Military Convicts William Barr


On June 21 the Office of Military Commissions convicted former Attorney General William Barr on charges of treason, buttressing Donald J. Trump’s assertion that Deep State operatives had infiltrated nearly every crevice of his administration. Upon learning of Barr’s fate, Trump reportedly told his inner circle “Justice was served” and that Deep Staters masquerading as Republicans are not impervious to military justice.

Real Raw News can now report that Barr was taken into custody on May 21, when U.S. Marines operating under the guidance of the Insurrection Act arrested the traitor at his McClean, Virginia, home. He was promptly taken to Guantanamo Bay, where he lived in a 6X9’ cell while awaiting his tribunal date.

On Tuesday Barr had his day in court. In an opening statement, he said he had been fiercely loyal to Donald J. Trump prior to his ousting. He said he had helped craft many of the indictments on which the military was now acting, under the belief that Trump was interested in “draining the swamp.” But in November Barr had an epiphany; he told the tribunal that Trump had instructed him to author indictments on persons who had no ties to the political arena, and that it was his opinion that Trump’s indictments were designed to settle personal scores and vendettas, not to restore political integrity.

“President Trump subverted my trust and judicial authority. When he showed me a list of people to be indicted, I was shocked. I asked him why this or that person was being indicted, and he told me ‘Because they’re criminals, Bill.’ When I asked for proof, he told me ‘Don’t worry, Bill, we’ll find the proof.’ I refused to participate any further in his witch hunt, and that’s why I tendered my resignation on 23 December,” Barr addressed the tribunal.

His explanation didn’t seem to impress Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall, who had successfully prosecuted the military’s case against John Podesta.

“An interesting, largely fictional telling of what happened. Let’s be honest with each other here, Mr. Barr. You were given an opportunity to resign—to save face. Not that it mattered because, unbeknownst to you, you were already under scrutiny. If you had moral and ethical issues with the indictments back in April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November, why would you wait until Dec 23 to resign? That doesn’t make much sense,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

Barr countered that he wanted to give Trump every chance to realize he had taken a precipitous turn toward the dark side and to return to the light.

“I tried to help him,” Barr said.

“The truth is exactly the opposite, isn’t it, Mr. Barr. Trump kept you around because he keeps his friends close and his enemies closer, and he gave you every opportunity to amend your mistakes. Then you stabbed him in the back by denying election fraud and supporting a fraudulent president. And certainly you understand that bribery, especially for an appointed official, is akin to treason,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

He showed the panel incontrovertible proof of Barr’s criminal maleficence—financial documents proving the Barrs—William and Christine—had received a $7,000,000 “donation” deposited into a 501C3 titled “Conservative Truth Initiative.” The depositor, a Chinese national with indisputable ties to the DNC, spread the funds across several bank accounts. The deposits had hit the Barrs’ accounts on 2 December, one day after Barr excoriated Trump on national television.

“I submit to you,” Rear Adm. Crandall told the three-officer tribunal, “that William Barr did knowingly collaborate with the enemy to undermine and delegitimize the democratically elected President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and in doing so betrayed his oath to the U.S. Constitution. Simply put, treason.”

“What I did was take action to protect the United States. If I had to, I’d do it again. I’d do it five times over,” Barr said.

Fifteen minutes later, the panel found Barr guilty of treason, seditious conspiracy, advocating overthrow of government, recruiting for the service against the United States, and enlistment to serve against the United States, and decreed that he be executed for his crimes in accordance with U.S.C. Title 18 and provisions specified in the Insurrection Act of 1807.

Rear Adm. Darse has scheduled Barr’s hanging for August 2.

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dennis richardson

Bill Barr was a Bush agent, hang him


I love when after taking a job, I get an epiphany that 7 million dollars might just make me ‘turn towards the light’ unlike Trump and try to ‘help him see the light’. LOL. Good riddance, I wonder if 7 million was a bit of an underbid considering it cost him his life? Ask Christine: was it worth it?



Erica McNaughton

As a brit im glad ive found this we are not getting any news of this. Im wondering if any British people will be dealt with.




I have known there was a cabal running things for quite a few years. I just didn’t have any evidence until recently. Things just did not make any sense.


What I find most amazing having witnessed the throngs, the masses at Trump rallies that Biden’s campaign managed to convince all their millions NOT to go public, not to assemble themselves but to follow the leader and stay in their basements, unseen, unheard !!! How is that done? Out of tens of millions surely there should have been thousands to gather in strength to show their opposition. Amazing absence ! Amazing obedience to a wonky leader! Amazingly odd !!

Hal Brown

I wonder if he will get a few minutes on a cell phone to say so long to his wife before he is dispatched off to the nether regions. I am expecting she won’t be far behind if she set up the accounts.


This shows what Barr and McConnell did to compromise our elections.
The Real Story – OAN Bill Barr’s Election Fraud Connection with Liz HarringtonOne America News Network  Published June 29, 2021


Better get a rope made in the USA, not China, to hang Barr. Oh well.



Angela James

Michael, I don’t see Obama on the past tribunal articles or future tribunal list. I would think the military and Trump would have him at the top of the dangerous Cabal list to take out, like Hillary.

David Lawn

Please delete if inappropriate.
Hello Michael
I wrote a comment here (I believe on June 27) that you have deleted – I suggested you do that if it were untoward – and now I dont know why you deleted : because I was right or because I was wrong.
I once received a message from WB that indicated to me he was on the right side. So I got the idea, reading this your article, that this conviction might be a FF to the DS to aid in our fight.
Reading Trumps words since then, and admiring President Trumps straightness and courage and all he has suffered, I now doubt my FF idea.
But I put it up here one last time seeking clarity.

Gunny HiWay

What complete BULLSHIT.
Stop these LIES already.
You have been LYING about “arrests” for 5 LONG YEARS.
E-7 Ret.

Crystal Bradford

All these traitors that “hung around Trump” and actually thought they could profit off their position and screw America and all Americans should ALL “HANG AROUND”.


I’m a Trump supporter from day one. The guy is far from perfect but he has this country’s best interests at heart and he beats the hell out of the baby eaters. But I pray he’s not using his position and power for vendettas. I would pull my support in a heartbeat. We need justice, not revenge. You can’t tell me it isn’t tempting, esp after what they put him through for 5 years prior to the reelection.

C’mon, Trump! Do the right thing always or you’ll be exposed along with everyone else. God will make sure of it. It’s not worth it. You win by not allowing them to bring you to their level. Somebody tell him before he blows it.


Public -nonsence..can PDJT go to msm AND EXPLAIN EVERYTHING WHAT HAPPEN SINCE 11/03/ head…no you are not PDJT supporter…


Wow, this is intensly great news. Darse E Crandall is in fact a Navy Judge. Im starting the think this tribunal info is real, I always wanted it to be true but am a skeptic by nature. I highly doubt Mr.Baxter would use real names of real Judges & Military Brass if this weren’t real. This is amazing & cannot wait for it to get out to the public. This would make Americans exceedingly happy & go a long way in restoring public confidence in the Justice System which is why I think it needs to come out into the open. There is no reason to keep this info hidden


Is it illogical to think that the reason we are under the insurrection act today is because the Justice System, The Congress and Courts are lawless? That being the case, is it logical that those bringing those problems must first be neutralized before the rule of law, integrity of the courts and Justice System can be restored? Perhaps what we are seeing now is how that has to be accomplished in reality.

Sandy Koufax

Seems like $7 million is a pittance for the services provided by Barr to the deep state. Barr was a made man and had the pedigree to earn $100’s of millions. There must have been some other compensation that was not disclosed. More than likely the additional compensation was too vile and disgusting to report. Seems like bribery alone might warrant life in prison.

We know that Barr worked for the CIA for 6 years and certainly had to commit at least one murder as a rite of passage. We also know that Barr’s father hired Jeffery Epstein as a teacher despite the fact that Epstein did not have a college degree. Barr must be up to his ears in the pedophile cult activities to receive the death penalty.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sandy Koufax
Hal Brown

Suggesting he sold his soul for a mess of pottage? And his wife’s also, I suspect.

Kelly Knauth Brown

This reads to me like the actual current situation regarding Bill Barr. Whatever presented in the MSM is a mild White Hat version so as not to shock the public, or inspire copy cats who actually fantasize about Satanic Ritual Abuse and other crimes against humanity. I completely understand why the Tribunal will not broadcast any of this information about the Hollywood, MSM, and political establisment “elites” facing the music. But make no mistake, they are all facing the JAG and it does indeed go down the way Mr. Baxter is narrating these events. It may not be happening word-for-word, but he’s giving us the basic run down of a series of tribunals that were expedited as fast as they possibly can as there are so many cases. (Elites which are soon-to-be deletes or already have been deleted from humanity.)

It’s really hard to tell a normie that these events are indeed taking place, and that JAG tribunal is operating the way the war tribunals would go. To the point, no nonsense…all proof present. The worst of their crimes being what is presented. The rest is probably listed, but they want to get these people the punishment for treason and sedition. Because that’s what will eliminate this evil and will make the biggest statement to the world.

The country of the United States of America, especially the people who supported these swamp creatures, needs to be reminded that treason and sedition and crimes against humanity DO NOT and WILL NOT go unpunished. We are ascending into 5D and living the Book of Revelation right now. And it is the United States Military, along with our allies including Putin, that wil fulfill God’s prophesies in Revelation. Our military will perform the ultimate events described in the Rapture. It is not going to play out the way we all have imagined as the Bible is metaphorical in every way in order for God’s word to survive the ages and be interpreted at any point in history. Also, the second coming of Christ, and the rise of the anti-Christ is not what people think. The anti-Christ will be an individual who rules Jerusalem, but the second coming of Christ is the Rapture (uplifting and ultimate bliss) of the Church and the Second Coming of Christ is humanity ascending into Christ Consciousness…understanding that we are all the Beast- society is the Beast and we are all Jesus Christ. We are the messiah as much as we are the Beast. And we must live in the footsteps and defend the teachings of Jesus in order to experience the plan of the Almighty. The Second Coming of Christ is us remembering who we are. Mystics and astrologers call this The Great Conjunction, The Age of Aquarius, and Quantum Physicists/Meta Physicists label this the 5D Ascension of Humanity. Many culture prophesied 2012 – 2021 The Great Awakening. The Hopi Native Americans labeled this time as “The Rise of the Rainbow Warriors”. The Mayans described end times as “The End of the Great Maya” as Maya = Illusion…a lifting of the veil.

Humanity altogether will be ascending into th 5th Dimension where our imagination is indeed the God within us…that authority is an illusion. That we are Gods manifest. And that everyone has equal power to create humanity.

The United States military is the ultimate Guardian of ancient truths and the Holy Bible. This country is part of God’s plan and we were created to protect the Holy Bible and keep humanity free from slavery to a system that is created and run by The Synagogue of Satan. Luciferians have been controlling the world from Israel…many of these Luciferians hide under the guise that they are Jewish, Roman Catholic, and many other religious sects. Make no mistake, the Vatican and parts of the Israeli State are actually Luciferian. Remember that Satan is a lie and the father of it.

Anyway, these articles have got to be exactly what is happening because these narcissists never thought they would be caught. They never thought they’d be exposed. Hillary and Obama- the two dumbest individuals to ever be in a high office…both of them really thought they we would not pick up on the fact that they are imbeciles and pathological liars. It doesn’t get any dumber than Barack Obama and it doesn’t get anymore deceitful that Hillary Clinton. Her pathological lies are truly fabrications of someone with the mentality of a 13 year old gossip.


If bho/clintons …been really smart …they would sell everything in the nov.2016..leave USA..and never heard about them…as many high ranking german officials did in the May/1945…..but they are so “smart” ,pompous,arrogant,uppity AND ITS THEIR PERIL…they still want more “PIE”…welll,well they get it in the GITMO……as last meal…

Sandy Koufax

The German officials lost control of all government agencies. Bush, Obama and company still have control over the Executive branch, Congress, DOJ, FBI and CIA. Trump controls the military.


you did not undrestand what i am saying…


they think..they got control ???


Nice piece.


Kelly, that is quite possibly the most intelligent, well-written, and all-encompassing posting about our current situation, that I may have ever had the pleasure to read…Thank you!


They-hrc/bho-.thought .whole US population or most of them are like-ted/zane/victor/bofa etc soo stupid and easy manipulated …she openly said how stupid are democrats…


Why no update’s

Kandie Barriga

I want to believe these updates as much as anyone. However, Bill Clinton was recently seen on tv with James Patterson and both he and Hillary were seen on May 26, 2021 in NewYork. What would be the reason for body doubles? If they were arrested who would care enough to make body doubles? Actually, many of the so called arrested have been seen recently. Someone please explain this to me because I truly want to believe.


China Biden Admin does not want their MSM following lib-tards to know what has happened


are you teenager …with this qst ????


It´s “Concerned Patriot” under another name.


It´s just “Concerned Patriot” with a new handle.

J Bill

thnx for heads up!


Apparently you don’t believe that there is a continuing war going on between the angels and the demons (represented by the terms “white hats and black hats” who carry out the works of each powerful side; good and evil)…..not only here in this country but within the whole world. Wow! How naive! For crying out loud there are and have been the use of all kinds of surreptitious means now for decades; control by the corrupt powers of many govts., world commie agencies, etc., that were especially enhanced by the Obama regime; now too, obviously, the use of corrupted “science” to control behavior of the masses throughout the world. They’re obviously desperate and will use any means to finally get to their goal which they now feel, via their US puppet, Biden, is now or never.

We’re fortunate that there are still those willing to risk their lives to protect the powerless. The whittling down, hopefully, of these main characters will be a sign to the hired rats carrying out the nefarious jobs of the DS and NWO, and awaken the boiling frogs, so controlled for decades, to action for their own futures. If this was some kind of easy task the white hats could have come out guns blazing as the only solution, but then they appear to be the only ones remaining w/ a conscience and not wanting the expected pile up of bodies of the innocent. The whole thing about these apocalyptic times is the eternal spiritual background……powers and principalities all involved. So if people really want to do something other than comment they should pray their hearts out and offer their own sacrifices for the real martyrs rather than act like the old guys in the balcony of the Muppets who laugh and point out all of the faults of those down on the stage doing the acting.


to pacify ppl like you…to think they got everything under control ????..


The Hillary Clinton impersonator is none other than Teresa Barnwell check out this photo of her here: https ://

As regards Bill Clinton yes I too thought that was him. But it is not. It is a “deep fake” which fooled me. Check out deep fakes on YouTube….You will see how they can EASILY fool anyone.

The deep state will go to ANY lengths to keep up their charade to try and fool us all into thinking that the above people mentioned & others are still out in public, when they have actually been attested & are /have been in tribunals.

Sue Grantham

Exactly. These b rated actors are paid big money for any needed surgery.
They are then scripted. What they don’t realize is that they are committing crimes/being complicit/impersonation of elected officials. Not very bright


they are faaaaaaar dumber than their “originals “……

Sandy Koufax

The people facing tribunals who were reported on this site were not currently holding any position in government. They weren’t even citizens anymore and they had no rights. Not sure if the impostors can be charged with a crime for pretending to be someone else on a TV interview. The impostors who are impersonating individuals who are not in custody are taking a huge risk by appearing as war criminal since they could be inadvertently executed by the military.


not bright at all..because they end up in JAIL…..

Hal Brown

The link has a space in it that has to be removed to work.

Last edited 3 years ago by Hal Brown

Yes I forgot to mention that. Just close the space and the link will work. ( couldn’t post it otherwise)

Kandie Barriga

Teresa Barnwell does not look like the Hillary in New York on May 26th.


She is the spitting image of KILLary especially if you see her later pics.


There are several… can see the remaining subtle differences in even the most recent choices that have been hauled out when there is any whisper that the originals no longer exist in order to keep the narrative going. Obviously with the dumbed down general public who want things to remain the same or have lost hope of any change they’re easily accepted w/o question.


Please close the gap in the link for the link to work (if you want to copy & paste this link)

Vince Sly

Teresa has only a passing resemblance anyone with a critical eye wouldn’t be fooled into thinking that she’s actually HRC. That’s not the answer.


Exactly, she has the kinda passing resemblance to get hired for birthday parties and junk, but she is not at all close enough that she could do TV appearances and stuff and people wouldn’t know the difference. She’s shorter, heavier, her face is rounder, her neck is chubbier. Look up a video and listen to her speak too, her voice isn’t close and she has more of a southern accent.

Sue Grantham

Search images for Theresa Barnwell.


Exactly. If HRC was executed, and they really wanted to keep the execution a secret, why not just announce she died of a brain aneurysm or something? Same with all of these people, why go to the effort of this unsustainably massive conspiracy to replace them all with flawlessly perfect body doubles? Who are all these actors giving up the rest of their lives to wear a mask and pretend to be someone else doing mundane things like boring TV interviews? The only realistic explanation is that none of these people are actually imprisoned or executed, and RRN is nothing but make-believe storytime for qanon believers who desperately want to keep believing 6 months after Q straight up abandoned them.


Ever since Michael released this article, Yahoo has had 2-3 articles per day with the powers that be trashing barr. Seems like some are trying to distance themselves from barr. Don’t remember seeing too many articles about him prior to Michael’s article and I look at Yahoo every day. And I tend not to believe in coincidences.


Barr was supposed to have a book out by now?


Yes! I caught that also. I am seeing Barr articles coming out of the blue. Odd coincidence.


A few days ago Bill Barr did an interview with the Atlantic in which he talked about his final month as AG and explicitly calls Trump’s voter fraud claims bullshit. That’s why he’s in the news, it has nothing to do with RRN. If you actually look at the articles they’re trashing him over those interview statements, not because he’s been sentenced to death by a secret tribunal or whatever, lol.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zane

Yahoo is anti-Trump and the people trashing barr are anti-Trump so I’m reading the articles I’m referring to. Maybe I’m not reading the articles you are referring to. It makes no sense for the anti-Trump authors to be trashing barr over what you claim he said in the Atlantic interview.




I’ve asked this before and nobody was able to respond – how long? When Trump isn’t President again by the end of July…or August…or September…when 2022 comes and Biden is still the President…how long does it have to take for all this stuff to continue to NOT come true before you realise it’s all nonsense?

This is a serious question. If Trump isn’t President again by the end of August, will you believe it’s all nonsense? What about by the end of October? How about the end of the year?

If 2022 comes and Biden is still President, will you realise then that this is all fantasy, or will you happily accept the latest excuses for the ‘great day’ being postponed yet again?

Last edited 3 years ago by Squinty

Why do you care about the beliefs of strangers in the internet?Nobody is interested in your concerns. Your attempts to bury my post with important info will fail,nobody here is lazy. DS CRIMINAL,YOU FAILED AGAIN


There was no attempt to bury anybody’s post. Your paranoia is showing.

Sue Grantham

Trump executed the Insurrection Act in January 2021 prior to leaving office. If you review the document you will see that the military is in charge right now. You will also see that Trump is still the President. The election fraud was viewed LIVE by the military and Trump. The states in question have now shown fraud- MI, AZ , GA.
I believe by reading the document will give you more understanding of where we are and that we’re closer now than any other time in our history to destroying the evil that has had Americans in a slave position for decades. ♥️??


I hope you’re right but could you please produce this document or link where Trump executed the Insurrection Act in January 2021 prior to leaving office and the military is in charge? There’s been rumors and hearsay that he signed it but I cannot find any actual proof of it from my research.

Sue Grantham

Won’t let me copy entire document ???
However I was able to copy this:
Trump’s latest messages on Parler (just before Apple shut it down tonight, here is what he said:

1. “I will be pardoning Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. There will also be grave consequences for the United Kingdom for abusing Julian Assange, including tariffs and fines that will target the upper echelon leadership of the UK….”

2. “I have invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807 to address the treasonous rebellion conducted by Democrat and Republican lawmakers, CCP agents, the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and others to undermine, corrode and dismantle the United States of America and its constituents. These entities pose a direct threat to national security. I will remain president indefinitely until all domestic enemies are arrested.”


thank U


Thanks, Sue !!!


Your last name has deeper meaning for me which I’ll not discuss in public. So I always notice your posts. But this one is a bombshell. Exactly when and where did this come from? Can you flesh it out a little more?

Vince Sly

A post on parlor is not a legal document. This is bullshit. Notice that Assange and Snowden have not been pardoned.


I have to agree with you there.


Yes! 100% proof that he signed the act and it is in full force! Just wait and see! The storm is coming.


do not waste time….you will not find it….military do not go around with…B U L L H O R N !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and shout about it…


Trump never invoked the Insurrection Act. Here is the proof he never signed it, based on the text of the Insurrection Act itself.

Sec. 334. Proclamation to disperse:
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents or those obstructing the enforcement of the laws to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

Trump never issued a proclamation like this. Not at any point in his presidency. A proclamation is public document, it cannot be signed in secret. You can go to the Federal Register and see the full archive of proclamations issued by Trump. Between 2017 and 2021, Donald Trump issued 570 proclamations. None of them are related to the Insurrection Act. The Insurrection Act cannot be invoked in secret. He never invoked it.

Additionally, invoking it wouldn’t do the things Sue is describing. The Insurrection Act has one specific use: to let the President immediately send troops into an emergency situation like a huge riot or a militia uprising. It’s been invoked 23 times in US history and they are all situations like that. It does NOT allow the military to take control of the whole government and just cancel out democracy. It does NOT allow a past President to continue commanding the military after his term is over. It does NOT allow the President to just declare that he gets to continue to be the President for as long as he feels like it. There is no law anywhere that does that, it’s completely counter to the Constitution. That’s the #1 reason America declared its independence to begin with, so we could create a representative government with term limits where no one can declare themselves ruler for life!

The reason people like Sue think he signed it is because some random person on the internet wrote a fake little “I’m Trump and I’m invoking the Insurrection Act” statement and it went viral on Facebook. There is no evidence Trump wrote it or had anything to do with it. It claims it has done things the Insurrection Act cannot do according tot he letter of the law itself. It’s a fake and there is 0% chance that the military is in Trump’s control and about to overthrow the Biden administration or whatever.


…and most important….D U R H A M ….doing his job…..nor even dumb UNIPARTY…do not have a knowledge about it….


Did you even see Trump’s statement yesterday, in which he trashed Bill Barr and said Barr “gave everything over to John Durham, who has seemingly disappeared from the planet. Can you even believe a report coming out during the Biden Administration?”

Sounds like you have infinitely more faith in Durham actually doing anything than Trump does, lol.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zane
J Bill

Sue, am aware of that one. A patriot JG gave further details of additional IA before the primaries, as Trump and associates were aware of fraudulent voting machines at the time, allowing them to prep for the “main event” 2020.
Another claimed by same fellow, stumped me, was circa election 2016.

The video Absolute Proof by Mike Lindell is stunning. The credibility of the experts proving the 2020 election fraud, are impeccable. It was the sting of the century.

The depth of repercussions against DS are mind boggling. Imagine all these prics coming to realize they’ve been “on tape” all this time? Now, in retaliation, NSA is surveilling Tucker’s C’s private affairs.

WI, TX, and PA are on the list too.


Once again, you are simply lying. You have zero evidence that Trump executed the Insurrection Act. And even if he did, nothing in it says anything like what you claim. You’ve been asked repeatedly to cite the section(s) of the act that you claim exist, that put “the military…in charge right now”, that mean “Trump is still the President”. You have always, every single time, failed to do so. You’ll fail again this time, because you know that there is/are no such section(s) in that act (or anywhere else in US law).

There was no election fraud for anybody to view live, and no states have shown any.

Cite the section in any document that puts the military in charge and means Trump is still the President. I’ll wait. We’ll all wait, because you know you’ can’t do it. Even your own adherents can’t find it.


You had me in agreement until you stated there was no election fraud. You must have taken a couple of Xanax on November 3rd and woke up on January 21st.

Terminally deplorable

Does Biden have the feeling of a president to you?


wood/carey… the mask …???


I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.


You do have good point.


Thank you. I (obviously) think all of my points are good – they just get ignored by the people on here who think it is easier to label someone a troll and insult/ignore them than it is to actually support their claims. Notice how nobody actually answered my question?

Last edited 3 years ago by Squinty
J Bill

We (obviously) think your points aren’t. That’s why we run over them roughshod. Like a team of wild horses. Hellbent.


You were right about the insurrection act but dead wrong on vote fraud and election tampering.


You make very good points. They call names, because they don’t know either. I don’t care if you’re liberal or conservative. You make a statement you should have the facts, proof or evidence to back that statement. Hearsay, rumor’s, I heard it from a friends cousins girlfriend who watches this guys dog who knows the mailman, because I said so or I have a “source” does not make it true. Ever notice every keyboard warrior seems to have source(s) and is well connected on the internet but cannot provide any proof? Hopeium doesn’t make them true no matter how much you wish it were. MB that no one knows or ever heard of suddenly writes these articles and says he stands by his article or has “sources” blah.. blah .. blah but can’t provide any proof but everyone just supposed to take him at his word ? ?. Sorry, that’s not good enough. I need more than that. They say his articles are to detailed so it has to be true. Well, I’ve read many fiction novels that were detailed does that make them true? Then they say well no one has come forward and told him to stop. They won’t, because he protected himself by saying the site is for entertainment, parody etc , Just like the website The Onion. I like his articles. They are entertaining and I do hope they are true but in the end NOBODY knows if they are real or not, expect MB.


If Trump gets arrested this week, what will we do? Will the Seals break him out? Should we meet somewhere and expose what has been going on? They have to believe us with all of our evidence!

Angel Askew

Ted, I will bet you a $20 gift card Trump will not be arrested. Not this week, next month, this year or next year or anytime in his foreseeable future.

Sue Grantham

NY DA has already announced there will be no charges on Trump


what you will do if he do not get arrested … jump from 7th floor ??????


Some useful links. As usual, I had to remove the https and the Ws,for those who are not used to it,just select the text,right click and select option “search duck duck…”

Department of Defense Law of War Manual (PDF):

 Manual For Courts-Martial United States (2019 Edition) (PDF)

Manual For Military Commissions (2019 Edition) (PDF)


Law of war -the storm proof – it´s in rumble
0:00 A few words about this video itself
3:58 Introduction to the Proof
9:38 Law of War Chapter 11 (Military Occupation)
31:38 Law of War Chapter 4.3 (Unprivileged Belligerents)
37:57 Law of War Chapter 18 (Implementation and Enforcement of the Law of War)
59:25 Conclusion

This information is to be added to the previous information in comments,i-e. universal law,international law,etc.


Great post, Kikas…booyah!


yes…i did some of this reading previously…..trolls apparently do not research….


I have a theory as to why the President is attacking Barr so much in his recent Statements.

Down the track the general public will understand why such action has been taken against Barr.

Terminally deplorable

The military was so fired up about Trump’s comments, that they killed Barr without hesitation. Trump surely does not know anything about it. After all is said and done, the glorious military will stand in line to be promoted. The 4 star position of Obama holdover Mark Milley could be up for grabs soon, Hokansen’s too. Mike Flynn could use another star. His brother, Charles Flynn, was recently promoted to be Commander of the US Army Asian Pacific and is already fully starred. These are the ones that will step on China’s toes in a confllict. Wonder if China sponsored Biden knows about it. Someone should let him know in a free minute between ice cream and underage girls.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable
unlabeled quality

hey RRN fam.
There are two or three kinds of trolls I’ve noticed in the past month. Here’s my observations:

troll #1 will just post anything along the lines ‘this site is fake news’, yada yada badadingdong. s/he does this in every article that’s posted.

troll #2 will verbally abuse people for sharing an opinion, and has resorted to name-calling numerous times.

troll #3 is a more recent edition, which includes attacking people and using vulgar language and mentioning explicit acts of sex, involving reproductive organs and fluids.
troll #3 is a provocateur, and should be ignored.

I know it’s really difficult to ignore, when this site used to be fairly civil.
But please take heart of my warning.
As we get more and more confirmation of the DS takedown and punishments, more trolls will show up.
Pray. Meditate, and support your fellow patriots.

Also, if it’s discovered that these trolls are being paid by the enemy of these United States of America, you can guarantee they’ll likely be hauled off to a tribunal.
Last time I checked, aiding and abetting the enemy of the US of A (that’s intent on subverting and suppressing the truth) is considered, at the bare minimum, an act of sedition, and at its maximum, an outright act of treason.

wwg1wga, and matthew 6:33


I personally don’t care what NWO lacky losers have to say. I am a proponent of free speech and the rest of our constitutional rights. Go right ahead, the truth and the best argument will rise to the top always.


“best” argument not necessarily “Truth”

Terminally deplorable

Either you or him is a real cheapo.

Sue Grantham

Excellent post ?♥️??


Thank you–well said


There are methods that attach an identifying number to each identity that posts. Then there is the option given to each person to “filter” post identifiers that produce material that does not interest you. In that scenario, if you decide you don’t want to view person “A”, whose number is !$4^^62, you would use the filter to eliminate any and all posts from that person. He has freedom of speech and you have freedom to filter him out on YOUR screen. It’s very effective.


James, pray tell, how do you activate that filter.

Sue Grantham



The technical details are above my pay grade. Have to ask someone on the order of Codemonkey. He would probably know. But I frequent a site that has that feature and it is always under attack by the same kind of shills I am seeing here. It’s to be taken as a “Badge of Honor” that Michael merits this kind of “special attention.” But – eventually – special tools may be necessary to keep the site usable. It will become clear that –when you respond to them – you are talking to a program (not a real person) which could be labeled “silicon mask programs.” They are fake people. Best response is NONE, because when you do, you are simply educating an A.I. They “learn” from the responses what is most effective.


Where oh where have you gone, Michael?

Ed Bob

Michael Baxter,
seriously, you need to block Jim Buffer. Harassment and vulgar filth would be an understatement. You cannot allow it to continue.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ed Bob
Terminally deplorable

Could it be that Michael not always at his desk? He may have another day job.He is then coming back once a week to drop a new story and clean up the site.

unlabeled quality

we all support Michael, but the reality is that we can’t always depend on him to fend off the trolls when he’s away.
However, some of us, are more than adept at dealing with them.
It’s best to ignore them completely, and focus on the truth, as well as your fellow patriots that support the return of law and order to our beloved country.


I agree with the “ignore them” as being the best strategy, because responding may be simply educating an A.I. program as to what is the most effective way to stir the pot. That is also the case with real people – although I doubt that is what they are. Real people don’t have 24/7 to respond to everything said to them. Shills are machine like.


there could be a real “fire” heating up behind the scenes!

Ed Bob

Amazing video clip out now on Zublick’s YouTube that shows how DC is a *ghost town.* WTF!? Many signs indicating ALL of this is REAL.


there have been several citizen posts about washington DC…..steam out of vents…invisible biden events on the WH lawn that are “broadcasted”…. etc etc

Terminally deplorable

That is Biden sitting in the basement of the WH steaming, because he did not get his favorite ice cream today from Dr Chill and the available underage girls were not really interested.stroking the golden hair up and down his leg.

Ed Bob

Fall of the Cabal 2 on Bitchute now.


There is a sequel,now, so far,18 parts.

Joshua Munn

I pray the Lord in all His Names takes care of all of these channels, videos, descriptions, comments, all the like, all associated, all else, all the rest, all etc. in all exact manners, all amens, all vice versas, all jots and tittles are all insides and outsides, ins and outs, withins and withouts all my prayers, subjects and stipulations.


Hi Michael, based on the vile and disgusting posts being submitted by some of the trolls, would you at least consider the following suggestion. We know you have made several attempts to ban these disgusting trolls, but they keep popping back up. Would you consider posting the names, email addresses and IP addresses of the most disgusting of these trolls and allow the thousands of us to deal with them ourselves. While I am not against dissenting opinion, the constant vile, vulgar and disgusting postings need to stop. Please let some of us handle it, so you don’t have to. Please post the requested info on the names that Sue and several others have posted. We would appreciate it. Thank you


doesn’t all that information equal CANCEL CULTURE?

Ed Bob

No, it does not. Cancel culture seeks to destroy those of us who are productive, patriotic and good. Jaycee’s comment is directed at those amongst us like Squinty and Bofa who are out to destroy, humiliate and antagonize others, all for fun or profit.


I am talking about publishing email addresses and IP addresses etc. I could care less about the trolls. and names. isn’t THAT what the “liberals” do??


In case you weren’t aware, Raven; this is a war our country is in. A real war. That being said, the gloves are off and I don’t have a problem using the enemy’s tactics against them.
In a normal time and place, yes; I would rather take the high road. If we keep trying to be nice and proper, rather than fighting back – this is also a war we will lose…

J Bill

agree. never was the politically correct type anyways. better standing on the truth than slipping on the bullshit.


I’m curious – how is consistently insulting and attacking me, deriding and lying about me – all for the terrible offense of asking people for evidence of their claims – being “nice and proper”? I ask purely for information.

J Bill

We are being “nice and proper” to you. Try to imagine your life if we didn’t like you…


You lie. Nobody is out to “destroy, humiliate and antagonize others” – well, except for you lot, who want to do that to everybody you’ve ever imagined has harmed you.


Nope Michael can not do that nor is it an appropriate request I M O

unlabeled quality

there is a difference between difference of opinion, and outright verbal abuse and provocation.
the trolls are IP-hopping scum and will continue to do so as long as this site keeps posting the articles it has. It’s what tyrants do to suppress the truth.
Jaycee, your ideas sounds good, but if we dox them, they could potentially dox us…

this place has become a new front in the information war for our freedom.


I get the frustration but best we can do is ignore them. I see people responding to them…STOP. It’s what they are here to accomplish. Don’t give them what they want. We know the usual suspects by now, scroll past and dont even read the comment they get paid to leave.


It says a great deal about your ’cause’ that your response to people who disagree with you and/or ask for evidence to support your claims is to attempt to harm them. You really don’t care about all that ‘freedom of speech’ nonsense in the Constitution, do you?


Heavenly Father please surround our enemies with your angels and help our military by sending angelic armies to assist them. GIve trump wisdom and courage and continue your plan through him to rid our planet of all evil. Open the eyes of the blind and stir up rivival. In the Name of Jesus I curse every political platform or every corrupt leader and politician in our land and throughout this planet. Take away thier wealth, power, and influence. In the Name of your Son, Christ Jesus I ask this of you- help us and protect us. Thank you for all you’re doing today and always. Protect all of your people and especially those on the front lines.

J Bill

Amen tammytamb!

Sue Grantham

Amen ?. Beautiful prayer ♥️

Irish Scott

Are we going to hear anything about Huma Abedin tribunal? Tom & Rita Hanks? Kevin Spacey? Deborah Birx?


Eventually, we will, as soon as Michael has the information and okay to post them.

live oak

Another question for my friends here…when are they going to pick up Fauci? He is a liar, a psychopath and a MASS MURDERER!!! I believe he’s going to try and escape the country…he has lots of $$$, gets paid 400,000 a year, so he has the means to get himself out and live comfortably. We can’t let that happen.


I believe Fauci was arrested and is now released helping Trump.


I heard Fraudski has been arrested and is in custody, he was trying to flee the US.


correct version ….hmmm


There would be no chance he would be released. He and Gates are responsible for millions of deaths.

live oak

Thank you to all of you who commented about Fauci. It gives me some peace of mind.


FRAUDI not Fraudi 😉

J Bill



THIS IS A FINAL WARNING..get ready america,the winter will be coming,NO POWER,FOOD,WATER,HEAT,it’ll be COLD TOO….AND LOTS OF BLOOD IN THE STREETS..MILLIONS OF DEAD BODIES EVERYWHERE…THE DOG AND PONY SHOW IS ENDING…get close to the LORD most of you will be meeting HIM Face to Face shortly.DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST,there will be NO excuses allowed if you do,IT WILL BE STRAIGHT TO HELL…even upon death DON’T TAKE IT…


WAR IS COMING THIS SUMMER,the deep state hasn’t been locked up,and its leader OBAMA should have been the first one in handcuffs,Now the MILITARY HAVE FAILED AGAIN TO HONOR THEIR OATH,the BIG rally will see the devils who are destroying americas freedom ,DROPPING A TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEAPON ON THE RALLY KILLING OVER “ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND CITIZENS”,just so they can declare “MARTIAL LAW”,then the coming Bloodbath will begin in earnest…

Ed Bob

Well, that prophetic statement-scenario would certainly fit with the 3rd great peril of George Washington’s vision. .


What happened with these?
William Barr – moved to June 21
Actor Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson – June 21
Actor Kevin Spacey – moved to June 23, to be held at the U.S. military’s holding facility in Tierra del Fuego, which I reported on earlier.
Dr. Deborah Birx – June 23, at GITMO.
Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett – June 28, at GITMO

Anything on these..


Barr was sentenced to hanging by August 1

Outlandish Outlander

I thought it was August 2nd. {Shrugs Shoulders} Close enough. But, really the point is, that’s over a month away. I think some people are missing the point of what that means. That plainly reveals just how busy they are doing these executions. If there wasn’t a line waiting for their turn, then their turn would come much more quickly. {Please pass the popcorn.}



J Bill

Hypothetical Q: what happens when somebody being sued, doesn’t show up for
civil court?

A: Default judgement is entered.

HQ#2: What happens when President DJT signs the Insurrection Act, but no one believes it?

A#2: place your guess here.

Hint 2: New GITMO needs to be built to accomodate all who disbelieve.

Ed Bob

Dude, get wisdom. That schedule is first of all tentative and second, MB may or may not be allowed to release every development. If the government white hats are really doing all this, then operational security would demand tight lips on much of it.

J Bill

Agree. From info gathered here, one can easily assume President Trump has insurrectionists literally “boxed into a corner”. John Sullivan said in an interview recently that there are “many lawyers involved, ‘making deals’…” in the secret Durham report.
The deadline is closing in. No where to run or hide like rabbits. Most of them would claim they been brainwashed. Or anything to avoid facing US Military and Intel, Spec Ops, or other world Spec Forces. Patriots too.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill
Sue Grantham


Again with this??

“Jim Buffer
Reply to Sue Grantham
30 minutes ago
Sue, I’m gonna cum on your dad’s asshole”

Protect the people who believe in you please

J Bill

Yours too “Jim Buffer”? You’re “intersectional” aren’t you?

To those here at RRN your life is merely a “box checking excercise”, e.g.

(Is JB an idiot? YES __YES__YES___ no_) end of exam.

Is this the best cia can do?

J Bill

you wish. I wouldn’t admit to it either.

Ed Bob

That’s the way black rappers talk.


This is uncalled for, not just the wording, but singling out Sue Grantham. Sickening in every way. There has to be something that can be done! Set it up so we all have a password to sign onto this site and the FIRST sign of harassment in any way, block their password. Something please Michael.


It might be that legal action will be required…And/or the police.

Sue Grantham

I am touched, truly, for your support. The guy is like shit on my shoe. ?

Frances Rose

I just want to take a minute to say, I do not know any of you personally but I feel that there is a Band of Brothers and Sisters to us all, sort of thing, I even feel that the Trolls l may learn a thing or too. LOL! Thank you for all your input, stay safe.

Frances Rose

I knew Barr was a bad egg after he said there was no evidence of voter fraud to substantiate any investigation.


Nothing from Michael for days! No replies to messages, since Barr 3 days ago, no further updates!
can’t help but wonder if all is well!
I’m trying to not be impatient!


It’s Pride Month. He has a lot going on. Let him live his best life.


We’ve been through this before and Michael always returns. He has to have the approval to report anything here. I’m sure when he gets that approval he will, in the meantime, let’s try not to be impatient (easier said than done I know) LOL
Remember the saying, “No news is good news?” I try to think of that. I’ll scroll back through the comments and see what’s new, then do some more research, while I patiently wait for Michael to post more. Stay focused on what you need to do to support America and also to prepare you and your family for whatever comes, good or bad.

These are just my thoughts, no negativity intended
Have a Blessed Day!


I love, love, love the tactic of bringing all the trolls to zero. Thank you, Spartacus!

unlabeled quality

Hey peeps of RRN: just a friendly reminder. As we get closer to the big DS targets being convicted, the trolling and attacks are going to get worse and nastier, in an attempt to reduce the impact of this site, and to control the narrative. Instead, please realize that such attacks further confirm the truth. Pray. Meditate. Support. Hold the line, patriots. And ignore the trolls. God/Source armor is a must.


Completely agree, thanks!


Anyone know why MB suspended his gofundme project?


He said he reached his goal of $10,000.


That explains why he is not posting anymore.


Lol! So much for all those people saying “Michael Baxter has no incentive to make this stuff up since isn’t making money off of it”


I was very happy to send him some money. He deserves it!
But now I do want him to please give us some updates! Can hardly wait!!


Wow, good for him!

Sue Grantham

ATTN: Michael Baxter
This is what your female posters are dealing with:

Jim Buffer
Reply to Renie
17 hours ago
Renie, I’m gonna shit in your pussy

Please consider removing his ability to post. By the way- Bofa is still able to post nastiness as well. Thanks for your consideration ♥️??


Thank you Sue!

Sue Grantham

I got your 6 sweet pea ?


Mr.BAXTER…not even HUFF & PUFF (AOL)website would allow this kind of garabage post it…..remove them,please..


I add to that, again‼️

Vince Sly

Buzzfeed bought huff this past fall.

unlabeled quality

agreed. We don’t need that kind of garbage. This isn’t 8kun.

Sue Grantham

You’re too flaccid to do anything with your limp noodle.
You are always posting an idiot sexual “ass” comments which reflects your inability to be anything remotely close to being a man.


Ignore the mindless jerk

J Bill

And Jim Buffer’s theirs?


Thank you,Sue!You are one of the most harassed among us,ladies but I don´t know if it is possible to remove them,they change ids and re-appear,others know how to circunvent technicalities,wich spells…corrupt agencies.
Some,who appear to incite civil war we immediately spot who they are.But unless there´s some mute button I wouldn´t have much hope in permanent bans.It´s disgusting.

Sue Grantham

I got your back and you got mine. That’s gonna be enough for me ♥️

Sue Grantham

Huma, Boehner, Tom Hanks and wide, Birx, Spacey have had tribunals according to the revised#3 tribunal schedule, any information yet?
I appreciate what you do, it’s like eating potato chips, always want more. ?♥️??

sejmon your weight ,please…


? ?