President Trump Declares War on Federal Government


On Monday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a weaponized arm of the criminal regime, launched a lawless, surprise raid on President Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home claiming he had failed to surrender classified documents that belonged to the National Archives. Like a swarm of angry hornets, upward of 50-armed gestapo ransacked the estate, detained guests, and even cracked the president’s personal safe.

Although the FBI claimed it had been sent to recover classified information Trump allegedly took with him from the White House to his Palm Beach resort in January 2021, sources at Mar-a-Lago believe that the agents, under Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray’s instruction, were there in search of something entirely different: sealed indictments on Deep State saboteurs that Trump had co-authored following the stolen election; proof that Trump had invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807, which cedes provisional control of the nation to the U.S. military; and, allegedly, Trump’s irrefutable proof that Biden had stolen the election.

Of the indictments, our source said any such documents were not kept at Mar-a-Lago, for Trump would have given them to White Hat military commanders upon leaving the White House, as well as documents pertaining to the Insurrection Act.

By the end of the raid, the FBI had carted off 15 boxes of paperwork, which, sources said, the agency took indiscriminately without even examining what papers they stole.

Unsurprisingly, the raid took place while Trump was in New York.

“The cowards never would have confronted him personally,” a Mar-a-Lago source said.

President Trump first heard of the impending raid from one of the six Navy SEALs assigned to protect his Florida command center. As FBI agents in tactical gear amassed at the front gate, the Seal telephoned Trump for instructions. “We’re ready to repel the intruders,” the SEAL reportedly said, but Trump, wanting to avoid bloodshed, especially since civilian guests were on the property, asked the SEALs to stand down.

On Monday evening Trump issued a statement on Truth Social, his social media platform, saying, “These are dark times for the nation…,” and opined that the politically motivated incursion was yet another Deep State tactic aimed at discouraging him from running in 2024.

The Deep State, a source said, has certainly felt the pinch. Arrests and executions have weakened the regime, and they are throwing Hail Marry passes, trying to destabilize the White Hats’ war on them. The intrusion on Trump’s home sets a new low for the feds—it is the first time the DOJ has raided the home of a president.

“These scum are desperate to stop Trump, a man who cares about this country, from officially returning to power. They think their crimes weaken him, but it only strengthens his resolve,” our source said. “Trump is not sitting still for this.”

Another Mar-a-Lago source who spoke to RRN Tuesday morning, said, “This could be retaliation for Deep State arrests. If they were searching for indictments, they want to know who’s going down next. President Trump has declared war on the feds.”

In closing, the attack on Trump’s home coincided with a Special Forces operation to seize an IRS weapons shipment. Trump has openly espoused a desire to eradicate the IRS upon his official return to office.

Trump told me “It’s on,” our source said.

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They never were really after Me,
They’re after You!

Does this ring your bell?


This is Why Democrats Are Not Worried about 2020 — The Fix Is In… Postal Service Institutionalizes Ballot Interference Scheme with New Mail-in Ballot Division



Tracy Reinert

Why is Trump still doing the codey-codey hand signs from either the Masons or Illuminati? And i still believe him. Yet. Seeing people be concerned that all politicians are in on it.


Pedro offers you his protection!…….Napoleon Dynamite

Last edited 2 years ago by CulpritCanine
Carol B.

Amen, Trump should declare war on the Feds, they have hurt and bullied him long enough

Sandy Koufax

I would think Trump has already declared war on the Federal Government, if he invoked the insurrection act. The Supreme Court ruled in Department of the Navy v. Egan, 484 U.S. 518 (1988) that the authority control classified information is vested solely in the President by the US Constitution in his role as commander-in chief. Trump was still President when he left office and declassified all of the materials he took with him. The regulations governing the handling of classified information are defined in executive orders. The DOJ has no authority in this matter. If Trump is not going to allow the Military to stand up to this unconstitutional raid on his home, then he isn’t going to do anything. Maybe he will run for President again, but he’s not going to take over during Biden’s term.

Tony G

So what’s really happening with Trump? How is he going to come out on top?


none of the shit you see on tv is real. accept it.

Terry Jacks

Trump is STILL the president. He has been since Jan 20 2017. He stood back while the US Military went to work enforcing the Insurrection Act that President Trump declared on Jan 6, 2021. He let Biden pretend to be president, so he could have the democrats demonstrate to the American People what they were all about.

Terry Jacks

Trump is STILL the president. He has been since Jan 20 2017. He stood back while the U Military went to work on enforcing the Insurrection Act that President Trump declared on Jan 6, 2021. He let Biden pretend to be president, so he could have the democrats demonstrate to the American People what they were all about.

Debate Judge


Oklahoma patriot

Just wonder what they were searching for ? De classified russia hoax evidence ? Nude pictures of Trump ,again ? Melanias panties ? OR,,,,,,,THE NUCLEAR COMMAND CODES to start a ww3 ?
When you know , nothing can change what you know !


You can look at the warrant and see exactly what they were looking for.

Terry Jacks

The warrant simply says everything.


does it say it is false?


it’s not real bro

Solange Silverman

They may also have thought that he had evidence there about the pedos. I wonder what made them think that someone as brilliant as Pres. Trump would be dumb enough to keep any evidence at his residence. They know that he is still president, and that, therefore, anything he may have had is still legal for him to have. They just don’t like it. Now, they had to have known he would not keep anything at his home. Also, there was no mention of the super secured, subterranean part of the house being searched, weird. So, I’m thinking that this was for show and done as a set up for their next b.s. move.


I can’t believe they are this stupid.

Sandy Koufax

The official documents governing classification and declassification stem from executive orders, not Federal law. The DOJ and the Federal Courts have no jurisdiction over this matter.


Should we start calling this FBI raid “Lion’sGate”? What do Water Gate and Lion’s Gate have in common? ………The Pottinger family.

john pennington

don jr reported that the safe was empty and they did not turn the cameras off and that djt set up the fbi and doj about the raid



Sandy Koufax

Certainly every President is going to take documents with them when they leave the White House. When the the President leaves the White House, he is still President. The Supreme Court ruled that the power to classify and declassify information is born with the President’s role as commander-in-chief. Any documents that the President takes with them are no longer classified and are authorized to be at his private residence. The Court will not allow Biden to decide that Trump now might have classified information and to confiscate all of his documents to rummage through them to find something that is now ruled as classified to turn Trump into a criminal. Under this tortured reasoning, the President would have to leave office stark naked and submit to a cavity search to prove they didn’t take anything with them.


kool story wendy!


If we can get rid of the FBI, the IRS, the stoner Speaker of the House, and the fake president, our lives will be back to a somewhat normal status again.


I just read that Eric Trump claims HE was the one who received the phone call about the FBI raid. But this article says it was Trump who got a call. So which was it? Eric seems to know allll about this in great detail. Kind of goes against what’s written here.


We will find out everything when the warrant is unsealed tomorrow.


You can’t comment on law if you are not a lawyer, SC justice said.

Stinky Perfume

So I can guess the IRS is the power behind the raid?

I don’t know how Trump declare’s war on Federal Government. Is Baxter trying to say Delta Forces and Trump finally have an agreement to handle this?


Garland’s real name is Garfinkel, and by lineage is Russian. Raised by his dad and mom, a Horowitz in Chicago, I’m hoping the Israelis have him. He has gone too far. And let’s face it, with America destabilized too far, Israel doesn’t exist. It might be a good time for little brother to step up before Americans get too busy over the Brandonbama destabilization to watch out for little brother.


Good point. Israel is going byebye if the US goes. The jews were estranged all over europe and present day middle east for good reason.


Delta force keep up the great job.

Rob William

My IP address has been censored but MBs plug-in cannot block 5G network iPv6 addresses.

Rob William

Actually shifting focus to Trump from inflation, gas prices and indifference to extremely high property/rentals may be beneficial to Democrats. DOJ is working in extreme stealth mode, waiting to ambush with all power. The way extreme right is supporting Trump and everyone is shifting towards that, Republican Party may actually loose votes and make mid terms more competitive.


you are deluded if you think there is recourse in R v L american politics.


Thrills and chills this summer. President Trump says it’s on…yep I believe it’s on.

Rob William

Neil Heslin (parent of the dead kid) who was among the people who sued Alex Jones, said that Alex Jones blurts out fake news for the sake of money and doesn’t consider it’s larger and long term ramifications.
Can we put MB in the same league?


it’s not real bro

Above Reproach

The Democrats really Fucked Up this time. They took memorabilia, nothing more than that ! Talk about falling on the sword 🗡. Even if there was something that could have been classified, as President he could have simply declassified the docks and made them public domain.
It’s time to seriously get behind Donald J. Trump and stand behind the true leader of the country. As for the idiot’s on the list to hang.
The paperwork is in the hands of the white hats. Democrats are going to be a thing of the past, and in short order too.

Rob William

In MBVerse following the law and holding criminals responsible for their actions is condemned as an act by democrats? Ideological difference is different than believing in fake stories and supporting Republican leaders no matter what.


it’s not real bro. go dunk a wonton instead

robin earl redwine

the vax daddy is scared of blood…. it says so in the article.

Rob William




Rob William

For Trump it seems a bit problematic if his strongest defense is “Hey, the FBI planted all this damning evidence.”


so you know what problems trump has but your own troubles elude you?

Rob William

What was Trump hiding by not giving those documents when national archive asked for them? Why is Trump family saying that FBI has probably planted some evidence? Why these fake disclaimers when there is nothing to hide?


geez, you people are so paranoid.


did you dunk that wonton yet chink?? lol


Oh shit! They have fucked with the right one.


The White House is urging Trump Supporters to be “peaceful” after the illegal FBI raid on our Leader’s home.
Question for Dems. Are we supposed to be Portland and Seattle peaceful or Chicago peaceful or Supreme Court Justices homes protesting peaceful or “Not my President” protest peaceful or “Summer of Rage” peaceful or interrupt Republicans eating dinner peaceful or Ferguson and Baltimore peaceful?

J Bill

lmao illegal


OBiden? Yup he is.


Trump supporters should be ‘mostly peaceful’ just like the BLAntifa dykes burning down city blocks.

Rob William

BLM had the thugs problem. Do Trump supporter too have those problems? Are you encouraging the goons and thugs in them to do something bad?


are you calling people who support black people’s rights thugs? Rob William is a racist and probably is sexist!

Rob William

It’s not illegal, the warrant was signed by a Judge. Why doesn’t Trump make the warrant public?


the judge is jewish. it doesn’t count


Trump and the military ARE the federal government!




of the US Corp or US of A the sovereign?

Rob William

Military is, Trump is not!


you are on trump’s dick like your bill the jill shill


GOD has declared war on all those doing evil! Let GOD arise and HIS enemies be scattered

buck fiden

The Mar A Lago toilet is a metaphor for Zhou Biden’s police state America.


The Mockingbird Mercenaries are out if full swing Trolling like the Monkeys they are.


To such extent bolsheviks bolshevik, is to the degree they are threatened. Just consider Margaret Sanger, a racist, baby killing jew.


What really is astonishing about all this is the deep state putatively possesses the WH, DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, and it took them over 2 years to raid mar a lago? lol. ffs

Was Garland snapping back those valiums at the meetings? Where’s Comey when you need him to gloat on TV about trump’s raid? Can’t even get a simply statement from Comey who never met a camera he didn’t like? Where’s John Podesta to clamor on and on about how MAGA girls are a threat to ‘our democracy’?

These are the big bad wolves who are going to round up Americans?


J Bill

the call came from inside the house lmaooooooooooo


From an unnamed source? FBLie speak.

J Bill

lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo ya’ll got a rat


Stay stupid. You wear it well.


The raid was an excuse for FBLie agents to sniff Melania’s panties.




I guess her lingerie cabinet is not above the law.


Those (FBI) need to be fired….


fired? Viciously prosecuted under the Patriot Act and NDAA.


That is NOT nice, earl. !


Not trying to be nice. They went through her “personals.” Was that nice?

Rob William

Earl is a member of OathKeepers. Being nice is not their strong suit.


ok robin!


Looking at most of the post…I believe we’ve forgotten that judgment is in Gods time.. there is more than just earthly powers to concern the white hats

Rose Mary Abbott

I have a question. Isn’t the person who is being served a search warrant supposed to be allowed to keep the search warrant?

J Bill

yep and they can share it publicly

Rob William

If they share it, how will they politicize it? How will MB write 100s of more stories?


if they want to politicize it, they would do well to use the American Leninist Left as a model!

John .S

FYI, ”’Search”’ Warrants must be signed by a Judicial Judge, not a ”’Coram Non Judice”’ Magistrate.

If cops come knocking with Search Warrant in hand, tell them warrant better have ”’Judical Signature”” thereunto, with seal of the court aka, Locus Sigilli, else warrant is void.

John .S

PS: Shepherdized Case Law.

See, Burnham v. Superior Court of California, 495 U.S. 604, Justice Scalia, White and Kennedy Id., II-a citing Case of the Marshalsea, 10 Coke Rep. 68b, 77 (Kings Bench 1612), “[e]mbodied in the phrase Coram Non Judice, before a person not a judge”.

See, Scambe Manufacturing Co. v. Tryon, 400 F. 2d. 598, matter lacking Judicial Signature, court document via non judical court clerk rendered defective, Coram Non Judice “””Void”””.

See, People of the State of New York, Appellee, v. Arnold Schildhaus, Appellant, 17 Misc. 825 (N.Y. 1959) 8 N.Y. 2d. 33 (1960) “[t]he Magistrates Court was Coram Non Judice and Void” via Administrative Law Judge acting in judical capacity.

See, People ex rel. Brzica v. Village of Lake Barrington, 644, N.E. 2d. 66 (Illinois App. 2 Dist. 1994) ‘Void Order’, which one entered by the court which lacks jurisdiction”.

Always challenge validity of “Search Warrant”. Fact local yokel Magistrates often overstep their bounds, signing Search Warrants for police to gain entry into home, office & safe etc.

Know who the Judical Judges are in your area, keep a record of their names just in case you need to challenge a Search Warrant, especially in hillbilly land.


Yes. But in this case the FBLie refused to hand over the warrant for review. Furthermore they barred DJT’s attorneys access. So, in this case, The gubmit violated the law.

J Bill

nooooope lmao

Rob William

They cannot refuse to handover warrant. FBI goes by the book.



Rob William

You are extremely dumb with no experience about how government works and believing RRN blindly.


how do you know I believe anything CCP dyke? Dunk that wonton chink!

J Bill

lmao a snitch ratted out that trump still had docs at maralago

Rob William

Yes, and why should he keep them? What’s in them?


you guys are so paranoid


The safe contained evidence. On Hunter.

J Bill

or videos of your wife sucking me off lmao


you mean sucking your twizat you rat


false flag


There was no snitch. Another FBLie.

J Bill

keep those tears coming


tears are misdirection dupe, lol


Please block these jerks and their made up job crap.. get rid of these scumbags

J Bill

like mike and julie?


don’t expect others to make your job easier than it already is Bill the Jill Shill

Rob William

😀 No one wants to make $92/hr.


If the insurrection act was involked. The combatants don’t have to be informed. So they have to keep look over the shoulders. They know who they are. That includes the FBI..

Last edited 2 years ago by johnny

Yes yes yes!!!!!!!! Get THEM AAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!

J Bill

yes yes yes!!! ALLLLLLLL the documents trump took with him and is now a felony if convicted AND he can’t run for office…due to a law HE signed lmaoooooooooooooo

Rob William

Yeah, that law was a mistake which has boomeranged.


so i guess you are bill’s bottom for the time being?


why you shook bro?


Agreed, A real basket Case.


Former President Donald Trump invoked his Fifth Amendment rights and declined to answer questions from the New York attorney general at a scheduled deposition Wednesday.

“Under the advice of my counsel and for all of the above reasons, I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution,” Trump said in a statement.
Trump was to be deposed by lawyers from New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office as part of a more than three-year civil investigation into whether the Trump Organization misled lenders, insurers and tax authorities by providing them misleading financial statements.

I wonder if Trump ever voiced his opinion on other people who took the 5th during a deposition.

David L Baiker

To paraphrase drump….”Only guilty people plead the 5th.”!

Rob William

Yes he did. How are they able to indict Trump if he is still the president?


There will be NO depositions. What is coming no one can stop !
More arrests ,tribunals and executions…of the
Trolls, Shills, CGI, clones ..randos. , and DS operatives

Ron Burgundy

How are you going to execute CGI? Lol

Rob William

Hopium alert!


Thank you for sharing this!

The establishment is mightily afraid of ‘the orange man’ ostensibly. It is so funny to see them attacked by their own fear. And this is what they choose, as we all do.

J Bill

i plead the fifth


I plead the 2nd.

Recognize biotch!


I think you drank the 5th.

J Bill

your wife drank my cum lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

cry more maga tears


yes, you have confirmed your ccp chinese-hood.

go dunk a wonton bitch

J Bill

i love maga tears. cry mike!


It becomes more clear every day that they are scared of him.


Yes! If he was not a viable threat they would not waste what little resources they have.


Is it Just ME, or does it FEEL like the END is NEAR. ?
A HUGE Battle seems VERY Imminent…
Be prepared
Record what you Witness…
Don’t run out of POPCORN..
The TURN of events

Ron Burgundy

Yeah totally this time it’s all about to come true get your popcorn out 🙄

Rob William



Avril Haines now has to figure out what to do with the last few days of her life.Will she use them wisely? I’ve yet to see that from the Marxist Statist Humanist dems and Rino’s who’ve been on this same threshold via Military Tribunal.Loretta Lynch didn’t even confess to her high crimes but claimed Divine immunity anyway.


President Donald J. Trump told his top White House aide that he wished he had generals like the ones who had reported to Adolf Hitler, saying they were “totally loyal” to the leader of the Nazi regime.
In the conversation with Mr. Kelly, which took place years before the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the authors write, the chief of staff told Mr. Trump that Germany’s generals had “tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off.”


THEODORE…. stop this fantasy crap….regard PDJT……




They could also be looking for the Epstein/Maxwell blackmail book (tapes)


Good point. Trump was very involved with Epstein.


Lies…..he throw out him from Mar -a -Lago….stop this fantasy bs….

