Trump Inauguration July 4, 2021


Donald J. Trump will make a celebrated return to the White House on July 4, Independence Day, as the last vestiges of Deep State corruption are rounded up in a massive sting and sent to GITMO to face military tribunals, said a Mar-a-Lago source involved in Trump’s operation to invalidate the illegal 2020 election.

At his Mar-a-Lago command center, Trump and his councilors have been working tirelessly to solve an almost unsolvable jigsaw puzzle—digging up the names of all elected or appointed officials who dishonored their oath of office to America and its people. Although Trump is aware of the primary and secondary players, below them lies an intricate web of tertiary Deep State operatives yet to be named on sealed indictments, any one of whom could potentially foil his planned return to power.

“Trump and his guys have been hunkered down at Mar-a-Lago figuring this mess out. They’re going after more than people like Pelosi, AOC, and Adam Schiff. He’s taking out their staff too, and if their staff has staff, well they might go down too. This is total purge. The abolishment of the liberal elites and the gutting of Hollywood. Why do you think pedo Tom Hanks sought citizenship in Australia? They know what’s coming,” our source said.

Asked how Trump plans to muster sufficient forces to enact his plan, our source said the following: “Trump has military support. Don’t believe MSM narrative about the military backing Biden. Trump is a patriot. When he gives the order, the military will respond at once, and they will arrest Joe Biden on the spot. It’ll be like Order 66 from Revenge of the Sith, except this time it’ll be the good guys giving the order.”

Six of the 8 Joint Chiefs of Staff support Donald Trump, our source added. The holdouts are Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and Commandant of the Coast Guard Karl L. Schultz, both of whom Trump will give an opportunity to reconsider their allegiance. If they stick with Biden, then they, too, will receive a one-way ticket to Guantanamo Bay.

“No one is getting a free pass,” our source said.

President Trump will likely issue a declaration of martial law when the arrests begin, as he doesn’t want innocent, law-abiding, patriotic Americans caught in the crossfire if the Deep State decides to resist the purge. Trump feels he has enough military support to put down the resistance, and believes expunging the Deep State will take 10 days.

“He won’t be declaring martial law to infringe on Constitutional rights, but to protect Americans in those perilous days. Trump loves America. He loves Americans. He doesn’t want harm to come to innocent bystanders. The Deep State’s desperation knows no limits, and if they know they’re going down, they might just try to take innocents with them,” our source said.

After the purge, Trump will rescind martial law and return the U.S. to the people as he is rightfully sworn into office.

In closing, we asked our source why Trump didn’t fulfill that promise on March 4, as many had predicted.

“Trump never gave that date. If it was to happen, it was always going to be Independence Day,” he said.

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This profound news now has gone overtime of follow up statements. I would think it appropriate for explanation of any decent question. Suppose it’s true, then we have two months of bought off time in which I would ask why Trump is not giving out information himself. I can only guess, they don’t really know. There’s definitely a plan to say July 4th. Maybe buying time so people don’t move on from waiting for Trump to conquer this? My best guess is Biden is a necessary ingredient, or what operates Biden (whatever he is). Buying time could be to see some major disasters and see what the group think creates next on the thought field? or get some more details out…In the meantime it’s not even clear what the goal is for earth future. Major changes that’s for sure. What would happen if the real deep state, like the masses underground on super computers including the highest intelligence’s of scientists and whatever creatures and whatever else is down there living, comes to the surface of earth? Wouldn’t that be deep? Are they playing God for their own hide outs where they live a much longer life?

Sharon Keith

This is to General Berger Sir, I am a ninth-generation great-granddaughter of President John Adams and I want to say thank you for your rightful dealings with the “Pelosi” person. If you did not say frank words to that snake then frankly i prayed that you would! You are an exceptional man and I admire and respect you. And I love my Marines!

Sue Grantham

“Trump feels he has enough military support to put down the resistance, and believes expunging the Deep State will take 10 days.”

I hope President Trump realizes that he not only has the active military, but he has the strength of a million veterans as our oath never expires. WWG1WGA


TRUMP…never said anything about March 4th or April 1st or in fact any other dates. Podcasters/video makers made reference to those dates…would say something exciting is going to happen by such and such a date and everyone, who so much wants this to end, wrapped their own meaning on it. I have seen two or more Podcasters acknowledge that they were wrong but went on the information they were given and actually said that sometimes they are given misinformation on purpose. You seem to forget that if “we know, THEY know”. The other side is frustrated because they can’t get any more info from Trump, so then they hit YT, video makers, etc. The video makers have now been told to stop dripping out so much info. Now they have infiltrated the social media sites to find out what they can. So let me make it easy for you. If a date is posted anywhere, it is fake. It will happen when it is supposed to happen. And I am really sick and tired of hearing how exhausted and running out of steam, the little babies are!!! Really, did you ever stop to think how tired Trump is after four years of endless abuse, lies, attempts on his life, attacks on his family, etc. And now behind the scenes he is trying to not just clean up the US but is working with other leaders to bring all the countries together. This is a GLOBAL effort. So, to all you little two year old children that are tired, or exhausted or whinine, or didn’t get exactly what you wanted to hear, go back to your playpens and take a nap. And if you don’t like what I said, TShit. Grow up. This isn’t about you. It’s about the whole country. Period.

Drinking Trump Fan Tears

You’re all clinging to a monstrous fantasy of a military dictatorship. You go on and on about The Constitution and the founding fathers, but what you REALLY want is for the army to roll in and indiscriminately murder anyone you disagree with. It’s pretty sad, actually!


David…cant you see what is going on…this people are liberales pretending to be conservatives.

CW Nelson

Mr. Baxter,
Your writing and delivery is some of the best I have ever seen. I appreciate what you say, and how you say it. Perhaps not as good as you, but we write in a similar manner.
The care. Be safe.
CWNelsonAuthor // RogueOpsNovels


He Needed A Vacation

That was the hardest
4 years of his life.

I appreciate DJT
4 being A Man of his word.

A.l. Marvin

July 4 ???? That is insane. Everyday this country is being destroyed.

S. Clark

God has a plan and it is perfect. It will happen in his time and his way
Praise be to God



sonya reid

So why publish this info so the cabal will know it’s coming? Dooes not make sense to tell the world of the plans!


Hey, Michael! Love your articles! B y the way, do your sources have any news on B.O. and M.O.? I notice they’ve been absent from the news (thank God!) but hoping they have been arrested. Of course, we probably won’t hear anything about that unless your source can tell us. Will you please let us know if you hear anything? Thanks…


I am still keeping the faith.??♥️??
God wins.Truth will prevail.???


WHEN WILL THE TRUTH BE SHOWN THOUGH? My concern is if we have to wait until 4 July, does that mean we STILL have to contend with the masks, the forcing of vaccines, the passport thing etc or will the TRUTH and the MOVIES come out WAY before July 4? That’s what I’m hoping for. I refuse the vaccine, I refuse to wear a mask and I refuse to travel with restriction.s


Don’t take the vaccine! It is designed to take over your body with nano technology. They consider you to be none-human. Checkout

Linda Hill

Well I am super excited! At least we have hope because Biden is destroying America!!! TRUMP 2021 ????????????????


It would intensify the meaning of independence day.,.


Always keep them guessing. I personally believe that it will not be that long, but we will see. People are getting impatient and the world cannot wait.


The most important question one must ask is, “why was the military called into the capital a week before the inauguration when Trump was still in office?”. Trump had control of the military and it wasn’t Pelosi nor the Pentagon who sent troops to DC. Remember when this happened the media interviewed one of the military officials who was in a mask and he said that “we are here for a peaceful transition of power”… What the hell does that mean? Also, remember Pelosi’s laptop was taken by special forces on Jan.6th at the Capitol. A few days later, Pelosi lied and blamed her staff intern for taking the laptop to sell to the Russians. That is total bullshit. Something big is happening and we are totally blind to it.

Mike Murphy

I understand that all things change. Including plans as important as this one. You study it repeatedly and if something appears out of place you change it. I respect that type of care and attention and wouldn’t be surprised if there were not more changes along the way. Changes do not mean it is not going to happen. Perhaps the timeline has changed due to something unexpected. Maybe it was meant to be a distraction?

My concern is a selfish one. The Nesara Act.

One provision of the Act is the one regarding a120 day re-election of all Gov’t held offices. Now, if a democrat should win the office we’re most concerned with there will be no Nesara Act, no med beds (if they are truly existent).
The I.R.S., taxes, and more will continue. Life will become hell on earth.
If for no other reason we should pray, have Hope and Faith.

President Trump was chosen by the Creator of all things for this job. Like him or hate him, it couldn’t have been easy to accomplish as much as he has, for us and the children.

Carol Ann Levasseur

This Date reminds me of Kim Clement’s prophesy that there will be “a strange July” (2021)….He has been correct so far…


The date April 8 comes soon. That is the date for Hillary’s tribunal. We will know then if this site brings hope.

Carol Ann Levasseur

I hope the man of integrity, Doug Collins, has an influential and effective position in President Trump’s Admin. Mr. Collins won hands down! He is a man of intelligence, heart, honor, and a true American!

Carolyn Johnson

I sure hope so if not sooner


I’m betting you $1 Million that will NOT happen. I hope I’m proven wrong!


I have seven words for these stories – B A L O N E Y

Just like the old Wendy’s commercials Where’s the beef?


That was Wendys??


I too want Trump to take his rightful position as our elected POTUS, but now that this plan has been leaked, Biden is going to call in China troops who are already positioned at the borders of Mexico and Canada to prevent Patriots from taking back our country. Is Trump planning on calling in Russia to keep China out of the USA? Giving Biden 3 months to plan and deploy civil war on US soil is a death sentence for civilians, why would Trump or any sane person, do this?

Deborah L Killion

This IS happening but you cannot pin a date on it. Revolutions are unpredictable and cannot be rushed for the angst of the audience watching at home.

Quentin Holt, Deplorable Thought Criminal

If this really happens of 4 July or some other day and I see some serious evidence of it, I shall jump for joy and sing and dance. Until then I will not let myself get excited. We have heard this kind of thing before. The date comes and goes and nothing happens that we can really pin down.




Wait—wasn’t April Fool’s two days ago??? 😉


I think the most satisfaction I will get when it all goes down, Is Nancy polosi,Adam Shiff, and Chuck Shumer? these three deserve everything they will get, and AOC is very close 4th place


I am not sure on the date, why would you announce this to the enemy, It will happen but only about 10 people know that answer.


Quit being so negative minded, this thing is bigger that you could ever imagine, Things take time and everything has to be right and spot on when he makes his move, why are you not having faith in him??? Has he ever let you down? He never said anything about March 4 th, and IF it dont happen on July 4th, Dont cry about it, he is still protecting us isn’t he??? Don’t you still have your guns? Dont you still have your children? Dont you still have freedom? Dont you still have your head? (3500+ Guillotines) Because if it was up to Biden, and Trump wasn’t protecting us, believe me we would already be screwed, Give the man the time he needs, He and God has got this !!!!

Last edited 3 years ago by Donald

I would like to know the ‘sources’ so that I could determine their credibility!


You’all are going to be deeply humiliated if this doesn’t happen. Another r/wing conspiracy???? Let’s see. Like others, I’d be ecstatic if this unfolded as spoken of.


If this doesn’t happen humiliation will be the least of our problems. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement.


I need hip waiters….this crap is getting deep!

Julie Martin

Hip-WADERS… just sayin’,,, LOL


We could use a little less talk and a lot more action.

R Chiso

Ya’ll doubters need to watch Trumps interview with Lara Trump…he throws in some hints but you gotta listen very closely. It gave me a sense of hope.


Hints of hope is good. It’s blind theory that I question and get attacked because I ask. I believe he wants to encourage us but I don’t buy that he allows tactical leaks as so many imply. The first thing he did as commander in chief is call out thenstupidity of the Obozo administration announcing their plans so the enemy can prepare. Trump disn’t as president and he is not going to do it now. I believe he is working behind the scenes but I also believe his tactics remain privelaged info. All we can do is trust henis still fighting and wait to see what unfolds.

Eric Delahanty

This BS Will Continue Till 2024 As Juan 07 Said April 1 Trump Will Be Back In Office. You Have A Better Chance Becoming A Crypto Millionaire

Patty Hoch

With Dominion doing our voting, how can President Trump be back in office? (Just askin’)


Do some research and form an opinion.


3 Questions for Mr. Baxter: In view of the above good news, why is the Deep State proceeding with plans for their tyrannical Covid-Passport? Why do they bother with the “pantomime” of business-as-usual? Are there handlers in Switzerland motivating this (apparently) farcical behavior?


Basically because they still believe they can implement their globalistic agenda. They are parasites that subsist on mass societal fear and anger, and plenty of folks in the country remain ignorant and willing to do their bidding. There’s also a major conflict brewing between the West and Russia via Ukraine, the effect of which will likely have global implications. July is still three months away, and these demons are not going quietly into the night.

Last edited 3 years ago by jimbo

As a matter of fact, just this evening Michael Jaco said that he believes there may be 2 unaccounted-for nukes on the “Ever Given” and Simon Parkes confirms that they found kids in the containers and yes, war on the Ukraine border. Remarkable that now patriots see Putin as almost a friend. Trump may be forced to move early to keep the Usurper from pulling us in. The NATO countries have proven to be our enemies and they may join in. But the fact remains, with the Cabal on the ropes, much useless effort is being spent. Absurd that the Deep State would try to force Covid passports. Therefore, I must assume that they just enjoy being dickheads.


After the deadly D.C. breach, they have a reason to keep the Guard for an indefinite time.The very corrupt politicians and their allies know what is coming!


if there was nothing to be breached it would not have been breached and no one would have died at least not at the Capitol. Pelosi and company incited the violence!


I am looking forward to that moment ! I hope this is true and that the plans of Trump will work out as planned. Whatever we plan, we cannot be sure of the success of the plans (for instance, when we try to get a degree, we cannot be always sure we will get it) : either Trump or the Deep State (the Deep State plan was to get Biden be victorious of the 2020 elections by hiding the fraud to everyone : they have failed to hide it so massive the fraud was). No empire is strong enough to be sure it will keep dominating the countries under his domination. So, for such an important thing, I hope that Donald Trump will tight things up in a way that it will make impossible for his enemies to overcome him.


Mr. Baxter. Yours is plain talk yielding clear understanding. March 31st, I heard “Frankly Frank” (out of NYC) trying to pin down Juan O Savin, who, as usual, proved slippery and ran out the clock. His April 1 date proved hollow. Even so, God Bless Juan O Savin. Yesterday, Robert David Steele spent 10 minutes calming down David Rodriguez, but I know it won’t stick. It does not stick with any of us. I even hear whispers of desperation creep into Michael Jaco’s voice. The people need milestones. Sociology has become Volcanology and Volcanology will become a cleanup on aisle-five. Cheers, MAGA & Trump.

David R

WTF are u trying to say ?

Quantum Life 45

It’s all in God’s time…
Keep the faith…
Thank You President Trump and God bless you ?

Last edited 3 years ago by Quantum Life 45

Exactly, GOD still on the Throne, main mission was the release of children from the DUMBS in which all countries detest. Remember it’s always a spiritual war, if a believer you should know Eph 6: 12 and suit up. All SF Ops are helping the cause, if Pres Trump was outside of God’s providence he would be dead by now. Info I have he was asked years ago to perform this mission against the Luciferian establishment (Hellywood, Epstein, Weinstein, Wexner, Bohemian Grove worshippers, Podestas, Hitlery, Pizzagate, etc. etc ) Must come to a reset. These white hats are doing much more than we are waiting on the sidelines clamoring for dates ~ Evil is very powerful and the white hat warriors have loved ones too exposed.

Mike jones

Gods not real, & if he was you think he’d send some fat grifter who embodys the seven deadly sins to represent him? ???

Julie Martin

YOU will DEFINATELY EAT those words!!! G– will NOT be mocked, fool! YOU do NOT make your own heart BEAT!

Veronica Cougar

He’ll wish that God wasn’t real. For eternity. I give You thanks and praise, Lord, I trust in You only. Give me discernment! Open up their hearts to the Light of Your Love and reveal Yourself to them in a way that they can’t deny!

Veronica Cougar

Why not? After all, he also made an ignorant, God-hating judgmental troll like you. And He loves you, too, how about that?


First we were told Jan 20. Then “oh, well they have to inaugurate Joe first and then the military moves in”. Then March 4. Then that day went and we were told April. We barely got into this month and the goal post moves again. What will be said in July?

I want him back in office just as much as you, but all the false hopes are getting tiring.

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00

But none of those dates came from President Trump or his staff. I pray like many others that this date is more official & will happen. Just keep praying…it WILL happen WHEN it happens. God’s timeline & President Trump’s timeline NOT ours ???


You and me both my friend. I want to see this country saved from the satanists and turn back to God. It breaks my heart seeing how wicked this nation has become and I pray there is still hope for it.


Amen to that. It’s sickening what is happening & has been happening we were not aware of. I thank God for President Trump & what he has shown us what so many Democrats & Republicans both have been involved in. But I am thankful for the truth & pray God forgives us & leads our President Trump in helping overcome the evil that has overtaken the world.

Dean Vermite

You need mental counseling.

Chip Henry

Do you say that a lot, or just to Americans who wish for the country to be returned as founded?


I hoped durham will bring some beauties to jail. on fools day…. it did not happen…this kind of article turn off even VSG/ESG PDJT supporters…… to forget about politics…..


Told by WHOM?


If you haven’t seen all the theories all over the net then I don’t know where you’ve been hiding. Everyone has been claimimg since November. We “knew” the election would get overturned. Then we knew he would be sworn in Jan 20. Then we knew Joe had to be sworn in first then the military would move in. Then we knew Trump would be sworn in March 4th. Then we knew it would be this month. Now we know it will be July 4th. What will we know next?

I do know this much. Dems advertize. Trump called it out as stupid. His tactics as commander in chief were always classified intil after the fact. We all saw the left having melt downs for not being consulted first. They were blocked so info would not be leaked. Don’t you find it a bit strange that he would change his tactics and announce what he is planning? That is not how he works. You have to think and question before you accept what you read. I don’t believe for a second he is announcing anything and if a leaker is in his circle, he will either set that person up or flat out cut him off at the knees. Think about it and you will have to agree things don’t add up right. Dare to think and question and not blindly believe because it’s what we want to hear. I want Joe gone, the treasonists arrested, and Trump back in office as much as you do but I am tired of all the false claiims. You have to admit, it’s been like a broken record. I hope this one is true but I’m not banking on it. It’s a wait and see.


Fair enough. Yes, I’ve seen some of the theories, but the problem is we’re dealing with a swamp of information mostly of unknown origin. 4chan for example used to provide interesting information that involved some accurate predictions but a fair share of misinfo. After the midterms in 2018, the “good” sources apparently disappeared and the site mostly was overrun by trolls spouting a lot of gibberish. It’s hard to find or trust most sources nowadays, which is frustrating.

I agree that Trump and his forces would never reveal their actual plans for the public to see. The best thing we can do for now is be patient, resist what the pundits of the MSM want us to do, and let the pros do their jobs. Some hopium is OK as long as it doesn’t get carried away. There is evidence of an underground war taking place; this is a lengthy process, but the weapons technology of the dark side absolutely positively needs to be neutralized before humanity can be freed.

Last edited 3 years ago by jimbo

Agreed. And I am glad to see another voice of thought and sanity. It’s crazy how hard I’ve been attacked on here because I dare to ask questions. It’s sad that folks can’t come together with open minds and discuss things instead of going full militant.


Don’t take it as an attack – look at it as a challenge! I’ve learned so much about research since this whole thing started! It’s always easier if everybody’s on your side. But when you have to find info on your own, you’ll have a different level of confidence in the information you find out. I do like RealRawNews because at least they’re not saying the same thing everybody else is! And, when they have articles out there, there are little snippets you can actually get your teeth into when it comes to research. Stick around! We need people to keep all us other people honest and on the ball!


I consider it an atrack when they go full psycho on me because I don’t blindly accept unproven theories as fact. They have no problem trashing liberals for blindly buying anything the drive-by media throws out there yet bash me for not doing just that with these stories. While I hope to see these things pan out, until it does it is only speculation. And based upon what? An undisclosed source supposedly close to Trump and leaking info. The simple fact Trump doesn’t deal in leaks raises a huge red flag about this “source”. I’m not a liberal or a right wing version of one. I dare to think and ask questions and for that I get treated like the enemy. A house divided agianst itself will not stand. When so-called conservatives attack other conservatives for having differing views or daring to question, then how can they expect to win the fight? Libs are united in their lunacy. Right extremists are divided by their’s. I’d say they are no different from liberals, but that’s not the case. At least the lunatic lefties are united. Something these extremists here can’t say about themselves. Either agree with them to the letter or you’re a target for their wrath. Same tactics, only divided by
them while the other side unites.


Perhaps there are sources and they are being used for a reason.


Bro, man up….Geez; Stop whining…It’s happening. Do some research. You can find it. It’s all over the web. In the meantime, do something to keep your mind busy. We don’t need any doubters here. We need people who are mentally strong and have a strong sense of faith in God and humanity.


Show me your proof. Where is it all over the web that Hildabeast is in Gitmo? Only on this site. I remember it was all over the net that Trump would be sworn back in befire now. That has been my point all along. No evidence here. It is all unproven theory. Everyone “knew for fact” Trump was going to be sworn in Jan 20th. Then they knew first Joe had to be sworn in and then the military was going to make their move. Everyone knew for fact there would be a new election and Trump sworn in again in March. Then it was April 4th. Now it’s July 4th. You don’t see a pattern here? What will we believe tomorrow? Or should I say July 5th? Pardon me for having questions. You folks have no problem trashing liberals for believing everything from the drive-by media but you trash me for not doing the same with the stories here. Hypocrite much??? Just like a liberal, you get mad at anyone who doesn’t share your views to the letter. Conservatives are supposed to be open minded. How about acting like one?

Last edited 3 years ago by david68_00

I see people agreeing with you for the most and you are still whining???? If it upsets you that much, just stop following and find a platform that suits your need. You need to take a step back for awhile and take a rest. And you show your proof that it didn’t happen since you are being so particular about proof. After all, you are doing the questioning! Conservatives are supposed to be open minded! Maybe you should practice what you preach.


How about this? Hillary is already dead, I posted here last night and my post disappeared…


…and your contribution is????



Deborah Hines

Please be true.. God Bless America ??


Faith is the hardest thing to deal with, all this is in God’s time not mans. I truly believe Trump is a blessed a God fearing man, but with every good thing there is a person waiting … in the wings … to Take Trump and followers out … so I pray for patience and know it’s in God’s time?

Sue Grantham

God has used simple ordinary men and women to further God’s plan. I firmly believe he has touched many men, including Trump, to thwart the monsters of humanity. Americans have been manipulated by the Media for decades by not reporting the truth. That is considered a seditious action. What these news media outlets are failing to remember is that they can be shut down in a NY minute. Research Abe Lincoln shutting down 300 newspaper outlets who refused to report the truth. It can easily happen again


Quentin Holt, Deplorable Thought Criminal

if this happens on 4 July or any other time, I will be very happy and very excited starting at that time. However, until it is actually happening in ways that are clearly visible to me, I shall not render to it very much thought. We have been down this road to calendar points before. Every time, the date passes and nothing happens. We are still under the same old same old.


and your plan is???


I don’t think this will happen July 4th and I agree. When dates are posted, its just to be a distraction to the other side and in all honesty I don’t think it will be that far out. Any time a date gets posted now, I know it’s not real. But I do believe he is coming back ‘before’ July 4th. Time will tell.


All we know for sure is, that if America is to survive, as she was founded, something has to “give”. I think President Trump loves this country so much, that he will do whatever it takes to right the ship. He doesn’t want he, or his family to live the nightmare being created by the Left. I think the military will follow his lead.

Dean Vermite

Seek psychiatric help.

Sue Grantham

Your ignorance is showing Dean. Maybe you should do your own research and actually educate yourself.