Marines Arrest Vaccine-Loving Deputy Director of the Defense Health Agency


United States Marines serving under Gen. Eric M. Smith on Friday arrested Dr. Michael Malanoski, Deputy Director, Defense Health Agency, on charges of treason and seditious conspiracy, sources in the general’s office told Real Raw News.

As the deputy director of the Defense Health Agency, Malanoski supported the DHA Director in leading a joint, integrated Combat Support Agency enabling the Army, Navy, and Air Force medical services to provide a medically ready force and ready medical force to Combatant Commands in both peacetime and wartime. The DHA directs the execution of joint shared services to include the TRICARE Health Plan, pharmacy, health information technology, research & acquisition, education & training, public health, medical logistics, facility management, budget resource management, and contracting. The DHA administers the TRICARE Health Program providing worldwide medical, dental and pharmacy programs to more than 9.6 million uniformed service members, retirees and their families.

He is a staunch vaccine advocate. When illegitimate president Joseph R. Biden and his disdainful Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, mandated that all armed forces members get vaccinated or face punitive action, Malanoski empowered himself by sending “daily directives” to commanders of military installations both in the U.S. and abroad. His written missives encouraged both officers and enlisted men to abide Austin’s mandate or reap the consequences.

On April 19, 2022, when the FDA updated their July 13 Emergency Use Authorization for the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine to include individuals 12 years of age and older, Malanoski amplified his vaccine rhetoric, telling service members they could be dishonorably discharged for not having child dependents vaccinated.

Unfortunately, some service members heeded his warning. According to our source, the White Hat partition of the U.S. military is aware of at least 15 child dependents ages 12-14 who died after getting vaccinated.

But the loss of life did not deter Malanoski’s pro-vaccine crusade. After the House on 8 December voted to repeal Austin’s mandate that troops receive the coronavirus vaccine, Malanoski recommended that service members ignore the vote and instead follow CDC guidance, because “your lives and the lives of your family depend on your adherence to vaccine protocols.” He said that “Covid is still the greatest threat to society” and that “despite what you’ve heard, vaccine mandates are still in force.” Moreover, he threatened to deny “all” medical coverage to unvaccinated dependents.

Malanoski, our source said, deserves to either hang to death or spend life in prison for overstepping his authority and betraying our valiant military and their families.

“He’ll answer for what he’s done, but right now he’s sniveling in custody,” our source said.

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Above Reproach

🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 Safe And effective Safe and Effective ! AAAAAk Safe And Effective ! Take the shot ! You won’t get sick AAAAAK it’s safe and effective. Trust the Science Trust the Science ! One mask ! Two mask !
Take the booster ! Go shopping ! EAT SUGAR by the POUND AAAAAK !
Trust the Science !


how much vaccine stocks did he hold?

Mark David

The US Military, the Veterans Administration, Medicare, and Social Security weenies are all STILL sending out reminders, by email and regular mail, to their recipients to get their Covid shots. I hope they hang every sonofabitch involved with these notices and their attempted murder of all of us

Debate Judge

The clinical trials were faked.

Channel: Redacted
Video: BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Date: 2 Days Ago

Debate Judge

2 days ago
I had numerous coworkers with severe vaccine injuries at Davis Monthan Air Force Base. Numb hands, tinnitus, blood clots, anaphylaxis, joint pain, myocarditis etc. I requested management report them up the chain of command. They refused to investigate and verify the injuries and elected to cover it up. I was told “Shut up and take your jab!” I refused and was discriminated against and finally retired, unjabbed and uninjured.
2.5K thumbs up / 138 replies

more than 325K views of the video


Where is the vaccine antidote?

Mark David

The antidote is your BRAIN. Use your BRAIN and avoid the shots altogether. If you take the poison, all bets are off.


Children and infants have already passed from these vaccines, all innocent. The antidote should be made available, people informed.


Brunson petition was denied. However, Brunson bros. were prepared for this option and will continue forward. Meanwhile this decision may have leaked and influenced the vote for Speaker. Trump would never have installed McCarthy if there was a chance the Biden and Kameltoe would have been instantly removed and the Speaker would then be President. There was a heads-up right there.


We have at least 39 hard core communist Dem run state legislatures, in the country today. They are the real criminals behind the scenes, more so than the courts, imo.


Got to love…..”Sniveling in custody”. Wish we could have seen photos of the wicked witch of the west and her very obedient nephew, doing that.


Are the white hats gonna do anything about the WHO trying to enforce international LAW putting them in charge as the “ministry of medical truth”?

***BULLETIN *** FLASH – URGENT: W.H.O. Meeting in Secret to convert themselves to Enforceable Law under EXISTING Treaty; FORCED VACCINES, OUTLAW GUNS “Public Health Issue””
ht tps://halturnerradioshow .com/index.php/en/news-page/world/bulletin-flash-urgent-w-h-o-meeting-in-secret-to-convert-themselves-to-enforceable-law-under-existing-treaty

Mark David

The UN building could be converted to attractive apartments or condos, after all the UN scumbags are sent to Gitmo for processing and execution.


Another P.O.S. for hangmans noose.

Stinky Perfume Linda Paris talks about how Trump & family took over and a new explain what’s really going on. If this is true I doubt Trump is using a clone he can’t control.


Please see the SCOUS case of 12/31/22.
Released 1/6/23.

David Hoffer



bitchute. DOT com/video/EHZDF3k7pyFM/
Edi Amin’s – Asian (all Asians) expulsion from Uganda. As the greedy selfish synagogue of Satan sucked them dry, they were to stupid to figure out who it really was that were sucking their economy dry. Guess who escaped first? And then, guess who we’re blamed for their criminal enterprising. Sounds like a worn out record to me. They’re the masters of deception & blame!


While i agree that he is wrong in mandating the kill shot/vaccine. Could it be he is simply unaware/dumb to the the deadly effects of the kill shot? True it does seem far fetched, but we have all seen people who got the kill shot and on their death bed swear they would get it again. It is just that in the article there is no mention of motive to continue with the insane kill shot mandate on this malanoski part. What is his incentive besides insanity? Unless he is truly just a homicidal murderer and that is yet to be revealed.

Michael R Davis

How come so many of you want to defend this genocidal murderer of innocent troops, adults, and children? I am just a simple high-school educated farm-boy veteran, and I figured out almost immediately that these government illegally mandated “vaccines” were dangerous, even deadly. Since they were experimental, strictly voluntary, untested, unapproved, there were no logical reasons to take them. Correct?

So this Dr. Michael Malanoski, Deputy Director, Defense Health Agency staunch vaccine advocate was obliged to research, learn everything he could about the safety of this “vaccine” he was pushing to our military troops under his thumb. If I could figure out the “vaccines” were dangerous, then surely this guy with multiple degrees, dozens of assistants at his fingertips, could easily figure it out.

Hang the son of a bitch. Make his short stay at Gitmo until then as terrifying as possible. Show him non-stop videos of comrades he knows slowly strangling on a noose, or getting his head sliced off on a guillotine.

Rob William

Deadly effects of the shots or deadly effects of Covid? I have got 2 boosters and know 100s of people who have got them without any issue. Why is it even an issue?

John .S

Where’s Rochelle Walensky?


Hopefully she is on ICE, just like the rest of the Executed,
… from Hillary to Pelosi…🌝

Mark David

Malanoski should be executed ASAP, for killing US Military personnel and their families. He deserves the worst punishment that we can give him under the law.


Somebody needs to explain why some people succumb to the shot, while others don’t.

Mark David

That’s easy. Not all the shots were designed to kill right away. It would have been too obvious. Some shots had slower developing effects, and some had no effect at all. The time narrative I’ve heard discussed is 2 to 3 years after the shots, the killer shots will have have full effect. My wife and I avoided all the shots and all the tests. I’m not afraid of the flu or SARS. Of course I had to resign/retire by the end of 2021, but we had enough in savings to weather this out for a good while. What bothers me is the F#ckheads in the Govt trying to kill us, under the color of law. Nice to see that this Movie is almost over. Trump and the US Military good guys have put an end to these sadistic devils hiding underground.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mark David
David T

From reports, some were saline shots.

Michael R Davis

At first, a very large percentage were harmless placebos. It is rumored that many for the past year have been placebos. We do not know how many of the boosters are placebos, do we? It does seem a large percentage of our population is suicidal, many offering up their children as sacrifices. We do not know how many received placebos, do we?


New Year, New garbage fake news.


And the fake news continues!!!


Via yournews on the commercial domain


Deere & Co. will allow farmers to repair their own equipment

Jan 8, 2023

CHICAGO, (Reuters) – The American Farm Bureau Federation and machinery manufacturer Deere & Co (DE.N) signed a memorandum of understanding on Sunday that ensures farmers have the right to repair their own farm equipment or go to an independent technician.

As the agriculture sector accelerates its adoption of technology, the reliance on high-tech machinery such as GPS-guided combines and tractors has become more common-place.

But equipment makers such as Deere have generally required customers to use their parts and service divisions for repairs and until recently, only allowed authorized dealers the means and tools to access the complex computerized systems of their tractors and other machinery.

The Farm Bureau’s memorandum of understanding with Deere “will ensure farmers everywhere are able to repair our own equipment,” Farm Bureau president Zippy Duvall said, speaking at the federation’s convention in Puerto Rico.

“This will enable you and your independent mechanics to identify and fix problems,” he said. “You will have access to the diagnostic tools and information you need. And you’ll get it at a fair and reasonable price.”

[Remainder of article is snipped and not as important as what is posted above. Read the full article at yournews if you can find it there–RRN will flag any post with anything that looks like a URL in it if you are not some DS stooge constantly posting Make Money Fast spam posts on RRN that the others should ignore and not reply to so they don’t get ‘paid by the post’ that somehow bypass the URL filters.]


I heard about DRMed farm equipment long ago. This is good news and a step in the right direction to help farmers.

NOTE: Reuters is (still?) owned by a particular (in)famous DS banking cabal family who I won’t name to avoid possible moderation so please keep that in mind.

Sandy Koufax

No doubt, Dr. Michael Malanosky’s clone has hit the ground running without missing a beat and there will be no discernible difference in how our government operates.

David T


David T

No doubt, Sandy Koufax’s clone has hit the forum running its keyboard without missing a beat and there will be no discernible difference on the bullshit it posts and operates.

Sandy Koufax

What differences in how our government operates have you noticed?

Sandy Koufax

Damar Hamlin’s clone has hit the ground running without missing a beat. Smitty must expose this fraud.

Elisa Orozco

No photo of Dr. Michael Malanoski?

Michael R Davis

That is Malanoski in the photo.
His official photo is even uglier.


It seems like the whole DHA needs to be gutted, its a shit hole of centralized dictatorship, they are all treasonous traitors from the top down and gutting the military and their families of health, get that loser autism and make em pay for being a treasonous traitor as well.


I wonder how many hundreds of thousands military and their dependents he has been responsible for their death. May Gods justice be swift!

Jerry Miller


Rob William

For doing his duty? In the RealVerse he has not even been captured – otherwise MB must produce a photo or video evidence.


Have you heard of any of these people coming out disputing the fact they’ve been hung? Don’t you think that’s kinda strange? If I read I was hung…. Don’t you think I’d say something like….yo dude…I’m not hung….I’m still here…. Where’s these people at?


But Rob williams had a Lobotomy, so all reality escapes
Him…besides he is on the troll list…

Rob William

I am not dumb, you are really dumb (or MB himself) if you don’t want and expect any sort of photo or video evidence. Why can’t we have a single piece of direct evidence at all?



Rob William

There is a disclaimer of “Satire” on the site. Also, not everyone bothers to get involved. There was story MB ran about a school and the school sent a letter to take it down because it was incorrect (MB please feel free to contradict me and re-run the story) and it was taken down.


Life in prison? No way. Hang him!!!! No quarter!!!


This Shit must have some truth to it…. If someone was writing stories that I got hung…I’d get right out there and say… I’m not hung… Why hasn’t anyone come out and say this by now? No generals have said it’s not true…. No celebrities came out and said it’s not true, no pedophiles have not said it’s not true…I believe all this is real

Stinky Perfume

Not entirely dependable because they are quite used to roll over and play dead. My sister just started hollering Nancy Pelosi has retired that’s why they need a new house speaker and I said she’s hung at GITMO and that’s why they keep plenty of body doubles and clones. What we know for sure is the N. Pelosi name whatever that is, the one’s that rule Nancy Pelosi, her animators, they are quitting this entity entirely.

David Hoffer


Rob William

That’s the level of proof you are satisfied with? The disclaimer says “satire” otherwise it should say “the stories are true as per the best knowledge of the author”. The stories need to provide photo and video evidence.


Ok but you are not getting the point…. NORMAL PEOPLE would say….wtf you making shit like this up about me….how about you? Would you just ignore this out would you say….yo, I’m not dead? Seriously….this shit is happening


I’d like to watch the whole fucking tribunal and execution…. Like we did with Saddam. This disclaimer is like what these sick fucks do to us…. Right in our faces, pretending it’s a joke and we think it’s not true but really is true. I’m not seeing people like Andrew Cuomo….or Comey or Clinton…c’mon man….I’m a believer of this good shit

Last edited 2 years ago by Sodie
David T

You’re arguing with an infamous troll turd whose only purpose is to post BS and spew on this site to discredit, disrupt and sow doubt, all while getting paid by the DS to do it. Arguing with a troll on here is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After a while you realize that the pig likes it and you just end up wasting time and energy and getting muddy in the process.

Rob William

You didn’t get the point but let me rephrase — is expecting a single video or photo as an evidence for any story ever published on RRN is too much to expect?

David Hoffer


John .S

Here’s another attack on Power Company infrastructure, in attempt to takedown electric grit. MSM not reporting. Believe culprit as lone operator [sleeper], possibly employed at nearby convenience store.


Every hundred years the warmongers start a major war and plan it out from the start – nothings off limits for them because they “are” the protected, not us, were expendable, after all its good biss for them – they can tax the shit out of people by telling them – its for your own good. blah blah blah gimmie, gimmie, gimmie we cant really tell you why, yakkity yak, yak (but really its to protect their interests, such as Ukraine.
bitchute DOT com/video/vzi1NlIwfX85/

Jerry Miller

Funny, like a heart attack, but so telling- Many of these descendants of Caine have snake eyes- rat faces- Remnants of Deicide? I think so. You see it or you don’t. It’s a gift. Hang tight, people…Christ is returning to smote their worthless-evil ass’.

Rob William

Are you talking about reptilians?


Rob Williams Pharma Shill


You got that right, Zee!


Z is 100% correct

Rob William

You are biggest shill of all. If you truly believe what you write, you live in the wrong accommodation.

  1.  ‘Deicide‘ the killing (or the killer) of a god.
  2.  ALIENS have a high nose bridge – straight up into the forehead, reptile like. Relaxed not frowning
  3.  Alien, Not Quite Human, No Soul, Khazarian DNA
  4.  Examples: See Images

The real Joe Biden & Hunter

Gen. Eric M. Smith   




Bill & Killery


Obummer & Michael Robinson


Jesuit, Jerry Brown.

Adam schiff,

Kamala Harris,

Israel Prime Minsiter, Benjamin Netanyahu

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

etc etc etc etc.


Erdogan the Turk?

Robert James

They were trying to kill our entire military without firing a shot so the Chinese communists’ Army could just walk in and take the USA. Treason beyond belief!!


For sure, they had Chinese snipers ready to shoot us if we fought back, and they had dirty bombs that the Chinese planted threatening the White Hats if they arrested Biden and Harris and the rest of the traitors on usurpation day — WHICH WE ALL WISH THEY DID — the bombs would be detonated and thousands of innocent people would be killed.

Jerry Miller

I had an old person once say- Grab their parents, children, associates- all those that align themselves with such evil- Grab them, make them disappear, seize their ill gotten wealth and erase them all from the planet- A great deterrent to further evil- I can only wish…


PDJT… has and is doing this…. He sihgned executive order = death to those who mess with children— Tribunals doing just this. All Clintons taken out.


And hopefully the grandkids are adopted into new families, to grow up happy and never to remember their evil biorelatives ever again.

John .S

“Grab them, make them disappear”, fantastic you’re referencing the Gemini Method.


That old person was wise. I have always likened it to a bag of apples. When one apple is rotten it turns all the others bad. The bad apple does not become good from the good apples. The bad apples get removed to preserve the rest.


Eventually all the nurses, pharmacists, doctors, practitioners and those who knowingly and willingly injected our sovereign being will be held accountable. It’s just a matter of time.

Rob William

May be in the MBVerse but in the RealVerse it may be reversed. Currently in the RealVerse, people spreading misinformation about vaccines seem to be cornered. For example, RRN google ads account was suspended, which forced MB to ask for donations!

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William

I don’t play with any verse. DIVINE INTERVENTION is not about logistics .


Pharma shill

Rob William

Ultra shill.


We know who and what you are. No need to fight anymore. You lost the battle.


Some have had family members forcibly injected with the venom threatened with no surgery/childbirth/treatment if they refused the jab, or jabbed without our permission or consent while unconscious undergoing medical treatment. Those perps need to pay HARD!!


They will and are paying hard.Not just financially or being hung by the neck until death. It is the soul that will exist no longer.

Jerry Miller

Looks like a member of the tribe to me- member of Caine’s lineage-. Great. Grab all his earthly wealth, prior to his “reward”. Please. These demons will do anything to preserve this “temporal earthly world” because this is all they think is real- Godless-atheists-communist… it’s their jam- Please consider taking their earthly wealth- it hurts them.


In no way should this man be held for years in prison…..he needs the quick, quick death penalty…….what about all those deaths he caused, and I bet there are thousands.


Someone alert Gen Smith that capturing “pigeons” while they sleep does little to placate us. Berger thought that was enough to kick the can down the road and his strategy worked…if you are just trying to kick the can down the road.

Arrest their bosses! Pigeons are easy…capture a friggin predator already! show us Anthony Blinken! Mike Mullen! Loyd Austin!,

Perp-walk the SOBs, already!


They did with Nancy, and Hillary, and W, and WJC, and Cheney, and Rummy and Sotomayor, and Gates and Hunter. Let’s not forget Noname and GWBH — the last two REALLY rattled their families.


And when news of his tribunal is reported, they will tell Michael they tested him and found he was unvaccinated…. POS. How many are grieving for dead loved ones who succumbed to his directives? Infuriating.


You bet it is.

Jim Joans

I would just note that it is always interesting to read how the security was bypassed and the dog didn’t bark at 3:15 am, and he was asleep in bed reaching for his gun and what he swore as they ziplocked and ducktaped him, etc. etc.

Sandy Thomas

Why do you assume this one was arrested in bed? That was the last one.


When will they start arresting media personalities who pushed the jab I wonder?
Their fake expert’s and doctors. I got so tired at these criminals reading their scripts watching their eyes move back and forth reading from screen to camera. Then there was interviewing of political folks in 2020 you could see those satanic symbolism on their walls like pentagram or the molech owl.
And the DNC logo with the pentagram.
Sick fucks..


At least we know they’re lying. Politicians do it too.

Bust A Nut

Sure is one ugly fuck and probably a peanut pud who has to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.

Jose Ramirez

Kill him!!!!!!


Hang ‘Em NOW!


Is MCarthy WEF??? Young GLobalists Leader member???


He must be watched and controlled…
To be approved as speaker of the house he had to make a lot of concessions.


Yep, he spoke at the conference in Davos.

Air man

Off subject: The white hats need to remove body doubles etc. from the street as fast as possible. Information gained would lead them to the people manufacturing and fitting body doubles with masks etc. Once those people are put out of business, it becomes extremely difficult for the black hats to respond regarding “missing” members especially high political ones.

Air man

I nominate Gov. Gavin Newsom body double (s) as first to go.

Rob William

In RealVerse there are no white hats and Newsom is there as original!

John .S

Execution within 24 hrs of conviction, no more fiddle-farting.

When a dog bites a child it’s immediately taken outside and put-down, no difference here.

Rob William

If MB wants it can be 24 microseconds. It’s all up to his imagination.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William

One by one the dominoes are falling! I’m still waiting to hear about the mass arrests! When is this going to take place!
Patiently waiting!

Rob William

Never ever.

Mark David

The mass arrests have been on-going, but in the dark. No need to spook the other suspects, or wake up the still-sleeping publc. Just quietly take them off the street, hold them in confinement until tribunal time, then executions as appropriate.


The cure looks suspiciously like the disease is peoples problem.


another Kazarian vax freak


Exactly,. No Tribunal needed, Just HANG his AZZ NOW !

Mark David

Get solid intel from them first. That’s the way to catch many more. Then hang them.


What….no mention of how he was taken?? I love hearing how the Marines surround their beds at 3 am. and these criminals start screaming or crying! He looks like a sniveling crier. Would of loved to have heard about the arrest!
Thank you Michael!


Don’t you just hate sniveling bureaucrats that empower themselves?
He must have a very small penis.


He looks to be part of the Troll and vulture families, he has those narrow squinty eyes, a fat hooked pointy nose and grimacing smile.


Looks like he may even have some goblin family in him also. Maybe more so Goblin, than vulture.