Saturday, September 7, 2024
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Deep State

JAG Convicts, Sentences Mark Milley to Hang

10/10/2023. GITMO. A three-officer panel at Guantanamo Bay convicted disgraced former General Mark A. Milley of treason and sentenced him to hang after a military...

Carrier Strike Group Drops Anchor; Defies Biden Regime!

The Gerald Ford Carrier Battle Group dropped anchor in the Mediterranean Sunday night in a repudiation of the criminal Biden regime's authority over United...

Marine Corps Base Massacre

As the world debated Hamas' surprise attack on Israel, another unprecedented assault occurred closer to home Saturday, with Black Hats launching a shocking attack...

Special Forces Unalive Obama Clone

White Hats on Saturday confirmed to Real Raw News that Barack Hussein Obama, long suspected of running the Deep State from abroad and pulling...

Deep State Spy Caught at Trump Vegas Hotel

White Hat liaisons embedded in Donald J. Trump’s business properties have detained a Trump Organization employee suspected of illicitly accessing the company’s servers and...

“Hang Him!” Adm. Stephens Says of Corrupt Army Major David Dunbar….But Without Tribunal!

Senior JAG prosecutor Rear Adm. Johnathon T. Stephens set a double precedent last week. A Camp Blaz source told Real Raw News that Stephens...

White Hats Destroy FEMA’s EBS

United States Army Rangers on Wednesday upset FEMA’s scheduled emergency broadcast and destroyed the central transmitter, but only after the wicked agency activated an...

JAG Schedules Detainee Mark Milley’s Tribunal

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark A. Milley has promised JAG investigators at Guantanamo Bay “an epic payback” unless he is...

Special Forces Save Kids from Deep State Ritual Sacrifice

United States Special Forces on Sunday propitiously interrupted a satanic ritual where Deep State lawmakers had fastened two prepubescent children—a boy and a girl--to...

Marines Push FEMA Out of Maui

White Hat forces in Maui have eradicated or repelled all but a handful of the felonious FEMA agents who began terrorizing the tropical paradise...

Gen. Milley Cries Foul; Tells JAG He Still Works for President Trump

The dishonored Mark A. Milley, now at Guantanamo Bay, has told U.S. Navy investigators they “colossally screwed up” because he had been working undercover...

Gen. Mark Milley Goes to GITMO

White Hats hope the arrest of former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark A. Milley will ripple through the Black Hat’s...
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