JAG Sentences Jerome Adams to Death


Three officers impaneled to weigh JAG’s case against Jerome Adams found the former surgeon general guilty of treason after viewing documents showing he had participated in a conspiracy to mislead President Donald J. Trump about vaccine safety and the merits of locking down and bankrupting the country.

The brief but volatile tribunal, which took place Friday at Guantanamo Bay, began with Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall labeling Adams a “traitor,” accusing him of faking loyalty to Trump while clandestinely plotting society’s downfall with co-conspirators Fauci, Birx, Hahn, and Pence. He took it a step further by likening Adams to Judas, the disciple who betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver, but said he had neither compassion nor forgiveness for traitors who valued money and power over loyalty and truth. He said he was honor bound to abide the U.S. Constitution and the Insurrection Act of 1807, as invoked by President Trump.

Addressing the panel, Adm. Crandall noted that Adams had at the onset of the Plandemic shared Trump’s unpopular stance that lockdowns were overkill and mask mandates would cause an increase in respiratory ailments—to the chagrin of Coronavirus Task Force colleagues whom the media caught sparring with Adams during press briefing sidebars. When Adams in early 2020 said masks would proliferate the spread of Covid-19, Fauci bristled like an angry porcupine, calling Adams’ opinion “unsound,” even though he, too, had openly waffled on how and when masks should be worn.

The admiral read from a transcript of a March 2020 conversation between Trump and Adams:

Trump: “I don’t know, Jerome, I think I should fire these guys. They’re not good, not good for this thing, this plague, that came from China. They want me to shut the greatest economy this country has ever seen, but from what I hear, from what some are saying, the China virus isn’t as bad as they’re saying it is. Most people get the sniffles. I think I’ll replace them.”

Adams: “Mr. President, I think that’d be premature. They’ll come around. They’re considered the brightest minds in medical science and firing them would ruffle a lot of feathers out there. If you trust me, I’d hold off, give me a chance to talk to them.”

Trump: “All right, Jerome, I trust you. We can’t let the China virus destroy this great country.”

Admiral Crandall told the panel that Adams was part of a “good cop, bad cop” charade in which Adams and Pence initially took Trump’s side while Fauci, Birx, and other Task Force members lobbied for mass mask mandates and business closures. To prove his point, he displayed an earlier email Adams had written to Fauci. It was dated February 27, 2020, two months before news of Operation Warp Speed hit the media.

“Tony, I have his [Trump’s] trust. In a few weeks I’ll adopt your position and tell him the science has changed and it’s time to mask up and move ahead with an accelerated program to manufacture vaccines. You mentioned a 6–9-month timetable to FDA approval, is that really enough?” it read.

The admiral faced Adams. “I honestly don’t think you knew that Fauci already had early trial data proving vaccines were injuring and killing trial participants. I don’t think they shared that with you. You actually had trepidations, but still you followed their agenda. And when the time came, you went full throttle into it, telling the President vaccines would save millions of lives—”

Adams, who had been silent, suddenly spoke: “That’s right. I was told the vaccines would be safe and effective and have only mild side effects on a small subset of people.”

“If so, you still accepted financial reward for your role,” Adm. Crandall said. “Deep State greed is indeed pervasive.”

He showed the panel Adams’ financials. Adams had received four direct deposits, each for $250k, in the first half of 2020. The National Library of Medicine, an NIH subsidiary, had issued the payments.

“I’m baffled,” the admiral said. “Your official salary was $133k annually and you sold your soul for a million bucks. You got cheated. Do you have any idea how much Fauci and Birx got paid from Pfizer and Moderna? Tens of millions, detainee Adams, tens of millions, and you got a million dollars. Fauci never got to spend it.”

He reused the tactic he had on Stephen Hahn at his tribunal, showing Adams a photograph of Fauci dangling from a rope.

Adams breathed deeply, gasping for air, his chest heaving. His handcuffed hands reached for a pitcher of water on the table.

“Do you need medical attention?” Adm. Crandall asked.

Adams shook his head. “No.”

“What you knew or didn’t know isn’t the question here, it’s whether you, an appointed official, intentionally betrayed and misled the President of the United States. That, detainee Adams, is treason,” Adm. Crandall said. “And that’s why JAG and the Office of Military Commissions is asking this panel to judge.”

The panel voted unanimously: guilty. They told the admiral that Adams ought to hang for deceiving the President.

“Judas was destroyed by sin,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “Your life, as you know it, ends at the hands of this commission. I hereby sentence you to hang on Monday, February 13.”

As an aside, to our knowledge, this is the first time the admiral cited scripture at a military tribunal.


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Yup. & he finally swung freely & met The Late Selected not Elected Resident at The 80% scale replica of the White House located in Atlanta, Georgia. The real Biden is played by actors in realistic Hollywood Silicone masks or Clones that only last for about 3 years at most.


Pres Trump to give speech on Monday, Feb 20, 2023 at 4 pm (est).


When can we expect an update on handsome’s DANCE night out doing the SWING!


Pence??? Was involved – wow!! I hope Trump ditches him. Now is the time to choose another.


Pence headed the covid task force, Trump put him in charge.

Ann Ononomous

Trump ditched him back a while ago. If yyou run a search on Pence on this site, you will find some articles on him, but I’ve seen on other sites the real traitor, paedophile Pence was already executed. The one now is double or clone. He was a very twisted, disgusting dude. He’s raped countless kids and murdered close to 200.

Mark David

OCD takes over.
Is he dead yet? Is he dead yet? Is he dead yet? Is he dead yet? Is he dead yet? Is he dead yet? Is he dead yet? Is he dead yet? Is he dead yet?


Absolutely & he definitely already has assumed room temperature!


Thanks for a job well done, always bringing us the truth! Bless You!
Any update on General Bergers recovery?🙏🙏🙏


Any update on Jerome hanging?


Can he walk yet? I broke my knee cap as well you lose the muscle in that leg while it is healing. I am walking my cousins dog to put muscle back in my leg fell 3 times on walks now I am getting better. It is a process attitude is key. It is considered a trans so I ended up in Houston’s trams center and got Dr. Eastman I surprised him as well for I was determined to walk again I went to treemont for rehab and had Elwood for rehab. Don’t bend your knee to early for the knee cap will not heal and make sure you can move the bottom part of you leg like the foot I could not the first time so we went back in to fix that. You have to be able to move your foot with out assistance from the other leg. So in I went to fix that problem. But I was determined to walk those dogs again to I went in pt and worked with Elwood and after the second surgery it worked and I surprised the pt by walking down to the appointment and she was very surprised and told the doctor and he came to see himself so next appointment was my last appointment now it is up up that leg muscle. I walk the dogs 5 times a week. Once a day.


Se me hizo muuuuuuuy raro que los panelistas de JAG hayan sido tan “blanditos” con ese miserable oscuro Ron Klein…. Mas porque el reptiliano De Santis quiso ser testigo en el tribunal…… Porque nada mas 20 “almanaques” de sentencia, cuando minimo deberia ser el doble? O de plano pasarlo directamente a los “tendederos” al aire libre a que “baile” el mambo Hilaria.


Any chance on translation please?


Essentially he finds it odd that JAG was so easy on Klain. Especially since the reptilian DeSantis wanted to witness the trial. 20 calendar years not enough at least double or send him directly to the clothesline so he can flap in the wind doing the Hillary mamb.

Elisa Orozco

Thank you!!!


I am making $100 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $16,000 a month by working on a laptop, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­7.c­o­m


Your broke


Great for you now leave!

Pepe Penname

In the end, it’s always greed that gets them. Dumbass never figured on the bank receipts.

Three direct deposits of $250K traced to him


If he would have got with Delavic he could have made a 100 bucks an hour from his laptop🤣🤣🤣

Carol Sims

My blood runs cold when I see the name of PENCE.
I hope by now that everyone knows he tried to assassinated Our President FOUR Times Pence is also a PEDOPHILE!

Andi Kay

Absolutely right. I can’t wait for that evil sucker to swing.


I think he already has depending on what form of capital punishment Mike Pence was subjected to? What you more than likely are seeing is a clone, double,doppelgänger or a CGI portraying him & it is definitely not him.

Pepe Penname

Puzzled by Trump’s remark that Mike Pence was honorable🥱


Adams was supposed to be executed on Monday. Did that happen?


Of course & there is good reason for that delay in reporting this. There is continuing evidence due to what else was revealed from Jerome Adam’s tribunal & anyone else connected to his acts of treason committed will not be alerted to leave the country as many other Deep State Rats have.


Yes Monday morning according to Michael

Elisa Orozco

Yes, it did.


I just saw a post (Politico) where John Kirby said the balloons do not point to China….we all know it is the DS doing this. Just thought I would throw this out there just in case you don’t think these posts are true….they are.

Elisa Orozco

Thanks for the update, Glenda.


So many trolls here.

Any info on the train wreck and poisoning of the folks in East Pallistine, OH forthcoming?

Carol Sims

The last I heard is that animals, especially pets that live outside have been dropping dead fast. Imagine what the innocent children are experiencing! Every life is in danger whether living inside the house or elsewhere. There is no escaping poisonous air, wind, rain, etc.

Everyone should have been evacuated as soon as they heard the sad news. I do believe it is far worse than the blasted Chemtrails.

I fear for the lives of so many that will be gone too soon.

Elisa Orozco

Billie Beene did a pretty good presentation on the subject this morning. (2/14/23) Also, Mike Jaco did a revealing presentation.

Andi Kay

Thank you for sharing this information. One of the best things about RRN is that we share Information with the community.

Michael R Davis

We are nearing the Deep-State ET alien invader stage.
Since illegal border crossing aliens fed up with loser Democrats have been caught switching to Trump, Globalist Democrats are importing millions of ET aliens. Bring on the demons, ooops. I mean pretend extraterrestial aliens.

Initiate the CGI. You think the CGI at the World Trade Center was good 21 years ago, wait until you see what we have for you suckers now. Our new CGI can even vote.

Like the millions of illegal invading aliens crossing our borders, the millions of invading ETs will want everything given to them free, to vote for the Globalist NWO Deep-State Democrats. Globalist ETs are implanted with a hatred for Orange Man Bad and USA, USA, USA.


Happy Valentine’s Day, to Admiral Crandall, my secret crush that is now not so secret anymore.

Mary Catherine Podlesak

Pete Buttigieg, and the CEO of Norfolk Southern, should be arrested for treason. The owners of the NYT and Washington Post, should be arrested also for not reporting this properly and warning residents of the dangers of the toxic chemicals being released. Norfolk Southern has been hiding the list of chemicals on those train cars.


What do you expect from a homosexual posing as the Wife in a 2 male homosexual marriage??!

Mary Catherine Podlesak

Next up should be Pete Buttigieg for conspiring to derail that train in East Palestine, cause an environmental disaster which will lead to the death of people, animals, plants, soil, water and buildings. This is treason. General Smith, if you are listening, arrest Pete Buttigieg.


treason? lololol

Michael R Davis

Agreed. FAKE News is conspiring to censor, cover it up.
Drag all Norfolk Southern officials, Buttigieg, and all politicians involved in this deliberate genocidal attack, to Gitmo, prosecute, hang the bastards. Confiscate ALL Norfolk Southern assets and divide the assets among the citizens harmed.

Norfolk Southern is offering residents a 1,000 ‘inconvenience’ fee.
Tell them to add 3 zeroes 1,000,000 and flee Ohio.


also the Heads of FEMA should roll…along with the Red Cross…

Lorenz Manner

What a pity. A man with his position to end up as a traitor of the country and the President. Such a wimp and a brainless without spinalcord. He took the consequences. Good riddance.


All about greed.

Mark David

When they capture Rochelle, she won’t need any make-up for the Tribunal because she already looks so good. She’s one hot number.

John Freese

Maybe you could join her….

Mark David

I’ll tell her you were thinking about her.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David
Mark David

If the ropes crush enough vocal cords, the Deep State whining may stop.

Andi Kay

Excellent! I like how you think, sir.

John .S

Awaiting Adams obituary. Jerome’s Epitaph: Good-bye my true love Mike Pence.


Are there ANY trustworthy people at the top AT ALL?


The white hats are going to get the traitors at B.ig.gs. Sources say they are g.ay porn aficionados.




yea goob, guys at Bi.g.gs only get their wings by playing a game called Gobble the Weiner.


What is Bi.g.gs?


figure it out. i dropped clues. if unable to make a solid inductive conclusion, then you must be made OnlyInAmerica!


Who is the top? They will no longer be able to sustain the the higher frequencies. That means evacuation of the evil… GITMO or by other counter parts. They can no longer exist as we are ascending to a higher level of consciousness.


Nope. Not one – to include your 501c3 pastor.


I was reminded something from this one though.These justly condemned traitors and high criminals still need prayer all the way to their just dispatch if they might be granted repentance and the true faith of Christ before their exit doors open and close forever.Of course this is known but I was thinking of this early this morning before Adam’s execution.




Aww, how churchy church of you. Did you know your 501c3 pastor signed a non disclosure agreement with the Obama administration, whereby he’d turn anyone who bucked the regime in to the Feds, citing Paul’s statement that agents of the government are to be obeyed, while he was to receive food, medicine and protection as the righteous objectors went to gulags?

This man is headed to hell in a bread basket, yet you waste your breath on him, and say not a word for the righteous among you, who are kicked and persecuted daily. God sees all and he sees your pious hypocrisy.


Wasn’t Jesus a model for the OPTION to not think you are persecuted?

Perhaps what you withhold from another is what is withheld from YOU?


True 👍


Our Creator separates the wheat from the chaff in this dimension. The doctor made his conscious choice to go to hell. Free will is applied through choices we make.


Yes. Forever in a burning hell is a long time even for traitors.Thats their fate,along with the father of lies…


That is his choice of before his execution


He chose the devil, decades ago when he strayed and began doing the nasty with other men Mike ‘s history was little ones and worse….disgusting evil depravity
birds of a feather



You’re either a Fed or brainwashed Baptist – not sure which is worse. .

Bible says if a man wants to go to hell, don’t stand in his way.

John Freese

You obviously have a very compassionate and loving soul. We as a nation need more love and compassion spread around. I cannot speak for the creator, but I would like to think that God honors your attitude that continues to pray until the last hour for these wicked lost souls. I have not matured enough in my journey to share your attitude but greatly appreciate your efforts.


Interesting the train ‘derailment’ carrying carcinogenic vinyl chloride happened in e Palestine, Ohio.

It is clear it was the joos…


of course.The devils chosen are the problem.


Or perhaps the devil IS the chooser thinking the seemingly clear situation out of which there are seemingly clear choices is one wherein it BELIEVES it CAN make choices.

Last edited 1 year ago by julie

how can the devil choose when it is the totem of denial of Knowledge? devil is unable to KNOW. ‘It’ can only believe in doubt.


Someone posted that Trump was being referenced as Jesus…..that is not at all what he said. He was referring Adams to Judas because of the money he took from the demons. His 30 pieces of silver was not worth the price of the many deaths this traitor caused. These people are all monsters with no conscience. This weak minded homosexual was apparently thinking he was a rich man and could live out his days in comfort. However, he will not. Pence will just have to look for another lover. Pence’s days on this earth are numbered as well and he knows it. He was captured but from what I read, Trump let him go with the promise that he would publicly tell the truth and apologize to this entire country….so far, that hasn’t happened. He is back with his black hat protection. Prayers for DJT and the White Hats as always. God bless this country!!



John .S

Hello-hello Rochelle, many suspect you’re monitoring RRN, check back around 2 pm EST for your comrades obituary.

Rest assured Rochelle, you will receive the same fate, tic-tock goes the Gitmo clock, you can run, though not hide indefinitely.

It’s only a matter of time Rochelle before someone tosses you under the bus.

Hey Rochelle, open past article on Loretta Lynch, in rehearsing her script.

PS: Rochelle will you be my valentine? Hugs & Kisses Sweetheart.


Funny how are they all related. Even more than we know, undercover. Must see my “neighbors” at Bernstein Management Washington DNC. 😂 My fav a CCP’s spy!


rochelle looks like Luigi


Hey Rochelle, open past article on Trump’s inauguration on July 4th 2021


wa-luigi. that was good my man

air man

Got to get Soetoro, ASAP.


YES, I agree big time. Why is it taking so long?? !!


Wasn’t he already executed?


He got TWO in the back of the head ? caught with a cell phone?


why? then mike’s stories are over. he’s the dark lord; the guy who dies last


obammy was a live art re-enactment of defecation.


damn, still mad he won twice and trump lost? smh


obama had russian collusion

by Victor

Well j.s.u.k. Soto has already been gotten, As has B.Mike


ocon is happier in hail BM kept beating the sh out of him as 4 play


They already dealt with Barako Insane Obammy & the same goes for Michelle My Belle AKA Big Mike too. At least Big Mike cannot beat up Barako Insane anymore!

Last edited 1 year ago by GLADALLOVER
John .S

It’s Monday, 10;30 am est, suspect Adams is done.

Place you bets, did Adams except his fate exiting via Bashido, or whimpering in sissy gibberish hysteria?

Money says: crying like a bitch.

Again, place your bets.

John Freese

Ive got 20/1 cryin like a bitch lmmffao

John .S

Johnny-boy, it’s all on MB in writing the narrative. Can also wager when Adams was pronounced dead.

Money says: 9; 07 believe Monday executions at 9 am, in catching late breakfast.

Suspect by 10 am mess hall gearing up for lunch, nothing worse then cold dried out bacon. Though whose to stop Crandall from whipping-up a meal any time of the day – or night.

John .S

Place “your” bets, friendly ghoul pool to start the week, think of it as taking a Superbowl Box, harmless fun.


i’m having so much fun

John .S

Barry, what say you?
Adams [a] exiting like a man, or [b] crying like a bitch?

Power Ball: predicting time of death?

Unfortunately, RRN merchandise store not open as of yet, sorry no winning gifts, just bragging rights.


I said I’m having so much fun. I don’t need to gamble on Mike’s imagination

John Freese

I wonder if at some point, Mr. Adams thought to himself…Oh shit, I sold my soul!! Family, career, reputation all gone. And for what? One million dollars? Now he gets to sit in a cell knowing that in X number of days he will meet his creator. He knew the vacs was no good. The money just made the lies easier to swallow. Who’s next?


It’s a shame about Jerome turning on President Trump for money. I know that is the one thing President Trump hates the most – traitors – no loyalty.

John Freese

There is an entire chapter in one of his books talking about revenge against disloyalty.


Totally. That was in his next book after he wrote The Art of The Deal. One employee betrayed him and he fired her. She came crawling back to him. Begging for a second chance. He refused. President Trump does not compromise.


We all hate traitors! We can survive our enemies, but it’s the traitors which do the most harm, and why they deserve the harshest of punishment.


Who doesn’t?


Was he ever on Trump’s side? No


WOW !!!


I remember seeing this guy on
TV a few years ago…wow !!!

Richard Clarke

One down, how many millions to go for their treason against my family and our country.


Many millions.

Michael R Davis

Bring on the demons, oops, I mean the Extraterrestrial aliens. Initiate the CGI. You think the CGI at the World Trade Center was good 21 years ago, wait until you see what we have for you suckers now.

Like the millions of illegal invading aliens crossing our borders, the millions of invading ETs will want everything free to vote for the Globalist NWO Deep-State Democrats. New cellphones, free 5G service, new backpacks, new name brand shoes, free government housing, free credit cards, permanent get-out-of-jail-free cards. WE WILL VOTE FOR YOU

Globalist ETs are born with a hatred for Orange Man Bad and USA, USA, USA. Don’t be fooled when the FAKE News liars support them.


haitians, african muslims, middle east muzzies, and legions of spics are foaming across the border. is there a border? didn’t trudeau, mex pres, and ‘biden’ sign a non-border agreement? isn’t that how trudeau ordered US JETS to shoot down some object in canada?

maybe there is no border? maybe tht’s why US law enforcement is facilitating the illegals?


All part of the plan to eliminate white people.


Yes! and still the whites trundle along as if it is 2005. The whites do not know a war has been declared, for their mental conditioning is thick.


Oh, they openly hate Trump and We the People. They still to this day call Trump”s fight against the deep state stealing the 2020 election “the big lie.”

Rob William

Annunaki Balloons!




Great article


I am making $100 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $16,000 a month by working on a laptop, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this site.. w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­7.c­o­m


Sources say the white balloons actually emanated from Michael Obama’s intestines.

margery gibbons

what quote? i didn’t see a quote.


Reference to Judas.


He was referring to Judas and the 30 Pieces of Silver.

Sparky Sr

Ladies & Gentlemen,
We are here to learn what our beautiful military are doing in correcting the misjustice of our country. At the same time, it is also correcting the globalism of these people by taking out these indians/deep-staters in charge.
No one cares about the stupid-bowl or the shit-show of half-time.
We The People need to keep praying – keep holy the sabath day whether you pick Saturday or Sunday.
Vice Adm. Crandall labeling Adams a “traitor,” & likening Adams to Judas, the disciple who betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver is fitting. For Adams to betray Trump took only a simple million. As Christ said to Judas, ‘do what you need to do’ – so did Trump to Adams!
Pray my brothers & sisters that God’s will be done quickly and put the rightfull Person back in the WH, though he is in the ‘Winter WH’…!!!
God Speed to our military & Patriots around the world on their endeavors..

Julio Antonio Laguna



Well put Sparky Sr…. The lie to Trump has cost lives to many…. The truth will come out to the mainstream. Hopefully soon…


sounds gay

Mark David

Rihanna certainly looks like a man. Nasty show for the Super Bowl. I’ll bet the NFL management is infested with Satanists. They need a good scrubbing out.


Why do you watch that shit? Turn it off, boycott them into oblivion!

Mark David

it’s the first Superbowl I’ve watched in 5 years. My wife, who is in a wheelchair and recovering from a serious injury wanted to see it. I am also her Caregiver and if she wants to watch it, I hold her hand and watch it with her. We are both Army Veterans, married over 40 years, and I will do anything I can for her to help her back to good health.




It’s just that people watching it increases viewership numbers.


The negative reviews were tremendous against half time…Taylor swift looks like a guy the more you look even an Adam apple

Carol Sims

Do you know that Taylor Swift has gone to the dark side?

Michael R Davis

Amen brother Mark


This is the White House Doctor that also had a Clone of himself that went into colleges etc to talk to people. Are they killing a clone…because he was supposed to have two homes , one in DC but they could never find him???

Sparky Sr

Are you refering to Vivek Murthy?? He’s fake like as in CGI – no such person

Michael R Davis

Yes Murthy and his small CGI son who pops in and out of view are CGI nonsense, not real people. He even looks like a Disney animation.


Technology is unbelievable today. Great minds create great things, but any instrument can also be used for evil as well as for good.

Sandy Koufax

It makes no difference. Adams or his clone will behave in the same manner. It doesn’t appear that the white hats will pursue the same person more than once, so there is no discernable difference in how the US government operates.


donate more to hear riveting stories of clones being executed and nothing changing!




Just as I thought, Rhianna dressed in Red – Just another Demonic Stage Show!!!


Red Stage Show & Lights, filthy disgusting evil scum!!!
Tomorrow her face will look as though she’s possessed like Madonna’s is. Then again Rhianna is a fat ugly slob to begin with.


Did you see a pic of Rihanna eyes once that looked like the devil!


She’s pregnant with her second child….and FYI, the left is screaming their heads off that she chooses motherhood over abortion. Let her be a mom for the love of God. Even if the left worships Baphomet, they can and should leave her alone. Her body, her choice.




I thought she was a dude


Rhianna needs to go to Gitmo with her pink jungle bunnies. Most pathetic “entertainment” to be seen. Who in the hell picks these low life forms to pretend they are singing. God help us.
Baaaaaaaaaarf. This is one ugly woman, she acts like she is mimicking Madonna. Absolutely


I agree with all the Rhianna comments, What a disgusting show. Talentless idiots thinking that they have some sort of talent!?? Nice show Rhianna rubbing your crotch and then put your hand to your mouth and nose! Fucking pig. And the National Felons League allows the shit to happen!



Michael R Davis

Gotta be an ugly male with a baby bump, pretending a pregnancy, millions of halfwits sucking up the lies. Another Chrissy Teigen.


There’s something strongly suspect about Chrissy Teigen miscarrying her baby, she then gets told she will never have children again, and lo and behold she gets pregnant again. If she really is pregnant and not using a surrogate, I hope they find some way to take her kids away from her.
I don’t trust paeodphiles and paedovores, sorry not sorry.


She/she has already been executed…Along with most of Hollywood.

Elisa Orozco

Hopefully, her pedo husband, John Legend was taken out with her……….


Men don’t get pregnant last I heard. Such a Tranny word 🙈🐍


what’s a jungle bunny?


The Super Bowl and the winner and entertainment is all selected by the Cabal.


Red_Castle vs. Green_Castle.
Who wins?


Great game! Totally enjoyed it except for the tasteless half time.


The only important thing is that the Eagles lost, as God intended.


I wonder if they’ll have another Human Sacrifice the very minute when Rhianna takes the stage during the Super Bowl.


Was wondering the same thing. Praying.


did praying work?


I hope she doesn’t sacrifice her baby, too. I’m also worried about Naomi Campbell’s baby.
I don’t hate celebrities they are just people with wealth and notoriety but I hate the abominations in their hearts. One doesn’t have to be rich and famous to be a sinner. Satanic covens and secret societies have not-so-rich people in them, too, sacrificing babies for Baal.


They always sacrifice their 1st born.


Biden’s one year old daughter and mother that were “killed” in an auto accident were a planned satanic sacrifice by Biden. The accident was faked much like Princess Diana’s and the little girl was saved. We know her as Amy Coney Barrett. who is now under arrest.

Elisa Orozco

So, it’s true that Amy Coney Barrett is Biden’s natural daughter!! I had read that a couple of years ago but never found any other substantiation afterwards. Amazing!!!!


Don’t worry. They don’t have souls. What you are seeing is holographic.


Naomi was one of the worst. She was executed a few years ago.


No mercy. Period.




More proof of just how out of touch these people are. If ruffling the feathers of “great minds” like Fauci is the top concern, you need to get a simpler job. I not only want their feathers ruffled, but blowtorched. Pretty sure a majority is now there or thereabouts as well. Or if they’re not, they soon will be. We can’t have a civilization and these people in power. It’s one or the other.


Ruffled feathers are not so bad compared to tar and feathers


And throwing the tarred and feathered into the stocks and pilloties for further humiliation, that’s the best part! Break out the rotten eggs and tomatoes!

Stinky Perfume

Fauci was trying to stay alive after realizing the NWO people were wrong. He knew they would kill him all the way dead in minutes. If I had my way I would be arresting those shadow beings that were making the NWO. Fauci was a pedo fag and a puppet and certainly didn’t trust the witness protection program or he would have showed up.

I don’t figure he wanted the stab thing to be killing all those people though. He just got stuck with it from accepting more than he was worth.


This is the same “man” who killed trapped and conscious beagle puppies with bot flies. For Science! Anyways, that’s how he deserved to go as well. He got off easy with a noose.


That’s only half of it. He had their vocal cords removed so he wouldn’t have to hear them cry. Evil personified.


And now he is frying in hell as we speak. I love dogs, he had no right do that to any animal.


Fauci was simply an evil POS. He had been doing stuff like that since at least the 1980’s. He was greatly involved in bringing about the AIDS epidemic of the 1980’s. They vaccinated many in Africa for smallpox, and the vaccine was laced with the virus that caused millions to die from AIDS. His legacy will be THE MAN WHO INFECTED HUMANS WITH VIRUSES JUST TO WATCH HOW THEY DIE.


To be blunt, still “more” Truth to be told.
All these Clowns hide here in the USA, we don’t want them here, everything they do and everything they say; use “We The People” when caught as their collateral damage in their “reverse blame game”, soon they’ll be driven out to seek a new refuge as refugee’s themselves unless we exterminate them first.
Do We see now? What they use the Media for – reverse blame onto innocent people.


He was in Wuhan ,locking lips with Berry con They both loved their diabolical servitude They won’t make it to maggot , where they are , none of them will,sell your soul and get what’s coming =that special place in hell


Paying Adams 1 mil? Outrages! Fauci. should have paid him 500K and call it done!

Country Girl

Adams and Pence came off as men that could be trusted, that stood as honest to and with President Trump and this nation. I hope he realizes what he has done, the number of lives he’s responsible for taking and still taking, that he falls on his knees before the Lord in repentance. Such a bright young man with a bright future destroyed by the love of money. So sad, but justice must be carried out.


Young or old. Man or woman. A society that doesn’t purge itself is doomed. The longer you delay, the worse it gets, the more damage is done to society. It’s like gangrene. If you cut your toe off immediately, it might stop. If you delay you might need to cut off a leg. You might even die.


I am making $100 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $16,000 a month by working on a laptop, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this site..


I believe president Trump trusted pence as much as a flea on a dog’s back He just gave him enough rope ,is all


Covid Tycoons must be held accountable. They are born out of the #CosmosClub Russian Tycoons and their #GWU peers who launched Russian Collusion in order to “get rid of #Trump.”


And tonight, vaccines.gov showing booster commercials on TV! How fing stupid people are still thinking theres is some kind of virus out there!! When is someone going to reveal the damn truth on MSM!!????

Stinky Perfume

Yup and no arm stabs for anything is acceptable. Stay out of my blood. I just got chased into the parking lot dropping off a package, at a small mental hospital called Penmar in ElMonte, CA Los Angeles County. A shack of a place like an elementary school but even smaller. They wanted to take my temperature and get a nasal swab. They are serial killers with stabs for patients at this any many places like it, including 5500 patient prisons, all the jails, but the stores all gave up and let people shop free. The medical system is on a domination trip.


on an abomination trip


This is not a duplicate comment. Our country was flourishing under President Trump. They just had to destroy it. It makes me sick to my stomach but the President is free and clear of blame. I hope he trusts his gut from here on out.


Our country was flourishing under President Trump. They just had to destroy it. It makes me sick to my stomach but the President is free and clear of blame. I hope he trusts his gut from here on out.


No mercy.

American Living in Canada


American Living in Canada

At RebelNews… happening up here.

Did you see my interview with Sky News host Andrew Bolt?

He was 100% right when he said that even the authorities know they went too far, that’s why Victoria Police have been forced to settle massive compensation payouts using taxpayer funds rather than taking them to court.

Go ahead and WATCH the interview and make sure to SHARE it when you’re done because it’s up to the public to wake up to what’s going on before it’s too late.

How many other cases are out there? And how much in taxpayer money is being used to settle these cases?

We don’t know, but as Andrew said, we know that they know they went too far with the enforcement of brutal Covid lockdowns.

And now they are making the taxpayer pick up the bill.

American Living in Canada

From C3RF .. “Snap out of it”

“The house that diversity built
For his part, the leader of the Bloc Québécois, Yves-François Blanchet, observed that the appointment of Amira Elghawaby to the post of Islamophobia czar was less than inspired. He said as much when he offered his observation that “she is prejudiced against Quebecers and hostile to state secularism”. The leader of the Bloc may have just identified a problem that extends beyond the problematic concept of Islamophobia to include that other bulwark of woke ideology – the “diversity, inclusion and equity (DIE)” narrative. After all, in both instances we see generalized aspersions being levelled against wide swaths of the Canadian population, like Freedom Convoy 2022 protesters and the millions of Canadians who supported them, as they are pilloried as racist, transphobic, misogynistic and a plethora of other nasty character traits. The odd thing is, these ad hominem attacks seem to be directed against those holding traditional views of Canadian society – folks who believe that the conventional, nuclear family and individual rights and freedoms both play central roles as cornerstones of Canada’s Western, liberal society. Folks who are seen by some in the woke community as suffering from “whiteness”.”

American Living in Canada

Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms (C3RF) is a group of Canadians whose mission is to educate Canadians on the existence and nature of various threats to Canadian Charter Rights, while advocating and acting against these threats through all legal means.


Good for that!

Mark David

I spent 6 months up in Montreal in 1991, at the CAE Simulator Facility, working on a simulator that was going to be delivered to the US in 1992. Based on my personal experience in Quebec, the Quebec government really had some Socialist/Nazi tendencies. I hope you guys got rid of those bastards doing that stuff from the partie Québécois. Just a bunch of overbearing jerks trying to control everyone and everything.


I see you!


Covid Tycoons must be held accountable. Here in Washington DC all of those #CosmosClub Russian Tycoons turned out to be the Covid Tycoons too. They were the ones to launch the Russian Collusion Hoax using local universities, churches, and #DNC.

Stinky Perfume

The Covid Tycoons are docked in other countries like FEMA ships in Venezuela. I wanna know what they can do or doing outside of the USA, this is a worldwide issue. It I don’t know of sudden deaths much outside the USA videos.

How many in Russia? How many in Ukraine? how many in France, Italy, Germany….


They are videos of soccer players falling dead on the field; of course the BBC covers it up from the public eye. Sorta like R. Goodell paid off Hamlin’s family to shut up about his death. Hint: that guy tonight was a clone.


if the bbc covered it up, surely you have a link?

Truth seeker

Adams it was very expensive for you to be a Judas (traitor) very cheap