Trump Attends Hahn’s Execution


Former FDA Commissioner and convicted traitor Stephen K. Hahn took his last breath Monday morning while standing atop gallows near Leeward Point Airfield at Guantanamo Bay. Atop the platform with a noose coiled around his neck, he peered down at the cadre of military brass that had come to witness his execution. His glassy eyes seemed to fix momentarily on each of the six officers whose expressionless faces beheld the event dispassionately; if they harbored personal animosity toward Hahn, they did not show it. They were present because they had sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and to protect the nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Although the officers appeared to be devoid of emotion, President Donald J. Trump, who stood beside Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall, shook his head solemnly, a gesture of disgust, as he exhaled a sigh of exasperation.

“Of all the people, Stephen, I trusted you,” Trump said. “I showed you a lot of trust, and you betrayed me. Not just me but this beautiful country. You’re a coward, the biggest kind of coward. Your lies killed a huge number of people.”

Hahn directed his last words at President Trump: “I made a mistake. You can stop this.”

Trump smirked. “This is outside my hands, and even if I could, I wouldn’t pardon you. You put yourself in big league trouble, tremendous trouble, and you’re a bigtime loser just like the others.”

When asked by Vice Adm. Crandall if he wanted Last Rites, Hahn said, “What’s the point?” and shut his eyes.

A moment later, Hahn’s neck snapped, and a Navy physician noted the time of death—1030 hours, Monday, January 16, 2023.

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Where is the proof? I keep hearing about things like this, but there never is any proof.

Above reproach

His end was to good for the likes of him. To quick, I’m sorry but to deliberately try to stop people from having food is beyond the pale.
Should have been given a diet of air and bugs smashed into a paste.
just like the democrats socialists are trying to push onto the American people. ( Note ) The money the democrats have given to the Ukrainian to
date could have made every person over 40 years old in America a
Millionaire or dam close to that. This should be the news ! Totally expose
the feckless bastards for what they are. CRIMINAL’s….

Debate Judge

Warp Speed Was a Total Lie.
Bitchute dot com
Channel: Wil Paranormal


Sandy Koufax

Writer and former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson says he has in his possession evidence from a study showing that covid “booster” vaccines push the immune system over the edge, causing an almost total collapse of immune function. The study comes from China, which is where many believe the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) originated. It shows that after the fourth injection – meaning the two primary jabs and two subsequent booster shots – a person’s immune system is pretty much shot. Trump admitted to having three COVID shots in his interview with Bill O’Reily. He probably had another one since then.


I wish Trump would have said “your fired”

Sandy Koufax

Trump may have fired himself by taking at least three COVID Shots.


Whites hats did to put in overtime here. Darkness is still all over this land of the so called free. There still pushing the Vax everywhere.😥 TV , grocery stores, Waiting for the unsealing.!


Using this particular photo of Trump with this story is really tacky.

margery gibbons

🥳woo hoo another 1 bites the big one


Indeed as troll Smokey Stover noted Gl Berger is up for Ch of Joint Chief of Staff along with Gl Charles Q Brown (appointed by Trump) and Army Gl Paul Nakasone(replaced Admiral Rogers as Head of NSA in 2018 by Trump) WSJ Jan 17,2023. Milley’s term expires Sept 2023. Biden appointed Navy Admiral C Grady(2021) and Space Op Gl BC Saltzman(2022) to the Joint Chiefs. Neither of these two men is nominated for the position of Chairman. My tip source said Navy gets the job(swimmer replaces the millener). How will this play out? Indeed there are two factions. Will Ukraine be used to bypass Trump’s appointees, ie escalation of War. Meanwhile Yellen meets with China (rare event) over the economy. Will the US bow to China again and install Chinese puppets, including disregarding these 3 candidates for Chmn of Joint Chiefs? Dejavu 2020 installation of Biden over Trump?


Too slow. You should be doing a dozen a day.

David Hoffer

why did trump’s lawyers get fined a million bucks for suing a dead woman?

Smokey Stover

Vexatious litigation. Filing lawsuits that have absolutely no merit or evidence to back them up, and don’t stand a chance of success. You know, making stuff up.

David T

Wow, David H0ffer, Sm0key St0ver, R0b Will1am, R0n, De1ta, Bi11 Kaulf1eld, N0body, N0bodi, W0zz, Ll0yd, how do you keep track of all of these fake-ass DF troll turd names that you use?

David Hoffer

do you know why his lawyers got fined? was it for suing a dead woman?

Bill Kaulfield


I made the list!

Smokey Stover

Smokey Stover was a 1950’s-era comic strip that was very funny. And I am so honored to be on the list. However David, as is frequently the case, you are wrong. All of us are different people. Personally, I suspect you are MB writing in his “unhinged” mode

Smokey Stover

Wall Street Journal says General Berger is under consideration for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Let’s hope his injuries heal before the Senate hearings. Wonder if he’ll talk about being kidnapped.

David Hoffer

i hope he goes to hooters for healing

Rob William

What happened to OWD? Is he ok? Both Buck and OWD are now missing.

David Hoffer

they’re both contributing to each article


One more bites the dust, 100,000 more to go.

Robert James

I’d expect closer to a million. Considering all the Satanists who took part in human sacrifices and whatever else. I gag thinking about it.


Via Jim Stone (voterig on the commercial domain)


China just did the largest genocide in world history – 400 million.
Chris Kitze, founder of beforeitsnews, and more wrote the following report. This is iframed, to view it at it’s source click here.

commercial domain


(Sorry, I cannot post properly formatted URLs — that will trigger moderation. If you have been online long enough you can ‘decode’ it and go to the site itself.)

I have mentioned the genocide in china several times but figured it was in the tens of millions. But there really is data to support 400 million, that might actually be legit.

If the embed does not work, click the link in the window below or the link in the headline, they will both open the same way. It will read better directly from where Chris posted this. Chris, if this gets taken down I will post it here in full. This needs to be spread far and wide because we are next and awareness is key.


Detailed, fact-filled, no-nonsense report that would make Jack Webb’s Joe Friday character on DRAGNET (1951 – 2004) proud. Info there confirmed by earlier research/reporting done by truthers Jennifer Zeng

commercial domain


and Clint Richardson

commercial domain


The above is a 717-minute documentary (yes, 12 hours) containing 3rd party information that confirms information in the article by Chris Kitze. The documentary uses text overlays and ‘video scratching’ (famously used in the Herbie Hancock music video ‘Rockit’) for emphasis. I watched the whole thing at 2x inside VideoLAN in more than one sitting. It is filled with talking heads and is a chore to sit through but the (damning) information is there. One of them is Dr. Fauci who has been executed by JAG per RRN. See the RRN story ‘GITMO Double-Header Execution: Anthony Fauci & Loretta Lynch’ for details.

One key thing I noticed in the Kitze article is that, basically, people who didn’t have smartphones were targeted. People that were welded into their homes who didn’t have enough food or even a ‘flip phone’ to call others for help likely died. The smartphones are able to run the needed software in order to maintain the ‘COVID control grid’. Quite a while ago, I was forced to buy a 5G enabled smartphone to continue to have phone service. The old 4G ‘slider’ phone I had worked just fine until the upgrade was forced on me–both planned obsolescence and a ‘mandatory’ node to the planned ‘COVID control grid’ here where I am at which is already partially a reality with all the ‘track and trace apps’ out there since 2020-03-11.

Another key thing is confirmation of the ‘mobile crematoriums’ used in Wuhan during the early days of the Plandemic. Ms. Zeng and other truthers at the time were reporting increased levels of sulfur dioxide in the air over Wuhan found to be caused by all the mobile crematoriums brought in to incinerate the dead bodies. I also remember seeing clips of people over there talking about barely alive people being zipped up in body bags and carted off. Then there is that famous clip of the woman and man being dragged into a place and down some stairs never to be seen again.

Reading the Kitze article and seeing the ‘body count’ list, I am reminded that the bad guys at the top that own/control the worldwide banking network sent their people to China to set them up as another puppet they can control the world from. They have done this in the past with Russia and the USA and now, via the ‘Plandemic’ and info in the Kitze article, it is now China’s turn.

Please use

organization domain

To save copies of any clips at the above links in case they ‘disappear’ so they can be re-uploaded and shared to inform/warn others. TikTake will also save age restricted clips from YouTube without the need for a login there.

Thankfully, odysee turned downloads on again and Clint’s documentary can be downloaded by clicking ‘…’ then clicking ‘Download’.


Thanks for sharing—very important. This must not go on. It must not happen in another country either. There were plans for it to happen here = Fema

Rob William

$1 trillion platinum coin will be minted!


“Convicted himself with his own tongue. “Whats the point?” Is proof they are greedy,
voluntary, consenting, reprobates. They are willing to hurt or harm a child in order to enrich themselves. I dont care how old, wrinkley or ugly I look on the outside, I would never be so greedy, evil, and narcisistic to think I had a right to steal someone elses life blood from them.
Was that to antisemitic for you sensitive, hellbound, reprobates?


Very well said Dr. John.

  • This is what 2024 and 2024 are partially about:
  • The medical system can’t sustain its lies anymore.  A better true healing system will replace it over this period
  •  Those that are saying nothing is happening, are going to be in for a ‘rude awakening.’
  • You’ll witness a changing of the guard with many shifts happening.
  • You are here to save yourselves to bring freedom and sovereignty back. Be the best you be & care about others.
David Hoffer

“Be the best you be & care about others.”

no. also lol @ “2024 and 2024”


I certainly don’t care about people you don’t care about others. I just feel very sorry for them

David Hoffer

i don’t really care. do u?

Rob William

Will you become immortal?

orange julius

Is Trump going to make a statement that the vax is bad?


He just did.

Stinky Perfume

This is a statement with him showing up for the hanging and what he said but it’s not much of a public statement and it’s maybe important that they clean out jabbed people’s blood. These deep staters won’t do anything but keep this stab program going on.

They are some kind of consciousless cold blooded killers in a way but they feel deep state will kill them if they don’t do the usual, take the millions and do what they say. Do or die was the order.


Need medbeds….


No dude Trump is pro-vaccine. He has been for two years.


Ron is a Shill.


Bill Kaulfield

No. Of course not.


The MSM News is all pantomime for those who are not yet ready for the full truth….for many it’ll will be a very hard pill to swallow when decent people will have to soon learn what the Satanic Khazarian bloodlines killers demanded from successful celebrities and government leaders. Some who sold their souls very willingly for $s. when they had to kill a child to join the satanic club. Hunter anyone?
You are privileged to have found this page. And. as we are in a very serious war–it does not have to be 100% correct … dates may be off for safety. SG Anon was asked about RRNews….he said it’s at least 75% correct and he likes Michael Baxter.
I say, intuit carefully before doing trolling put-downs. MB writes what he is given — what he is given is what is wanted out there by the higher ups ‘cos it’s also read by the bad guys. I feel commenters are being looked at also to see the per-centage of awake patriots and the not clever awake paid snake Shills.

David Hoffer

I say, intuit carefully


Stop trolling

David Hoffer

i’m not trolling, intuit carefully


Well said Zee, I agree with you…time to wake up buttercup…come on, waky, waky…..that is what I would love to say loudly to my family and friends….

Bill Kaulfield

“MB writes what he is given.”

So he’s a messenger boy.

Last edited 1 year ago by Bill Kaulfield

Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣, this fake news and people believe this BS 🤣 😂 😆 😅. Oh and big foot has been cloned. 😆 🤣 😂 😹

David T

Hey DF troll turd, why do you care? Pay per post for you? You get extra pay for including icons? Almost like the idiot who always had the ooooo key stuck. Sure wouldn’t be a surprise to know you’re the same goon.


This Bot, Shill Troll #100 also uses name ‘Nobodi’


Post the full list!


It wasn’t big foot, it was the Himalayan monster they cloned, gosh…get it right.

question everything

Epstein Island:


We are being told by SG Anon that in a few days another Epstein type Island and a very big famous name will be revealed. SG Anon will show himself–end of the month

question everything

You are probably familiar with how the bloodlines interbreed and such. I recently learned that Bill Gates’ mother was a Maxwell, as in Robert and his daughter Ghislane. I thought that was a very interesting tie between the Gates family/bloodline and Mossad, of whom both Robert and Ghislane were/are operatives. You are probably also aware of the Gates bloodline history in eugenics, but if you aren’t, James Corbett has a set of videos on the Gates history that is quite enlightening. Here’s a link to that if you’re interested:


Thanks. I saw this some time ago. Bill G. was bred for his role in Eugenics by his Father who ‘Run’ Planned Parenthood and he taught Bill to spread Eugenics far and wide. Like IBM early computer for the Nazi ledgers for eugenics in consentration camps; Billy boy had to go world wide
And the Fauci line is very disgusting — both are pure Khazarian to me.

question everything

The Khazarian reach is much further than many here are willing to admit, but these 3 pictures tell quite a story:

David Hoffer

oh cool. something else that’ll never happen. we’re on year 6 of q drops lol



David Hoffer

which part is a lie?


That’s interesting for you to point that out….hmmmm

Michael R Davis

Most likely Sir Richard Branson whose child trafficking Necker island in the British Virgin Islands, is just 10 miles from Epstein’s island. Branson supplied kids to royalty, kings, queens, princes, princesses, lords, dukes, duchesses.

question everything

Epstein Island:




Who is this Alec Baldwin who is about to be criminally charged for the shooting on the set of Rust?? We know he was executed many moons ago….so how do they come up with all these look alikes? Also, he and his wife had another baby I believe since his execution… many questions???


That’s clone Alec Baldwin, obviously. They made a clone in the underground clone labs just so they could prosecute it. His wife is a clone too. And their new baby? Yep, you guessed it: clone baby.


Bill Gates was executed TWICE! Undisputed.




#90 Shill/Troll/Bot


Full list or it didn’t happen


Shill/Troll/Bot #90


Doubtful there really is a baby. Maybe there is an image of one. Alec had a date with the devil.


And Ron, clones do not reproduce. LOL


Sure they do, they reproduce by making more clones of themselves in the clone labs

David T

Latex mask easiest way to go. “About to be” charged. It will never see the inside of a jail cell.

Rob William

Then kindly change your website disclaimer!


Shill Rob, STFU

David T

Thank you MB. Stand strong and damn the troll turds on here.


Exactly. Over and over again…

David Hoffer

cLoN3s. l00kaLikEs. cGI TriCKery


Good point, but just allow the pantomime to go on for a little longer. Seems we’ll know more end of summer after the Tribunals have been done and analog tapes can be shown.


#soon 🙃



David Hoffer

says mike after his third cheeseburger

David T

And you at the fudge packer festival.

David Hoffer

mike after his 5th whopper

Whopper whopper whopper whopper
Junior double triple whopper
Flame grill taste with perfect toppers
I want this day

Lettice mayo pickle ketchup
It’s ok if I don’t want that
Impossible bow wow bacon whopper
Any whopper my way

You rule your season today
At BK have it your way

Smokey Stover

Don’t trust the legacy media. Only trust Internet loons and what you read here. Reality is overrated!

John H

uh, listen. Trump himself has been a blowhorn for people to get the bioweapon demonic injections, HOW is he escaping justice? He is either monumentally stupid to not see it is deadly & doesnt work, or he is playing dumb to go along with the agenda. Trump, unfortunately is part of the agenda as it appears. Why are these things not being discussed? Unless the real Trump was ‘removed’ and we are looking at a clone or double.
Has Trump been cloned?

But Trump is the self-proclaimed ‘father’ of this vaccine or whatever he said. he has been the chief cheerleader and the braggart about op warp speed.

I need the people here to NOT have cognitive dissonance and face this HEAD ON with no equivocation.

Millions have been murdered by this. What say you, Michael Baxter, & others here?

And yes, I know Trump did a lot of good, but that all goes out the window when we are talking about killing millions, and sterilizing more.


You are TROLLING and are monumentally stupid to not know the deeper truth by now. Do better and more research

John H

and bingo this shows me what your level of ignorance is if you think i am ‘trolling’ – i am 1000% NOT trolling. if you think it is ‘5D’ chess of Trump to preside over the murder of up to 118,000 children and multiple million adults from a bio-weapon death injection, i would say you are the troll and a deceived simpleton. Trump is a freemason and a crypto j e w and your disingenuous answer shows me that your “truth” has been spoon-fed to you and it is not good.
so, go do ‘research’ & get back to me.

anyone else have an original thought that is not a personal attack and actually deals with actual facts/data?

Hey genius, did Trump end the Fed? tell the truth about 9/11 or OKC 95 or stop chemtrails which are killing people? ANYTHING? NO he did not. Why? Oh, sure, it is 5D chess again.

question everything

It has always been much easier to dupe/deceive people than to ever convince them that they may have been duped/deceived. Remember how you felt when you learned the truth about santa or the easter bunny or the girl who said she loved you back in the day? That’s how these people feel when you come against their idol. DENIAL.


You assume much.

question everything

It wasn’t an assumption, but it was a generalization that was overstated. It would have been more accurate to say “That’s how many or most of these people feel when you come against their idol.”
But you also should admit that you assumed who I meant by “these people”.


You need to get up to speed with the seriousness of so many shills and bots here.

question everything

Perhaps you can enlighten me and show me what you think I need to know. I am aware of the Mossad/CIA operations to control every thought of everyone in the world and how serious they are about it. I am also aware of the many who work here at RRN. But I don’t fear any of them. I know who is really in control.


When you assume so much, you risk the loss of credibility.


I stand by saying U R a Troll / Shill…insult me if you wish but I see you as a nasty aggressive liar. YOU ARE QUOTING MUCH msm BS


#110 John H
I stand by saying U R a Troll / Shill…
insult me if you wish but I see you as a nasty aggressive liar. YOU ARE QUOTING MUCH msm BS

John H

good grief YOU ATTACKED ME FIRST & NAME-CALLED. how pathetic. look in the mirror.

David T

Only troll turd DF’s like yourself ever resort to name-calling and put-downs. Why are you even on here? Get lost.


Awww so sorry but Trump is not God.

Sandy Thomas

Not only did he DECLINE to recommend ANY boosters, he also Never recommended them for anyone under 18. So your ‘children’ thing is meritless.
Oh, and he kept insisting they be VOLUNTARY for Anyone. It was FDA cooperation that made every Mandate possible.

question everything

When he was saying that it would be the military that would be delivering the shots, I don’t recall him ever saying that it would be voluntary(let alone, VOLUNTARY). The threat of using the military to deliver the shots implied that it would be by force, whether intentional or not.


He’s a clone. According to the Geneva Conventions clones can’t be charged with crimes against humanity.


Liar Shill #90


Point 1: If you listened to the doctors that for months/years have been treating COVID patients and researcing the vaxx, you would know that there are different batches of vax made differently. In fact, watch Dr. Tenpenny tell how they continue to change the contents of the vaxx. Why??!! Because it would be suspicious if they all cause the same conditions with the same DOAs. President Trump was promoting the safe version of the vaxx based on scientific info he was given. Point 2: We all know President Trump’s administration was infiltrated by leftists to take him down. Now connect the dots.


And don’t forget, Trump thru good military did their best by sending two ships with 80% saline and 20% other. One ship to each coast. In California back then, it seems many got saline only, a very strong stinging in the arm from the salty saline. Seems the DS went into overdrive with the boosters after. Was Trump deceived at this point?


Absolutely!! A very important fact!


Good dot connecting.


I peg you for a medical shill. You try to blame Trump for the vax that the medical bastards have sold your country. Did you read this article? Your reading comprehension is sub-zero. You are a pathetically attempting to hang Trump for the vaccine. Sure, he got strung along by the medical bastards that he trusted, the bastards that skewed the stats to support their own SATANIC AGENDA, but he is by no means the father of this vaccine. The medical bastards responsible will hang. Quit your f–king GASLIGHTING you ass.


Thank you..well said


You’re welcome.

John H

you are a deceived BUFFOON. i am no medical shill you idiot. And TRUMP himself basically called himself the father of the vaccine. what is the matter with you? the minute Trump finds out that the “vaccine” is not a vaccine but a demonic bio-weapon and knows it is killing people, WHY HAS HE NOT SPOKEN UP? Is he STILL being duped? Sheesh, if he is, then he is a colossal imbecile and moron.
I know the medical/big pharma community is garbage. But Trump pushed this shot – over and over and over. Dont even tell me he did not have smart people around him who could have easily known this was a depopulating, genocidal global extermination plan. Stop kissing trump’s ass, windblower.


Yes, indeed!

Bill Kaulfield

Clones! Clones clones clones clones clones!

Everyone’s a clone!


Smokey Stover

Clones wearing rubber masks actors and body doubles and CGI’ed or holographically projected here, there and everywhere!


Now Hahn can haunt hell.

Jose Ramirez

I love president Donald J Trump. I will never turn my back to our best president Donald J Trump. Latinos for Trump!!!! Trump 2023; 2024 and +


How many Trump NFTs did you buy?




UPDATE: Alec Baldwin to be charged with involuntary manslaughter in ‘Rust’ film shooting. How can they do that if he’s dead?!? Care to answer that question, MB?


The fed is in trouble
They need diversions


Pointless having a Davos meeting with clones only !
Is this the reason that Soros, Nazi Son, Cross dresser Klaus Schwab & Gates… not at the 2023 WEF Davos meet? Have they all been made to drop their real bodies ?

Michael R Davis

Still relying on that FAKE Newsmedia, CNN, MSNBC, et al?
Too bad our enemy FAKE News articles can never be confirmed. It is confirmed that the mainstream newsmedia is totally owned by the Globalist NWO Deep-State and lie to us, censor everything, propagandize us ALL of the time. We never know if the people we observe are actors, doubles, CGI, old videos, or the real thing.


You forgot about the clones bro. Clones are central to the RRN storyline now


And you can’t imagine, can you, the technology these miscreants possess? Because you can’t conceive of it, it doesn’t exist….. Juvenile thinking. This place isn’t for kiddies.


D-elta is #10 old Troll / Shill / Bot 


Have you heard of clones? No? Well now you have.

Stinky Perfume

So what’s a guy that smart and capable doing not looking for the bosses of the bosses bosses up and up……..who did Fauci answer to?

They got their own evil minions like Fauci, Hahn… thrown under the buss now and they walk free? Are the secret old rulers of earth from the underground dead? Gone? Underground at Facebook, etc? Operating clones with AI or somewhere in Antarctica doing mind control naturally sending dreams/visions?

Trouble is seen widespread in tv news reading teleprompters. I can theorize to go blow up their surface dweller news channel stations, as it sounds like the answer for what they rage on about to keep the stab narratives going on.

Are we going to get an answer why they aren’t closing down MSM, or military can’t order them not to post fake stab news? Have they sent order letters like Austin does?

I know the military could theoretically do like Putin does and order them to evacuate for explosion or else.

What’s on the surface seems not too much matter because I heard quantum computers is the only future and it avoids all the other low lifer control technology fakery. But I also heard when it rolls out it will be the only item anyone can turn on for news, schools, anything, like an all-or-nothing move forward.

The plan seems odd, like slow, or bluff…or as missing as med beds the dealer to 30 yrs younger ones….and everyone has to learn the real hardest way if they ignore what they had time and conscious to pay attention to, what the pharma-mafia really is in so many cases. Hahn said “they all knew they wanted the money”. I can guess they all also knew the boss lived underground or off I. Rich elite estates is a part time spot, and has a lot of spaceships.

I hear that the pharma workers and paid off persons from other offices, had a choice not to take the money but I also hear the choice is do or die, take the big money or they kill them. Like a bluff if they can’t kill them all, but many they obviously suicide them.

So they are going to die anyway from karma. I guess their challenge can be like to use the money to warn the public in some secret way that outsmarts their genocide plan. Maybe military witness protection could have been sought. They joined the winning establishment side, not the proper morals side.

As it appears you have to do the right thing, so they can opt to face down the death offered for disobedience in a confrontation, like just say “no” and see if they can kill you or not. Sometimes they can’t kill someone. They can lie or bluff back at them and secretly do something to get the genocide stab truth out.

If this was another country where people were allowed to be poor and live in tents outside or much cheaper do it yourself structures, like Africa, and the streets weren’t loaded with drug addicts and alcoholics and people that think they are sexy, then it’s a better chance. Other things can happen I hear a lot of promise talk about, like quantum computers and ET takeover. IDK.


Get up to speed with the coming changes…Rumble SG Anon #36


Quantum all the way and it is fairly obvious that we are going to need special help.

John .S

Currently Hahn’s getting wacked is meaningless as the vax agenda continues, Fauci & Collins too.

It’s clear that the so-called white hats aka, good guys couldn’t give a rats ass about We the People as vax continues.

If good guys have any juice than crank-up the EBS blaring “Vax is Poison”, and start suspending medical credentials of vax pusher, and complicit MSM actors promoting & advancing same.

Whose zooming who? Answer: White Hats as barefaced culprits of genocide via failure to halt vaccine post haste.


Just a little bit more patience needed

Lorenz Manner

Wow it was sad enough but he took the consequences of his doings. Now it’s all over and others are in row to receive the noose like him. Good riddance.

Nancy Thompson

Why the happy face on Trump? Trump demeanor is described as solemn and he shook his head in disgust. Even when justice is served, a human life is still taken. Nothing to smile about

Leroy Van Schemer

Pretty sure that`s not a photo from the gallows , just a stock photo MB picked out


I agree, it is a poor choice and does not match the mood of the story as written. Michae Baxter, any chance you can change that lovely photo of Trump to a more somber one? This sends the wrong message for all the wrong reasons. The last thing you want is people not taking you seriously because you glorified and misrepresented Trump’s mood. Also, it’s something controlled opposition would do.


Why waste energy criticizing a good stock photo?


Zee, next time you are a professional editor and own a media bureau you will understand


MB only used stock images. He chose well–
Why waste energy criticizing?


poor choice and he even deleted my post going into detail as to why it is wrong

He has done that before.


Maybe there is something wrong with your opinions…maybe you’re a bit too pissed off for some reason?


funny how you read pissed off in my posts when it is simply opinion and information

projection and sarcasm from you

David T

No he didn’t. I saw your post about it.

Dave Kelly

@MB , I make a post and comment mocking one of RRN’s sanctioned trolls and posers, and you monitors do not remove my post and comment, but you relocate the post and comment so where it reappears , the post has NO RELEVANCE. LoL caught you! EXPOSED! This site does pimp and promote trolls and posers, the ” SANCTIONED ONES “, Ah ha! you are operating like an msm entity. SO who owns this rag anyway?


DAVE KELLY Troll #102
Grow up


how did you find it? he’s deleted my posts that he doesn’t like but there is no way I can find them.

David T

See my comment above about poster1, poster2 and poster3.

David T

I agree with your frustration. It’s just how the comments sort out, based on who you are commenting to. I’ve had it happen as well. If poster1 initiates a post, and poster2 comments on it, then poster 3 comments to poster2, then a bunch of people comment to posters2 and 3 and then you comment to poster1, your comment will be way down below all of the replies to poster2 and poster3.


Some reason I am not buying into this, I can’t imagine President Trump saying those things at that time, what a made-up story. I understand that the guy who posts these stories is a well known Trump hater.

Tom henry

Bring proof to back up your comments which you didn’t at this time.

David Hoffer

bring proof to back up your article which you didn’t at this time


David Hoffer TROLL #109

David Hoffer

#69 akshually


Viking is #112 TROLL


well known Trump hater? where does this come from?


Troll #112 do not insult MB’s hard work. If you had a conscious common sense you wouldn’t write BS


Where’s the list

Rob William

We want the list and methodology both.


what drugs are you on?


kitty..kitty..on drug called spread TRUTH…..




Anyone see the video of CNN anchor Brian Stelter who resurfaced in Davos on Tuesday to host a panel discussion on “disinformation” on him being executed?
Search: Ex-CNN anchor Brian Stelter resurfaces in Davos to host disinformation panel.The evidence is sure pointing more and more that MB/RNN lied to us and took us for a ride.

Michael R Davis

Too bad our enemy FAKE News articles cannot be confirmed either. It is confirmed that the mainstream newsmedia is totally owned by the Globalist NWO Deep-State and lie to us, censor everything, propagandize us ALL of the time. We never know if the people we observe are actors, doubles, CGI, old videos, or the real thing.

David Hoffer



While it is a valid data point, it’s not conclusive. Clones, CGI, actors in masks, etc. do exist as Michael highlights above. You can find a lot of this evidence on telegram and there are many videos made out there to show you the history and how it all ties together. More and more Hollyweird types are admitting they have clones.

Still, you are right to question. This site could be controlled opposition. We know that military tribunals are happening around the world and in some locations, they even have special navy vessels parked in international waters to conduct them and the executions are carried out on the same day.

I heard 54% of the population is involved on some level. Remember they need to get Hospital Directors/Administrators, Doctors, Pharmacists, and all Govt. Bureaucrats who were involved. In addition, I heard they have a sleeper on every street in the world.

White hats/military have conducted millions of missions. If you think we will know everything, we don’t. Only 3 non-military people know the plan and less than 10 total and out of them, only 2 know the specifics of the final plan. If anything can be believed. I do believe it is much bigger than we can fathom. Do I believe this site? As much as anything but I know intel that is shared in my groups does not cross over here so it leads me to believe this is to wake people up some more and provide hope that things are happening. So in the big picture, arrests and tribunals are taking place and people are being executed, does it matter whether this particular site gets all the details right? It could all be part of the movie.


are you 5yrs delta ????




It’s too bad these articles can’t be confirmed. Would love to know if they were true or not.

Nick NavyBlueSmoke Nicholson

I am sure that Commander Trump does not relish the thought , that many need to be Judged & Executed for their crimes against Humanity & The Nation he is Commander In Chief of ……. however it does bring a smile , perhaps a bit of a well deserved Smirk , knowing that Finally The White Hat Community has the upperhand & a Commander Worthy of The Name ! The decks must have all hands assembled on deck & any saboteurs must be dealt with Properly ! Piranhas need food too ….. Unfurl The Flag , Unfurl the Sail & Move Into Blessings from Creator God as we do what must be done …… I’m so dang proud of everyone that’s aboard ! ! Not everyone Is Fortunate Enough To Be Borne Navy But It sure does feel good Now ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

David Hoffer



Lol 😆 🤣, you don’t really believe this crap? 🤣 This is a satire site that is all BS made up stories 🙄. Come on man. Only truth is that we as Americans have been screwed over, and we did nothing.


So when are they going to get Schwarb and soros


Any job where you are interacting with the public.. serving food, drinks, etc.. is VERY UNSAFE in SEATTLE or any communist DEMOcRAT run city. You cannot take your chances while working somewhere open to public exposure… PERIOD.. thanks to Open Borders, Sanctuary city, defunded police. soft on crime legislation, refugees and illegals flooding in from shithole 3rd world, etc… Magnolia is an affluent suburb of Seattle.. right on the Puget Sound… now another crime infested hellhole which is PERVASIVE in ALL KING COUNTY.. ALL DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED HELLHOLE..

Employee at business near Magnolia robbed at gunpoint


vaccine is ethnobomb.. guess who is least likely to suffer damage. hint.. whites are highly susceptible to vaccine injury and death..


Bourla ambushed by Rebel News in Davos.. A clone??


it was Bancel that was hung.. not Bourla.. but Hahn and Bourla.. best buddies.. so here’s hoping they meet up soon.. none too soon for the Ka Zar Ian fucker


Note for the reader: Written for entertainment purposes only



It is to protect the writer from legal problems. We can choose to read or leave.


I love that we are finally having a proper holocaust of these parasitic Babylonian Radhanites/Kenites (actual bio descendants of Lucifer through Cain) and none of them can accuse anyone of doing it because they are “antisemitic” its just being done because they are a bunch of evil, greedy, demon possessed, parasitic, sellouts. Even God says they are an evil tribe Jeremiah 8. In Luke 19:27 God calls them his enemies and he calls for the world wide erradication of them. In Psalm 21:10 God prophecies that it will come to fruition. In Revelation 2:09 & 3:09 God calls them blasphemous, lying, satanists.
Do you know why Jesus called their ancestors a brood of vipers? Its because vipers are the only type of snake that gives birth to live young. As in (reptillian shapeshifters)


And another traitor to humanity leaves this earth. The video broadcast will be coming to all patriots in the months to come.

joe blow

Keep them snapping !

Ruby Kennard

I truly believe Chelsea Clinton used her mother’s crime connections to murder Bill by poison at Gitmo. She had no love for him and knew he’d testified against her mother, whom she idolized. Now, they’re ALL gone. Good riddance. It was appropriate that Pres Trump attended this traitor’s execution. It’s amazing that he thought his vapid, secondhand, apology could reverse his sentence. Liars, haters, and traitors never face the reality of their consequences. To this date, only one traitor has shown remorse- Justice Sotomayor accepted her fate and asked for prayer before her execution. She deserved her sentence but I’m glad she repented of it and died with peace & dignity.


That was Loretta Lynch.

David Hoffer

it’s great to see hrc and bill on tv. i know the rrn-tards will be triggered


And she had blood on her hands too, lots of it. She was a Clinton ass-kisser.

Michael R Davis

Bill Clinton, just like Dubya Bush and Hussein O, broke and squealed on his comrades and family for a deal, a cyanide tablet, foregoing becoming a former President prosecuted and hung for treason, which will eventually be entered into the history books. Dubya’s father, GHW Bush, was the first former President prosecuted and executed for President. Assuming Hussein as reported was prosecuted and shot in the back of the head for treason, he too must have made a deal foregoing the gallows. So far, four former US Presidents executed for treason, perhaps four First Ladies, one a male.

Smokey Stover

Actually, not.