Marines Make Gruesome Discovery in California

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White Hats searching for an alleged Adrenochrome stockpile in southern California got the shock of their lives when they breached an industrial warehouse in Chatsworth, in the San Fernando Valley, only miles from some of the wealthiest zip codes in the United States. They had expected to find commercial-grade freezers brimming with bags of chilled Adrenochrome—a pharmaceutical cocktail made of of fluids extracted from the adrenal glands of terrified children and synthetic opioids—but found instead coolers containing organs—livers, lungs, kidneys, hearts, and, yes, intestines—that had been excised from adolescent children.

“This is the sickest and most gruesome find we’ve made,” said a source in General David H. Berger’s office, as he recounted the details to Real Raw News.

On October 27, U.S. Army Cyber Command received what it believed was a credible tip that Adrenochrome injections and infusion bags were stored at the Chatsworth warehouse. Cyber Command sent details to Gen. Berger, who felt data merited further investigation and on October 29 authorized the deployment of a USMC scout-sniper squad to surveil the warehouse and, if considered proper, penetrate the warehouse, eliminate the opposition, and destroy Adrenochrome found on the premises.

The following evening a Scout-Sniper platoon arrived at the warehouse. It appeared unguarded, unoccupied, and in disrepair. A single floodlamp splashed light on a vacant parking lot, and the warehouse doors were secured with a rusted chain and two large padlocks.

“At first I thought this can’t be the place,” a Marine later said during a debrief. “I was sure we’d been given the wrong location. After we got inside, I wished it were the wrong place.”

The Marines used bolt cutters to break the shackles, and they tactically entered the shadowy structure. They heard the electrical hum emanating from an array of chest freezers lining the rear wall even before switching on the flickering, fluorescent lights that filled the room with their own unique buzz. In the center of the room sat four metal gurneys, each stained with dried blood and what the Marines took to be bits of necrotic flesh. There were needles, vacutainers, empty IV bags, and scalpels scattered about the floor.

When the Marines pried open the first freezer, they saw the unthinkable: hermetically sealed polyurethane bags, some covered in a hoarfrost haze, held human organs that had been surgically removed from their hosts. The bags were stacked atop each other, and each had a date written in indelible ink—ostensibly indicating when evil parties had harvested the organs.

A refrigerator had two hundred bags of whole blood, meaning it hadn’t been spun in centrifuges to separate it into transfusable components: red cells, platelets, and plasma.

And inside a chest freezer they found the flayed, frozen corpses of two prepubescent girls who had been sliced open from stem to sternum. They had no blood–they’d been exsanguinated. Someone had removed their organs and crammed their lifeless bodies in the freezer.

The Marines made similar finds in other coolers and freezers.

“This is absolutely the most macabre scene we’ve come across,” a source in Gen. David H. Berger’s office told Real Raw News. “Our best guess is this was happening for a while, and whomever was doing this abandoned the place. Maybe they were tipped off.

In closing, he said the warehouse was leased to a medical manufacturer that does business with the federal government. He would not disclose the name because the military is engaged in effort to locate persons tied to the lease.

Free Speech and Alternative Media are under attack by the Deep State. Last a Deep State Judge and Jury decreed that Alex Jones must pay almost $1bn. Real Raw News needs reader support to survive and thrive. Thank you to those who have helped.

Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps.

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The FBI arrested 18 Rabbis in New Jersey were running a black market organ harvesting operation with Israel. Now you know the real reason why theyve been ran out of over 100 countries. Its not because they are victims it is because they are villains. We have about 800,000 coming up missing in America every year. Thats not even counting all their planned parenthood smoothies and spirit cooking. Even God says they are an evil tribe in Jeremiah 8.

Afshin Nejat

Watching all these drag-ass proceedings makes me feel like that soldier on the couch. Where’s my comforter? My comforter is Lord Shiva, destroyer of evil. Where you all have spent decades, even centuries appeasing the wicked, and therefore have piled up all this wickedness to uncover at a glacial pace, the truly Righteous have opposed it from the beginning. Where even now you plot to make peace with the torturers of your children, which torturers you call “God’s Chosen People”, Lord Shiva will destroy them with perfect completeness and precision. Your efforts are a joke compared with what is necessary and expected.


I am so sorry that these men had to see such horrors. So sorry. How does one “get over” or witnessing these horrific things?


This is just Beyond SICKENING!!!!
May they find EVERY Last One of them that are involved in these HEINOUS ATROCITIES!!! Their E-V-I-L knows No Bounds!!! 🤬


Pres. Trump states that if he gets back into office he will have the death penalty for drug dealers. He should also have the same for all illegal aliens. They should be apprehended ONCE, warned, deported, and their home country billed for their expenses. If apprehended a second time they should be immediately executed. ALL ages, all sexes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Guest4579
John .S

You’re observant, don’t own generator store. Just posting repetitious public service announcement.

Anyone that experienced hurricane Sandy, and Texas freeze would concur that owning a generator is a wise move.

Real estate as adverage person biggest investment, and generator provides preservation assurance protecting life and property.

Genset may/will make the difference of fleeing or hunkering down during unusual times.

No reason to roll with the Flintstones [battery power] when you could affordably fly with the Jetsons [generator power] Yabba Dabba Doo.

Q: what was Barny Rubble’s occupation?

J Bill

last comment is 10 hours ago. sad!

John .S

Good weekend to acquire portable generator, power cords and fuel jugs etc.

Inexpensive 4kw generators are currently available for approx $400+ recommend to get while the getting is good.

Snooze you lose.

J Bill

you already bought these supplies three times. go woke go broke

John .S

“A penny for the guy”, it’s Guy Fawkes Day. How about a penny for Elijah Wood.


OMG! This is so sick and disheartening at the same time.

Heather Duncan

Hollywood, got their food from this warehouse. I hope people stop giving money to see Hollywood movies, because the hollywood elites are cannibals.

Last edited 1 year ago by Heather Duncan
Rob William

Bolsonaro turned out to be a lot better than Trump. After losing with lesser margin than Trump and being from in a country where Military dictatorship were the rulers in not so distance past, he did a peaceful transfer of power!
On the side note, Trump is going to declare his candidacy for 2024, contradicting most RRN stories.

J Bill

dan crenshaw even admitted the lie was to get people riled up and raise money. lmaoooooooooooooo gqp are marks


Yes, Dan Crenshaw, the fruitcake who voted “against” objecting to certifying the 2020 election. He also said there “were no enemies in the Capital” on Jan 06 . . .Lizard Cheney, Judas Pence, Mitch anyone? His campaigns are mainly funded by BlackRock Companies. He supported a vaccine database mandate. He supports the TAPS Act so that MAGA “terrorists” would be picked up along with school mom “terrorists”. Good job, JBill.

J Bill

thanks. many people are saying dan crenshaw is correct and mike is using christine as a pedo cover so he can continue his horrific attacks on minors in his mom’s condo


Bolsonaro learned from the traps set by Pelosi for Trump. He is all the wiser and will play a better hand.


What doesn’t make sense is if there were D.U.M.B.s all over and they have rescued millions, finding even 100 this way although unexpected is a tiny drop in the bucket. Seems like they would find installations like this all over the place. Just saying it seems things don’t add up for me. Even doing this to one child is to much, and would horrify me to that extent. Seems the military working with this should be prepared for and actively searching for and attacking installations. So if this is a new twist that would be the reason to give certain people deals in the hopes of finding things they don’t know about.


What are you talking about? I love responding to the imbeciles. JBill is stuck on repeat however. He needs to be reprogrammed.

buck fiden

Shabbat ShaBoom, Futhermuckers!




Mr.Baxter…did you get Intel regard action against Nanzi P. last night/early this morning ?????think looks like finally start rolling according Mr. Godlewski…..


I’ve given up all hope. I don’t see why it is taking so long to round up all the evil doers. Just fucking get on with it. It isn’t brain surgery.

Rob William

It will keep going slow and MB will keep making money out of it.


what the f-ck ! this story is 3 days old !!!!

Jan D Hunsinger

I am disappointed at the silence but I realize I don’t have access to the explanatory information.

J Bill

mike needs donations so you can masturbate.


11/04/2022. Election is four days away,
If it is not postponed on the last minute !
There is speculation something Epic will
Arise !
The Storm is HERE !
Literally, it has arrived..

Rob William

So the elections will happen or not?

J Bill

don’t vote! it’s all rigged!!!


Mike was busy helping Trump respond to the January 6th tribunal document request.


I am ready for the NEXT article…!
Who wants to write the NEXT ONE. ?


It’s on the pay site already.


I’m sorry you had that life-threatening offense. You did better than most people. When it comes to forgiveness. It’s a HUGE issue. We need The Holy Spirit’s help to do it and we cannot do on our own power when the injury or harm is particularly egregious to our lives. I’m not perfect, you’re not perfect, no one is but Jesus from Nazareth. I have had similar experiences to yours, although different.


You had four Questions. The answer was NO. to each.
I don’t ask for forgiveness… And I am not mad at anyone… Right now !
I might be a bastard but not a bitch !
Who is on your wrong side ?
Specifically ?
⛄. 😼


Yes. I am Male. ..born that way
You restore Motorcycles , I am mechanic by trade
I restore classic Buicks…Wildcats nail-valve in head
Big Blocks..400-401-425.
Forged pistons, ported and polished, high lift camshaft, 2×4 carter carbs AFB, quadrojet manifolds…..375 HP…
465 torque !

Rob William

You are a biological male and I respect that. I am a little curious about why did you choose a handle which sounds like female? OWD already lost interest in talking to you!

J Bill

it’s mike. damn near everyone here is mike or his brother


Are you in the Los Angeles and do you work on Jeeps?

Rob William

Biological male?

J Bill

nah you’re still a bitch living in heidi’s condo


I wasn’t trying to do a great job.
I wander around a vague question frequently.. Its my style.
You asked if DJT had won 2020, if things would be better and if so HOW much better. % wise…in my opinion.
Signing those executive orders stopping the XL pipeline..on day one, by Biden caused gasoline to rise in PRICE !
,Energy is tied to the Economy….the result is inflation… Rising cost of living.. Food,rent interest rates….👆
AMERICA is PISSED. If you aren’t pissed…you aren’t paying attention.
So how about % wise ?
100% Joe FUCKING Bidumb should be HUNG for TREASON !
Does that answer your QUESTION ?


okay then,
I’m happy that you’re happy
😼. 👍

J Bill

Signing those executive orders stopping the XL pipeline..on day one, by Biden caused gasoline to rise in PRICE !

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE but thanks for playing mike

J Bill

ah so owd doesn’t recognize the wildcat tone change. that’s just soooooooooooooo weird lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

J Bill

do better mike

J Bill

b0fa does. c’mon mike. let b0fa or ted get a crack


What happened?

J Bill

sounds like the start of the aristocrats joke but owd, cough mike cough, has a lot more work to do

J Bill



Are you still walking?



J Bill

many people are saying sapphire is an idiot


What Facebook post said that?


You’re a sad pathetic little man.

J Bill

watching mike and chris talk to each other is like watching twitter melt b/c elon’s an autistic dumbass

J Bill

up elon’s autustic ass


The Answers to your questions you ask…you already know..
BTW ..In my humble opinion… The election of 2020 was illegitimate,
In Pennsylvania
120,k ballots were returned in excess over what were mailed out to voters.. so that state had widespread voter fraud
I was born in Pennsylvania.. My mother was a Coal Miner’s Daughter!
grandfather died of pneumonia and black lung when my mother was 12.!
My family was very poor, life is not fair we do not live in a fair world we want Justice but it isn’t
Very easy to find.
I want the truth to be reported however mainstream media lies all the time. this corruption has been going on for decades…..🌝


You do know that the PA example you cite was debunked many times. Do your research.


You are a SHILL,
you are NOT credible…
You cast seeds of doubt,
You LIE constantly.. You are a Democrat
You have been banished and have changed your name
On RRN several times….
Most , who are on this site know what I say has merit.
Teddy, go debunk yourself !…many times


Thank you for using gender neutral language.


Are you hurt ?
Either way. I don’t care.
I say what I mean and mean what I say without altering to
sound politically correct
screw that…..

J Bill

i don’t care. do u?


I try …goooooood morning to you too OWD…


Am I a shill? I haven’t called anyone names. I’ve just asked reasonable questions to which I get downvotes and a few non-answer replies. I think critically about everything, not just what I see on Fox or CNN. This website has some really suspicious stuff on here that can never be verified and any of the predictions that have been made to give us hope have never come to pass. Do you remember when we were told months ago to “Stay tuned” for the big EBS announcement Lin Wood told us was going to happen any day back in 2019? I wanted to believe Trump was still president. I wanted to believe the military was really in control. I wanted to believe the good guys were going to save the day. I believe there was a time to hold on to that belief. But I think that time is over. I think Jesus Christ is our only hope. He determines who is in authority and historically He has a record of giving the people what they want. Many are called, but few are “chosen”. God’s seed is a remnant, and Satan’s seed is the majority. Come Lord Jesus Come!


For all those who think, “Why doesn’t the US Military or MSM respond to RRN reports”? Have you ever asked why they don’t respond to The National Inquirer or Star magazine headlines you see in the checkout line at the grocery store? Because they don’t have to.
I used to believe everything I read on here. But I don’t anymore. I believe this website and other websites is actually controlled opposition or a guy just making up stories because he knows people are holding out hope it’s not really as bad as it seems. Everyone has this need/desire to “know” special information nobody else knows. None of the predictions have come true. Are we being lied to by the MSM? Of course. Are really bad people in control of the world? Yes. But that doesn’t mean that what we’re reading on this website is the truth. IF a warehouse full of dead kids was found in CA by the good guys, why not go public with it? This would create enough outrage in the entire world that they wouldn’t need to hide anything anymore. The only reasonable conclusion is this didn’t happen. Jesus is coming. Jesus is going to destroy these wicked people and will implement a 1,000 year reign of righteousness on the earth. Cursed is everyone who does not love the Lord at His coming.

Sandy Koufax

Doesn’t really matter anyway since anyone who is imprisoned or executed can be replaced seamlessly with a clone, a double or CGI and the public isn’t any the wiser.


Doesn’t really matter? Who cares if they can replace individuals with clones or CGI? If this were true and it was made public, the people would turn on the elites in a moment and it wouldn’t matter how many clones were made. I don’t think you grasped the actual question I was asking.


RU advocating civil war or riots and the needless loss of precious lives because that is what is going to happen if all that is reported here is publicized? Timing is everything imho. Meanwhile, I enjoin you to pray without ceasing and turn over the mission to God almighty. He never fails if we trust him. Blessings,

question everything

You said ” If this were true and it was made public”.
You also said ” Are we being lied to by the MSM? Of course.”
My question to you is…
How does one make truth public with a media that will only report what the ‘powers that shouldn’t be’ want them to report?
Alternative media?

Can the military/JAG force the media to report truth?
What about the 1st amendment?
Does ‘freedom of the press’ only apply to the AP(Associated Press)?

What if the only way to get the truth ‘made public’ is to use media such as “The National Inquirer or Star magazine” or RRN or other internet sources? Does reporting on such media make it no longer truth? Is it only truth when reported by the AP/msm?

I am not suggesting that everything written on RRN is truth, but you do need to ask yourself these questions when contemplating the notion of “making something public”.

J Bill

mike just coming out of the closet lmao


The STEPFORD WIFES, Multiplicity, many test Runs on clones in the Holly weird. Movies.. Its just another day in the Park !
It Doesn’t really Matter !..

J Bill



MSNBC Cuts Ties Unexpectedly With Weekend Host Tiffany Crossracebaiting commie kunt hits the road.. good riddance.. black anti white bitch


Joy R and Sonny H next PLEASE!!! or why not just NIX whole VIEW and MS Nutty Black Cunts whole LINEUP!


Throw in Shepard Smith who was let go according to Citizens Free Press.


Why do we not see chinese and jewish couples? Every corporation is underscoring how wonderful white/black couples are, so why not ccp chinese and israeli defense force couple up and have a chinkstein?

So awesome to hear the guy who was raping paul pelosi is an illegal alien! lol


julie…chinkstein….you make laugh even..buck fiden….

buck fiden

The funniest thing on two legs is a foreigner. Now it’s a multiracial halfbreed kid who doesn’t know if he should gangbang or major in Chemistry.

buck fiden

They do exist!

My friend’s father’s college roommate was a Jike!! Never met him, but saw the photo: Big nose, slanty bluish eyes, thick eyebrows (think Bert from Sesame Street), short and no chin.

Yoshiharu Goldstein !! He went by “Yoshi,” which sounds like the Hebrew “Yossi.”



question everything

You know why.
The answer is in ‘who’ is making the decisions for “every corporation”.
And what their agenda/goals are.


I heard something yesterday that Janet yelling is laundering money I believe for Joe Biden the cia taught her to do it. Now why did she need to know how to laundry money? Money is being moved where for whom? I love the story Nancy maded up about paul. Seems she is very accomplished telling made up stories

J Bill

are you drunk?


who..NP or PP ?????

J Bill

are you drunk?

John .S

All kidding aside, in being redundant *Prepare Folks* get hunker down preparations in order, anything can happen.



“Polio outbreak in NYC”.. Criminal Death Cartel keeps the hits coming….


J Bill

hell yeah make polio great again


Chaos and misinformation are your best friends…

J Bill

b0fa these nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts in your mouth are your best friends, mikey


👞. 👟👡. 👠 will drop, but which. One. ?
🌝. Nothing can stop what’s coming…
And its long overdue !


True…sad but True !


It looks like the military is just going to wait for the midterm election and the 2024 election before they do anything substantial to help the people.
We all know this horrible stuff is happening and yet they let the dark money keep funding this stuff. It you just keep reacting instead of being proactive this is going to be a common thing.

NO one arrested and nothing really happened. They found an organ harvesting operation and a few bodies. I’m sure way worse is going on and has happened. Organ harvesting is a quick thing, Organs can’t be frozen and need to be used within hours.
The military needs to start doing some real proactive stuff start actually going after some bigger fish.
If you want to kill a snake you can’t just go around and pick up it’s skin after it sheds it. You need to cut the head off and burn it, stop playing games and start arresting some bad guys that we the people acctually get to see, that would be nice.
Another good story though.

J Bill

not true. peter navarro got arrested

Sandy Koufax

Midterm election results will be inconsequential since there won’t be enough votes in the Senate to remove anyone from office and the DOJ will decline to prosecute any contempt of congress charges made by Republicans.


You are ignoring the state legislatures.

question everything

When an eagle kills a snake, it first picks it up from the snake’s territory and takes it into the territory of the eagle, which renders the snake much less harmful, as it can get no traction. There is created in this scenario a lesson for us. When you are battling ‘the snake’, don’t do it on his terms and in his domain. Take your battle to a level that is far above your enemy, and far above his level of thinking and strategizing. For that eagle, quite often the victory is found in merely dropping the snake from several thousand feet in altitude.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9


Understand you all are doing a great job and you see the result of bad people in this country. Thank you all so much for protection you are providing us with Biden at the lead of our country. It was horrible what you experienced but God is with you for you are doing the right things. Do you think God likes what they are doing? It won’t last much longer and I have not seen one person look younger. Their doctor told them they would look younger another lie! But money is changing hands and they look no better. Just the same. Boy did someone get money and they got nothing. They were talked into doing this and someone got rich off of their stupidity.

Sharon Janice Manning

For those in the know, please explain why there is now a TFR over Mara-lago. I watch Monkeywerx and don’t think there has ever been one there.




From Jim Stone

[jimstone dawt is]/1/.ti2.html


If you want to post anything medical, it has to be certified by youtube as “medically accurate” and “in sync with national and global dictates.” That means no more speaking up against tyranny when it appears in medicine. No more Bells Palsy posts. No more whistleblowers. Youtube has become a platform where unwitting people provide entertainment for free, while drawing people to a common watering hole where tyrants push agendas. Youtube has been going downhill overall for a while, and now this.


This is (surely) true due to Jim’s past track record of accuracy, honesty, and integrity. A lot of truthers got scrubbed off YouTube and either quit, went to other videosharing platforms, or set up their own (paywalled) sites. YouTube is basically ‘infotainment’ now but there is at least one truther still on YouTube (11-03-2022) putting out truth because he PAID MONEY in the past to legally get YouTube to stop scrubbing his channels there. He is currently located here:


His name is Brendon O’Connell and his biggest scoop is

43:07 – 45:40 (or to 47:21)



which basically explains the reason behind all the ‘glitchery’ and ‘fvckery’ done by the DS online to stymie/discourage truthers/whitehats online.

Please watch the full clip for the full story. Brendon’s computers were attacked in the manner described in the clip segment above while producing this clip. Thankfully, he was able to finish the full clip and first post it long ago on an earlier channel that got scrubbed by YouTube.

If you are a ‘person of interest’ to the DS, this is how they can ‘get to you’ online. The only way to minimize that is to have an online ‘throwaway’ PC with nothing ‘mission critical’ on it and a separate PC that stays offline all the time and NEVER EVER GOES ONLINE.

Jim Stone says the ‘Windows Update’ system, made ubiquitous with Windows 10, is being used for ‘shady purposes’ on top of updating the OS on the PC. Well, Microsoft got tired of having their OSes ‘pirated’ (unauthorized duplication) so they ‘flipped the script’ and basically turned Windows into an ‘Operating System as a Service’ with all sorts of ‘adware’ baked into it (via Windows Update) so they still get paid.

Windows 2000 was the LAST OS by Microsoft without all this nonsense baked into it. That began with Windows XP and ‘Product Activation’ to combat ‘piracy’. Thanks to ‘feature creep’, it blossomed into ‘Windows Update’ that can only be TRULY shut off in the expensive, enterprise version of Windows 10. For everyone else, you have to either keep your PC offline to avoid ‘Windows Update’ or play a ‘cat-and-mouse’ game to stop it for online PCs. You may or may not have success and there could be ‘gotchas’ with the solutions used. The best one is to simply block access to all known DNS names of ‘Windows Update’ at the router level through ‘content blocking’ but that won’t work if you don’t get them all blacklisted. How do you know Microsoft was forthcoming and released the DNS names of all their Windows Update servers so you can block them from upgrading software on PCs you bought and paid for with your own money?

Experts are saying to stay away from Windows 11, it is a privacy/security leak.


Last edited 1 year ago by IsThisFairUse2
Jerry Miller

I’m no one to discount with my humble opinion, but how about the ten-hundreds of thousands of Americans killing themselves via booze, opioids- etc because they can’t compete with contractors- invaders working for pennies on the dollar here? I live in CT. How do you compete with invaders (not paying tax), housing 5 deep- all with baby mommas stealing welfare making anchor babies filling 2-3 Costco carriages per week- driving newer cars- Healthcare free- ????? They didn’t earn it or deserve it. How about US????

J Bill

lmaooooooooooooooo stop being poor! learn to code!!!!!


I see that you are still behaving like a child. You still mad about completing you gender reassignment surgery.?
You should have listened to the doctor who told you to WAIT until
Age 26.
You let your hormones run your life.
YES you are a. COMPLETE IDIOT !,..LIVING IN YOUR MOMMIES BASEMENT.. sucking the thumb, ..but NOW you can be proud wearing your little pink dress.

Last edited 1 year ago by Wildcat
J Bill

stop being poor! learn to code!


The sad state of the economy is Biden administration’s fault !
so is high gasoline prices inflation interest rate supply issues problems and the foreign policies suck and printing pallets of money to send to Ukraine.
and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. .
put your thumb back into your mouth and be quiet

Rob William

They have become rich by working for pennies on a dollar? How is that possible?

They shop at Costco and have credit cards but don’t pay taxes? How is that possible?

Just Me

I knew of a illegal couple who worked and had welfare, they scam the system. The husband told the wife to go get welfare and get free money and pretend that she was renting a room from him and it worked. He worked off the books and she got free money, they saved at least 100,000 to buy a house in Mexico.

So yes these illegals are cheating the system and its easier because they do not have real documents and she worked too perhaps using a American S.S. number.

J Bill

i went down to the store and got some welfare too


Social workers in the hospitals set up the illegals with Medical. They say to the illegals, “You will clean my pool, you will mow my lawn, you will clean my house, etc.” The illegals will comply or get ousted, plus they get on welfare. The social worker gets all those things done for free.
Illegals on welfare receive free food, free housing (Bank of America and Citibank and Wells Fargo give them free bank accounts and home loans), free medical, free education, a free cellphone, and $750/month CASH.
Americans, including our disabled who live in pain 24/7, do not receive all that but are taxed to support these sponges.


in Biden’s World anything’s possible if you vote democratic!


Kent Wa.. East Indian and Chinese H1BVISA’s fill up my neighborhood due to MSFT, GOOG, AMaz, etc.. in Seatle area.. Afgan diaspora dropped 3K on us like NOTHING.. and Marth’as VIneyard calls National Guard to purge 50 or 60 illiterate 3rd world POC who don’t speak English.. wonder why all thse muslms live in 5 bedroom houses and not sure where they work in their flowing gowns. must get refugee checks for life and for each kid…. Chain migration Indian seniors sit in parks all day and get free healthcare into system they never paid a dime into.. half of our “elected officials” were born in India and push anti-police, pro-immigrant/refugee legislation.. open borders is their game.. Sanctuary state… Mexican gang members fill the local parks for volleyball.. 100 of them gather at a time.. very scary to walk by the place.. totally outnumber our defunded Police.. even if they wanted to deport them,, they can’t.. even if they commit a felony.. too scared to go for a walk.. i confine myself to exercise in my back yard.. nobody speaks English.. food stamps for everyone at local grocery stores.. i am the only white person at Fred Meyer when i go there and fight through trash filled parking lot with druggies lingering all around..


Unfortunately these people are here “legally”. The problem are the lies told by MSFT, AMAZ, GOOG, etc that they “cannot find” talent. Rather than the legislatures say cultivate American talent, they buckle and allow these multi-nationals to bring in these foreigners.


Yes, they don’t want to have to pay for educated American workers.

Sandy Koufax

Gavin Newsome’s clone is going to run for President in 2024.

J Bill

the same clone you used adobe light room on? lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo god damn you’re an idiot mike

Jan D Hunsinger

I keep hoping for more stories. Is there a “news blackout” at your end MB? You are always in my prayers. Such tense times.l


Mike is having some issues at the moment. Donate and be patient.

question everything

“OWD just wants the Fucking Truth.”
There is probably a more appropriate adjective for truth.
It is the lies, misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda that is screwing you, it isn’t the truth that is screwing you. The truth is what sets you free from the bondage of the lies. It has been said that the truth is sharper than a two-edged sword, though. Like a sharp scalpel in the hands of a skilled surgeon, the truth can circumcise the lies from your life. So, I suppose that because truth destroys lies, in that sense perhaps your adjective is appropriate, because truth screws lies and destroys them every time.

question everything

Truth is similar to light.
Light doesn’t reveal darkness,
it eliminates it.

J Bill

need to rub one out?

Kelly Brown

I imagine there are many more similar places.

J Bill

did you scrape up enough cash to get that coloring book?

question everything



but you’re not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us
and the world will live as one. !
imagine there no countries it isn’t hard to do….
no need for greed or hunger

question everything

There is a kingdom where there is perfect peace, and no greed or hunger, let alone the thought that there might be a need for such things. I hope someday you’ll join us, and leave the kingdom of the world behind.

question everything

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” John 18:36

“If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. John 15:19

So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Luke 21:31

Choose you this day whom ye will serve…

The kingdom of God or the kingdom of the world.


As a follower of Christ and not just a CINO(Christian In Name Only Only) I chose the kingdom of God Almighty. Blessings,

question everything

I only use the dyslexia-free kind. Why?

question everything

The newest ‘dyslexia coffee’ is from 10/16. Not exactly new this morning.

question everything

A dislexic walks into a bra…


When life gives you melons….you just might be dislexic!


Good come back to Wildcat’s comment.p imho. Blessings,

Steven Brymer

What disturbs me is thee is almost always a military or US government
attachment !!

J Bill

because that’s all mike can write about otherwise he gets sued by jews in new york!!!! lmaooooooooooooo

question everything

Are you suggesting that the juice controls the media?

J Bill

i’m saying the juice sued him for his forced vax story lmaoooooooooo


Remember when Mike wrote about the school in New York and quickly got sued? He filed as an LLC soon after so he didn’t lose what little he has in a lawsuit.


“..only miles from some of the wealthiest zip codes in the United States”… How Convenient.

There must be one camera that can be helpful.. remember Enemy of the State?

One evil bastard… is better than no evil bastard…


Speaking of cameras, here is a plot to a movie produced by Mike’s brother Chris.
When this year’s round of unsuspecting Northerners fail to show up for their annual Guts N’ Glory Jubilee because the Feds are investigating the disappearances of Northerners over the years, the residents of Pleasant Valley take their twisted carnival on the road and head to Iowa, where they encounter spoiled heiresses, Rome and Tina Sheraton, and the cast and crew of their Road Rascals reality show. They begin killing the cast and crew.
At the end, the residents of Pleasant Valley get an idea to use a TV commercial to lure in their victims.


If only you would put that much effort with your screennames… Here, I’ll help you out with the next one: SAM

Rob William

This report is a flat out lie. MB is so obsessed with Adrenochrome (not the chemical C₉H₉NO₃ 3-hydroxy-1-methyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-indole-5,6-dione) and in his heart of heart wishes it should really exist.

David T

Your cut and paste of some chemical compositions is not even impressive and I realize you did that to try to learn validity to your bullshit that you are posting. My oldest daughter lived in Sherman Oaks and was trying to get into the entertainment industry out there about 3 1/2 years ago. During a phone call that we had about three years ago, she told me about this sick shit that was going on, the sacrificing of children, trafficking, and she told me about Adrenochrome. I had never heard of it before. And it was at least a year before I ever saw that word in any sort of print on any website. So what Michael Baxter is writing about is true, and my oldest daughter has verified it to me a few years back. I’m not sure who’s paying you to lie and do this stuff, but you are selling your soul to the devil, you steaming pile of pig manure.

Rob William

Most probably you are also making it up OR your daughter is deluded.

The Adrenochrome Wikipedia page also says: “ Adrenochrome is a component of several debunked conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and Pizzagate, with the chemical helping the theories play a similar role to earlier blood libel and satanic ritual abuse stories. In reality, adrenochrome can be synthesized, and can be aquired for research purposes by biotechnology companies.”

J Bill

adrenochrome is awesome af. you want some?


I used to bang a crazy chick in Sherman Oaks. Was probably your daughter.


Oh muh God Becky….look at her butt…
Like forsure


That was my valley girl lingo,I hope the summertime blues get better before winter


pe lousy daughter ???


These perpetrators need to be removed and gone forever. Zero tolerance. Never to be allowed on our planet in any way, shape, or form. Not now and never at any time in the future as we cleanse our earth from evil and move forward.


How heinous this regime is. The crimes against humanity, treason…I just can not believe we have been ignorant of these crimes for so long!


What is your opinion about someone who makes these stories up?

Rob William

The fake stories give her a fake purpose to live for.

David T

See my recent reply to your alter ego Bob Billy. Of course I realize that it is you, one and the same.

J Bill

see b0fa these nuts in your mouth lmaooooooooooooooo

J Bill

nobody cares


God bless our boys and men in the US military.


What did that accomplish?


That proves that you are a Troll…
A Brainless POS

Rob William

Are elections going to happen? When will we definitely know?

Terminally deplorable

Biden: I did this.


How can a body double or a senile man in a coma do this?


Nobody cares ! teddy…
It does NOT Matter

Rob William

Why? These are reasonable and logical questions! We will not accept 10 is not 10 kind of logic.

J Bill

how? he’s not even president and he’s on a sound stage in georgia


Its NOT real. ! have no standing are a troll.

Rob William

Deluded people have better standing than logical trolls.


You are funny, however you are still a troll.

J Bill

you’re not real!!!!!


Nobody. Really CARES !

J Bill

you really care? that’s sweet

John .S

Not Biden per say, it’s the DNC in itself.

Marine raid compromised flesh eating, blood drinking rituals for their Blue Wave.

Suspect, Paul Pelosi will be eulogized for satanic ceremony [cremations of care] less confiscated cadavers & menu items [cocktail hour].

Pelosi death announcement imminent, pick a date having significance. Money says, after midnight, morning of the 8th [Blood Moon].

J Bill

this sounds awesome


👎. No it doesn’t.
It is something a troll would say..
And you did !
Your stupidity on display for ALL to see on RRN.

J Bill

it is awesome mike


Yes ..brain dead biden did this …


I pray for the soldiers. I hope God gives them peace as they see how wicked Satan’s servants are. Since the beginning requiring our flesh and blood. The blood of our children. Planet Hollywood serving human meat; Warehouse of human meat. It’s horrendous. Pastors, please start preaching about the Hidden Books that Daniel swallowed. God’s people are blind to the seed of the Serpent being flesh and blood ruling over us. Putin wasn’t kidding. There is a Reptile/Dragon/Draco breed and need not be afraid. Christ gave us authority over them. The church just doesn’t have that perception. Weak measure fof Faith of the Authority and Power of the Name of the Christ, the Son of God. Pray for these troops. Try to imagine the things their eyes see. They do it for the children, the abused women and men, for the children’s parents and us. No amount of Gold could equal the honor and valor of what they do. Great is their reward in Heaven. They will shine as bright as the stars in heaven doing the bidding of the King of the universe, Jesus the Christ of Nazareth. All glory goes to God. Amen.


Nothing new. We had to throw a puppy off a cliff in the Marines back in the 80’s. We are very used to seeing death.

John .S

On topic of hardening people up, keeping emotions in check.

Buddy has four daughters and his youngest a 12 yr old son.

Son been displaying sissy characteristics.

Took kid to live poultry market [client of mine] and proceeded to slaughter chickens, ducks and rabbits.

Kid’s sissy attributes were apparent, total wussy, closing eyes, yipping: “OMG”, it was hilarious yet sad.

Kid wouldn’t pick up a knife, then showing him how to wrench a chickens neck.

We’re going to return in few weeks when turkeys come in, going to have knife engraved with kids name on it, also embroidered apron too.

After turkeys going to up the anti and switch to livestock, goats & sheep.

Myself despise emasculated wussies whom common amongst Millennials & Zoomers.


Congratulations! You have created a serial killer.

John .S

Wrong ‘cereal’ killer, and kid kills entire box of fruit loops.

Without father & my express intervention via poultry market kid will turn into a ‘fruit cake’, cannot have that, meaning: another liberal voter.

Could say intervention serves the greater good of America, win-win.

American Living in Canada

Just like work’in off the land and farm life.


Though I have been vegetarian over half mylife now, due to sympathy for the animals, I have always believed that anyone who eats meat should be required to raise, kill, and butcher the animals used as their food source.
Buying pre-packaged meats at the grocery store hides from view the barbarity, but can not assuage the conscience unless one sees it and comes to terms with it.

Rob William

Vegetarians can be brave too! Bravery is not same as insensitivity & cruelty.

John .S

Years back in Catskills was invited to German Schlachtfest, slaughtering pigs, total in eight.

Lots of booze flowing, Oompah Music cranking, and the Krauts called me Hans.

Last pig was mine, had to crack it in head with a large mallet, then cut it’s throat.

Germans cannot pronounce letter W, the were yelling: Vac it Hans, vac it.

I said you mean: Wack it, they said: Ja [yes]. Then pulled Mr. 9mm off hip and put one between the eyeballs, they went nuts, could say, total ape shit.

One kraut said, that’s how they do it Brooklyn, one in the head, off the hip.

All day event, much work, and booze, including 150 proof pear moonshine. We ate like pigs.



Rob William

Killing caged chicken will not make him brave – just make him insensitive. He should take him for a fight with grizzly bears…

John .S

Kid contends with bears on daily basis, they’re actually called sisters, that are feminizing him, could say type of cruelty.

Insensitive LoL, kid becoming “insensitive” to his genitalia, soon to seek gender neutral pro noun, highschool will make that happen.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S
Debate Judge

Ray: There is a Reptile/Dragon/Draco breed and need not be afraid. Christ gave us authority over them.

Debate Judge: Christ could not even win the Jewish Revolt.

Ray, you need to read the Jewish War by Josephus.

Also, go to bitchute dot com. Look for Dr. Jane Ruby. See her interview of Dr. Ardis, “Dr. Jane Ruby. Worldwide Exclusive: Dr. Ardis Was Wrong. October 28, 2022” Bitchute Channel: Federation of Irish Patriots

John .S

“Reptile/Dragon/Draco breed…” Christ gave us authority over them.

Wrong, John .S aka, Hans gives everyone express authority over them, in giving the ok to Wack [vac] Dracos’ in the head, between the eyeballs.

It’s not cruelty in killing Dracos’.


That a repost (which is alright).

The original is here:



Fill in more blanks about the YOUNG victims please.


The tribe is back at it. This reminds me of the FBI arresting 18 Rabbis in New Jersey who were running a black market organ harvesting operation between themselves and israel. Is it a coincidence that The Red Cross and Planned Parenthood are both ran by the Rockefellers who are Kenites and Jews? They have seriously cut down on the witch hunts. Have you ever noticed no one is more pro choice than a bunch of uugly evil communist jews. They need those baby body parts for their spirit cooking (jewish blood ritual sacrifices)
And people thought they were being ran out of over 100 countries because they were victims…nope it is because they are loathsome, despicaple, murderous, predators. Even God himself says they are evil Jeremiah 8. That is why he cut them all off and cursed them 2000 years ago in 2 Esdra 1:24. God calls them is enemies in Luke 19:27. In Revelation 3:09 God calls them lying blasphemous satanists.


I am amazed at how you got so much wrong. Do your research.