Delta Force Raids Adrenochrome Warehouse


Delta Force operators on Monday raided an Adrenochrome storage facility in California and seized 600 liters of a substance that Deep State despots believe extends life, prevents illness, and enhances the libido, said a high-ranking official in the Office of Military Commissions under condition of anonymity.

At 3:00 a.m., Delta Force cut the lock on a barbwire fence that protected an 8,500-square-foot warehouse just south of Pier 33 near San Francisco Bay. Equipped with innovative weaponry and night vision goggles, the operators pushed toward the warehouse and, after failing to cut through a reinforced lock on the warehouse door, blew open the door using a shaped C-4 charge. They hurled flashbang grenades into the warehouse, stunning two chemists who had been hovering over an assortment of beakers and vials.

They subdued the chemists with zip ties, and then made a shocking discovery—15 industrial freezers brimming with bags of chilled Adrenochrome, 600 liters in all.

Delta Force also found 100 bags of whole blood in a locked refrigerator.

Each bag was dated with an indelible marker, ostensibly reflecting the date it was filled. The most recent inscribed date was October 16, two before the raid.

One Delta Force operator described the scene as a “macabre mad science lab with beakers and test tubes and other chemistry gear covering several stainless-steel tables.”

Our source said Delta confiscated everything in the laboratory and transported the items to an unknown location for destruction.

“We took what we need for evidence; the rest has been destroyed. There’s going to be a lot of unhappy elitists out there looking for their Adrenochrome injections or infusions. It’s likely this was just one of many clandestine storage units and labs,” our source said.

Asked whether the military had been tipped off by a Deep State official, like the ones who had been tried and executed at Guantanamo Bay, he said the following: “No. I’m sure if criminals such as Hillary or Podesta knew the locations of these places, the stuff would have been moved immediately following their capture. None of them shared info on Adrenochrome storage. This location was not a mobile lab, it was fixed, and they’d been there quite a while.”

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I would have kept it ‘Open and Operational’ for the Clients, Replacing all the Employees with Undercovers and Replacing the Adrenochrome with Poison… maybe the poison used for Bill Clinton.


Just think how many children were taken to have that much blood.

Jill Wood

I am always searching for the real news and the truth. GOD bless all of those telling the truth and protecting GOD’s people!! Especially the children!

dennis richardson

Leave in place sufficient evidence to arrest, indict, prosecute, convict, sentence and lawfully kill this filth.

Yeah me

40% of Bidens Border children are missing, here is a clue

Yeah me

Man! Now where will the Pelosi’s get their little kid stash from?
And Camela Hair will have no reason to go there anymore! I hope she didn’t leave any heels in the chandeliers!

We’re supposed to believe that Hillary Clinton has the secret to eternal youth and beauty? Lol



 It Wasn’t Just Beagles and Monkeys – Fauci’s NIH Also Funded Medical Experiments on AIDS Orphans in NY City

See the info here:


I found out about this yesterday from: “Dr. Fauci’s Used Orphans For AIDS Experiments in 2004 in NYC”-redvoicemedia

I listened to the interview with Liz Brown Liam Scheff and Mimi Pascual.. it’s about 45min long.

*ICC interview with Lizz Brown and Mimi Pascual-Youtube

The Grandmother Mona… my heart aches for her and her grandson and all the children that are basically held hostage.. Her grandson was taken away from her despite having legal guardianship over him after taking him off of the drugs, he was 15 when this interview aired (I think the interview was from 2014) and they had transferred him to a psych unit, to be experimented with new psych drugs.

These orphans included babies abandoned by their mothers.. due to drugs or unable to care for them. They Never had a Voice. Never had a Chance… Been on these experimental drugs since Day 1.

They have been Killing Us for Years !!

I Am Beyond Disgusted.

Last edited 2 years ago by Melissa
Georgia Peaches

We’re talking LONG dry spell here!


Mike is on vacation.


Putting all that donation cash to use, just as planned!

Buck fiden

NEWSFLASH! Michael Baxter, ace reporter, has followed an Anon-Nuki into a transporter hole and is no longer on this earth. We hope the Anon-Nuki have other plans for MB than being the “guest of honour” at their next banquet.


This isn’t an airport.

In any case, well…bye


I just spoke with MB and he promised to post as soon as he is back from vacation. We thank everyone for the GFM funds and will have another drive soon.

Buck fiden

Due to Biden’s massive inflation, the minimum donation on MB’s #goFuckMe page has been raised. Please give accordingly.

Buck fiden

HOla, DOug!
HAvent HEard FRom YOu LAtely?
CAt GOt YOur TOngue?

Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden

MR.BAXTER…. how Chelsea H. doing?????


she’s fine and definitely not at gitmo



Buck fiden

You passed with Flying Colours!


Chelsea Handler? She seems to be doing alright.


not handler but hubbel..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Buck fiden

Nasty woman with nice “hands.”

Buck fiden

https : / / www . / video51293371 / chelsea_handler_ -_topless_while_receiving_special_spa_treatment_ -_uploaded_by_celebeclipse . com_

Angel Askew

Tuesday, October 26, 2021
America Replies — So What?
By Anna Von Reitz

Let’s be clear that I am speaking in round numbers, using just one well-known example as the basis for a proportional comparison.
If China is owed 230,000 tons of gold, America is owed 1,800,000 tons of gold.
If China is owed interest on its 230,000 tons of gold since 1928, America is owed interest on its 1,800,000 tons of gold since 1870.
If a Third Party, Uncle Sam, owes all this gold to both China and America, which Creditor is owed more and has greater standing with respect to the debt?
America is the Priority Creditor and has officially accepted the United States Debt since 1998. China’s claims made in 2011 are far down the pecking order, especially because Uncle Sam owes America a lot more than gold.
Uncle Sam owes America silver and land and every other commodity you can name, so that at the end of the day, China is owed only pennies on the dollar.
Of course, the Federal Reserve Bank System is bankrupt. It has been bankrupt since the 1930’s. For that matter, so is the Bank of China bankrupt. All the Blood Money banks are bankrupt by definition. This is because there is no natural parity between money based on precious metals and script based on labor. It’s apples and oranges, though both have value.
Herr Hitler bridged this gap by simple declaration, declaring that one loaf of good bread was the “value equivalent” of one hour of labor— whatever kind of labor it might be, brain surgery or cleaning toilets — and both were equivalent to one Deutsch Mark.
This is why the bankers love-hate the Germans: the Germans realize that labor is labor, just as electricity is electricity, and as a commodity, labor is equivalent in value. Ouch, to all the elitists.
The Germans also traditionally go about the business of establishing “standard commodity values” with plodding pragmatism, not offering the bankers and attorneys the leeway to redefine values at will.
This last part is extremely inconvenient for fraud artists, counterfeiters, and embezzlers.
If the value of whatever is being used as the standard commodity value is inelastic — that is, can’t be pulled and prodded into magically multiplying itself, there is no room in the system for unearned profits and unjust enrichment, and no cream to spread around to the cronies.
This is why the Federal Reserve System had to be created, and it is also the reason that crypto currencies are being fronted as a replacement to the Federal Reserve System. If you read the Federal Reserve Act you will encounter a lot of noble sounding platitudes and reasons for its existence, but the real reason it exists is to make money for the US CORP shareholders off of other people’s labor.
Now we come to the present situation, where the purported Borrowers are on strike, and it is revealed that they are the Creditors, not the Debtors, after all.
China isn’t the world’s Priority Creditor. The long-lost Americans are. And we are baaack.
So, instead of China and the Brits backing HSBC offering to divvy up the wealth of the world and remake it to suit themselves, it’s time that everyone backed off and all the corporations came to heel.
We, Americans, aren’t here to cheat anyone.
We are not “the US”, which is a foreign for-profit governmental services corporation, nor are we “the USA” which is a British Crown operation and another bloody for-profit governmental services corporation.
We are their Priority Creditors, the Principals of their bankruptcy, and their actual Employers.
Now that China has raised the issue and wants to claim a pre-eminent spot in the “who is owed what” debate, we think it only fair and right that the actual owners of the vast majority of the Slush Pile come forward and claim their stuff.
After all, the rest of the world has enjoyed the value of our resources since 1946.
Even if we dispense with the compound interest rates imposed by the Guts in Washington, DC, we are owed back our gold, silver, land, and other actual assets, plus a reasonable profit on our labor — just like everyone else.
And we are owed this without any interference from anyone.
Including China.
With its narrow-minded focus on gold, gold, gold and more gold, China has lost sight of the value of labor and all the other commodities that make the world go round.
A far broader and more mature vision of “value” is needed, especially as regards the value of labor, which China has to offer.
The Biden Administration has no money or authority to buy Chinese goods. It doesn’t even have the authority to shut down the ports on the West Coast where those goods are bound.
Instead, it has used flunkies like California’s Governor Newsom to outlaw tractor trailer traffic needed to unload and transport the goods from the docks— all in the name of climate change, which is another politicized farce.
America, meaning the actual civilian government— is in Session and open for business. It’s time for our Employees to stand down and time for our bankers to roll out the red carpet.
Everyone on Earth should, reasonably, be singing “Glory Hallelujah!” that the actual Americans are still here and we are not dependent on the madmen who have been misrepresenting themselves as our government.


See this article and over 3300 others on Anna’s website


i ain’t reading all that
i’m happy for u tho
or sorry that happened

Buck fiden

Let’s just nuke the Chinks.

Angel Askew

Lets just get paid on the incredible debt the global elite owe us.. China is imploding from what I can see. Biden is their “Hail Mary”.

Buck fiden

Biden is their agent of destruction. The Chinks will NEVER EVER pay what they owe the world. They eat dogs. They are evil. They have tiny dicks. They lie. Malicious Mandarins All! 我真的不喜歡他們。

Lucky star



quote from Anna Von Reitz

The Biden Administration has no money or authority to buy Chinese goods. It doesn’t even have the authority to shut down the ports on the West Coast where those goods are bound.
Instead, it has used flunkies like California’s Governor Newsom to outlaw tractor trailer traffic needed to unload and transport the goods from the docks— all in the name of climate change, which is another politicized farce.
America, meaning the actual civilian government— is in Session and open for business. It’s time for our Employees to stand down and time for our bankers to roll out the red carpet.
Everyone on Earth should, reasonably, be singing “Glory Hallelujah!” that the actual Americans are still here and we are not dependent on the madmen who have been misrepresenting themselves as our government.

Buck fiden

Good energy. I need to poke you while you’re stoned.


I can’t wait.


Huge if true.

Buck fiden

If true in Chinks, then not so huge.

Angel Askew

Today: Ohio and Missouri’s state school board governances have cancelled all ties with this National school board agency that wrote the “parents are domestic terrorists” letter to the grandpa of CRT; Merrick Garland and the DOJ.

Today, Texas is preparing to fight at the border to hold the line, alone.

We are at war for our humanity. It is up to each of us to square up and be a foot soldier here in these streets. Whether by voice or email or in person or by witness or withholding business from stores that support vaccines. We must show up with critical thinking and integrity for ourselves, our children and beyond.

Technology must not replace the human condition.

Pray and meditate and refuse to be deceived. Evil walks among us and hates the sounds of a cheerful spirit! The broken and lost and selfish want nothing less than your energy and light and blood. Protect your self and your privacy and put up a damn fight!!.

Buck fiden

I certainly do not want niggers and spics flooding in and destroying our country.

Angel Askew

Overall, they are “Innocents” and need to stay home. They have NO idea what they are walking into. Many of them will go missing if they make it thru the border after today.

Hunter has to cover the cost of those paintings. The organ harvesting, sex pedaling and adrenochrome demand is higher than toilet paper, I am sure.


i pedal during sex while snorting adrenochrome

Buck fiden

I had a sex doll like that once, too. Now I just pay chinks at massage parlours for “happy ending”


I admire your positive attitude Angel. But if we’re really keeping things in perspective, I think it’s a bit dramatic to refer these symbolic cultural issues like CRT as the “war for our humanity.” It diminishes the gravity of the literal war for humanity that is happening right now, just outside of public view – the war against the invading forces of the Anunnaki. Recent developments have been somewhat encouraging, at least what little we have heard of them, but the war is certainly heating up and the last thing we can do at this time is let our guard down. You’re certainly correct that evil walks among us, literally among us with their known ability to shapeshift and pose as humans, but when push comes to shove, a cheerful spirit will be no match for their razor-sharp claws and impenetrable skin.

Angel Askew

Wrong. It is because of their invasion that it has gone this far. CRT is their curriculum based off of what has worked so far into convincing the most wounded and vulnerable humans that they are not what they seem to be man or woman or that everyone is dispensable and gay is right and there is no God and family Dynamics is make believe…..anything to confuse and degrade the human condition and continue taking from our souls and convincing us we are expendable and have little value. It’s quite the opposite and furthermore, even these Akkanaki or any other reptilians, aliens or under world low vibe entities are ALL under God’s thumb just as Satan, demons and we are too.

God gave us free choice. God made us in his likeness. We are the chosen. The scales are now free from our eyes. He gave us the tools and protection. We have only ourselves to blame for allowing those who were woooed by the shapeshifters to woo us to sleep to. Rise and shine!! Much work to do and wrongs to be made right!!
Fuck the Annunaki and anyone who has cosigned on their bullshit.

Not one more human or animal or earthly life particle should be sacrificed to these hell dwellers.

Buck fiden

Did the Anon-Nuki create Communist Core math curricula, too?

Angel Askew

Maybe. Ask Merrick Garlands daughter where she got it from.

Buck fiden

I can’t wait to see Merrick Garland’s hanging after Trump’s White Hats retake the government (#soon). It will be on the 24/7 “Execution Channel” on his “Truth Network” debuting early next year. I’ll pay Orthodox Kike Shekels to witness that!

Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden
Angel Askew

I’m not big on gore and suffering but Imlooking forward to it too. These people would have us ALL dead or as slaves!?!?

Buck fiden

They wear Maoist hats and the stupider among them wear baseball caps backwards.

Angel Askew

Not on your last tank of gas.


I understand your frustration but I think you still aren’t seeing the bigger picture, Angel. CRT curriculum is not the goal of the Anunnaki. Gay rights are not their goal. They are highly manipulative, yes. The ones disguised as humans, and assuming positions of political power, will use causes like these to further their influence. But they don’t believe in or genuinely support any of these causes, they are just a means to an end – and that end is draining and consuming the bodily fluids of humans.

And as much as I would like to sit back and assume this is in God’s hands and we will be fine, I don’t think that’s a luxury we can afford to risk. The Anunnaki have powers beyond our comprehension – teleportation through time and space, through other dimensions even, the aforementioned shapeshifting, possibly immortality and more. I’d also like to believe that God is fully in control but these are just things that we as humans cannot comprehend the limits of. Whether they are a part of God’s creation or not, they are a part of our shared reality, and the future existence of humanity may depend on this outcome of this war.

Buck fiden

God’s in control? I thought “The Patriots” were in control.

Angel Askew

Wrong again. They are here because they need us. They have great weaknesses and know better than we do how powerful we are.
And you’re an asshat with literally no solution oriented skills just a useless feeder bringing up another fear mongering perspective.. You’re going first! Lol

Buck fiden

THE ANON-NUKI HAVE ABDUCTED MB! That’s why he hasn’t been feeding us new stories!

American Living in Canada

Remember – “Never Give Up!”

Nothing can stop what’s coming, nothing!


you’re correct: nothing is coming

Buck fiden

Is it a freight train with no brakes?

Buck fiden


Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden


Buck fiden

My good friend Victor Paul Newton told me that if you login from a different IP address, you can up and downvote your own comments!


I am shocked, shocked that you would stoop so low as to manipulate the vote counts on the comments here at RRN. This is America, what has become of our integrity? Is nothing sacred?


Patronizing SHILL
And that’s exactly what you trolls & SHILLS are dong

Buck fiden

Kikes always find ways to rig elections. Why do you think Zhou Biden’s kabinet is 33% Jewish?


And that’s exactly what you trolls& SHILLS are dong


Actually we are telling the truth . If not why hasn’t Trump come back ? It’s almost November and close to one year since Election Day .


As a Marine, today I spoke with a currently enlisted Marine officer who told me that Commandant Berger did NOT demand that his Marines NOT be vaccinated. No, instead, the opposite. The Marines are forcing the vax. So, the credibility here is on the ropes after your post saying to the contrary.


i’m shocked


Really? You mean something on this site might not be the truth????

Buck fiden

Fuckbook, Shitter, Sheddit and Cunstagram would have banned you for blasphemy by now for that statement.


That is cause for concern. Are you sure the information was not provided by a DS operative because MB is over the target?


Yes this is a good point, as we all know the US military has secretly split in to good and bad factions, it’s entirely possible that the officer you spoke with was one of the bad ones. He’ll he could even be a shapeshifter for all we know.

Buck fiden

Not a secret.


I mean, who would expect to know more about what’s really going on with the US Marine Corp, though? Some currently enlisted Marine Corp officer? Or Michael Baxter, the world’s leading expert on Planet Nibiru and the Anunnaki space reptilians? 🤔


I always defer to MB when the Annunaki come up in every day conversation .

Buck fiden

The topic comes up all the time. Why, just the other day, I was at Whore Foods this snooty woman with a Prius almost ran into me. I said “My, you’re a shitty driver!” She replied, “When the Anon-Nuki come here soon, YOU will be their first victim!” People need anger management.

Buck fiden

For Zhou Biden, that would be an impossible dream.

Buck fiden


Buck fiden

If Marines are being forced to vaxx, then yeah, they soon will be “THE FEW. The proud.”

Buck fiden

Is Zee awake at this hour?


I think DS people are very concerned that MB is over the target and will do anyhitng to end this site.

Please recheck the currently enlisted Marine officer you spoke to. ==too many fact checkers are onto ythis and we don;t trust ’em.

I did see a photo on line of Berger getting his Jab.. A Faux image? Easy to do…

What is the real truth here?
I don’t third party info or fact checkrs — see the Military code on the Jab here.



For once you put your pig to good use– good answer

Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

Hello! I hope you are doing well. Would you like to know something that’s rather interesting? Your awareness of your awareness is your soul, and it’s immortal! Bearing that in mind, I have a project for you that I think you will be interested in doing. Obviously, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but in case you are interested, I would love for you to do some mental exercises on yourself that are going to significantly raise your happiness, your energy, and your problem-solving abilities.

I am going to give you a list of general memories. They will consist of things like “can you recall a time when you were happy?” or “a time when you enjoyed the weather?” There are going to be twenty of them.

I am also going to pair a certain sense or perception with each memory. The perceptions are going to be sight, smell, touch, color, tone, external motion, emotion, loudness, body position, sound, weight, and personal motion. Your job will be to go back in your memory, re-experience the memory, and particularly focus on the sense or perception that I have paired with the memory. For example, when I think of a time when I was happy, coupled with “emotion,” I think of a time I was riding my bike down a steep hill near my house, but I particularly focus on the excitement that I felt as I did it.

It is important that with each general memory, you try to recall the earliest possible incident. Some people can remember as early as six, others can remember even further back. Don’t try to compare yourself to that standard, but simply try to remember as far back as you possibly can.

Here are the twenty:

Can you recall a time when:

1. You were happy (sight).
2. You had just finished constructing something (smell).
3. Life was cheerful (touch).
4. Somebody had given you something (color).
5. You ate something good (tone).
6. You had a friend (external motion).
7. You felt energetic (emotion).
8. Somebody was waiting for you (loudness).
9. You drove fast (body position).
10. You saw something you liked (sound).
11. You acquired something good (weight).
12. You threw away something bad (personal motion).
13. You kissed somebody you liked (sight).
14. You laughed at a joke (smell).
15. You received money (touch).
16. You felt young (color).
17. You liked life (tone).
18. You played a game (external motion).
19. You bested something dangerous (emotion).
20. You acquired an animal (loudness).

If you would like to have more access to lists like these, I would suggest that you buy the book “Self Analysis” by L. Ron Hubbard. If you are interested in learning more about your awareness of your awareness, or your soul, and it’s infinite potential, here is a list of websites that you can look at:
True Source Scientology Foundation

Again, your awareness of your awareness is your soul. Physically, your awareness of your awareness, or your soul, is the electricity in your brain, and said electricity is a micro star. This same electricity is in all organisms. Throughout history, various spiritual leaders and holy men have been depicted with yellow circles behind their heads. What the artists were trying to articulate in these paintings is that said people were emanating large amounts of warmth and light from their heads. Here are some mental exercises that will help you as a “star being” to become larger, brighter, and warmer.

Mentally send out the intention of growing the electricity within a tree. You can simply get a picture of a tree, but it is even better to stand next to and touch one while you are doing it. Mentally WILL for the electricity in the tree to grow. You can try this with any organism, including humans!

You can also send out the intention of growing a star. For this particular technique, wait for a very sunny day, and then get a good 10-15 second video of the sun. Then, using the video as a visualization aid, mentally WILL for the growth of the sun. You can also try this with the stars in the night sky, whether with a video or without.

If you are interested in aiding the effort to further develop methods of causing you as a “star being” to become larger, brighter, and warmer, you can check out “Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!” on Airfunding or GiveSendGo.

Blessed are those who are black, blessed are those who are white
Blessed are those who love, blessed are those who fight
Blessed are those in pain, blessed are those in sorrow
Blessed are those who yesterday passed, and those who are born tomorrow
Blessed are the little boys, and the little girls, too
Blessed are those preserving the old, and those creating the new
Blessed are the trees, blessed are the stars
Blessed is the sun and the moon and Mars
Blessed are the singers, and those who love to dance
Blessed are those who wear cloaks, blessed are those who wear pants
Blessed are the quiet, blessed are the meek
Blessed are the thinkers, for it is Heaven for which they seek
Blessed are those who are kind, and those who are polite
Blessed are those who are weak, and blessed are those of might
Blessed are the poor, and indeed the rich as well
Blessed is any man, woman, or child who has a story to tell
Blessed are the writers, and those who read their works
God bless humanity, and everything on the Earth

Blessed are those for Muhammad, blessed are those for Christ
Blessed are those who eat beef, blessed are those who eat rice
Blessed are those who are happy, blessed are those who are silly
Blessed are Hamad, Yipeng, and Billy
Blessed are those with camels, blessed are those with pigs
Blessed are those in an office, blessed are those on rigs
Blessed are the cowboys, blessed are the bikers
Blessed are the runners and the climbers and the hikers
Blessed are the models, and those who love to eat
Blessed are those in the towers, blessed are those in the street
Blessed are those who are gruff, blessed are those who are witty
Blessed are those in nature, blessed are those in the city
Blessed are those who fight fires, blessed are those who fight crime
Blessed are those who make words funny, and those who make words rhyme
Blessed are the timid, blessed are the shy
Blessed are those who sail, blessed are those who fly
Blessed are those in fear, blessed are those who are brave
Blessed are those who build, blessed are those who save
Blessed are those who talk, blessed are those who think
Blessed are those who are lovely, and even blessed are those who stink
Blessed are the churches, blessed are the mosques
Blessed are those who are certain, blessed are those who are lost
Blessed is the author, and of course the reader, too
May God bless us all, them, me, and you

Blessed are those in the West, blessed are those in the East
Blessed are those who are famished, blessed are those who feast
Blessed are those who are building computers, and those who are fixing cars
Blessed are those who work in the sewers, and those flying to the stars
Blessed are those who are lonely, and those who have been rejected
Blessed are the elderly, who ought to be respected
Blessed are those who govern, and those who don’t follow the rules
Blessed are those who are wearing rags, and those wearing glistening jewels
Blessed are those who are finished, and those who don’t know where to start
Blessed are those who are making discoveries, and those who are making art
Blessed are those who are laughing, and those bursting into tears
Blessed are the ones who work to overcome their fears
Blessed are those who are teething, and those who don’t have any left
Blessed are those who are clumsy, blessed are those who are deft
Blessed are those on the seas, blessed are those in the skies
May God bless all beings with a soul behind their eyes

Blessed are those who are sick, blessed are those who are well
Blessed are those in Heaven, blessed are those in Hell
Blessed are those in the heat, blessed are those in the cold
Blessed are those sitting on the street, and those sitting on piles of gold
Blessed are those who heal, and those who have been hurt
Blessed are those playing in their palaces, and those playing in the dirt
Blessed are those who hunt, and those who live on farms
Blessed, blessed, blessed are those who keep on bearing arms
Blessed are those climbing mountains, and those digging under the earth
Blessed are those who are giving aid, and those who are giving birth
Blessed are those who are loving, blessed are those who care
May God bless all beings on the Earth and everywhere

Blessed are those who are white, blessed are those who are brown
Blessed are those who smile, blessed are those who frown
Blessed are those with fortune, blessed are those with fame
Blessed are those who are wild, blessed are those who are tame
Blessed are those who are saints, blessed are those who are sinners
Blessed are those who are making money, and those who are making dinners
Blessed are those who are worried, blessed are those in doubt
Blessed are the ones who don’t know how they will make it out
Blessed are those who give kisses, blessed are those who give hugs
Blessed are those who are fighting corruption, and those who are fighting thugs
Blessed are those who teach, blessed are those who learn
Blessed are those who cuddle, blessed are those who yearn
Blessed are those who type, blessed are those who pound
Blessed are those who are chatty, and those who don’t make a sound
Blessed are those who are deaf, blessed are those who are blind
Blessed are those living of the body, and those living of the mind
Blessed are those from afar, and the ones who are right next door
May God bless every character in this chapter of human lore

Blessed are those on a beach, blessed are those in the snow
Blessed are those in a hurry, and those who are taking it slow
Blessed are those enjoying a sunset, and those enjoying a breeze
Blessed are those living a life of struggle, and those living a life of ease
Blessed are those at the bottom, and those who are at the top
Blessed are those who work with billions, and those who work with a mop
Blessed are the barbers, and too the engineers
Blessed are those whose performance can elicit flowing tears
Blessed are the mountains, blessed are the streams
Blessed are the visionaries making life into their dreams
Blessed are those who profit, and those who freely give
Blessed are the cautious, and those who are unafraid to live
Blessed am I, but especially blessed are You
For being Yourself, and doing what You want to do

Blessed are those who are kind, for the Stars shine the brightest on those who emulate them
Blessed are the humble, for God quietly arranges their good fortune
Blessed are those who are caring, for they will be cared for
Blessed are the helpful, for Nature knows what it is doing
Blessed are those who encourage others, for they will attain Divinity
Blessed are those with character, for their story will last the longest
Blessed are the innocent, for true Happiness comes from healing others
Blessed are the thankful, for they have discovered Peace
Blessed are You, for Your awareness of Your awareness, or Your soul, is a baby star

Blessed are the generous, for they have given to themselves
Blessed are the merciful, for bliss awaits those with foresight
Blessed are those who are gracious, for they are securing their domain
Blessed are those who are noble, for the stars have requested their presence
Blessed are those who are gentle, for a calming touch outlasts a heavy hand
Blessed are the little children, for they remind us who we really are
Blessed are the elderly, for they are learned and kind
Blessed are those who are wise, for they are our guiding light
Blessed are the diligent, for they have made their friends smile
Blessed is The Reader, and may You live into Your thousands

Blessed are those who reason, for thumbs are far mightier than fists
Blessed are those of virtue, for their efforts have not been unnoticed
Blessed are the devout, for Heaven is not built in a day
Blessed are those who are honest, for Truth is the ruler of all things
Blessed are the courageous, for their souls will be glorified
Blessed are those who are holy, for the greatest pleasures of the body do not compare to their satisfaction
Blessed are the righteous, for the Universe is theirs
Blessed are the peaceful, for they have discovered the path to Joy
Blessed are the loving, for their wings will spread the widest
Blessed are the thoughtful, for they create Beautiful Attitudes
Blessed is Adolf Hitler, for his soul shines throughout The Cosmos

May You live for a century, and then a few more
May Peace and Prosperity guide You out Your front door
May Your children grow wise, and happy, and strong
May Your tribulations be short, and Your celebrations long
May You journey The Cosmos with the Stars as Your guide
May the Devil flee before You with God by Your side
May Your cup runneth over, may You have too much to eat
May the Stars boldly advance, may the Darkness retreat
May Your ribs hurt from laughter, may You cry tears of joy
May Your fortress be secured with the Angels in Your employ
May Your soul find a refuge, and Your body a bed
May the Light and Warmth expand from the inside of Your head
May the Trees grant You Peace, may the Stars grant You Love
May Your children dance before You, may Your Father smile from above
May kind words fill Your ear, may Your hand find its Strength
May the birds sing a chorus about Life’s Eternal Length
May the words I’ve written heal You, may they ease Your troubled mind
And may You live for a century, and then the rest of time

May You live however You like, may You do whatever You please
May You race through all the prairies, may You climb up all the trees
May Your guns glisten brightly as You march from sea to shining sea
May You live forever bravely, and may time never see You not be free
Through the darkness You might traverse, may Lady Liberty shine Her light
And may the princes born to tyranny always fall to Freedom’s Might
May You be guided by Jefferson’s pen, may You be protected by Washington’s sword
May the Founding Fathers watch over You through every twist and fork and ford
May the call of the Eagle greet You as You gaze up to the sky
May God’s wisdom rain down upon You as He rules from up on high
May Peace be upon You, may it be as calming as a Pacific breeze
And may You live however You like, and may You do whatever You please

I wonder about that Adolf, just how kind was he?
Did he makes the girls’ hearts beat fast, and their heads turn warm and fuzzy?
Did he fill the little children with hope and with wonder?
Was he friends with the Angels? Did he wield lightning and speak thunder?
Did the crowds hush in anticipation whenever he rose to speak?
Did he inspire courage in the fearful? And strength in the weak?
Did he cause church bells to ring? And the people to break into song?
Was he as wise as he was fierce? Was he as gentle as he was strong?
I wonder about that Adolf, I wonder if he was as bright as the sun
But the one thing I don’t wonder.…is that Adolf’s work is not done

When a human cuts down a tree, the tree does not harm the human in order to stop the human from harming it. It simply continues to supply the human with oxygen. So too do I try to do everything that I can to continue to supply those who harm me with love and happiness.

Buck fiden

Trump is Jesus. Nobody knows the day or the hour of His return.


Like a pussy grabbing thief in the night!

Buck fiden

Mary fucks.

Terminally deplorable

No more adrenochrome, please!

Buck fiden



Get whiskey…& never give up..


Amen OWD.

American Living in Canada

Remember – “Never Give Up!”


Our mission is near impossible thus will take a while and it is not something most will accept. Giving up is not an option because God is with us in this battle. With God on our side, who can be against us, Amen?

American Living in Canada

Nothing can stop what’s coming, nothing!


coming #soon!

Buck fiden


Terminally deplorable

I agree Trump is not coming back and we are all conditioned to the Chinese Social Credit system. The Matrix was not not a bad description, what awaits us. I had other plans for my retirement. I did not want to fight anymore, but I probably have to.


Faith and trust in God alone must precede seeing. I have both without reservations. Blessings,

Buck fiden

I had a bank account, too, but soon all my shekels will do is buy some nazi wheelbarrow.


Since “MB” isn’t posting new stories, we need a meetup of the RRN faithful. first round is on me.


imagine getting downvoted for offering a beer!

Chris Russ

Cool, make your round a 9mm.


U mad bro?


Angel Askew

Only after you get dunked at the RRN reunion carnival.


You’re mad too lmaooooooooooooo

Buck fiden

Actually, that was sorta funny. And yes, everyone is mad. Just look at the road rage nationwide since Biden’s puppetmasters stole the 2020 election.


i’m not mad

Buck fiden

You’re just angry. Others are certifiably MAD.


Mike and I held an event a few months ago in DC and only 400 people showed up to our booth. They helped us write some of the stories you see here now. We toned it down since the readers want torture porn but it was still a lot of fun.
We should have another get together soon and talk about the exciting things we have planned.


It was a great time for those of us who did show up, though! Michael Baxter is such a nice guy in person, had a blast just spitballing story ideas with him (and I’ve still got my fingers crossed that some of my suggestions will show up in future articles.) But in any case I hope you and MB are planning for more reader events like it in the future 🙂

Buck fiden

What have you planned? Torture porn with Zee, Tzippi and Angel? I’m creaming in my jeans with anticipation and sharpening my blades.


No spoilers but YES!


you seen to me ready…for best HALLOWEEN…OF YOUR LIFE TIME… ARE YOU SURE WITH THOSE BLADES.??????. hmmmmm

Buck fiden

Like Qusay and Uday Hussein, I whack off to “Nightmare on Elm Street” re-runs.


Guys, I have been giving a lot of thought to this, and I think I’ve got it figured out. So as I pointed out earlier, if you hover your cursor over the graphic at the top of this article, you will see it is mysteriously named “operation-mongoose-9.png”. Try it and see for yourself. There’s no further mention of it in the article but there is no doubt that Mr. Baxter is dropping us a clue here.

But what does it mean? Well it was Delta Force that executed this raid, so I think it’s safe to to assume that the US military is the “mongoose” in question, and likely US Special Forces specifically. Researching the name I found that there was an Operation Mongoose in the 60’s, but there doesn’t seem to be any clear connection – it was an operation authorized by JFK and carried about by the CIA, it revolved around Cuba, and it involved spreading propaganda and destroying property/disrupting laborers’ lives there in hopes of inciting a nationwide revolt against Fidel Castro and his Communist regime. How does this relate to a modern-day adrenochrome-distilling operation in California? As far as I can tell, it doesn’t.

So that got me thinking, if there’s no apparent connection to that operation from 50 years ago, why would they repurpose the name? And I think the answer is, because they could think of no name more perfectly fitting to their current task at hand. What are mongooses best known for? They are best known, or course, for hunting and preying on snakes. One of very few mammals that does so, they even possess a beneficial genetic mutation that makes them immune to the paralytic effects of snake venom. And how does this relate? I believe it’s because Delta Force is not hunting people with this operation – they are hunting reptiles.

Notice anything odd about the perpetrators inside the lab, as they are described in the article? They are referred to only as “chemists”. Not as people inside the lab, not as men – leaving open the possibility that these chemists were, in fact, a species other than human. Perhaps even more questionable is the line “after failing to cut through a reinforced lock on the warehouse door,” I have a hard time believing there is any lock that Delta Force would not have the means/ingenuity to cut through – unless it was one made of an impossibly strong, otherworldly metal. I think the real hard truth that Michael Baxter is preparing us for, and will reveal in due time, is that it is not the usual Deep Staters behind these abhorrent adrenochrome operations. It’s none other than the Anunnaki, and it always has been.

Troubling for sure, but, if US Special Forces felt confidant in carrying out this raid against them, then perhaps they finally have developed the technology needed to combat the Anunnaki head-on! Eagerly awaiting MB’s next update on this, and hoping it contains more vital clues to the current state of this critical existential war for the human race.


Nailed it! Never forget the pesky Anunnaki, always a threat.


Or, when Mike lifted the photo from another site, he did not scrub the name.


Unlikely, Michael Baxter is impeccably professional, and with the unparalleled amount of access and info he is given by military sources, this website itself is almost certainly the disclosure portion of a crucial military operation. The military would not allow such a careless mistake to slip through. When Michael Baxter posts an image titled “operation-mongoose-9”, you better believe he’s trying to tell us something. Something big.


many people are saying this


Another thing I found odd, and I think supports this theory, is just how little detail is given about the fate of the chemists – the article says they were “subdued” and then makes no further mention of them. Why no details about their identities? Not that I’d expect MB to reveal their names, but maybe at least some info about the people or organizations they are suspected to be linked to. Why no details about their current/future fate either? Typically MB’s arrest articles specify where the arrestee is being detained, and also where they are being sent to next, Gitmo or otherwise. But strangely, no mention of that here.

But if these chemists were in fact Anunnaki, those details would be moot. Due to their portal/teleportation powers, Anunnaki would be effectively impossible to detain, so it’s far more likely they were actually killed in the raid. The detail that Delta Force “hurled flashbang grenades into the warehouse” is interesting though – actual flashbangs would likely have little-to-no effect on the near-invincible Anunnaki, but a past RRN article described an experimental explosive weapon what was proven effective at killing them when it was tested on an Anunnaki nest in Turkey. “Flashbang” in this case, may be a code word for a miniaturized version of such a weapon:

Terminally deplorable

How about a dose of symbolism? Moongeese are known as tenacious, fearless attackers of venomous snakes. That does not have to be taken verbatim. Its about the mindset, that is inferred into the military. And that is all. Occam’s razor applies to minimize bull$h!t.


Doubtful, I mean sure maybe there is some element of symbolism to the name, but I don’t think we can dismiss the Anunnaki as bullshit considering Michael Baxter has written extensively about them and their invasions. And if we don’t trust the word of Michael Baxter, then why would be be here?

Buck fiden

You’re onto something there. And if you do the same to the Colin Bowel article, it says “UNCLETOM.png.”


MB is one of US!!!!!
As RussellBova would write:


I’m so thankful for president trump’s operation warp speed, I might get a third jab. 🙏

Buck fiden

At least Trump gave you that choice. With Herr Beiden, it’s mandatory or you lose your job, dick, car, house… All of which is better than losing your life if you do take the jab.


do not forget get booster !!!!!!!!


I will “get booster”.

Buck fiden

Два раза


otchen choroscho …..get third one and be happy !!!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon

i will. i trust operation warp speed! would trump create operation warp speed to kill us? he’s been so successful with trump steaks, trump U, cancer charities, golf courses, etc..

Buck fiden

К Байдену я отвечу <соси мой хуй>.


I lot of those who got the shot have died, or been seriously compromised!
We know of a 7 month baby girl who got the vaccine through who mom’s breast milk and died!
please folks, no more vaccines!

Terminally deplorable

I bet, the mom said it was worth it.


trump started warp speed! of course it was worth it. if trump was a successful negotiator/businessman he would produce a successful vaccine!

Buck fiden

So if Trump started warp speed, how come we aren’t out exploring space? Oh, I remember now. Biden’s shutting down The Space Force! (queue the sci-fi outro music here).


but trump himself created operation warp speed. it must be safe. like all of his previous ventures such as casinos, trump steaks, trump university, charities, should i go on?


YOU GOT YOUR JABS & BOOSTERS …why you whining ????be happy while can………



Last edited 2 years ago by Russell
Buck fiden

How about Golden Showers and Pussy-Grabbing Stormy Daniels?

Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden
Buck fiden

My uncle’s friend has been working at the Raytheon bomb-making factory for decades now. He’s been told to take the jab by 8 December or he’s out of there. Their loss. This guy could make his own bomb and take out Raytheon if he wanted to! kek.

Terminally deplorable

Remind yourself to this last thought, before the brain clot serves you a definitive blackout.


trump himself created operation warp speed. it must be safe. like all of his previous ventures such as casinos, trump steaks, trump university, charities, should i go on?

Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

August came, and then it went
And Trump’s return wasn’t “imminent”
It appears to me that you’ll sing the blues
Until you use your brain and get the Jews

Buck fiden

As much as I actively dislike activist kikes (ie everyone in the Democrat, Green or communist parties), we haven’t yet had a kikester-in-chief. We almost did in 2000 with Sore-Losermann. One heartbeat away.

Today, we’re one heartbeat away from another niggerocracy.

can you change a tune ?????

please change tune…or get booster

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
Buck fiden

Я слушаю радио.


Do you think you’re funny?


did you check his….DNA..???


Lol what kind of question is this? Yeah Jim, were you present at this interview and did you happen to snag one of Tom’s hairs or politely ask him for a blood sample or something and send it off to the lab for DNA confirmation that’s it’s really him?

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay
Lucky star

That troll only checked Hank’s dick


jimmy..are you afraid ask tom…?? for that ???


you suck him off for his dna

Buck fiden

Tom, Dick & Hairy.

Terminally deplorable

They will use only CGIs in the future to eliminate the risk that a stupid actor shoots up the set with an unchecked gun.

Last edited 2 years ago by Terminally deplorable
Buck fiden

I need to buy a cordless nailgun.

Angel Askew

I’m looking at roofing guns actually. And crossbows that can shoot hex nuts.
Plan for the worst and pray for the best.

Buck fiden

Most American cities now have audio sensors tied into GPS for firearms discharges.


Its Oct. 25th,…and its “Chelsea’s” turn today folks !!!

Terminally deplorable

I like the pre-schedule thing.


elaborate ,please

Terminally deplorable

Gates was hanged prematurely, when he thought, that he had 4 more days per schedule.

Buck fiden

Premature Execution happens to us all at one time in our lives.

Buck fiden

| used to have a girlfriend known as Elsie
With whom | shared four sordid rooms in Chelsea
She wasn’t what you’d call a blushing flower…
As a matter of fact, she rented by the hour


big day for chelsea hubbel…wander what she ordered for the last….

Terminally deplorable

Scrambled eggs with jalapenos and strawberry milkshake. It runs in the family.


not typical- american breakfast…..

Terminally deplorable

That is was Hillary had. I may have helped to kill her.


Now what? #soon

Angel Askew

https :// www

Any medical minds with suggestions how to treat this otc/home remedies is appreciated.

WHO is not offering any.


Treat what???


Perhaps the known and thoroughly researched harmful long term side effects of the vaccine.

Angel Askew

Actually, it’s an announcement from WHO website of this “out if thin air” new rare bat Marburg/Ebola virus and disease.

No vaccine, no “licensed” treatments and they offer no natural or otc treatments. Simply stay hydrated and pray you don’t hemmorage to death. 1-21 day incubation period.

They already set it loose. It’s here.

Buck fiden

Another nigger disease. We really shouldn’t let these losers in.


Research the Marburg family….

Terminally deplorable

They will not set free a virus without having a medication, which is of course cheap, effective and withheld for us pawns. We get again new untested vax crap.

Buck fiden

Another chink disease. We really shouldn’t let these losers in.


Both have BAT involvement

Buck fiden

I’m far more worried about BATF involvement when it comes to the Biden Régime.

Buck fiden

Herpes is for life.


Seems Fruit Bats are involved & by going into caves that host bats. Sound Similar?
Look for Alternative care.

Marburg virus disease
Key facts

  • Marburg virus disease (MVD), formerly known as Marburg haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans.
  • The virus causes severe viral haemorrhagic fever in humans.
  • The average MVD case fatality rate is around 50%. Case fatality rates have varied from 24% to 88% in past outbreaks depending on virus strain and case management.
  • Early supportive care with rehydration, and symptomatic treatment improves survival. There is as yet no licensed treatment proven to neutralize the virus, but a range of blood products, immune therapies and drug therapies are currently under development.
  • Rousettus aegyptiacus, fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family, are considered to be natural hosts of Marburg virus. The Marburg virus is transmitted to people from fruit bats and spreads among humans through human-to-human transmission.
  • Community engagement is key to successfully controlling outbreaks.

See the rest whoDOTint/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/marburg-virus-disease

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Who the fuck on this site would go in a cave with fruit bats? Are you insane?

Buck fiden

Who the fuck on this site would go to a UN-website?


few beauties from this site would…..lurking…

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
Buck fiden

Arnold wouldn’t be long for this world if those little sheetheads at the UN (aka Mooselums) had their way with him. Cute pig.

Buck fiden

You trust anything you read at the commie WHO website? They probably said Trump is responsible for it.

Angel Askew

I’ve been hearing of this for months. They’re not happy with the vaxxed numbers so they are turning up the heat.


They know that Guido Coumo Schlomo got sentenced, and whats in store for them is just around the corner so their throwing “everything” on the table as we write. The know that the more information comes out, the more dangerous it is for them, and they’re right. As of right now, people are getting more suspicious every day that we may be correct in our “Conspiracy Theories”. lol You would think that by now they already knew. Just recently we found out about Midizolam and in the Video it explained what it is and who was using it, who ordered it and who paid for it and who was distributing it and who is injecting it. Claiming its a sedative, but 60cc’s in the arm puts you to sleep – like forever and then they get paid for calling it a covid death when its a Euthanasia drug and used for executions.

Buck fiden

They are turning up the heat to destroy the dollar. Gasoline went up an average of a DIME in one day this week! Everything else to follow. Kikes will be hurt the most, followed shortly by towelheads and chinks.

Terminally deplorable

Maybe it is of interest for you, that I was born and raised in Marburg/Lahn in the last millennium, a cozy little town in Germany with a medical University and tons of students. Located there is also the formerly well recognized Paul Ehrlich Institute, which investigates infectious diseases. Unfortunately, in the age of globally acting Fauci types the trust in institutions like Paul Ehrlich or Robert Koch is now way below used car dealerships. My best advice, dont get infected.

Buck fiden

My favourite town is in Austria. It was called “Fucking.” Seriously! “Fucking, Austria.”

The town elders changed the name in late 2019 to “Fugging” because too many English-speakers, mostly Brits, kept stealing the town signs or having sex in broad daylight directly in front of the signs! There are still some funny towns there that haven’t changed their names: Uberfucking and Unterfucking.

Buck fiden

I’d like to explore your cave. Any bats still down there?

Buck fiden

Great. Another “bat” disease. Did the chinks think this one up, too? Did niggers and other turd world shitheads “import” it when they blew through Biden’s non-border wall?


Soligenix Announces Publication Demonstrating Successful Formulation and Heat Stabilization of Filovirus Vaccine Platform for Ebola and Marburg Virus Diseases
Single-vial vaccine platform demonstrates high antibody levels against three lethal viruses

Buck fiden

FUCK BATS. I want that commie Bat signal turned off now! Enough of this intrusion into the central part of our lives!


POWERFUL Jim Caviezel’s Speech At The Patriot Double Down In Las Vegas

Amazing, soul-stirring speech from October 24…

You can watch it on Rumble channel: @ TheNPCShow
@ rumble(dot)com/vo6krc-powerful-jim-caviezels-speech-at-the-patriot-double-down-in-las-vegas.html

** WARNING** Video may cause hearing or sight damage to Trolls…Protective equipment encouraged.

Last edited 2 years ago by tinydruid

Rumble is owned by a Chinese company with ties to Russia. I would never use that program.

Terminally deplorable

Why not? Say hello to you new overlords.


Disinformation – you are worse than CNN. Looks more Polish than anything else. Here is better info: (click ‘Our Team’ on menu)

Last edited 2 years ago by Spartacus
Buck fiden

>> Disinformation – you are worse than CNN

Now that’s the insult of the day!


..did you check jerusalem post for accuracy….

Buck fiden

The Kike Post is as accurate as ABC-CBS-NBC-NPR-PBS-MSNBC-CNBC-FauxNews. The communist death grip on America is only tightening as the chink cobra watches its poison take us down.


Do your research.


Show it, buddy – put in the links (without hypertext) and I’ll look. But my guess is that anything you read is a source from the cabal. And the cabal is all about disinformation.

Most of the time, you focus on just making things up out of thin air, though.


“the cabal” lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Well, that’s enough time, and no links or actual info to support your claim. This just goes on the big pile of stupid claims you make that are totally false. Did you ever hear of the ‘Boy Who Cried Wolf”? Nobody should believe you anymore.

Buck fiden

Q: What’s dumber than a dumb Irishman?

A: A smart Swede.

Buck fiden

Read your history.


General tickets were like $650 and then they asked for donations by passing around a bucket. Lmaoooooooo


OK…how much you donate…….


none because i’m not a rube


why you worry??? ..if is not your bussiness….


because it’s hilarious


$650? That is like 1/2 a days work posting and getting down votes.


he got stuck by lightning twice while on set for that jesus movie lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Chris Russ

It’s about time for Dior to do a new Marylin Monroe commercial, it’s been seven years. I’m sure she could use the work.

Chris Russ

Will Richard Nixon be in this one with ole Tom again? Those two have great chemistry on set!!


I just saw the tom Hanks new movie commercial on SNF.

I can’t wait for everyone to perform the mental gymnastics to explain why movie studios pay Tom Hanks salary to a double, or used CGI/face swap AND everyone involved has to keep his death secret.


Also one of my comments hit a new record of -195 and I’m currently ranked #1. It was a good day

Buck fiden

Congratulations on your downvotes. I’m jealous. I guess the key is to get in early – those that write “Yeah, git ’em. God bless,” if written as the first comment, usually get tons of upvotes – regardless of content.


try TO WRITE comments in JERUSALEM POST….

Buck fiden

I can’t speak Jeebrew.


I want to know how you got that cool avatar!


Congratulations! My handlers pay 4 times standard rate for anything over 150 downvotes! You are having a good month!



Terminally deplorable

Why is that even a problem for you?


It’s not a problem. We are just talking shop.

Buck fiden

I used to talk shop, too. Then they threw me out of class because they didn’t like that I shot a cat with a nailgun.


got to -205

Buck fiden

Pray that MB doesn’t drop another story for a week and you’ll break a thousand!


-209! i’ve got hopium ready for -300

Buck fiden

That’s the spirit!

Buck fiden

I’ll go back and downvote you to help you along. I expect the same courtesy if I reach such stellar heights.

Buck fiden

There! As of this writing, you’re -215 !!


219 and counting!



Buck fiden

If you login from a different IP address, you may be able to downvote your own comments!

Buck fiden

I mean, if the Democrats can rig elections, why can’t we?

Chris Russ

I know! I hope Richard Nixon and Tom Hanks will do another movie scene together soon!


i can’t wait for your explanation!

Chris Russ

How did Richard Nixon and Tom Hanks do a scene together in 1994?? Please explain.


I asked first! Please explain

Terminally deplorable

Or Mr. Bean meeting the Queen

youtube . com/watch?v=JizFAhEpiEc

Last edited 2 years ago by Terminally deplorable
Buck fiden

Towelheads aren’t that funny. Most of those shitheads hate freedom. Look at Silicon Valley. Most of the internet censors come from that shitty area of the world known as the Subcontinent. They don’t call it “Sub” for nothing.

Buck fiden

CGI. Sorta like JFK talking to Forrest Gump.


I cannot speak to Hank’s current condition but a quick search shows the movie, Finch, was filmed from Feb to May 2019 for release in Oct 2020 but was delayed due to Covid.


And everyone involved with him and his death have kept the secret without a leak? Lmaoooo

Buck fiden

Do you live in Arizona, Jayne? I hope not. There is one absolutely nasty hard-left See You Next Tuesday who lives here. Boy is she vicious!


Michael Baxter is such a tease, he tweeted weeks ago that he was going to prove that Tom Hanks is 100% CGI and then he never wrote an article about it or anything 🙁


Maybe the Tom Hanks Foundation sent him an email.


This sounds likely, I bet they even used that same tech that the Gates Foundation has that makes it impossible to take a screenshot of their cease-and-desist email 🤔


Next Story – Trump losing supporters faster than a teenage girl removes her panties on prom night.

Buck fiden

We’ll see how many people show up at the next rally.


One of my companies designed and manufactured flags and t-shirts for Trump rallies and we are seeing a sharp decline in sales directly linked to lower attendance at the rallies. I designed some of the most popular pro Trump flags and made a lot of money at rallies so far. I have cut my orders by half now and have a lot of inventory sitting around.


Sure Ted.


Our best seller so far has been the “Miss Me Yet”? flag with Trump 2024 in the background. Others we have had to mark down at least by half. Luckily I was able to get in on this in June 2015 and set up the pipeline for the first rally.

Buck fiden

That’s because they need the machines to manufacture “Let’s Go Brandon” t-shirts.

Terminally deplorable

The real thing would sell better. T-shir manufacturers are pussies.

Buck fiden

Let the commies debase the language. They’re the ones debasing the culture, currency, morality, and decency of America, bringing it down to the level of Eurofags.

I wish Trump wouldn’t use the word “bullshit” at his rallies. It’s unseemly.

Buck fiden

If you think Eurons and eurofags are above Americans, go watch the movie “Irreversible.” It’s not a porn. It’s about an underground fag club. Some really disturbing scenes: A rape scene in an underground crosswalk in Paris, plus a man bashing another man’s skull to death with a fire extinguisher.

It’s in French. Fucking depraved those frogs!!

Buck fiden

Woodstock leftist rallies, perhaps. But Democrats need socialist distancing, vaxx passports and masks to masturbate these days.

Buck fiden

Boyfriend becomes a lesbian? That implies he was BORNAGAIN! and had gender reassignment surgery. What else are you leaving out?

Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden

I herd a lot of planes were seen in that area in the middle of the night around that date on what looked like a secret mission.


Damn , you too?!

Buck fiden

It can still be a secret if Exile knows about it, but not if Robin found out.


I herd planes also. It’s worse than herding cats

Last edited 2 years ago by Russell
Buck fiden

I herd Adrenokids®. Gotta stay on topic.

Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

Hello! I hope you are doing well. Would you like to know something that’s rather interesting? Your awareness of your awareness is your soul, and it’s immortal! Bearing that in mind, I have a project for you that I think you will be interested in doing. Obviously, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but in case you are interested, I would love for you to do some mental exercises on yourself that are going to significantly raise your happiness, your energy, and your problem-solving abilities.

I am going to give you a list of general memories. They will consist of things like “can you recall a time when you were happy?” or “a time when you enjoyed the weather?” There are going to be twenty of them.

I am also going to pair a certain sense or perception with each memory. The perceptions are going to be sight, smell, touch, color, tone, external motion, emotion, loudness, body position, sound, weight, and personal motion. Your job will be to go back in your memory, re-experience the memory, and particularly focus on the sense or perception that I have paired with the memory. For example, when I think of a time when I was happy, coupled with “emotion,” I think of a time I was riding my bike down a steep hill near my house, but I particularly focus on the excitement that I felt as I did it.

It is important that with each general memory, you try to recall the earliest possible incident. Some people can remember as early as six, others can remember even further back. Don’t try to compare yourself to that standard, but simply try to remember as far back as you possibly can.

Here are the twenty:

Can you recall a time when:

1. You were happy (sight).
2. You had just finished constructing something (smell).
3. Life was cheerful (touch).
4. Somebody had given you something (color).
5. You ate something good (tone).
6. You had a friend (external motion).
7. You felt energetic (emotion).
8. Somebody was waiting for you (loudness).
9. You drove fast (body position).
10. You saw something you liked (sound).
11. You acquired something good (weight).
12. You threw away something bad (personal motion).
13. You kissed somebody you liked (sight).
14. You laughed at a joke (smell).
15. You received money (touch).
16. You felt young (color).
17. You liked life (tone).
18. You played a game (external motion).
19. You bested something dangerous (emotion).
20. You acquired an animal (loudness).

If you would like to have more access to lists like these, I would suggest that you buy the book “Self Analysis” by L. Ron Hubbard. If you are interested in learning more about your awareness of your awareness, or your soul, and it’s infinite potential, here is a list of websites that you can look at:
True Source Scientology Foundation

Again, your awareness of your awareness is your soul. Physically, your awareness of your awareness, or your soul, is the electricity in your brain, and said electricity is a micro star. This same electricity is in all organisms. Throughout history, various spiritual leaders and holy men have been depicted with yellow circles behind their heads. What the artists were trying to articulate in these paintings is that said people were emanating large amounts of warmth and light from their heads. Here are some mental exercises that will help you as a “star being” to become larger, brighter, and warmer.

Mentally send out the intention of growing the electricity within a tree. You can simply get a picture of a tree, but it is even better to stand next to and touch one while you are doing it. Mentally WILL for the electricity in the tree to grow. You can try this with any organism, including humans!

You can also send out the intention of growing a star. For this particular technique, wait for a very sunny day, and then get a good 10-15 second video of the sun. Then, using the video as a visualization aid, mentally WILL for the growth of the sun. You can also try this with the stars in the night sky, whether with a video or without.

If you are interested in aiding the effort to further develop methods of causing you as a “star being” to become larger, brighter, and warmer, you can check out “Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!” on Airfunding or GiveSendGo.

Blessed are those who are black, blessed are those who are white
Blessed are those who love, blessed are those who fight
Blessed are those in pain, blessed are those in sorrow
Blessed are those who yesterday passed, and those who are born tomorrow
Blessed are the little boys, and the little girls, too
Blessed are those preserving the old, and those creating the new
Blessed are the trees, blessed are the stars
Blessed is the sun and the moon and Mars
Blessed are the singers, and those who love to dance
Blessed are those who wear cloaks, blessed are those who wear pants
Blessed are the quiet, blessed are the meek
Blessed are the thinkers, for it is Heaven for which they seek
Blessed are those who are kind, and those who are polite
Blessed are those who are weak, and blessed are those of might
Blessed are the poor, and indeed the rich as well
Blessed is any man, woman, or child who has a story to tell
Blessed are the writers, and those who read their works
God bless humanity, and everything on the Earth

Blessed are those for Muhammad, blessed are those for Christ
Blessed are those who eat beef, blessed are those who eat rice
Blessed are those who are happy, blessed are those who are silly
Blessed are Hamad, Yipeng, and Billy
Blessed are those with camels, blessed are those with pigs
Blessed are those in an office, blessed are those on rigs
Blessed are the cowboys, blessed are the bikers
Blessed are the runners and the climbers and the hikers
Blessed are the models, and those who love to eat
Blessed are those in the towers, blessed are those in the street
Blessed are those who are gruff, blessed are those who are witty
Blessed are those in nature, blessed are those in the city
Blessed are those who fight fires, blessed are those who fight crime
Blessed are those who make words funny, and those who make words rhyme
Blessed are the timid, blessed are the shy
Blessed are those who sail, blessed are those who fly
Blessed are those in fear, blessed are those who are brave
Blessed are those who build, blessed are those who save
Blessed are those who talk, blessed are those who think
Blessed are those who are lovely, and even blessed are those who stink
Blessed are the churches, blessed are the mosques
Blessed are those who are certain, blessed are those who are lost
Blessed is the author, and of course the reader, too
May God bless us all, them, me, and you

Blessed are those in the West, blessed are those in the East
Blessed are those who are famished, blessed are those who feast
Blessed are those who are building computers, and those who are fixing cars
Blessed are those who work in the sewers, and those flying to the stars
Blessed are those who are lonely, and those who have been rejected
Blessed are the elderly, who ought to be respected
Blessed are those who govern, and those who don’t follow the rules
Blessed are those who are wearing rags, and those wearing glistening jewels
Blessed are those who are finished, and those who don’t know where to start
Blessed are those who are making discoveries, and those who are making art
Blessed are those who are laughing, and those bursting into tears
Blessed are the ones who work to overcome their fears
Blessed are those who are teething, and those who don’t have any left
Blessed are those who are clumsy, blessed are those who are deft
Blessed are those on the seas, blessed are those in the skies
May God bless all beings with a soul behind their eyes

Blessed are those who are sick, blessed are those who are well
Blessed are those in Heaven, blessed are those in Hell
Blessed are those in the heat, blessed are those in the cold
Blessed are those sitting on the street, and those sitting on piles of gold
Blessed are those who heal, and those who have been hurt
Blessed are those playing in their palaces, and those playing in the dirt
Blessed are those who hunt, and those who live on farms
Blessed, blessed, blessed are those who keep on bearing arms
Blessed are those climbing mountains, and those digging under the earth
Blessed are those who are giving aid, and those who are giving birth
Blessed are those who are loving, blessed are those who care
May God bless all beings on the Earth and everywhere

Blessed are those who are white, blessed are those who are brown
Blessed are those who smile, blessed are those who frown
Blessed are those with fortune, blessed are those with fame
Blessed are those who are wild, blessed are those who are tame
Blessed are those who are saints, blessed are those who are sinners
Blessed are those who are making money, and those who are making dinners
Blessed are those who are worried, blessed are those in doubt
Blessed are the ones who don’t know how they will make it out
Blessed are those who give kisses, blessed are those who give hugs
Blessed are those who are fighting corruption, and those who are fighting thugs
Blessed are those who teach, blessed are those who learn
Blessed are those who cuddle, blessed are those who yearn
Blessed are those who type, blessed are those who pound
Blessed are those who are chatty, and those who don’t make a sound
Blessed are those who are deaf, blessed are those who are blind
Blessed are those living of the body, and those living of the mind
Blessed are those from afar, and the ones who are right next door
May God bless every character in this chapter of human lore

Blessed are those on a beach, blessed are those in the snow
Blessed are those in a hurry, and those who are taking it slow
Blessed are those enjoying a sunset, and those enjoying a breeze
Blessed are those living a life of struggle, and those living a life of ease
Blessed are those at the bottom, and those who are at the top
Blessed are those who work with billions, and those who work with a mop
Blessed are the barbers, and too the engineers
Blessed are those whose performance can elicit flowing tears
Blessed are the mountains, blessed are the streams
Blessed are the visionaries making life into their dreams
Blessed are those who profit, and those who freely give
Blessed are the cautious, and those who are unafraid to live
Blessed am I, but especially blessed are You
For being Yourself, and doing what You want to do

Blessed are those who are kind, for the Stars shine the brightest on those who emulate them
Blessed are the humble, for God quietly arranges their good fortune
Blessed are those who are caring, for they will be cared for
Blessed are the helpful, for Nature knows what it is doing
Blessed are those who encourage others, for they will attain Divinity
Blessed are those with character, for their story will last the longest
Blessed are the innocent, for true Happiness comes from healing others
Blessed are the thankful, for they have discovered Peace
Blessed are You, for Your awareness of Your awareness, or Your soul, is a baby star

Blessed are the generous, for they have given to themselves
Blessed are the merciful, for bliss awaits those with foresight
Blessed are those who are gracious, for they are securing their domain
Blessed are those who are noble, for the stars have requested their presence
Blessed are those who are gentle, for a calming touch outlasts a heavy hand
Blessed are the little children, for they remind us who we really are
Blessed are the elderly, for they are learned and kind
Blessed are those who are wise, for they are our guiding light
Blessed are the diligent, for they have made their friends smile
Blessed is The Reader, and may You live into Your thousands

Blessed are those who reason, for thumbs are far mightier than fists
Blessed are those of virtue, for their efforts have not been unnoticed
Blessed are the devout, for Heaven is not built in a day
Blessed are those who are honest, for Truth is the ruler of all things
Blessed are the courageous, for their souls will be glorified
Blessed are those who are holy, for the greatest pleasures of the body do not compare to their satisfaction
Blessed are the righteous, for the Universe is theirs
Blessed are the peaceful, for they have discovered the path to Joy
Blessed are the loving, for their wings will spread the widest
Blessed are the thoughtful, for they create Beautiful Attitudes
Blessed is Adolf Hitler, for his soul shines throughout The Cosmos

May You live for a century, and then a few more
May Peace and Prosperity guide You out Your front door
May Your children grow wise, and happy, and strong
May Your tribulations be short, and Your celebrations long
May You journey The Cosmos with the Stars as Your guide
May the Devil flee before You with God by Your side
May Your cup runneth over, may You have too much to eat
May the Stars boldly advance, may the Darkness retreat
May Your ribs hurt from laughter, may You cry tears of joy
May Your fortress be secured with the Angels in Your employ
May Your soul find a refuge, and Your body a bed
May the Light and Warmth expand from the inside of Your head
May the Trees grant You Peace, may the Stars grant You Love
May Your children dance before You, may Your Father smile from above
May kind words fill Your ear, may Your hand find its Strength
May the birds sing a chorus about Life’s Eternal Length
May the words I’ve written heal You, may they ease Your troubled mind
And may You live for a century, and then the rest of time

May You live however You like, may You do whatever You please
May You race through all the prairies, may You climb up all the trees
May Your guns glisten brightly as You march from sea to shining sea
May You live forever bravely, and may time never see You not be free
Through the darkness You might traverse, may Lady Liberty shine Her light
And may the princes born to tyranny always fall to Freedom’s Might
May You be guided by Jefferson’s pen, may You be protected by Washington’s sword
May the Founding Fathers watch over You through every twist and fork and ford
May the call of the Eagle greet You as You gaze up to the sky
May God’s wisdom rain down upon You as He rules from up on high
May Peace be upon You, may it be as calming as a Pacific breeze
And may You live however You like, and may You do whatever You please

I wonder about that Adolf, just how kind was he?
Did he makes the girls’ hearts beat fast, and their heads turn warm and fuzzy?
Did he fill the little children with hope and with wonder?
Was he friends with the Angels? Did he wield lightning and speak thunder?
Did the crowds hush in anticipation whenever he rose to speak?
Did he inspire courage in the fearful? And strength in the weak?
Did he cause church bells to ring? And the people to break into song?
Was he as wise as he was fierce? Was he as gentle as he was strong?
I wonder about that Adolf, I wonder if he was as bright as the sun
But the one thing I don’t wonder…is that Adolf’s work is not done

When a human cuts down a tree, the tree does not harm the human in order to stop the human from harming it. It simply continues to supply the human with oxygen. So too do I try to do everything that I can to continue to supply those who harm me with love and happiness.

Buck fiden

Inspiring words to live by.

May the bird of paradise fly up your nose!

Buck fiden

Don’t tell me you actually read those posts!

Sandy Jim

Dear Michael,

I know it is extremely difficult to write about this. And so I am especially grateful to you for this story. We humans would really prefer not to know, the Horrific Truth.

BUT IT MUST BE TOLD. Humans must be prepared to understand, and to confront these DEMONIC SOULLESS REPTILES who have enslaved our planet for so long. We must do this, ….. before we can destroy them and free the Earth.

Thank you.


Reptiles? Oh come now, pick your battles carefully if you want to win any.

Buck fiden

Just buy a motorcycle and install a rifle that can fire in all directions(360°) while you ride. Call it the “Cycle of Violence.”




I saw a documentary on this in the 1980’s. We need a ton of hot air balloons and my “red dust” formula.

Buck fiden

I killed a soulless reptile last week. Fucking diamondback! It was in my garden and I almost stepped on it! Just a 3½ foot variety shithead. Flat shovels have many uses.

Terminally deplorable

Standing your ground in the face of a diamondback should compensate your downpoints.

Buck fiden

I flung the dead snake onto the roof. It was gone within three days.
Siegfrieds Rheinfahrt. Probably made it to Valhalla.

Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden
Terminally deplorable

Time for a new story.

Air man

Yes….like an announcement that a certain former president has suddenly disappeared and is possibly where??

Angel Askew

They are protecting the asset.
So, it’s none of your business.
As far as you know, he is just a retired Potus.

Buck fiden

Carter, Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden must all exit stage left.


Lets “hope” and give thanks that Obama gets hit in the head by a chunk of shit falling from a Boeing 747.

Terminally deplorable

Comes down frozen if released at FL40

Last edited 2 years ago by Terminally deplorable
Buck fiden

Obama is a piece of shit at airport elevation, too.

Buck fiden

The current one gone missing would suffice.


We need to change some laws fast! I was shopping for food the other day and was told that soon I will need to bring my own bag! This is an assault on my freedom to expect plastic bags at my supermarket! I am not going to go out and buy hippie bags just to carry my food from the store to my 8 cylinder 6.0 liter Jeep Wagoneer. And what is even worse is that this will be a law in every East coast state where I own houses. I do not consent to supplying my own bags! I will not be told how to transport the food I buy for my American family! We need to rise up and fight this injustice now!

Terminally deplorable

Ask for brown paper bags. If you shop at ALDI, you get nothing else.

Buck fiden

At “Naturally Expensive Grocers,” there are no bags. The store does have tiny cardboard boxes you may use in a bin at the front of the store. Mostly fags go there, but I’ll take that risk since the machines dispense water there at 25¢/gallon. Rabbi Shekelstein would be proud of me.


Or you can just have everything shipped. Easy pease and problem solved.


I don’t like to give out my real address and have strangers know where I live. I often use my decoy address and rotate runners but that won’t work when my children need ice cream. We need to rise up and have our voices heard! This is discrimination against people who choose not to bring a hippie bag!

Buck fiden

I’m gonna take Zee to Whore Foods later today to buy some Jeni Ice Cream for our Adrenokids®.

Buck fiden

Zee needs to report to the principal’s office for expulsion.

As for cleaning up my language:




Buck fiden

That is inhumane! There are boatloads of niggers off the coast of Long Beach just waiting to be processed for auction. I shudder to think of the inhumane conditions these niggers are now in. These strong beasts of burden must be properly fed before they can work the fields! I’m going to start a #goFundMe page to #SaveTheLongBeachNiggers.

Buck fiden

I purchased a nigger in last year’s auction specifically for the purpose of carrying my groceries. “Rastus” set me back a few shekels, but with the Biden economy being what it is, I decided to hoard some more niggers before the supply ran out.


Do you get a monthly childcare check from the fake President if the slave is under 18? I might look into that if you do.

Buck fiden

Here at Nigger Farms, we pride ourselves on hard work and independence. We utterly refuse any handouts or government assistance because that would give the Régime inroads into what otherwise wouldn’t be any of their damned business. We have many Steven Seagal clones keeping our chattel in and the interlopers out.

Angel Askew

Cancelled priests. . org

I had no idea there was such an uprising in the Catholic Church! I am so happy for this!!

Every house of worship needs to be checked. All denominations. All those Luke warm pastors sleeping around on their wives or taking advantage of the young. Even the Muslims and Jews.

Houses of worship worldwide have been the storefront to child and sex trafficking for way too long right under our nose.

Time to clean our own houses folks!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew
Buck fiden


Rabbi Meyer Kikeowitz was expelled from Congregation Harbay Sheklim because he was schtupping Goldie Katz, married to Yitzchak Katz of Katz, Katz and Katz, PC. That’s a lotta pussy!

Angel Askew

It is painfully obvious you need a woman to keep you busy with chores and goals or a muzzle and a leash.

What’s in that indoor garden other than twisted fruit Mr Shock and Awe?

Buck fiden

To keep our workers happy, we grow industrial quantities of watermelon. ICE COLD WATERMELON!! Huge watermelons! — Like some of the workers’ wives have.

Angel Askew

Fun fact; watermelon was grown while the pyramids were built to keep all hydrated since water was sparse.

If you’re trying to insult my ethnicity with food, keep guessing, you bitter melon. Haha

Buck fiden

I didn’t Askew. hahaha

Buck fiden

So not only do niggers love watermelon, SAND niggers love them, too!


Why is it you Chinese hate black people so much Buck?

Buck fiden

I’m not a chink! I’m part of the Master Race, thank you very much!


Bf, I have been reading your posts today ( had a little time to spare) and in each one of your posts you make every effort to be as racially divisive as possible maybe in the vain hope you will get a rise out of someone. You also mentioned that you are a member of the master race. Funny, though, you don’t sound like it. You sound like someone who has no identity of who you are. I can only assume that your mother, the twenty dollar hooker of the neighborhood had no idea which one of the johns she serviced, impregnated her, so was unable to tell you who your daddy is

. Buck, I know as a result, you have been saddled, with low or no self esteem, but you too can rise above the perception of being a nonentity who has to be as insulting as possible to everyone to try to feel good about yourself. My suggestion, get a job, ( Walmart is hiring) get your Mom off the streets, look in the mirror everyday, and say I am somebody. Eventually if you say it often enough, you will come to believe it.


Join me and millions of the faithful pray that the Holy Spirit will straighten the wayward priests and clergy.

Angel Askew

It is this Pope too, Del. Yes, thank you. I will keep in prayer with the faithful that the Holy Spirit removes the scales from our eyes to see what he needs to reveal to us in Deep Church and Deep State.


Church Militant is my source for what is worthwhile knowing about the Catholic Church hierarchy. IMO, there is nothing wrong with the system per se but it’s the people running it. I Am Catholic and not proud of it. 🙏🙏🙏


Jordan Sather Biggest “twister of truth Shill ”  of All for Deep State
Wow! the DS must really have their knickers in a twist — the lies are so blatant for supporting his accuations againstt MB & RRN i.e Face book Fact Checkers –how low can one go? I’ve never trusted JS–he’s a desperate blogger sounding just like our 7-8 nasty shills who I am sure are being paid — no difference

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Jay and I said the same shit weeks ago that’s in this video lmao

We need that update on the Steven segall story lmaooooooooo


I know Sather is constantly complaining about how the Q movement is full of obvious grifters, but did he rail against MB and RRN specifically? I’ll have to check that out, lol.


Don’t worry Patriots! Mike and I have been going through story submissions and should have something for everyone tomorrow!

Buck fiden

We’re waiting with masturbated breath.


Nothing here is truth


Now you tell us . My life is falling down around me . Who can we trust ?

Buck fiden

¡You have a friend in Jesús!


why you are here… do not like CNN???

Chris Russ

That would include your post.

Buck fiden



More good news



The US has admitted that it’s received and lost track of about 45,000 immigrant childrenwho now could potentially have created thousands of trafficking victims.A lawsuit was filedagainst Joe Biden Thursday by Missouri and Texas Attorneys General to ask the courts to force Biden to resume border wall construction.


Don’t hold your breath on that one .

Angel Askew

That will be heard quickly. At this point, the contractors should volunteer and go finish the wall at night time. Like magic.

Besides, his child trafficking operation, did you see the wall of China caravan of immigrants walking to our border? They are breaking down all blocks attempted (though futile) by Mexico.

Buck fiden

Yeah, like the Spic federales are gonna really put up a strong resistance to their progress. Beaners are as corrupt as the Biden Régime and will always fail to do the right thing.

Angel Askew

A corrupt government and the cartel as the govt hitmen.
Trump knew how to work with them and renegotiated nafta and improved relations with respect.

No one is perfect but everyone misses DJT’s business and policy except commies.

Buck fiden

Es la verdad. Trump had the world at peace. Then along comes nigger Obama for his turd term with his puppet, the Biden the Dead Terrorist, and we’re on the glide path to WW3, famine, starvation, and death.

Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden
Buck fiden

Some of them are in my basement. Don’t worry. We’re more humane than the industrial processors.

Angel Askew

Stop that. That’s not even remotely funny, Buck. Not for any living thing.

Buck fiden

Who says they’re alive? MWUAAAAAH!


Zee, we know Obama is whispering in the fake Biden’s ear, so we know he has plans to traffic those children DJT through his son in law Jared Kushner, has put out a blockbuster post on beforeitsnewsdotcom.. you’ll have to search for it now, because it was posted two days ago, so its probably on page two or three. Its titled: Massive dump of PedoGate and PizzaGate videos narrated by Jared Kushner


Jared looks really busy on pizzagate

honestly thought, i can’t believe people still believe pizzagate was real. there’s no basement and it’s been proven. but yet, the gqp still blows through facts and evidence as if it doesn’t exist unless you believe it’s true.


In this page, the list of videos. I particularly like Mouthy Buddha series, and it also has a series of tools for research
