No sooner had the FBI amassed with weapons drawn at Mar-a-Lago’s gates than a U.S. Navy SEAL, one of four assigned to protect President Trump’s Florida command center, telephoned U.S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, with a succinct message: “We’re under attack.”

The SEAL had followed orders. He had no way of knowing that the attack on Mar-a-Lago was an isolated incident. For all he knew, the Deep State could’ve been simultaneously assaulting White Hat institutions across the country; or Mar-a-Lago might have been a diversion.

Four hundred miles from Mar-a-Lago, on the southeastern shore of Cuba, GITMO’s patriotic deputy commander, U.S. Army Col. Matthew Jemmott, internalized the scenario a moment, then began rousing the station’s quick response security team and making phone calls, the first of which went to Marine Corps General David H. Berger at Camp Pendleton, who, oddly enough, hadn’t yet learned of the incursion. When Col. Jemmott informed him, Gen. Berger asked whether GITMO was performing a drill.

“No, sir. This is not a drill. I repeat: this is not a drill. This is ‘real world.’ Mar-a-Lago is under attack,” Col. Jemmott said. “Commanding officer is not on base and cannot be reached.”

“Battle stations,” Gen. Berger told him. “This could be an attack on the Constitution.”

Forty-five hundred soldiers and Marines suddenly awoke to the sound of clangorous sirens wailing in the still dark sky. Half of Marine Corps Security Force Company (MCSF Co) manned battle emplacements—machine gun nests and anti-aircraft artillery—along the shore. The other half, supported by the Joint Detention Group, moved to protect GITMO’s interior, which includes Camp Delta, where the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’ Corps hold Deep State prisoners awaiting military tribunals.

JAG’s senior officer Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall was awoken by the klaxons and phoned Col. Jemmott for a situation report. Col. Jemmott informed him that Mar-a-Lago had come under siege, and that Gen. Berger was concerned that the Deep State might attack GITMO to rescue fellow Deep Staters incarcerated at Camp Delta. He asked for confirmation on how many prisoners were currently locked up. The admiral responded, “Twelve, including 3 HVTs,” an acronym for High Value Targets. Security at Camp Delta had been tripled, each cell guarded by four heavily armed Marines.

As an aside, Real Raw News believes two of the three HVTs are Avril Haines, whose tribunal had been scheduled for August 10, and Paul Pelosi, whom Delta Force apprehended on August 6. We have received no info on either the third HVT or the other nine detainees.

In GITMO’s Command & Control center, Col. Jemmott and staff discussed how the Deep State might land troops on the island; by air or by sea, or both. However, the ATC at GITMO’s Leeward Point Airfield saw no sign of an aerial invasion, but acknowledged that aircraft flying sans Mode C, meaning without an active transponder, or flying below 500’ above ground level, could impede rapid detection. Marine spotters on the shore scanned the horizon for incoming fast attack boats, while other soldiers uncrated “stinger” shoulder-fired missiles and inserted their large cylindrical batteries into the well.

In the command center a name came up: Brigadier General Curtis Taylor, commanding officer of California’s Fort Irwin and a former White Hat, had recently denounced the Constitution as an obsolete document and sworn allegiance to Joseph Biden, proclaiming his troops were “at the ready” to defend the administration from domestic threats.

Col. Jemmott expressed concern that the traitor Gen. Taylor might have coerced the men under his command into believing White Hats were the real threat to the nation. Taylor, if backed by the federal government, had enough manpower and firepower to wage a small war, Col. Jemmott noted.

For five hours GITMO stood at high alert, ready for battle, until Gen. Berger called with news that no other bases whose commanders adhered to the Constitution of the United States had come under siege. Mar-a-Lago seemed to be a one-off, he said.

A “standdown” order was issued, and life at GITMO returned to normal.

Both Col. Jemmott and Vice Adm. Crandall agreed to postpone military tribunals pending “security improvements.”

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Ann Ononomous

@Robert James I’m still trying to figure this one out. You would think because he has much more access to Intel than the average person, why would he ever allow his daughter to become involved with (much less marry and have kids with) a D/S? If he truly is one, is it possible they did mk ultra on him and Trump didn’t find out until it was too late?

Last edited 2 years ago by Ann Ononomous
Robert James

Since Trump protected his son in law Kushner, he committed treason.


The FBI has been this corrupt for DECADES! Please post the remembrance of the 30th anniversary of Ruby Ridge (Monday, 8/22/22) where the arrogant FBI MURDERED innocent people and a dog and there was no accountability. Post it everywhere you can. An FBI sniper shot a mother who was simply standing in a doorway holding her baby, got his full pension, and got away with murder. He was very cold-blooded about it. They also shot a 14-year old boy IN THE BACK as he was running away. The FBI thugs – corrupt as always. They are the criminals.


Spare everyone the foreplay and lets just have a death day. Check their and their families bank accounts if they are on the up and up and everything can be explained then spare them. Also you can give them genetic haplo tests. Ask Kissinger the CIA has a hand held instant genetic haplo test that not only gives you your mother and fathers genetic haplo tests instantly. But it also lists notable people you decended from.
My maternal haplo type was u3a1 which was the cleopatras back to isis the founding female. My paternal haplotype was R1b1b2alal which was Levi, Kohath, Korah, Samuel.


DON’T NEGOTIATE with these insane evil TRAITORS. MAY ALMIGHTY GOD HAVE MERCY ON THEIR SICKS SOULS and SAVE MANKIND! There are citizens who are willing to defend our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
NAME THE PLACE! If we have no fire power we can use pitchforks, shovels, rolling pins, all kinds of household sprays, keep trunk of your car equipped with anything to defend yourselves. And most important:

Bill Kaulfield

An army of Julies brandishing rolling pins and cans of Glade air freshener?

Be afraid! Be very afraid!

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Kaulfield
Ann Ononomous

🤔 I think she took a page out of Beauty and the Beast!! 😆😆😆

J Bill


Rene Labre

Is this site the truth we all seek,the disclaimer says it is not.It is satire.That is upfront and honest.No actual facts are behind it,no references listed.


Yeah it’s all fake, sorry bud


There are TROLLS,.. They are real, and INSANE..
THEY make up useless shit.
Not FACTUAL TRUTH in …like ANYTHING they post !
They Will WAKE up someday,… In a FEMA camp when they outlive
Their usefulness..
They will NOT GET food ,..but rather be UPDATED with ALL the “VACINES”, AND BOOSTERS AND THE NEW MONKEY POX VAX,
SADLY.. THE TROLLS MADE THEIR OWN BED, let them sleep in it.!
WE Normie’s TRIED for MONTHS to get them to LISTEN to LOGIC..
BUT THEY refused to LISTEN..


Steve Kirsch says at least 10,000 people/day are dying as a result of the clotshot.

Rob William

Can he back it up with primary research and a deep drill down? What’s the source his assessment? Is it death records or healthcare records?

Bill Kaulfield

That’s roughly the number of people who die every day from all causes in this country.


Bill’s Balderdash served daily!

If you are confident, then why not challenge Steve and lay claim to $1million?

Last edited 2 years ago by Julie
Bill Kaulfield

What the hell are you talking about? Look up how many people die in a year in the USA, and then get back to me.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Kaulfield

Moron. Evidence is all over the internet if you bother to look: Large life insurance companies across the U.S. have reported an unprecedented 40% uptick of deaths starting in 2021 of people of all ages not just the old. Stupid shill.

Rob William

But 10,000 per day is 100%+ increase over normal daily death rate, so your statement is wrong.

Angel Askew

Wrong. In 2017 it was 7500 per day in USA.


You must realize that everyone here KNOWS that you are AN IDIOT,.. Who’s every statement has been wrong like every other troll


He has backed it up by offering $1million to anyone who can prove him wrong.

He has made 5 challenges this way.

No challengers. Interesting.

J Bill

yeah that type of challenge is like saying rrn stories are real but you know that already.


These kind of challenges are bullshit because he’s the one who decides if the challenger “proved” it or not. He will never admit someone proved him wrong.

Rob William

So, if anyone publishes any research, he should simply challenge others to disprove it, without giving any explanation or proof?


Feels over reals

Angel Askew

An absurd uptick of sudden deaths in high school,college and pro athlete’s and rising.
Lawsuits pending.
The next few years will be brutal.


Wasn’t everyone supposed to die 6 months after the shot?

Angel Askew

A lot of them have. It’s picking up momentum. It’s not happening as fast as WEF would like though.

Prepare for the latest greatest batch of fear porn cooties by November. Die faster would ya?


Wasn’t everyone who got the shot supposed to die within 6 months?

J Bill

i died several times

wildcat and someone else (goober, i think) told me i’d finally die in a few weeks, then a few months, but here i am

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

We celebrated several times!

J Bill

i’m glad i could make the rrn community happy for once


What a HAPPY DAY it WAS !


Don’t blame us…you are the idiot who got the shot.
If you die or not because you are a clone is not our problem…..

J Bill

I died three times. You celebrated once

Sounds like you missed out

Angel Askew



Yes. The boomer generation lamentably trusted the CDC et al right to their untimely endings.

Angel Askew

Yes, they did.





John .S

Salty Cracker’s video substantiating adverse vax reactions.

The salt must flow.


Rise up “Now”, while they’re still planning our demise this winter !!!!!!!!!!!!


“Now” !!!!!!!!!!!


In a way, I kind of miss ol Ted we affectionately called ‘tedophilia’. I thought communist china would be the first country to be liberated, but ted’s communist country of new jersey really should be!


ted was a very bad BOY and had to be banished… I don’t miss him
I hope that it is permanent…!😼


does anyone know when the message comes across your tablet screen …”the process android.process.acore has stopped.? ? !”
Does anyone know how to fix it…?
Or stop the pop up ?

Bill Kaulfield

Your tablet has been infected with government spyware. The only solution is to immerse it in boiling water for 20 minutes.

Ann Ononomous


Rob William

What a remedy!


Nope…I have several Tablets.
My eyes and fat fingers don’t like the small phone screens.
I shut it off and rebooted …..THAT FIXED IT !


🐓🍭. .


A warning was put out this morning. There are supposed to be updates available.

J Bill

for androids huh? lmao


Thanks EARL…👍


Oh bad news Wildcat, that means the Deep State has infected your tablet.


The GOOD news is that its fixed. 😏
I now have super fast internet, 5 G ,…
Elon Musk was right, …It was Worth the wait !

J Bill

5g will kill you

Jan D Hunsinger

Hi MB, hoping for an update soon. Even a “hello….nothing new to report” would be great.


don’t fall asleepin the tub

John .S

Just rewrote my vechile window writings for NY primary election, saying: “Toss all Democrats Out”, also “Trump Won, Election Stolen”.

My libtart neighbors going nuts. I’m buzzing on communities social media page. Those cancel culture cultist are devising retaliation, Oy-vey.

Will park all day at my polling location, just outside electioneering zone.

Prior did electoral window writings for Trump. Emotionally disturbed cop callers waged 17 complaints in 4 hrs., hilarious.

Cops rolled-up that took my lunch order, upon return saying: “lunch is on us, keep up the good work”.

God Bless America.

Bill Kaulfield

You live in your car, don’t you?



David T

Yet another new troll turd name to add to the ranks of all the previously block troll turd names. Give you credit for 2 things: 1 – you’re persistent; 2 – you’re terminally a DF.

J Bill

nobody cares

Ron Burgundy

Cool story man. Maybe find some other source of meaning in your life though.

John .S

Hmm, “meaning in your life”.

Previously suffered full blown sepsis shock [separated diverticuli], flat lined on operating table, colostomy bag and serious atrophine, diminished body weight.

Wife found me collapsed on floor, she went bust at Atlantic City, returning home early, God works in mysterious ways.

Things that I do i.e., food pantry, coats for kids, fund raise for veterans, organizing blood drives, and my window writing public awareness campaign, could say, is my ministry.

Every once in a while I’m perplexed in why I’m not dead, spoke to professionals, i.e., bartender, barber and bookmaker, all having the same answer.

Advise: don’t eat peanuts, and seeds [sunflower, pumpkin, sesame etc.] and get a colonoscopy.

Bill Kaulfield

How long were you hypoxic for?

John .S

22 hrs from time of collapse, pain was like someone pulled a bowling pin out of my ass.

Believe it or not, later asked about the quantity of coffee I drink.

Hospital had a sepsis staff, diagnosed me right away. Lost my ability to speak at time of admitting.

Had multiple intravenous in my neck, catheter in bladder. At discharge had pit line for IV for two weeks after.

Later, short time after, became an inspirational speaker, helping others cope. Had a kid that was suicidal, lost athletic scholarship, now dealing with situation.

My leftover colostomy bags after reversal, I painted them Red, White and Green using glitter for Christmas Tree ornament, saying: Bona Natalie.

Buddies wife RN, taking down tree, laugh like hell in discovery.

On different note, use left over colostomy bag fighting seatbelt tickets, works all the time.

Get colonoscopy folks, don’t wait, don’t believe the nonsense after 50 yrs old, sooner the better.

Bill Kaulfield

22 hours of hypoxia?

Well, that certainly explains the brain damage.

John .S

Would you like to receive one of Christmas Tree ornaments via donation? Money will directly go to Coats for Kids this winter.

Bill Kaulfield


Ron Burgundy

Glad you’re okay (not sarcasm)


kinda like not shilling on a satire site daily?


WEF is hiring 1000s of warriors to spread their narrative on line. These are their initial hires.


lol. you figured they’d be better equipped


What do you expect? Just take a look at the new IRS hires.

Ann Ononomous

Hope your packing heat, cuz the liberals 👹 are lunatics!

John .S

Have an insurance policy that Lloyd’s of London couldn’t write.

J Bill

you can’t possibly be this bored, can you jill?

Rob William

Good job! Why don’t you also plaster the whole vehicle with Real Raw New headlines? You can also add Twisted Truth headlines if there is space available!

Angel Askew

You’re slow. That was done months ago.

Angel Askew

You are a blessing, John. Keep shining your light bright. You are showing others or reminding them how to shine bright in your truth, giving others permission to do the same and without harming anyone.
Truly cool, my man!😎


Damn dude, do have like.. a job or a family or anything?

Loni Suschank

Blessings and prayers to all our White Hats & military protecting our America and Constitution!—–Loni S.

Ron Burgundy

Hi Loni,

“White Hat” military doesn’t exist. These stories are clearly made up (as a vet who has been to Gitmo, I could tell you a hundred things that give it away as BS)


kool story robin!

Ann Ononomous

Ok. Tell us.

Ron Burgundy

Are you actually open to hearing it or are you just going to call me a pedophile when presented with evidence that this site is bullshit? Because that’s usually how it goes.

Ann Ononomous

No, I’d like to hear it please.

Rob William

Wow! Thanks for your good wishes. Our first goal is to recapture the EBS post, which reptilians took over from us.

Angel Askew





Ron Burgundy

To the RRN faithful. Serious question.

How many of you believe these stories are literally true vs how many of you just enjoy the drama and theater and snappy dialogues? I’m wondering if a lot of you are into this the way people watch pro-wrestling. Like, deep down they know it’s not actually real, but they just enjoy suspending disbelief.

Bill Kaulfield

I would enjoy the snappy dialogue if there was any. Most if it is actually pretty dreadful.


ok. why return then?

Bill Kaulfield

It’s so bad, it’s funny.


Kinda like your life then?

Bill Kaulfield

Lame. Try again.


Don’t be so sensitive Billy!

Bill Kaulfield

Thank you for trying again!

Have a cookie.


If you are this sensitive to a nobody on the net, you are most likely going to grow up to be passive.

Bill Kaulfield

Lighten up, honey. I’m just playing with you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Kaulfield

Get another way to find meaning bro

Rob William

The quality of stories has been going down lately. I think due to lack of donations MB is unable to get time from his day job.


jealousy burns!

John .S

Happy Day’s, Helter Skelter Brian Stelter.

Ron Burgundy

Yes, grandpa, applesauce is delicious. Now let’s get you to bed.

Angel Askew

Once the Vanderbilt pedo is fired it’s over for CNN.

J Bill

oh no…anyways

Ron Burgundy

No one cares about CNN. It’s watched by like six people.


It is suggested that AC is in the spa and what we are seeing is either a double, cgi or clone. Blessings,

Ron Burgundy

“It is suggested” by some idiot you saw on Rumble or Truth Social or whatever.


or an idiot named ron on rrn!

Angel Askew

MB is encouraging the trolls to multiply.

John .S

Would speculate Mad Maxine [not AC] is at the spa, as unnamed HVT.

Mad Max wasn’t her usual self via last seen media appearance, making unusual facial expressions.

Alleged Nancy Pelosi [Queen of Spades] had her spa treatment, husband Paul is next.


Goodbye Brian Stelter
< 3 Mark Dice

h t t p s colon //www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=N7nBadNVedw


really? nothing new in two days ????

Rob William

It’s too much pressure on MB. A normal journalist just needs to present what is happening but MB has to think about a story and then create a news item. It requires 10 times the creativity and effort than a normal journalist. Moreover maintains the site as well. He is a total package by himself but he still need to do his day job because donations are not enough. Let’s donate people!


Sounds like a very pathic rant, and you totally made that up.
And you are NOT donating enough

Bill Kaulfield

Wouldn’t donating money be more effective?

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Kaulfield

Jealousy burns.

Bill Kaulfield


That went right over your head, didn’t it?


Why you sweating a nobody on the net?

Bill Kaulfield

You’re not a nobody, honey. You’re a somebody. I believe in you!

Rob William

🤣🤣🤣 Are you suggesting MB secretly has a human sacrifice cult?

Bill Kaulfield

Of course not.

It’s hardly a secret.


Lame. Try again.

Bill Kaulfield

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Kaulfield

Relax my friend, too many irons in the fire. RRN is deciding which one to report to give us the biggest bang or should we say, BOOM! My motto; beggars can’t be choosers. Blessings,

Jewelie Dee

Goodness. That almost reads like a comedy.

Ron Burgundy

“Battle Stations!”

Rob William

Don’t criticize, look at the crazy creativity which has gone behind the story!

David L Baiker

It IS comedy!


what an original SN!


Paul Pelosi’s arrest by Trump and the White Hats, was the final straw that broke the deep state’s back.

Angel Askew

The real trip about that DUI is the unreported passenger.
It was a child.

J Bill


yet AA knows for a fact who it is

Angel Askew

You pedophiles are dripping to know who leaked it? Big mad MSM is burying it?


No one gives a shit about Paul Pelosi to begin with 🤷‍♂️

Angel Askew

Wrong. He is gatekeeper for all Nancys insider trading.
The bell will toll for thee. Haha!


Will the bell toll #soon? 🙃


Cool. So no one will miss him when he is executed?


Why would anyone miss him, he’ll still be here just like every other person “executed” in RRN fantasy land

Last edited 2 years ago by Biggs

not even nanzi….

J Bill

nah idgaf. i got my adrenochrome stocked up


Paul Pelosi Fun Facts:

Earlier this year, it was reported that EDI Associates, through which Paul Pelosi has a partnership stake in the El Dorado Hotel in Sonoma, CA, filed for a PPP loan valued between $350,000 and $1,000,000. In addition to that, reporters also discovered that Piatti Restaurants — a restaurant dining company in which Paul Pelosi has $2,500,000 to $5,000,000 invested — also took out a PPP loan worth $2,000,000 to $5,000,000. For those keeping score this makes the total amount of PPP loans taken out by Pelosi-linked businesses valued anywhere between $3,350,000 to $8,000,000.

All Forgiven, including interest.

Rob William

I think relatives of top government officials should not be allowed to get PPP loan because there is a clear conflict of interest!

David T

It sure was. The DS snapped into action at Mar A Lago within 30 hours after that, so they obviously see MAL as a high value target. Pelosi is a high value target of the White hats, so after her hubby was nabbed, she went full psycho wino and helped launch the attack on MAL.


This is Why Democrats Are Not Worried about 2020 — The Fix Is In… Postal Service Institutionalizes Ballot Interference Scheme with New Mail-in Ballot Division


The fix is in?! But I was told Patriots are in control 🤷‍♂️


You have a hard time with the Truth,
Because you are delusional and gullible 🤔🤷

Rob William

You are saying that? Wow!


Lol love getting lectured about being delusional by a person who believes every prominent public figure is a body double in a rubber mask 🙃


Not every figure, but some.

J Bill

hell yeah


We did it! 🥳


Their behind is grass and Q+ has the lawnmower. Blessings,

Flo Gil

Ha ha ha … what fiction …

Rob William



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Direct link to it

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J Bill

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Ken Dar

If Gitmo looks like it’s about to be overrun and there is no hope of winning, might I suggest that the marines go ahead and shoot all the prisoners before abandoning the post. They would probably do this anyway but no sense letting these creeps get busted out of the slammer.


But then without long repetitive tribunal stories, what would Michael Baxter write about 🤷‍♂️


Wasn’t it Dick Cheney that ordered the waterboarding in Iraq?



Angel Askew

After learning he was part engineer of 9/11, Haliburton and the Iraq war and insisted on waterboarding these people…you are one sick twisted greedy bastard.
We should be embarrassed how deeply h and others played us for stupid.
MSM is just as guilty.


No torture dammit! I want to break in my new Harbor Freight wood chipper! Got it on sale.



Angel Askew

Harbor freight is da bomb in a pinch!!
Chip chip chip away, Earl!

John .S

Now is the time [more than ever] to acquire a portable electric generator from Harbor Freight.

Don’t forget wheel kit, electric start battery, power cords & fuel jugs.

If home has natural gas or bulk propane tank suggest conversion kit [from other providers]. Cap off bulk tanks, encluding home heating oil.

Many YouTube videos on HF Predator Generators, coinciding with natural gas retrofit kits.
Retro fit kit simple install by advanced do-it-yourself folk.

Strongly recommend to call a license plumber to run exterior gas line [plug & play hookup].

Not a believer in DIY gas work, and back feeding electric panels, that’s a job for licensed inderviduals.


This doesn’t sound like you, are you a compassionate
Understanding and forgiveness sort ! ?
This just seems that you did a 180° turn..😏


Things that make you ‘hmmm.’

J Bill

earl is like ” hey i’m mb” and the comment section thinks they got rick rolled


🤔, Ok,. Just a little bit concerned.
With all the hacking of accounts and all , I wondered if you fell victim…
Don’t let people kick you around, …
But don’t turn into what you opposed.


You are doing the right thing,September is just around the corner…


how many olivers are there?


yea yea.

David T

His meds kicked in.


without long tribunals, where would Biggs be writing?


Without Biggs writing, where would Julie be incessantly replying?


You can’t be serious. If so, that was really dumb.

Rob William

Like Japanese did in WW2?

Ken Dar

What is needed is an ignore or block user feature like on disqus and some other platforms. Maybe there is one here and I just missed it, but that’s a great way to filter out spammers and nonsense posters.




Things have slowed down since some shills were booted! No more shill siege? All yall have is the page slide bitches!

J Bill

probably because these stories are boring af


Soooooo, if you believe that this site is boring,…
Why the hell are you still. Here. ?

J Bill

“still. Here. ?”



The articles are pretty boring, but the real entertainment is all the goofballs in the comments who believe the articles 🙂


Boring can be torture for the delusional…
Also you are not a truly functional Person .. with All your issues.


What are my issues, Wildcat?


…asks the 60 year old shilling on the net 14 hours/day


A bored person’s life is torture.


You forfeit your right to complain when others in your life deride you inasmuch as this is what you offer others.

perhaps it is true what we offer others is given us?

Air man

Wasn’t MP rearrested by military????


One of those 12 high profile prisoners at Gitmo includes Pelosi’s husband. That is the sole reason for the revenge exacted upon Mar-A-Lago, imo.

Air man

There should be hundreds.


Not anymore,. They streamline the executions,..much more effective , with the firing squad..!
Hundreds have faced the bullet..
Running short of body bags though 🤷

Last edited 2 years ago by Wildcat

Lol no, the sole reason is that Trump illegally took classified documents that belong to the National Archive.


Again, fake news.


Same as Obammy & Klinton did? And of course, we the people paid for their so-called Libraries.


Nope, very much not the same! The National Archive put out a firm statement that all the official documents in the Obama Presidential Library were entirely transported and handled under their care, not Obama’s. As much as you want to deflect to whataboutism, Trump broke the law by taking those docs home with him without permission, and Obama did not.

Last edited 2 years ago by Biggs

Obama was a traitor and has been punished along with big mike.
So was bush and Clinton
That’s why there’s a body bag. Shortage 🤷


In fantasy land, sure 🦄


But isn’t fantasy land your favorite destination daily?


And you believe the ‘national archive’? What evidence do you have they offered truth?


You have been Brain Washed
Get yourself some help


He lost Brian Stelter today. He’s in mourning.

J Bill

everyone should celebrate lmao


take another booster jbizzle, and we WILL celebrate! Be sure to record your seizures and put it on the web!!!

Ron Burgundy

One of the weirdest ticks about RRN is that you all think anyone who doesn’t think Adam Schiff is a hologram is some hardcore MSNBC liberal. I’m actually pretty moderate, even conservative on some issues. I’m not much of a Biden fan…I just don’t think he’s a CGI lizard person or whatever nonsense you people tell each other.


just check pictures of “BIDEN”… take really close looks in his face and his “walk” past 7 yrs and come back tell us what you think….

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
Rob William

Help from where? Past articles of RRN or a psychiatrist? I showed this website to one of my psychiatrists friend and he said that the writer is a con man and the most commentators are delusional. So where to see help? Are there any psychiatrist who will make us believe in RRN?


blah, blah, yuck, yuck. Total tripe.

trust nothing

They supposedly opened a sealed indictment on Trump for the raid but won’t show the warrant or what they were looking for yet, but anything they have now can be used against him. There is an accumulative amount of sealed indictments from 2017 to the present day of 230,000. Is that just another hoax and psyop?


1. They did not “open a sealed indictment on Trump” because Trump hasn’t even been indicted yet

2. They did show the warrant, the court unsealed it last week, plus Trump leaked his copy to Breitbart. That’s how we know which specific federal statutes he’s being investigated for, and what the FBI took, those were both detailed on the warrant

3. What you probably meant was “they won’t show the affadavit” which is standard practice in federal investigations, they very rarely release affidavits because they are sensitive to the investigation and could reveal protected sources and witnesses. The court is considering releasing a version of the affidavit next week (which will likely have a lot of the sensitive details redacted)

4. The thing about sealed indictments is that they are used in a lot of court cases for a number of reasons, most often to protect the identities of the victims. So while it is factually true that there are thousands and thousands of sealed indictments in the federal court system, the idea that those are “The Storm” and someday they’ll all be unsealed en masse and all the people you hate will suddenly be arrested is a myth.

Bonus fun fact: back in like 2017/2018 when the Mueller investigation was in full swing, there were a ton of gullible libs who fell for the exact same “thousands of sealed indictments” bullshit except they thought those indictments were for Trump and all his allies 🙃

trust nothing

OK. I stand corrected. Thanks for letting me know.
So it is part of the psyop to keep the population passive.


You stand corrected on something that is not real? Why don’t you trust your doubt about it?

Rob William

I think that’s the unintended consequence of MB trying to seek importance.


You are obsessed with MR Baxter. Geez you are an idiot…


it’s not real bro. why you sweating a satire site every day? lol


Quick, somebody tell Nancy her Daddy’s been getting ass phucked like a alley cat in GITMO!

I’m sure dirty Nancy will think to herself phuk’m, he did it to me!!! The bastard!
And in a week or two she’ll start to miss him when the flies get to be too much around the house with all the garbage laying around that hasn’t been taken out yet.


Mainly landing on her , because she is 💩4brains

Ron Burgundy

Everyday I’m amazed by how the true believers here manage to combine delusion and stupidity to reach levels of gullible boomerdom previously believed to be only theoretical

Angel Askew

Thank God you have the right to choose your perspective based on the knowledge you have and believe.

You’re no different.


So you love the feeling of amazement we give you, which is why you unremittingly return EVERY DAY.

Is it possible we mirror YOUR delusion and stupidity in some way? Perhaps your Creator is showing you YOUR MIND by way of others?


I’m here for the beer.


Sometime I wonder if MB is intentionally making to stories stupider and more poorly-written so that only the dumbest, most boomer-brained people remain.

Ron Burgundy

They are becoming progressively dumber, even by RRN standards. I don’t think his heart is in it anymore. I mean, imagine how depressing this dudes life is.

You make up some Jack Bauer tv drama bullshit for a bunch of mentally ill boomers who have nothing to do ever since they alienated their kids with their conspiracy theories. You give up your integrity and your dignity and you net a few hundred bucks, just enough to keep you in Hormel chili and ramen in your shitbox apartment. It’s truly a pathetic way to go through life.


so by your own admission you are stupider than most?


If these stories are so badly written, why not take it up with Ted, aka Mr Baxter?


Everyday you are Amazed, because you are delusional,. And gullible and jealous that you were behind the door when the brains were passed out !🤔

Ron Burgundy

I think you might be legitimately retarded, Wildcat.



Rob William

Aliens love Human cartoons!

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William
Rob William

Carnot efficiency? Earlier such high level was considered as having little practical value as it was conjectured that no real human can even come near it but the inventors as RRN keep surprising us.

John .S

Well my cooler is packed, caught in catch 22 dilemma.

Hmm sit on a vax mobile handing out anti-vax leaflets, or take the boat out doing some trolling, landing big fish.

American Living in Canada


Ron Burgundy

Can I make an alternate suggestion?






Have you considered handing out anti-vax leaflets to the fish?

Rob William

Hang them to the fishes and when they jump out of water to bite them, catch those fishes. 2 things at the same time!

Ron Burgundy

I would but the fish got turned gay by Obama and everytime I’m around gay people we end up kissing because they don’t know I’m really a super straight PATRIOT


have you considered a 5th booster yuck yuck?

Ron Burgundy

Hey MB, you know General Bergen’s office isn’t in Camp Pendleton, right? Do you just name a random military base when you make this dumb shit up?


Do you think he will read your comment? Or is it just to get it out there??

Ron Burgundy

I’m sure he reads it, but whenever people point out the many ways he’s fucked up, he just ignores it and quickly changes the subject by publishing another “so and so got executed but ruh roh replaced by a clone” story.

J Bill

that is mb you’re talking to, btw


you value comments here too much


Michael, can you give us anything on the Border Patrol being complicit in opening gates on private land for the illegals?


ICE/CBP, DHS, catholic charities, army corp of engineers I’ve heard are all complicit, even local sheriff offices are complicit.

John .S

Catholic Charities receives funding from the Knights of Columbus, fueling America’s demise.

Was recently approach to purchase a raffle book from the Knights, I declined, in calling them Domestic Terrorists.

United Nations utilize UNICEF money, collected by your kids during Halloween, to subsidize American gun confiscation agenda.

Bob Dylan: “don’t follow leaders, watch your parking meters”.


Born Catholic, raised Catholic and educated Catholic. Couldn’t get away fast enough.


But MB wrote that the Army Corps of Engineers are the ones demolishing the DUMBs! So which is it, are they White Hats or Black Hats? Or do they just freely swap sides whenever they feel like it 🙃


Mums the word, disinformation is necessary to offset any margin for error.
You’re on a Need to know basis, when we feel like telling you when you need to know something, we’ll tease you with it.
Confucius say; Not always good to bite the hand thats fed you.
Joe Biden says; Mifphiunnit in my diaper!


Lol oh my god you larp so hard, dude. “When we feel like telling you”? Who is “we”, goob? Are you a super secret White Hat spy yourself now? 😂


why you sweating a satire site?


why do you assume it must be a stark either or?


Tough week for the black hats.

Octane now has a 3$ handle
Food prices are dropping
WTI oil well below 100$
And anyone who bought the SP500 within the last 60 days was well rewarded yesterday if they took profit!


Lol you realize that’s good news for the democrats, right? They want inflation and gas prices to go down because that will really help them in the midterms.


Oh, I see. The democrats will win over the populace with lower prices after burying the people’s businesses, schools, childhoods, relationships? Makes sense.


Lol how did the democrats bury your relationships, Reedie? Did your kids stop calling you after you became a boomer-brained conspiracy nut?


Do your research. You sound like a spoiled yuck yuck ccp dyke.


Yes, they are – as always – trying to BUY votes. Don’t take the bait.

Rob William

Currently Tump has sucked up all the news cycles, so these issues have stopped mattering to people. 2022 election may also be about Trump!


The Deep State has taken down a very well-known conservative talk-show platform. It’s been down for two days with no programming available. It is a member-supported site; but the host said they have a new platform soon to be completed. This is what conservative alternative media has to put up with daily. And their useful-idiot enablers are more prominent now, probably financed by Marxist George Soros. More prominent because the white hat patriots are more prominent now as reflected in the latest primary elections and huge crowds of MAGA people.


Lol are you sure ‘Marxist George Soros’ is behind this and it’s not just, like, the platform owner grabbing and running off with all the member donations?

Last edited 2 years ago by Biggs

No, not a chance. He’s an honorable host that keeps us informed.


Why don’t you start your own blog and ebeg for $ about which you are jealous of others. A ’30’ year old man sits on a blog all day instead of flirting with cute girls his own age?


The reason I can’t start a similar blog is that unlike MB, I have a conscience, and I would actually feel bad about scamming gullible boomers out of their money with fake hopium stories.


Oh, it must be opposite day!


Biggs is gay as f. Prolly a sick lowlife politician.



J Bill

dozens of people will be disappointed


where’s tedophilia dumbass?

J Bill

getting sucked off by earl’s wife lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


so he won’t be back to support you anymore, dyke?


viper toxic proteins in the jab and lisinopril and likely all high blood pressure meds they are nero blockers and can build up 19 different peptides (proteins) in crate snake and cobra venom all have different ways that kill clots, nerve disorders, tissue attacks (myocardis)

Rob William

Did they miss out radioactive dust and Botulinum toxin?

buck fiden

I’s a incel widda pencil


at least you got a pencil. i’ve seen guys who got the eraser!

J Bill

christopher definitely got the eraser


13 years ago!!!
And to this day, this guy walks free, or doesn’t he?


Courtesy of Dream Walker;

Bill and Melinda Gates were justifiably homicided by a group of Indian villagers when they visited India about 7 years ago.
The JudenPress has put a gag order on this death and since that time, Bill Gates has been replaced at least half a dozen times by different actors and DEEPFAKE software.

It’s always the same group of people who are behind the evil in our world.
Who am I talking about ?
Let’s take a look at the COVID-19 hoax and the bioweapon vaccine:

All aspects of the COVID-19 hoax and the COVID vaccines are
created, managed and approved of by Trans-sexual Talmudic Jews/Khazarian Mafioso.

CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Former CDC Director, Robert Redfield, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Deputy Director, Ann Schucat, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Chief of Staff, Sherri Berger, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell Wolfe, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
CDC Director, Washington Office, Jeff Reczek, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
FDA Vaccines, Dr. Eric Rubin, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
FDA Vaccines, Dr. Arno Monto, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Dr.Eric Rubin said this during an FDA hearing on the safety of the vaccine for children –>

“We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is unless you start giving it.”

Former FDA Commisioner, Stephen Hahn, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Former FDA Commisioner, Scott Gottlieb, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Former FDA Commisioner, David Kessler, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Former FDA Commisioner, Andrew Eschenbach, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
COVID Czar, Jeff Zients, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
HHS Ass.Secretary, Rachel Levine, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Facebook Big Tech Vaccine Pushers/Founder, Mark Zuckerberg, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Google Big Tech Vaccine Pushers/Founder, Sergey Brin, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Google Big Tech Vaccine Pushers/Founder, Larry Page, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Pfizer CEO: Albert Bourla , Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Albert Bourla was recently awarded the “Honorary Jew” award from Israel for the
Vaccine partnership between the State of Israel and Pfizer.
This means that Israel is implicated in the ongoing genocide ( over 2 million killed in US)
of humanity using the bioweapon known as the COVID vaccine.
Pfizer Chief Medical Officer: Dr. Mace Rothenberg
Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer: Mikael Dohlsten
Johnson & Johnson CEO: Alex Gorsky , Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Astrazeneca CEO: Pascal Soriot , Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Moderna’s Vaccine Creator: Tal Zaks , Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

Vaccine Passport System (Currently in use around the world)
US Patent # 11,107,588 B2 , August 31, 2021
Gal Ehrlich, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Ramat-Gan, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Maier Fenster, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Petach-Tikva, Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Made in ISRAEL

Vaccine Approvals –> Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Vaccine Maker — > Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia
Vaccine Passport –> Trans-sexual Talmudic Jew/Khazarian Mafia

The COVID-19 hoax and the Quack-cines are a Jewish/Khazarian Mafia operation.
Don’t believe for a second that Israel is poisoning it’s own citizens with their own poisonous jab.
They are lying as they always do.
Lies, lies and more lies, all the time to cover their own tracks.
Just like the Wall Street Banker bailout of 2008. Just like the 9/11 attacks.
Just like the assassination of JFK, RFK.
Open your eyes.


Look & See its right before your very eyes!


What & Who they are! Where they come from, and why they do what they do.
This was the prelude to the invasion of Ukraine – they knew it was going to come once Trump was duly Elected, and when they cheated to win this was the tipping point for their exposure.
Learn how they morph and adapt, overcome and try again. They ever give up, just change their methods f attack and usery of Goyim puppets they sacrifice in the end.
You’ll need to listen to the entire Video to get a much better understanding.

Angel Askew

Thank you for taking the time to spell out this fantastic summary, Goober!
Really great factual insight to reference! Kudos, neighbor!


All the credit go’s too: Dream Walker, who posted this on bitchute.

Debate Judge

Hi Goober.
I went to bitchute.
I found a Dream Walker channel.
What’s the date or title of the video where Dream Walker gets all the credit?

Second, there is this video on Dream Walker’s channel:
Ashli Babbit ALIVE and WELL The FALSE FLAG Shooting

I remember seeing a video where there was packet of blood passed [stage blood] when she supposedly got shot.

Since you vouched for Dream Walker, I will try to make time to watch some of his videos. If you have the name of the video that was the source of your post, let us know.

Thank you.


I just copied the persons post and pasted it for everyone to read.
Heres the Video Link.


Yes, I echo Angel’s sentiments! Thank you!

The jews have it coming.

J Bill

julie’s a nazi like AA. wonderful news


Wow what a shocking development, who ever could have guessed


Sorry Bill, but the Khazars are the Nazi’s. I think you know this by now since you’re one of them.

J Bill

i didn’t realize i suddenly became racist and fascist


This is some incredibly advanced delusion. Tell us goob, is there any public figure on the planet who *isn’t* a transexual Jew in your mind? 🤔


Tedophilia was not a transexual jew but a communist chinese dyke!

Angel Askew

I take him for a retired boomer libtard with some type of judicial experience.
He ushered in the CCP.

J Bill

so chuck grassley…


fuck grassley


More like Suck Assley, amirite?


Repost to avoid moderation delay.


Thank you for that link!

Someone in the comment section there posted a link to this

https ://


7 months ago
“how can youtube not block this video?”.


mArked4death 07
6 months ago
You aint lying haha i figured it must of just been uploaded, but 4 years? Maybe they left it up for us to wonder why haha and how


JW Bland
5 months ago
Probably not enough ppl searching for it or watching ::shrug::



Online print version here:

https ://

Connects SO MANY dots together via prior research–it is AMAZING!

If it ‘hangs’, there may be genuine networking problems or Cloudfront, a helper for the paymasters, is ‘playing games’ and are blocking it. I opened a command prompt in Windows 10 and did this:


Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1889]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\[redacted]>ping [VT’s DNS name]

Pinging [VT’s DNS name] [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=18ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=18ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=54

Ping statistics for
  Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
  Minimum = 16ms, Maximum = 18ms, Average = 17ms



Then the page loaded up for me after a few seconds in Microsoft Edge web browser. There was a Cloudfront error page in another tab from a prior attempt to access the above webpage.

I’ve heard of ‘secret’ sh!tlists that ‘mainstream’ web browsers use to censor content the paymasters don’t want you to see. The above URL may be on that list. It looks like I was allowed to see it becaused I ‘proved’ to Cloudfront (somehow) that the VT site was up and not down.



The Chekist (1992) [Russian with English subtitles]
https ://

From the film’s IMDB page

https ://


A disturbing film that stays with you

The Chekist creates its power through repetition. Three men set in an office, one reads names, and the other two pronounce the sentence (almost invariably execution by firing squad). Then, the condemned (always in fives) are taken from their underground cell. They are led through the bunker until they get to a large room with doors at the far end. They are ordered to strip and face the doors. Then, they are shot. Afterwards, the bodies are hauled from the bunker via a pulley system and placed in truckbeds. After the trucks are full, they are driven from the compound. The victims cross all age barriers, old men or young women, all are treated the same. These images repeat over and over again. Nearly half of the film are these scenes. Some will find it hard to watch. They are even harder to forget.

These executions are overseen (and seen) by Andrey Srubov, a bureaucratic official who shows little emotion as he carries out his job to make Russia better by eliminating those who could be a threat to the communist utopia. Srubov discharges his duties with emotionless efficiency. However, there are hints that even he is not immune to what he witnesses daily. His home life with his wife and mother is a cold, sterile atmosphere. People avoid Srubov because there are very few in this city that has not lost someone they love to his efficiency. As the film progresses, an occasional condemned man will be revealed as someone whom Srubov knows personally. These final meetings are horrifying. They, perhaps, even disturb Srubov.

The Chekist may not be a film for everyone but it is one that will produce a response. One cannot watch this film passively.


Cited in the VT article at the URL above but the copy on YouTube is age restricted and you have to log in to see it. Long ago, I found/downloaded it from there when it was ‘out in the open’. Watch the unblocked mirror copy on Bitchute at the URL above.

J Bill

congrats on executing the very difficult ping command

Rob William

It all depends on their inability block ICMP protocol?


J_B1ll: [comment of ridicule omitted]

From Masonic Diversion Tactics.


5. Sidetrack opponents with name-calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kook”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorist”, “conspiracy theorist”, “radical”, “militia member”, “bigot”, “racist”, “religious fanatic”, “crazy person”, “slanderer”, “sexual deviant”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.


Full list here as videoclip

https ://

Made a zip file of the above clip and text file/PDF file versions of it here

https ://

Please copy and share this zip file and its contents far and wide and ‘sticky post’ them to other online messageboards to warn/inform the users there of how online trolls operate.

NOTE: Sendspace protects their downloads with CAPTCHAs and monetize them with pop-up ads. Please fill out the CAPTCHAs and close the pop-up ad windows/tabs in order to download the zip file and re-distribute it. Thank you.

They are (paid) online trolls or bots run by them paid by their paymasters to make sources of truther information such as Real Raw News unusable with their useless posts. Please DO NOT upvote, downvote, or reply to them. They will deny they are being paid to cause trouble. DO NOT believe them, they are lying. Otherwise, they are ‘idiots’ as

https ://

calls them in his livestream at the URL link below


2:20:45 – 2:29:25 of

https ://


The Deep State social media propagandists make good money for publishing messages and replies!!!

Wonder if they get paid double when they post false propaganda messages about me or propaganda replies to my messages???

An example of one group’s compensation chart is below.

The love of money is the root of all evil. [1 Timothy 6:10 KJV Bible
https ://
— Lin Wood ( https :// )

The chart is shown here:

https ://

But Lin Wood shrank it down and cropped out the name of the organization at the top.

Owen Benjamin showed a more readable version in his livestream at the above Bitchute link.

On at least two occasions in the past, one of the trolls that posted here in the past said my links led to ‘trackers’ and ‘malware’.

They were lying.

They are now gone and cannot use that online handle here anymore to post from.

Thank you very much, Michael Baxter.


Ouch, thats just gotta hurt these liddle rat bastard Trolls.


Yes goob, I am in agonizing pain over this giant wall of boring ass text that nobody will actually read.

Rob William


J Bill

congrats on typing ping


As Edward mentioned the spammers are disrupting the thread, perhaps you could call an IT expert to work out an algorithm to block incoming spam. A simple set of keywords, such as the dollar sign, might clear about 75% of the spam. You could probably find a website to help you do this yourself on your computer, MB. Best of luck as you are a very patriotic fellow and we appreciate you!

Ron Burgundy

Lol Michael doesn’t give a shit about this site. It’s just a way to scam anti-Semitic retards out of a few bucks. Like he’s going to pay an IT expert lol


you are on baxter’s dick all day!


He likes dick because he cant measure up.


These trolls are hitting truth and telegram….I guess the deep fucks don’t want the conversation to keep up but FUCK YOU DEEP FUCKS….WE WILL TALK AND TALK AND TALK AND TALK UNTIL YOUR DICKS FALL OFF

J Bill

cry more jill


Where’s tedophilia? do you miss that dyke’s tripe?

J Bill

block me instead


No block


Try harder


We as Patriots don’t need to try, you’re too easy and its You little monkeys that need to try – thats why you’re here. This is Your Life – Troll.


Lol that’s nice bro, but I was referring to trying harder to block us, which you cannot do at all because MB sucks ass at figuring out WordPress plug-ins 🙃

J Bill

why would you block ted but not me? do you miss me?

Angel Askew

Look at them as children who keep coming to the grown up table for attention.



American Living in Canada

Good one..


Can I have more mashed potatoes please 🙏


I know, right? Its like they want their kool-aid and can’t have anymore because they’ll wet their pants or even pee in their bed.
Maybe we should consider them adults pampered in diapers with butt rash.
Smelly Trolls.


The return of the diaper fetish! Proud of you for not hiding it and just being yourself, goob.


No please continue talking, it’s very funny

Ron Burgundy

Damn my dick fell off from all the talking


your left twat lip you mean?


Same tbh but I put it back on so no prob


What commitment to that which is funny! A true libtard!

Sharon Janice Manning

You aren’t alone~

J Bill

jfc these people


Where’s tedophilia? do you miss that dyke’s tripe?


Do you not answer with Silence then?


Seems the government has figured out about the shots and taking off the requirements to have to take it. The are a little slow! I hope someone tells the coastguard since both Jill and biden have gotten it again after getting boosted and got it again.

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie
buck fiden

Don’t worry. They’ll nuke NY soon enough.

buck fiden

When I was a teenager, I used to poop on people’s front stoops, not on parades. That shit’s for horses – and it’s green, just the way AOC likes it!


😂😂😂, LOL!

buck fiden

I’m like that, too.

I like Dunkin Donut’s Coffee and McDonald’s coffee. Not pretentious. Not expensive. Consistently good.

Kelly Brown

They will lose miserably if they attack GITMO. These guys were BORN ready.

buck fiden

Miss Piggy (WY) update:

As of 8:50 a.m. ET on Wednesday and with an estimated 99% of the vote in, Hageman led Cheney, 66.3% to 28.9%, 


10% of the votes she received were from Dems.

J Bill

37% of those voters go on and share their opinion

David T

That’s just about a 40 point shellacking!

David L Baiker

Yea…the apes were SMARTER than the drumpsters that post here.

David L Baiker

More fiction from MB! SEALs DO NOT and CANNOT protect a former president. SEALs are part of the navy and the navy is not authorized to run missions on US soil where the president is usually. Also, according to Col. Jammott’s most recent bio, he was FORMALLY assigned to gitmo. For all you idiots..that means he was there, but isn’t now! As to the “alert”… just remeber..if your alert lasts more than 4 hours or makes you uncomfortable you should call your doctor.
Also, I could find NOWHERE that Brigadier General Curtis Taylor denounced the Constitution. More fiction from MB? As far as ” swearing alligence” to Biden…that’s what the military is SUPPOSED to do for the Commander-in- Chief and PRESIDENT of the United States.


I like the part where his previous stories about the Mar-alago raid said there were 6 Navy Seals stationed there and this one says there were only 4 🤷‍♂️


Take it up with Ted, aka Mr Baxter!


I will, I expected better quality control from Ted.

David L Baiker

It’s hard to keep stories…..lies….straight! Guess he figures he can put down anything for these low-info trumptards. It’s not like they’re going to check facts. They don’t even know what facts are!

Rob William

I checked and it is correct! This weakens MBs credibility 100 times.


By my count that puts him at about -8000% credible

John .S

President and ”’Commander in Cheif”’ are different.

All branches of military are obligated in protecting the Supreme Commander on US soil or anywhere else.

Now with Space Force, if the Commander in Cheif wants to walk on the moon he’s covered.

FYI: Biden is not the Commander in Cheif via implementation of Insurrection Act. The ””admiralty”’ is in control, on sea, also ”’now”’ on land i.e., Martial Law.


he’s a troll.

David L Baiker

Where do you get that President and ”’Commander in Cheif”’ are different. The President IS the Commander in Cheif! That person is Biden! NO insurrection act was signed by drump! I doubt he even knows what it is. Admiralty? What…are we under control of pirates or the british navy? I don’t see military in the streets…so where is this martial law. I KNOW where ALL of it is….in your pint sized brain!


Brandon is a puppet, thats ALL you need to know. Its like elder abuse.


Trump apparently is not former…BQQM


He is, cope


You coping without help from your komrades?

J Bill

cope and seethe, jack

David L Baiker

Former what…himself! He is most DEFINATELY the former….as in ex…president!

Rob William

Then inflation, gas prices and Afghanistan debacle are on Trump right?

Ann Ononomous

I didn’t see anyone from the military saluting Biden when he was “sworn in.” In fact, I recall them all turning their backs to him when he walked by since they knew he wasn’t the rightful president. He also wasn’t allowed to fly on Air Force One. And some people around the world were able to watch his inauguration before we could view it “live.” This is all 🐎💩 to let the people see what could have happened if we didn’t wake up and see these @ss holes for what they truly are!

David T

Agreed on all counts.

David L Baiker

You’re like a flat earther. You only see what you want to see and do your “research” by watching youtube videos that conferm what you already think. If someone were to show something different you would say it’s fake or cgi.

David T

You can’t even spell correctly. At least in the USA we have access to spell checker. What planet are you on?

David L Baiker

I wanted to fit in with the low iq level here!

Ann Ononomous

You say we all here have a low IQ level yet:
1. You are hanging out on this “fake” site.
2. You converse with us “deplorables.”
3. You can’t even spell nor know how to use spell checker.
4. You come across with a holier than thou attitude with all your self-rightousness.
I believe that makes you a liberal troll which means you are hanging out in the wrong web site. You need to go play somewhere else. How about some train tracks or something?



buck fiden

By using simprified chink, you are supporting the communist. Write in traditionar character, round-eye.

Last edited 2 years ago by buck fiden

Buck, watch Julie with this come backer; you plick. 😂😂😂

David T


Rob William

The same communist government which lead to death and despair of millions just to hide its incapability. I am surprised that no one really cares about it, emboldening China to repeat it. We don’t even know what kind of toxin they are releasing into atmosphere – they just want to get things done at high speed with lowest cost, environment be damned. I have been there and smelled some extreme chemicals in dense public places, feels like acid in the throat. We are so comfortable with cheap goods from China that we don’t care what they may be doing to tour future for achieving that!