafficking where people are set up with drugs and sex to wind up hopelessly diverted.

If they plan their deaths it’s a slow kill off. They won’t quit, they won’t let anybody else have anything much, if they are still alive and secret operations are functioning. Obviously it is functioning while they own the streets having everybody scared inside getting groceries delivered.


Thank you for this very informational dissertation. Myself and many here look forward to the next installment.

Angel Askew

“resetting surface earth at harvest time.” !!
I see the Asians use umbrellas and tarps to avoid face recognition cameras.
I’m on the westside.
Your observations are extraordinary.
The cell towers MUST come down!
Maybe work on local elected officials??
It is a strategic issue that we,the people can manage.
Even when humanity wins the deconstruction will hit us harder in the blue states.
Stay encouraged neighbor.
Being in LA county is even more depressing.
Do you see what the Board of Supervisors is attempting with Villanueva?
California election rigging is worse than the Presidential one!
Go stick your toes in the ocean, friend.;)



Billy Bob

Vaccinated zombies marching to go underground? Even Bill Murray in “The Dead Don’t Die” couldn’t overpower them. Expect more. Definitely. Use lasers or active denial technology truck in absence of pursuit.

question everything

If the 1st amendment applies to the radio, TV and internet; and the 4th amendment applies to electronic surveillance and video surveillance; then the 2nd amendment applies to modern weapons.




Interesting mix of statements that attempts to connect three different issues.
The 1934 act designated broadcasters as speakers — thus granting them First Amendment rights — but the broadcast media were also treated as possessing a somewhat lesser claim to First Amendment protections than the print media. The Supreme Court’s decision in Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications Commission (1969) upheld the principle that the scarcity of frequencies put broadcasters under public obligations to present multiple viewpoints, which therefore served as limits on their First Amendment rights.
Even the SCOTUS said that with rights comes responsibly and you can’t act in an irresponsible way.

question everything

“Even the SCOTUS said that with rights comes responsibly and you can’t act in an irresponsible way.”
Is that why the mainstream media never acts in an irresponsible way?[Could you pickup the sarcasm dripping from that question?]

question everything

Some people wouldn’t know tyranny if it covered their faces, locked them in their homes, enacted the biggest wealth transfer in history, censored them, made them show papers, and force medicated them.


Excellent points

John .S

During covid myself duly placed tyrannical mandates enforcers on notice.

Demanded police to: “take cognizance to their oath of office, steadfastly in ethics and integrity”. [Piercing their veil of Good Faith Exception, as door opener for collateral attack.]

I informed police about waging *Mixed War referencing: Ex Parte Young, 209 US 123, and USC Chapter 21, Title 42 Sec. 1983 & 1985, also Title 18 Sec 241 & 242.

My local police weren’t enforcing masks, neither social distancing. Police only enforcing trespass of patrons via merchants request in ousting customers from their location.

Myself and associates had many complaints waged upon us, ”’feelings police”’ couldn’t do much except rant their usual meaningless mantra: “in this day and age”.

Did many FOIA request on habitual police complainants, piercing their false sense of anonymity, could say, silencing the lambs via knock and talk at their homes.

Fact, police despise when asking them: “””if they own real estate?””, whereas county Tax Assessor’s Office may reveal much, especially microfiche data. Also inform tyrants: “don’t underestimate the powers of the dark web”.

All the atrocities perpetrated upon mankind were carried out by order followers whom the enemy, and must be placed in check, referencing Hammurabi’s Code. Adage: all’s fair in love and war, especially *Mixed War.

God Bless America.


Of course. We believe you did all that you claim. You can’t tie your own tie but you can assault business owners in bathrooms and file frivolous FOI requests and waste taxpayer money. Surprised you haven’t mentioned Surety Bonds yet.

John .S

See, NYS Public Officers Law, Article 2-A, PBO Sec. 20: Actions on Official Bonds or Undertakings.


I will trust that whatever you are citing exists but you are probably reading it wrong.


Actually, I was bored and read it. It talks about monetary defaults and filing proof of claim. Once again, you cited something that exists but applied it to something else that was out of context. This is the kind of time wasting exercises that local government has to go through with a lot of serial FOIA filers. They start off with something that is correct but take a hard right into crazy town. The real question is does this kind of behavior develop independently later in life or is it learned from a very early age. It’s sad that this is something we have to deal with and will see no improvement because those spouting misinformation will probably never know any better.

Ron Burgundy

Imagine having to respond to this guys rambling FOIA request.


Our little borough had someone do the same thing. We had to hire someone just to deal with the requests. At one of the borough meetings we mentioned that his requests cost about $100k per year to staff since they involve legal review, redaction and copies. Our borough lawyer even has a specific billing code for that person’s FOIA requests. When the other taxpayers found out about the cost to entertain the requests, they turned on him because in the end, they have to pay for his foolishness. I see something similar happening with this clown.

John .S

Recently had a local shopping center [strip mall] in having trailered parking lot police electronic billboard flashing: “if you see something – say something” which creates a stool pigeon marxist culture.

Went into businesses, Bank, Mega Pharmacy, Restaurant chains informing them of my intent of doing a video piece on social media via their allowance of billboard message, to enclude screenshot from their web page.

Told managers have over 100k social media subscribers and to anticapate phone calls [call flood] if billboard message persist, in suggesting to call mall agent & property owner.

Their facial expressions were priceless, total WTF.

Next night message change to: “Lock your vehicles, and secure valuables.

Again: all’s fair in love and war,. also: it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

Of course you did. You must be very proud of yourself.

question everything

“The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn’t help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these [people], your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn’t help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. [They] had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.”
Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.
I didn’t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.
Gradually I began to hate them.”

question everything

Though this seems relevant to the current politi-speak, it is actually a quote from Hitler speaking about Jews.

Angel Askew

The Gloves Come Off: A New Strategy for Fighting the Woke | Douglas Murray | POLITICS | Rubin Report




It fits in beautifully with everything Trump has been saying and certain people here support.

Angel Askew

It’s a wonderful analogy of liberal shuck and jive mentality. People with zero integrity, morals or space for courteous honest dialogues for middle ground solutions.
Just shut up and do as they say or they will give you a smack.
No one is going out like that.
The pendulum will swing back fast and hard.


Yes, I am sure Hitler was well known for honest and courteous dialogue. History backs that up bigly.

Angel Askew

It is well documented. He begged Churchill, Stalin and others ad nauseum to not incite war for years.
Truly begged.

question everything

There is a very simple explanation for the “pandemic” they are planning:,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/111/262/005/original/d5744b694f42e86e.jpeg

question everything

Tonight is the annual cremation of care ritual in bohemian grove. In other news, Joe Biden had a meeting with his cabinet today. He also spoke to his bookcase and argued with his desk.


Someone has to entertain us since Mike got bored of doing this.

question everything

You are mistaken.


Everyone who has read the Bible knows Lucifer desires to reign from Jerusalem. Why do you bother calling them the deep state? We all know who these coveteous parasitic reprobates are.

Angel Askew

Yes, but it is only the elite of them. They are culling their own in lesser tax brackets.


Don’t read too much into it or you will start to see connections between how Trump decorates his hotels and Lucifer.


Don’t mess with our MARINES!

Katie Jones

Did we found what happened to the osprey and why it blew up?


John has filed a Right to Know request.


Why would they want this facility? I think they want it for the bombs to do a false flag event. These people are willing to kill us to stay in power. They are so evil!

Robert Ford

Don’t know why you got downvotes; your suggestion is quite reasonable. The DS gave us 9/11 and Covid, so it is not unreasonable for them to light off a bomb or two. False Flags are stock-in-trade for the Deep State.


How many think they should have pursued & captured more prisoners?

I laugh out loud when I think of 100 troops of “woke” soldiers wearing bra’s with fuchsia & blue hair & in 7 inch heels all marching 10 abreast, 10 deep, with pitchforks & AR15’s with rainbow streamers on their bayonets – getting mowed down under machine gun fire as they try to run in those heels.


This was a test. While it was also a diversion it was not about the Nuclear Decomm facility. This is a very different kind of diversion. They (the DS) are planning a massive incursion. However I’d not be surprised if there are a few other failed attempts that don’t make sense. I think they plan on doing a lot of weak stuff just to distract. I think they are going to look almost completely beaten & will probably create weaker & weaker attacks that fail in order to eventually make one game changing attack once the Patriots decide they have pretended to be a weak ass wolf” too often – and let their guard down.

Last edited 2 years ago by SeanW

Remember when R. Kelly was fighting for his life for breaking the Man Act?

And then Hunter Bidens privilege keeps him from being charged under the Man Act for interstate trafficking for prostitution?

Yeah, that’s awesome!


Thank you Michael, keep up the good work…GOD bless the White Hat military, our President DJT and all who stand for the good of our country…may they/we be given safety, wisdom and courage to overcome the enemy and bring this war to a speedy end by the power JESUS has given.


Because lies hurt more. We the People don’t want to be lied to. I don’t.


An honest liar?


Nuclear weapons are a complete hoax. Look up Mark Alan King (Lions of Israel) for the truth. You can find his main website via a bing search.


Correct, nuclear weapons are a false flag cover story for large-scale Mole People surface attacks. Mole People decimated Hiroshima and Nagasaki with their ground forces, and the US military merely used controlled explosives (not nuclear) to level those areas after the Mole assault was over, to obliterate all evidence of what really happened there.


You’re a complete hoax. what creates heat to heat water to spin turbine generators in a nuclear powerplant you imbecile.


Yeah but some rando guy in the internet said it’s all fake, so, ya know, who knows what to believe amirite? 🤷‍♂️

Ron Burgundy

LOL like 60% of the comments now are people making fun of RRN/calling it out as bullshit. This place is great.


Addictive. Love the “normies.”


.. or also known as useful idiots/sheeps….

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon

But nothing will change.


Why should it? It’s fun just the way it is.


Every Sunday on TikTok there is a woman who does faith healing in a park while live. People claim to have practiced witchcraft, have generational curses, and all kinds of crazy awful things. While this preacher woman cures them, they scream or vomit or even pass out. Every comment on the live asks how people fall for that crap. I just point them to this site.


Hypnosis. Some people are susceptible to it not unlike a lot of the posters we encounter here.


I’m glad people are getting their yuks in and all, but it is bothersome that there are so many frivolent posts taking up space here when I am trying to share crucial information about the Mole People and their increasingly frequent assaults against the surface.


Some of us believe brutha – preach it.

Angel Askew

You’re either from Cain or Seth.
Romonov or Bolshevik.
That’s all and that’s it.
If mole people shapesshift and need our blood to survive well….they are not welcome here.


Little Miss Gullible. You are so fun to tweak!

Angel Askew



No Angel, you are clearly thinking of Reptilian shapeshifters. Mole People cannot shapeshift, and they do not drink blood, in fact they are largely vegetarian (or more specifically, fungaltarian.)

As for whether they’re “welcome here” – this is their planet too, frankly. They are not off-planet/interdimenaional interlopers like the Anunnaki. Mole People evolved here inside the Earth just as humans evolved on the surface.

We do, however need them to get the message that their place is in the Deep Earth, and we will not stand for these skirmishes they keep incurring on the surface.

Angel Askew

Cite your sources of reference for this BS.

David T

And the supposed 60% of the comments all come from two of you stupid fucking troll turds who have a bout a dozen names apiece. You think you’re so clever, but you’re dumber than a box of rocks without the box. You’re not fooling anybody, except maybe yourself.

george friend

“We’re working very hard to prevent that” Is that why traitors with open and shut cases still walk about freely?

Jerry Miller

Why didn’t they just call in an airstrike?

Rob William

Oops! MB missed that possibility while making up this story.


He will edit. give an excuse and include it in the next chapter.

David T

They did not need an airstrike, you DF.

Jerry Miller

I was being serious- A facility, like this, in the middle of the desert surrounded by military aircraft-bases… It sounds like 100 armed men against a handful of “white hats”. An airstrike could have been called in to dispatch the attackers in less time than it takes the cops to come to your home after you dial 911. “you DF”.


What about underground tunnels?

Maybe they penetrated in while
the fire fight was going on.

insiders may have smuggled parts out
during the distraction.

Last edited 2 years ago by millcanyonroad
Rob William

Yes MB should have bought that into this story!

Jerry Miller

What ever happened to Huma Abedin?


She’s dating Bradley Cooper


That American Sniper actor is hitting it. That’s no shit!

Rob William

She is alive is doing well if that’s what you wanted to ask!


From what I’ve heard, JAG was forced to let her go before her tribunal on a technicality (improperly filed arrest warrant) and she has since disappeared to avoid any subsequent warrant/arrest. She’s believed to have fled to the Deep Earth and sought refugee status in Sporehaven, much like Chris Cuomo and many other Deep State operatives who have disappeared from the public eye in the past year.


Anybody notice Anita Dunn is back working in some capacity for the Biden administration?


Don’t care. Why do you?

Rob William

Oooh, dead woman working!


Probably a hologram

Katie Jones

Thank you General Berger you have great men under you and we love the fact that you have taught your solders well to first be an American and a patriotic soldier next. We feel saver with you all in charge. Joe is mentally failing badly and owes a lot to China. Biden is a traitor big time.
It is obvious he is doing this stuff for China. He is slowly tearing down America so China can get ahead with their war machine. How this ends up is is what end times ministry teaches each Sunday around 10:30pm at night where I live. Lots of information in that program on end times and what is going to happen. Most of it is God dealing with the Jews for he is now dealing with the Gentiles.

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie Jones

Berger is a joke. An Obama/Big Mike appointee. His white hat is actually rainbow colored.

John .S

I don’t trust Gen. Berger’s judgement, neither his loyalty to America, starting to believe he’s just a pension whore running out the clock.

When Berger grabs the bull by the horns then I will change my opinion of him.

America in a death spiral as Berger lacks due diligence via inability to act, not performing mass roundup.

Berger needs to make the swoop, and everything else will work it’s way out, and fall into place.

Couldn’t care about emotions of normies via their inability to cope, We the People will deal with their rage.

Bring on the house cleaning, it’s overdue.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S
Rob William

Berger doesn’t even know that white hats exist!


Can’t see em thru his rainbow colored glasses.

Rob William

Isn’t Trump still the president? Did Biden ever stepped into White House?


Just came here from Lew Rockwell. Do you all believe this is real? Why?
Don’t get me wrong I am all for it. Can anyone corroborate the events?


MB writes these fictional stories in order to bait you to give up your cash money. It’s a grift, but fun to watch.

Rob William

I challenge MB to post a single video of any trails he has written about till now!


Mike was selling his used Mac. It would be cool if someone bought it and did a forensic examination to see what he was “researching” when writing the stories.


I bet there’s a real treasure trove of Anunnaki research on there


Because hopium is a hell of a drug 🦄

Debate Judge

The “Black Hats” cannot get nuclear weapons from the black market? With all the money “the black hats have,” they can’t buy nuclear weapons on the black market?


Ukrainia has em. Courtesy of OBiden. For resale. Potato Joe gets 10%. Problem solved.


Nice work Michael. Thanks for all the excellent informative updates. Looks like the USA is winning the battle with our own treasonous Americans, called the “deep state”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joanna

Wake up people, yes the White Hats maybe be scoring a few victories over the Deep State, but the Deep State is small potatoes compared to the real threat at play here, the increasingly aggressive Mole People Empire. While I appreciate his reports, Michael Baxter is doing us a major disservice by putting so much of his focus on one and not the other. I fear a lot of good Patriots will be caught entirely off-guard if and when the Mole People choose to escalate the Underwar into a full-blown assault on the surface.


you better check if they are not hide under bed ….

David T

The troll turd named biggs was previously known by names that rhyme with fly, sledge, sofa, etc. It has to hide behind vpn’s so it can at least initially, get around the blocks by RNN.

Rob William

You don’t need a VPN to circumvent the ban!


Lol yeah I have never once used a VPN


Thank you sej, this is an excellent suggestion actually.

Mole People are feared assassins because they are so good at catching their targets completely off-guard behind locked doors. How? By tunneling directly into their victims’ most private spaces, of course. If possible they’ll complete the tunneling work when no one is around so that no one is alerted by the scratching noises, and they will position the exit points in places that are typically out of sight, such as the back of closets, behind hanging picture frames, or – yep, you guessed it – under the bed. And once that tunnel is completed, it’s typically within a day that they will seize upon the perfect moment to stealthily slip through it and carry out the assassination undetected.

I would recommend to everyone here to take up a daily regimen of checking spots like these in your own home, because if you ever come across a hidden tunnel opening like this, you need to get out of there immediately.

Last edited 2 years ago by Biggs

My hardware store sells nice traps. Skewers the bastards.

Rob William

You can export mole meat to China!


Thanks for the suggestion.


This is a common misconception, yes those traps are effective against *moles* but not so much against Mole People. They’re bigger and typically more clever than that, and rarely tunnel so close to the surface anyways.

Rob William

Are mole people stronger than reptilians?


Very similar as they both live underground.


Excellent question Rob. If we are talking one-on-one physical combat – then no, not by a long shot. Reptilians are much taller, stronger, have tougher skin and sharper claws (Mole People claws are extremely tough but they are evolved for digging, not so much for slicing.) A Reptilian will make quick work of a sole Mole Person. Even quicker if that Reptilian is an Anunnaki breed.

However, the danger posed by Mole People is not in their individual strength. It is their strength in numbers, their technological ingenuity, their superior strategizing, and their unmatched tenacity. Conflicts rarely break out between the Mole People and underground Reptilian populations, and there is a reason for that – the Reptilians learned long ago that any incursion they make upon Mole People territory will be avenged tenfold with an overwhelming retaliatory strike.

In the event of an all-out war between the two species, it is difficult to say who would ultimately come out on top. But my money would be on the Mole People. They’re scappy to a fault and they never quit, even when badly outmatched


If the head of the serpent was taken out, as I have heard …why do these things keep happening? Who is giving orders now and why ?

Angela James

I believe all the Deep State players that Mr. Baxter reported as executed are true. But I have the same question…without the big players Clintons, Gates, Fauci, Rumsfield, Cheney, and dozens of other Cabal, who is still in charge of Biden and the Black Hats? Obama?


According to MB it’s “Deep State Dark Lord Barack “Hussein” Obama”

Rob William

It’s all fake news without a single video evidence ever!


Dr.Jill, PHD Esq.


Obama & Big Mike. Under the guidance from Schwab, Soros and Gates.

Michael R Davis

The 13 bloodline families are at the top, serving Satan above them. These people being mentioned are just servants, nowhere near the top, doing what they are told. The homosexual Obama is nowhere the top, just a very effective tool at one time. Some of the bloodline families were crushed under shattered DUMBs, wrongly thinking they were safe under miles of solid rock. Some were killed in shot-down small aircraft and helicopters.


Thats kinda what I heard too …. they were taken out already.


They didn’t happen. You haven’t figured that out yet?


Head of the serpent? Are you referring to James Carville?


He looks like a freakin lizard …. eek … No I mean the 13 families. I heard they had been taken out a long time ago.


Obama is the head of the serpent. He’s still at large.


I heard he got a bullet to the brain years ago already. Goon we see now is a double

buck fiden

Did you Obiden niggers hear about this??? VP Biden threatened Ukraine just after Trump won the 2016 election! Why is Biden still in office?

https ://


Worried that he would lose his 10%.

buck fiden

Unscathed? MONTHS of confinement! FUCK THAT NOISE!!

But you’re right – I no longer am forced to deal with them now. I am in a valley of paradise with well over 90% white people.

Old habits die hard.


I do not accept a DEEP STATE take Over.
As a Patriot, I will only accept Justice

Rob William

Is patriot = gullible dumb traitors in your lingo?


All these alphabet agencies.
I wish they would start calling them for what they are. Agencies of “the Crown Templar” so the sheeple will wake the Hell up…


I was accused of being a Knights Templar once. Location of the holy Grail? Sorry, I took a vow of silence.



Rob William

You are brave!


I am a Knight after all.


I was thinking of taking the weekend off again, but there is so much action going on..that I am hanging on just a little longer.
It MB could. Suspend the multi level spammers and the trolls for. A Week ,
That would help. Immensely

Last edited 2 years ago by Wildcat

You could use the rest.

Rob William

Take rest to reassess the reality!

buck fiden

Gut Shabbos, motherfuckers!

A rabbi sucked me off when I was only eight days old!


Before or after they circumsized you ?


either way that’s child abuse and a traumatic experience you would need therapy for

buck fiden

Been there. Seen it. Got the straitjacket.

buck fiden

Right then and there! Rabbi Schmekelstein might have had a cold sore.


Prior to monkey pox I hope.

buck fiden

If I have herpes, it’s his fault!!


Where were your parents when you were eight days old?

buck fiden

They invited him over!

That’s like your step-dad’s drinking buddies having their way with you as a sexy 15-year-old when your mom’s out of town.


Hunter’s niece?

buck fiden

Epstein Island on the mainland!




Did your dad kill him?


They probably stomped on some wine glasses and yelled some Yiddish shit.

buck fiden

They do that shit (break glasses) at weddings. They drink when they see pornos like that one. And they all spoke Yiddish. I only know the curse words.


Like me and messkin. Puto and shit like that.

buck fiden

My favourite one is “panochuda.”

buck fiden

They said “L’Chayim!” and clicked glasses of Manoshitwitz wine together with everyone else there to see me naked. I was a porn star at age 0.022 !!


Did it sound like they were hocking up a loogie?

buck fiden

Pre-Covid, too!



question everything

Mazel Tov! Meshuggeneh. Oy Vey, The Chutzpah!

buck fiden

The Tsoris !!!

question everything

Schmoozing with schmucks can lead to kvetching.


I saw a documentary recently about it and had no idea it was part of the ritual.


What kind of ritual has old men sucking off babies?


Does someone need to explain the definition of “Humor” to you?

buck fiden

I don’t recall the experience, but I’m sure there was nothing funny about it (except my Chink size).


Is that your white fragility?

buck fiden

White Privilege.


Biggs did,I had never heard of it because I’m not Jewish

buck fiden

Not all the kikes do this. Only the ultraorthos. We escaped.


What they’re actually talking about is a bris, which is the Jewish circumcision ceremony performed on 8-day-old babies. In some older traditions the mohel will use their mouth to briefly suck the blood off after the foreskin is removed. Which does sound pretty gross tbh but it’s not ‘sucking off’ in the sexual sense, that’s the joke


I have never heard of it…but I’m not Jewish,and it does sound gross😝


Some Jews are gross. Reminds me of a Rabbi I met once.


Sounds like it🤢🤮

buck fiden

I have Rabbis on my speed-dial because they all think they can help me. I have told them all that I’m a lost cause and NOT ONE OF THEM has tried to get me laid! They said I had to become devout before they would inflict me upon the JAP (Jewish American Princess) society. I told one that the Bible was like a sex manual. I needed a naked kike with huge tits next to me while I read the story about entering unto them. I learn by doing.

That didn’t fly.


The rabbi putting his mouth on the baby’s penis after the prepuce is removed is NOT part of the ritual.
The word “bris” is Hebrew for covenant. The Hebrew word for the foreskin is orlah.
Gen_21:4 And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him.
In the sacrament I saw in the documentary, a bris DOES NOT AND SHOULD NOT have anyone putting their mouth on the child like that, it’s sick and disgusting. The rabbi cuts the foreskin off using clean instruments; one of the instruments is something that resembles, for lack of a better word, a cigar-cutter, but it’s not that. The foreskin is pulled before being gripped by the razor blades of the cutter, and the scalpel is used to cut off the prepuce. Then the wound is bandaged for healing.
Back in the days of the OT (Genesis 17:9-14), a sharp knife was used to circumcise the child. Circumcision is a holy tradition that God ordained with His friend, Abraham, and has continued in Jewish tradition to this day.
Gen_21:4 And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him.
Gen 17:13 He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. 
Even Ishmael, the child he sired with Hagar the Egyptian surrogate, was circumcised in his house.
Gen 17:23 And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his house, and all that were bought with his money, every male among the men of Abraham’s house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame day, as God had said unto him. 
God showed no discrimination. All the males in a Jewish family had to be circumcised.
Gen_17:24 And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
Gen_17:25 And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
Lev 12:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean. 
Lev 12:3 And in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised. 
Even Jesus was circumcised at eight days old:
Luk 2:21 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb. 
Circumcision is a holy sacrament in the Jewish religion that symbolizes a covenant between God and His people, whom He declared His chosen people as we read in Deuteronomy 10:15.
Deu 10:15 Only the LORD had a delight in thy fathers to love them, and he chose their seed after them, even you above all people, as it is this day. 
It is NOT, I REPEAT, NOT a ritual for the rabbi to indulge in whatever sick ideations he has under the cover of the Mosaic law and tradition. Nowhere in the OT have I ever seen that to be the case.

question everything

Hearts and minds being almost synonymous, it has been said that men are led by a certain part of their anatomy, and that to ‘circumcise the heart’ is to cut off being ‘led by the flesh’.

buck fiden

That’s like saying I rubbed my hard-on against a married woman’s hoo-ha but didn’t stick it in. It doesn’t count. right?


I too watched a documentary on Jewish traditions and it’s not part of the ritual. In the sacrament I saw, a bris DOES NOT AND SHOULD NOT have anyone putting their mouth on the child like that, it’s sick and disgusting. The rabbi cuts the foreskin off using clean instruments; one of the instruments is something that resembles, for lack of a better word, a cigar-cutter, but it’s not that. The foreskin is pulled before being gripped by the razor blades of the cutter, and the scalpel is used to cut off the foreskin. Then the wound is bandaged for healing.
Back in the days of the OT (Genesis 17:9-14), a sharp knife was used to circumcise the child. circumcision is a holy tradition that God ordained with His friend, Abraham, and has continued in Jewish tradition to this day.
Gen 17:13 He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. 
Even Ishmael, the child he sired with Hagar the Egyptian, was circumcised in his house.
Gen 17:23 And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his house, and all that were bought with his money, every male among the men of Abraham’s house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame day, as God had said unto him. 
God showed no discrimination. all the males in a Jewish family had to be ci9rcumcised.

It is NOT, I REPEAT, NOT a ritual for the rabbi to indulge in whatever sick ideations he has under the cover of the Mosaic law and tradition. Nowhere in the OT have I ever seen that to be the case.


I, too, watched a documentary on Jewish traditions, and the rabbi putting his mouth on the baby’s penis after the prepuce is removed is NOT part of the ritual.
The word “bris” is Hebrew for covenant. The Hebrew word for the foreskin is orlah.
Gen_21:4 And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him.
In the sacrament I saw in the documentary, a bris DOES NOT AND SHOULD NOT have anyone putting their mouth on the child like that, it’s sick and disgusting. The rabbi cuts the foreskin off using clean instruments; one of the instruments is something that resembles, for lack of a better word, a cigar-cutter, but it’s not that. The foreskin is pulled before being gripped by the razor blades of the cutter, and the scalpel is used to cut off the prepuce. Then the wound is bandaged for healing.
Back in the days of the OT (Genesis 17:9-14), a sharp knife was used to circumcise the child. Circumcision is a holy tradition that God ordained with His friend, Abraham, and has continued in Jewish tradition to this day.
Gen_21:4 And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him.
Gen 17:13 He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. 
Even Ishmael, the child he sired with Hagar the Egyptian surrogate, was circumcised in his house.
Gen 17:23 And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his house, and all that were bought with his money, every male among the men of Abraham’s house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame day, as God had said unto him. 
God showed no discrimination. All the males in a Jewish family had to be circumcised.
Gen_17:24 And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
Gen_17:25 And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
Lev 12:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean. 
Lev 12:3 And in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised. 
Even Jesus was circumcised at eight days old:
Luk 2:21 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb. 
Circumcision is a holy sacrament in the Jewish religion that symbolizes a covenant between God and His people, whom He declared His chosen people as we read in Deuteronomy 10:15.
Deu 10:15 Only the LORD had a delight in thy fathers to love them, and he chose their seed after them, even you above all people, as it is this day. 

It is NOT, I REPEAT, NOT a ritual for the rabbi to indulge in whatever sick ideations he has under the cover of the Mosaic law and tradition. Nowhere in the OT have I ever seen that to be the case.


Would you please publish the rest of the Old Testament?


It’s similar removing a puppy’s’ dew claws. Did a Rabbi remove yours?

Mark Heisler

Things like this we should see pictures at least I mean come on we haven’t seen anything yet, what is the Deep State going to do if you put out pictures or video they haven’t got R.R.N offline yet only for 30days, so why is it that the Patriots don’t see nothing?, It’s all the same thing, we show a story you believe or not, that’s it, when we have been lied to for a long time, this is just another story for you to believe it or not, no proof of Nothing, and it’s been 2yrs, and all the actors are still making movies making their money telling all the lies, when is something going to happen,

Last edited 2 years ago by Mark Heisler
buck fiden

Perhaps they’re just trying to give us hope that the good guys will come so we don’t start offing senators and congressbitches until the Great Depression v.2.0, complete with massive food shortages, Weimar-Republik-like hyperinflation, gun confiscation, FEMA concentration kamp roundups and genocide take place.


It’s heading in that direction.


Why doesn’t Trump post pictures of any of this shit on TRUTH Social? I thought that was the whole point of TS, he owns it and controls it so no one MSM or otherwise can censor him there at all.

Rob William

We demand a video proof!

Rose Mary Abbott

Awesome article Michael Baxter! I felt like I did when I used to read Tom Clancy books.

buck fiden

Go watch these:

https ://


Lol there’s a reason these stories read like fiction novels, Rose 😉


Is this your nun name?


owd…Ivana….Ivanka is her daughter….

buck fiden

They’re both hot. I’d rather bang Ivana’s corpse than Hillary alive.



buck fiden

Spread ’em, unless you’d like me to use the dumbwaiter instead.

Jose Ramirez

And we still waiting for November? Give me a break. Mass arrest, and mass death now.. let’s do it!


Agreed, It is time to pull the trigger.

Rob William

You have gone hyper. Try decaf next time!


None of that shit is real Wildcat. I keep telling you bro, there is a reason the wait is endless 🤷‍♂️

buck fiden

José, we can’t even stop the illegal spics from invading our great nation!


Not only are they invading our great nation,they are destroying it

buck fiden

¡Los PINCHE mexicanos sí lo hacen!

buck fiden

Go live in Kreplachistan, Bangthedesk, The Gambia or some other major shithole and then get back to me.

GreaterIdaho for Trump

Sad and hard day and age, but don’t make Lincoln mistakes and be soft to the enemy. As hard as it is, they should have pursued and eliminated them to prevent witnesses from going back with information and rallying others to join them on a better ran next attack. Endless Blessings on Whitehats. Bring on the Storm and cleanse America!

Lone Ranger

Obviously a Biden administration manouvre: FUBAR – Fouled Up Beyoned All Repair!

buck fiden

The Biden Régime is akin to the planned demolition of the World Trade Centre.


And the fake moon landing.

buck fiden

and Pelousy’s fake tits.


It was highly recommended she has no more face lifts and breast lifts because she’ll have to shave her chest hair.
And those eyebrow transplants look like they come from the hind leg of a cockerspaniel.

buck fiden

There be gold in them thar hills – or at least $$$ in her dry cave.

Voice of One

Perhaps a white hat infiltrator directed them to do thusly? It does seem like the tables have turned recently. Just look at the SCOTUS.


I agree. The criminals who call themselves the SCOTUS know their time is running out. With one executed and more under house arrest, they are running scared. Ginny Thomas is scrambling to make a deal to save herself but Justice will be served.

Angel Askew


Angel Askew

Ginny can vote and support who and what she wants.
Jill Biden supports San Antonio breakfast tacos.


she and jb make jokes on them they do not care msm is their -shield……

buck fiden

She looks like she’d enjoy being gang-raped.


Let’s ask Hunter.

buck fiden

Even Hunter’s got standards. Low ones, but not as low as hers. Besides, she’s over 15.


Having sex with a family member is a standard? Last time I checked, that gets people jailed. NY hands down 25-year sentences for incest. If singer Ricky Martin, a gay married dad of four, is proven to have had incest with his nephew, he’s in the clink for 50 years — FIFTY — according to Puerto Rican law. They take incest crimes very seriously there.

buck fiden

Fifteen will get ya twenty in Arizona,
but if she’s old enough to pee, she’s old enough for me.

buck fiden

She smokes Hunter’s schlong.


COME ON, BUCK!! That’s too sick even for Jill!


She reminds me of Alice Cooper.

Angel Askew



we certainly have there 4 beauties…theodore will white hats get involved????

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
buck fiden

The communists don’t have to worry about the 6-member minority after they enlarge SCOTUS to seat 100 justices.


Why stop at 100?

buck fiden

Did the Deep State kill Ivana to send Donald Trump a message?

Angela James

That was my first thought.


Very possible. I hate the thought of it, but that cannot be ruled out considering the cabal has been after Trump and his family for years, including their going after Melania, Barron, and Robert. They hate him that much.

buck fiden

Lessee if DJT actually shows up for his Prescott Valley, AZ rally, to be held this coming Friday.

buck fiden

Trump’s security must be excellent. That’s why they’re making their point by going after his family.


The real irony here is that you want to attribute the current far-right SCOTUS too the ‘White Hats’ for some reason, when the person who is clearly most responsible for making it happen is someone y’all despise and call a RINO all the time – Mitch McConnell