Putin Exterminates “Mad” Covid-19 Vaccine Scientist


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday ordered the execution of a vaccine scientist who tainted Covid-19 vaccines with live HIV, FSB agent Andrei Zakharov told Real Raw News. Uncoincidentally, that scientist had helped develop the CoviVac vaccine and was earning enormous royalties in perpetuity.

Samuil Kiselev, 47, graduated from Moscow State University and later held prestigious positions at Fosun Pharma and Hepatera, Russian biotech companies. In mid-2019, just before the Plandemic, Kiselev transferred to the Chumakov Federal Scientific Center, which manufactured the CoviVac shot. He was instrumental in its development.

Vladimir Putin, Zakharov said, has a tranche of documents proving Kiselev knew in 2020 that the vaccine—then in its first trial phase—could confer HIV to vaccine recipients. Kiselev had authored papers saying he and his colleagues had attenuated live HIV to provoke an antibody and immune response powerful enough to ward off Covid without putting a person in jeopardy of contracting HIV. The HIV-enhanced vaccines were administered to 37 of 600 Phase I trial participants in August 2020, and those unfortunate souls were told to return for a blood draw 90 days following the first vaccination. The Chumakov Center never disclosed to them the presence of HIV in the shots.

Although physical symptoms of HIV may not present for up to 10 years from infection, blood tests can detect the presence of HIV antibodies within 90 days of exposure.

According to the documents Putin reviewed, 6 of the 37 victims tested positive for HIV on the follow-up blood test, but Chumakov Center, at Kiselev’s urging, withheld from the victims that crucial morsel of information, essentially allowing them to spread the virus to sexual partners unknowingly. The six were then told without reason to follow up again in 30 days. Unbeknownst to them, further blood tests were given to exclude false positives, but all six tested positive again.

“These insane experiments should’ve stopped, but, no, these are mad scientists. Of the six people who got AIDS—one…his heart exploded in his chest. Kiselev continued his insanity in Phase II trials. As you say, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Another 16 got the disease, and no one told them,” Zakharov said.

After perusing the documents, Putin asked his medical advisory board whether Kiselev’s unauthorized experiments held any medical value. It was a rhetorical question. Putin already knew the answer, Zakharov said.

The answer seemed cut and dry: Kiselev committed treason.

“It doesn’t matter why Kiselev did what he did. He did it without authority. Maybe he thought putting AIDS in Covid vaccines would help people, as his notes say, but his team—and we’ll get them too—did this underhanded. This we cannot allow,” Zakharov said.

On Sunday the FSB sent agents to Kiselev’s lavish home in Novosibirsk, where they put two bullets in his forehead.

“President Putin wanted Kiselev to see it coming,” Zakharov said. “He begged for his life.”

As reported last week, Putin has instructed the military to destroy all Covid-19 vaccines in Russia, for the country’s fivefold spike of recorded HIV infections in 2022, and HIV-tainted vials turning up, has convinced him that millions of Russians could unknowingly carry the virus.

“People shouldn’t be getting tested for Covid; they should be running to their doctors to get tested for the AIDS,” Zakharov said.

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I like Putins style, similar to Xi. Send the family a bill for the bullets


Tucker Carlson,……Oh Yeah!

Along with his blessing from McCarthy to release those Video’s IS one big Yuge transparency story and,.. a swift kick to the f’n nutz of these Rats weve been searching for, for 7 years!!!
We got’m this time! All the Conservative Deep State Trump Hating Rats names are out there. This exposure explains a lot – to say the least!
This is going to get real good real fast. This tears their walls down and the barriers they built to hide behind.
They’re LIARS, and good people went to Prison and some are still in jail that should ALL be exonerated, rewarded for their lost time and get their Freedom from tyranny!.
The Deep State is in dumpster digging mode to cover everything up right now, including trying to – “guess” – Censor Tucker Carlson for telling the truth about the jan 6th FAKE INSURRECTION.
They lied and were just caught redhanded, and so it all starts to unravel – watch as one lie leads to another lie and another. This is something the Military needs to take a long HARD look into because withholding evidence in a Federal Trial is malicious intent to suppress both witness & evidence for the Defense. That is a Federal Offense and these Politicians Tucker not only named – but showed their pictures!!! So,.. now we know just who they are. The ones who betrayed Trump – including the “entire” DemoRat Party and Mike Pence.
We can’t let this shit go – it ALL needs to be broadcasted everywhere!!!!! In every State & City. Not only should they ALL be arrested, they should first resign ASAP!
Enough of this Dog & Pony Shit Show!!! This has been one big huge conspiracy to defraud the American People of Justice, and speaking of Justice, how about that AG freak? The entire DOJ is another criminal enterprise like the FBI working the people during Jan 6th almost a protest. This is just awful and piss’s me off.
Impeaching them is more than likely the only thing we the people can do, but we have to try, and be adamant about it, unless the Military can see right through it and see the truth go in and arrest them ALL once and for all.

Do you see how easy it is for them to lie?
They cover each others backs.
They lied about Russia
They lied about Trump
For 208 weeks while in Office Duly held by Trump & the Will of We The People they created Narratives against him a new narrative each week – along with the Media,…so many different Fronts. No wonder they (Politicians) were never around to get anything done – they were conspiring against a Duly Elected POTUS!!!
They LIED & cheated Trump out of an Election by Rig Selecting Joe Blow
They lied about COVID 19
They lied about the Vaccine
They gave immunity to Big Pharma
Tried to “Mandate Vaccines
People lost their homes, their Jobs their lively hoods and,… their Vaccines murdered thousands of innocent people – even Children!!!!!!! – ALL because of their lies.
Makes you wonder why they never once condemned nor declared ANTIFA & BLM as Terrorist Orgs.
Could it be they just needed distractions; look here, rather than there???
These Rats are sneaky, especially Nancy Piglosi & Chuck Schoooomer. Who writes this assholes Scripts anyway???
How many are in on this shit together people? We’ll soon find out because they ARE afraid, they are deathly afraid because this is NOT going away – Not anymore, nothing will stop whats coming – Nothing!

Look at our Border, what a freaking mess, and to think they hardly mention it today.
And their “Unselect” Committee. ——> Why are “they” walking free? They LIED!

And Now, for their latest trickery move;….A possible War to help cover ALL this shit up!!!

Whatever part of any of this that people won’t or refuse to understand will be way beyond me.

March Madness is just beginning, wait for more – its on its way – You can almost bet on it, so hold on because were going to watch them squirm like the worms they are.
Pray to God that he delivers them to us on a silver platter so that we may deliver this evil to God for their final Judgement Day.


Father Jesus, please heal Russians and the world’s people of all deadly vaccines.


There are a LOT of traitors here in America that need to receive some good ole’ Russian justice!!!




this place is like twatter or jootube with the amount of censorship! it used to be fun. Hope your donations are fat!

Above Reproach

Only 10,000 more to go


Putin, Trump and Xi are the good guys of the planet, contrary to popular belief, imo.

Big Johnson

They’re what now?

Bob whitt

Mr. Baxter, would you please explain to all of us the fact that the Earth is Flat. Thanks

Dave Strickland

The earth is not flat shaped, but your brain certainly is.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dave Strickland
Will Caulfield

What brain?

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield

I HAVE DOWNLOADED” NAY SAY ” documents..All when referring to experiment along woth texting and calculations..STATE FIRMLY..USE CALCUTIONS FROM A NON ROTATING FLAT SURFACE…SO THERE YOU GO..THEY KNOW. ALSO..ALL OUTERSPACE REFERRING IS CODE TO SPACE OUTSIDE REAL MAN OR GOD MAN WOMANS AREA PF POSSESION (body) which satan is allow to control with acknowledgmemt of the man or woman…it is a war souls.


Yes it.. research non-nasa/mainstream sources! Whole point is to deny this was God’s creation to remove God from the picture. Research The Firmament! It is biblical as well! Look at the mathematical formulas that disprove the heliocentric cabal theory of a globe of a sun revolves around by other globes ( funny). Research the I r Wall and the Lands Beyond!! They even shortened the calendar from 13 months of 28 days to 12 months of odd days named after odd “gods”, demons, evil roman empowers, Pedo popes… why is December ( dec=10) the 12th month?! April 1st was the original first day of new year until Pedo Pope changed to Jan 1st! Christ’s birth is 9/11, not 12/25….. a pagan holiday! It’s all there to open minds willing to research the truth and why they changed… all purely evil to deny God created all! It is not done on a whim!


So sad, you believe all the indoctrination. God exists, they know it, I know and you don’t


If anyone knows, it’s Wernher von Braun, brilliant German rocket scientist, inventor of the V2 bomber and subsequently Head of NASA, who chose Psalm 19:1 to be engraved on his tombstone.

Psalm 19:1 states: “The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament sheweth his handywork.”


Wernher von Braun knew there was a firmament. He couldn’t get a rocket through it.


Easy, how can water hold to a convex surface, especially when the world is allegedly spinning at 1000mph?

Will Caulfield



If gravity was real, nothing would be able to move. If a spinning globe can hold onto water it would be so strong everything would be stuck where it is. What is peddled as gravity is actually density. Of course anything heavier than air will fall. You’re brainwashed.

Will Caulfield

You have no understanding of physics. Learn to do the math, and you’ll realize everything you said is wrong.


And to think, here I thought the earth was like a golf ball inside a big bowl and there was never a drop off at the edge of the earth – its a huge wall.
My bad.


Yup, and inoctrinated can’t allow the possibility of flat earth. You have to believe in God.


Earth is not flat. It’s round, like a globe or sphere. Ther Old Testament speaks of earth as a globe or sphere, depending on which version you read. if it was flat, it would not revolve round the sun. Check out Galileo Galilei’s and Nicolai Copernicus’s findings.


All Americans were taught the world was flat until the Boom generation’s public school education, and then, the world was suddenly a globe that rockets guided by monkeys and men flew around in circles….

Bob whitt

The LDS Church of Satan also pushed the Deadly Covid Jabs. Gave a million dollar grant through an Idaho Falls missionary couple to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2012 and gave millions of dollars worldwide to other nations, all for pushing the JAB. So involved in Freemasonry secret society.

When are they going to be exposed! I wonder if some of those responsible might be on the Prison Barge at Gitmo.

Thanks so much for all you do!


Idk, but I’m thinking maybe its possible those people that held back evidence in the Jan 6 trials are guilty of withholding crucial evidence – and thats a federal Court so its a Federal crime they committed.

Pepe Penname

Too bad they did not shoot them in the groin first and let them contemplate their immediate fate.

Dr John

For those concerned about led poisoning from the Putin shots given. Please understand led has not been used to make bullets for a long time. These shots are led free and considered safe when used as directed.

The shots do not come with documentation concerning side effects, but none receiving the shots have reported any ill effects.

The terminal impact is guaranteed for life.

It works as advertised!

Finally a pharmaceutical that kills infections, bacteria, virus and PARASITES instantly.

Leave it to Russia to find the fastest, least expensive cure.

Big Johnson

I am concerned about led poisoning. Those lights shouldn’t be injected into my blood!

Will Caulfield

Depends on the color.

Big Johnson

Good point!

Will Caulfield

I fear Dr John may already be suffering from “led” poisoning.


‘led’ has not been used, no. but LEAD has!



John .S

Awaiting Katie Hobbs news via her Gitmo arrival.


the arizona boys aint gonna let the mil get her. they’ll get her and wendy rogers,. that rino


We must all shun any more injections into our temples, our human bodies.
Pray for our families and friends, and others.

Big Johnson

Tucker Carlson on Trump: “I hate him passionately”

Dave Strickland

Never heard that. Have I been missing something for the past few years?

Big Johnson

Check out the Dominion lawsuit for details




Another media lie!


How come none of my posts are showing up?

Michael R Davis

But they are. Hit the refresh and maybe you will see them too.

Nukkin Futz

Two bullets to the forehead is too easy. These garbage of humanity need to be tied to a tree, have just sprinklings of gasoline sprinkled over their feet and lower legs, read a script of the negative deeds that they did to humanity and lit up, but not killed. The pain from 3rd degree burns on their feet and lower legs will be awful and they will die after 10 days of agony from dehydration….This is what they do in Mexico, after a rapist or child trafficker is caught by the local citizenry and is quite effective……


I’d say it isn’t working at all since child trafficking and child raping has picked up quite a bit in recent years. From what I’ve been seeing things are getting worse there as well.


All their genitals should be removed including women who do such things to children–their holes sewn shut

Last edited 1 year ago by mkjo

That’s just the Nambla adherents as well as secret societies and the LGBTIQQ teaching their recruits to do this,. People don’t just wake up in the morning and say, “I’m going to molest some kids today. Most of us has deep hatred of sexual abuse or violence against minors.


Snoppy: Have you seen below? Read it few days ago. Hope my comment will not vanish like the previous ones!

Stinky Perfume

Not that their screaming does any good except as warning to others and that don’t matter because they got lied to, microchipped, or fairly soulless, and someone else falls for it again and again, finding themselves alive, soulless losers. Just kill them all, nothing more can be gained I can think of other. They just get new bodies and born again. They can’t be fixed in the bodies they have. Microchips and financial debts and NWO threats seem to rule their actions.

mia moriarty

so this would be your preferred method ,rather than a wood chipper


I again pray that morality spreads widely into all aspects of society. The depth of depravity , where so-called Enlightened Edjamacated Beings , have the audacity to condemn many Innocent People to Death ……… This MUST Be Stopped by Moral, Patriotic People of Unquestioned Character ! Ranks of those Heroes must be solid , shoulder to shoulder , and Self-Police …… for any traitors in ranks ! If the Team is not solid & protecting the innocents within an advancing society ……….. we may as well follow the sheeple whom sold their souls to Lucifer ! Those Ignorant , Immoral , Perverse beings whom sold their souls will never be an asset to any Advancing Civilization & enter into a prosperous , free society devoid of Traitors to Humanity ….. Onward , Upward , Take Out The Trash …………. Don’t forget to feed my lonely Piranhas …… they need swim partners ….. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


They have proof that the most deadly vaccines were sent to Republican states and the least deadly were sent to Democrat states… hmmm wonder which party started this demonic agenda? Putin doesn’t mess around!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Jennifer

What you said, plenty of articles out there saying this…

Big Johnson

It’s on the internet so it must be true!


F’n Troll

Dave Strickland

I wonder if ALL the vaxxes, saline or not, are lethal, by arranging that all the claimed harmless saline shots are actually laced with graphene hydroxide (as well as in the rest). People won’t know until they pass a 5G tower when its power is switched on to a high intensity level.


Go Putin, no bull, no mincing words, you are guilty, you are GONE.


I believe trump is still the best president in the history of the United States. and believe he is still trying to do the best he can to help save America.


I believe that as well.

Nukkin Futz

Trump is Geo. Washington’s second coming and needs his mug carved on Mt. Rushmore pronto….

mia moriarty

kristi already told him “NO” to mt rushmore


I believe it will be there by 4th of July

American Living in Canada

Same here.

Dave Strickland

No, not your mug – Trump’s.




WhiteKnight: Gave you an upvote but seems not working. Tried again but got the message that”you already voted” !! The upvote number did not change🤷‍♂️


S A L U T E *


I’m not sure the general population can handle knowing this; and it’s true of our vaccines, they all have the HIV glycoprotein. I imagine there would be true pandemonium in the streets if this were all fully disclosed.


They will, because the American people are tired of being lied to. They can handle it. And if the sheeple can’t, too bad. ROLL THE FILM.


I don’t think America will handle it well, if the people are told the vaccines all contain even worse uncureable diseases than the common cold they had when they got the vaccine.

I think they will handle it poorly at best.


And they should, the people need to rise up and destroy these miscreants to the point they’ll never be able to continue to do in the future what they have/had done today as well as in the past.
The entire Planet is doomed unless the people rise and we all stop them together – now, but the hardest thing is convincing the rest of the worlds population that their lives are in peril if they don’t know who their true enemy is. Almost half the population will be exterminated – and even though its a slow death – they’re going to die from that Vaccine!!! PERIOD – END OF STORY.
Putin is doing his part, thats a given, however Biden or Obammy keeps pushing that shit like candy into other Countries that the WHO has selected to Vaccinate, or kill off. Izreal, they all got Placebo jabs, but thats Not unusual for the liar Zionists. All these roads end in izreal.
Q Said, Izreal will be last.
Now I know why.


If they would release the med beds–They could be helped–but that will likely be awhile–Some will not live to see it


You got it! The vaxed all face a similar fate, like it or not! They will die or be maimed. So, why are we concerned how they will react? Will be too dead or too sick to respond! It’s up to the pure bloods to step up and and make sure this never happens again! We need retired military to organize us effectively! I talked to a marine one day and he said the most important aspect of any successful military mission is ORGANIZED COMMUNICATION! Unless there is a REAL PLAN ( not “The Plan” HaHa), nothing happens like we are now seeing! We need retired military to rise up and show us the way. Plenty of patriots willing and able and armed!


Roll the film anyway.
The world saw the Holocaust victims — beaten, diseased, raped, shot, starved, killed, burned and buried in mass graves.
People and the Nazis watched it at Nuremberg, Eichman and people watched it at Jerusalem, and got over it.
They will watch what their idols have done and will weep and be ashamed just like the Germans who wept and were shamed when they were walked through the Nazi camps during the liberation, and they got over it, but never forgot.
The sheeple will watch these tribunals and executions and they will get over it and never forget.


Could not agree more! Dirty laundry has to be aired! If they can’t handle it, grow a pair and Putinize YOURSELF! The world is much better off without these sheep!


Yep.. roll it! If they can’t handle it, they can drive their woke, virtue-signaling tesla to their safe space or non-binary crying closet! No more coddling! That’s how we got here… started with not keeping score at athletic events so kids didn’t get their feelings or find out the feeling of losing! Life is about learning.. good and bad! Grow up everyone and grow a pair!


I have a sister that I am convinced in now completely brain dead, silly, unaware, typical Sheeple, acts as if nothing has happened. God I cannot wait for this to be out in the open and over. I have so few friends that truly believe the truth.

mia moriarty

it is very hard to deal with the indoctrinated duped that are kin folk and don’t even conceal that they think you are bonkers


Same for me… vax will get them. Has already made mothers cancer so much worse!?

Nukkin Futz

Wait till the general public finds out what the SSP has been doing in space and the 38 bases outside of the solar system and the 75 years more advanced technology this secret govt. has been up to….!! It;ll cause some dandy screaming hysteria to sound off from the sheeple, oh the suspence that awaits to happen…..


I’m just hoping I make it to the end to see it for myself.

The evil people get to do anything they want and we are just reacting to their actions against us. This is not a winning strategy if you ask me.
I would like to live long enough to see the truth now that I’ve made it this far.

mia moriarty

“get to do anything”speaking of which
here’s what evil mengele said
“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it”

Jim Joans

Spok to Futz, we are going to beam you up to base 25 in Andromeda

Anne Stallybrass

General disbelief is seriously rising. And when disbelief has started, NCSWIC – people will CHOOSE to go down the rabbit hole to find out everything, even if it’s only one step at a time.


This statement seems ambiguous to me, are you saying that the population is beginning to be “more disbelieving” of what is being divulged? If so, I think you cannot be more wrong — I talk to people (of all colors, shapes and ages), some in their 90’s that know what is being uncovered.


What is your source, is it fact or conjecture? That is within the realm of possibility however how do we know? The bottom line is I’m telling everyone to avoid vaccinations until further notice.


Go to Bitchute and learn it for yourself if you have any doubt. There are thousands of Doctors dying and thousands of Doctors trying to tell the people of this planet whats in the vaccines and why they are being systematically killed.
Our POliticians are running scared, and we have to continue to put the pressure on them until they’re gone – forever!
Study about Shingles on jootube, it says it in the comments that everyone that takes that Vaccine shit is getting it too. Its all win/win for Big Pharma and the Politicians are ALL in on it too. Remember, they always get the first crack at buying that stock from Big Pharma.


I don’t think it matters med beds will kill Aids so life is grand


Until then, what ya gonna do?


Way to go. We need to adopt that strategy over here. Light always defeats the dark. 🙏💜⚡❤️⚡💙⚡💚⚡


L I G H T cast’s /\/o S]]-[[ado[[_|[_|[[[[[

Blessing’s be Unto the L I G H T * * * * * * *


divided we lose and how can we not be divided when 10s of thousands of enemies are flooding over our borders. every month or 2 coming into our nation to hurt us and dividing us. thanks to the deep state and as for my last comment I posted. before people start attacking thinking I’m a kkk member or something. I’m not. I stand for all law-abiding American citizens no matter their race or color I won’t disrespect the soldier who fought for my family’s freedom and safety and mine, I honor their sacrifice and respect them and I know Putin can’t be our president I was just making a point. the world may hate him but at lease he looks after his people and puts them first not a bunch of forens like every deep state president we have had in America who has betrayed us Americans time and time again. one of the greatest reasons everyone voted for trump was cause he promised to secure our borders and stop illegals from flooding into our nation and unwonted criminals. I am not saying we can’t help starving kids and families from other nations. in need, we Christians have been doing that for centuries I’m just saying stop falling for every sob story that comes your way it’s completely incompetent as rulers to open up your nation to clear danger like this for sob stories. and literally every single nation who has done this has fallen. cause they were overrun by their enemies from within and every single communist sadist witch and people who come into this nation who believes different than us is going to change the course of future. and 100s of thousands of them a year this nation is doomed to fail and fall, not to mention there mentality they come from corrupt decaying failed states countries all they know is how to be corrupt and loot and destroy our culture for them trying to gain and loot we won’t stand a chance of survival literally it will be no different than the Vietnam war 360-degree battlefield. we will be destroyed from all sides. in 10 thousand different ways, every single great and powerful nation has fallen for this reason because they became so arrogant that they let anyone come into their nation and then they were destroyed. by lies and Naiveness and radicals and mass brain washers turning the people against their own government does this sound familiar it should it is already happening in America we have 20 thousand ccp spies in America and even more secret enemy soldiers I’m guessing you name it and study it for yourself, mark my word it will happen to us if we don’t quit being so Nieve and quit worrying about what people call us their words are weapons to divide and conqueror. but they only work as long as we allow them to affect us. or be used against us. I am hoping trump gets back in and closes our borders. completely till we safely secure and rebuild our nation. then only allow people who have the same values and believes as us to come into America after that only after they have been completely looked into and even still only a few thousand every so many years so we can make sure they are good people not trying to destroy our culture and nation with in a few years if they do anything we can arrest them and throw them back out of America if they are haters of what we are and are hiding it trying to destroy our believe system and way of life .


Executing the RAT BASTARDS ASAP after identify them as the Evil
POS that they are is the PLAN from here on out. !


No Quarter, that’s all “they” understand, right down to Very LAST 1.


What they all need is a nice shot of lead to poison them, after all whats good for the goose is good for the gander.


Can’t say he is wrong. Who heard of putting hiv in those shots.


Easier to suspect what isn’t in it. How many potential trigger’s for ever how many derivative’s there are ? DNA fine Tuning.
“They”, have No Real Idea what it all really is, the Road to No/everywhere but the Source.


The Illuminati/NWO/Rothschild dynasty, that’s who.


It’s called VAIDS, vaccine induced aids, one of the stated adverse side effects of the Pfizer vaccine.

Canada calling

Katie, the same people that put amuminum in the air we breath, clorine in our drinking water and a whole shit load of different poisons in our food …….. That’s who!!!


Can’t forget that Fluoride in our water.


I have a while back


It is out everywhere, the number of cases has risen by leaps and bounds. Check your sources, you will see that — you will see that the only good blood is from UNVAXXED people.

Rene Labre

The use of clones and doubles,human masked actors,once a conspiracy theory, is now documented fact. Along with many other things. clones are an artificial life,a gob of goo. They can do them on the spot.Actors as well caught in the act of espionage,spies that get caught do not have trials,they get done,there and then.when did you ever here about a spy going to trial?Thus via cause and effect many tactics used by our military are going to change. special forces does not knock on the door to serve you a warrant,that you see after they have nabbed you. You resist,they do you there and then.Pow,with a silencer,fuck you!you’re damn right they live in fear and panic now.Something they are not used to.They were promised immunity from prosecution,they were lied to.They never dreamed it could be like this,and is so,like that. All of their ill gotten gain is gone.Confiscated.Easy come easy go..these people are actually worse than the hard core criminals locked in prison. with their sardonic smiles.


Whatever was once Life Story/Science Fiction/Prophesy/Conspiracy may now be a Reality if The L I G H T of T R U T H is to S]]-[[iNE.

mia moriarty

There was a time when you could NOT go into a bank wearing a mask and then it moved on to ,if you would not wear a mask, you would be chased around the bank at high speeds and then out the door
I never could have imagined how crazy our world would become ,when I was growing up


Vladimir Putin speaks on his baptism as a child



Interesting side of Putin no one knows about. Thanks!


You’re welcome.


The question of medical when s comes up over and over again as it pertains to every scientist, every research assistant, every doctor, nurse and all institutions involved with this human tragedy. All of them, regardless of their excuses, must be held accountable. We do not choose to have to endure another staged pandemic with any of the pathogens they have waiting in the wings to do their job of Depopulation and targeted genocide. Removing each one of these corrupted players from the battlefield may be the necessary solution given that the Ethics issue would have kept it from happening in the first place if they were decent human beings. We must clean house, and that includes the guys at DARPA and BARDA, the Wellcome Trust, and all of the Biolabs around the world! Let’s continue what Putin and our White Hats have done thus far by starting with completing housecleaning operations in Ukraine.


Agreed. Our murdered family members and friends must not be forgotten because of what they did to them and to us.


You know they have something nasty planned. Starting in June ivermectin and other antibiotics will no longer be available at farm stores. Farmers will have to go to a vet to get them. What a crock. Farmers know their animals better than any vet. Vets are just for emergencies mostly IMO. That will raise the price exponentially. My allergy medicine went from $2.00 a box to over $30.00 for half the pills. Attacking the food supply from all angles. Too bad for them God always wins. He will not be mocked. 🙏👑💜🧡💙💚



Anthony Gregory

That’s the way to do it

Billy Bob

Motherland of AIDS/HIV as non-collateral damage weapon is the United States of America, with a few correspondent extensions. The question of the day is GOT VAIDS?

Billy Bob

SMERSH. Good example of inoagents.

Billy Bob

Fauci’s apprentices, need to check US connections – consulting, meetings, trips, transactions, articles, etc.


They’re ALL in hot water now.


can Putin be our president? the way he is handling things his country will become stable and secure way faster than ours the way we are going about it, our enemies aren’t even afraid of us they are just walking into our country and making demands of us and destroying our nation we will take 20 to 30 years if ever to do what Putin is going to do in 20 to 30 months and that is only if we don’t get overtaken because people are not even being stopped from flooding into America so they may someday overwhelm us and overthrow us because there will be more enemies in America than American citizens to fight them back look at all the mayhem they are doing now .around 30 trains derailed this year alone businesses all over America plants factories and even store houses are burning to the ground . forest to and direct energy weapons burning down entire suburbs I being a native American I would rather have the kkk running this country than more bleeding-heart saps. like what is in there now there falling for every sob story there is not attacking trump or his people but the people ruling America now they are horrible and if this is to continue America will fall I have no doubt about it, even if you over throw the deep state the deep states allies they are flooding over the borders will destroy us cause every single communist who comes into this country will change the course of this nation’s future to some degree and we are having 10s of thousands of them flooding in , Americas future will be a communist state thanks to the complete failure of all the people in charge of this nation if this is the way things are going to continue we will be destroyed just it will be from within out instead of outside in , and man o man quit worrying about people calling you racist for the love of all that we hold dear Please STOP letting everyone walk into our country and out if you get in office white hats stop them from looting us and taking our children’s and grand children’s future from them and there peace and prosperity from them.


It is the destructive One World Agenda. They literally smash cultures together to destroy each other and save themselves the work of destruction. Recipe: Give the illegal immigrants everything and the legitimate occupants of the country nothing. Perfect storm there.

cathy ness


Anne Stallybrass

I like that. Not realized this crucial detail before.


Because they don’t know about it – yet. And when they do, it may be to late for them. Either way Idgf.

David M

I’ve always given one advice about Putin: He doesn’t f–k around when he means business. He has my support 100%.

Sharon Janice Manning

I’m convinced my son Dan was vax damaged. He was fine til he got the ‘mandated’ childhood shots. Grew up autistic and had a very difficult life. He died in 2003. I hated to lose him.



Anne Stallybrass

The wicked witch in the vaccines is/was the use of mercury compounds as preservative. Well, the worst wicked witch, that is.


Putin did the right thing by finding the scientists. Watching him open the door and then shooting him twice in the face. He should have ordered the FSB to burn that house to the cinder block basement walls

Anne Stallybrass

No, better to be clean and swift. You deal with more offenders that way.

Mark David

They put two bullets in his forehead. Putin wanted him to see it coming. That’s a President with balls that loves his people and his country.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David
Mr Reynard

A Russian Fauci ???

cathy ness



That’s part of the reason why he ordered the Covid vaxxes destroyed and the scientists found and eliminated.




On an unrelated topic to this article but something on my mind… maybe the military should start grabbing these Antifa & BLM mobs when they commit domestic terrorism – & shuffle them off to GTMO. Once word get’s out that a bunch of antifa were sent to GTMO then Antifa would probably shut down really fast. But instead of grabbing them – we have 150 domestic terrorists in Atlanta & they only arrested 20 or so of them despite them all being guilty. If the military was released to go after domestic traitors then we need to ship them to serious detention centers like GTMO where they will take America seriously.


No argument there.

cathy ness


Anne Stallybrass

They will when enough are awake. And ship them home so the countries of origin can get their NESARA allowance (see above). It’s coming.


I prefer antifa & blm to end up out on the streets broke and if not there in a prison. They already got their reward once or twice or more, so why let them have anything beyond that?


These megalomaniac “scientists” make me sick to my stomach.

Mark David

They will make you sick, especially if you take their poison shots.


if people love Putin and xi ping so much .Americans should move to those countries. America is dead anyway.


And Germany is not?


No one loves xi ping that I know of. We are impressed with Putin’s desire to end evil.

cathy ness



Xi is not marching evil out of his government, Putin is.

Anne Stallybrass

I still believe still that Xi IS marching evil out of his government, but that in his situation it can only happen slowly, step by step, because the CCP – their Deep State – runs deep. After all, he publicly humiliated his no.1 opponent who certainly was mafia-type, by marching that opponent out of the sitting Chinese congress. To Easterners, there is nothing so terrible as “losing face”. And he invited Trump and Melania to the most sacred ground in China, the Forbidden City.


It’s terrible to make one’s family or friends lose face, but an enemy? They deserve it.

mia moriarty

like you even know that

mia moriarty

I like Xi Jinping He is not CCP He stayed in 1985 on an East Iowa farm He was super nice ,we knew the family he lived with He LOVED AMERICA and his stay He returned on a visit and has kept in touch ever since

Mark David

People love Putin because he loves, respects and protects his country and his People against all enemies. They want the same kind of Presidents for their own countries.

cathy ness



What are you talking about? No, enough said.

mia moriarty

verruckt talion verruckt…du bist


Yep. Just so you know tallons a joo. They always come out and expose themselves to the light.

mia moriarty

still pushing your nonsense talion


This is a tad off subject….Since nothing is real..NOTHING…..WH rooms, conference areas (staged), is everyone..Congress, reporters, etc. playing along with this charade? We in TV and website land know this. I’m confused.

Last edited 1 year ago by PatriotGal

I wondered about Jesse Watters interviewing Bill Barr (whose been not seen in a year)


Clones and CGIs and doppelgangers are the order of the day. These traitors never stop, and the ice hole is expanding. .

Anne Stallybrass

no, our AWARENESS of the ice hole is expanding. The “ice hole” itself has been there for quite a while. Read Len Kasten: Dark Fleet, to get a feeling for the scope. Then study Exopolitics so you also know the ET help we are getting …

What surprised me about the Marines here is that they did not seem to know about clones until the factories were recently discovered. Yet I am sure beyond reasonable doubt that this was known in some military circles. Those taking out the DUMBs, for instance (explore Gene Decode).

Perhaps there are different military groups with different levels of clearance and knowledge, corresponding to the different levels of awareness of the rest of us.

Michael R Davis

Wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Jesse Watters was working for the white hats and the Barr interview staged.


Whom you think it’s the enemy but it’s opposite not the enemy the information we getting it’s maybe 10% they telling us




I saw it. I think it was old, spliced footage.

mia moriarty

yup he’s pretty funny the others annoy me


It was probably a very old interview. But remember, they use CGI, clones and doubles.

mia moriarty

CGI TODAY of big mike claiming HE was sobbing over president Trump’s CPAC speech FICTION NEWS really do think everyone fell off the cabbage truck


I feel like that could have been old footage chopped together, just my opinion.


If you notice, those people are ending up at GITMO.


And Barr was hanged per RRN.


With his big tongue hanging out.

mia moriarty

that was the good part

cathy ness



To simply study the Constitution will help them immensly, as well as all the bylaws post 1871.
The US Corp is an after thought now. All Corp Courts are abolished, yet they’re still serving the Corp and people don’t realize they’re illegal Courts fining people for ill gotten gains.

mia moriarty

the two CON MEN michael lavaughn and barry are being paraded on commi SEWER FICTION TV
michael even said
over president trump’s CPAC SPEECH =CGI …TOTALLY


At least someone is doing the right thing as a common man and human being i fully support mr president putin in his actions in putting these people in the hands of creator may they come back in a future life a better person. love to all.

Last edited 1 year ago by john

He wishes President Trump could handle things the same way but you know, he just can’t.

Mark David

You don’t know much about President Trump then. Trump gave the approval on a US Military Mission to execute 13 families in the Venice, Italy area on Christmas Eve, 2016. Those 13 families were all Khazarian Mafia top families, and Trump has been stomping their asses since December, 2016. One month before he was sworn in. Trump is a Tiger, a Dynamo, and an Unstoppable force, (Force Majeure), on killing the Wide-World of Khazarian Mafia Mayhem


I understand he is part of a worldwide leader alliance that is working on eliminating the evil ones all over the world. It is an enormous mission, so that is part of why we are STILL stuck with our own nation’s corruption. This thing can only be resolved ONCE. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

Pray for DJT.

Michael R Davis

The Globalist NWO Deep-State is quite aware that the 13 blood-line families are MIA. They just don’t want their own obedient little minions and the mass populace knowing about it.

mia moriarty

president trump even had to get rid of his own khazarian son in law


Not that he can’t he has to do it very judiciously and very discreetly so the swamp doesn’t get its feelers up. And they have feelers everywhere. Sting operations cannot operate without absolute secrecy.


imagine thinking they come back as normal, lol. many of these peeps are not going to return as normal.

quit being soft.


MB should hire Putin to deal with the trolls here…

Last edited 1 year ago by QBall59
About Time

Double tap the trolls….I likes

Sharon Janice Manning

That would be fun. They’re coming back with a vengeance.


They always do.


Last I recall, a child cannot be registered for school without proof of being vaccinated for the usual childhood diseases. I am old, but recall that all 7 of us were vaccinated except for polio which crippled one of the boys. (I am the oldest).


There was a time when vaccinations were made from dead microbes that still had the ability to get the immune system to attack them & produce antibodies. These new vax’s (last 20 years) are made from scientists just finding toxic substances that could or should produce antibodies strong enough to overcome certain microbes. So they use toxic heavy metals & other poisons – because it’s VASTLY cheaper to make vaccines that way because you can just use toxins instead of having to grow cultures of dangerous microbes, the ensure they are dead, but not destroyed so that they are useless in stimulating antibodies. That’s expensive & big pharma is mostly about greed not health. So they create these horrible things & call them vaccines which they really are not.


Good note.

mia moriarty

nope it is NOT “because it is VASTLY CHEAPER”
It is because they are on an agenda to intentionally harm as many of the population as possible
leading virologists, michael…. md of scripts/marty mccary md….. john hopkins/robert gary md …..tulane received compensation ,IN THE MILLIONS

Anne Stallybrass



Some states have religious exemptions or exemptions for those who test positive for antibodies for the disease in question. Also, homeschoolers don’t need to vaccinate.

The number of vaccines currently required has ballooned from perhaps a dozen total to many, many dozens. It’s all about the money.


$400.00 per child. 10 children is $4000.00


When my kids were growing up, there were 17 “required” vaccinations. Today there are 172. Both of my grandchildren are damaged. The boy was perfectly fine until his 18 mo. Vaccinations, then became severely autistic. He is 4 now, has an 8 word vocabulary, and still in diapers. Requires 40 hours a week of intensive behavioral therapy. The fucking doctor told my son it was genetic, so in addition to this hell they will live for the rest of their lives, the parents blame themselves (for having had children, not for vaccinating). Sorry for the rant. This is a wound that will never heal.


LIES! It’s the shots, not the genes!! Those poor parents are being lied to.
Even Adolf Hitler said the feeble-minded, the disabled, the deformed, the crippled, the genetically-disabled needed to be euthanized because he was pushing physical perfection via racial eugenics for his 1,000-year Reich!
He called euthanasia a “good death,” saying these people were unnecessary and not needed in this world, like the Illuminati calls the 8,000,000,000 people “useless eaters” today.
That’s why he ordered the discriminatory Nuremberg’s laws and “death panels” and T4 Aktion mobile gas trucks to gas the Jews and anybody else who opposed him, including intellectuals, gypsies, homosexuals, dissidents, Catholics, Protestants, Slavs, Middle Easterners, blacks, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Eastern Orthodox, etc.
He was evil incarnate.

mia moriarty

posting your sorrow is NO RANT My brother was autistic ,same reason. I understand

Anne Stallybrass

Help – at least to some extent – might even be full, in time – is available for autistic conditions. DIG beyond the disinfo. Even the autistic societies can get taken over by $$.DIG HARD. I believe Chlorine Dioxide is one, when dosed rightly. Certainly, in my case, stop eating all products with either gluten /and/or casein. IOW, no animal milk products, nothing with wheat, rye, barley or spelt in the ingredients. That worked 100% for me.

And yes, there appears to be a genetic predisposition.


There are religious exemptions.


So sorry.

Dave Kelly


mia moriarty

polio was another scam it was DDT EXPOSURE

Anne Stallybrass



No sources provided. Poor journalism.

Michael R Davis

You should return to CNN journalism.


Indeed she should. CNN’s sources are sooooo believable she’ll be able to remain ignorant as long as CNN is there.


or MSNBC and hang out with Mika and Joe.

Will Caulfield

You must be new here.

About Time

If I only had a dollar for each conspiracy proven true. It be more than you make on a busy weekend street corner


The conspiracies of the past are the truths of today.


Boy are you behind the power curve. You’re a clueless dolt who took the death jab no doubt.

mia moriarty


john h

100 percent agree. Damn FILTH behind big pharma and govt pushing this.

Dave Kelly

zionist satanist jews, they are the PUSHERS, they need to be EXECUTED , ALL of them.

mia moriarty

“you’ve already voted for this comment” ,shows up Michael but it DOES NOT

mia moriarty

BEEBEE PEDO should have been top of the list for gitmo and ZIPPI
a couple of monsters Worse than satan himself


What Putin does is what the white hats should be doing here–research and prepare info,then execute them immediately!

Dave Kelly

TRUMP and Gen, BERGER have been SLOW PLAYING this ENTIRE TAKE – DOWN for over 2 YEARS at least , so at this point I would say that Gen. Smith is trying to play catch – up and he has to take out fucking clones of Deep State ASSHOLES that have already been arrested, faced US Military Tribunals and some EXECUTED and this should NOT be the case. Once again if the White Hats and JAG had been up front with the AMERICAN PEOPLE and had official press releases, along with transcripts of hearings , Tribunal proceedings , analogue video of the same and video of punishment and EXECUTIONS, Gen. Smith and the White Hats would not have to be dealing with these fucking clones. Clones in this aspect would be irrelevant. Gen. Smith and these US Military operators would be taking -down ENEMY COMBATANTS on the FIELD of BATTLE and YES , killing and EXECUTING ENEMY COMBATANTS THAT ARE RESISTING ARREST and TAKE -DOWN. AGAIN THIS IS WAR. WAR IS NOT FOUGHT BY SERVING ARREST WARRANTS TO THE ENEMY.


MSM has been provided info and refused to broadcast it.

Michael R Davis

This war is fought by arrest warrants keeping it strictly by the book, serving prepared sealed indictments. Of course off script battles spring up like the FEMA dead in Florida, the attacks on Gitmo, the numerous DUMB battles, and the military reacts accordingly.

mia moriarty

nurnberg trials /They were indicted and it was supposed to be ” strictly by the book” but a few were treated like buddies ,eg Hermann was/ dodged execution ,if it’s true

Michael R Davis

The Nuremberg trials were a joke, run by the same bastards we are now in a war with. They were executing low-ranking Germans following orders, while smuggling high-ranking Germans and Nazis into the US, Russia, South America, and Antarctica.


The problem with release full truth now to American people strategy Dave, is all rats would jump ship, en mass, to other countries, like Nazis did to Argentina, end of WW2. Trump and military are attempting to catch and fry them all, ans there are untold thousands of them.

The other issue apparently is the cold truth would give many weak minded pussy matrix deluded Americans heart attacks, so the WHA is taking their sweet time.. I don’t agree with that one but hey, as long as the nation didn’t go full blown marxist tyranny.. we can live with this for awhile longer I suppose..

mia moriarty

lol”serving arrest warrants to the enemy”when you put it like that ,does seem incompetent and beyond understanding


I think sometimes they do. We heard yesterday the clones were ended quickly.


The answer seemed cut and dry: Kiselev committed treason.”


Excellent report, Michael, please continue,.