Vaccine Scientist Hanged at GITMO


A sniveling Richard Tillyer, the vaccine scientist JAG sentenced to death last Friday, was cowering in the corner of his cell Tuesday morning when GITMO staff told him it was time to face the music. The convenient amnesia he had displayed at his tribunal persisted as guards cuffed and escorted Tillyer from his cell to a Hummer parked outside the Camp Delta detention cell. “Why am I here? I want to go home. I don’t understand any of this,” he said.

His sudden forgetfulness, our source said, is nothing more than a ploy. After his tribunal, Tillyer received MRI and CT tests to check for brain damage or changes such as shrinkage. GITMO medical checked his blood for infection, nutritional deficiencies, or other issues and administered an electroencephalogram (EEG) to check for seizure activity. He got a clean bill of health, except for a case of irritable bowel syndrome.

Nonetheless, Tillyer feigned ignorance, asking his chauffeurs to the gallows whether they were bringing him home to New Jersey. He even thanked them for removing him from a “squalid motel room.”

When they arrived at gallows where Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall and a military ensemble stood waiting, Tillyer apologized to the guards that he couldn’t offer them “a tip” because he had “misplaced his wallet,” saying he’d compensate them “next time.”

As a guard steered him toward the shallow stairs ascending to the noose, Tillyer glanced at Adm. Crandall and thanked him for arranging his transportation back to Short Hills, New Jersey, where, Tillyer said, he hoped to resume his role at Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

Atop the platform, his hands were uncuffed, and he tried to shake hands with both the hangman who would push the button and the U.S. Navy chaplain who was present to offer Last Rites. Tillyer said he didn’t recognize them, and asked if they were “new to the neighborhood,” adding that he and his wife would “have them to dinner” in a few days.

He then seemingly mistook Admiral Crandall for an old acquaintance named “Fred.” He waved vigorously at Adm. Crandall, saying, “Fred, Fred Dryer, where have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages. Are you still working at Pfizer?”

Tillyer’s bemusements didn’t phase the admiral, who said, “Let’s get this over with,” and ordered the hangman to push the button that would end Tillyer’s life. A moment later, he was dead, swinging from a rope.

A Navy physician noted the time of death: 10:30 a.m. EST, March 7, 2023

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I notice Gavin N did this level of play acting at the end. A farce so his children can say “see? he was innocent”.


I want to see McConnell at the end of a rope. BTW, that comment got me permanently banned from Twitter for promoting violence… Imagine that. Why would anyone want to promote violence against one of our representatives that happens to sleep with the Chinese?


If he were that insane an early death was a merciful end.


Concealer of vaccine fatalities & he stated he would do it all over again. No mercy.


Wow….he kept up his little charade right to the bitter end. His time would have been better spent repenting of his evil and talking to Jesus. I guess he really thought he could get away with it though and they would stop the execution. I do not feel sorry for him considering he orchestrated the deaths of so many innocent people. The DS demons are all insane….but they know what they are doing. They are all sniveling cowards once they are caught. When they have the upper hand, they show no mercy at all. God bless the White Hats and DJT.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

WELL IT HAS HAPPENED,BIDEN HAS LOOTED AMERICA FOR EVERY PENNY AMERICA HAD,now the BANKS are crashing all over america ,IF YOU HAVE ANY MONEY IN A BANK…you better head to the super market and buy as much food as you can,OR STARVE TO DEATH,THIS will not be an overnight thing,IT maybe months before they get up and running again,IN that time you will need POWER,WATER,AND FOOD,and you better be ready to DEFEND YOUR SELF AND YOUR FAMILY THE GANGS WILL GO WILD,they will come to your house and TAKE WHAT THEY WANT, including YOUR WOMEN AND CHILDREN,after they blow your head off…




Can’t kill enough of these cockroaches.


All these people love to LARP as decent humans. That is why so many Democrats are fooled. They don’t take much convincing “criminals are people too!” is their motto.


Reprobates. They’ve been given over to the lusts of their flesh. They wouldnt know the truth now if it walked up and slapped them on their mouth

John .S

Just left sporting goods store, there’s a run on ammo, also watching shotguns & rifles fly off the rack.

Seen a first time buyer, lady bought a 20 ga. shotgun.

Wished her good luck, she said: “I’m going to blow someone’s balls off if needed”, I responded: “are you Sicilian”? She smiled, I took that as a yes.

American Living in Canada

Tally ho good fellow.

Susan Sloate

I love that he was tested and found almost completely healthy. He could only have been that way if… he hadn’t taken the jab himself.


Perhaps we could make this episode an addition to Peter Sellers movie ” Being There ” ? I don’t believe anyone including the ” Mad Scientist ” fooled anyone & when he arrived in front of The Judgment Throne , I am damn sure that he did not fool The Eternal Sovereign , anymore than the Patriotic Admiral ! Good Riddance to Traitorous Trash that has finally found the true purpose of his body’s purpose ; being fertilizer so flowers can grow ……….. Deep Staters , fertilizer . Nothing More ………… Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195




These are the clown world, liberal, marxist, anti Christian, anti white, anti MAGA, tranny/BLM/gay/muzzie loving freaks who have been calling the shots since 2008. God damn them to eternal hell.


EdBob ; I’ll 2nd that motion & pick up your substancial bar bill ! ! Let’s see if we can beat Tip O’Neils bar bill total for one nights consumption ? 2nd thought , no one could ever beat Tip’s record …. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


They condemned themselves to an eternal hell. They had opportunities to repent….and they didn’t. May they never rest in peace!!


He thought he was smart like a fox……….he thought very wrong. One time no one fell for his sneaky way of thinking.


Thank you for the report Mr. Baxter. My only comment is that one or two of these criminals hanging per week is not enough. There are many thousands of them, and this pace just isn’t getting us where we need to be.


Maybe at some point they’ll have a ‘big event’, like when Reverend Moon would marry thousands of ‘Moonie’ couples at a time. Remember those, kids?


Demographics specialists say we have many populations rapidly dwindling in number due to aging boomers quickly leaving stage left ; plus many young people being made sterile by clot shot injections. I do not know how we decide now on what populations to concentrate our baby making operations ? If you or I , were a visiting Space Alien Universe Traveling People , would we have a population on Earth ANYWHERE , where we could say Truthfully Logical sentient Advanced Beings called Earth Bound Humans , could be classified as an Advanced Civilization worthy of being left to continue ? The endless wars pushed by M.I.C. & supported by Controlled Filed ” Politicians ” are proof positive that any Space Aliens should simply take the logical step of destroying Earths present population & taking the last logical sentient life form here back to their world to be kept in a museum . I’ll miss Elon but at least he won’t be destroyed like the rest of us war mongers deserve . Advanced civilizations do not have a M.I.C. underground leadership. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Michael R Davis

There are many other JAG courtrooms on US bases outside of the US, all over the world, another courtroom at Gitmo, trying these served, formerly sealed indictments. By no means is Michael Baxter reporting on every trial in Admiral Crandall’s courtroom. Some courtrooms may be trying multiple defendents, up to 39 criminals per sealed indictment. For example, 39 ISIS, BLM, or ANTIFA terrorists on a single indictment could be tried, convicted, executed together. It is estimated several thousand criminals are convicted each month. As we here know, JAG trials proceed rapidly because the defendents come to trial already proven guilty as charged. Sometimes deals are negotiated for valuable evidence against other criminals.

Rita Nelson

With the push for vaccines going strong, so much money going to Ukraine, us debt out of control,, etc , Maybe we could get some reports from other trials. We are hungry for more info that things are really moving forward.

Michael R Davis

Bankster debt out of control, no longer our US debt.

Will Caulfield

“It is estimated..”

How and by whom?


Bravo , Bravo , Mr Davis ! I heard the fat lady sing & had expected the curtain to rapidly fall however your unexpected jolt was like a encore from Elvis when he was already supposed to have left the hall ……….. Tribunals are very quick & we only see what the major perps have received due to their pivotal positions in promoting & implementing the plandemic. The various minor players are not noted & not deserving of recognition. They sought recognition & depart without even a foot note ! Exactly what they deserve . Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


While Mr Baxter reports the progression of events , I am quite sure that we are not hearing of events that must be kept secret to avoid compromising security of White Hat operations. I do trust C.I.C. completely & the Q . We must trust C.I.C. Trump & White Hat & Q Contingent completely ! Do NOT ASSume that we are seeing everything in motion & NO We do not have a right to ! I was told by The Eternal Sovereign to support DJT & never would have chirped about the ship or mentioned it unless told to by Creator. I will stay on course & believe we all should remain in steadfast support of C.I.C. Trump until such a time as Creator Tells Us Differently. Steady the helm , cruising towards Victory , Trump Is King , according To The Eternal Sovereign. Trust God . …………. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Angela James

I think more are being hung that are not being reported. All of Lady Gaga’s tours have been cancelled for this year. Where’s Oprah? Ellen? Adam Sandler? Celine Dion? Jennifer Anniston and crew who have been in back to back movies for so long? They are vanishing in droves.

Michael R Davis

You could add hundreds of PedoWood celebrity names to your list who seem to be gone missing. It appears some are doing CGI movies which must be very profitable with the celebrity star gone missing, the CGI star not aging.

John .S

SHTF cometh, bank runs predict, total chaos imminent.

Go food shopping today, stockpile necessities, don’t forget your pets.

Fuel up vehicles, acquire extra ammo today. Time is of the essence.

Fasten seatbelts, when total SHTF let’s loose ”’shoot first”’ ask questions later.

Don’t become a casualty of order following tyrannicals, they will run rampant enforcing curfews and lockdowns yelping: “”we’re just following orders””, whom must be taken-out of the equation without hesitation.

Swift message needs to be sent upon tyrants when SHTF, without second thought.

Recommend in having a predug hole at ready and a few bags of lime. Also can string them up from a tree in front of your house, headless strung by their feet.

Tally ho and God Speed.

Will Caulfield

Total chaos Imminent?

Yeah, sure, buddy. We’ve been hearing that sort of thing once a week for years.

John .S

Hope you’re armed, if not, hope you have a few gold teeth.

Myself have needle nose vise grips at ready to perform dentistry upon nay-sayers & non believers whom express liability “if and when” SHTF.

Will Caulfield

Well, then, give us a time frame for this imminent chaos. Come on, John, don’t be shy.

John .S

Will Caulfield

So you don’t have an answer.



Anyone trying to barter gold teeth in a crisis will probably be shot on sight, it borders on grave robbing and Nazism


Total chaos has been in existence for decades as the White Hats within military gathered intel on the scum that was entrenched deeply by M.I.C. allied interests. The chaos is being removed now & though many do not see the progress of operations since they still watch MSM , etc …….. we can give them a bit of leeway. I do not expect them to understand when many of them have not seen the real war that has stood for generations ! We have real progress now & I believe soon C.I.C Trump will again be centerstage front center ! He Is World King designated by The Eternal Sovereign & he is doing an excellent job ! I will be happy to have him come over for my nightly barbeque ( fresh fish fry , every night at Sundown ‘cept Sabbath days ) Lakeside on Heavens Best Fishing Lake . I cannot understand how anyone with open eyes cannot see that total chaos got us The DC Swamp ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Will Caulfield

That’s obviously not what John is talking about. He’s referring to “total chaos” in civil society, which obviously not happening. I cannot understand how you can’t see that.


thinking about a thermal optic, can’t afford nods. looks like i will be sweeping across the land!


You are sick…


I used to look like Black Beard The Pirate when I was on my LST however I think perhaps you are the real Black Beard ! I will try finding another shiny Wilkinson Sword & keep it at the ready , you sound like we may compete in French Revolution II Competition ! ? ? Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


Obviously you’ve never seen or been in real combat and have no experience in military or survival operations. You’ll be dead within a week and probably in your predug hole while someone else will be boiling those bean rations.

Suggest you lay off the zombie movies.


No time for theatrics from these demons of deep state hell.its funny to see how a caught rat tries to evade the final steps up the stairs to the hangman’s noose.justice served NEXT one please


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
mary pascucci



He should have at least got the last rights read to him. Then he would have gotten a few more minutes of life.
I think it was nice of him to invite everyone to dinner.
Maybe next time…


He is having a brimstone sandwich with fauci.


He will find that hell is worse than any Nazi concentration camp for selling his soul to the devil


when are we gonna hear about …

Search: List of George Soros Owned District Attorneys – Clever Journeys

Our Greatest ENEMY!!!


And Governors.


Janssen…another one bites the dust.


I just don’t feel like they are getting the scumbags like…. Why hasn’t pencil neck hung yet? Shumer…get his ass on the gallows and swing that bastard….get them all…. If they need help…. Some of us would gladly set them up for the catch


Hell’s 2 the yes

Michael R Davis

Pencil-neck Liddle Kidz Shifty Adam Schiff was deemed too dangerous to children to leave alive, was executed several years ago. Look closely, that is an actor portraying Shifty. A very talented actor, showing the CIA asset at his very worst. As far as we know, Chuckie Schumer has been occupying a Gitmo cell for several years, another actor paid big bucks to play an arrested traitor. Haven’t you wondered why these America haters never seem to worry about driving away voters?


I still am in shock people can’t see the truth. Everything is scripted now by the White Hats. They are still taking out low level cabal and the banking industry though. Sad part is the movie does not seem to be waking more people up. They want more in preparation for our ascension. I think the “wake up” has run its course.

Rita Nelson

No Michael. I’m sorry. I can’t tell the difference between the old and new actors. They say the same things. And the media spins it. I can’t tell who put the actors in. Ds or wh. I am being sincere here. It’s just disheartening.

Michael R Davis

A hint, why would the Deep-State use actors depicting the Deep-State as idiots, fools, total losers, damaging the confidence of Deep-State players and citizens they want to support them?


Sometimes you don’t have to look at the actors but just use your conscious/intuition. Pelosi looked about 60 years old. Fake Biden looks 60 but is 80. For example when Biden tripped three times when climbing the stairs to board the plane wouldn’t you think an aide, or secret service, or military would come to see if he was ok? Look at the state of the union speech. There was no presidential seal on Biden’s podim. And they showed the mask line on the fake VP’s neck. The White Hats are revealing everything. Yet many aren’t watching or connecting dots.

American Living in Canada

Up here when trudeau came back from his Costa Rica last whoo rah trip was sporting a beard.

A lot people were not fooled.


People stopped watching 2 years ago. When they saw their nation get taken over and innocent people being arrested and nothing was done about it.
I don’t watch any news now nor do I or any of the people I know watch things like the state of the union.
If they wanted people to wake up they didn’t do it right.


They are gone. Take a close look at the actors you now see. It should be obvious to anyone.

Angela James

I believe Mr. Baxter reported on Schiff’s execution quite a while back. I am definitely looking forward to Schumer and the freakshow Beetlejuice creature.


Beetlejuice will put on quite a show for us too. That is another one I would love to see arrested and carted off to GITMO!! She can scream racism from the gallows.


Pencil Neck was executed at GITMO over a year ago. There is an article by Michael about him. Go back several months and you will find it. Schumer….he is like Nancy Pelosi, a favorite for the gallows. I would love to hear soon they have him and he has a hanging date. He will snivel and cry just like Pencil Neck did….also curse and threaten like Nanny did.


Pencil Neck is not Pence. Was another worthless DSer with a long, skinny neck. But thanks for the info re Pence. Was wondering where that critter got to.

Last edited 1 year ago by Claire

Pencil neck is long gone.


Dope on a rope after he picked up the soap.

Anthony Gregory

Bla Bla Bla.
Nothing but hearsay.

David T

W0zz Ll0yd B0fa . . Shall I go on?

David Smith

well played


Or a big pint of ice cream for V.A. Crandall.


He would have won an Academy Award with that acting but, alas, he’s dead. I have no sympathy for him…just one less monster on this earth. Question…when will they arrest Obama?


Obummer and Micheal have been dead for some time


I am shocked there are those that still don’t know this.


I’m donating to you every month Michael. Why are my comments not sticking at all??


It’s happened to me as well especially when I type something from my phone

Will Caulfield

Maybe you need to donate more.


And the planet if free of one more mass murderer. Ever wonder what kind of hell they will have to endure? Bubye you dispicable man.


Anybody read the HYSTERICAL story about the Pfizer CEO who had to cancel a pre-planned trip to Israel?

He couldn’t get into the country… because he’s NOT VACCINATED!

You literally can’t make this up.


None of the DS demons are vaccinated. Their poison was meant for us peons and not for their illustrious demonic selves. It is all catching up to them though. We all said from the beginning they are faking when they “show us” how they are protecting the world by getting the shots and wearing those wet horrid masks.

Rene Labre

Bill Clinton,he was ready to sell out and fess up all.To save his puny ass.died a miserable coward.The low life he always was.He never held down a real job in his life,he was a moocher at all times.


They all are bums and jerks, what real job did Biden ever hold, or Nancy Polosi? Hunter had a real job, he just didn’t do anything real while there.


Knowledge is power! Iran Contra Secrets, drug running, arms sales, a Clowns in America operation that a Governor no one knew became President due to his and killery’s knowledge about Mena Airport and the drug distribution network. Do you really think Killery’s body count started with Vince Foster (the Clinton Whitewater Scandal Lawyer) that was going to testify about the Scandal the morning he was found in the DC Park with 2 bullet holes in the back of his head AND the “authorities” labeled a suicide???? REALLY! How many Arkancides happened while Clinton was governor and before? Many “investigators” died going down that rabbit hole?


The evil Clintons are no more. The hanging of Killary Rotten was a celebration. I am sure this evil hag was surprised when she found herself in hell with no one to kill. I wonder if she thinks her life of heinous crimes (especially against children) was worth it? No, she is screaming!!

Rene Labre

How did you die,like a man or a turd.


Tillyer didnt know how to react upon his hanging, so he chose acting.

Johnny Lunchbucket

He did go home, just not the one he was expecting. Unfortunately, his home is HELL now. Dumbshit.

Last edited 1 year ago by Johnny Lunchbucket
Rene Labre

Fuck him.Coward.Worthless to anything at all.Pussy.Not when he though he was on top.He was cruel and heartless.Until they found him.and they are going to find you.A total pussy ass weakling. .You can shake the hangman’s, hand,he is still going to hang you.


“Tillyer’s bemusements didn’t phase the admiral, who said, “Let’s get this over with,” and ordered the hangman to push the button that would end Tillyer’s life. A moment later, he was dead, swinging from a rope.
A Navy physician noted the time of death: 10:30 a.m. EST, March 7, 2023”

Next stop, hell.

Thank you Michael, excellent article; please continue the updates.


This man’s dementia was a coping mechanism for the fear he felt at being hanged. I sense that he simply could not face what was about to happen to him, and so his mind shut down. It wasn’t play-acting. It was denial. The mind is very powerful and will do that kind of thing to protect itself.
Look at what adults who have been sexually abused as children do… whole sections of their childhood remain blank until they are ready to look at what happened to them.
Those commenters here who are being skeptical about the scientist’s dementia should research about memory suppression. If the mind can suppress childhood memories, it can suppress current reality too.

Last edited 1 year ago by Madeline

It was a coping mechanism, because deep down he knew he was guilty and there was no way out of the execution.


Yes, that’s right.

Dave Kelly

BULLSHIT, TOTAL BULLSHIT, This asshole was acting, thinking he could some how get a last minute reprieve from any simp in the audience. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, NOT AT GITMO. SIMPS reading this account and detail will no doubt question what happened, let them have their nightmares, they deserve them. ANOTHER LOWLIFE MURDERING JAG-OFF , DIRT-NAPPED! NEXT


You, Dave Kelly, just love to think the worst of people. You’re a vulture. You get off on being here. Underneath it all you thirst for the worst because it gives you an energy fix. You need to look at the demons within you who suck on the loosh of what you read here.

You have a lot of work to do on yourself. There’s no way that you could even begin to sense what is going on here. You’ve got too much mud on your soul to be able to do that.

Yes, this man did atrocious things. But let’s look to the best example of all – Jesus forgave the criminals whom he mixed with and the one on the cross beside Him. Yes, this man needed to pay the price for his crimes, but his death doesn’t need to be feasted on by the people here who are getting joy out of hating him for what he has done.


Deliberate bad acting to get admitted to a psychiatric hospital where democratic
lawyers could get him out. He passed all the brain tests & the murderous creep
deserves no sympathy.


I think you are being too kind. You have to imagine what kind of person would do what he did. I think he is a sniveling rat who felt all high and mighty when he was involved in crimes against humanity, then when caught tried to weasel his way out the only way he thought he could. It may have a side benefit of him pretending for a moment that his execution is not happening but really, I bet he was 100% fully aware and prepared to leave this life a liar, showing no remorse for his actions, just like the coward he is or was. Fully fledged coward traitor.

Cleaning house feels good. Thank you white hats.


I believe that the conclusion you have come to is wrong. Fear is very powerful. Once he learned that he was going to die, his mind shut down. Even evil people feel fear.

He wasn’t trying to weasel his way out. He was disassociating. He didn’t plead with the guards or the hangman. Others have. This man’s mind had split.

Kitty, you can’t know for sure that he was acting because you weren’t there. I myself get visions and can See into situations. That’s what I do for work – I get paid to See.

I Saw that his mind had split. He knew that he was guilty, he knew that he was caught, he knew that he was going to be hung. He disassociated so that he could cope with the fact that he was about to die.


It could be a definite possibility Madeline.


Ohhhhhhhhh you weren’t there, either. If you are getting paid “to see” into
situations, that sounds very much like”psychic” witchcraft, and that is
strictly forbidden by the Lord.


I completely agree with your statement. You penned it well. Further thought is that his life might have been a cherry life and because of his position, most of his problems were eliminated for him – thus his mind didn’t have the stamina to accept his fate – and he escaped his fate in his mind. As you mentioned, just like the children who have to escape their trauma.


F the pedophile, he deserves what he got even if he went off to lala land.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

STOP Delavic with comments not being of no significance for this post, she makes no sense at all.


People are pissed like i am, he got off easy !!!!


What loser PSYCHOPATH – it was now his time … & pretending- LOSER- no sympathy here !!
The whimpy coward had no problems creating poisions to muder innocent people, babies, etc. Good riddance – who needs a psychopath around … another EVIL1 bites the dust ..
Our whiteHat Miltary are absolutely Wonferful beyond words – Thank You to ALL that serve this great USA🇺🇸




Agree wholeheartedly

Martin Kohler

I don’t think this senile old man should have hanged.


That’s what that sinile old man was hoping for! BTW do you think all the people he destroyed/killed/caused harm to deserved to die


no, he should have been quartered


quartered ! again ?

Johnny Lunchbucket

This probably isn’t the site for you, Karen!!!

Dave Kelly

Karen is a troll, sponsored by the ADL , SPLC , IDF or some zionist satanist jew criminal entity.


Why because he flipped his wig after killing Lord knows how many people? This is exactly what that old goat wanted you to think, and the demon within him wanted you to think as well. Acting skills don’t get you past the pearly gates.


Look at all of the acting skills of Arthur Roberts or whoever the hell is playing Beijing & Kiev Biden?? Allot of stupid people are led to believe that whoever it is should be the real Biden period? How can any executive orders or mandates signed by these counterfeits not be both null & void in the 1st place??!


It is beyond comprehension.

Dave Kelly

For you , NO DOUBT.

Dave Kelly

ask TRUMP he sure signed enough of them, that went POOF,


You can tell it’s a different person! It is so obvious – those with eyes cannot see because they have been brainwashed to not question and to not believe anything outside of the authorized narrative.

The EOs signed by Biden are just part of the movie to wake people up. It’s all a show.

I really hope people are waking up. I don’t see any difference in the people around me. I have a small very awake group in person, the rest are clueless and avoid me like the plague. It’s incredible to watch people be so closed off to the truth and not question anything! Many highly intelligent people too, like IQ >130. Those who know a little just accept it and won’t do anything about it, they won’t even talk about it or want to know more. Heads are in the sand! I mean come on!! SMH

Rita Nelson

Same here.


They are null and void. Fact.


Yes. So many people fall for their demonic lies and performances, they think they are like us they are not!

No disrespect to the beautiful souls who want to see the good in others but we have to be more discerning. The bottom line is that this evil must be eradicated, eviscerated, destroyed!! No matter how pretty it looks, or the pretty lies it tells. NO DEALS FOR DEMONIC FILTH.

This is humanity’s time, evil has lost, we are cleaning out the trash.


Well said Kitty.


How senile was he when he made those poison jabs? Only a couple years ago they were issued..I would give my right arm to o push that button .My partner died from his jab, he wanted only to retire and travel. He was robbed of both, now they shall pay.


Sher, I am sorry for your loss. I hope you have loved ones around you to love and support you through this devastating time.

Dave Kelly

Upon this degenerate murdering asshole’s arrest ,he becomes senile. LoL


I truly believe he had a psychotic breakdown unable to see the reality which was forthcoming. Sometimes when faced with impending termination of life
denial regression and and a fairy tale reality will in sue save the ego. This is a masterpiece of bicameral logistics.

Will Caulfield

Complete nonsense. And learn to spell.


Not complete nonsense at all. And can’t you come up with anything better to say than to criticise the spelling?

Dave Kelly

Nope, Not a chance.

Will Caulfield

Of course it is. Beyond the armchair psychological analysis, it literally doesn’t make sense. “Bicameral logistics?”

Spelling is important. You should no more trust the opinion of someone who can’t spell than someone who can’t do simple math. If a person told you 2+2=5, would you think they were an idiot? Of course you would. The same goes for misspellings of simple words.

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield

You have already exposed yourself. Bicameral is the inability to discern reality.


F-UCK HIM !!!!


I had a coworker like that. She annoyed me when I tried to befriend her She was working at the same job I was but when I tried to get to know her, but she was talking like a kid making playacting as another person in a storybook. I was like. “This is an adult conversation so stop the pretense.” but she would not budge. This was an adult woman, possibly with a husband and kids and a couple of pets, but she was acting like reality didn’t exist.

Dave Kelly

Nope, not a chance.




They should hang trump. He’s the one responsible for the vaccine roll-out.




Tont, Tony no more of your f-ing baloney.


TONY not Tont.

Dave Kelly

Try, Tontany, see how that works out. Tontany, Tontany




The pentagon and everyone who was responsible for these death jabs long BEFORE trump became president should be hanged first.


I think you should get it,


Some people will never get it! If Trump had not done what he did you and ever body else would still be locked down and dead or real close to it!!! Wake ur arse up,,,


exactly!! these people watch CNN too much !!!!


Cant think for themselves! “I’ll see what the TV man tells me what to do!”

Dave Kelly

If Trump did not declare an “EMERGENCY ” none of this shit would have happened in the FIRST PLACE. The 2020 ELECTION would not have been rigged, stolen and FRAUDULENT. There would have been NO VOTE BY MAIL, starting 2 months before the election, TECHNOCRATS, FAUCI, BIRX etc. would not have been given a chance or pretext to do anything, NOTHING. CDC , NIH, WHO , MANDATES, NOTHING WOULD HAVE HAPPENED, YOU FOOL!

Jane D

Wrong dumbass…the CCP would have made SURE it happened, along with some help from the DS, as well as Klaus & Company.

Dave Kelly

NO , Jane you ignorant bitch, TRUMP declaring an EMERGENCY set ALL of this shit in MOTION. FUCK your GOOKS, and TRUMP is DEEP STATE do some research , Jane and while you are it, REMOVE your head from your ASS, and get a breath of fresh air, your brain is dying from Oxygen starvation

Rita Nelson

We differ in opinions. I think it would have been worse.

Dave Kelly

What would have been worse, if TRUMP did not declare an EMERGENCY over the covid – 19 false flag psy-op HOAX? PLEASE EXPLAIN?


How about you next?


fuck off asshole, do some researcherch, cock suckers !


Get lost. Oh, that right, you already are.


I dont care who tried to roll it out! I could smell bullshit in the beginning all by myself, and didnt need someone else to tell me what to do !


Covid and the vaccines were patented before Trump ever became President. If they can lie to the whole world you think they have any qualms about lying to a sitting President. Hell, they murdered Presidents.



Tom henry

Fookin troll gtfoh!



Dave Kelly

He is culpable , no doubt about that.


That’s absolutely correct!

John Freese

Seriously? Go get jabbed and leave life to the living.


When is Walensky going to be taken care of? Tired of seeing these big fish still breathing.


Last time RRN reported on her, she had fled the country.


She’ll be back. Like Cheney was.




Step right up to the noose.

John .S

Dr. Jekyll – Mr. Hyde

Muriel Vargo

Maybe he was trying to tell them something…are they looking into who Fred Dryer is since he was allegedly working at Pfizer?


They should have played his game for awhile and see if he could give them some good info, them let him hang around!

Dave Kelly

NO , they should have EXECUTED the ASSHOLE within minutes of sentencing. He was allowed to live 4 days longer than he should have, that part was a miscarriage of justice.

Dave Kelly

Fred Dryer, former NFL Football player and Hollywood actor. Fred Dryer would have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this lowlife ASSHOLE.

Mark David

Old Tillyer must think he is talking to the mockingbird media, where Leftists are given a pass on ANYTHING, no matter how big or how vile it may be. No “dog ate my homework” excuses anymore.

clark 1930

excellant git em all!!


Fred Dryer was a professional football player 😆



Johnny Lunchbucket

Los Angeles Ram defensive lineman.

Dave Kelly

He started with the NY Giants, has two safeties in the same game, The only player to have done this, it is a RECORD.

Dave Kelly

And a very GOOD one too. Only Football player to have 2 safeties in the same game. This record still stands to this very day. He is an actor too, with many outstanding roles on TV and in FILM.


except for a case of irritable bowel syndrome….I bet he had a baad case of that. So do I every time I read about one of our Marines being killed. ’45, it is time to get the job done. War truly is hell.