Wasp Venom Found in Child Covid Shots


Do the horrors ever end?

The U.S. military continues to find anomalous ingredients in Covid-19 vaccines that manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna manufactured—and allegedly attenuated—for children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old. Last week, Real Raw News exclusively reported that the military had found the drug scopolamine, a hallucinogenic mixture with harmful properties, at mass vaccination centers in New York, California, and Washington. The criminal Biden regime and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky have said “these shots will protect our children against the deadliest disease we’ve ever faced.” White Hats within the U.S. military, however, have been scouting these bulk vaccination sites and surreptitiously confiscating vaccine vials for chemical analysis. The latest data show that samples acquired from a vaccination center in Redmond, Washington, contain the venom of the tarantula hawk wasp, which, according to entomologist Justin Schmidt, ranks among the most painful stings on the planet.

On 25 July, White Hats at U.S. Army Medical Research received 75 vials—450 doses—of child Covid vaccine taken from the Redmond location. Four of the 75 vials contained 19mg of venom per 1,000-unit vial. A typical tarantula hawk sting delivers ~100mcg of venom. In layman’s terms, each vial held 19,000mcg of venom, or 42.5mcg per dose. This may seem trivial because each dose envenomates the recipient with less than half the potency of a typical sting; however, the victims are very young infants and children with low pain thresholds.

Adults have described the tarantula hawk wasp sting as worse than that of the hornet, clearly suggesting it is painful and temporarily debilitating.

Worse, approximately 1% of children allergic to wasp stings have endured anaphylactic shock. In the absence of antihistamines like an epi-pen, some kids have died from a single sting.

But White Hats don’t believe the wasp venom is part of a eugenics program to eradicate our children. Rather, they assert the Deep State is involved in a widespread program aimed at causing immeasurable suffering among our population’s most vulnerable demographic—children, as part of a sinister but not fully understood agenda.

“This is obviously meant to make children scream in pain when they get a Covid shot. The shot is painful enough, but with the wasp venom added, it’s 100 times worse,” said Captain John Forsythe at Medical Research and Development Command. “That only a small percentage of children get the contaminated vaccines doesn’t matter. It’s unspeakably horrifying and potentially harmful to those who get it. The vaccine is deadly enough without the contaminants.”

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What type of people are these that put things in these shots that cause the smallest of the human race to suffer such pain? Also to mention the oldest of us that were mandated in the very beginning to take this shot.
These can not be human beings that are causing these horrors to be perpetrated upon us.
They are experimenting on us.
Who are they?
“What are they”?
2 Chronicles 7:14


RRN, Please change the picture. It’s a simple request. I don’t want to see that every time I log in. There is no avoiding it, with your site layout. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just edit the picture. Isn’t there some technical support MB if you aren’t able to do it I’m sure someone else can do it. or if someone else posted it get them to fix it. Much appreciated! I’m sure other readers would welcome it’s disappearance as well…

Jose Ramirez

It is ok. In November everything will be back to normal. We still waiting for November. Traitors.


MB this picture you have posted is seriously disturbing. There was no spider venom found in the fake vacks jab vials but was only a bee. This is not an accurate picture and does not even go with the story. Here are some pictures that are not so disturbing and less sensational https://www.shutterstock.com/search/wasp

Last edited 2 years ago by Ceecee

why havent these vac pushing assholes been executed yet ??????????????????????


Redmond WA is Microsoft Land. Seems like they would take that kind of personal there. It’s the best possible scenario for spreading information if they ever do get a look at it.

Bill Kaulfield

“In the absence of antihistamines like an epi-pen…”

Epi-pens contain epinephrine, which is NOT an antihistamine.


epinephrine in unit volumes acts like an antihistamine. nice try jackass!

Bill Kaulfield

No, it doesn’t act like an antihistamine. It’s mechanism of action is completely different.

Epinephrine binds to andrenergic receptors, whereas antihistamines bind to histamine receptors. Hence, the name.

Try again.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Kaulfield

geometry of receptors is very similar hence it will act similarly

Debate Judge

Bitchute dot com
Subscriber/Channel: Knoxie Davis
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Natasha Vidan

I just don’t understand why the WH’s and the powers that be, allow this most evil and painful shot to be given to the children? It sounds so horribly painful and who knows what else is in these shots that are already so damaging to the children, the most helpless in our society???


yes. makes you wonder for sure.


Just put it on the MSM alliance your in full control of it. Per Q if you don’t tell parents, now your a problem alliance.


Consider how long the white hats have known about child trafficking, clotshots, child rape, rituals etc and did not act. Yet God knew a lot longer and allowed it to continue?


Some say the tunnels >500 years old have child rape dungeons. So God has known about it for that long and did nothing?

Afshin Nejat

What does that say about “God”? What does that say about humanity? What does that say about “White Hats”? What does that say about Hitler?


>40million abortions? Why should we intervene if God will not? Perhaps it is not as bad as we think?


MB, I’m going to have to ask you to kindly replace the horror of a picture you used to illustrate this article. Please consider putting a less horrific picture here. That could cause nightmares. I cannot unsee that! 🤮 I really want to come to this site but that picture is always on the side bar even if I don’t have that article open. I never know when that picture could sneak up on me unawares! Please consider a picture of just an ordinary friendly neighborhood bee with no other predators.We will still get the message.. or even just the wasp by itself I think that’s horrible enough. 🐝🥺


Just a little fear porn. Nothing to worry about.

Afshin Nejat

By the way, aside from being 31.66 times the amount of tarantula wasp venom in each dose than is in a single sting, this is also something that perhaps they wanted to cover for by blathering false leaks about such substances in the water supply as “snake venom” etc (probably also in many vials, perhaps alongside the wasp venom in some cases). When noise like that crops up, it isn’t a mere accident that something similar is found in the injections. People hear noise rather than make proper inferences based upon how that noise fits into an overall operation with a propaganda thrust which includes disinformation and misinformation. It’s almost just as if an AI were coming up with all of these ideas simultaneously and a bunch of stooges were just acting it out (to include everyone in the “Deep State”)


well organized post!

Afshin Nejat

Per dose, that’s 31.66 times the amount of venom in a typical tarantula wasp sting. Get the math right.

450 doses/ 75 vials = 6 doses/1 vial
19mg per tainted vial
19mg/vial = 19×10^3 mcg/vial.
19×10^3mcg(venom)/vial divided by 6 doses = 3.166×10^3mcg(venom)/dose
100mcg(venom)/sting = 1×10^2mcg/sting.

I’m looking at stings per dose at this point. So I divide the dose-worths of venom by the stings-worth of venom. This tells me “how many stings are in each dose”. That’s going to be 3.166×10^3mcg/1×10^2mcg, which is 3.166×10^1mcg stings-worth of venom per dose, or in layman’s terms that’s 31.66 tarantula wasp stings per dose…

This is not a detail to miss or be confused about.

Afshin Nejat

Per dose, that’s 31.66 times the amount of venom in a typical tarantula wasp sting. Get the math right.

450 doses/ 75 vials = 6 doses/1 vial
19mg per tainted vial
19mg/vial = 19×10^3 mcg/vial.
19×10^3mcg(venom)/vial divided by 6 doses = 3.166×10^3mcg(venom)/dose
100mcg(venom)/sting = 1×10^2mcg/sting.

I’m looking at stings per dose at this point. So I divide the dose-worths of venom by the stings-worth of venom. This tells me “how many stings are in each dose”. That’s going to be 3.166×10^3mcg/1×10^2mcg, which is 3.166×10^1mcg stings-worth of venom per dose, or in layman’s terms that’s 31.66 tarantula wasp stings per dose…

This is not a detail to miss or be confused about.


OK….here we go again, talking this stuff to death instead of shutting these CLOWNS down. That means ALL these COVID Vaccine Manufacturers must be taken over and everything analyized. It’s obvious to even to a casual observer, that these companies are currently being allowed to “systemmatically kill or severly injure” millions of people…..including our children with their EVIL AGENDA. Don’t you think it’s high time to Stop Talking and Start Walking the Walk to take control of the FDA and Drug Manufacturers until they WE are fully satisfied they’ve analyzed the chemical components in every warehouse to see who’s doing what to whom….This is NOT Rocket Science People…….. just stop talking and ACT….President TRUMP and the MILITARY must do something NOW to take care of business or consider themselves complicit for not acting to protect our Nations most valuable resource……our people…..


Transcended to the 5th dimension (pure internet) alongside Zee 🙏


to be accepted in michelle obamas bowels? lol

Lone Ranger

Since the present group of illegitimate leaders are plausibly involved in Satanic malfeasance, I posit that the venom has a place their misplaced Baal worshiping.


Once again, shalomass my friends!

Magnificent transforMason of those Georgia Shitstones! total embarrassment to the mason cucks! lol

Air man

Time to arrest the fake and real Biden.


Yeah I bet that will happen #soon


He no longer exists.


Not to change the subject but the January 6th Tribunal is questioning Trumps former Cabinet officials about the discussions they had about invoking the 25th Amendment.
When did Trump invoke the Insurrection Act? Was that on January 9th?


Not to change the subject, but J6 is total satire.


Get Wallensky!! Military Trib and execution for her. Get the head of the U.N WHO! What are we waiting for?! Destroy all CoVid vaccines which are the real killers! Indict and military tribunal for all of the top echelon of Big Pharma Companies – Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson! They all are fully aware of what they have been doing so they can make a fortune off the suffering of others. The children who get these “shots” are being tortured – on purpose! Just like Fauci tortured those poor dogs. They should all be executed and go to hell. Barrett will have to face her maker hopefully soon, and it won’t be pretty!

J Bill

get waluigi!




now that is fucking funny. if i was a man i wouldn’t give her a 2nd look other than to avoid being accosted by that nose ffs

buck fiden

Here’s a story that belongs on RRN:

https ://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1315423/pg1

Headline: Florida Man Allegedly Drove Stolen Truck to Space Force Base to Warn of Aliens Fighting Dragons


Sounds legit


A while back the Military found this and that in the vaxx yet the company is still around to try again and again and again. Do something about it. I expect you to tell me you rounded up the criminals and they are facing trial.


The WHats know it is a bioweapon. Why wouldn’t they want to sit back and let it do its job?


This had better be truth. If this is “satire”, it’s sick. Where are the arrests? They have this evidence and do nothing? Doing nothing amounts to equal guilt in my opinion. I don’t care which so-called hat you are wearing. May God’s vengeance be swift on all involved, whether it’s by crime or lack of action. Jesus come quickly.


It’s fake bro


yes, a BIGG fake sweaty bra!


They find it yet they do nothing. Round them up publicly and put them on trial. This fear porn the military found this or that is B.S. ACT.




Lol remember over 2 months ago when MB claimed the military found pesticides in the vaccines? I tried to point out back then how that was a really shortsighted direction to take the story, because it absolutely would make no sense once the months start passing by after that ‘discovery’ with the military doing absolutely nothing about it, not even the bare minimum of like publicly acknowledging that the vaccines are unsafe.

MB never listens though. Really didn’t think that one through, Mike!


polysyllabic lexicon? yep, you must be the BIGG PIGG!


the WHITE HATS know this bad stuff is happening, but THEY DON’T DO ANYTHING ! THEY JUST LET MORE PEOPLE DIE !


If the white hats are supposed to be the good guys ! And the black hats the bad guys! If both allow bad things to happen! Then maybe they should be call the gray hats ! Because, it looks like their all on the same team for the “One World Order Government” ! 🤔


Where have I heard someone called the Grey’s? Oh, that’s right satanic alien being! I guess if the white hats have lukewarm Christian mentality! Then it’s fitting for them to be considered gray hats, for Satan ! Because, by their choice to not stand up for what is right. They instead allow evil to happen ,meaning their no different than black hat’s that’s evil ! Hell is waiting for all of them greys for sure ! Sad, but it’s their Luke warm hearted choice !

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikee

Yes, I bet the WH’s are waiting this out so the bioweapon can remove as many as possible.


If the White Hats wants massive numbers of innocent American citizens to die then why would you even call them the White Hats 🤷‍♂️


simplicity of reference from the reader’s POV, of course!


More like the Black Hats amirite?? 🤷‍♂️


Evil, psychopath leftists will stop at nothing to kill, steal, & destroy. If they don’t stop the innocent in the womb, then they try to get them as children.


And the good virtuous ‘White Hats’ will apparently do absolutely nothing to stop it. Not even make a public announcement that the vaccines are bad. It’s not real 🙃


Some say tedophilia is real in hollyweird.

Why would the Whats admonish against the vaxx? let it do its job and remove as many as possible before the sheep awaken.


I have had enough of all this news. When are the arrests happening? When will the public be made aware. It all sounds so fantastic. Listen Michael, I believe you, but without proof, what good is any of this? They are forcing it into kids after skipping Phase Ib through IV of drug dev. I work in reg affairs. And all the animal models had their organs liquified in Ia. Unbelievable. I cannot believe my eyes most days.


You work in regulatory affairs? Who have you reported the results of the animal models to?



Ron Burgundy

Never, because none of this is true. He’s making it up. You’re going to wait forever.


some say tedophilia is true in hollyweird


Genuine question: why do you believe him when you already realize he has no proof and his claims are fantastical and make no sense?

Last edited 2 years ago by Biggs

We want email headers as proof you exist

J Bill

i’m sure you still have the emails


we want email headers to prove you exist


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Last edited 2 years ago by millcanyonroad

I figured it out! They’re trying to sensitize kids to wasp venom so that when they get stung by a wasp they go into anaphylactic shock and could die. It could happen years down the road. They speculate it’s why so many people have peanut allergies now. From the vaccine ingredients. It’s a possibility…


In all honesty, I believe what you say, but you have no proof other than your word.


what would you accept as proof?

J Bill

email headers


email was not used

J Bill

you know the emails i want, jill


Lmao this makes no sense at all. Getting stung by a wasp doesn’t magically give you a wasp venom allergy years later


If a SC justice cannot define what a woman is since she is not a biologist, how can you conclude without be an entomologist?


If it’s injected into your bloodstream in a vaccine it can. I’m only saying years down the road because they may never get stung until they’re 30 or 40 but if they’re sensitized it could do them in. We have less bees nowadays anyway.

Anthony Gregory

It defeats me how these Pharma companies are allowed to continue


Because this shit isn’t real, bro


some say BIGG tedophilia is real in hollyweird!

Doktor Zaius

Deep state needs a hard fall. Many of us are still waiting for justice to materialze itself into the public arena where even their own worm-tongue criminal MSM spinsters scream about these crimes from the rooftops. Let’s go brandon. Same to all those horse-a$$es brandon rode in on. My apologies to real horses.

Last edited 2 years ago by Doktor Zaius

They are using us as lab rats and plan to use the information they gather for future ‘plans’. How does a child’s body react and what damages does it cause in vaccinated children?


Yes, and it is a test for the parents. The commoners are happy to comply!

J Bill

false flag


Good comback!


“…as part of a sinister but not fully understood agenda.” The cabal are the offspring of satan. That tells you all you need to know & explains everything. Read Genesis; Cain is not listed in the lineage of Adam bc he was satan’s son.


Rumor has it that the Deep State’s true agenda was putting wasp venom in there “for the lulz”


rumor has it you fill a foley bag with cheap wine, catheterize yourself to fill your bladder and then jump up on the bar and piss on gay hollyweird jew directors.


I think Ted is right, you must have suffered some very specific sexual abuse to even think up bizarre stuff like this


well, it was on your email header biotch!


come on man! that was at least 5/5 stars for novelty!

solange Silverman

Even if most do not understand why they need pain and the negative responses it induces, our enemies do. It’s one reason why they torture their victims. Our enemies harvest and utilize negative energies released by fear, pain and other negative emotions, while trying to convince us that this is impossible. They use those energies for their spells to manifest their evil agendas, for their rituals, for their adrenochrome and, of course, to feed on. Be careful not to feed them.


Some “vaccine”.

Frisbee The Cat

For those of you that raised children, did you read the papers given to you about the side effects of the injections given to your children?
I did.
It’s blackmail, pure and simple.
It’s worse now than anything we can imagine.
I regret my trust in our “doctors” and .gov.


It’s just a regular shot bro, it doesn’t hurt at all unless you’re a baby about it.


so you are fully vaxxed then? get a cxr and d-dimer test. You don’t have to reveal the results.

J Bill

i got vaxxed and died


what dreams may come!


I am fully vaxxed, it didn’t hurt at all, and I’m in perfectly good health. No health issues at all since I got the first shot a year and a half ago. Also I’ve never caught covid.




ah, satire!


I guess life is the disease that everyone is supposed to be protected from.


put on a mask so I can feel safe!


Why we are starting in this stupid movie is absurd?!! Tell you what… let Trump, of whom I’m a huge fan, lose someone close to him in his family and he will then immediately authorize the military to literally walk in the front door and shut this big pharma and government crap down. But no… we don’t want a dictator! Horseshit! It’s like Matt Gaetz said, “It’s always the fat and ugly women than protest abortion!” The media said, “ Don’t you think they will be offended?” His response…” Let them be offended!” People think if Trump and military rightfully take over, there will be many concerned and offended! F’em! They need to be offended and woken up!! That’s how you wake up the Sheeple… don’t be so damn worried what they think or FEEL!! Good grief. We have become pussi-s! A foreign army,along with cabal, could walk in without firing a shot! Military is toast and are losing troops due to refusal of death jab, suffered from the death jab, and last but not least…. no one will sign on because of death jab requirement!! Plan by black hats worked to perfection. It’s all up to the armed people of this country and the retired military to organize us EFFECTIVELY!! They are not coming to save us!!!


Something something popcorn, something something keep watching the movie bro 🙃


SHHHH! I hate it when people talk when I’m trying to watch the movie. How rude!


going down on your rental is not ‘watching a movie’!


Do realize that monkey pod puss is not a safe alternative to commercial lubes?
Oops, too late. You’ve already been invaded by your muddy buddy.


2/5 stars for imagination


Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country….
Now is the time…



Out with my 30-06……ENOUGH IS ENOUGH………………..




Lol Trump isn’t doing shit, he’s too busy panicking about the DoJ investigating him for trying to destroy US democracy.

Besides he’s pro-vaccine and consistently has been for the past two years.

Last edited 2 years ago by Biggs

‘If’ they had anything on DJT he would have been arrested before his election or at least on Jan 7. The spying on him, prior to and after he took office has been documented and proven. If anyone should be arrested it should be the J6 committee and a bunch of the three letter operatives and agencies. Your talking points are riddled with Aids.


There is a New Ultra MAGA movement on the rise, and try as you might, it can’t be stopped.

J Bill

ah yes – nazis. and you wonder why antifa exists lmao


Obammy’s army he bragged about?


Lol fuck off, no one cares about ‘ultra maga’. Larp harder bro


The AIDS is strong in you grasshopper.


Lol what does this even mean 🙃


Demons hate mockery.


And you fell for his ruse, rube.


You’ll be waiting the rest of your life for him to reveal he’s doing some grand ruse, dummy. He’s pro-vaccine, cry about it.


Good comeback!


How many credits did you get for the Clap test you took?


actually debits. sux to be me at times…


So I have to give Props to this MVP Journalist _ If you run a Quality test on this site _ it’ll tell you allot about the Site-builder > this is an Evergreen Cashed site.

… this site is Not a trickster style _ it’s not a site containing >iFrames Mirror or Micro Site, Pop up, flash bang components _ this site is an Evergreen Sites go _ it qualifies to be entered into the Wayback machine for the Historic Record

I’ve also personally tested this site by inviting a “throw Down” such as Prove the articles within this site to be wrong … Cricketts

Remember CGI, Avatars Multi Processors are also used by all Militaries _ factor that into Weekend at Bide/Bernie’s appearances …

think of and look at this Rare Exposure > as you would looking within a Swiss Watch _ all seemingly independent movements _ coming together _ at the exact moment in time

We the People are not only entitled to know _ According to the Constitution > We the People Must Know! … and to guard against the Military Industrial Complex

_ We the People can see from a Military Bases with Authorization _ for example > “C-Vine International” out of Orange County CA > 6 years ago gave daily activities (not many back then) and a Daily Transcript (She’s X Military? and he’s an X Cop) viewedfrom (Andrew’s AirForce Base) Zoom into Live Gitmoe (with a 40 second delay) to watch the Trials …

all MUST be made visible _ this type of Journalism is _ Right Over the Target _ it’s also Super Super Dangerous _ because the Global Syndicate Psych Warfare “tip of the Pyramid” > BBC/Tavastock et al is using > >

Chemical Hypnosis (Scopolomene) > together with _
Quantum Tesla-Tech (Photonic flashing light) Hypnosis …
5G interactive via NanoTech/OS and electrical inducer > Graphine Oxide

Zombie Slaves at the youngest age possible

We are in the Middle of a Crime Scene _ and just like Putin said _ the one with the Strongest AI _ will Rule the World … and Thank God > thats Trump and Space Force

> the Criminals can’t live in the Timeline > that Contains the Real Minority Report Tech / De-Centralized Blockchain Ledger “Omni Presence” in Real Time > actually Ahead of Time

anyway for anyone wondering _ if this is how Military works _ I would say of course it is > you gotta get the Big Things Right _ we’re on the Cusp of “Maximum Human Lifespan Growth Potentiality” > Up-rooting the Weed ensures A Strong Garden …

We need more Debate Rooms > old fashion Round Tables 🙂

David L Baiker

Damn! You should take over writing for MB the next time he goes on vaca. With that kind of techno-babble BULLSHIT you’ll really draw in the Quazies and the idiot ASSHOLES that read this and think it’s real. Made me almost believe you…..NOT! You gotta put in a little talk about “pedos” and DS captures being hung or shot so the deathporn groupies have something to beat off to though.

David T

Nobody on here gives a flying puck what you think DF. You can’t even spell “baker” correctly. GTFOOH and off this site then. How about that?


Lol this guy gets it 😂


what the michelle obama turds gratuitously dropped on chests?


Thank you for your kind words. When I started this site, I never dreamed it would get so popular so fast. We are on our fifth Baxter and feel like this one is our best so far.
It’s positive comments like this that encourage us to roll out of bed by noon and write hard hitting stories every five days.


and all from your 19ft stamos yacht!


Keep up the good work Ted 👏


rumor has it you fill a foley bag with cheap wine, catheterize yourself to fill your bladder and then jump up on the bar and piss on gay hollyweird jew directors.




Is there no law that states a vaccine can be destroyed if dangerous crap is found in it ??? If there isn’t, there should be.


why is ‘law’ needed? the brainwashing is complete, hahahahaha


“A small percentage” of children get the vax??? WTF! What if that was your grandchild, niece or nephew, etc….. This isn’t getting to the main stream fast enough to save those poor kids. If the White Hats don’t stop this .. who will?? It may be time to enlist civil unrest to protect our children.


Relax Lyn it’s not real


some say tedophilia is real in hollyweird

Paul G Wilke

Your math seems wrong. If 75 vials contain 450 doses that’s 6 doses/vial. If one vial has 19,000mcg of venom then one dose has 3,167mcg, not 42.5

J Bill

Julie can’t math

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill