Trump: MAGA Traitors Everywhere


President Donald J. Trump on Friday condemned the MAGA who once endorsed him but who caved when threatened by the criminal Biden regime’s Department of Justice, two independent sources in Trump’s NYC office told Real Raw News.

Trump’s fury, one source said, was aimed directly at Proud Boys leader Jeremy Bertino, who on Wednesday pleaded guilty to charges of “seditious conspiracy” and told federal prosecutors he would “fully cooperate” with their crusade to identify, locate, and indefinitely imprison persons that visited the Capitol on January 6.

Bertino was not even at the Capitol—the People’s House—on January 6, 2020, to protest the stolen election. Bertino has been accused of conspiring to impede Congress with angry Trump supporters as lawmakers met to certify the election results. The FBI, ATF, Secret Service, and sheriff’s deputies later raided his North Carolina home and seized his firearms. Bertino was not armed when he paid visit to the Capitol on January 6.

Facing a potential 5-year sentence, Bertino struck a “leniency deal,” the specifics of which prosecutors have sealed.

To date, at least 919 people have been charged in what the Biden regime calls the “Capitol insurrection.” It’s still unclear how many were plants or federal agents, but half have pleaded guilty, have said they were wrong for opposing the legitimacy of election results, and have thrown themselves at the court’s mercy in hopes of getting reduced or deferred sentences.

“President Trump says they’re traitors and were never MAGA,” a source said. “That they had the screw put to them and suddenly, if by divine guidance, switched allegiance.  Many have been asked to go on record saying Biden is the true democratically elected President of the United States, and they have.”

Trump, he added, is on the verge of disavowing so-called patriotic militias that claim to support him.

“Trump has said once he officially regains office he’ll issue full pardons, and he’s discretely contributed $25m of his own money toward a mutual defense fund for people wrongfully imprisoned in relation to Jan 6,” a second source said.

“If I can defend myself against accusations from very, very bad people and prevail, so can they. If they’re bowing to Biden and Merrick Garland under pressure, they were never really patriotic Americans. MAGA traitors are everywhere,” Trump reportedly said.

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Robert James

These poor men were abandoned by Trump and in the control of the Cabal. No wonder they gave up.


“reportedly said”. I don’t believe he did say that. He’s not a hot head.

Mary Parry

Recommend that Trump have “other World Beings” interview everyone before he chooses them for a position in US Government. They will be able to see into their hearts!

Alice Franceschini

Mmmm, what are you trying to say ? Which one of these sentences in your article is the one to believe ?

Bertino was not even at the Capitol—the People’s House—on January 6, 2020, to protest the stolen election.

Bertino was not armed when he paid visit to the Capitol on January 6.

Ken Dar

I’ve thought for a while that the Proud Boys were never a real outfit, just another FBI honeypot and blackwashing operation. Beware of any pseudo militia-type group, they are infiltrated (at best) or more likely entirely created and funded by the FBI-Stasi.


I have a question with Biden selling the strategic oil reserve where is that money going and why does it not bring down inflation if he is selling it?


He has a point. If Americans were aware of their rights and see how their own gov is agaisnt them, we would have a different country. But sadly to many have no desire to fight and defend whats theirs. It is easier to give up and give victory to the enemy.


American Intelligence Media- did a great deep dive on these enemies of God on their latest youtube video of Mike and Dougs.

buck fiden

Don Lemon only gets picked up by FAGs.

Trenton Rizza

Those people are being torchered, regardless of guilt. Some of them have given up.

J Bill



They are paid “Crisis Actors!” NOT MAGA!!

J Bill

julie is a crisis actor lol


You’re one j Bill

Ron Burgundy

Maybe they’re from the planet Nibu?


You’re a Crisis actor also.

John .S

Russia launches strikes on Ukraine [Kyiv].


Ridiculous, there wasn’t 900 people inside the capitol on January 6, they imprison people on fictional charge.

J Bill



Besides the pipeline and the bridge we have Liz Truss sign PESCO reported via Italy(Pelosi’s new seat). In spite of Brexit, Liz, without any vote by Parliament, gave autonomy of all things UK Military to the EU 3 days ago. Ursula von der Leyden already threatened Meloni with the purse. Remember when Trump grounded Pelosi and Schiff’s plane to Brussels. As Russia strategizes it’s next move, Italy is looking like the new power seat for the Soros/Schwab crowd.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christine
Angel Askew

This would be disgusting, but makes sense. I did hear Pelosi’s next move was to become ambassador to Italy months ago.

I guess we’ll learn shortly if Meloni is a plant and sold out her people or is she made of brass tacks and pulls out of the EU to stand alone again?

Always remember that the Rothschilds/Central Bankers have always funded both sides of war. They never lose. Meloni is the new kid on the block from the bull pen.

Have they successfully created their sanctuary with Pelosi’s help in Italy??!?


You know divers had to go down and set the charges or they might have set it off when a ship was going by. There is more to this story than meets the eye. This we all know was a planned event and it took more than one person planning this job. Who was flying or not flying over that sight. I think the bomb was set under water.


You people are missing the big picture here. There were no divers or boats or planes involved. Any insinuation of such is a false flag misdirect. There is only one way these bombs could have been planted and detonated with such precision: Mole People dug tunnels underneath the pipeline and blasted it from below at strategic breakpoints.


When a flight crew is threatened by someone they will Admit to anything. Something is wrong here! Very wrong! Biden might have had it done to drive up the price. He is making money off our oil. Biden doesn’t do anything unless he gets money for doing it.

Angel Askew

Pipeline aside, Ukraine rebuffed Elon’s suggestion to have government voting for more Ukraine regions regarding the war the other day. Musk has now turned off the Starlink satellite system in Ukraine.

Now, Russia is bombing Ukraine’s power grid systems and Zelensky’s office.

Monday is looking good!


“Trump has said once he officially regains office he’ll issue full pardons….” Yeh? When is that going to be? Jan 20, 2025? That part of the “plan”


Don’t worry bro it will happen on July 4th 2021, Michael Baxter said so 🙂

Rob William

Yeah, MB will press the reset button in MBVerse and it will rewind back to that date and everyone’s memory will reset except for MBs.


Hello. Although I agree with most of the sentiments from this website, some of the comments here distract from what is going on and make us look like fools. Think about it. People are in jail!!! They have lost their livelihoods. They are waiting on Trump and the white hats to help them. This help has NOT materialised. I don’t see God or Jesus turning up in Federal prison with fish for supper either. Other than this website can anybody point to something that shows anything real is happening??? Biden is in charge and Fedral agencies are calling the shots. So can you blame them for cutting deals?


This is a fantasy site for patriots, an adult comic book if you will.
Not one thing on this site is verifiable in any way.
I don’t fault the author, he’s writing fanfic and hopefully able to make a profit from his work. Don’t take any of it seriously though because it’s silly and not based in reality.


LimeGreenYeti here is right, except for one thing, which is that you absolutely can fault the author. He is a huge liar and a piece of shit for doing this to people.

Rob William

The author maintains strategic ambiguity by saying its satire in the disclaimer and vouching for its authenticity in his comments.


Isn’t the third paragraph a contradiction of where Bertino was? Who proof reads this?


Yes, confusing wording. It could mean he was in Wash DC (The Capitol) but not literally at the protest.


Nobody proofreads these, MB just types them up and hits post, he makes the story up as he goes and doesn’t care if it’s consistent

John .S

Jan. 6th, Rep. Thomas Massie [R-KY.] conserning Ray Epps.

Angel Askew

I really like Massie. He gets to the guts of things quickly.


My hometown is in Massie’s district and I would have to disagree, he sucks ass actually. He votes no on everything. His whole shtick is being a useless contrarian douchebag. He has accomplished nothing whatsoever in Congress, he just votes no on everything and whines.


He’s cool, he has a “tactical beard”? Poser!

Dave Kelly

So , at these last two posted stories I have noticed that ALL of my posted comments have been removed. I just re-posted one comment at the previous story , we’ll see if this one survives moderation and remains for public view, not betting my crypto coins on it. So what gives with this shit? BIG TECH must be in control of this alleged White Hat information Patriot site called RRN. CENSORED BY BIG TECH and RRN ,the messianic Trump propaganda pimp site. Yes there are NO WHITE HATS people, WHITE HATS apparently , DO NOT EXIST. Just very black hats and a whole lot of varying shades of grey leading to more and more dark….. hats. THIS MUST BE A ………LIMITED HANGOUT


Dumbasses one and all; should have stayed away from the Capitol building.


Maybe Trump shouldn’t have told them to go there to begin with, huh man 🙃


Ok sure man


June 9th 2069

buck fiden

SHeeit. Dat be da THIRD JuneTeenth?

buck fiden

Now they got the Star Spangled Banner-massacring Roseanne Barr pretending to be a “conservative.”

question everything

Cool Beans…
William Beanes (January 24, 1749 – October 12, 1828) was an American physician who was involved in the events surrounding the writing of the national anthem of the United States. Beanes was a Maryland resident, and upon the British invasion of Maryland during the War of 1812 offered British commanders the use of his home. However, Beanes arrested British deserters who had taken to ransacking local farms in search of food, an act which led to his arrest and detention by the British.

Upon news of his arrest, a group of Americans led by lawyer Francis Scott Key visited the British to negotiate his release. Upon receiving confirmation of the good character of Beanes, the British released him. During their return home, the group was made to wait in a boat in the Chesapeake Bay at Baltimore for the outcome of a battle at nearby Fort McHenry. The American victory inspired Key to pen Defence of Fort M’Henry about the battle and its outcome. That poem ultimately became the national anthem of the United States, “The Star-Spangled Banner”.

klikhir tulagin

No offense to anybody, and I don’t know any of those people personally, but the impression I have had for a long time is that Oathkeepers and Proud Boys look like controlled opposition groups. At least they seem to be heavily compromised by infiltrators. J6 should shake them out pretty well. The press coverage PB got was a little too precious.


I heard that every one of the imprisoned Jan 6th rioters is actually a cybernetic clone and/or CGI replicant, not a single organic person among them.

Rob William

Oh my goodness! I didn’t know CGI can also do so much physical damage!


You’re thinking too small, Rob. The physical damage was also CGI. How do you think they repaired the Capitol so quickly? Because they didn’t have to actually repair anything. They just had to turn off the CGI projector that made it look damaged.


“Bertino was not even at the Capitol—the People’s House—on January 6, 2020” &
“Bertino was not armed when he paid visit to the Capitol on January 6.”

RECONCILE: WAS he THERE, or NOT? Aka: ‘Is you is, or is you ain’t, my baby?’


Lol Michael Baxter’s sloppy lazy writing strikes again

J Bill

julie’s doing a lot of drugs so forgive the lazy writing

Mr Bill

“Bertino was not even at the Capitol—the People’s House—on January 6, 2020, to protest the stolen election. Bertino has been accused of conspiring to impede Congress with angry Trump supporters as lawmakers met to certify the election results. The FBI, ATF, Secret Service, and sheriff’s deputies later raided his North Carolina home and seized his firearms. Bertino was not armed when he paid visit to the Capitol on January 6. ‘

It does not compute!

Rob William

Self contradiction is the source of all information in the universe!

Susan Banks

So True President Trump! A damn shame that anyone is still imprisoned for this!! And you out 25 Million Dollars of your own Money to help? That is the first I heard of that. Thank you. I have never been able to understand why Trump just couldn’t go get them! But, what a mess that would of caused!! My heart hurts for the Parents of these kids and Adults!! So sad!!


Trump can’t just go get them because the “White Hats” are fictional


I think Trump did go get them, and the stories are cover. That would have been a good way to spend the 25 million.


This would be like the signers of the Declaration of Independence stating they are now traitors and not patriots and accepting long prison terms as just punishment. Change MAGA to MAGGOTS

Ron Burgundy

Maybe it was a clone!

Rob William

That’s clone-ism. You have deep prejudice against clones and their valor.


Lots of clonists around here, it’s like they don’t even care about the clones’ Constitutional rights. Smh

Brenda hoten

Proud boys are truly pussy hat boys.

Rob William

They are a bunch of bullies and bullies are very weak from inside.

John .S

Forgot to mention the Tea Party idiots too, especially those that fly the ”’Thin Blue Line”’ totalitarian flag, aka Blue ISIS Terrorist flag on their homes, and vehicles.

Tea Party folk are clueless jerk-offs. Most of them are Fox News followers, hanging on to their every word, not realizing that being played.

Fact: Thin Blue Line Gangbangers aka, Police are “”Sovereign Citizens”” whereas the Constitutional Law of the Land does not apply to them, operating under Color of Law.

Police are the biggest Oath Breakers ever, must end their Qualified Immunity.

Peanut Gallery aka, Cop Suckers hold your response.

J Bill

john is woke

John .S

Barefaced: Thin Blue Line cultists grooming kids.


ALL WRONG! If one person weakens and makes a deal to reveal patriots, that doesn’t make 910 patriots automatically guilty. And the vast majority have not even been charged, just a few. THAT’S ILLEGAL! The problem is the DOJ and the FBI. There Were insurrectionists there, they were Antifa … and we saw them change clothes from the initial Trump clothes they came in with. Antifa did the breaking of windows. FBI agents did the provocateuring. And the Cap Police did their own share of clubbing for pleasure. The DOI (Dept of Injustice) wouldn’t prosecute marauders and murderers in Seattle and Portland but Garland is prosecuting freedom loving patriots who are watching their freedoms being stripped and their country being forcefully taken from them. Ok, YOU choose what really happened that day. But ONE GUY who takes the easy way and accuses 900 patriots doesn’t change the reality of that day. 900 are sharing their cell with rats ….. and I’M not going to abandon or turn on them …. like this POS.

buck fiden

We can say the same thing about RINOs v Conservatives within the GOP.

Rob William

The opposite of being Trumpist is being RINO. Trumpism is not the same as conservatism. For Trumpism one has to have additional qualities like being a liar, racist, xenophobic, opportunistic, deluded….

buck fiden

It’s the little shit that bothers me. The next round of Bidenflation is here:

The Aquavend water machine outside the Safeway just went from 30¢ per gallon to 50¢ overnight!

Walmart raised its house brand half gallon of Half & Half from $4.59 to $5.29 three days ago!

Scam’s Club gasoline jumped 20¢/gallon in just two days!

I spent $150 at Worst Buy on computer equipment yesterday, and those fuckers wanted to charge me 11¢ per bag to put my purchase in! I felt like putting the bag over the salesbitch’s head! I’m never going there again!

People cut in front of me in store lines, traffic, and I was panhandled twice in a CostBlow parking lot!! All the homeless guys at the traffic lights seem to be white guys in their 40s-60s and they have dogs on traffic medians smelling the car exhausts.

I really wanna kill someone.

Rob William

I can’t believe that butter is at least $3.5/lb. It’s up 25%.

J Bill

wozz – name banned
angel – ugh
mikey would never permaban me…because he can’t

John .S

How is the cost of condoms effecting you? Suspect you buy the three pack for Fri, Sat & Sunday. Myself buy the 12 pack for Jan, Feb & March etc.


The rrrregiment has decided to rrrrepair……



george friend

Wearing body armor makes me feel like a big man; especially when I’m surrounded by unarmed sheep. I also drive a really big truck and live in town.

Rob William





So trumps finaly accepting the FACTS!
There are a lot of Very Very Weak people in America!!
They talk Big & carry No stick, and for that matter trump has NOT PROVEN he is any different!!!

george friend

Good point. Where did they all go? Seems like only yesterday we had an entire population of champions. Now, I can’t find a single one.

Rob William

Olympics medalists have been kidnapped?

John .S

Who actually gives a rats ass about Jeremy?, as plea bargaining faggot, throwing his/the Proud Boys movement under the bus, as coward unable to take the heat.

Myself have no respect for that POS, neither should anyone else.


No one, fuck the Proud Boys


You gonna wear your red dress?


Lol the fuck are you talking about Rube 🤷‍♂️

george friend

If you want to survive the 2020’s then I suggest you REMEMBER THE PLAN. The only way to win is by not playing.


Trust the Plan! Trust Wray!


A point is not clear from this article : was or wasn’t Jeremy Bertino at the Capitol on January 6th ?

Rob William

As per other sources – he was there.


Lol MB forgot while halfway through making up his own storyline


FYI- I had 2 sources tell me that NATO was behind the bridge attack. The 2nd source was reading to me on the phone the story that it was NATO as we were confirming the 1st source. All 3 of us then tried to pull it back up(for hours) to no avail. It has been totally scrubbed and Ukraine SSU stepped forward to claim responsibility.

Rob William

The 3rd source said that both 1st and 2nd sources are wrong. The 4th source said that 1st is correct, 2nd is wrong and 3rd is indeterminate. How is this possible?


I love your thinking!


1 million operatives.

Nick NavyBlueSmoke Nicholson

The true patriots of The United States are Tried in times of battle & stress ! Some fold , like a cheap suit , & others remain true to Creator God & His Chosen President ! Only a small group of true patriots made the establishment of The United States Republic possible ! In percentage terms it was a small minority of those living in that time. Just as in the days of this nations founding , vast majority of parasites , live off the sacrifices of the Few , The Proud , The SOF Types of Today ! False Patriots will be remembered forever as the cowards they are ……. I do not envy their reputations ……….. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Rob William

Battle battle battle! Don’t they also teach at the military academy that being peaceful is the best even when you at war?

terry Jacks

Throwing out the God excuse/defense every time your ass is in a crack is the weasels way out. Why don’t you Bible thumpers grow up and do something, other than pull out the fairy tale excuses, such as “God will punish them”. We need to take them out. We are not waiting for God to do it.

Nick NavyBlueSmoke Nicholson

Jerry , your response shows you do not understand the crux of the question. I sorta think you are the backseat driver whom never held the wheel. Nick , navyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Rob William

Not correct.



64-minute lecture

Russian with English subtitles


Whirlwind detailed, informative overview of the socioeconomic breakdown (now/always) troubling ‘the masses’ which (ultimately) benefits the elite at the top of the socioeconomic ladder/pyramid.

To save time, watch this clip in VideoLAN at 2x or faster with the sound muted and read the subtitles if you do not understand Russian.

VideoLAN is available here

videolan dawt 0rg

Angel Askew

👍 This is top notch information!🙏


Found the link here

henrymakow dawt komm

scroll down to the ‘Oct. 8’ article, it is the last link in that article.

Henry’s site has excellent information on the paymasters and their helpers.

Sorry, forgot to add a link to Henry’s site in my prior post. His site and Jim Stone’s site (jimstone dawt is / jimstoneindia dawt komm) ALWAYS has quality info there you will NOT see in the paymaster-owned Main Stream Media.


Oh cool so now you’re ready to wait until 2026 for anything to happen. When do you think they’ll move those goalposts to when 2026 rolls around? 2030 probably?

Rob William

He needs get on to the MBs radar. Don Lemon night show is already being cancelled due to low ratings and he will appear in the morning show.




Trump did not tell anyone to attack or invade the Capitial Building. The Capital Police invited people in and they also shot and killed many and the Democrats and sellout GOP Mitch McConnell let them do it. After being in jail all this time I would not call them traitors, and if they capitulate to the evil I’m not sure that would help them anyway.


Don’t forget, a new book is coming out showing Lindsey Graham was upset that police did not shoot at people during the Capitol siege, and he snapped as a deceased officer’s mother during a meeting when the officer’s girlfriend told him he was being disrespectful.

politico dot com forward slash minutes forward slash congress forward slash 10-7-2022 forward slash fanone-graham-shot-jan-6 forwards slash

the guardian dot com forwards slash books forward slash 2022 forward slash oct forward slash 07 forward slash trump-lindsey-graham-michael-fanone-capitol-rioters-shot-head-book

themindshield dot com forward slash lindsey-graham-threatened-to-end-a-meeting-with-officer-brian-sicknicks-mother-if-she-didnt-stop-criticizing-trump-book-says

businessinsider dot com forward slash graham-threatened-to-end-meeting-with-sicknicks-mother-politico-2022-10?international=true&r=US&IR=T

buck fiden

Jim Kolbe (RINOFAG-AZ) and Linseed Grahamnasty (RINOFAG-SC) should just suck each other off and exchange different strains of genital warts.


President Trump is absolutely correct.

However are the people who are disavowing maybe doing so under actual torture? I would not be surprised given the way they have abused people in DC prison. Something seems forced about this.

Rob William

How will Trump do under actual torture? He ridiculed John McCain who endured 2 years of real torture by Vietnamese but himself avoided the draft by using doctor’s fake certificate. Personally DJT is a big big coward who ran into the basement on the news of a mob coming towards WH.

Angel Askew


Nick NavyBlueSmoke Nicholson

Senator No Name is no one to quote as a hero ! You are a provable idiot by even mentioning that Traitor , whom gave the fly-In routes to the North Vietnamese so he could have lenient treatment & medical care far above the usual prisoner of war status . Many survivors of the Hanoi Hilton despised that slimeball. How could you even mention his name when he actively stopped rescue attempts of POW’s paid for by true patriots ? He denied the small amount of money the NVA requested for their safe return & it has been reported that many living POW’s died soon after McShames act of denying funds . They were shot & buried in unmarked graves according to villagers in the area. As for Donald being a coward , I dare you to challenge him in a fair fight . Pick your weapons carefully as he is an accomplished sportsman at games not limited to golf ! Go Ahead , Make My Day ! ……. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Rob William

What’s a fair fight? I can beat him in 5K, 10K, half marathon, tennis, ping pong, basketball, shot put, hammer throw, arm wrestling and push ups – not only in his old body but when he was in his prime health… I was thrown a little back by the Covid infection I had but I have slowly recovered to a decent form.


Lmao Donald Trump is 76 years old and obese and has never been in the military or anything like that, no fucking way he could withstand a fight

Nick NavyBlueSmoke Nicholson

Very Appropriate that the last 3 letters of your name distinctly point out your attributes . Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


John McCain was a fucking traitor he was never tortured he was part of the VC you ignorant son of a bitch

Jan D Hunsinger

That’s right. He was or became a traitor..wrinkled flag.

buck fiden

Another RINO, Jon Kolbe, was a wrinkled fag.

question everything

“So, so you think you can tell

Heaven from Hell?Blue skies from pain?

Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?

A smile from a veil?Do you think you can tell?

Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?

Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze?

Cold comfort for change?Did you exchange

A walk-on part in the war

For a lead role in a cage?”

The point is, it ain’t rocket science! Can you discern anything at all? Acknowledgement of lies will never make them true!

question everything

This is fun….I wasn’t aware you could pinpoint an exact spot(2:08:09) in a video…in the link:

question everything

No. I prefer to rise above the gloom where I can see clearly what is really going on. There was a time many years ago when I thought being ‘comfortably numb’ was okay, but have since learned that you must face reality before you can ever possibly change it.

question everything

I will if you quit pretending to use logic.

Last edited 2 years ago by question everything
buck fiden


buck fiden

Sorry. Some of us can’t help it.

buck fiden

Are you about to fuck Stacey Abrams?

question everything

Here’s a fun fact for ya…it is 157 years later and Abraham Lincoln is still being called President. According to your logic, is that also only explainable by bacterial encephalitis?

question everything

LOL….I see your point.
IMO, all are probably created equal(but not the same), but that surely doesn’t mean that they remain equal. Some mature faster and further than others; some learn from experiences, failures and successes, some have to repeat the process several times to learn, and there are those who seem to never learn.
“What we are now witnessing” and where it is going will be a huge test and challenge for all of us, but even more so for those who just aren’t prepared….physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.
I know you told me to quit acting like a Jew, but it is important that I say this:
Yah bless you and keep you
Yah make His face shine upon you
And give you shalom.

question everything

“we are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” attributed to Benjamin Franklin, but ‘fact-checkers’ disagree.

Jan D Hunsinger

I would have avoided the draft too for that horrific sick fake war!!!!!! ANd no. He was in NY.

buck fiden

The Zhou Biden war upcoming, in which the USA is scheduled to lose, is also one that should be avoided.


If PDJT were really such a coward he would not have started the fight against child sex trafficking, late term abortions and MS-13 gangs from invading.

Did you know there is a new video out since Roe v. Wade was overturned that shows a black woman glorifying abortion with stacks of cash (that most of us do not have in our own hands) and another black woman twerking on the car? She even makes the husband-hating, baby-hating, gay-loving Nazi-hearted, eugenicist-supporting feminists look good. The lyrics of the song “Baby Daddy Free,” BDF for short, speak of murder on the mind, never mind if the guys actually WANT their babies. But the majority of men like being baby free, too, because they are part of the 64% of people forcing, coercing abortions on the females.


Huh, huh, yeah
Murder (Murder)
Murder (Murder)
They not fuckin’ with me
I’m BDF, nigga, baby daddy free
That mean I ain’t got a nigga baby comin’ outta me
So I’m A-B-O-R-T-I-N-G
On my way to the clinic, I forgot the Plan B
Let’s go
Bitch, I got murder on my mind (Murder)
Let’s go
Bitch, I got murder on my mind (Murder, murder)
Let’s go
Bitch, I got murder on my mind (Murder)
Let’s go
Bitch, I got murder on my mind
Look, I forgot the Plan B
Ain’t no nigga cuffin’ me
You can’t put me on a shelf, bitch, I’m outside with the team
All these bitches havin’ babies, but that ain’t finna be me
Said he wanna settle down, nigga sellin’ all thesе dreams
He got one kid, two kid, three kid, four
Bitch, hе cheaper by the dozen if his ass have any mo’
And I’m only 25, still got a couple years to go
I don’t need a babysitter ’cause this baby gotta go
It’s a shortage on the milk, and them diapers be expensive
I ain’t tryna be a MILF, so I swallow all his children
I got hyphy in my blood, so you know I’m big pimpin’
Niggas tryna fall in love, tell them niggas I ain’t with it
I done took care of niggas, now it’s time to care for me
Rearrange the alphabets and skip the Ls, I’m a P
I be on these bitches’ necks, they like, “Nique, I can’t breathe”
VVSs in my Cuban and my wrist is AP
Let’s go
Bitch, I got murder on my mind (Murder, murder, murder)
Let’s go
Bitch, I got murder on my mind (Murder)
Let’s go
Bitch, I got murder on my mind
Let’s go
Bitch, I got murder on my mind
I’m BDF, nigga, baby daddy free
That mean I ain’t got a nigga baby comin’ outta me
So I’m A-B-O-R-T-I-N-G
On my way to the clinic, I forgot the Plan B
Let’s go
Bitch, I got murder on my mind (Murder)
Bitch, I got murder on my mind (Murder, murder)

Glorified depopulation. This is where our country would have been headed if the SCOTUS had not voted 6-9 against Roe. Thank you, God and thank you Clarence Thomas!

Trump is not a coward. He called for Congress to stop the baby killing, which Nasty Nancy smacked down 87 times and Steve Scalise had to fight for a floor vote (he loves babies, too). He stood for unborn life. He proclaimed that the Constitution stands for LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Emphasis on the LIFE.
If he would have just done business as usual with McConnell and Noname and the crazycrats, and not doublecrossed the Rothschilds — who owned the late Queen of England and NoName and the witch of Washington — the deep state would have handsomely rewarded him with hundreds of millions of dollars more, like they did Hillary and NoName, and they wouldn’t have ripped him and his family members to shreds all those years. Only Trump is different, thank God.

buck fiden

The Lord High Cuntess of Abortion, Margaret Sanger, lived her life and died in Tucson, the fag capital and San Francisco of Arizona.

Ready or Not

In a meeting on that day Rep Don Young pulled out his pistol and set it on his desk. Meanwhile, while his door was locked, he said, “an insurrection happens when every person has a gun in hand; the group of 100 people are the ones causing trouble”. Oh how I wish he was present to testify.

Above Reproach

Hay how would ya like to be a Millionaire ? All ya gotta do is say what we tell ya to say , have sex with this under age girl on film. And never vote republican again what do ya say ? It sure as Hell beats spending 18 years in the worst possible prison we can find. Ya got till I count to 10. 1, 2,

Kelly Brown

Cowards. No faith.

orange julius

Does he look like Buck Fiden?

buck fiden

Hope not!