FBI Planted Child Porn on Computers of Trump Supporters

Close up of hand with laptop and social media network icons

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is guilty of planting child pornography on personal computers belonging to Trump backers and employees of the Trump Organization, said a JAG employee who aided a U.S. Army Cyber Command inquiry to figure out the depth of the deplorable act and who had sanctioned it.

The military first heard the allegations in early September, when a former FBI agent reached out to Cyber Command with a startling story: He alleged that agents in the FBI’s Cyber Crimes Division–the lead federal agency for investigating cyber-attacks and intrusions—were committing crimes of their own rather than investigating the crimes of others. Agents (he did not know names, or the number involved) had discreetly embedded child pornography in emails sent to at least 25 of President Trump’s prominent financial backers, as well as four employees at Trump’s New York City offices.

The whistleblower, our source said, provided Cyber Command with digital copies of the emails, each of which appeared to have originated from either President Trump or his Save America fundraiser. In short, the true sender had spoofed names and I.P. addresses. Within that PDF were fundraising statistics and the familiar Save America logo colored red, white, and blue. Merely opening the PDF triggered undetectable malicious code that wrote hidden pornographic files to the recipients’ boot drive and buried them in invisible folders inside Windows ShellComponents folder.

“This type of attack is nothing new and was pioneered in the 90s. It’s normally rudimentary and picked up by anti-virus and anti-malware software. Federal agents have much more sophisticated means of cyber intrusion, so why the culprit chose this is a bit of a mystery. He—or they—did have skills to bypass Microsoft Defender, Norton, McAfee, Malware Bytes, Bit Defender, and so on,” our source said.

He added that the malicious code would trigger only on personal computers running Windows; Apple products and Android-based mobile devices were impervious to the code.

“It seemed tailored to take advantage of Windows vulnerabilities,” he said.

Despite having digital copies of the emails, Cyber Command did not at first take the whistleblowers claims at face value, for the Deep State had on several occasions tried to feed White Hats disinformation to run with. A thorough vetting process, however, revealed that the whistleblower had been employed by the FBI for 15 years—six years at the FBI Science and Technology Branch, and seven years at the agency’s Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch—before being terminated in September for espousing conservative values and questioning the 2020 election results. He also holds a master’s degree in computer sciences.

The whistleblower’s impressive credentials prompted Cyber Command to ask whether he had engineered the emails to retaliate against his former employer. “Were it me, I’d have done a better job. I take pride in my work,” the whistleblower reportedly told officers at Cyber Command. He was also secretive about how he came to possess the files, and said disclosing too much information would imperil “good people still working at the FBI.”

“People were targeted for a reason, and the files will sit unnoticed on their home computers until the FBI decides to make a move on them, and then all they have to do is tell a sympathetic judge they have reasonable suspicion and get a warrant or subpoena. Then those people are going to jail for a very, very long time, and maybe for life,” he continued.

On September 29, Cyber Command contacted the 25 recipients, informing them their home computers could be compromised and instructing them on how to purge the malicious files without opening or viewing them. They were asked to not publicly discuss the matter due to ongoing security concerns and efforts to identify the perpetrators.

The whistleblower told Cyber Command that although the FBI is rife with Trump haters, a “fifth column” within the agency is working tirelessly to topple Director Christopher Wray and undo damage he has caused.

He was, however, unwilling to link Wray to the emails: “I’ve no proof Wray is involved. There are literally hundreds there that could’ve done it–and do it again.”

The whistleblower pledged to help Cyber Command and JAG locate guilty parties—to the best of his ability.

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The FBI needs shut down and defunded. LThey dont even have a charter to operate in America. They are nothing more than the Rockefellers private brownshirt army.
They took over the Pinkerton agency that the Rockefeller family bought out. What better way for the jewish mafia “deep state” to get away with criminality then to appoint yourselves the arbitor of the law.
If this is talking about a documentary called “The Devils Eyes” or something like that I may have fallen victim to this.
One time I watched a documentary by a name like that. It was about a foreign girl brokering to sell her baby to human traffickers. I got the impression the girl, broker and buyer were all foreign and in a foreign country. It had no pornography in it, though it was an exceedingly dark evil topic. After it was done I got a notification over my phone saying I had child pornography on my phone.
I wasnt particularly concerned about it because Im a tech challenged middle age woman with no “spank bank” or history of it on my phone. I thought I would easily be believed if I just told the truth about what happened.
If you study the history of the FBI or CIA they have both been very nefarious. Secret Service initially performed the function of the CIA. I think they were trying to evade having to be held accountable so the people. So they went private with it.

Me me

So is there proof or is this more detracting rhetoric?


FBI planted child porn? On innocent patriots? What does Chris Wray have to say?


The alphabet agencies are our biggest enemy in the USA today. They are non stop tyranny for the country, on an hourly basis and getting worse.


The FBI has never had a charter to operate. The CIA was never supposed to operate within the United States. All 17 alphabet agencies need shut down.


Daddy Bush and Hillary did this to everyone at the DOD a long time ago. They sent child pornography to everyones computers via Stew Webb. To try to compromise everyone into being pro war, and also because they are both Rockefellers and work for the jewish mafia. Daddy is one of the 12 disciples of Satan. Larry Mizel is the big Kahuna in America. Hillary whilst working for Rose lawfirm. Stole Michael Mckibbon of Leader Technologies invention of scalable networking. She handed it to Mark Zuckerburg, the Rockefeller cut out. Along with the other FANG cutouts. With the invention they are able to get into anything anywhere around the world and steal anything, add to, or change anything in anyones modem. She could even set off any countries nukes. Anyone that has access to the tech is a threat to the worlds defense.


Amerika is so fked I don’t think the powers behind the scene want to fix it. It is already fixed. They are going to destroy that country and all countries with it, to set up their utopia Beast System. God’s gonna get them tho.


How can I be the first commenter? Late to the party I guess!


BTW, my notes indicated Wildcat was a male. You weren’t paying attention. However, suddenly Wildcat grew some balls because now he is building bunkers etc and wielding obscure tools. Wildcat was playing a game apparently.


I am now under the belief that Wildcat’s wife was communicating with you too OWD. They are operating as a team so relax, OWD, this is what happened.


Stuff gets planted all the time. As soon as the raid happened, I wondered to myself what exactly they would plant. I knew it would be some kind of DIRT and FILTH.

Sojourner Truth

Fortunately there are still some members of the FBI who have Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity!


So it’s OK for FBI personnel to have Child Porn on Their Computers and Share it with Others??? Am I missing something here???

Last edited 1 year ago by Hoser


Let everybody see just how this rogue organization
really works.

When it is dismantled, nobody will feel sorry.


Yeah they can dump that stuff into your phone or laptop by flying around your neighborhood in helicopters or small planes using dirt box or stingray attached to the craft. upload/download data to your phone.
This all amounts to entrapment and conspiracy against your rights. If the FBI finds it. They put it there! They will use that plausible deniability bullshit.

Last edited 1 year ago by Johnny

This does not surprise me at all. I have heard of them doing this kind of thing to others. It’s really rotten though.

Tracy Reinert

Exposure is the surest way. Bring everything out into the open. All their crafty plans & deceits. This is how they’ve compromised & threatened people into going along with their narrative & evil agenda. Bravo, Whistle-Blowers! Bravo, Military Special Forces! Bravo, Michael Baxter!


The Texas Tribune (10/31/22) covers the True The Vote situation. Konnech (Eugene Yu) admits that the election info(2020) was stored in China but claims that doing so is legal. True’s undisclosed source is purportedly FBI. True the Vote said, if revealed, that the drug cartels will kill the person. Ok, with this hard, undeniable proof of foreign interference in an election, what is the Military waiting for? Meanwhile, National Guard Cyber units are in 14 states for the midterms.

buck fiden

Chinks helping chinks.

Sue Grantham

Integrity and honor ♥️🙏🇺🇸


Just when you think the FBI can’t stoop any lower, something like this comes out. There are some really low-life shit-bags in the FBI, and they need to be weeded out and prosecuted. Hanging is too good for them, they should be dropped in a wood chipper. Do it on a ship at sea so their stinking remains don’t pollute the island. (Git Mo)

buck fiden

Is “Git Mo” the new nigger term for shoplifting from Homo Depo?

buck fiden

The cult-leading, bald, kike, fag, Brit who lives in a triangularly-shaped room in his mommy’s attic, who always claims that he’s well-connected and has insider information, gave us six scenarios for Tuesday, only one of which is the “true” one:

1) Huge Red Wave. The Deep State forces Biden and Kuntmala to resign before January 3rd while the Democrats still control the house so that Speaker Nancy Pelosi becomes president.

2) Minor Red Wave. Democrats try to steal, but they fail to produce enough votes. The Republicans gain control of both houses, but with narrow margins. Still, the situation in #1 above applies. Pelosi becomes president.

3) Biden cancels the elections between now and Tuesday and reschedules them 3 to 6 months’ hence.

4) The military cancels the midterms, declares martial law, and arrests everyone in the current administration.

5) Democrats keep both the house and senate due to massive corruption. Military steps in as in #4.

6) Republicans win the house, but the Democrats keep the senate due to fraud. There is no point to impeaching Biden because the senate won’t convict.


#4 is best scenario by far even if it has to follow after #5. But #4 on its own is preferred.


Amen, and when we have God, that is all we need. Blessings,


There have always been people willing to kill for power. Say it’s one in 100 or one in 1000, how many does that make out of 7.6 billion people. They have to work 24/7 365 to keep their power. They may get an hour or two here and there and eat better food. But if they don’t always look over their shoulder someone will take them down and take what they have. That’s no way to live. They can have it.
Now though they are coming for us to depop the planet. So they have started to murder us. Maybe enough will wake up in time to fight. They have always used any means they can to keep and consolidate their power. Politics is the very definition of blood sport.

buck fiden

Nuclear holocaust will be DS’ most effective depopulation method.

Tracy Reinert

Well said. We have a far better story to tell for ourselves.


They are dirty bastards of sibling parents.


what else can the FBI do for us

buck fiden

There are great patriots in the rank and file of the FBI just waiting to go after the deep shitters and niggadier generals.

Jan D Hunsinger

What a nightmare


Sounds like Mike wants to tell us something before it goes public.

buck fiden

So does Charlie Ward, who is the official spokesman of the Quantum Financial System, and you, too, can become a member of his “Insider Club” – for a nominal fee.

Also, Simon Parks is the head of “Connecting Consciousness,” and you, too, can become a member of that organisation – for a nominal fee.


Bluewater on bitchute claims Ward is dead, and has been cloned, Parkes is at gitmo, and Flynn has been cloned as the original is at gitmo?He puts out some interesting stuff.


“The whistleblower told Cyber Command that although the FBI is rife with Trump haters, a “fifth column” within the agency is working tirelessly to topple Director Christopher Wray and undo damage he has caused.
He was, however, unwilling to link Wray to the emails: “I’ve no proof Wray is involved. There are literally hundreds there that could’ve done it–and do it again.””

Explosive work, Michael, Thank you. Please continue.

Barry Williamz

Guess who had plenty access to nasty porn?

buck fiden

Hopefully, everyone!


The FBI has done this crap for years to convict innocent people in my mind.
As of right now, the FBI needs a purge from the top on down or either eliminated altogether for the safety of We The People.
Tyranny has mutated!!!

Donna Miller

This is what happens when individuals feel that they are, themselves “above the LAW” … The FBI needs to be taken apart and rebuilt with the GOOD PEOPLE that are still left…


Amen. And God is always in control.

Sparky Sr

What else is new from the corrupt FBI…
Extortion just like the Epstein Island, etc…
SHTF after the red tsunami. Be prepared for rolling blackouts +.
Military was given the GO. Reserves are being reactivated.

buck fiden

Buckle up!
We’re over the target!
The patriots are in control!


God damn the Federal Bureau of Instigation to hell.


Still, firing Christopher Wreywould be an excellent start to the epic purge needed at the fbi.

Michael R Davis

Reminds me of the bastard trolls here on RRN.


Thank God for whistleblowers 🙏

buck fiden

I’d like my whistle blown.


Shut up, Buck!!

george friend

Not really newsworthy unless someone plans on prosecuting. One way or the other.

Nature Boy

All the organizations like the FBI in America including the fake HOMELAND SECURITY will come down and thousands will meet their ultimate demise for being traitors to America. You can run like the pussies you are, but, you will be caught and there will not be ONE DEMOCRAT, man enough, to support you. Just look at Blinken & Garland for starters, hiding in another country, dishing out false punishment to the true supporters of America, and those supporters only. Judgment day is coming and hell is coming with it, just watch!!!

About time

WH need to make their move at 12:01 am Nov 9th and take the Traitors down. Flip the switch for EBS on and show it all to the people while they end these pieces of shit

buck fiden

Should have occurred in November, 2020!


The only uncorrupted FBI are the whistleblowers. Every FBI agent knows the FBI is systemically corrupt. They talk about it amongst themselves, they know what’s going on, & only a handful of whistleblowers are stepping up to expose it.

Those are the only honest FBI agents. They are very few & far between. Nice to hear about the 5th column (a tiny core of honest FBI agents working to blow the whistle) being among the whistleblowers & driving the truth forward.


Lord, protect those whistleblowers. They have families, too.

buck fiden

I believe the vast majority of FBI and CIA agents are sound, patriotic people who really believe in their work. They’re like the great people we have in the military who are forced to take orders from nigger communists like Austin.

Evangelina Martinez

Like I said these people are disgusting vile creatures. Voted yesterday for the first time for a Libertarian and the rest Republican. Also they had 2 judges that they wanted to retain that conveniently did not show if they were Democrats but fortunately I looked up who they were and voted NO to retain them. As long as I live and breathe I will never ever vote for another Democrat and If the RINO’S don’t get it together and do what is right I will leave the GOP and switch to Independent. I’ve had enough of the corruption.


NO early voting as it makes it easier for the ‘craps to cheat. Vote only on election day.


Corruption has invaded the Independent party, too. Joe Lieberman, one of the Three Amigos with NoName And Graham Cracker, is KM as was supposed to have taken over the Presidency from Gor had Gore won and then died or resigned. Then we’d have been in greater peril sooner than later.

Rose Mary Abbott

We are not just doing this by ourselves. This war started years and years ago with the military looking for someone who is squeaky clean to help them bring down the Cabal. All of this has been orchestrated by God to clean up the World and then bring on a huge world wide revival to bring in everyone who will give their life to the Lord and then I dare to guess is the Rapture.

buck fiden

BRAVA! Also remember to torpedo all “propositions.” The ballot initiative/proposition is the method of choice for communists to do an end-run around conservative legislatures in Red States. I thought we elected state reps and state senators to make laws. Proposition voting really ought to be banned.


Right On ! 👍


They did this to Alex Jones of Infowars through emails but he figured out what they were and took them to the FBI and they concurred that’s what they were. Child Pornography

buck fiden

He had Leann McAdoo. He didn’t do kids!

Buzzy Zipwak

This article seems more like a security breach. Now the deep state knows that the White Hats know.

buck fiden

Perhaps it’s a “calculated” (disinformation or deliberate) leak!



Hal Brown

How about Linux products? Mint? I suppose since it is free, a lot of high end users would not consider it

buck fiden

In life, I always do things the hard way…. Still using the original… Slackware64-current! But Mint is my second favourite. Ubuntu is too “friendly” and I prefer not to have to “sudo” all the time.


Who’s the FBI Director? Should be held accountable and Face the consequences.

Many fake patriots in telegram (agents of the corrupt three letter agency) are threatening loyal patriots.

Aren’t these thugs aware that the US Special Forces are surveiling them 24/7? They should know what’s coming their way!

They will be taken away from their families at 1 am and taken to GITMO for life.

Rose Mary Abbott

Or death.

Dave Kelly

Many of these DS criminals , lowlifes , treasonous & seditious dirt-bags and terrorists are aware of their impending arrests , tribunals and punishment, this is why so many have left the continental United States or are in hiding in the US



The prophets said that people who were honest would start to come out and be whistleblowers! Put I’d still keep a keen eye on any of them at this point. The midterms have brought out the fangs of the DS; meaning they’re beyond desperate! Look at what happen to Nazi Pelosi, arrested and going to Chateau Gitmo.


Just for the record, Jordan Sather said that was a recycled video of N. Pelosi.


JS is ds


We know.

buck fiden

And everything is bs


Saying “the prophets” is virtually meaningless because there are factions of prophets out there & they don’t agree on quite a number of issues. If you don’t identify which “prophets” nobody knows what to think of your comment because they don’t know which group of Prophets you’re talking about.


Joining husband taken there this last Sept.


Hey guys remember when Q told us to TRUST WRAY? 🤷‍♂️


I’ve been thinking that, Q having been wrong about so many deep staters, was Q’s fault. I think Q has been fooled into recommending some of these deep staters like Wray – who’s obviously compromised to the core. Also Sessions who recused himself. Barr who took 8 million to throw the 2020 election by saying there was no credible election fraud. Comey who should have been fired right from the beginning. The list goes on. I think Q was the team that did most of the underestimating. I’m not against the Q project I’m just being realistic about where these major gaffs have come from.

Anne Stallybrass

This is a tricky one indeed.
“The whistleblower told Cyber Command that although the FBI is rife with Trump haters, a “fifth column” within the agency is working tirelessly to topple Director Christopher Wray and undo damage he has caused. He was, however, unwilling to link Wray to the emails …”
Without Wray, would there be someone even worse than Wray, causing even more damage? Is Wray a “grey hat” ultimately white but has to play a role?
Or should we remember that Q warned us that Q had to put out disinformation too?
Everything we’ve been through is teaching us to trust nobody and to check out everything. And that has taught us some invaluable stuff, helping us grow and grasp the situation well enough so that, when the cabal are finally booted, we’ve gained enough knowledge, wisdom and experience to ensure the cabal horrors never happen again, to our children right down to the seventh generation … and then some.


Everything you’ve been through should be teaching you that Q was a giant larp and none of this bullshit was ever real, lol


Anne Stallybrass is right

Sparky Sr

But Q also said that disinfo was necessary. Shall we play a game of chess…


Yep. Makes you question that narrative. Then again, ……. maybe he’s a double Agent. We’ll see once they put him in shackle’s and he’s sitting in GITMO, or Tiera Del Fiego.

buck fiden

Q isn’t a single person. It’s a movement run by a cabal of 10 or perhaps a dozen highly-placed military men. Those who follow “Q” do so anonymously. That’s how “cells” work. Therefore, the Q group’s followers are called “Q Anons.”


Q isn’t a single person. It was Ron and Jim Watkins, and likely a few other random nobodies posting on 4chan and 8chan who had nothing to do with the government or the military. Y’all fell for a larp, guys.

Tracy Reinert

There is Q, & there are Anons, yet there are no Q-Anons. Hang in there. We’re all gonna be alright. Darkest before the dawn & all that.


Lol you got conned buddy

Andi Kay

The really crazy thing about this situation is that it has been used on innocent citizens to put them in jail. I know someone who is in federal prison right now for this setup BS. This happened during the Obamanation regime, so You can only imagine how much more fascial they are now in pulling this kind of stunt.

I know someone who is in federal prison right now for this setup BS. This happened during the Obamanation administration. There was a small unit in the FBI that was supposed to investigate and prosecute cyber child porn. In order to justify itself for further funding, the units showed no mercy in planting material on the computer’s of innocent people and then staging a raid.

There is a lawsuit currently Involving the DOJ that has about 11 of these people are the plaintiffs. But you can imagine how slowly it is moving to the court system In this administration.


In 2006 it was reported (perhaps falsely) that government employees were viewing child porn on their work PCs. What if they were innocent people who opposed Bush and his bad boys in Iraq and Afghanistan, and their PCs were planted with the child smut in retaliation so they could be arrested for possession of CP they didn’t possess? Think about it. The deep state never runs out of ways to impugn the innocent with stuff they didn’t do or say.

buck fiden

Computers make it really easy to implicate anyone for anything!

Son of Ethan Allen

Make sure their families know how much of a freakazoid they are, while they hang.


Freakazoid is too nice a word. Try paedophilic archdemon.

buck fiden

What’s freakazoid is that Vermont (literally “Green Mountain”), home of Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Men, is very pro-Second Amendment, but it’s a 100% commie blue state, which gave us shitheads like Bernie.

Bill Harrill

We know the fbi went rogue many years ago, along with the dept of state. I am hoping what Trump has been wating for is Jan 20 where hs steps out from behind the curtain.
In theory, this would give him six years, two as the de facto president from signing the insurrection act, then four more by getting relected. This would give him the constitutioinal limit of ten years.

Tracy Reinert

Yes, & prayers we’re right.