Radical Muslim Operation Warp Speed Architect Hanged at GITMO


“Allahu Akbar,” convicted felon Moncef Slaoui shouted Monday morning as he stood atop the gallows at Guantanamo Bay and leered menacingly at the man he held responsible for ordering his imminent death.

Below him, Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall and a few high-ranking officers watched in silence while the hangman standing beside Slaoui slipped a braided rope around his neck. Slaoui struggled but was no match for the towering soldier who effortlessly pinned Slaoui’s wrists to his back, then bound them with a zip tie. Slaoui spat in the soldier’s face.

“Bag the prisoner,” Adm. Crandall ordered, and the soldier put a black hood over Slaoui’s head.

“How’s that appeal coming along?” Adm. Crandall bellowed.

At the end of Slaoui’s tribunal last Thursday, his lawyer, Omar Akbar, promised to appeal the verdict to an unspecified authority. He caught the first flight leaving GITMO Thursday afternoon and hadn’t been heard from since; Slaoui’s calls to Akbar’s office in D.C. went unanswered.

“It once amazed me, Mr. Slaoui, how little regard you people have for human life. Like others who stood where you are now, you were consumed by greed, which has led to this ineluctable fate. “I didn’t put you on gallows; you put yourself there,” Adm. Crandall said, and motioned at the soldier to push the button.

But the hinged door beneath Slaoui’s feet did not swing open.

“It’s broken, sir,” the soldier said.

“Allah speaks,” Slaoui muttered from underneath his hood. “He’s not ready to receive me yet.”

Adm. Crandall said, “He’ll be ready as soon as I can get an electrician here, so don’t get your hopes up.”

While they awaited the arrival of a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers electrician, Slaoui hurled Arabic curses at the admiral, calling him an impious infidel, a blasphemer, and an enemy of Allah. He said Allah and His Messenger would avenge him.

The electrician arrived 30 minutes later and tested the box, pushing the green and red buttons after the soldier had moved Slaoui aside. He removed the cover and began fiddling with the wires, commenting that his visit marked the second time in two years a connection had come loose. He fixed it in five minutes, then tested the circuit, pressing the green button to open the door and the red one to close it.

“All done, Admiral,” he said, and left the platform.

The soldier positioned Slaoui, who hadn’t shut his mouth, over the door.

Admiral Crandall had fitting final words for the Operation Warp Speed architect. “May you reach your next destination at warp 9.”

“Allah is gre—” Slaoui began, but his neck snapped before he had a chance to finish his sentence.

A U.S. Navy physician pronounced Slaoui dead at 10:47 a.m. EST.

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Dave smith

Hi im kinda wondring how Many Doctors and other people who where pushing these bioweapon shots are leaving the Country 🤔🤔🤔🤔 and will they also stand trail for this ?🤔🤔🤔🙈🙉🙊✌👊💚💚💚💚💚💚💚👊✌🤔🤔🤔😎. And always God Bless us all Amen .Sending Prayers to all effected by this and other things. Be the Change for the Better World And Univers. ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌😀🙄🙂


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

The bigger their mouths, the harder they fall, it seems.

Ann Ononomous

Sheez, didn’t long ago they’d hang them in the town standing on a small stool, then kick it away so their necks would snap? Seems much easier than wondering if they’re gonna have faulty wires. What are they gonna do when the big blackout comes?! 😆😂


Mr Baxter , am I shadow banned? If I am, can you please give me an explanation? Thank you


Trump indictment fake. They are so afraid of him and the info he has on all of them.

Raul Redero

Deben arrestar al gran jurado completo son cómplices de violacion de la ley pagados por Soros


Bye bye asshole. Tell allah I said fuck you!!


More on grimy deSatanas working with a book publisher that publishes LGBTQ pornographic books for schoolkids:

lauraloomer. substack. com/p/exclusive-governor-desantis-makes


Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

Xena that is so sick and DeSatan is evil.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

What if Putin starts the nuclear war, Biden does not have the code, who can fire the nuclear weapon?

Michael R Davis

US Military has the nuclear codes, probably 4-star General Eric Smith, in charge of the white hats.
Putin is our ally, will not be starting a nuclear war. Nor will Xi Jinping nor Modi.
Actor Arthur Roberts playing Resident Biden is toothless, has no way of starting a nuclear war, even though the Democrats seem to be trying to. Their time on this Earth is almost over, and they are worried.



E. Grogan

Excellent summary, which is right on – thank you, sir!


are you drama queen Jane ?????…take walk on the wild side in the forestry or by lake…geeeeeez..and calm down..

Lynn Delaney

Putin would not do that.

Michael R Davis

Worry not, the Commander-in-Chief is perfectly safe in this war for our survival.
Our white hat side is putting out disinformation also. It has to happen, just like this New York fake indictment has to happen as predicted by Trump, just delayed a week. Every piece of paper that Arthur Roberts signs is worthless, every signature as Joe Biden is a forgery because he is not Biden, and going a step further Biden was never elected to office anyway, never spent one second in the White House nor in the office of President. Biden was removed and replaced by Arthur Roberts before the official time of Inauguration on January 20, 2021.


Keep trusting that plan bro


stay calm bro…and be ready for big -bang weekend…

Big Johnson

facts, feelings, etc…cope more snowflake


Lol you’ve been saying this for the past like 500 weekends sej


you should address this comment to JANE…

American Living in Canada

Keep’in the Faith Brother.

John .S

Correct, imposters signature is “void”, [worthless].

Maxims of Law:
[1] “things invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by subsequent act”.
[2] “out of fraud no actions arise”.
[3] “fraud not cured by lapse of time”.
[4] “once a fraud, always a fraud”.

Myself referenced above maxims many times herein this bloggersphere.


Yet he is still allowed to sign legislation, meet world leaders, set policy and do all the other things an executive does. So if it’s all meaningless, why is it allowed to continue?

John .S

Any which way it goes, it will set a precedent [standard] that a former US President can get arrested. Hmm, Obama – 43 – Slick Willy show trial?

Awaiting Fauci’s show trial.

Consulting with bookmaker, looking for a line on the first show trial, Fauci or Hillary? Money says Fauci, in attempt to halt vax.

William Shakespeare: The World is a Stage. BTW, Shakespeare was Italian.

E. Grogan

re: Shakespeare, it’s a theory, one among many, not a fact.

E. Grogan

For one, to entrap the criminals. Also, it has to be done this way, we are trying to get the clueless people wake up. This is a worldwide effort, involving numerous parties and that’s why it’s taking so long. Meanwhile, Trump turned the country over to the white hat military, they are the ones in charge, not Biden.


Good to remember these Maxims!


Exactly. Some just don’t get it yet. Trumps body double will show up for the arrest if it gets that far.


Guess Trump’s indictment is part of ‘the plan’ too huh? Don’t worry, the Qtards will spin it. “It had to be this way!” “The storm is almost here!” blah, blah, blah. There are no ‘white hats’, and if there are they’re a bunch of pussies

John .S

Who is the complainant? Who is testifying against Trump? Who is the Injured Party taking the stand?

Trinsey v. Pagliaro [pal-lee-arrow] D.C. Pa. 1964, 229 F.Supp.647 – Holding: ” statements of counsel in brief or argument are not sufficient for summary judgement”.

John .S

PS: Burden of proof upon plaintiff, aka “”complainant”” to establish “”they”” suffered an ‘Injury in Fact’.

See, Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555, clarifying ‘Injury in Fact’ which has three essential elements, (1) Injury inflicted upon plaintiff, (2) Causal connection between injury and defendant’s [respondent’s] conduct, (3) That injury is likely to be redressed by favorable judicial decision, Id., at 560-561, Pp. 5-6.

Who is the actual victim suffering Injury?

See, Sherar v. Cullen, 486, F. 945, for a crime to exist there must be an injured party…, without an injured party a complaint is invalid on it’s face.


Plaintiff is the State of New York

John .S

Myself would ponder State of New York aka, The Corporation aka, Political Subdivision.

What’s the “Injury in Fact” the Corporation received having causal connection with Trump for standing?

Supra, Lujan v. Defenders, and Sherar v. Cullen.

A corporation is invisible, and not tangible as mere creature of the mind, which cannot experience feelings of pain neither testify on its own behalf. A corporation cannot exist outside the jurisdiction that created it.

Who is the Complainant Witness taking the stand, referencing: Trinsey v. Pagliaro.

Can the prosecution be a testifying witness in wearing two hats? could say, Conflict of Interest.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

Stormy Daniels admitted she never had an affair with Trump. Interesting that Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 but never got indicted. Running out of hopium buddy?

Big Johnson

lmao no she didn’t admit it. she admitted he had a small dick


Yeah, she did admit… She said you were the one that was small. LMAO.


Her real name is Stephanie Clifford.

Michael R Davis

I remember ‘Stormy’ Stephanie Clifford admitting publicly that she had no affair with Trump at least twice, once just recently, and prior several years ago right after her lawyer Avenatti stole all her money she was going to pay to Trump as ordered by the Judge. The Soros judges just allow her to lie away with no consequences. Plus the FAKE News liars just make up non-existent statements from her out of the blue, or repeat old lies.

American Living in Canada

Yep, I recall the same.

E. Grogan

I do, too.


Allah received him with open arms. And now he’s being tortured for all eternity according to his deeds.

Jane Giffin

What ? He didn’t get his 13 virgins per following Koran orders to the out everyone who won’t convert !


It’s 72 Houris/ what they believe are virgins that do not bleed


Most followers of Muhammad as well as so called Unbelievers, do not KNOW that Allah was ONLY the NAME of the supreme rock god of the Quraysh and did NOT mean GOD!

Dave Kelly

So President Trump , if he is STILL the US President , HAS BEEN INDICTED, BY A NYC GRAND JURY. Just what the fuck is going on in this NATION.


In retrospect he probably shouldn’t have committed crimes by falsifying business records, huh


Got the proof?

Big Johnson

I do


Then post it or go troll somewhere else.


New York thinks it has. We will see


The grand jury does


Grand Jury has squat. Funny they didn’t go after Pedo Bill when he paid off Paula Jones. The attorney denied having paid her. Just more BS. They will go through the steps for the people still snoozing, his body double will show up in court and in a few weeks they will come up with a new crisis.


Yes. This is all to distract from Biden and Hunter’s crimes.

E. Grogan

The indictment was written by A.I., which is notoriously incorrect alot of the time.

John .S

“NYS” Grand Jury is out of “”New York County””, not NYC.

FYI, Brooklyn is “Kings County”, and Staten Island is “Richmond County”.

BTW, I love NY, and Let’s go Yankees…


And that fat Alvin Bragg just sealed his fate, the damn commie.


Thugs, the deep state are nothing but thugs. Lies, lies and more lies to cover their lies about this low-life liar, Stormy Daniels. That is their excuse, anyway. The politicization of LIARS Its fitting this happens during Lent. “Crucify him, crucify him.”

Big Johnson

facts, feelings, etc…



Big Johnson



Hey guys did you hear Trump has been indicted? Lol what are the White Hats gonna do about that, is Alvin Bragg being secretly executed at Gitmo as we speak? 🙃

Big Johnson

dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


Keep holding on to that hopium.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Time for the Trump card

Will Caulfield

The Trump card is a Joker.

Big Johnson

Time for imgur dot com


I pray the wrath of God comes upon ALL of the demons & evil people who are involved with hurting President Trump, First Lady Melania, the entire First Family, & all freedom-loving Trump supporters, in Jesus’s mighty name!!! God says in Romans 12:19: “Vengeance is Mine”, says the Lord. “I shall repay.” I plead the blood of Jesus over all of these innocent ones, including President Trump, First Lady Melania, the First Family, & all freedom-loving Trump supporters!!! God bless & protect us all from these demonic Communist Democrat treasonous traitors, in Jesus’s mighty name!!! No weapon formed against us shall prosper!!! THANK YOU, LORD!!!🙏 ❤️🇺🇲🙏❤️🇺🇲🙏❤️🇺🇲🙏❤️🇺🇲🙏❤️🇺🇲🙏❤️🇺🇲🙏❤️🇺🇲🙏


I pray the wrath of God comes upon ALL the child eaters and sacrificers. In the name of Jesus, Almen. He will decide how this goes I am thinking.


No retreat, no surrender for the White Hats!!


No. Not if they’re white.


…..I meant white HATS. lol



Sandy Koufax

A Manhattan Grand Jury voted to indict Trump.

The exact charges are not known at this time.

Big Johnson

Will gay bill be able to cope through this trial?



Sandy Koufax

Praise Allah for the death of Slaoui.




He was being sarcastic.

Ann Ononomous

Reread Sandy’s sentence.


Too bad so sad


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://cashprofit2.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Just Gary

Hey Michael, I want to change the topic for a second. You reported that the White Hats took control of the Strategic Oil Reserves. All 4 of them. If we have control, how can the Deep State keep selling millions of barrels of our oil, which is supposed to be illegal, to foreign countries?
And I’m starting to get a little antsy. I love President Trump, but Rome is burning fast, and Nero is playing the fiddle.
These filthy people are literally getting away with murder. I for one am sick and tired of this crap. Here in southern Louisiana after several season of growing sugar cane they burn the fields to ash and wait a season to grow again. I don’t think our country is like that. This is the greatest country on the face of the earth, and I want it back.
Excuse an old Viet Nam Veteran for being upset. We deserve answers. All of us.


Yes we all deserve answers. But none will be forthcoming. Because they don’t have control beyond a small and extremely limited scope. So, they have no answers to give. Do operations have to be kept secret? What operations? We don’t get to hear. Our ignorance could kill each and every one of us. So far, I am waiting to see what Trump has to say about those leaked audio tapes on his relationship with Epstein and the Barbeques they allegedly had, Are they CGI voice prints, are they actual voice prints of a clone? Are they actual voice prints of the real guy? SILENCE IS NOT GOLDEN. All speeches are just word salad. Sickening. And I don’t give a hoot who piles on here. We deserve answers, not necessarily from Michael, he is in between a rock and a hard place but Mr. T and the supposed white hats know who needs to give us answers. If those voice prints are real I can figure out why there is nothing but SILENCE.

Michael R Davis

They are not real, guaranteed. If they were, the Russia Russia Hoax or the Impeachments would have brought them out then. Do not believe anything from the lying FAKE Newsmedia or lying FAKE politicians.


You think I got that off the Mainstream News? I didn’t.

Michael R Davis

Our white hat side is putting out disinformation also. It has to happen, just like this New York fake indictment has to happen as predicted by Trump, just delayed a week. Every piece of paper that Arthur Roberts signs is worthless because he is not Biden, and going a step further Biden was never elected to office anyway, never spent one second in the White House nor in the office of President. Biden was removed and replaced by Arthur Roberts before the official time of Inauguration on January 20, 2021.


I know all that. I’ve been here awhile.

Michael R Davis

Many others have not been here a while.


So show where you got it from.




“Leaked Audio of Trump on Epstein Island”


Anyone can manipulate an audio. Nice try. Go back under your rock.


Title or name of video


Lot of things can be done with voices, this is nothing new. the deep state and the bad guys have been doing it for decades.


Absolutely true. But it will be up to Trump to clarify.

Michael R Davis

Do not believe anything reported by the lying FAKE Newsmedia, nor by the lying politicians. This is a war for our survival, and many things apparently happening are deliberate disinformation to mislead and confuse our enemies. The Art of War by Sun Tzu.


MB will never answer this bro. It’s just some lie he made up and moved on

American Living in Canada

Same here..about being antsy. Rebel News up here is under constant attack from the lump in the PM Office and his crew.Now the lump is going after Christians.

From Rebel News.

“This is personal to me.
Throughout history, Righteous Gentiles helped save Jews from terrible harm — including hiding Jews from Nazis during the Holocaust.
But now it’s Christians who are being persecuted. Even in Canada.
Christian pastors in Canada are being arrested, prosecuted and jailed. First it was for keeping their churches open during the pandemic. Now it’s for peacefully protesting against “drag queen story hour”.
But no-one seems to care.
I care. I care because it’s wrong. Canada is supposed to protect freedom of religion
But I also care because I feel within me a debt to Righteous Gentiles who protected Jews throughout the ages.
Do I not have a moral obligation to return the favour, to do my part to speak out for Christians who are under attack?
Over the years Rebel News has reported on these cases, when the mainstream media either ignored the stories or cheered on the persecution of these Christians. We’ve even crowdfunded lawyers to defend pastors.
But it’s getting worse. 
So I have an idea. It’s a big idea.
I want to make a movie-quality documentary movie about the plight of Christians in Canada. Something so polished and professional that it could actually be shown on Netflix or Amazon Prime.
But to do that, I need your help.”

“This documentary is one of the most important projects we’ve ever produced.
We’ve already got a working title for it: Church Under Fire: Canada’s War on Christianity.
You know, the whole world thinks of Canada as a cold but friendly place where nothing much ever happens. We’ve got to wake up the world to what’s happening to Canadian Christians — not just to get help for them but to send a warning of what could happen in other countries, too.
We want to pull out all the stops to make this documentary and share it with the world. It’s got to be beautifully produced and edited, and properly marketed.”

Michael R Davis

Amen brother


Wonderful idea but why not make it about the plight of Canadians in general instead of Christian Canadians? It puts a negative religious spin on it. You will attract all of Billy Graham’s old fogey followers. They will see it as Sunday morning viewing….just my thoughts for all they are worth.


The shame of it is that it’s happening in two of the freest countries in the world, Canada and America, and religious persecution as well as persecution in general must be exposed in Canada just like we are trying to expose it in America.

American Living in Canada

I agree, but it’s a good starting point. Rebel News has and is still battling on many different theater’s.




Amen! Ephesians 5:11 teaches us to expose evil, James 4:7 teaches us to resist/oppose/combat/fight the devil.


“Give me Warp 9, Scotty…But captian, she wont hold together!”

Andi Kay


American Living in Canada

“I’m Givin’ Her All She’s Got, Captain!”

Bro. Andrew

Too many $erve $atan and $$$$. The vax promoters should all be hung! Plandemic III movie will be out June 3rd. A 1, 2, 3 punch for a knock out!


I have been giving this much thought. I don’t think the money is the hook, just a by-product perk. These people have no consideration for life. None, nada, zip. Not even their own it seems.

I think they have been promised something much more enticing from their ‘overlords’…eternal life (humanity 2.0), call it what you wish.

Unfortunately, they already had it, as we all do, it just depends on your choice of where you want to live out that life, but instead of going to the ‘Penthouse’ for it and receiving it for free, they settled on a bargain basement knock off which in the end had a big price tag.
Oh well, he is with Allah now.
Wonder how that 72 virgin thing is going?


They have been promised that they will inherit the earth when all these unnecessary breeders are exterminated.

Donald Trump has openly declared that he is he King of Israel, possibly a pentecostal messiah….



Well then he is off his rocker.

Sharon Janice Manning

Read the Book of Amos.


He never said that.


Liar, liar pants on fire.


satan is not in charge.


Question for the Anons here. Why do you call yourselves “pedes?” Seems to me that would be like pro-lifers calling themselves baby killers. Enlighten an old man


I am an original 4-8 Chan Anon, who served under Qteam. I do not know this term.
Do you mean Pepe? Is this a typo?
Pepe is a frog. Our insignia, heraldry, mascot if you like.
He represents the Anons for many reasons. Too many to list.

Big Johnson

He represents the Anons for many reasons.

The primary reason is they like to suck each other off


Your usual lack of brain material.




I know Pepe and the whole frog thing. if you go to Great Awakening and Patriots Win, commenters are always referring to each other as pedes. That’s not something I would call myself and I suspect calling someone else a pede would earn you a punch in the nose


None of us call ourselves anything of the such, but by all means, You can call yourself for what you are.
Fk’n *** filth


Goobie, that’s not nice. Using mean words is bad! Bad bad bad. Now go sit in your chair for 15 minutes and think about what you did

Rene Labre

Ward rope flaw,the lead actor is seen wearing two completely different pairs of shoes.


Ward rope or wardrobe? Time to tune up the bot

Rene Labre

It was a movie set shot on two different day.


“9 Dead in crash of U.S. Army Helicopters” This headline just appeared on the news. Next MB will tell us it was a White Hat group that was infiltrated and attacked; that’s his next story.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sue
Big Johnson

Correct. You guys are getting the hang of RRN!


so uh… who’s messing with the wiring?


Sounds like Allah played an early April Fool’s trick on Slaoui or maybe even hell didn’t want him. All better now eh Slaoui?


Blues for Allah was one of the Grateful Dead’s better albums


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://cashprofit2.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Are there any articles on these deliberate Train derailments & Chemical fires?

Big Johnson

No. we get the black hawk crash story tomorrow. Of course the white hats crash, the black hats tampered with the chopper, and a general will demand action. Mike may even throw in a line from Trump about how brave those soldiers were




Also barges damaged on Ohio River near Luville KY. Same thing happen two years ago at Christmas after election of course. Just a coinkydink.


Allah can’t save him. The military needs to round up all of the democratic party, Rhino Republicans and all infiltrators and call it Operation Warp Speed 2023!



Finding out now how allah… (satan) tricked his A$$…

So sad.


Brings to mind of the woman who died and went to hell before being revived
She sad she seen Muhammad screaming in anguish …

John .S

Done much gambling via RRN, wagering on hanging and firing squad until Crandell abolished firing squad.

Guy’s were having a blast, wagering with bookmaker that give decent odds.

Approached bookie who wouldn’t give a line on condemned in yelping: “Infidel”, saying: “sure fire loose”.

This is one execution that all bets were off, not even odds given on time pronounce dead, lucked-out with that.

Awaiting on Beetlejuice, final words that will be interesting, worth wagering: “I was promised immunity” or, “just doing what I was told”, though only one choice to wager.

Will flowers


Big Johnson

Allowing boomers on the internet was the world’s worst mistake

John .S

Guess you’re not wagering on Beetlejuice last words, two simple choices.
[1] Promised Immunity.
[2] Following Orders, i.e., doing what was told.

Place your bets, post time near. Suspect Beetle already done the trapdoor exit.

Big Johnson

Boomers on the internet is worse than Hitler

Dave Kelly

yeah they are


Boring. Come up with something new.



Dave Kelly

She has a bigger dick than everyone, suck my pee pee you white MFers



Dave Kelly

When the Internet started there were only BOOMERS around to be on the FUCKING INTERNET in the first place. LoL you FUCKING MORON duh duh duh inter….. net ?

Dave Kelly

There will be LOADS of action with her EXECUTION.

Robert James

The CCP had executions right. One bullet to the back of the head. Even their guillotine would be much more reliable. The image of Comey’s head bounding away is gratifying to me. Of course, on the other hand, this rat had to stand there thinking about it for a while.


lol, your a dumbass. you defend the ccp? lol.


Happy Ramadan, Moncef.

Rene Labre

Well fuck him,on to the next

Jerry Chandler

Was he ever surprised after finding out those virgins are male demons.


Does it really matter – they are so disgusting !!!
Many Muslims are known 2b gay, pedophiles, animals, buying/selling their daughters, etc. Rapists … Not to mention beating women & children unmercyful !!!
Very violent & disturbing – have seen in schocking videos that can’t un-see !!!!
Unbelievable DISGUSTINGLY & Cruel
Certainly not GODLY !!!

Not trying trying 2b mean/ugly – just stating facts …


Free speech is welcome here, unlike on Flakebook and Twatter and Youboobtube. They censor everything Schwab and Xi and Flagthief and Paedo Joe don’t like, and they like what their CCP bedmates like. The more restrictions, the more obedience they give, the more fealty they show, the more multiple orgasms and treats they get.

Cabal: “Delete those posts exposing the vaccines and excess deaths, I don’t like them.”
Stooge: “Yes, Master.” (DELETE) (CENSOR)
Cabal: “Restrict that poster, he is too preachy.” (RESTRICTION)
Lackey: “Yes, Dear Leader.” (RESTRICTION)
Cabal: “Put that one in Facebook jail for 30 days, I don’t like her insults about the Ukrainians being worse than the Nazis in WW2, even though it’s been true for 80 years.”
Sycophant: “Yes, Dear Marshal.” (RESTRICTION) (DELETE)
Cabal: “Take those replies out, they shouldn’t be commenting so harshly on the video.”
“Yes, bossman.” (CENSOR)
Cabal: “Take Alex Berenson off of Twitter, I don’t like what he says.”
Groveller: “Si, mi Jefe.” (CENSOR)(SUSPEND)
Cabal: “Censor her for 24 hours, she called Nancy Pelosi a ‘whore’ after that other one called her a ‘bitch.'”
Cabal: “Put that one in jail for 3 days, she made comments that trannies are inappropriate, scantily clad, and should not be reading to the kids.”
Skinhead follower: “Jawohl, mein Fuhrer.” (CENSOR)(SUSPEND)
Cabal: “Cut that post out and lock her up for 24 hours because she called men who force women to have abortions evil pigs. ALL Women have the right to choose.”
“Yes, sir.” (DELETE)
Cabal: “Permanently suspend that Trump supporter’s account for exposing Hillary Clinton’s collaboration with China to steal the 2020 election. We know they know we stole it, but it’s not their business to know the truth or expose it.”
Slave: “Yes, Master.” (SUSPEND PERMANENTLY)
Lavish country club buffet is served!

cathy ness


cathy ness



><><CATHY><><MESS~~~**^%$ QUIT $#@ IT //||]]]



Lorenz Manner

Wonderful. The imbecile bastard is no more. That’s the way they have to be take away and annihilated. Good riddance to a bastard criminal.


Thank you so very much Michael Baxter for telling us … me when justice is served. I started to feeling hopeless, thinking that the evil always get away with their evil deeds. This is reassuring that justice is being served. Thank you again Mr. Baxter

Andi Kay

Katbee, no one actually gets away with their evil deeds. They may escape earthly justice, but they will not escape eternal justice in hell.


Jimmy Saville got away with his evil. Many Nazis got away with their evil and escaped through the ratlines. Not everybody gets brought to justice on earth, and WE WANT THAT, TOO!!


A job well done Admiral Crandall. Thanks Michael Baxter for sharing. Warp 9, make it so number one.


Allahu Omar Akbar!

Or maybe not…

Last edited 1 year ago by QBall59
Andi Kay

More like “allah fubar” with the temporarily non-functioning trapdoor. 😀


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic