Illegal Immigrants Vote Democrat in Colorado


Illegal Immigrants in Colorado used fraudulent state identification cards to vote for Democrats in the 2022 midterm election, said a source at U.S. Army Cyber Command who has been analyzing suspicious election results.

Cyber Command, he said, reached this conclusion after reviewing voting station surveillance footage and enlisting the aid of local law enforcement sympathetic to the White Hat movement. On Wednesday Cyber Command reviewed videos taken at three polling stations in Pueblo County, Colorado. Each appeared to show the same conspicuously dressed Hispanic male in his mid-30s filling out ballots. In each instance, the man presented I.D. to election officials before being given a ballot.

“At first we didn’t know he’s an illegal and we guessed his race based on the video. He was wearing a cowboy hat, a very loud purple button-up shirt, jeans, and yellow sneakers. Only one of the videos was color, but it was the same guy, and he wasn’t very color coordinated. We used gait recognition software to confirm it,” our source said.

Cyber Command, he went on, reached out to a Pueblo County Sheriff’s deputy, a Marine who had fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, and explained they had reason to believe voter fraud had taken place in his county. The video was emailed to the deputy, who lamented Colorado’s voter registration laws—Colorado is unusual in that it allows people to register to vote the day of an election—and said the county’s heavy Hispanic population would make it nearly impossible to find him. The footage, the deputy noted, was too grainy to ascertain names and addresses on the man’s identification cards. He told Cyber Command, however, he’d do his best to help.

Our source at Cyber Command would not name the deputy but said, “Make no mistake, we have allies in local law enforcement across the country.”

It was the deputy, he added, who considered the possibility that the unknown voter was an illegal immigrant, for many of the county’s homeless shelters were overflowing with illegals that the criminal Biden regime had bussed in from places such as Eagle Pass, Texas, and Nogales, Arizona.

The deputy reportedly took it upon himself to visit day shelters and boarding houses Wednesday afternoon, and, by sheer luck, came upon a Hispanic man wearing yellow Under Armor running shoes, $100 sneakers. When the deputy, who spoke conversational Spanish, questioned him, he at first insisted he was an American citizen down on his luck, but he ultimately buckled under scrutiny and admitted he was a “Guatemalan refugee” who entered the United States through Arizona on October 25.

His real name, he said, was Kappo Hernandez, and that he had come to America to work, so he could wire money to his family in Guatemala.

The deputy found on him three forged state I.D. cards, each with a fictitious name—Eduardo Salazar, Jose Lopez, and Daniel Garcia—and an actual Pueblo County address. As his story goes, when Mr. Hernandez crossed the border, he met “white men in suits” who promised him cash in exchange for a favor. The “men” purportedly gave him $500 and a bus ticket to Colorado after instructing him how to register to vote and whom to vote for—straight line Democrats. They took a passport-style photograph of Mr. Hernandez and told him to stay at the Pueblo Rescue Mission, adding that he’d be contacted the day after with further instructions.

“Someone showed up at the Mission and handed Hernandez three counterfeit I.D. cards. They told him where to register and where to vote. They gave him $1000 more, promising to return with an added $2500 after Election Day,” our source said.

Mr. Hernandez told the deputy he followed the instructions to the letter but never received the additional cash he had been promised.

The deputy, our source said, informed the Pueblo County Election board but was told all it could do was document the complaint.

Cyber Command is attempting to discover the depth of fraud in Pueblo County.

“We don’t believe this is an isolated incident. But we need more proof to prove this is a widespread, systemic issue,” our source said.

Incidentally, Pueblo County is part of Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, where House Rep. Lauren Boebert is running a tight race against Democrat Adam Frisch.

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I plan to vote for Trump. It is just not the time for Desantis.

trust nothing

A reminder to the Biden regime;

A person (including a group of persons, business, organization or local government) commits a federal felony when he assists an alien whom he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization,

  1. by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him to obtain employment, encourages that alien to remain in the U.S.,
  2. by referring him to an employer, by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way,
  3. knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions penalties upon conviction include criminal fines, imprisonment, and forfeiture of vehicles and real property used to commit the crime.

Is it a crime to enter the U.S. illegally?
According to U.S. immigration law, crossing the border illegally is a federal misdemeanor,

Those who commit marriage fraud or immigration-related entrepreneurship fraud in an attempt to stay in the United States illegally are likely to face either a fine of up to $250,000 or up to 5 years of jail time.- Omar?

Voting by noncitizens, including illegal aliens, is expressly prohibited by law.


Barbara Lernor Spectre will proudly telling you who is trying to destroy America.


The military needs to round them all up and take them to the fema death camps.


everyone is anticipating tomorrow’s big announcement. !

Sharon Janice Manning

I have discovered Derek Johnson and he is brilliant as far as Military Law and Constitutional Law. He’s on Telegram at 1776 Nation, he’s on FB with same moniker. He has a website where he lists all pertinent laws applicable to our current situation. I’d highly recommend listening to him. He has restored my hope and faith.


Agreed. My only beef with him is the responsiveness of his website. It took ‘ages’ to copy all the PDFs he has there but it was worth it. The clip he did that went viral proved he knew his stuff and agreed with prior online research I did before I saw his clip. I hope one day he can move his website to a webhost with better, faster capacity. There is a possibility that DS fvckery is afoot and that is why access to his website was ‘crappy’ for me. Another possibility is that at the time I copied the PDFs from his site, it was overwhelmed by other people trying obtain copies as well. Those PDFs contain good, worthwhile information.

Last edited 1 year ago by IsThisFairUse2

Derek let mydocuments dawt info go or DS DNS fvckery is afoot. So glad I got the PDFs off of there before the domain went kaput and came back with different content.

Here is the viral clip he made that is still on YouTube for now.


Maybe the whitehats told YouTube to protect this clip so they don’t scrub it.

John .S

LoL, let me contribute to this rhetoric, whereas a Sunday news post would have averted this type of banter [sacarsm] in opening new topic, and or, update on old news stimulating viable commentaries and collective thought.

In hyperbole, running with Buck nonsense, believe Buck went to his hunker down location, uncertainty brewing in Maricopa.

Suspect Buck not using wireless devices avoiding having his location pinged [triangulated].

All the best Buck, hope you acquired a low cost portable generator, and 45-70 rifle.

Previously RRN was known to post on Sunday between 12 & 2pm EST, until recently that hasn’t materialized, causing myself to write rhetoric that Elijah Woods was seen at Aqueduct Racetrack.

Clearly this article went stagnant that exhausted viable commentaries, and readership was hoping to find Sunday newspaper on their porch.


i firmly believe we are screwed. nothing is going to happen our country is lost, the military is comprimised and will not step in to save anything, we are f-cked !

J Bill

correct! lmaoooooooooooo


the glass is not half empty ….
look at it as though the glass was half full…!
Cheer UP..
Do some volunteer work down at the mission.
Help the homeless and the hungry…
We are better off than the trolls on this site.
I heard recently that the Webb sight ( purposely spelled incorrectly)
Attracts hate !
That’s shocking to read….
Who in RRN would say that, let alone print it ? 😓


Lorne Michaels/Sat Nite live has always promoted the Dems. Now in the opening monologue by Dave Chappelle, he spends his time ripping into Herschel Walker. How is this legal. There are laws on “equal time” in an election. Lawsuits should be filed against SNL and Chappelle. All jokes insinuated that Herschel was a stupid man whose tongue hangs out at rest. This requires immediate action.


As I write this, Fox radio announces Dave Chappelle news coming up. Let’s see what dirty Fox has to say.


That is why I will never own a television ever again.

John .S

In navigational talk, referencing
Compass Rose, TVMDC [True, Variation, Magnetic, Deviation, Compass] recited as: “TV Makes Dumb Children” that phase often utilized amongst mariners.

Rob William

Yes, better to rent it.


you can get everything you need with a star Link Internet connection and a tablet.
you don’t need television !


It might surprise you to learn that SNL is not, in fact, a news program.


Just called the local Fox affiliate in St Louis and they said they will be covering the Chappelle clip tomorrow. This below-the- belt insult of Herschel will backfire onto the Dems.

Sharon Janice Manning

I suppose they prefer Warnock who ran over his wife and evicted elderly tenants who only owed $28.00. Nice guy and a pastor, too.


Dems already won the Senate, Christine. Chapelle is a comedian, not a Dem official. How do expect this to backfire? It will be forgotten in less than a week.

Rob William

Which law forces all the entertainment or news channels to give equal coverage to all parties? What does it even mean (for example there are independents, libertarians etc)?


The Equal Time (Wikipedia) rule specifies that American radio and television stations must provide equivalent access to competing political candidates. SNL slandered Herschel before an election. These laws need to be more vigorously enforced. Trump has also been pilloried by the Media as we know.

Dave Smith

No new articles is this normal ? Hope everyone is okay..

Dave Smith

Clam before the Big Strom ??? Let’s hope…


Mike is in a bad spot. The red wave turned out to be a small discharge and it showed how Republicans want to get away from Trump. Mike is getting called out about his earlier EBS story and defaults to “I only write what they tell me”.
At the same time he is begging for money to start a video channel. Wake up clowns!


Yeah this is normal, it just happens sometimes when MB runs out of ideas. He really wrote himself into a corner here, he said the EBS would happen after the midterms if the Dems do well and ‘Cyber Command detects fraud’. Well the Dems did pretty well, and he has already written two stories about Cyber Command detecting fraud, and lo and behold: no EBS like always.

So he’s either a) struggling to think up yet another weak excuse for why the EBS was ‘delayed’ again, or b) going silent for a while in hopes that you guys forget that promise he made and he can move on to his usual invisible arrest stories and junk.

Last edited 1 year ago by Lloyd
Rob William

I think he also has a day job because donations aren’t sufficient to support him.


it ain’t over yet
the midterms don’t count
until the fat lady sings..
and they ain’t done counting votes yet
and there’s more votes than there were ballots mailed out..
election fraud is a fact
and there’s evidence everywhere ,
in every state
and the dead are still voting !
and the illegals are still voting once, twice, maybe three times !
EAS needs to replace mainstream media…
and Lloyd needs to go to re-education camp…😼

Jose Ramirez

Once upon a time USA was a great nation. Today USA is the laugh of the entire world. USA today is a nation of a fake president, fake election, fake media, fake communication, fake freedom, and fake respect to the constitution. Very sad. The military is the only option.

Rob William

Everyday is a new day!


The military are the same traitorous filth as the rest of the entities you named.
There are no white hats and this nation is dead.
Every story on this site is stupid and not remotely true.

J Bill

and fake names on a wordpress blog!! lmao


good night everyone
I’m going to take a few days off
you all play nice now. !


Enjoy the stay at rehab!


I fooled you again
ain’t going anywhere…
why should I ?
the fun is about to begin !


hang in there Buck will be back in a few


How long has he been missing?

J Bill

i’m SHOCKED mb forgot to switch accounts again!

Judy Kennedy

My post below is waiting approval. Is Real Raw News censoring posts now?

J Bill



real raw news doesn’t censor your posts unless you said something dirty or something obscene or something that you shouldn’t have said
try reposting…


RRN does not censor dirty or obscene things, or even racial slurs, Wildcat. Observe:

piss fuck shit cunt ass dick motherfucker cocksucker

What it *does* censor is Michael Baxter’s real name ( and the screen names of several posters he has banned. The n-word is totally fine here but don’t you dare mention the likes of e.xile or jim bu.ffer or

Rob William



We should have a march to Heidi’s condo and demand answers.


I am not the one being “censored or banned”
I do DARE to mention the likes of e.xile or Jim bu.ffer or
or we.dge and get away with saying “nigger”.. cause you don’t have the balls !
So grow a pair !




All be still and remain calm, Never EVER Give Up everything is going as planned!!!
The enemy has always been within and we knew it all along, but we got this!!!
Do Not be afraid do Not fear, even though these people are sick, they’re also stupid, so stupid they do the same thing over again & again
They want us to believe they won, when they were set up “again”, we just needed to catch a few more of their minions
They, are Liars, thieves and cheaters bought & paid for
They cannot stop whats comings
Sometimes you must step back, just to see whose loyal to you
It is time for Justice, there is and will be [NO forgiveness]
Let the pain begin:
High Treason
Election Fraud
Crimes Against Humanity
Mass Murder
They* know whats coming and don’t care because they think they’ll be safe
They* could Never be so wrong.
Nuremberg 2.0 Redux

Last edited 1 year ago by goober

Lol what was the point of “setting them up again” when the White Hats already caught them in a setup the first time and never did anything with it at all 🙃

Rob William

It’s like “if they try and do it one more time, we will not tolerate it”…


Third ‘stolen’ election must be the charm, huh guys 🙃

John .S

This just in.
Elijah Wood seen by credible source at Aqueduct Racetrack Casino/Hotel.

Elijah was in the company of unknown adolescent male. Stay tuned for further Elijah sightings.


But MB claims he was already arrested and sent to Gitmo a month ago bro 🤷‍♂️

John .S

Duh – Hello – Sarcasm.

J Bill

duh – mike – your sarcasm is fucking weird.

John .S

It’s, ***innuendo*** via lack of Sunday news delivery, nothing weird about it.

For few it’s hard to think outside the box and interpret writings written in jest [innuendo].

Status on Elijah overdue, Brian Stelter swiftly addressed, Elijah in limbo.

No anticipated Sunday news, then write your own, and see who responds *off the cuff* could say, knee jerk reaction.

BTW, an innuendo is actually a rectal thermometer.

What’s the difference between an oral and rectal thermometer? Answer: both have a different taste.

J Bill

you’re a dumbass, mike

Rob William

Elijah’s clone sightings?


more Indian born socialists taking over..
Maryland Lt. Gov..

See the trend.. Prime Minister of Uk, too.. East Indians INVADE the West..


Wa State flooded with East Indians.. courtesey of Pramila (abortion cheerleader and open borders commie)

Rob William

Aren’t they duly elected? Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal are of Indian origin too. So are Kash Patel and 2000 mules guy. If you don’t like, don’t vote for them.


You madam are a racist. Your posts are regularly obnoxious. I thought the idea was that the USA was the land of those who want to work and succeed. If people in industry and business get the top jobs it’s generally means they are industrious hard working people. Does it matter what skin colour they have? That’s what built America we are led to believe.


Darlene’s entire life is seeing a brown person and getting extremely angry about it. Over and over and over. This is literally every day of her life, it’s all she posts about.




not true.. my true love happens to be brown person.. Polynesian..


Now that is a shocking twist! You’re still racist as fuck though 🤷‍♂️


IT IS ABOUT MASSIVE INFLUX OF IMMIGRANTS/ILLEGALS/REFUGEES.. NOT just “brown people”.. you are CLOUDING THE ISSUE AND MISSING THE POINT.. ZERO IMMIGRANTS IS WHAT WE NEED TO STOP THE DESTRUCTION of our NATION.. We have enough poor people.. limited resources, housing, food, etc.. WE ARE NOT THE WORLD”S FUCKIGN PIGGY BANK of UNLIMITED FREEBIES for other people who have fuck’d up their own countries and expect US TO BE THEIR SAVIOR and BREAK OUR BACKS to FEED AND HOUSE THEM!!!

Dave Smith

i. Don’t have a problem with anyone comming as long as they do it legal . Must of us are here because someone in our past decided too come here….

Last edited 1 year ago by Dave Smith

very limited MERIT BASED immigration ONLY with restricted caps on Every country so they don’t OUTNUMBER Americans who have been here for generations!!!


Hello. I have notice many stupid and offensive comments on this website but never really bothered to take note of who was espousing them. It was was this women started ranting on that the UK prime minister was a Muslim that made me take note of who was dumb and offensive enough to be saying that. Thank you for the info , I am now fully aware of at least one pig ignorant person on this website. Dear ignorant person please at least take the time to understand who somebody is before lumping them all together and ranting.


we re being COLONIZED by 3rd world under guise of “immigration”.. we need to go back to VERY LIMITED or NO immigration like 1926 or whenever that law was passed.. Kennedy fucked up all with open season immigration.. Look at Japan or China.. do they OPEN the fLOODGATES to DILUTE their national identity and heritage .. those who BUILT their countires to turn around and let them be REPLACED by the newcomers.. that is what is happening all over EUROPE, AUstralia nZ and America.. THE SAME MODEL AS SOUTH AFRICA!! WE HAVE ENOUGH FOREIGNERS.. ALL THEY DO IS INCREASE COMPETITION and USE UP OUR RESOURCES< FOOD< HOUSING< ETC and ACT LIKE they OWN THE PLACE!!!


NOBODY CALLS JAPAN RACIST.. because they allow NO muslims in their country.. same with China.. except for slaves… Why are we OBLIGATED to allow 3rd world UNLIMITED immigration.. We don’t want this INVASION.. Too many people from 3rd world that are DILUTING AMERICAN HERITAGE.. We are a NATION FOUNDED UNDER GOD by CHRISTIAN MEN and Muslims don’t fit into this Constitutional Constraint.. and we don’t need any more 3rd world people who are NON WHITE and NOn CHRISTIAN to DILUTE our population who are descendants of this IDENTITY AND FOUNDING.

Dave Smith

All the other nation are being given the gold and sliver that’s been stolen over the years. The United States of America will be the last one too go back too money backed by real gold and slivet . Not the fait money. Soo all the nation’s will have equal money system. It will be called different names but it will be valued the same all over the world .they will be able too rebuild their countries. Soo i don’t think you will have any 3rd world countries anymore. It’s what NESRA & GESRA IS all about amen God bless us all Amen.


Quote from Breitbard.. 2 YEARS ago regarding the INVASION of 3rd world Africans or other POC from Non Christian countries.. IT IS ALL OF EUROPE THAT HATES THIS INVASION.. NOT JUST ME!!

I think he described EVERY former white Western country.. WE WERE NEVER ASKED, WE WERE NEVER EVEN TOLD ABOUT IT.. Then one day we looked around and nobody we saw, looked like us, or spoke the same language…. You have to admit, they didn’t come in, in dribs and drabs, they came in hordes.

J Bill

lmao crrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more

Rob William

Llyod seems to have pressed the “open the floodgates” button.


Jesus Christ you are so fucking whiny about this shit, just move to Oklahoma or something already


FYI. Most East Indians are not socialist they swing more to the right as they are into free market within the mercantile class with low taxes and an aspiration to succeed. You can argue if you want but they are difinitively not communist. By the way the Prime Minister of the UK leads the Right Wing party. Just in case you don’t understand that, it make him a Republican.


Name ONE INDIAN in OFFICE that is NOT a DEMOCRAT??? Prime Minister in UK is WEF STOOGE and FOR NWO AGENDA which is to replace white people.. spread Islam to the West and REPEAT SOUTH AFRICA ANTI WHITE AGENDA ALL OVER EUROPE!!! D’nish Desousa and Harmit and Kash are the ONLY INdians I know that are not socialists NWO agents of this agenda.. Niki Haley is United Nations stooge, too… Jindal not exactly a MAGA Fan…


Never said those words.. you are LIAR! and SLANDER..


He may in your opinion be a Republican but perhaps in name only which we fondly call RINO. I have nothing against immigration, just do it legally. I am an immigrant from the Pearl of The Orient Seas but came here legally on a P3 ( Professional) visa. Blessings,


I live there and it’s funny all I see are Dan Cox signs, republican gov candidate. but he was polling way lower and he lost. It’s a well oiled machine here so there’s no way to know. It’s just odd.


Dear ignorant person. In case you didn’t know the Prime Minister of the UK is the leader of the Conservative Party. This would make Rishi Sunak an equivalent of a Republican.


Gate’s divorce was a money-preservation move and now we see the same thing with Tom Brady and Giselle. Apparently Tom was a big player with FTX. That means Tom and Giselle knew months ago that the sheet was going to hit the fan.


Mike wrote that Gates was executed at GITMO. No reason for a divorce when one person is dead.


Did you forget about the confiscation of assets?


Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX was the second biggest donor to the Dems after Soros. With the timing of Tom Brady’s divorce rumors, the Dems knew what was brewing-consequently they were even more desperate to cheat. Now Pelosi is backtracking on leaving. They are going to steal the House as well. They have to stave off all investigations. Writing is on the wall.

Rob William

As per RRN more than half the people you are talking about are already dead or at GTMO.

J Bill

everyone is dead. who’s being investigated?


Why else would Gates get the divorce? He was protecting money. Unlike Bezos, there were no affairs. Same with Brady, all of a sudden his “marriage” fails with no valid excuse. It’s all about money. When Biden was “elected” Brady was first in line at the Biden “White House”. There are deals going on and Brady was all in.


While Trump was President they were all “lawyered up”. We don’t know who is dead or alive or replaced. Once Biden stole 2020 (after assuring Queen Elizabeth the week before) all the rats have come out of hiding, including the Hollywood crew like Oprah.

J Bill

“We don’t know who is dead or alive or replaced.”

i do

J Bill

There are deals going on and Brady was all in.



FTX was used to launder funds through Ukraine and back to the Dems and Rinos(Kemp). Brady was involved in FTX with the others at the top of the Ponzi scheme. Starlink watches all monies since Aug 2021. They needed a new scam to fund their ops. It is estimated that FTX was going to sink 1 Billion into the 2024 election. The crash of FTX shows the influence of the White Hats. They are being boxed in, now with Musk aiding the good Military, the Deep State is running out of options. If they weren’t confident on stealing the midterms, they likely were going to light a match to War.

J Bill



Barbara Lernor Spectre will proudly tell you who the dybbuks in meat suits are behind all of these coldwar tactics. The military should land 2 divisions of marines in Israel and slay every last Haavara Coin Nazi family member on Gods Holy Mountain. They are Gods enemies not his chosen. In 2 Esdra 1:24. God cut off and cursed all the tribe of Judah members. They havent been spiritually relevant to anyone but themselves andtheir star god Remphan/Lucifer.

Rob William

I don’t think Jews and Israelis are anti American. In fact Israel is a important counter balance to the rabid anti-American feelings in the Middle East.

John .S

Becareful what you wish for folks, here’s a situation in Minnesota, Lock & Load.

youtube [dot] com/shorts/p1S8ziixXjM?feature=share


Remember the Boston Marathon Bombing Hoax while #44 was in office?


Excellent 12 minute breakdown for ‘busy people’


Detailed, 167 minute breakdown for the ‘full presentation’


To save these important clips to archive/redistribute them, use the instructions available here


The above link is an important ‘addendum’ to another RRN link it links to that contains the actual instructions. This way you get ‘all the instructions’.


Military swept neighborhoods with lethal firearms at the ready which was different from the ones in the clip John .S linked to. Had it been the guys from Boston in the clip, they probably would have just picked one civilian off and let that make the others do what they wanted.

The fear/possibility of death is the greatest motivator of people bar none….

The military in the clip John .S linked to used a different approach and got the same results — sorta like this:

0:22 – 2:36 of


John .S

That’s where big bore 40 cal+ rifles comes into play, getting off a few key essential shots.

One through the neck causing head to roll like bowling ball, other through someone’s vest, another between someone’s eyes, similar in slamming an apple with sledge hammer.

*Weekend Warriors* will go running, yelping: “OMG – WTF just happened, I didn’t sign up for this”, in stripping them of their authoritarianism.

Yeah Baby, that’s how it’s done, total reverse psy-op, flipping their script, turning predators into the prey.

Amateurs use AR-15, fact need big bore rifles, 419 or 450 Rigby, 458 Winchester Mag, 460 Weatherby Mag, 500 Jeffery.

Patriots get your act in order, establish a plan, time is near, uncertainty is knocking.

God Bless America.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

nothing there

question everything

I get a coupon from ‘the corporation’ every year before thanksgiving for a honey baked ham, but I get honey baked turkey instead.

I hear the miniatures make great pets…

Sandy Koufax

We can’t allow civilization to perish because of these offensive members. It’s up to each individual to act.

And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.


Ok man, get started


Just keep sending money to Trump and the Republican party. They’ll stop the cheating in 2024….

Rob William

Or 2026 or 2028 or 2030… whenever they get a chance.


What are you planning to do? continue to let elections be stolen? What about Arizona with Kelly? in Philadelphia Project Verita has several videos of election night forcing people to vote Democrat at different polling places, in Nevada the same and other states as well, what are they really planning to do? I’m tired of seeing this again, and the military who claim to be on Trump’s side, do nothing about it. I am very disillusioned, our country is going to shit at lightning speed. What a pity USA they steal it from us.


Ok guys here’s the plan:
-nothing will happen
-MB will write more fake stories
-MB will ask for more donafion money


Ll0yd: [Ad Hominem attack against Michael Baxter omitted.]

[Must misspell paid troll handles to avoid moderation.]

The paid trolls are voting themselves up to appear legitimate. There also appears to be ‘secret/hidden’ paid trolls who NEVER post here anymore at RRN to be able to do this. Please do not fall for this ploy. More information about this situation at RRN available here


Last edited 1 year ago by IsThisFairUse2

Lol, if I’m wrong then where’s the EBS Mike promised you? 🤷‍♂️

Rob William

Actually, you have many negative votes! What’s the right measure to identify troll/non-troll?

question everything


Destroying the
reproductive systems
of children that
Planned Parenthood
couldn’t murder.



[www dawt zerohedge dawt komm]/covid-19/much-ado-about-nothing

Z Freedom: “2.9 million people died of Influenza and Pneumonia in 2018
98% decline in influenza cases in 2020
2.8 million “die of covid” in 2020’s really not that hard figure out what they’ve done”

That was seasonal flu ‘rebranded’ as ‘covid’ to facilitate the Plandemic to jab (and kill) as many people as possible. The end game was this:


9:56 of









The ‘executive summary’ of the Plandemic–FULL STOP!

Please watch the whole 23-minute clip–it is worth your time.

By way of another post at the above link on ZeroHedge, I found this

[freewestmedia dawt komm]/2022/10/05/unvaccinated-are-the-best-of-mankind/

“They [the unvaccinated] did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone and they believed they were alone.

Shut out from their families’ Christmas tables, they have never seen anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, they dropped their careers, they ran out of money…but they didn’t care. They suffered untold discrimination, denunciations, betrayals and humiliations… but they carried on.

Never before in humanity has there been such discrimination, we now know who the resisters are on Planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races and all religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

It is you who passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not pass.”

— Christian Blanchon, General of the French Army

General Blanchon’s full quote is available at the above URL. Please take time to read it.

I was CONVINCED the Plandemic was exactly that because I found out long ago at the start of this deadly scam that the alleged Covid virus is so small, it goes RIGHT THROUGH a N95 protective mask making them pointless to wear for protection against Covid. For ‘full’ protection, you have to wear an airtight biohazard suit with its own air supply. I am thankful and grateful to have been able to discover this information through prior online research. Now, over two years later, the SHOCKING truths about the death jabs have come out like this one:


Connects lots of dots to prior online research making this an excellent summary clip about the Plandemic.

To save this important clip off Bitchute to archive/redistribute it, use the instructions available here


The above link is an important ‘addendum’ to another RRN link it links to that contains the actual instructions. This way you get ‘all the instructions’.



Just Me

Sha-up you jab zombie.


You phoney, .
You might as well just change your name again..
we dge..!
You know that you are a comment away from being banned again.
You are an embarrassment to other trolls.


I would gladly change my name back to we dge of MB didn’t ban it. Dunno why he hates free speech so much


Tell him to un-ban we dge then 🤷‍♂️

Just Me

Well said. I too refuse this poison shot, I knew right from the start that these jabs were not going to be good. We know Dr. Fraucie the puppy killer is a little Naz, his lies killed millions. Hitler would have been proud of this POS. I expect Nuremberg trials and many to be arrested for crimes against humanity. I have family members who refuse to do any research for themselves or listen to me and they will not admit that they were wrong and have been lie to. I was told that it was me who was brainwashed and that I should listen to the fake news media for real information who were pushing these dangerous shots.

I thank God I can think for myself and I do not follow anyone, I make it my business to search the matter out.


Your family members were right and you’ve shown them that you’re a lot dumber than they used to think you were.

Dave Smith

Let them know they can Detoxify help them.. give them your research knowledge. Be the change for the better world and Universe Amen


Amnesty for killing and maiming millions.
Ahh fuck no!
They want a purge well let it be the elite and their minion’s.
For those who believe this “Democracy of a socialist Communist order” is freedom. well wake the Hell up its not.

Last edited 1 year ago by Johnny
Dave Smith

Well said .the vaxed can Detoxify this must be let know and shared with them… Be the change for the better world and Universe Amen. And God bless us all Amen.

John .S

Matter of Election irregularities involving G I. non partisan party known as Battle of Athens Tennessee [1946].

Here’s a brief documentary, worth watching.




The cheating has been going on for decades..
That is the only way they can stay in power.


Holy cow, did jimstone ever get interesting tonight !
The bastards ‘minimized’ kanye, and it sounds like stone is now on their list.
I hope he stays vigilant. Prayers to him.


(Attempted) murder is the last of four ‘cards’ the paymasters ‘play’ against their (most hated) enemies.

The other 3 (played in sequence?) are:

1) Demonetization – shuts up ‘for profit’ truthers. YouTube is ‘Exhibit A’ of this–being owned behind the scenes by the paymasters. They did this indirectly to Jim through Paypal by ‘playing games’ with him in the past in order to block or outright steal donations sent to him through it.

2) Censorship – shuts up truthers ‘telling the truth’ FOR FREE no matter what. Again, YouTube is ‘Exhibit A’ — especially scrubbing channels warning about the dangers of the death jabs because it went against ‘the narrative’ allowing/encouraging/mandating their use against the world population. As a result, OVER 4 BILLION PEOPLE got jabbed at least once. If they did not get a do-nothing placebo jab, experts fear they will all DIE within 3 to 5 years. Already, this process has been set in motion and the paymasters, via the Main Stream Media they own, are trying to cover up the die-off as ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’ and all the children that tragically got ‘jabbed up’ or ‘jabbed out’ like the one profiled here


The paymasters censor Jim directly by making it impossible for him to send email. The last time he tried a free email provider in Germany but after a while it ‘quit working’ for him. Now he is using a ‘message window’ that he brought back after a LONG time without it available at his website. Hopefully, it will keep working for him so people can send him messages.

3) ‘Demonization’ / Marginalization – sellouts (aka ‘paid trolls’) paid by the paymasters tasked with trying to steer people away from other people sharing REAL TRUTH so that ‘a narrative’ can be established and maintained to benefit the paymasters. This is done in all sorts of ways that ‘boil down’ to



A comprehensive list is available here as a videoclip and as a text list posted in the comment section.


I made a zip file containing this clip and text/PDF versions of this list and uploaded it to a file sharing host where it was either deleted due to inactivity or at the behest of the paymasters. To save this important clip off Bitchute to archive/redistribute it, use the instructions available here


The above link is an important ‘addendum’ to another RRN link it links to that contains the actual instructions. This way you get ‘all the instructions’.

Without fail, every time I shared info from Jim and link back to his site from a post I make here, it would get downvoted/downcommented by the paid trolls. The paymasters TRULY don’t want people to know about Jim or his site because it has REAL TRUTH on it you won’t get from the Main Stream Media that the paymasters own and control. This also happens when I link to Henry Makow’s ‘dawt komm’ website as well. Henry makes REAL TRUTH available at his website as well.

Please ignore any downvotes/downcomments from the paid trolls here at RRN. Please see


for more information about this situation at RRN and proof that RRN is true/plausible.

John .S

That’s why I took to a leafleting campaign [crusade].

Been targeting mobile covid test & vax sites.

Cops say: “they don’t want you here”, I laugh saying: “I’m not going anywhere, it’s you’re move, *Please* cuff and stuff me, let’s dance”.

Police interaction somewhat subsided. Hand cops copy of: Ex Parte Young, 209 US, and remind them their Qualified Immunity is not absolute in emphasizing 1983 Civil Rights undertaking after smoke clears.

Cops get agitated when asking them: “if they own real estate”?, especially in saying: “I’ll check County Tax Assessor’s Office & microfiche data”.

I’m proficient in baiting cops, piercing their veil of good faith exception negating Harlow v Fitzgerald.

Have leaflet blitz set for December, vax mobile taking quarters inside a ‘temporary’ public library at strip mall. Main library under renovation. My presence will be interesting.

Library Board will express animosity, looking forward to castrate their top guy, and spay the Queen Bee, and spank potential PoPo along the way.

God Bless America.

Just Me

Good luck and God Bless you, you are intelligent and know exactly what you are doing. It’s nice to see that not all of us believe the lies of the news media pushing these dangerous lies nor this Dr. Killdare Fracuie.

John .S

PS: Key phrase to say to police in piercing their veil of good faith exception.

“Officers, I duly place you on notice to take cognizance to your oath of office, steadfastly in ethics and integrity, and I demand you to cease and desist the mixed war you’re waging on me as non belligerent, having chilling effect”.

Back the Blue until it happens to you, FTP.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

Of course. We believe you.


Very good. You must be so happy.

John .S

Yeah, could say, “”somewhat”” happy in turning predators into the prey, in utilizing *case law* and other *unusual means* to combat tyrannical [quasi body] agents, especially in their private capacity.

Adage: “all’s fair in love and war”, especially Mixed War.

Myself proficient in systematically jamming up adversaries, could say, as specialist, utilizing extraordinary means beyond comprehension, without physical contact.

Myself in it for shits & giggles, meticulously and relentlessly delivering retribution upon those that cast first stone *upon me* Jurisprudence remedy LoL.

Adage: “best served cold”, in having remarkable trophy mounts of retribution accomplishments.

I’m for hire, free market capitalism consulting those seeking Lex Talions remedy, could say, providing comforting peace of mind.

John .S

PS: watch this, video gone viral, matter of self admitted tyrant. Female cop depicted lucky not engaging me, or any of my family members.

Myself cannot post on YouTube, prior shadow banned, now suspended, IP address locked out.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

Please be careful. Your approach only works if the cops you interact with are ‘smart enough’ to be rational actors and know the laws/rules you use against them to ‘subdue’ them. That’s why the paymasters tell their public office puppets to hire ‘dimwitted thugs’ as cops so they ‘break eggs’ to make guys like you go away. These cops get ‘discarded’ and replaced when they get in trouble like this. There are probably (still) a few genuine on the up and up cops out there who use the peacekeeper (Mayberry Sheriff Andy Taylor / London England ‘bobby’) model of law enforcement but its mostly armed (corrupt Alonzo Harris) thugs since 9/11 (09-11-2001) trained like/by Israeli police/military who use fear and terror (when they snap and are replaced) to keep the rest of the citizenry in line on behalf of the paymasters who pay them through the municipalities they work for.

If you are going to continue with your leafleting campaign, consider getting someone you trust to ‘phonecam’ you surreptitiously at a distance to improve the odds they won’t be discovered and the cops try to get their cellphone away from them. Be sure it a cheap, ‘throwaway’ cellphone with absolutely nothing ‘mission critical’ on it and never ‘dials out’ and configured to record/upload (livestreaming) the footage to a truther-friendly videosharing site–not YouTube, FaceBook/Meta, or their ilk. This way, confiscating the phone is pointless if the ally filming you tells the cops the cellphone was livestreaming and there isn’t nothing to confiscate. They probably won’t believe them and take the phone anyway.

John .S

Covert videoing covered across the board, mutiple go-pro cameras, wireless mic.

One cop calls me Allen – – Allen Funt.

Few popo approach me walking on eggshells, can sense their uneasiness. Tell them: “choose opening statement wisely”.

A female cop that often wears rubber gloves, I asked her to check my prostate. She stands back not getting into heart of matters, giving me sneers.

Months back a cop said: “Johnny-boy, check your vehicle registration, prostate queen looking to write you.” Was two days out, made dash to DMV.


Nice. You’ve have an ally on the police force to give you the heads-up. They must have heard/seen ‘Prostrate Queen’ looking for an excuse to write you a ticket. Sadly, this is example proof that the cops are there to generate revenue (e. g. asset forfeiture) for the municipalities that hire them and that law enforcement/public safety are secondary duties to them. 🙁

Last edited 1 year ago by IsThisFairUse2

Hey guys how’s that Senate control looking? Anybody seen any updates recently? 😉


take a look at who Joe Kent supposedly lost to??? result of Mail in ONly voting in Wa state.. the PEOPLE have NO VOICe.. it is OBVIOUS.. commie ruled state of crime, homeless, illegals and refugees.. no tax base’ ’cause businesses dropping like flies and people who can.. are LEAVING the state.. before being raped with high property taxes in return for ANTI WHITE ANTI POLICE BIPOC assholes ruining our lives!!!


Lmao get fucked Darlene 🤣

Rob William

Darlene really sounds desperate after the loss of Senate.

Just Me

Spoken like the loser that you are.

Just Me

GFY, I see you and your side kick Rob William both work for the Dark Side of evil. Your mama must be proud to have such an nasty imbecile son like you or perhaps sometimes you wake up feeling like a pussy girly man that you are.

J Bill

Go fuck yourself lmaoooooooo 🤡


At least my ‘side kick’ is actually another person, and I don’t have to reply to my own alt account like a fuckin loser to make it look like someone else actually likes or cares about my posts, Julie Me 😂

J Bill

he lost in 18, 20, 21, 22. have fun lmaoooooooooooooooooo

J Bill

None of the SOS candidates brought by Juan q’ savin won lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


More like Juan L Savin, amirite? 😂😂😂


You are doing good work Sir.

Keep it up.

Suggestion: Turn the comment section off.

Greetings from the Netherlands.

Rob William

Greetings from a Neanderthal?

Just Me

It takes one to know one, have you looked in the mirror lately?


Great suggestion !, 😏
It could get very quiet around here


Mike has 20 user names he posts under to increase his views. He will not turn off the comments.

Dave Kelly

Yeah , she ‘s a hottie alright . The photo of her in those tight jeans with the sidearm strapped to her hip ,yeah shes pretty nice. Like to see her without the jeans but the holster strapped to her naked thigh, a bottle of lotion in the holster. Yeah……………..

J Bill

Lmao we reached horny rrn boomer posts

Dave Kelly

Is that so WRONG?


As long as the same criminal Justice system, lies to themselves daily, just like good ol “dogma king” himself, “st Daniel” , or is it Diana?? Or Dana??? What is the difference between a heretic and a hypocrite?? Nothing, it’s the same meaning, different language. Celestials that like to steal identities or credit from other Entities, are STUPID. corrupted, uneducated, narcissistic traitorous souls-cunts. Did You pricks forget? Kratos/Kronos/Tyr, different names for the same Soul. Keep making money off my past lives, false profits!!!! One SPECIES, yet it’s taught there are many. Very bad for smart “Mon kie”. You had one simple LAW, and fucked up!!! 👁

Rob William

What happened?


I’ve always wondered why I get a straw for my Latte at Starbux.


do yall remember when we used to gather around a bday cake with candles as a kid breathed all over it and then we actually ate some?

We were fucking suicidal and did not even know it.

J Bill


question everything

Can a bot remember childhood?

Does a snowflake bot have a constant struggle with reality?


This really is like the titanic going down but instead of violinists somberly playing farewell everyone is scooping up chunks of iceberg from the deck & launching them at the captain.


powerful imagery capn!

Rob William

Ha ha ha. This is actually fantastic!


Muslim Americans make historic gains in 2022 midterm elections



the goat rapers will rue the day.


Hell yeah


Perhaps the DS wanted to reveal something when they charred lenin’s face on that statue in SA TX?

Is it possible lenin was actually a negro? Would that change things now?


Are the other Beatles OK?


Boomer is the name of a 17′ skiff of a NJ kyke I formerly knew…

question everything

It isn’t very likely that Lenin(not his real name) was a negro…,7340,L-4073133,00.html


youtube. com/watch?v=FwhQzn0epbk


“Alec Baldwin sues ‘Rust’ armorer, assistant director, more over fatal prop gun shooting” How is this even possible if he’s dead?!? Oh…. that’s right It’s his clone or body double. My bad!


where did you get this info? is there a law codified requiring the media to report truth?

J Bill

is there a law codified requiring mike to tell the truth while infowars goes broke? lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo

question everything

There is no law, but there is court precedent…


Mike is a licensed journalist who must tell the truth.


Ever hear of Publlic court documents? Kind of hard to file them, if you’re dead.

Last edited 1 year ago by Delta
Rob William

Clones can always claim the “clone defense” if courts buy it. May be he can print the RRN articles and submit them as a corroborating evidence?


Now, that’s funny! LMFAO!

Dave fiacco

Wow… that’s a surprise!!!



Dave fiacco

Its called sarcasim.


Sarcasim 😂


Hold on to my strapon


We knew so much of the foreign nationals crossing the border where here to disrupt our election. I am not shocked nor surprised. Hopefully they ship the dude back and lock the gates behind him.


are you serious? he’ll be on city council by the new year!

question everything

…or the school board…or at least doing a gig at the local library transtory hour


Military connected truther Phil Godlewski was allowed to watch the USA 2022 Midterm Elections unfold in real time ‘from the back end’ via a private read-only videoconference call.

54:00 – 1:21:20, 1:26:32 – 1:39:56 of


Skips all of the [worthwhile] ‘fluff’ and a 5 minute 12 second block of ‘dead air’ where Phil left the room to make a phone call to relatives. Watch the clip from 22:11 to skip unimportant fluff or from 16:00 to skip the BGM ‘leader’ before the livestream recording starts.

Please ignore any downvotes/downcomments from the paid trolls here at RRN. The above link is worth watching and has been time indexed to save you time watching it. Please see


for more information about this situation at RRN and proof that RRN is true/plausible and by circumstantial association, the information in Phil’s clip is true/plausible as well.


I agree there was massive election fraud.
What in your opinion will be done about it.
When will something be done about it, and by whom?


Lol “allowed to watch the USA 2022 Midterm Elections unfold in real time ‘from the back end’ via a private read-only videoconference call” makes no sense dude. Elections are operated individually by the states. That means 50 individual election systems with their own rules and infrastructure and schedules and everything. There is no unified ‘back end’ to watch.


“There is no unified ‘back end’ to watch.”

Well, not for you to watch, dummy.

Dave Kelly

Information from state election centers have been sent to off-site servers through WIFI. This not supposed to be happening but it has. So this will have to be dealt with.

J Bill

“through WIFI”


Dave Kelly

Hard line or Land Line

Rob William

Wifi is too obvious. Better to send through ultrasonic transmissions or very high frequency military band.


Oh by the way did you know that in 2010, at the age of 28, Phil Godlewski pled guilty to repeatedly having sex with a 15 year old student he was coaching? I thought you guys were against pedophiles and groomers 🤔

“In 2010, Godlewski was indicted for statutory sexual assault, aggravated indecent assault, and a host of other crimes after allegedly carrying on a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl while he was 28 and working as a high-school baseball coach.

Godlewski ultimately avoided the most serious charges over the alleged relationship by pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge for corruption of a minor.”


Jewlewski is a dumbass and you wasted your time on him dummy?


So now that Bankman-Fried’s FTX collapsed and billions of democrat laundered money is gone, we should all admit THE WORLD HAS A FUCKING JEW PROBLEM.

Bankman Fried
ad nauseum

That $ did not get interred. It went somewhere. I can only imagine how the swine dems will feel when they realize it went to TEAM TRUMP!


Lol fuck off nazi


I don’t think she’s a Jew.


still a fan I see!


Do you at least agree Ben Shapiro is a voluble jew cog?


hahahaha. i wonder who gave me a minus?


Ha,!..I bet it had to be Lloyd and the other troll’s..

Dave Kelly

Yes, and people crying nothings is being done , nothing will ever happen. CRYPTO heeb is gone, More to come , wait for it ,…..wait for it,…………wait for it……….



J Bill

ben shapiro’s wife has a dap