White and Red Hats form Union to End FEMA


White and Red Hats have shelved ideological differences—at least for now—and united to fight a familiar foe: The Federal Emergency Management Agency, the governmental goliath that has been terrorizing, robbing, and murdering patriotic citizens ever since the late William Jefferson Clinton and his foul wife empowered the agency in 1993.

Over the past six years, White Hats have fought FEMA in its natural habitat—disaster zones ravaged by fires, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes. In each instance, invariably, White Hats caught agency agents tormenting and pillaging innocents whose lives natural and manmade disasters had upended. According to sources in Gen. Smith’s office and at US Army Special Operations Command, White Hats have “neutralized” approximately 860 FEMA personnel, including upper management and former director Brock Long, while the agency’s current director, Deanne Criswell, is currently at GITMO awaiting a military tribunal. But that hasn’t stopped the Deep State from keeping her in the public eye via artificial intelligence, CGI, and holography.

In 2022, White Hats attacked FEMA in its own stronghold, the highly secretive and virtually impregnable Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, an innocuous-sounding monicker for a subterranean labyrinth brimming with enough firepower to start a war. Although White Hats seized, and have held, Mt. Weather, the victory hasn’t shaken FEMA’s resolve or quenched its thirst for power over the public.

White Hats ascribed FEMA’s relentlessness to the agency as being more significant than the sum of its parts. Entrenched in evil, FEMA’s hierarchal structure is designed to survive amputation. If someone in a leadership position is taken out, a subordinate is often unofficially promoted to fill the departee’s shoes. Only a mass culling, White Hats say, can bring FEMA to its knees, though, given its historical endurance, that may not be a foregone conclusion.

Nonetheless, in the wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, which many believe were geoengineered by the Deep State, a concerted effort is underway to cripple the alphabet agency; however, the current offensive didn’t begin that way.

When White Hats failed to respond immediately to an armed FEMA presence in North Carolina, Red Hats—an amalgam of active-duty and retired military and non-federal law enforcement—took matters into their own hands. Their leader, known as Colonel Kurtz, landed troops in Asheville and surrounding communities to halt FEMA’s takeover of the area.

At once they saw FEMA’s criminality. In areas devastated by flooding and landslides, FEMA and ATF agents warrantlessly entered homes and emerged from them carrying residents’ firearms and other private property, such as jewelry and cash. An elderly woman who had braved the storm, and whose house was in disrepair, and protested the warrantless trespass got thrown to the ground for merely speaking up. A FEMA agent told her, “This ain’t your property anymore.”

He had barely finished his sentence when three bullets struck his back. He toppled over, falling into the woman’s driveway flooded with brackish water. The other agents, too, were dead before they could spin around and draw weapons. Our source said similar incidents have occurred throughout the area.

Instead of distributing relief supplies—food, water, etc.—FEMA confiscated cases of bottled water and canned goods that citizen Samaritans distributed among the walking wounded and the displaced. Red Hats, our source said, “cleaned FEMA’s clock,” wiping out dozens of feds infringing on the constitutional rights of the citizenry.

The tenacious Red Hats suffered casualties as well.

Upon arriving in Chimney Rock—which the federal government had seized under “eminent domain” to commandeer the area’s valuable lithium deposits—Red Hats confronted tremendous opposition. From flooded US Highway 64 to the peak of Perigone’s Point, the opposing forces skirmished incessantly, expending, our source said, enormous amounts of ammunition and other ordnance. Bodies from each side fell left and right.

After FEMA ambushed and slaughtered 12 Red Hats at a trailhead, Col. Kurtz, as reported previously, made an impassioned plea to Gen. Smith, asking that they set aside personal disputes and fight FEMA as a cohesive unit. Kurtz even said he’d defer to Gen. Smith’s judgment, as he has more experience combatting FEMA. Following an emergency White Hat council meeting, Gen. Smith agreed, and White Hats—Marines, soldiers, and members of the Special Operations community, joined Red Hats on the mountain, forming a “union,” as we call the coalition.

United, they reportedly drove FEMA off the mountain after gaining a tactical advantage, and killed agents who were holed up in positions above the flood zone. When FEMA tried landing helicopters filled with reinforcements, Union forces fired at them, downing one and forcing the other to retreat.

That victory, though, was ephemeral. The next day, a federal cavalcade barreled into Chimney Rock, blockading the highway and ordering Union forces to surrender by order of “President Harris.” The Union had prepped for a protracted standoff, and with elevation advantage, began plinking off feds as they stepped out of their vehicles, many of which had been fitted to traverse deep water.

As of this writing, the battle for Chimney Rock rages on, with neither side yielding ground. Our source said the Union’s tactical expertise will ultimately lead to victory.

Elsewhere, Union troops have engaged FEMA in Florida, and we’ll provide details on that theater of conflict in the next article.

In closing, our source said Gen. Smith and Kurtz met in person to discuss the collaborative effort.

“Sometimes uniting to fight a shared enemy can bring two people closer together,” he said.

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Last edited 14 minutes ago by Blackhat

Wow, this is a full on civil war happening in Carolinas. I never thought I’d live during a second civil war, yet here we are. With more storms brewing and more states potentially effected. Pray for our country and our brave soldiers, I don’t want these extraordinary men to loose their lives. ❤️🙏🇺🇸


i hope the world is happy for eradicating my culture. shame on all of you and now russia and ukraine loss are high.

enjoy hell all of you for what you done.

you erased my europena heritage. we will have our vengence in some form.

bunch of assholes you all are.


Good men! Agreeing is more productive than disagreeing.


What about agreeing to disagree? :o)


I disagree


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 49 minutes ago by mistracy39
Dave Strickland

Heartening progress. It’s surely appropriate to follow the maxim “Fight fire with fire”. Pain and loss are the only things some evil souls understand. FEMA are dishing plenty of that out – causing people already suffering to suffer more, the exact opposite of what God tells us.

American Living in Canada

Always liked Jeannie C.

“I want to tell you all a story ’bout a Harper Valley widowed wife
Who had a teenage daughter who attended Harper Valley Junior High
Well her daughter came home one afternoon and didn’t even stop to play
She said, “Mom, I got a note here from the Harper Valley P.T.A.”

The note said, “Mrs. Johnson, you’re wearing your dresses way too high
It’s reported you’ve been drinking and a-runnin’ ’round with men and going wild
And we don’t believe you ought to be bringing up your little girl this way”
It was signed by the secretary, Harper Valley P.T.A.

Well, it happened that the P.T.A. was gonna meet that very afternoon
They were sure surprised when Mrs. Johnson wore her mini-skirt into the room
And as she walked up to the blackboard, I can still recall the words she had to say
She said, “I’d like to address this meeting of the Harper Valley P.T.A.”

Well, there’s Bobby Taylor sittin’ there and seven times he’s asked me for a date
Mrs. Taylor sure seems to use a lot of ice whenever he’s away
And Mr. Baker, can you tell us why your secretary had to leave this town?
And shouldn’t widow Jones be told to keep her window shades all pulled completely down?

Well, Mr. Harper couldn’t be here ’cause he stayed too long at Kelly’s Bar again
And if you smell Shirley Thompson’s breath, you’ll find she’s had a little nip of gin
Then you have the nerve to tell me you think that as a mother I’m not fit
Well, this is just a little Peyton Place and you’re all Harper Valley hypocrites

No I wouldn’t put you on because it really did, it happened just this way
The day my Mama socked it to the Harper Valley P.T.A.
The day my Mama socked it to the Harper Valley P.T.A.”

American Living in Canada

Jeannie C took on the original political correct goofballs… God Bless ya Jeannie..

Jonathan Ray Carmona

This is what has NEEDED to happen; unity is our strength!


Okay so, Go Union,!!?
Patriots- He who is not for me is against me.
Patriots- The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
So, Go Union!!!

Last edited 1 hour ago by Diana

I’m not for you. Does that mean I get executed? I already have a few clones made.

Last edited 34 minutes ago by Blackhat

No, it just means you can’t think (sometimes).

Last edited 21 minutes ago by jimbo

Wow! Hallelujah! Excellent! Bravo Union. Keep fighting until FEMA is no more forever!


Fighting never solves anything.


I found this on TS amongst the white and red hat union intel. Happened in a town near Asheville called Candler! Military (special operations) just caught Head Trafficker of all time! King Pin THE HORSEMAN! He was captured tonight with his 41 Henchmen! All the bodies floating down the river water were from the tunnels captured by these bastards! The High Horseman had 18 facial surgeries & the military has been looking for him for 30 years! They were caught 7pm October 8th! Asheville is number 1 Wiccan community in the USA! Lots of bad there! They been flooding dumbs the past couple years & unfortunately the dumbs under Asheville had these bodies of the unknown in there. They were from that town. You will start to hear this in the next couple days! THIS IS HUGE!!!
On another note: The DOJ is attempting to sue our good governor for purging none-citizens from Virginia voter rolls and making sure they cannot vote in any way shape or form. 

Dave Strickland

The best piece of supplementary reporting adding to RRN I’ve read in a long time. An example of many, I’m sure, which are happening and you never normally hear about it. I watched a TikTok video clip of the events in Asheville two days ago, a place full of trees, in what I saw. Patriots sometimes get disheartened at the suggested infrequency of good news based on small numbers of loyal military when up against the masses of the DS. But remember: with God, one man is a majority. God is not assisting us in this fight; we are assisting God. The weapons He gives us are our Faith, our Belief, and our Praying, in the Name of Christ, the Son of El Elyon – God Most High. Joshua 23:10, then Joshua 23:10, and finally Joshua 23:10.


Major General Paul E. Vallely: Q = White Hat Military Psyop.

Yes, there are military white hats and yes, Q is real. General Vallely explains:

https:// x. com/Rick83420440/status/1827335449393725787




Paul E. Vallely (born November 29, 1939) is a retired United States Army major general and former senior military analyst for Fox News.

Vallely served in the Vietnam War and retired in 1991 as deputy commanding general, United States Army Pacific. In 2004, together with retired Air Force lieutenant general Thomas McInerney, he co-authored the book Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror. He has served as military committee chairman for the Center for Security Policy, and runs the organization Stand Up America US.


https:// standupamericaus. org/


That wasn’t the general.


I concur, but their “long game” seems to get longer and longer. Rather hard to know what’s going on with a group that for all intents and purposes operates in complete secrecy.

Dje Wynne

ALL the union soldiers need anti-EMF clothing/shielding, such as getlambs . com sells. The nanotech in the jabs IS the track and trace they were after, down to the millimeter of positioning. Level the playing field by disguising/refracting the signal. I’ll put your Patriot’s skill, against their reliance on tech, any day! GODSPEED

American Living in Canada

Bring on the EBS.. WTF have you got left?

American Living in Canada

WTF have we got left?

American Living in Canada

No EBS… then just another scam.

American Living in Canada

 confidence man
a person who tricks other people in order to get their money con artist

American Living in Canada

Maybe the trolls got it right?

American Living in Canada

Shit.. or get off the pot all of ya’s!


What do you care, you live in Canada…don’t you have your own problems in Canada…Why do you come here if you don’t think its true? You”re becoming a troll, in your impatience. This crap didn’t happen overnight it took decades and may take decades to rid of this evil.

American Living in Canada

What? I don’t have Friends and Family in the States?


I always ask, at what point will you realize it’s fake? After the election, after inauguration, after March, or 4 more years. Even if Trump wins nothing will happen. I actually believe what I’m saying, nothing here matches the real world.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Blackhat

Surely you don’t mean nothing. After all, there’s a status quo to be maintained.




Wonder how many people voted 3 or 4 times for the EBS to happen.

American Living in Canada

It’s gotta happen… I’m talking with the general public..they don’t mention anything of all the bullshit that went down.. and I’m a known Trump Supporter… 3 X I got a coincidence incident that happened to me from 2018 – 2022 …No EBS.. NO MORE SUPPORT FOR WWG1WGFA



American Living in Canada

So you’re ok with the status quo…? I’m not a whiner.

American Living in Canada

I’ve passed on information from credible news sources and Canadian Veterans.. Ya still wanna call me a whiner?

American Living in Canada


Last edited 3 minutes ago by American Living in Canada
Hans Kammler

The collective weight of the US Military Special Operations Command ought to brought to bear on FEMA. Start with Intelligence Support Activity or whatever the fuck you call it today and slowly roll up or snipe leadership structure till only
personnel left are either clueless or jockwashers or both. I am not even a qualified armchair commando but for fuck sakes could you please do ur fucking job???


Well it looks like the national guard is working with FEMA. Not sure where your bullshit.


Boeing is spiraling from all of their fuck ups! Laying off 17,000 people………


please!! Boeing is always hiring and laying off…I live in Seattle and have seen many people get on with boeing get great pay…they start buying cars and homes and the next thing they know they are being layed off because the contracts are done…Boeing has been an awful employer…They make the unemployment around here spike every time their contracts end…I would suggest if you get on with boeing to save money because they will lay off at a drop of a hat.


The Boeing CEO, needs to go down👇


I found it verrry “interesting” that TODAY, on MSM news, they are making a very big special point of stating the need to “Put a stop to the “Misinformation” where many are now saying that the weather can be generated, manipulated and steered by man. I believe there will be a “Special Report” tonight. On ABC? They SURE don’t want the masses to starting thinking about that too much, or start to investigate it – or there could be a massive lynch mob coming, carrying their torches, for a piece of their evil “arses”! People are already outraged at the terrible lack of adequate response or assistance in some areas. Just wait until the masses start to figure out the truth about the possible origins of these deadly disasters. With just a little effort, the information is out there to find.

Such a statement only serves to shine a bright light, and ignite such a belief, and to bring more awareness, critical thinking, and research; and draw even MORE attention, to further fuel such a “theory”. A denial that may cause an OPPOSITE effect from their desired outcome. By making such a major public denial, they lend even more credibility to it. Information is out there.

The Media is working overtime now, trying to smother those flames. Can’t wait to hear the story that will be spun tonight.



Karen B

great comment, MsBu.🤗
The Demonrats always tell us what they do bc they blame us for their doing. They are the Projection Wizards but their spell over the masses has been broken and holds no power over people any longer. As you say: wait until they find out.😉😆💓


How many years will you believe the conspiracy until you realize none of it is true?


We all believe that yøu are a useless SHILL SCUMBAG👈😂!!


Karen B

😂😂yeah, that is one thing we All can agree on.🤗


Truth is relative.


The indicator that lets me know I’m truly over the target is when you attack me.


No one can give a number. 4 years? Does your friends and family believe you? If not, are they deep state?


Yes, the cabal news readers are trying to counter truth.




They control who wins the games also, All the sports games are rigged…High stakes are played, and high payouts for those who rig the games…The elite cannibals.


Ok, then you should be rich by betting on all the games.

Christo dogood

Finally starting to get things done. Only took thousands of people to drown, get crushed, burn to death, eaten by sharks or shot by FEMA for it to happen.


yep i hate that


Literally nothing is happening.


The universe is now at absolute zero?


Not possible, not yet.


We believe you😉🌹


Paint Chimney Rock red with fema blood!!!


So much invisible blood!!


Off subject but, I think I have it figured out why our navy fleets are sitting in the ocean as if WWIII were about to happen. It has to do with our ports. Our ports are not part of our land under current law. We are waiting for that to change. It remains to be seen.




I posted a link before but it’s not here. There is a lot of Lithium in Chimney Rock and nearby areas and mines. Harris’ husband owns the mines. Connect the dots. Land grabbing. Video is on Rumble.


You need to put a space after https for the link to appear.


You can’t post links Janae. Try to put a space in between ht tp and don’t use w w w at all.


oh shut the fuck




SOROS owns NOTHING, and his family will soon be PENNILESS as well, if they’re ALLOWED to even LIVE⁉️ His son Alex is also a SCUMBAG COMMUNIST‼️🤬



“BREAKING: Biden says that Americans who have criticized his hurricane response will “pay a price.” 10-11-2024

https:// x. com/IanJaeger29/status/1844803604697198690


per Rusty/Jim: “FALSE FLAG,”,,


The person impersonating Biden is the one who is going to pay the price


Right on! And why doesn’t someone just pull that mask off of him, which would then make any/all of his leftist efforts unconstitutional.


How do you know it’s even a person?


will the Vehicle that Rahim hussein Harris withstand a direct hit from a 6000 lb cellulose encased Lazer guided bomb dropped from a F/A 18

TarGet Aquired !

Pickle is hot and. ..
fire one. Have a nice day


hmmm..3yrs. 9months …too late

K Shook

Hope these events will be part of the running show when it is blasting on all channels non stop with the tribunals and executions. It will go a long way in healing us heal and get over this century long nightmare.



https:// x. com/PapiTrumpo/status/1844430911942820115


Except reality.



“Karl has a girl in the back ADU.”


Yeah totally what could be more healing than watching gruesome footage of executions and gun killings on TV 24/7

orange julius

God bless the Union. They will prevail.



Karen B

That is wonderful that these two brave soldiers and their teams were able to join and fight our most evil, worse enemy during disasters. Reconcilliation is a beautiful thing to behold. The idea that Kurtz gave General Smith the lead in giving orders, sure tells us he is serious about riding our country of it’s never-ending parasites…perhaps they will be allowed to stay on to assist the heavy load of continuing to get monsters.
Speaking of monsters, I really cannot believe that these power-crazed goons, like FEMA, can be all human. The eat-sleep-breathe mechanism they possess to crush and control others does not host one ounce of humanity inside of them.
I don’t think many are human anymore. That’s truly how I feel.
To hear that the inception of robbing and murdering patriots by FEMA, started with the Clintons in the Oval office, is just perfect!: of course it started then with the High Priestess Witch and Shapeshifting Willy. My goodness, more connecting the dots, Michael B.❗👏👏👏👍💓
I’m not even going to let that boil my blood. 😣
I am sorry for those good fighting soldiers that fell. 😞They did not die in vain.🗡🛡💫
I say it is time to end FEMA indefinitely. Before more innocent ones become their victims.
GOD is a God that sits on the Mercy Seat, but also He sits on the Judgement Seat. May His judgement on FEMA be swift and their final chapter.
Glory be to GOD for his Steadfast Love.🤗💘🗡🛡🛐💟🇺🇸💘

True patriot

Hope FEMA doesn’t replenish the Dead with millions of armed illegals.


“A $50 million FEMA facility for Illegals with a 800 bed capacity is sitting EMPTY and is right down the road from Asheville in Greensboro! Why isn’t this place being used for the people who actually need it?”

https:// x. com/Maga4liberty/status/1844029264854925400


Why aren’t FEMA employees staying there instead of hotels?


Because leftists love to create chaos any which way they can. FEMA booking all the hotels in the area was purposeful.


The word “chaos” means EVIL. I think each human that thinks of speaking and writing the word “chaos” should replace the word for its meaning: “EVIL.”

The word EVIL evokes many different ideas and behaviors of EVIL DOERS and many different ideas and behaviors by those affected by EVIL DOERS’ crimes against humanity.


Do you see the ACTION of “feed EVIL beings…” opposed to “feed CHAOS beings…”?

Use EVIL instead of chaos in your posted comments. I would be interested in knowing the number and verbiage of replying comments you receive.

Just saying….




Who is “we’ in you above statement?


When SHIT TARDS are actively DIGGING IN THE DIRT for their non-living wages, then the FEMA facility will be packed by SHIT TARDS.


We already raised a clone army.


Doesn’t seem to be doing much good for blackhats.


We’re still here 4 years later. And will be another 4


No need, we have millions of clones ready to go


Even if they do, they are still FEMA and due to the same outcome legal or illegal.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Truth Versus Fake Facts – What is real raw news and what is fake? Where is Sherlock Holmes when you need him?


President Donald J Trump Our Sitting Commander in Chief
And His responsible for directing and overseeing military operations. In the United States,
And Also Thank all of the Worlds People and their Military’s assistances
And I Robert Gregory Boensch Apologize For Being So Stern With You a few Times Mr. President
But this is War and 17.4.3 Is where We the People Will Hold Our Court of Justice in our States?

We With great Honor Salute our President And Commander in Chief
Donald J Trump

And We Will Never Give Up this Country To Another Force or Foe

“Where We Go One, We Go All”
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

We are our commander
The phrase “We are our commander” suggests a sense of self-leadership and autonomy. It implies that individuals have the capacity to govern themselves, making decisions and taking actions without external direction.
This concept is reflected in various contexts:

  • Military: In a military setting, “commander” typically refers to a superior officer. However, the phrase “We are our commander” could be seen as a metaphor for soldiers taking initiative and responsibility for their own actions, rather than solely following orders.
  • Personal development: In a personal context, “We are our commander” encourages individuals to recognize their own inner authority and leadership. It promotes self-awareness, self-motivation, and decision-making, allowing people to chart their own course in life.
  • Collective empowerment: When applied to a group or community, “We are our commander” fosters a sense of collective agency and empowerment. It emphasizes the importance of collective decision-making, cooperation, and mutual support, rather than relying on external authority.

In summary, “We are our commander” embodies the idea of self-directed leadership, autonomy, and collective empowerment. It encourages individuals and groups to take ownership of their actions, decisions, and destinies.
Remember When President Trump on Jan 20 2017
He said he was Transferring Power Back to the People
He was Declaring to Us the Sovereign People of this Nation
To Take Control And How Many Stepped Up And Took Action

We Were all Asked To Be Our Commanders Of Our Own Life, Our Family ,
And Our Country To Protect This Great Nation And Its People.
And Our Constitutional Republic


@Robert Gregory Boensch– Well said, Robert! I think POTUS Trump did as you recommend because he chose “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) to bring Americans together as one voice, one fist, one knock-out punch upon the skulls of the “EVIL ONES.”

MARXISTS et al., are “haughty,” … an evil behavior listed as SIN NUMBER ONE (Proverbs 6:16-19). Humanity is JUSTIFIED TO KILL [not murder] ANYONE and EVERYONE FOR COMMITTING “SINS ONE THROUGH SEVEN” because Father God Jesus gave warning to HIS “beloved offspring humans” (WHITE, BROWN, BLACK) that any imitation of the seven (7) evil behaviors will be “DYING DAILY IN HELL FOR AN ETERNITY.”

And all of humanity knows who is not human among us on this beautiful Earth, too!
Humanity must do as Father God Jesus commanded: FIGHT BACK HARDER!


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 6 hours ago by mistracy39
Andrew Stevano

All, has any of you watched the Candace Owen you-tubes she did (maybe still doing) exploring Kamala’s family tree? They are extremely intriguing. Her heritage is nothing close to what is being portrayed. She has communists on both sides, no black heritage… Her book and what the MSM tells us are totally made up. What Candace Owens has done is a must see. Search y o u t u b e Candace Ep. 76 – 79.


Candace is cute but dumber than a box of rocks.

Tony Engels

An anonymous online troll calling Candace Owens dumb??? Boy you is the stupidest MF on this thread! she is way smarter than your ill-informed ass. Try again you loser!


Get him Tony.


You’re the one who believes everyone is clones and imposters. That’s enough to get you a padded room.


Not a question of belief. That cloning has been around for many years is a fact


But the problem is you believe clones are grown to full size and have all the memories of the original. That part is bullshit.




No, she’s very intelligent, perceptive and well spoken. Definitely far from dumb.


yer moms sux rox but u be dumber


The point is the ancestry of “Kamala Harris”, who is running as a black person and has now been shown to have no black African ancestry. Candace Owen’s IQ is not relevant. Now what was that about rocks?


The problem is you believe that people on rumble have credibility when it’s proven Russian propagandists have been paying them off. You believe so many conspiracies that don’t match the real world, you’ve lost touch with reality.


Candace is a true patriot and well-respected within the conservative movement.


Candace Owens Promotes Antisemitic Conspiracy Theories. That’s why she’s stupid.


I saw one of those videos a day or two ago. She’s hot on the trail of exposing this Harris heritage story. She’s not going to allow this story to get smothered under MSM denials.


She’s on vacation and will be back 14 Oct 2024.


Another obumma, controlled snake.


Seems constructive.

james richard merkle

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” !


Outstanding! We pissed off & fucked over citizens want our pound of fed flesh too! Here’s how: large phone book sized publications need to be printed up & distributed on a massive scale, along w an extensive website. Like this: a fema book, irs book, atf book fbi book, doj book, and let’s not forget the chemtrail pilots & their crews for CRIMES against humanity! With their pictures,names & addresses & even phone #’s. A $10,000 reward on the head of each traitor! And loose the wrath of us citizens on them! (Dogs of war). Cancel their passports & restrict their freedoms like they want to do to us. Restrict their travel, like they want to do to us. Let’s ALL hunt them down & corner them and kill them all with extreme prejudice! That’s what they have been planning & wanting to do to all of us. Now it’s their turn to play the game. It does not matter if they are men , women, young or old, married or single, gay or straight. Their turn to run and hide for their lives!!! Chased & hunted down. Turn all of the recycling centers across America into federal scum body bounty collection centers. Bring in truck loads of federal traitors & collect the bounties! OH WHAT FUN WE WOULD HAVE! YES our turn finally to piss on their sugar pops! Maybe TRUMP will give us the green light!!!!! C’mon, it’s GO time !!!


I really like this concept.

However, in order to make it follow a due process, and not turn into a riot, it will need to be led by local sheriffs and deputized citizens

Anyone running rogue – aka Billy the Kid – will have to answer to the law. .


And none of that will happen like always


I don’t hate the idea. Admittedly, it could be gratifying. But maybe we should continue to “Trust the plan” for a bit longer, and not go rogue. Who knows? Maybe it includes some similar provisions.


It is NOT going rogue when the Declaration of Independence gives ALL Americans the DUTY to throw off tyranny.


THANK you for that post!


Let’s put the hangman’s gear next to all the pig farms for easy disposal. Probably not a one is vaxxed, so no worries there.




IM IN !!!!!!!


Hold on partner, before you go on a murder spree make sure you see your therapist.


Murder spree? Hey dumb dumb. The Declaration of Independence gives American’s the DUTY to throw off Tyranny. Maybe you should keep your mouth shut.


You are seeing tyranny but you want to replace it with your own.


Now there’s a potentially intelligent point. Even if the existing order of tyranny is removed, how do we know that it won’t be replaced with another?


Because the people in this comment section demand it. They want Trump emperor and everyone executed that disagree with them.

Nazi vs Q nuts (Sorry for using logic)
Nazis: idolized Hitler with a cult of personality
Qnuts: idolized Trump with a cult of personality
Nazis: Created a fake enemy to blame all their problems
Qnuts: Created a fake enemy to blame all their problems
Nazis: killed millions based on lies
Qnuts: want millions killed based on lies
Nazis: installed Hitler as dictator
Qnuts: Wants Trump to be dictator, and supporters dictators of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.
Nazis: Declared white people superior
Qnuts: Hate immigrats, supports by racists, believe the great replacement.
Nazis: They controlled the press
Qnuts: Want everyone they disagree with executed.







PREYS JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wow, I’d love this movie. Let’s get this going. All we’d need is a message from pres T…


Lololololol Good one!


Just blowing off steam picturing it.


Start posting fema members names and states, we the people will make sure their treasonous family also face the consequences of their actions, make fema agents fear for their loved ones and watch


You gonna travel overseas to where they’re likely from?


That’s opening yourself to a major lawsuit.


Like the one our rogue government did the POTUS Trump? Shhhhhhhh.


Trump tried to overthrow the government. Yeah, you’re listening to too much Russian propaganda.


lawsuit will be

going up inside

yer assy hola



You seem to have a fixation with the anus??


And everyone’s mom. Watch out for Allen, he has a black man fetish. Gives me the creeps


“Aaron Switzer, Retired Air Force Special Operations, Swannanoa, North Carolina He was on the ground and confirms FEMA blocked aircraft/ helicopters from bringing in aid. He even confirms FEMA blocked State Patrol helicopters Kamala Harris FEMA shut everyone down “So the big thing was we started to have an increase of state helicopters coming into this direction, primarily because the old HLZ that they had established, FEMA took over and basically took charge of it and then wouldn’t allow anything but their assets to fly in there to include state patrol. They were denied.”

https:// x .com/WallStreetApes/status/1844518589165883628


They need to answer for this… Gitmo for all involved.


And ATF, FBI, CIA, IRS the list goes on and on.


You’re going to murder families?


How do you know these FEMA members aren’t part of a cloned army with no real human identification?

Beth Appling

White & Red Hats – THANK YOU!! SEND ALL FEMA PERSONNEL TO HELL, pretty please!


The Pink hats are the ones going to hell.


“Kamala Harris EXPOSED for ordering the National Guard to load a C-17 cargo plane with relief supplies supposedly for victims of the Hurricane in North Carolina for a photo op but NEVER SENT the plane.”

https:// x. com/bennyjohnson/status/1844541969399238731


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 7 hours ago by mistracy39

The term ‘president harris’ makes me physically ill!! She is a moron puppet who was on her back to make it to where she is today.


You’re going to freaking out after the election.


Bless your heart.


I’ll be here the day after to drink your tears.


I read somewhere, it was on her knees.


i be laughing when china, middle east and russia destroy the artifacts and etc.

you all regret this decision.

you eradicate my culture for your selfishness.

assholes this universe is.

all of you are racist.


So are you.



that all u got left

call us racist

we are totally de-sensitized to that now

we are winning

we are going to kill you all, and we will not miss a wink of sleep over it


You win at nothing Dufas


You’re not killing anyone, dork. All you ever do with your miserable life is larp about wanting to kill people.


*smack* upside yer noggin bitch


Sooooo good! The Union makes me proud to be an American! FEMA is probably mostly UN.


so by erasing all europeans and artifacts of the past and humans wants no one to be remembered, lol.

you all regret this by making chinese and russian mandatory language.


Ha ha


You Are Unfortunately A Result Of Inbreeding Which Has Incredibly Devastating Consequences . . Cheers . .


sorry for yer

misfortunate autistically expressive


Robert Gregory Boensch


God’s four p’s peace patience perseverance will lead this country to prosperity Fails

Just Get the B 52’s out of storage And Carpet Bomb Them

Retrieve B-52 Aircraft
Based on the provided information, it’s essential to note that the B-52 Stratofortress has been in service for over 60 years, with ongoing refurbishments and modifications to maintain its capabilities. As of 2024, 76 B-52s are in inventory, with 58 operated by active forces and 18 by reserve forces. Additionally, some aircraft are stored at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Boneyard.
Recent Reactivation In May 2019, a B-52 nicknamed “Wise Guy” was resurrected from long-term storage and flew to Barksdale Air Force Base after a four-month refurbishment process. This demonstrates the USAF’s ability to reactivate and maintain these aircraft.

Carpet Bombing Capabilities
The B-52D variant underwent Big Belly modifications, increasing its conventional bomb capacity for carpet bombing operations. The aircraft has been used in various conflicts, including the Vietnam War, and has undergone numerous upgrades to maintain its effectiveness.

Desert Storm and Iraq
During Operation Desert Storm in 1991, the B-52s played a significant role in the air campaign, targeting Iraqi military infrastructure and supply lines. However, there is no evidence to suggest that “carpet bombing” was a primary tactic employed by the coalition forces. Instead, the air war focused on precision strikes and strategic targeting to achieve its objectives.

Current Status
The B-52H is expected to remain in service until 2050, making it an enduring platform for the US Air Force. While it’s possible to reactivate stored B-52s, any future carpet bombing operations would require careful consideration of strategic objectives, targeting, and humanitarian concerns.

In summary, while the B-52 has the capability for carpet bombing, its current status and recent reactivation demonstrate the USAF’s commitment to maintaining this aircraft as a versatile and effective platform. Any future operations would require careful planning and consideration of the complexities involved.

As of 2024, 76 B-52s are in inventory, with 58 operated by active forces and 18 by reserve forces


Hope is the anchor of the soul, and it is essential for a nation’s prosperity. When citizens have hope for a better future, they are more likely to work together towards common goals, invest in their communities, and contribute to the nation’s growth and development

B-52s can elevate the need For Hope

Last edited 7 hours ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

B-52s’ Role in Hope
The B-52 Stratofortress, a symbol of American military might, has been a cornerstone of the US Air Force’s bomber fleet for over six decades. Despite its age, the B-52 has undergone significant modernization efforts, ensuring its continued relevance in the face of emerging threats. This longevity is a testament to human ingenuity and the ability to adapt, much like the concept of “For Hope” – a beacon of optimism in the face of adversity.

Entity 1: B-52 Modernization

The Air Force’s $48.6 billion overhaul of the B-52, aiming to keep it flying until 2060, demonstrates a commitment to preserving this iconic aircraft. This effort not only extends the B-52’s service life but also enhances its capabilities, making it an integral part of the Air Force’s future bomber fleet alongside the B-21 Raider.

Entity 2: Human Resilience

The concept of “For Hope” is exemplified by the stories of ordinary people who have overcome extraordinary circumstances, as told through the “52 Weeks of Hope” podcast and book. These inspiring tales of perseverance and hope serve as a reminder that even in the darkest times, humanity can find ways to adapt, overcome, and thrive.


The B-52’s continued relevance and modernization efforts serve as a metaphor for the human spirit’s capacity to persevere and adapt. Just as the B-52 has been upgraded to meet new challenges, individuals can find ways to reinvigorate their own sense of hope and purpose in the face of adversity.

The B-52’s enduring legacy and the stories of human resilience both embody the idea that “For Hope” is a fundamental aspect of the human experience, capable of elevating our collective sense of purpose and optimism.


What does any of this have to do with us. No wonder you couldn’t get any votes.


Rods of GOD make b52 obsolete


RGB working hard to get us to believe he’s insane, so we won’t pull him apart in the streets.

Doesn’t matter RGB. Evey man reaps exactly as he has sown. Exactly.


How many people have you pulled apart in the streets EdSlob? Oh right, zero, because you’re a fucking loser larper.


remember people taking away people lives of europe has backfired????

did you all know whites and europeans are people too?

yet chinese can kill whoever they want, middle east cn torture women, blacks can hurt whites.

what kind of world is that???

why do wef,ccp, russia, middle east get to make those rules?

so destroying entertaainment: check.

no whites or europeans: check.

brain chipping: coming by elon.

women beaters: check.

trans world coming.

what else do you want?

oh rename the whole world as chinese or wef choice.


Dude, go back to sleep. You make no sense


“Next time you bring whole paycheck, JOE.”


You Are Unfortunately A Result Of Inbreeding Which Has Incredibly Devastating Consequences . . Cheers . .


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 7 hours ago by mistracy39

We take our Godly Authority right now over God’s warring Angels from the Heavenly Host, guided by St. Michael, and we command, by our Luke 10:19 Authority, that these Angelic beings surround the UNION ARMY now & let them KNOW that God sent them, and defend them in eliminating FEMA, enemy of God, and the people on this earth. We honor the Guardian Angel’s of our enemies to turn and use them against the plots of the American people who live there & have survived. God, come to their assistance, Lord, make haste to help the UNION ARMY, here, & in the next place the deep state intends to attack. We plead the BLOOD of JESUS over the Union Army for their protection, We belong to You, God, and we humbly thank You, in advance, for St.Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael & the Seraphim Angels to assist General Eric Smith, Colonel Kurtz and all those fighting this fight against the United States of America. We decree, God, in the Name of Your Son, Jesus, that the other plots to ruin other coastal cities will come to naught. We repent of our sins & cry out to You, Lord God, Father, of all that believe. Cease and desist, you foul spirits. You are defeated and must go to the foot of the Cross where JESUS HIMSELF will dispose of you. We decree an end to your deep state secret plans
No weapon formed against Michael Baxter, or this website will prosper. No weapon formed against Donald Trump, or his family will prosper, according to Isaiah 54:17.
For You equipped Donald Trump, and the UNION army with strength for this battle.
You, Lord God, made those who rise up against us to sink under us. Psalm 18:39.


Amen! Adding in the land and people of Wyoming for protection and the complete and utter end of depredations across our country, and again, Amen!!


In total agreement, with my sister & brother patriots here, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Lord of Hosts and Your Son.


Beautiful! THANK YOU, Maggie! ❤️🌹🙏


Its all the Holy Spirit, I’m thanking HIM for the words.




Wowwwwwwww that’s some pretty powerful warfare prayer there ‼️ We’re pummeling the gates of hell with the God given authority invested in us, the body of Christ n Jesus Christ our CIC will lead us to victory ‼️


Prayers 🙏 to continue without ceasing.
Thank you for sharing!


I’ve executed many angels for their defiance against me.

J Graham III

foolish talk is also monitored by the angels assigned to you.


I kicked him in the nuts


You may need to be sent back to source!!


We need all American patriots and Christians standing and boldly shouting that prayer loudly! So the Angel hosts can hear you! Put them to work now! We have the authority to do this!

Do you want to make your words stronger, declare and decree those words Maggie has given us.

Maggie you are definitely in the army of the Lord and victory is ours!

Robert Gregory Boensch

2014 I Published this
God’s four p’s
will lead this country to prosperity
Ai Says this Today

God’s P’s for National Prosperity
Based on biblical principles and wisdom, the four P’s – Peace, Patience, Perseverance, and Hope – can guide a country towards prosperity. Here’s a breakdown of each:

  • Peace: A nation at peace with itself and its neighbors is more likely to flourish. This requires fostering understanding, tolerance, and respect among its citizens, as well as resolving conflicts through dialogue and diplomacy.
  • Patience: Patience is essential for building strong relationships, both domestically and internationally. It allows for careful consideration of decisions, thoughtful negotiation, and long-term planning, rather than impulsive or short-sighted actions.
  • Perseverance: Perseverance is crucial for overcoming obstacles and achieving goals. It enables a nation to weather economic downturns, natural disasters, and other challenges, and to continue striving for progress and improvement.
  • Hope: Hope is the anchor of the soul, and it is essential for a nation’s prosperity. When citizens have hope for a better future, they are more likely to work together towards common goals, invest in their communities, and contribute to the nation’s growth and development.

Scriptural Support

  • Romans 5:4: “And patience, experience; and experience, hope” – This verse highlights the connection between patience, perseverance, and hope, emphasizing the importance of these qualities for a nation’s prosperity.
  • Hebrews 10:36: “For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised” – This passage encourages perseverance in the face of challenges, promising a reward for those who endure.
  • Romans 15:4: “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope” – This verse underscores the importance of patience and hope, emphasizing the role of scripture in guiding a nation towards prosperity.

Practical Applications

  • Foster dialogue and diplomacy to resolve conflicts and promote peace.
  • Encourage patience and thoughtful decision-making in government and business.
  • Promote perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges, and recognize the efforts of those who demonstrate these qualities.
  • Emphasize hope and a positive vision for the future, inspiring citizens to work together towards common goals.

By embracing God’s four P’s – Peace, Patience, Perseverance, and Hope – a country can cultivate a strong foundation for prosperity, built on principles of wisdom, compassion, and resilience.


per Jim, “DON’T FORGET PUSSY,,,”

Sandy Thomas

“…Perseverance, and … ‘Pope’??”. No Of course not!

Sue Grantham

We all have a common enemy-EVIL
I don’t care what their jackets say- FEMA, FBI, DOJ are on the list of enemies


“When everything went to hell in the South after Hurricanes Helene and Milton, I didn’t see a convoy of Priuses, windmills, and FEMA social justice warriors coming to save the day I saw diesel trucks, heavy tractors, fuel tankers, and a whole lotta bearded good ol’ boys putting some of that “toxic masculinity” to work saving lives and rebuilding society God bless the true backbone of America – the hardworking men and women of the middle class.”

https:// x. com/DC_Draino/status/1844420336806248910


Aman! God bless and God speed! Today judgement has been released from the Courts of God Almighty who has decreed that America will not only survive, but Win over all those that attack us! Now we will see ALL our enemies fall and be brought to an end!

Robert Gregory Boensch

2014 I Published this

God’s four p’s




will lead this country to prosperity

Ai Says this Today

Four Virtues for National Prosperity
Based on biblical principles and wisdom from various cultures and traditions, we can explore the significance of God’s four P’s – peace, patience, perseverance, and their potential to lead a country to prosperity.

As emphasized in the Talmud, “Prosperity forsakes those who always dream of fate and favors those who persevere.” (Sanhedrin 105a) Peace is essential for stability and harmony, allowing citizens to focus on personal and collective growth. It enables governments to allocate resources effectively, fostering economic development and social cohesion.

Moses’ words to his disciple, “You will never have any patience with me! How can you show any patience with something that is beyond your experience?” (Sanhedrin 105a), highlight the importance of patience in understanding and navigating complex challenges. Patience allows leaders and citizens to approach problems with a calm and thoughtful mindset, leading to more informed decision-making and effective problem-solving.

The Bible emphasizes the value of perseverance in overcoming obstacles, as seen in Romans 5:4 (“And patience, experience; and experience, hope”) and Hebrews 10:36 (“For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised”). Perseverance is crucial for achieving long-term goals and building resilience in the face of adversity.

When God’s four P’s are cultivated, they can lead to a country’s prosperity. As the Igala Proverb states, “Even the worst problems have solutions if one only perseveres.” (Matsya Purana 221.2) By embracing peace, patience, and perseverance, a nation can:

  • Foster a stable and harmonious environment, conducive to economic growth and development
  • Encourage informed decision-making and effective problem-solving
  • Build resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges
  • Cultivate hope and trust in God, leading to a sense of purpose and direction

In conclusion, God’s four P’s – peace, patience, perseverance, and their resulting prosperity – offer a powerful framework for a country’s development. By embracing these values, leaders and citizens can work together to build a prosperous and harmonious society, guided by faith and wisdom.


now banks are next? just to prove a point?
//then you tell me to get a job and then you mock me for having autism? just so you can treat me like shit even more?

when will this stop?

this world evil.

Last edited 8 hours ago by chris

You Are Unfortunately A Result Of Inbreeding Which Has Incredibly Devastating Consequences . . Cheers . .


SUCK IT UP !!!!!





It is curious, even phenomenal, how they are able to keep such battles and dead bodies away from local vloggers and bloggers. I know many people in the area. None of them are mentioning anything about gun battles, nor downed helicopters!




Measures are being taken, I’m sure. They would not want to draw civilians into a dangerous area nor upset people already in shock. We have a lot of Special Forces involved…they are expert at not being seen. Known as “Silent Professionals” for a reason.


must have silent rifles and grenades too.


 how they are able to keep such battles … away from local vloggers and bloggers

As far as I could tell from the images I saw, there is little left of Chimney Rock. No electricity, no internet, no water, no food, no gas, no road. Why exactly would a vlogger or blogger want to be there? How would they get in, and then get out again? And for what reason? Note that a gunfight will only last a short while, and not go on continuously, day after day so that if a vlogger/blogger happens to get to where the fighting is, he will be able to record it. Nor would a vlogger/blogger happen to pick the right spot to be and wait perhaps days on end to see whether or not a gunfight will materialize, so that it could be recorded. And no sane vlogger/blogger would want to approach FEMA to see if they are corrupt, so that a video could be made of FEMA’s crimes. Wouldn’t FEMA have something to say about this?


Within a few miles anyway, one would hear the many gunshots.


Chimney Rock is essentially a canyon with a river running through it. But now its worse. Massive amounts of dirt that had been on the banks have been washed away (up to about 30 feet in depth) such that all that is left is the river bottom, with nothing but large rocks visible where the water level has receded. And with the sound of the river (similar to rapids), you may not even hear a gunshot from a mile away.


These areas where there’s gunfire is closed off by fema/fbi goons. I’ve heard videos of people hearing gunshots in the distance but because there’s no communication they weren’t aware of what that was abt.


If you weren’t extremely stupid this would probably make it obvious to you that this invisible war is completely fictional, dave


I live with people like you. It’s crazy.


I hope they tell you how retarded you are when you bring up these fake stories too.


There’s no power or cell towers you dweeb.