Operation Warp Speed Architect Arrested


U.S. Army Rangers on Saturday arrested Operation Warp Speed architect Moncef Slaoui, the Moroccan-born pharmaceutical mogul who in May 2020 spearheaded the administration’s efforts to poison 300 million Americans by January 2021, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Slaoui largely flew under the radar throughout the Plandemic. The media seldom mentioned his name, focusing instead on publicly influential figures like Fauci, Birx, and Collins, articulate public servants who spoke better English. Our source said Slaoui was relegated to media obscurity because the administration thought he looked shady and that Americans wouldn’t trust him.

And Americans would have been right not to trust a man who spent 30 years as GlaxoSmithKline’s head of vaccines department and was working at Moderna when Trump picked him to helm Warp Speed. At the time, Trump called Slaoui “one of the most respected men in the world in the production and, really, on the formulation of vaccines,” but was merely parroting what subordinates Michael Pence, Alex Azar, Admiral Brett Giroir, and Robert Redfield told him. They and others, our source said, were part of a major conspiracy to deceive President Trump into putting Slaoui in charge of OWS.

Slaoui faced criticism for holding $10 million in Moderna stock options and working as an advisor to Brii Biosciences, a firm with sizable Chinese investments. To avoid a conflict of interest, he begrudgingly resigned from those positions, then began working with then-Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar—who praised Slaoui as “arguably the world’s most experienced and successful vaccine developer”—to hasten Warp Speed.

Our source said that Slaoui, despite resigning from Moderna, continued receiving payouts exceeding $56 million after the FDA granted Moderna emergency-use authorization on December 8, 2020.

However, the military was less interested in Slaoui’s financial motivations than his knowledge that Moderna’s experimental vaccine had killed 34 of 600 Phase II trial participants in June 2020. White Hats, our source said, now have a wealth of evidence—physical and digital documents authored by Slaoui—proving he knew the vaccine caused myocarditis and potentially lethal blood clots but never publicly disclosed that information, even after Trump personally asked him if the shots were truly safe and effective.

“We have a treasure chest of incriminating evidence on Slaoui. This guy was one of the biggest violators of the Plandemic. We got a letter he wrote to Pence, saying he knew vaccines would kill people and that they could blame Trump for pushing Operation Warp Speed on the public. We have tons more that will be made available when he faces a military tribunal and hopefully gets hanged. We had more than enough proof to get him,” our source said.

The arrest, he added, came after Gen. Smith talked with Colonel J.D. Keirsey, a White Hat council member and commander of the 75th Ranger Regiment, the U.S. Army’s premier light infantry unit and special operations force within the United States Army Special Operations Command.

On Saturday morning, Rangers bashed down the door to Slaoui’s 7,500-sq-ft home in Zebulon, North Carolina. One of his three sons, Hussein Mohamad Abdul Slaoui, was present and pulled a pistol on the Rangers. He was shot dead, and the Rangers took Slaoui into custody. He shouted, “sayantaqim li allah,” or “Allah will avenge me,” as the Rangers shoved him into a civilian vehicle.

“We got him. We got the bastard,” our source said. “He’s just one of many. But we’re chipping away at them.”

As an aside, Slaoui was fired from chairman of the board of directors of Galvani Bioelectronics, a subsidiary of GlaxoSmithKline, in March 2021 after several young male employees accused him of sexual harassment.

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Lorenz Manner

Wow, this was again a good move. Another one that will hang in the noose. I’m happy that the wicked are being destroyed forevermore. Don’t waste too much time with him because he is compromised already.

Susan Banks

I love our President more than any other, but he has got a terrible track record for picking bad apples!! Thank you for this news, now I can set a few straight! God bless the white hat Military!!!God Bless America.


Trump can’t know who Everyone is (really) when picking people to run things. He has gone by their (outwardly) track record within their field of expertise. However, since he was selected by the White Hats to run for office, you would think that they knew, & would have advised Trump. Then their are some that say that “they” had to let it happen” in order for it all to play out & to catch these EVIL SCUMMER’S!!! But I just don’t see HOW the White Hats could knowingly let MILLIONS of people die world wide by taking this BIO WEAPON JAB, especially babies in the womb & children, as well as the haulting of generations to come! That’s why that theory doesn’t make any sense to me!


Pres Trump has said he was deliberately lied to by people in the administration that he did not (at first) know were Deep State.

American Living in Canada

Happening up here in Canada.. NCI

I’m writing you from Truro, Nova Scotia, where liberty is in the air.
That’s because we’re just one day away from the official launch of our first official National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) hearings. 
Our NCI team is so grateful to you for getting us to this point. Thanks to you, Canadians are one step closer to learning THE TRUTH about the mandates, lockdowns, and lies that tore our country apart these past few years.
Tomorrow’s hearings will include expert witness testimony from:

The former vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University medical centre Dr. Peter McCullough, the most highly cited physician in the world on the early treatment of COVID-19 and;

Dr. Dion Davidsonan ICU phsycician who is one of just two vascular surgeons in Nova Scotia’s western health zone.

And, of course, from everyday Canadians who will FINALLY BE HEARD!
But even though interest in tomorrow’s hearing has already reached a fever pitch among freedom fighters like you and me, you and I both know mainstream media outlets like the CBC will NEVER cover the stories we bring to light.
They HATE the NCI because we’re the only national organization out to SHATTER their totalitarian pro-lockdownpro-mandatepro-government domination agenda and bring THE TRUTH to Canadians!

American Living in Canada

More with VCC..

  • I Am Not Misinformation 
  • Vaccine injured individuals and health professionals share their experiences in an effort to educate the public on the issues that the mainstream media refuse to cover.
  • COVID Response Was Based on Lies
  • Scott Atlas MD – Lies were told. Those lies harmed the public. This was the biggest, the most tragic, and the most unethical breakdown of public health leadership in modern history. 
American Living in Canada



God Bless you in your endeavours to reveal the truth and enlighten Canadians! I hope we smell liberty in the air. Yeah, Nova Scotia has had it real rough these days, eh? Real rough. Blessings to you and to all of us.


Sad. I liked CBC.


Blessings.And may you hunt down the feces,the destroyers of humanity and eliminate them all….


Bring a flame thrower with you.



American Living in Canada

Calling Canada…

The NCI is in need of one or more reporters who can assist watching the hearings and deciding which video clips to pull for editing for daily news stories. 
Reporter volunteers will need to be able to watch the hearings and to participate in our media meetings. The hearing dates are currently March 30 to April 1, 13-15, 20-22, 26-28, May 2, 4-5, 11-13, and 17-19. 
If you are interested and available, please: 

  • go to **NCI** and fill in our volunteer application form;
  • put in the message box in capitals: REPORTER VOLUNTEER + YOUR FIRST NAME 
  • in the message box provide a summary of your experience 
  • in the message box provide your phone number and email address in the body of the email 
  • in the message box provide the dates listed above that you would be available to watch the hearings online. 

Let’s make history together! 
The NCI team.


Is it just me or does this guy look like a reptile/reptilian? Never have seen one, but I think I just have, looking at this dude. Check out the nose bridge.

Susan Banks

I think it’s funny they wouldn’t share his photo for fear of his looks!! Lol He probably is a Reptilian Satanic scary looking thing when they shape shift!!


I call him Shrinkface.


As an aside, Slaoui was fired from chairman of the board of directors of Galvani Bioelectronics, a subsidiary of GlaxoSmithKline, in March 2021 after several young male employees accused him of sexual harassment.

He must have run out of goats…


Slaoui is malevolent to the core. He’s one of those guys who just wants to watch the world burn.



So…Trump did NOT push the vaccines, as style have claimed in comments on here in the past, I see. He can’t be held responsible for what he didn’t know/what was hidden from him.

That’s why I’ll be voting for him again.

Haters can take their shit opinions and stick em right up in their motherfuckin’ ass!

Susan Banks

Finally we read the Truth! I got so sick of them blaming him for warp speed!!




Excellent news!! All traitorous scumbags should be very afraid, the white hats are closing in. Awesome job Rangers, thank you!!

Mark David

Hang him with piano wire. Then he’ll sing a different tune.


the same scum that shoves this crap into children and my now dead elderly father are the same ones grooming little boys. Classay group.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Mark David

I would like to plant a bayonet about 6 inches into his forehead, to give him something to think about.

Nukkin Futz

I wonder how long it will be when the richies pull another bioweapon death shot jab stunt to what’s left of the sheeple…….maybe 30-40 years from now, perhaps…,but it will happen again some day, after this purge is forgotten….


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Joe Blow

Hog tie him naked on all fours and release the horny hogs after a sausage breakfast.


No pig is that desperate.


Michael, I just came here and took note of 11,000 views today which seems to be the average. I was thinking at this rate people will never wake up. Not 15 seconds later it said 31,000 views. Way above average. What gives?


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://payathome12.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Would like to know what happened to the other 2 sons? Hopefully they are as dense as “dear old dad” with their emails and social media.

Kill ‘em all

This website is a CIA OP !!! FUCK THE CIA !!!


You are a troll.

Go to China.

Kill ‘em all

This website is complete lies and bullshit and it’s easy to tell because all you have to do is put real truth in your comment like , this website is a cia ran op, and your comment will be deleted. The cia pieces of shit hate TRUTH !!!


Patriots hate liar trolls.


your comments should be deleted

mary pascucci



He shouted, “sayantaqim li allah,” or “Allah will avenge me,”

“Islam is Israels broom”


To all Trump/MAGA folks,

Take a look at this man’s face. He is a Sunni Muslim. Why would Trump implicitly trust a muslim with the collective health of a nation a large part of which are Christians?

Meandering through history will reveal Sunni muslims and jews are quite close. As soon as I read Trump trusted this guy, I figured Salaoi was Sunni. Trump is playing Christians for fools. He is a staunch jew and is masking the sell.

I voted for him. Now I totally oppose Trump and his ilk. He cried about election 2020 fraud, did not demand a resolution and thereby acquiesced to the corruption; but of course now it’s all good and we should vote moar harder?

Fcuk Trump.




TRUMP did not pick this man. Besides this man lied to our President and said they were safe and effective

so stick it where the sun does not shine

Victoria Flood

Their evil plan to murder 3 hundred million Americans with their viper jab, all for greed is disgusting beyond wicked. It’s demonic!

Cry to alla now, you pervert! He can’t save you.

WHY are all our bitterest enemies running our government? They are hell bent on destroying our Nation. It’s time they were ALL taken out like cancer cells from the sick and dying government. America will LIVE and not die. Our EVIL enemies will be destroyed!


“Islam is Israels broom”


This is the globalist agenda. This is what is being implemented and will continue to do so, until it is stopped. There are probably very few, if any, native born people in any of our governments. Globalism.


there have been plans to depopulate the US in particular, for DECADES


“WHY are all our bitterest enemies running our government?”

It’s because you voted for them…you identify with them.

…then when elected they appointed sociopaths tasked with destroying each and every one of us.

Patriot Pie

At this rate they should all be picked up by 2050. Let’s just go full catch ‘em mode and turn on the light of truth to watch the rats scatter.


I knew long ago that the the extermination of the dark has been impImented.It began long before we the people we even aware.There is a realm of love and compassion.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Frederick Carreon

Go away scammers 😡

James K.


Big Johnson

Quit fucking your cousins like that (according to Tucker)

Mark David

Go wash out your filthy mouth with battery acid and toilet bowl cleaner, scumbag.


Today in the St Louis Post headline story: Suspect arrested after officer killed (in a Mo rural town). Note, suspect was holed up in house. After hours, officers sent a robot to pull the storm door off. Then a drone was flown into the house. House swarmed with tear gas. Just saying.

Big Johnson

Sounds like a cousin fucking town to me. Just saying


I can assure you that it isn’t! Just because it’s North Carolina and the South doesn’t mean that it’s Hicksville!!!! You will not find any nicer people than those who were fortunate enough to be born here! I’m Carolina Blue!!!!!!


Gary Glitter will likely die in prison😁👍, former lead of Scotland Yard’s paedophile unit has said. Paedophile pop star Gary Glitter has been recalled to prison following a breach of his licence conditions.
The 78-year-old, (real name Paul Gadd), was allegedly caught trying to access the dark web.




They tried keeping him under the radar but President Trump got his name out there (so we could check him out?).


An other trial to look forward to.😃


This guy was quite the gem, huh? And he probably wouldn’t even be in the country if the dems hadn’t chnged the immigration laws in the 60’s


YES. We need to REPEAL the 1965 Immigration Act authored by the commiecrat Ted Kennedy.
“The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants,” Senator Ted Kennedy told the Senate during the debate. “It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lost their jobs.” All lies, of course.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sue

Ted Kennedy had no idea that Biden and Obama would go this far with immigration. He did not live to see what is happening today. Brain cancer is a bitch.


YES. We need to REPEAL the 1965 Immigration Act authored by the commiecrat Ted Kennedy.
“The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants,” Senator Ted Kennedy told the Senate during the debate. “It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lost their jobs.” All lies, of course. The foreign-born population has quintupled from 9.6 million in 1965 to a 44.8 million in 2018.


Immigrants used to respect our country, now they feel they have no need to. All the deep state conditioning and lies and deceptions and dumbing down of young people make them think they don’t have to behave.
One immigrant came to America hating them by listening to the fake news HERE, not in Latin America, in Spanish (Univision and Telemundo, I think). Those news networks are infiltrated by globalists to turn law-abiding, normal immigrants into America-hating creatures like they do with NYT, Huffington Post, Washington Post and MSNBC to Americans here.
He was part of the rioting groups until he realized what BLM and Antifa really stand for. He changed. He loves America and no longer hates it.
We think the fake news is only in English on CNN, BBC and CBC. Not true. Fake news exists in many countries in many languages. The language is not the problem, it’s the false information and New World Order slant that’s the problem.

Lisa Cordaro


Kill ‘em all

You mean the same military that is behind this whole scamdemic that we have patents and contracts proving they created the virus and the kill shots? That military? Wake the fuck up.


The cabal military, dunce.

The Patriot military are cleaning out the sewer.


To The Gallows!
We Will NEVER Support Any Apology From These Evil Bastards, and thats what they’re offering.
bitchute. com/video/fVmoJx9CNY6s/


Biden, Piglosi & AOC busted conspiring about Jan 6th


Get a recording to JAG & USMC!!!


Piglosi gave the Shoot To Kill Order !!!

CONservative DEMocrat

So, CP officer, Byrd was merely following Piglosi’s orders, when he shot Ashli Babbit?


Yep. She put out a kill order for anybody entering the Speaker’s lobby during the Capitol siege — this is on record.


Why are the commenters saying it’s fake…. Sound legit to me 😁

Big Johnson

of course it does, lol

Mark David

Get the Johnson out of your mouth, Johnson, we can’t hear you.



Big Johnson

I haven’t seen someone reach this far since they said graphene was in the jab and everyone would die in two weeks


Here is the unbroken link: bitchute.com/video/1kkwimSNVrYw/

CONservative DEMocrat

I tried that link-nothing


It worked when I tried it.


Apparently there was a space craft that was spotted over south eastern north dakota last week around 25 miles south of fargo, a lot of people seen it but whats being said is it was round and massive, these people that told me about this never recorded it because they were driving north on the hiway at the time and that the roads were icy and slippery and it was somewhere around 10pm. They said it was huge, even from a distance where it was west of the interstate hiway and that there were smaller craft that were coming & going entering one side and leaving from another and the only way they could see them was by a small red lights that they had. They spotted the larger craft by two bright lights on either side of it. I asked them how tall it looked like, and they said it was like four or five stories high. They also had said there were people that parked and watched it up on the exits & entrances to the hiway too, so somebody saw something.
These people were not kidding me, they were serious. So if you know anyone that lives in that part of the country – check it out they might know something about it.
I forget to mention that I asked them if it was triangle in the beginning of our conversation and they said no it was absolutely round.


Project Blue Beam able to project anything anywhere.


But also, there are real ones. This is where the discernment comes in I guess. I know the triangular craft are government bas–rds.


Trump knew vaccines were bad so I dont buy for one second he was listening to Pence or anyone. Q is partly a galactical federation (meaning ET’s) they would’ve told Trump truth on vaccines.
Trump and a decision let people make their own choices and mitigate the loss’s of life so he let it look as though he supported the accelerated emergency vaccine.
We all had a choice and those crying they needed to take it to save their jobs are full of shit. What good is work when your sick or dead. Jobs then and now can be found for those willing to WORK.
Your responsibility for your own self and choices for Young children but had NO right to put that poison in kids over the bs fear the msm and gov, hollywooders were spewing. Why inject a kid who even the health care system was saying if kid got it they had a less then .5% of death just like any flu… Dumb fuks who killed their kids have a life of horrible guilt to live with.


Correction for You;
They Set Trump Up, Along With China.
They Lied To Trump!!!
The Evidence Has Already Been Released.
Reprogram Yourself 19.


China??? What did they do? TT bought Trump was working with them?


Sorry thought Trump was working with Xi?


I doubt it. China wants to be the world leader now. You know, lBiden say’s, “they’re Not bad people folks” – only after giving uncle joe his 20% (for the big guy).


Uh, isn’t that supposed to be 10% for the bug guy?


i guess tibet meaningless to you.

Mark David

Trump knew what they were up to, but he let them do it so the White Hat Military could BUST THEM IN THE ACT!!! If they are arrested before they act, where is the lesson learned by the public at large? The PUBLIC has been brainwashed since the early 1900’s, and it will take plenty of de-programming to bring them back to their senses. President Trump is following the US Military Plan to save America and the World. If you were brain-washed enough to get the shots, or give them to your kids, don’t say that Trump didn’t give you a choice. He DID give all of us a choice, even those in the Military. Two years ago, he even said that Military members that were thrown out for refusing the shots would be re-instated with back-pay when this was all over.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David

Our President got shut down when he talked about HCQ and Ivermectin, from the very beginning. Pence birx and the others did not allow those to be used. They deceived him and have paid the price. birx and the dr are GONE for what they did. Next up, this guy for being willing to kill 300,000,000 in the US. He got a nice $56, 000 000 bonus for it


Don’t tell them, SHOW THEM.


Stop being decieved, There is no galactic federation. The “aliens” are demons.


I wondered why people keep referring to aliens all the time. Nice for fiction, but in real life…?

Mark David

Then who built the Pyramids? Even to this day, we do not have the technology or machinery to lift those massive, accurately cut and placed, stones and build another one. Can you say anti-gravitational? It was Aliens that built them, and they were not illegal aliens.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David

You can’t be serious…..


wait and watch. Eisenhower and Kennedy. Sr spoke of the greys. Open your eyes or your brains will short out when the truth is released


I didn’t hear from my parents such things as UFOs existed.

Michael R Davis

Globalist NWO CGI and demons released from the Abyss they are allied with.
They are frightened, determined to do as much damage as possible, knowing their time is short. See the removed from the Bible Book of Enoch for further details.


stop promoting.


Grammar are went!

Mark David

I don’t know what is more disgusting: the Politicians enlisting these Swine in Lab Coats to kill us all, the Swine themselves, or the Media. Well, since it’s a toss-up, just put all of them into a big fenced-in arena and open up with mini-guns. Film at 11.

Laura Hoey

I like the idea of guns loaded with c-va****e instead. Then keep them all penned up in there until the poison ends their sorry souls on the way to hell.


Poison? Hell no, unless it kills them so painfully and slowly

Big Johnson

Where are those watermarked ballots?

Kill ‘em all

Flame throwers would be better. 😁

Mark David

Yeah, but the smell would be really bad.


So when are they going to take out the bosses of the C D C AND THE FDA they should all be held accountable as well

Big Johnson

perhaps, but you’re a cousin fucker (according to Tucker)


Someone fix the broken record.


IKR? Somebody has an obsession with the movie “Deliverance.”

Mark David

Stop talking about your parents like that!



cathy ness



Grammar basics, : } PLEASE <><


She might have a faulty keyboard.

trust nothing

Trust nothing

Last edited 1 year ago by trust nothing
Janet Smith

Another one bites the dust. Let’s keep going!


Amen to that, warp speed


Exactly!!! Putin style! No mercy for the criminals!


My comment deleted from 3/12/23.

Dave Kelly

But you are deleting comments, So what is the criteria for deleting comments? CENSORSHIP is not the realm of liberal woke sociopaths exclusively. Those media sites and outlets on the right or center right practice CENSORSHIP as well. This being said there are NO legitimate sides or players on either side of debate or discussion , just two extremes , none of which believe in the 1st Amendment and the exercise of FREE DEBATE , FREEDOM OF SPEECH , DISCUSSION and FREEDOM of THOUGHT. Well NOW that we have this out of the way, DISSENTING VIEWS are NOT ALLOWED at RRN. IF is not RRN’s way, you can’t play, here.

Jonathan Ray Carmona

Oh shut up! You don’t even know what you are talking about.


And you do play, both sides of the narrative.

Kill ‘em all

TRUTH !!! I’ve had many comments deleted here. If it doesn’t fit the rrn narrative it gets deleted, or if it’s to much truth. But what do you expect from a cia ran website?

cathy ness


Brigid Bardont

He’s not gonna date you.

Big Johnson

Have you seen Mike? He might need a slump buster

Dave Kelly

So Mr. Baxter , you DO REMOVE COMMENTS. Now we know that CENSORSHIP is not only the realm of leftist , marxist , communist ,woke msm controlled media. Even more right, center-right media sites such as RRN practice CENSORSHIP as well. THE 1st Amendment is not respected or Honored possibly at any media outlets or entities anywhere in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA , THE REPUBLIC. It looks as though there is nothing PURE or RIGHTEOUS in the LAND of the FREE and HOME of the BRAVE. I made a comment very similar to this one about an hour ago , and it was REMOVED. lets see how long this one exists before it is removed.

Big Johnson


Kill ‘em all

All you have to do is tell the truth that this website is a cia op and your comment will be deleted. Mine already was so I’m saying it again.

Kill ‘em all

He deletes all comments telling the truth because he is a cia piece of shit.

Kill ‘em all

You lying motherfucker you have deleted all of my comments. Fuck you ya cia piece of shit !!!

Mark David

You need to act like an adult once in awhile. Maybe cleaning up your act would get you more privileges.

Michael R Davis

K ‘e a cries about censorship, yet we have to scroll through his senseless crap which was NOT deleted at all.

Kill ‘em all

You are a LYING MOTHERFUCKER and a TRAITOR to this nation you cia piece of shit.


Calm down sir, lol.

Mark Heisler

Yep Rumble is doing it to, kind of funny we keep fighting for nothing, clones are being made movie is going on? We are suffering more and more, when is it going to stop, all keeps coming out is just what they’ve done nothing’s being done about nothing no proof no nothing we should just believe everything they say.


Stop crying & think positively. Do something good for your fellow man: that will change the world.


Bye CGI. Your clone is just a stunt. You are screwed. Looking forward to NESARA

Dave Kelly

NESARA is bullshit , just more establishment garbage, another Federal Reserve SCAM., Sorry to say.

cathy ness


Kill ‘em all

Stop listening to that lying fucktard piece of shit Charlie ward. Nothing but a scammer.

Mark David

Charlie Ward is one of the authorized information providers to the public. YOU are the scammer, my friend.

Mark David

You need to get out more, check more information sources, and see how the impending NESARA release is screwing up the Deep State financiers. The Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties are gone. Their banks are BROKE. Their crimes are exposed, including the Scamdemic. Big Banks in the US are following suit, because Fiat money really isn’t worth the paper it is printed on. The entire Babylonian Money Magic scam is collapsing around them. NESARA brings back real assets into the economy., Every US Treasury dollar is gold-backed. Counterfeit money will be used to roast the ones that printed it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David
April Moore

Ew. These people are SICK. the proverbial noose has already tightened – birx, fauci, this guy… the cards are stacking, as it were.

Dave Kelly

Think of this , if the White Hats and JAG , had made formal press releases of FAUCI and BIRX EXECUTIONS at the time of their EXECUTIONS , JUST THINK OF ALL the TIME WASTED the bogus msm and the the US CONGRESS debating, discussing and INVESTIGATING on these CRIMINALS, TRAITORS and TERRORISTS that have already been EXECUTED, JUDGEMENT HAS ALREADY BEEN MADE. CONGRESS COULD BE DOING OTHER THINGS, THAT ARE NOT BEING DONE.wtf

Carol B.

Congree is not worried about using time and money correctly…….wow, just think if everyone did care…

Duane A. Linn

I agree with this.

Release the execution videos.

At some point, this business of blind trust without evidence must end.

Give us some real ammo to fight with.

Mark David

You don’t know what else is going on, do you? This news site is releasing a fraction of what’s happening during the take downs. When they tell us about one or two, there may be several hundred or several thousand you aren’t hearing about.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Tracy Reinert

Trump would have done better to listen to We the People for advisors.

Lucky Star

Do you think so? His ego bigger than the interest of we the people

David T

Proof of that?

Dave Kelly

IT IS ALL THERE, RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE, you just have to have enough common sense to RECOGNIZE IT.




Big league!

Dave Kelly

TRUMP’S interests are NOT with WE THE PEOPLE, and have NEVER BEEN WITH ,WE THE PEOPLE. SO maybe it is time to WAKE -UP

Carol B.

Dave, you are 100%wrong, Trump cares more about we the people than anyone in DC now for 40 years….

Mark David

Shirley, you jest.


Barbara Billingsley: “Excuse me Stewardess, I speak jive.”

Ken T.

Yes, you do need to wake-up. You would be dead right now and all those you care about if it were not for Pres. Trump. You don’t know what you don’t know and I will not tell you as it is too serious.

Mark David

Dave is playing his best game of 2D Checkers.


Then get out of bed and find a new narrative.

Mark David

It’s usually the opposite of your ASSessment. Your ignorance is quite profound.

cathy ness