Moderna CEO Bancel Worshipped Demon “Baphomet”


The late Moderna CEO Stephan Bancel, whom the military hanged on November 18, had long worshipped a demonic entity called Baphomet, according to diary-like entries JAG investigators siphoned from the clot shot manufacturer’s iPad.

Per Wikipedia, Baphomet is a deity allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar that later became incorporated into various occult and Western esoteric traditions. The name Baphomet appeared in trial transcripts for the Inquisition of the Knights Templar starting in 1307, and came into popular English usage in the 19th century during debate and speculation on the reasons for the suppression of the Templar order. Illustrations often depict the creature as half-man, half-goat.

Bancel’s genesis into the realm of the occult is not made clear, but entries made between 2015-2022—the length of time Bancel owned the device—suggest Bancel and the creature, if one believes in such things, became acquainted while he was a freshman studying biological engineering at the University of Minnesota. He wrote that Baphomet, which he described as a “horned savior,” first appeared to him in dreams, and later in visions.

Many of Bancel’s entries are encapsulated flashbacks, as though he intended to one day publish them as some type of twisted, demonic autobiography.

While at college, Bancel writes, Baphomet often appeared in and spoke to his mind, showering him with blandishments and promising him a prosperous future in exchange for eternal fealty. The “deliverer” told Bancel its guidance had a price, though Bancel, in his words, would not learn what that meant until years later.

“Baphomet—he had told me his name—fulfilled his promises: My grades improved, my social anxiety faded, I felt more confident, and girls talked to me. It was euphoric, without the need of drugs or alcohol. Baphomet loved me, and I him,” Bancel wrote in an entry dated November 12, 2016.

Their relationship, however, briefly turned tempestuous during Bancel’s junior year. Writings referencing that year contain intimations of possession and molestation that took place after Bancel hesitated to perform a “favor.”

“He wanted me to do something to a girl,” Bancel wrote, “something I didn’t want to do. And when I refused, I awoke in the morning three days straight in excruciating pain, with blood leaking from my rear. I said I was sorry and gave myself to him. He opened me, and I invited him in. He told me I wouldn’t get in trouble, that he’d protect me. And we did what he asked—to that girl.”

Bancel’s entries do not expound on what he did or to whom.

Other entries evinced a symbiotic relationship between Bancel and Baphomet. “I sensed we needed each other. Could we have survived without the other, independently, I’m not sure. He was still with me after graduation,” Bancel wrote in an entry dated April 15, 2017.

On April 17, 2019, Bancel wrote that Baphomet physically manifested itself. “I looked in the mirror and saw us. He had superimposed himself on me, his body, my head, crowned with horns.” His written monologue suggested the incident occurred while he was working at Eli Lilly and Company.

Baphomet apparently “left” Bancel for several years. “I felt isolated, alone, empty, and hollow, like an eggshell without yolk. He abandoned me to my own devices, and for a while I felt free of him, but then in 2011 appeared again, and I felt complete.”

2011 is when Bancel became CEO of Moderna.

“He told me that through him I’d help bring about a cleansing fire hat would purge impurities from the world,” Bancel wrote on February 20, 2012. “He said he’d make me wealthy beyond my wildest dreams, and guarantee that my family wound never want for anything, but, again, I would have to pay a toll.”

Baphomet, Bancel said, wanted others to use as it used him. The demon wanted Bancel to provide a conduit to his two children, so it could “influence” them. When Bancel flinched, whether by a dint of sanity or strength of character, the entity reminded him that his family’s future was preordained, and that reluctance to abide its instructions would result in pain, suffering, and eternal damnation.

Bancel’s last entry on the iPad was made on February 20, 2020, three months after the FDA granted Moderna Emergency Use Authorization on its Covid-19 vaccine.

“I did all you asked,” Bancel wrote, ostensibly directing his comments directly to Baphomet, “please ensure your role is completed. “Our livelihood and survival is in your capable hands.”

Bancel’s faith in Baphomet didn’t save his life, and his fortune, at least what existed of it in U.S. banks, was seized at the time of his arrest.

To be clear: Neither RRN nor JAG assert Bancel had contact with a demon; he may, well, have just been crazy. Still, there’s more to Heaven and earth than is dreamt in our society.

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We have already blurred the lines between life and death, the afterlife is so much better then the crap religious people say. There isn’t any heaven or hell, it’s all the same place but some are just closer to the city then others. The blue beings are in control of reincarnation per our DNA. we are given a choice of doors to leave and be reincarnated based on our personal level of development. Our lives are being tracked and linked to past lives thru the iris that never changes. Karma is very real and has his personal way of humbling people in their next life.


Fuck with a demon/devil and you get fucked. That’s the devil’s way. Hard to pity anyone who wind up in hell when the Gospel of Jesus Christ is still easy to find in this day and age.


Ye’s showed a pic of that barrel chested robot/android affectionately known as ELON MUSK.

fuck elon musk. fuck tesla. fuck twatter


Agreed. The devils have control of both sides of the fight. They have infiltrated the patriot movement also. Even Trump’s son in law and Ivana are not on board with him.


Sources say in order to get into the Israeli Dicksucking Force, you have to suck off 6 chimps serially and then vomit the semen up on JRappoport.

Very high decorations for this endeavor. You could be in a movie!


I heard she went the extra mile and sucked off 8 chimps total and didn’t gag even once. They were very impressed!



John .S

Has anyone seen any MSM coverage of Thursday NASA Tour, and Whitehouse State Dinner [whose – who in attendances]?

Currently nothing posted [regurgitated] on alternative news sites.

Rob William

It’s high time that Zee publishes her troll rankings. She should now publish comprehensive ranking with points allocated for at least 5 different dimensions (or 6 if we add quantum).


I agree. Post a new list, Zee! The people deserve to know!




Michael, where are you?



Rob William



It is good that headlines like this are published, cause every human on planet is either GUIDED and USED for GOOD by God or CONTROLLED,
LIED and USED for EVIL by Satan. There is no in btw. God wants to lead us to Heaven, but chasing the evil will lead to Hell, which is also Eternal.

Rob William

We should create our own road using worm holes. Cal tech has recently synthesized a mini worm hole.


If that’s true–not surprised

American Living in Canada

Jim Quinn astutely states, “The last two years have not been a medical emergency, but a test of critical thinking skills and the ability to discern between liars, thieves, money whores, and the forces of evil versus truth tellers and those committed to freedom, liberty, and the forces of good.”..””


Yes and I have a T shirt that says this is only a test.

But it’s a war like no other ever and it’s abour Good Versus Evil. Know what evil real IS period.

Trouble with the Christian religion, unlike the oldest mono Zarathustrian religion that taught about good as well as the evil one, Arimanius; it does not teaach the reality of EVIL…… That’s thanks to the Khazarian PISO family of Caesars–writers of the NT of the bible…Of course they never wrote who Molock/ Molech really was from the OT.

Rob William

How do you annotate any event as evil or good and why? Is rock falling on ground evil or good? Is having a sip of water evil or good? What if the overall action is split into smaller “neutral actions”, then what will make the overall event good or evil?


🆒. 🌝.
You’re RIGHT !
Not Enough Democrats BOOSTED.
💉. Round them up !
Lloyd and rob Williams should volunteer to be first..

American Living in Canada

Toronto police on Wednesday announced the results of their child exploitation investigation as part of a province-wide sweep involving 27 police services as well as government and community agencies. In the Toronto area, “Project Maverick” yielded 428 charges against 107 individuals according to the Toronto Police Service.


107 pedophile cops. Not shocked at all.

Rob William

I now have bivalent booster as well. Why do you think it’s a killer? What specific controlled study (which means other parameters are controlled/unbiased) you have done to ascertain it? What’s your hypothesis, confidence and P-value? What motivates you to denounce vaccines? Is it scriptures or is it a deep bias against modern medicine? Why do you think scriptures are the reality and not what you can directly perceive?


Jordan Sathar has done his disinfo shit again. This time it’s not RRNews or M. Flynn. it’s SG ANON this time.

quute: Jordan Sather is a SPOON-FEEDER AGENT meaning he will speak a lot of truth to gain your trust and have credit but later he will spread disinformation in the middle of his speech and ridicule his own truth. He ridiculed the TC and QAnon by accepting to go to Comedy Central.

Your thoughts?


My thoughts are that it’s really funny when dumbass Qanon influencers get really mad and fight each other


by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on December 31, 2021 at 7:10 P.M.

Jordan Sather, a member of traitor/coup plotter General Michael Flynn’s ‘digital army’ has published a fake ‘official looking’ document alleging Timothy Charles Holmseth is a registered sex offender – which, of course, is patently false and laughable.
The faked document was created in effort to discredit Attorney Lin Wood for supporting Holmseth’s investigative work.


go to U.S. Attorneys – Middle District of Alabama

www DOT.justice DOT gov/usao-mdal/human-trafficking-task-force

Human Trafficking Task Force – United States Department of Justice
Trafficking is the use of force, threat of force, fraud or coercion to recruit, harbor, transport, provide or obtain any person for labor or commercial sex or to cause a person under 18 to engage in a commercial sex act. Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain

Rob William



Justice for StacyLee! ✊️


Finnaly the Republicans are fighting to fight the military getting the mandate to get the clot shot. They will not pass the authorization for defense unless they take off the mandate to get that clot shot. Yea! Finally. It does not prevent you getting Covid so way take it.

Rob William

She needs to do 2 jobs to survive in this inflationary economy so is unable find time to participate.


How are y’all feeling about Kanye West now that he went on Alex Jones and literally said he likes Hitler and thinks Hitler brought a lot of good things to the table? Did you guys collectively cream the pants of your nazi uniforms?


Yes,, ..That Sounds about right !
And boy are they FUCKED UP !


Huge if true.

John H

To Michael Baxter: I appreciate what you are trying to do here at realrawnews but can you please address in a deeper way, of the people you have said that have been executed, like Tom Hanks or Gavin Newsom or whomever, WHO are the people that look exactly like them functioning in obvious public? clones? where is this done and how? Wouldn’t the military know about these places, can you ask the white hats? All these A-listers getting executed but they are still on tv or in the public sphere? How, why? Do you believe they have achieved/perfected human cloning?
Mike, if this site is just parody, fine, but since you claim these stories to be fact, then please do some stories on how these people are ‘still around’ in the public arena, etc.


It’s fake dude, MB will never say anything more than “those are just CGI” or some shit. This site is for dummies.


That is why you spend your whole life here..YOU are ONE COMPLETE DUMMY and you feel at Home.. In your mommies basement….


You are a funny guy. I have been asking the same question for months. I am only surprised you haven’t had the usual answers from the usual people about how it’s Satans work from where he lives in Israel and then it’s also the fault of immigrants. The issues of the stolen election and other Deep state stuff that is going on are of serious concern that needs serious discussion and insight from intelligent people. I think you will find this to be lacking here.

John .S

Situation of railroad workers labor negotiations buzzing.

No doubt uncertainty looms on commerce and economics over *seven paid sick days* for employees that work in adverse weather conditions.

Q: Who were the Molly Maguires? also: what is a Yellow Dog Contract?

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

President Trump announced three very important people involved in his administration were arrested. Anyone know who they were?


A downvote for asking a question about something Trump said that was mentioned in Judy Byington’s compilation today. Incredible. 12/1


Lol people here only like fake stories that sound like they’re good for Trump

Smokey Stover

Hughie, Louie, and Dewey


Khazarian Maffia Rulers Of The World
The History Of The Jewish Khazars:

rumble DOT com/v1l1vwt-khazarian-maffia-rulers-of-the-world.html


There is an old video on that too. It’s long, it’s full of really scary details from the past. I’ve listened to it a few times over the years and can’t grasp it all. The devil is everywhere he can get a foothold and thrive. I saw one video that said UKRAIN used to be called KHAZARIA!


Ineffectual stunods.They executed a frog while we’re being murdered by the bastards on Capitol Hill and a Non Compos Mentis criminal regime.Thanks for the intrigues

Rob William

JAG has to reorder the copy of the tax returns as one of the judges on the judicial panel ate the first copy to save Trump. Will JAG be able to keep it secure the second time?



Rob William

The Devil said “I always lie”. Was he telling the truth?

george friend

The devil repented and went home over 2000 years ago. The evil we are dealing with is the evil of man. And the evil of man is far worse than Satan ever could.


The Devil can’t repent. Once he and one third of the Angels left, God said they can NEVER be with Him again. Read your Scripture.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christine

lol that’s really crazy.


LOL you mean IF the devil said I always lie.

David T

Quote where that was ever said. There isn’t one DF.


You shouldn’t talk about J Bill like that.


they say that the truth hurts


So the State Dinner tomorrow evening will be in a tent on the South Lawn- typical for December, I’m sure. The White House China will not be used because it is forbidden to be taken outside. In addition, Bill Clinton conveniently is testing positive for Covid so he will not be in attendance. What timing. Biden was locked out of the Pentagon and now he and Jill will have a hoedown on the yard next to the cement pool. Very impressive for the French guest.

Smokey Stover

There is no prohibition against taking the china outside. You made that up. Presidents, including Kennedy, Reagan, the Bushes and all the rest have held outdoor events and they didn’t eat off paper plates. The only thing you can’t do with it is take it home, like Nancy Reagan tried to do.


Did not make it up. Research it.


CNN report by Kate Bennett(12/01/22) “For the State Dinner, the Biden’s have opted to use rental dishes, glasses and flatware. The venue, though on White House grounds does not allow for the official WH China services to be used for the dinner said WH Social Sec Carlos Elizondo.”


Apparently the Military has Biden and HillJilly on a short lease.


Truth hurts, doesn’t it Oliver.

David T

The Clintons stole things from the WH because according to Helldabeast, when they left the WH they were “dead broke.” You’re just another new troll turd name for W0zz, J Bi11, Ll0yd, etc.


Lol you’re so paranoid dude, it’s funny as hell


No one cares


Five years ago, I attended a talk on the Exorcist at the local library with several friends. A St Louis U prof gave the speech. The actual child exorcised was a male who resided in my childhood neighborhood Bel-Nor, Mo ten years prior to my family moving there. This child’s ordeal was the actual basis for the Wm Peter Blatty book. The child was brought to St Louis for the exorcism. There are many people in St Louis related to the priests involved. In my group was the next door neighbor during the exorcism still in the same house and still living today. Afterwards was a discussion. I spoke of what I experienced having a copy of the priest’s diary in my possession for 8 months (10 yrs ago). Impossible coincidences. Afterwards, as I walked to my car(with one of our group) a man came up to us and told me to “tone it down”. Tone what down? He then fled. He thought I was in the “club of 30 million” and speaking BS to influence others. He soon surmised that I wasn’t and I saw first hand Deep State tactics to push a narrative. This was my introduction to how pervasive the CIA and their minions are. My friend and I were astonished.


Hmmm, little “touchy” this evening. Rather vile response. Well well.

David T

typical for the troll turd. Just found out from papa Soros that he’s not getting any bonus $$ for his troll–turding for November.

David T

You obviously did, hence you responded, DF.

David T

You’re so incredibly easy to poke and draw out into the open, DF.


It’s all true and witnessed. I didn’t even disclose to this site what I experienced while I was in the possession of this copy of the diary. It took the Riverfront Times 30 years to get a copy of the diary and I got it from this source. Finally the Church relented. There are many books written on the subject and the boy’s identity has finally been revealed.


Just like Usual, you are completely FULL OF CRAP !
Its TIME to change your diaper..
YOU STINK to high heaven..


🌝. ✌. 😼. ⛄. 😮. ☺. 😐. 😑. 😮.

Natasha Vidan

People; The demonic world is real. The demons will find a human body to live in and then will control the human. Those willing to comply with this, unless calling upon the Name of Jesus, will end up in Hell. The demonic world Hates God so much that they will do whatever they can to destroy God’s creation…Humans. Please know that they are very very evil vile deceptive and will do anything to deceive humans to get them to Hell.
Has anyone read Jonathon Chan’s new book “The Return of The gods”? These are ancient demons that have now come back to this time period to impose destruction…


They’re not all bad, I’ve had a demon named Malchezaar inhabiting me for a few years now and it really hasn’t been a problem. I let him take control once in a while and all he really does is play video games for a bit and maybe eat some snacks. Pretty chill guy tbh.


He cheating on you behind your back with your blow-up doll Alexa.


1. I don’t own a blow-up doll, and frankly I don’t think anyone does in 2022. Get with the times, Christine
2. Malchezaar would not do something like that to me anyways, he’s a bro


The one cheated on is always the last one to know. Dude, he’s been hittin Alexa for some time now. Wake up. That gas she’s passing didn’t come from you.


Lol how would a blow-up doll pass gas, what the fuck are you even talking about 🙃

David T


David T

Still funny! Good one Christine.

Rob William

“Demonic world is real” – so are mole people and reptilians. Reptilians are the boss of demons and Satan and keep them engaged with useless work, that’s why demons get so little time (almost none) to terrorize humans.

John .S

Maybe you made an error in date Friday Dec 2nd. They don’t execute on Saturday, not wanting to pay overtime, labor union matters [double time rate].

John .S

Hmm, that thought didn’t cross my mind. Have to spend budget else they won’t get it next year.

Union members get a payday for working Saturday. Wonder how many sick days they get?

Sadly railroad worker have no sick days, and they’re seeking seven days [week sick leave], not asking for much.

John .S

*Hmm, guess it would be ok in utilizing an emoji aka, satanic symbolism avoiding written speech as expression of thought.

Wrote in this article about Luciferians [Nimrod – Babylonians’] use of symbolisms.

The dead [underworld] don’t speak utilizing symbolism to communicate.

Speech is powerful, hence Pentecost Sunday when all the apostles received the ability to speak many languages [native tongue] spreading the word.

BTW, men that write: OMG is concerning, myself prefer WTF.

Now WTF is going on with railroad workers seeking seven meager sick days?

Only luciferians [Warren Buffett] won’t provide quality of life, in stripping people of dignity and humanity hence luciferians are not human.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

In between posting here for my friends, today I’ve looked at at least 6 chest xrays of ‘fully vaxxed’ patients who can barely breathe.

All 6 xrays looked similar. Each person had underinflated lungs, increased interstitial lung markings and mildly blunted inferior lung angles. It’s a good thing they got the clotshot or it could have been so much worse!!! lol


I met with a med school prof and disclosed my 12 month findings. He seemed concerned and immediately wanted to begin a research study with my colleagues supervising the study. He seemed adamant we could get this published.

Rob William

Yeah if you call YouTube and Facebook followers a “peers”.

Smokey Stover

The Journal of Irreproducible Results



Last edited 2 years ago by Delta
Smokey Stover

It’s frightening that you are caring for patients. And why are you, as a nurse and not qualified to interpret x-rays, looking at those images?


Twist ending, Steven lets Baphomet possess him as a ruse, then starts the beating the shit out of himself, which by extension beats the shit out of Baphomet


Baphomet Lied and Bancel Died!


…and Julie sighed: Leaving one behind is far too many!!


Fuck SR and that gay patch on his left eye and his butt burglar buddy dan crenshaw with his right eye patched. shit, thems together equal blindness, which is appropriate for their attempt to blind America. why are these illuminaughty fucks always covering one eye? climate change?

Stewart Rhodes was/is a DS plant who was elevated for such a time as this in order to crestfall legions of patriots. Who paid for his yale law degree?



We know what Baphomet requires. Good riddance!


you should start small at first, like trying to clean michael obama’s shit off your chin for fucks sake you greazy Gay J

Rob William

Steven Seagal, mole fighter, annunaki fighter, a demon, Q, a fallen Angel and a reptilian in a fight pit with only one winner.


Rob William, steven seagal’s french maid bitch!

David T

LOL!! You’re killing it today! Keep it up!

David T

You’re beyond delusional.


These experiences tend to center around a socially awkward individual. I find this fascinating that he wasn’t introduced through people, but rather through an intimate experience with the entity itself. If what he writes is to be taken as fact – it could be code, or fantasy. Well, he made a deal with the wrong side regardless. I wonder what the deal was with his children. That’s a horrifying thought.

george friend

I’m socially awkward. I met the devil when I was a child. Told him to go fuck himself. The path of righteousness has never been harder, but it’s the only path my feet will walk, so… strait to the bottom of the world I went. Been there ever since. It’s funny how many of Gods people live at the bottom of the world.


Well now you are a liar since you just said the Devil went home 2000 years ago. BTW, Scripture says Satan is the Father of all liars. Your redemption has a long way to go (like us all) lest ye boast (Scripture).


so whats going on in fantasy hopium land today? more BS from MB!?

Rob William



Vaccines were invented by demons or something


don’t look now Lloyd but the demon in that clotshot you took is taking you over!


The demons are IN the vaccines now? Well that part is new. Are the demons liquefied or are we talkin like nanobot-sized demons here 🤔

Rob William

Nano-demon technology.


smoking michael obama’s shriveled penis?

David T

Hahaha! Probably for all 4 of the troll turd names in this thread, which is just one person anyway.


keep huffing those brain cells away, what’s left of them at least for believing this drug of a site.

paul Peters

MK ULTRA mindcontrol, they visit at night,sedate their victims and do to them whatever they like


when you were sedated did the gang bang hurt?

David T

He got a sore throat out of the deal too

Julia M Wescott

We really did not need to know all that info on him…..seems more of a push on the reader than an informational piece on the guilty party. To say he worshipped Satan was enough.


Please do not stifle Michael’s creativity, writing these stories is very therapeutic for him


People need to know this shit is real–even if you don’t care to know about it.

george friend

Nah. I like to hear their testimonies. I want to understand these people; be able to identify them. So many times I went to church and knew I was in the presence of evil. Would have been nice to have this knowledge 30 years ago.


Again, refer to Isaiah 64:6 to understand your failings and everyone else.


Walensky and Zalensky
Going to the penitentiary


isn’t shilling fraud by tautology? lol


The bhaphomet thing is very interesting. I suspect the Catholic Church made it up so they could prosecute and kill the knights Templar. But today… what is being done to sort out the shit going on ??? Whether it’s bhaphmet or Barmat is not really important. The vaccine mandates are still in place and if Trump is in charge then he must be behind the mandates? So what is going on? Plus clones everywhere. Can I sign up to get one in place of my wife? That would be great!

Rob William

As per the recent reports clones turn out to be with the 10x the bad qualities of the original one, so replacing your wife with a clone may not work out for you.


Quite frankly I am willing to take that chance

george friend

LOL. 43 and never married, no kids… From my perspective you couldn’t survive without your wife. Better cut the dumb shit before you get what you ask.

Smokey Stover

Between Julie and Bob, this site is giving the Daily Stormer a run for it’s money.


Props bro. never heard of that site.

just for the readers’ edification, those Ukroid nazis are a veritable aristocracy of faggotry. the german nazis would not even acknowledge them.

but yea, it is a stark dichotomy impaled on the horns of a dilemma: Either the jews go down in a Second Holocaust or NON JEWS get genocided.

choose wisely.


Lol, yeah sure, the person who spouts off non-stop Jew hate has never heard of the #1 nazi website 🙄


Interesting thought 🤔


Ok, so there you have it with this demonic mad man, now executed. WHEN ARE THE WHITE HATS, with all the latest military weaponry going to start bombing, and completely vaporize EVERY EVIL poison lab and it’s employees and everyone involved in all these companies throughout the world that we read about every day……I’M WAITING !!!

george friend

Ukraine? You just described Ukraine. If you’re waiting then the wait is over. Putin shut it down.


Silly man. There are more sites than just Ukraine.

Kelly Brown

Why Baphomet? Of all the entities in the Universe, why Baphomet?

Michael R Davis

Because Baphomet followers rape children, sacrifice children, drink the blood of children, favorite food is children. Exactly what HollyWood, Disney, the Democrats, the Globalists, the left, Adrenochrome addicts crave also.

Smokey Stover

Says who?


yep, can’t wait for the cleansing, so clean and fresh and pure a world devoid of jews and luciferians and muslims.


Because MB picked a rando demon name that he knew the pilled weirdos here have probably heard of before

Smokey Stover

Did Bancel mention Zuul in his notes? I heard somewhere that Bancel opened his refrigerator one night and distinctly heard a voice say “Zuul.” He could be the Keymaster. When the time come to roast these evildoers in the giant Sloar?

Amazing how you Scripture-quoting, Jesus-hugging, fire and brimstone fearing people are so obsessed with old Bathmat. By believing that Bathmat is a real creature you are embracing a pagan religion, a false belief system created by man with no basis in Scripture or Christian tradition. Accepting any part of a pagan tradition is a giant sin against God himself. I seem to recall a religious imperative, something like, “I am the Lord thy God. Thou shall have no other gods before me.” Believing in the existence of some moldy Babylonian demon seems to go completely against the teachings of our Lord and Savior.

All this said, the anal rape scene was a nice touch. And the misuse of “genesis” was classic RRN.

Smokey Stover

Fourth sentence should read, “When does the time come…”

David T

Simply acknowledging evil as opposed to your assertion of “accepting evil” are as far apart as East is from West. You’re sure not qualified to speak on behalf of any authentic Christian, your words are proof of that.

george friend

I believe he said, Vince Glortho.

Smokey Stover

Finally! Someone got the Ghostbusters jokes.


How fucking lame are these people? I mean, they can’t just work out their social anxiety around girls through the dint of their own will? They can’t make better grades of their own accord? They have to summon some cocksucking demon to help them? So we are dealing with intellectually dim, social unintelligent people who think they hold governance over us? lol

Totally pathetic.

Lame. As. Fuck.


None of this happened, dummy


Not really news worthy. Anyone can worship the stupidest things but an ass hole by any other name… is still just an ass hole.


they allll do! learn anatomy… skull and bones.. their secret is their very skull and bones… everything is a lie,, except their skull and bones.