Special Forces Attack Deep State Listening Outposts


A White Hat Special Forces unit knew how to find a federal listening post that had been eavesdropping on their communications with Fort Bragg as they hunted for rogue FBI agents allegedly involved in a child trafficking ring.

Listening posts, as White Hats call them, are innocuous-looking structures—storefronts, laundromats, donut shops, delicatessens, sometimes a shack in the woods—that grew in number after the criminal Joseph R. Biden stole the presidential election and gave FBI Director Christopher Wray carte blanche to wiretap law-abiding citizens, patriots, militias, and Trump supporters nationwide, without reasonable suspicion, probable cause, or a warrant. Naturally, the feds have used these unconstitutional stations to intercept White Hat chatter, hoping to thwart tactical operations that imperil the regime’s agenda. Invisible to the average citizen, the stations dot the American landscape, from the largest metropolises to rural communities in northern Montana.

A source at Fort Bragg told Real Raw News that White Hats destroyed several in the last three years, but the feds, with unlimited funding and the ability to print money whimsically, simply rebuilt new ones nearby.

In the past, the soldiers who found these outposts gave federal eavesdroppers a chance to surrender. And several availed themselves of the opportunity, valuing life over bullets in the brain. Some became 5th Columnists, either stimulated with a sense of awakening patriotism or wanting to avoid a one-way trip to Guantanamo Bay, and helped White Hats glean the location of other clandestine listening posts.

When General Eric M. Smith assumed command of the White Hats, however, the days of ultimatums were over. He had spoken with 5th Special Forces Group commander Col. Brent Lindemen about the morality and legality of “eliminating” Deep Staters sans offering them a choice, and they agreed they had been too lenient, especially when 75% of federal intelligence was either a misdirection or outdated.

They viewed the listening posts as unlawful and illegal, and the Deep Staters manning them as slaves of the cabal.

“Even if only a quarter of what we got had value, it was better than nothing. The new directive meant we had to find different ways to find the listening posts. I can’t go into all the details, but it involves soldiers in the field, the help of cyber command, lady luck, and sometimes torture. No one likes it, or doing it. It’s unspeakable. But if it helps save children or catching pedos, we’ll do what we must,” the source said.

In early August, a Special Forces unit was in northern Montana pursuing four feds suspected of trafficking children across the border and into Canada. Intel suggested the evildoers routinely kidnapped children in Glacier National Park and boated them across Upper Waterton Lake, which straddles the border.

While traversing rugged terrain near Red Rock Point on the western side of Glacier, the Special Forces unit stumbled into an ambush and was surrounded by eight unknown assailants armed with automatic weapons. Despite being surprised, Special Forces turned the tables and killed the attackers, none of whom carried identification. They did have radios, over which a clear voice requested a status update.

The signal clarity was too strong to be distant in an environment replete with uneven terrain and towering mountain peaks that blocked line-of-sight transmission and reception. Also, the odds of randomly walking into an ambush were infinitesimally small given the absolute breadth of the northern Rockies and the thousands of miles of hiking trails connecting its myriad peaks, lakes, rivers, and streams. The ambushers had to have known the Special Forces’ route; it was no coincidence.

Special Forces had stayed connected with Bragg via secure satellite phone, meaning a nearby entity could break their encryption and communicate with the ambush squad; the ambushers’ radios, commercially available Baofeng UV-54 8-watt transceivers, which retail at $60, indeed could not crack encryption.

They listened to repeated calls for a status update, and the voice eventually said, “Must be in dead zone.” As he spoke, a second voice in the background asked if anyone wanted anything from Abruzzo.

Special Forces had spent enough time in Montanna to know that Abruzzo was an Italian eatery in Whitefish, a year-round tourist city 50 miles, as the crow flies, southwest of their current location. They deduced that the feds must have used one or more repeaters–an electronic device that receives a weak or low-level amateur radio signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher power, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation—to maintain contact with the ambushers.

“It was Whitefish or bust,” our source said. “Special Forces maintained radio silence because they knew the enemy was listening, and they figured since the guys who tried to jump them didn’t report in or back, any Deep State in Whitefish probably thought their ambush went haywire and packed up shop. It’s not like our guys could get there in five minutes. But it’s what they had to work with—that and a bit of luck.”

The two conspicuously dressed FBI agents standing outside a fish & tackle shop with a 35-foot-tall antenna array jutting from the roof never knew what hit them. Special Forces shot them dead where they stood. A placard on the steel door—odd for a fishing shop—read “closed for renovations,” and the windows had been boarded up as if to withstand a hurricane. They blew open the door with an explosive charge, entered the building, and shot dead a fed dressed in a T-shirt and Khaki shorts.

There was no fishing gear, no rods, reels, or bait. Not even a single lure. There were thigh-high radio and computer racks, a firearm safe on the floor, and another steel door that led to a back room.

Once inside, they saw two feds cowering behind a desk. Both were shot dead point blank. They had not been given a chance to surrender. Bang bang.

Special Forces demolished the equipment and withdrew.

Our source said they eventually found and dealt with the kidnappers and rescued three children who would’ve been sold and enslaved.

“As long as we know there are feds out there aiding and abetting these slavers, or doing it themselves, they and their illegal outposts are valid targets. No mercy. Those kids wouldn’t have got any mercy. For a long time, the Deep State has had this aura of invincibility. Well, they’re not invincible. Not from us,” our source said.

He added that White Hats have improved their communications encryption since the incident.

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Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps. Contributions help keep the site active and help support the author (and his medical bills)

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Michael please let us know you are ok. Praying for you to be healed. We miss your truths

Bob James

The Satanists in LA tortured four warrant officers to death and thought they’d scared the military. Big Mistake.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just

using this website………………………………………… W­w­w.B­i­z­W­o­r­k­1.C­o­m


So why was the computer equipment destroyed?
Wouldn’t it provide greater intel being confiscated and viewed by an IT forensic crew?
Woundnt somebody notice the fed guards getting sniped and hear the door getting blown up?
I’ve lived in a small town and nothin goes on without someone seeing / hearing something. Story is a good read but sounds a bit well — out there if you know what I mean

Steve J

If this happened in the wee hours of the night for, let’s say, for “training” purposes, that was already addressed to the public via local news, then yes, this would have occurred. As far as the data, I’m sure the data would have already been captured via a “back door” on the computer, prior to the SF team going into the building.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16 thousand bucks a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this site.. w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­7.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar
Kay Mitchell

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA – a Muslim and the Biden puppet master?

Could that be the reason America has been destroyed from the inside?

If so then the following were all preparations to weaken America for
WW III on American soil:

* Opening our Southern border to millions of America’s enemies.

* Depleting our treasury funds.

* Depleting munitions.

* Depleting our oil reserves.

* Halting our oil production.

* Poisoning us with fake vaccines.

* Filling our government seats and agencies with corrupt politicians and secret agents.

* Reducing our police forces.

* Pushing to take away our guns.

* Destroying our economy.

* Giving away billions of the finest war equipment to Afganistan.

* Attacking Israel and sending our military over there now.

The only man they fear who could expose and intercept their plans is PRESIDENT TRUMP.

They absolutely cannot let him regain power!

When our Enemies are ready; China, Russia, N. Korea and the Middle East will strike an all-out War.

It all seems to fit together perfectly and make sense doesn’t it?

Certainly something to think about.


Yep, we know and to think there are still simpletons out there that think we are making this stuff up.

Kay Mitchell

Yes, it boggles the mind and sickens the gut.

Kay Mitchell

Yup. There’s no cure for stupid.

I think some people just trust the mainstream media so what they hear is all they know.

They are also told that we are a bunch of crazies.

Many of the sheep don’t even know there are alternatives news sites to mainstream media.

Steve J

The ones that are still asleep are too lazy to venture out and do their own research. They pay more attention to The View, reality TV shows and fake sports. My sisters and brother-in-law are these people whom I’ve described.

Frances Bell

Wherever real news is given, the woke always asks, “prove it” too lazy to do their own investigations

Dave Kelly

Barry is DEAD, he has been EXECUTED, We know this breaks your heart as well as your bullshit narratives, The lowlife degenerates operating the brain addled PEDO-joe Biden mask wearing poser or clone, and his puppet masters are dual -citizen American -Israeli zionist satanist degenerate jews and Israeli jews THIS IS THE REALITY and FACT. Kay you can choke on this continually till you accept and understand this reality.

Kay Mitchell


Kay Mitchell

Dave Kelly, I bet you’re one of the alts belonging to the Troll group of alts like:

Ethel, Biggs, Julie, goober and the other dozen.

So I’ll add you to my announcement list and post it at least once a day on RRN.

All your alts have the same obscene, vile tone.

People need to know there are liars like you on this board and how far you’ll go.


Deep state puppets never die. Body doubles take over the key roles. Hilter’s Grandson Barry Obomba, Billy ‘goat’ Gates of hell, Dr. F, Byedan, etc. They keep the key role players alive and well with their “fake” TV news blaring day in and day out, LYING all day long. Not “fake” news, “lying” news. Jesus is the only way out in the end. Trust in the Savior and get that last soul saved, so we can all move on. Amen

Frances Bell

Who is Barry?


No, because the exact same thing has been done to Europe long before St Barry was Fake President. It’s called communism. More specifically Stalinism, becuse Uncle Joe pioneered mass migration in the Soviet Union as a tool to destroy culture and traditions there. This is all just so much bigger than the pathetic Obama that I can’t even begin to explain it.

Kay Mitchell

You don’t have to explain it. I just did.

You missed the point.


I only got to your Obama-fetishism as if he isn’t a gormless puppet, sorry.


Xi is rubbing his hands and salivating contemplating an attack possibly landing in California where anti gun laws are strong.

Elisa Orozco

……………and largely ignored……….


Believe Barry is dead quite a long time now. Gitmo did him and Big Mike in, almost 4 years ago. Only their clones, operating as them, is all the deep state has left.


GLad no Marine’s were lost to this…………….. I just don’t understand WHY we still have the FBI, CIA, CDC, DOJ. DOD, all of them are in cahoots and need to be abolished!

Stinky Perfume

The changing times started with the lockdown for a fake virus that was really shit in the blood from mandatory vaccinations in China, which sickened people in Wuhan when they turned on huge amounts of 5G with the newly vaccinated Chinese, so the 5G timing was tracked, they did turn it on and something in the vaccine reacts with this frequency that sickens people.

Why do we still have hospitals? They were all complicit in the stab and the 5G and the death triages for a planned end times of human beings, usually just a standard civiization reset, but much of the end times was to make humans into some kind of hybrid roboticized being of transhumanism not just a quick genocide rollout.

It sounds to me like all the hospitals should be empty. They all got down 22 levels I’ve heard of from people that worked down there and that’s been since 1981 when I first found out. Then to find out all wars are created for human trafficking fresh live orphans….Where to they go? Down in those levels. A few might actually get adopted to surface dwellers. CPS working right there ready to snatch if the doctor’s and lab tech’s don’t 1st create a tragic death for some reason they can dream up on whoever comes in pregnant near delivery with an illness or even giving birth. They get plenty of those and many other ways.

RRN would have us believe children human trafficked are always snatched out of national parks or from the streets because it hasn’t covered all these other ways they get their vampire blood underground where they all live hundreds of years.

Back in the 1700’s people knew about the grey aliens people called goblins snatching children. Earth was created to be a giant blood and loosh factory for what’s underground or lives in spaceships. That would include microchipping all these 3 letter agency employees and every last doctorate, cops, lawyers, judges and politicians, whatever they can microchip to control surface earth.


What’s more Humanna, CVS, our local Richmond Sheriff’s office are still reqiring the VAX.

Stinky Perfume

Maybe rotten eggs and a note on their cars? “Stop vaccinating we are tracking you, the system is corrupt we are no longer depending on police, we have your tags, mechanics won’t fix your car if you bring it in to any of our garages for any repair”. Photo their face with your camera, document their names. Leave a flyer with a list of the evil employees and photo, that your sorting out who is doing evil vaccinations. That would start to get them noticing they are being watched. People won’t figure out to change unless it hurts. Sometimes a soft threat goes a long way.

Stinky Perfume

Richmond Virginia or where? It’s a terrorist act to require vaccines of any kind and I don’t care if the law sais otherwise. It’s no way to live on this planet with toxic vaccines, birth or otherwise later.

Kay Mitchell

Because America has been taken over from within by our enemies.


Now I can buy that for a dollar


Choreography is the key to success, random acts, helter skelter and all of the EVIL DOERS simply go-to-ground and delay the saving of humanity, if it is not too late by then.

Dave Kelly



It’s a century+ usurpation of the American public. There are no institutions left outside the Borg at this point. It’s basically forbidden to organize outside the State, which is how communism works. It has been that way for the last twenty years. If you want to run a knitting club, the FBI will infiltrate and destroy it it. It has to be a state-run knitting club with weekly drag shows and Marxist sermons and things for it to be legal. So anyway, there’s nothing at hand to replace all this. All we can do is create a vacuum. But vacuums inevitably get filled, and you’ll have no control over that process. Again, because we don’t have anything ready to fill it.
It’s just very difficult to get out of this now. They just gave a “Nobel prize” to people responsible for the greatest genocide in human history. That’s basically a microcosm of our situation. Everything has been hijacked.


Thank you Michael, this is refreshing great good news. Father Jesus does respond to prayers.

The FBI no longer conceals their criminal intentions … it’s open season then for Patriots to take control.

Kay Mitchell

I hope you have a better plan then mob rule.


Sadly, you are not keeping up and apparently do not support what is being done to “save you” and all others (even the sleepers). Keeping on, going along is the reason we are where we are now.

Steve J

So, triggering a civil war is what you suggest?

s alan

I find myself watching out for 35-foot-tall antenna arrays where they shouldn’t be.
This site will be notified I spot one!

Kay Mitchell

And keep one Eye open for incoming nukes.


If one were to see an incoming nuke it would be the last thing they saw (unless military personnel at a radar tracking station like NORAD)

Kay Mitchell

Gee, Really??


No one said it was going to be easy, but rest assured the US Military is now engaged in brutally taking down the US deep state. Revenge is sweet.

Kay Mitchell

That’s good but they better be stopping the influx of Millions of our enemies across our border.

orange julius

This new no surrender policy sounds good to me. These people are amoral and have unlimited cash, so the best way to stop them is to kill them early and often. They will run out of manpower soon enough. Thank you patriots and RRN.

Kay Mitchell

Are you talking about the combined manpower of our enemies like China North Korea, Russia and the Middle East?


Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16 thousand bucks a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this site.. w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­7.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar
Loo Seee

Just yesterday I prayed and told God that I wanted to hear that children are being rescued. HalleluJah !! the cabal is worm food.

Kay Mitchell

It’s a nice dream and good for an upvote. 😊👍


With such daring bravery, courage & resolve, the US White Hats and Special Forces, easily attract the attention & company of the Angelic kingdoms who fly with them.

Stinky Perfume

Didn’t Putin say “It’s not my job to judge them, it’s my job to send them off for judgement”


Found the Italian Restaurant & the bait & tackle shop closed for renovation. At least that part of the story checks out. I’ve eaten at the Italian place before during ski trips to Whitefish.

Dave Kelly

Then you may be complicit in the trafficking crimes and are possibly a confederate of the CRIMINAL FEDS, It is no wonder you maybe attempting to discredit this story at RRN.This story is TRUTHFUL but you SeanW, you may not……be credible , Are you a troll with criminal intent, TREASON perhaps? What say you SSeanW


It is proper to verify facts and cross reference details of ANY news story to validate authenticity of the story. I personally don’t buy anything unless I get it verified. Much of what I read on RRN is what I WANT to hear and I avoid emotions clouding reason by cross referencing the materials I read here and other sites. Dave is spot on not taking things at face value and doing his homework

Cheers to you Dave Kelly!


Thank you, Michael, for allowing my comments😘


Why would I get a ‘negative’ on positive words?


The govt trolls here jump in quickly with downvotes for the real folks, and upvotes for each other.
Give it a little time. Their influence goes away.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jimbeau
Dave Kelly

Government and dual citizen trolls. Jew-fulence does not just go away

Kay Mitchell

You ought to know.


You some kind of Jew hating antisemitic ?

Kay Mitchell

Actually there are only a small handful of trolls here but they have many alts they use to down- vote and annoy.

For example:

“Biggs”, is a straight-up ISIS sympathizer who uses a dozen other names on this board to spew anti-Israeli propaganda, obscenities and distractions.

The Alts:
Ethel, noname, Julie, JB ll, Exile, Bofa. Wozz, Russell and many more.


The board is full of commenters with differing opinions. Do not take it so hard! We all get negatives once in a while. I like your comments.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna
William Turner

Down-votes on positive speech are from psychopathic baby-ass-rapers. They practice satanic child sacrifice and don’t want their carnal pleasures to be stopped. Just know God is watching and knows all. Evil online anonymous trolls know in their hearts they will end up in hell.


Yes, the trolls will be cast into Hell, but I speculate they don’t know that in Hell they shall be sodomized and slaved every day for an eternity as promised by the demons.

Kay Mitchell

” God is watching..”

I pray that He would watch less and participate more.

Sparky Sr

I’m glad ROE are out the window…
Semper Fi Marines

Kay Mitchell

People who are forced to have a child they don’t want, DO NOT, (as a rule),
make good parents.

Those children suffer greatly for their entire life.

Sparky Sr

ROE = Rules Of Engagement

Not Roe v Wade –

People are not forced – it took 2 to tango… they had free will to make a child. Unless, and courts upheld this – rape. OR if the mother’s life is in danger.
Now if they don’t want the child, then put up for adoption.
Roe v Wade was based on a lie and should have been overturned back then and she should have been put in prison for perjury.

Kay Mitchell

People make mistakes and getting pregnant isn’t always a decision but a consequence of that mistake.

Every child should be wanted by its mother But in reality that doesn’t always happen and those children usually suffer greatly for their entire life.

Your view of the situation is highly judgmental and short-sighted.

Who are you to judge?

“Judge not lest ye be judged.”


🇺🇸😢”We’ll do what we must” definitely, there is no other choice.🇺🇸♥️

Lorenz Manner

No mercy and no regrets. Eliminate all of them slowly and with accurate precision.


I hoping Our glorious Marines or any of the good military STOPS N. Korea from BOMBING the U.S.S. Gerald Ford.. because their fixin too… 😲 🇺🇲

Lucky star

You should worries a strike from IRAN..not N Korea…

Keep a wolf at home(Iran) and feeding them (ayatollah) for the last 30 years…now Iran is strongest than ever with hypersonic missiles.. do USA have that kind of weapons? No.. this country Iis so busy with fu#^$^%! LGQBT ideology and left dogma, affirmative action, US citizen are cheering with f#&$^$^! flood of illegal, ecltc..etc. .. and proxy wars everywhere that they forgot to improve the missiles capabilities with new tech..

What do the white hat does for the last 75 years other than waiting the ANOINTED and their CHOSEN ONE (TRUMP?) to carry the war with black hat and fu@&$^NAZI donkey

cathy ness



Put down the crack pipe.


Put down the crack pipe.

Sparky Sr

Iran is nothing but money laundering/black market arms dealing with radicals.
nothing to see here…. just a distraction, just like gaza…. these evil people do not care how many die – they are doing what they are told….

Just like the fake vax… they dont care…

Sparky Sr

N. Korea has no intentions… the kid likes to play and blow things up like bottle rockets… no real threat….

Raul Redero

Hay que festejar cada victoria sobre el estado profundo

Gaseous Clay

Yes, Amen. Alabado Senor Jesus Cristo.


You read and speak English but won’t write English….
Hey, who sent cha?


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16 thousand bucks a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this site.. w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­7.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar
Ellen T

No one cares!

Country Girl

There is no “lady luck” or just “luck.” This is the hand of the Almighty God, who said that one who harms a child is better dead. People are praying and crying out for these children and God is listening and moving. He gives man, including the White Hats, wisdom and understanding. People are praying for the White Hats to have wisdom, knowledge, and safety.

cathy ness


CONservative DEMocrat

“For a long time the [DS] has had this aura of invincibility.”
Calls to mind the POV that there’s only about a million of these demons and the remaining 7B could easily take them….if we were organized, like the White Hats. It would be so much more expedient and effective if the WHs would just deputize us-PLEASE!

Lucky star

Why u need to deputized? If you have skill, learn from terrorist HAMAZ how to kill the enemy.. here u need to learn how to help WH by organizing your fellow Patriots by killing them yourselves…

Kay Mitchell

Worst advice I’ve ever seen!

This person is the enemy. 👎

Sparky Sr

It’s called – chain of command…
Though if you see something, say something…. BUT to who…
We don’t know who to trust outside this bubble…
This is what they are avoiding – civil war 2.

Kay Mitchell

You mean like a “Lynch License”?

Kay Mitchell

We have NOT been called on.
President Trump and the military have their plan.

Don’t blunder in and create a January 6th scenario.

The Cabal would love to use their DEW weapons on us and blame President Trump for it all.

Stand down and stay ready.


Do not stand down if they get to your house.

Kay Mitchell

Where the hell did I say that!?!?

cathy ness


Dave Kelly

In the mean time Deep State assholes, establishment inbred conspirators serving in political offices across the entire Nation have passed legislation in their respective states to allow the hiring of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ( INSURGENTS ) to be hired into Law Enforcement as this has been perpetrated in the state of ILLINOIS and it’s Gov. JB Pritzker just signed such legislation to make it possible for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ( INSURGENTS ) to be hired by state , county and municipal law enforcement agencies and departments which when shit does start to hit the fan, there ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ( INSURGENTS ) will be DEPUTIZED , given badges , weapons and police powers then let loose to RUN AMOK killing and arresting US CITIZENS and the rest of the AMERICAN PUBLIC, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE to move against these Deep State TREASONOUS CRIMINALS, ZIONIST satanist degenerate jews , and ALL THEIR CRIMINAL TREASONOUS CONFEDERATES such as the IDF ,ADL SPLC, and numerous other TREASONOUS DEGENERATE LOWLIFE ASSHOLES PEDOPHILES, SEXUAL PREDATORS ETC. THESE FUCKING EVIL DEGENERATES MUST BE VANQUISHED ENTIRELY and must be VANQUISHED RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

Kay Mitchell

I will trust President Trump’s judgment on where and when if ever he needs us.

You sound like a certifiable lunatic.

Dave Kelly

TRUMP is a DECEIVER and a LIAR, I am very confident that the TRUSTED , RIGHTEOUS US MILITARY ARE FULLY AWARE OF TRUMPS DECEIT and LIES, this has no doubt been revealed when Gen, Smith took over OPERATIONS after Gen , Berger’s FAILINGS. Both Berger and TRUMP have been slow-playing these White Hat Special Forces ops and critical info having been leaked emanates from these two DECEITFUL ASSHOLES. DJT FUCKED THE Jan.6TH VICTIMS , HE SUCKERED THOSE MAGA and PATRIOT SUPPORTERS and CONTINUES TO DO SO TO THIS VERY DAY. Trump is a DECEITFUL degenerate jew through and through just as his daughter/dude Ivan/ivanka and Jared Kushner both TREASONOUS American -Israeli CRIMINALS. PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE -UP, and PAY FUCKING ATTENTION.

Dave Smith

I did a little research and found the Italian restaurant that was In the article on Google maps. I can’t get street view to work . I wanted to find the bait and tackle shop . If anyone else finds it let us know. Thanks. Be the change for the better world and universe. God bless the white hats and all others riding us of this evil. I did run across a good video of the election fraud truth of fraud… I’ve shared it on my Twitter account. 🇺🇸💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🇺🇲🫡🧐🤔🇺🇸🙏✌️😎🇺🇲

John .S

Call Abruzzo’s and inform them Google Street View image is not appearing, that’s bad for business. 406-730-8767, they open at 4pm MST.

Physical street address as per website.
115 Central Avenue
Whitefish, Montana 59937

abruzzoitaliankitchen com/

Myself will notify Abruzzo’s that their patrons are potentially conducting child trafficking activity from their restaurant, and their parking lot could be a child transfer location.


John, they are IN on it.
The City of Whitefish is Tel Aviv West. The Kharzarian Mafia RUNS this town and Montana. Period.
The Police have extortionists having free rein of their Police Data Base and terrorizing local wealthy people ( lots of them there ). There is a great article in

***”Law Enforcement Today”
Featuring WFPD Chief Bill Dial***

This guy is a transferred ILLINOIS STATE TROOPER COMMANDER FOR CHICAGO & VICE PRESIDENT OF THE MONTANA CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCIATION committing all these crimes. Chicago Kharzarian Mafia sent him there to get away with all this. That train depot in Whitefish is a HIGH TRAFFIC HUB of Human Trafficking. How convenient with the NP providing all those unsuspecting tourists and all those billionaires living there to purchase the product. Same with the Monterey Peninsula.

Huge Wealth = Lots of Buyers
All Police provide the Supply
Of Humans.

If Maui didn’t wake you up that the police are there to HURT YOU than this WILL.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi
John .S

Tks for posting this, something to look into, will put my Sherlock Holmes hat on when having time.

BTW, I’m currently jamming-up a few cops, they don’t know where it’s coming from, love it, in adage: “in this day and age”.

Anxiously await to read their obituary for Christmas, just turned up the heat, FTP, all’s fair in love and war, especially ‘Mixed War’, Yippie Ki-Yay.

John .S

See what you mean, little Tel Aviv

nytimes. com/2021/09/05/us/politics/nazi-whitefish-charlottesville.html

Dave Kelly

The Chicago Khazarian Mafi does NOT run the CHICAGO , nor the ILLINOIS POLICE DEPARTMENTS so you have that part WRONG, you are way off, is this a MISTAKE on your part or is this MISDIRECTION ? Huummmmm

Kay Mitchell

Your Paranoia runs deep.

So deep that you can’t distinguish fact from fiction.

Dave Kelly

Kay you are a meddling FOOL , you have not a fucking clue you are just a fucking troll and a lame one at that. That angle and shot you took has been used and FAILED, Paranoia is what degenerate criminal satanist jews are feeling these days, as ALL OF THEM WITH BE VANQUISHED ,….ENTIRELY, and right about NOW. You will be amongst them , you know this.

Kay Mitchell


cathy ness



I used to live in Whitefish and know the manager of the sister restaurant to Abruzzo. High end. The National Park System is a HUGE area for kidnapping BOTH children and adults. Research the 411 series with David P. ( a retired detective ) who showcases all of this. A real eye opener. I’ve lived both next to Yellowstone NP in Bozeman and Whitefish next to Glacier NP. Both these areas have some of the highest missing persons rates in the world 🌍.

A backstory on Glacier NP is that it is also a Nazi/CIA Base of operations.
Hitler is purported to have transported all the stolen gold from Europe via the railroads ( they have an excellent railway system in N. Montana ) from Montauk. He set up operations there for a time before moving to Argentina and Antarctica. The CIA utilize this base of operations for their nefarious dealings ( Tesla’s stolen technology was purportedly stored there also ).
Very strange occurrences happen around this Biosphere ( one of two in the world ).

The CIA’s trained assassin Ted Kazinski ( University of Michigan Mathematician ) was recruited from there ( the adjacent county of Lincoln is where Ted had his “rustic cabin” outpost ). No coincidence. Montana is politically extremely corrupt and run by the Kharzarian Mafia. No surprise this occurred there.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi

Ted kazinski was not cia and he was 100% right. The last few years have proven Ted right.

Kay Mitchell

Nothing about a maniac is right.

John .S

I liked Jeffrey Dahmer, that eats what he kills, my type of guy hunting and butchering his own food.

Some meats not found in supermarkets, thanks to the Dept. of Agriculture, dam those alphabet entities.

ET Phone Home

Montauk, NY?

John .S

Here a interesting read, referencing Kazarian Mafia. Posted below link in Milley’s execution article too..

prepareforchange net/2020/02/02/bibi-netanyahu-is-the-operational-head-of-the-khazarian-mafia/

Gaseous Clay

If it’s true that Netanyahu is evil, then I’m highly concerned how so many prophets and pastors are supporting him. A lot doesn’t add up.

Dave Kelly

TRUMP supports the zionist satanist degenerate kike Bi Bi as well TRUMP is a huge Fan of Bi Bi, WATCH OUT, BE VIGILANT!

Kay Mitchell

Dumb troll

Gaseous Clay

What if he knows the truth, and his position is all for optics?

Frances Bell

What!!! Is that for real. Oh my word.

cathy ness


Dave Kelly

Those are very common jew tricks, this being for a marxost – communist take -over of the US GOVERNMENT starting at the local level, Just THINK ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL, REMEMBER THIS PEOPLE , IT STARTS WITH THE ELECTIONS, ELECTIONS ARE LOCAL, DO NOT FORGET THIS REALITY AND FACT.

Stinky Perfume

Maybe Lakestream Fly Shop it’s got like a 25′ metal pole in the back that attaches to the power lines all very close can be used for antennas and a couple of bubbles on top that might be part of “antenna array” also. It’s just curiosity seeking I guess because why would we NEED to know? Just to prove it? The most likely thing I heard is we get OLD stories, and DATES ARE LEFT OUT. This is more of a wake up disclosure than the real deal perfect details.
I did find some corroborating details on the Idaho substation attempted sabotage, over a huge traffic blockade all around it. My niece lived a country block away more like 10 city blocks east and 10 more north and the alleged time it happened was during the superbowl when there is no traffic but my sister was stuck in it.

Military has to clean up blood and bullets FAST, so what do they use? I can guess the places would have police yellow tape while they are working. It’s possible they can just lock the doors and wait til middle of the night to do clean up. What do they do? A special vacuum steam cleaner? Any blood bath has clean up.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stinky Perfume
cathy ness


Kay Mitchell

Control who can’t even count.


People… you’d see “antenna’s” set up at these stations. Pretty in your face scenario !

Dave Kelly

As for antenna’s they are not always as they appear, they take shape and manifest in ways you would never recognize , so keep that in mind

Boss Lady

Bang bang. My kind of negotiating.

Well done gentlemen.👏👏👏

John .S

Good News.
Supreme Court 6 to 3 decision shatters ATF pistol brace & short barreled rifle rule.


Kay Mitchell

Your link worked but I guess YouTube blocked it.
Just shows a black screen, No video.

Might help if you gave the name of the video so I could search for It.

John .S

It comes-up, just copy & paste provide link in YT search bar, just the way it is..

Kay Mitchell


Air man

It’s getting hot.

John .S

Nah – it’s just getting warm.

You’ll know its hot when citizenry does the long overdue thing, jumping out of vehicles with AR’s, lighting things up.

ATTN: PoPo aka, pension whores take notice, protect your own personal interest first, averting your spouse in hooking-up with someone else after you’re gone.

Don’t worry PoPo, your kid’s will adapt to someone else living in your house, which substitutes you.

CONservative DEMocrat

Awesome taunt!!


That’s not what President Trump wants. He’s trying not to cause a civil war and doing it behind the back round.

John .S

Trump had enough time to straighten things out.

WTF “vax continues” known as deadly, and our boarders are wide open etc.

HELLO, Trump dropped the ball of fiduciary worth, clearly and conspicuously he doesn’t give a rats-ass about We the People, because if he did, Vax would be halted, and boarder on lockdown.

To all the Trump-suckers out there, believing there’s actually a plan, click the negative icon and make your presence known.

Sadly, I won’t be able to tell if you’re wearing lipstick and knee pads, and drinking Bud Lite – slurp-slurp.

Kay Mitchell

Exactly right. We have as much to fear from American, trigger-happy crazies as we do from ISIS.

Just hold on until and if you’re called upon!

Dave Kelly

YOU sound just like IDF/FBI kikes. got your number Kay.

Kay Mitchell

You don’t know your ass from your elbow.

I don’t hate jews so sue me.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell
Dave Kelly

of course you are an IDF TROLL Kay and a LAME one too. And how about all those GROUP THINK assholes you partner with Kay ? Are you their WHORE? or just The GROUP SKANK and BITCH they pass around?

Kay Mitchell

Simmer down psycho.

Kay Mitchell


Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell
Kay Mitchell


Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell
John .S

PS: To all the PoPo herein, Yippie Ki-Yay.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S
Dave Kelly

Have you considered jumping off a clif or balcony ?

Kay Mitchell

See a therapist before you hurt someone.

Dave Kelly

LoL this a veiled threat Kay, I’ve been down this road way before you had training wheels.

Kay Mitchell

Old troll. Gotcha

Kay Mitchell

I hope the police take you down before you hurt someone.

Proudly Unaffiliated

I love it! As the White Hats pivot to taking, shall we say, a more hard line towards the Deep State, this will pay dividends. Word will get around that tactics have been changed and Black Hats can expect immediate execution on the spot. I expect a trickle of Black Hat surrenders, then a flood. MAGA!


The Civil War is ON

Dave Kelly

You the pusher man Teddi ? Cause you can………….

joe mudd

GOOD JOB gentlemen; GOOD JOB

Grant Wilson

Praise be to God! Let’s ramp-up the Armour of God Light Energy Shields and boosters We sent to Our Soldiers! It’s time – 7+ years – 6000+ years actually – We’re ready – Arm Your Brother and Sister With Light – With intuition and team harmony of the Divine:controlling All Energy. May the Force Be with Them and Around them – We can be a layer of the onion of protection.




The Onion of Protection. Wow. What kind of flashlight do you recommend for the Light Energy Shields?


The FBI and CIA need defunded and dismantled. I cant believe taxpayers are funding child sex trafficking. That is horrendous. Surely someone somewhere has a list of all the communists and nazis that expatriated to America through project paperclip. McCarthy was so over the target with his red scare.

Someone Else

This is government 101.

Use the people’s resources to oppress the people.


If the Corporation Govt has been bankrupted and defunded I can’t imagine where they are getting money to pay their salaries???
Maybe that’s the reason the Feds have taken to openly trafficking children themselves??
Unless this was just meant as a trap to kill a few WHs???


The Chinese are paying them.
Why they are ALL TRAITORS .
They are being bankrolled by the Chinese AND Taking a salary from us the Taxpayers.

Why we kill them on the spot.


Why ALL “Public Safety” is Being DEFUNDED ( except local fire departments ).

The GREATEST Terrorists in the World 🌎 are the US “Public Safety”( Maui recently illustrated this ).

Who is RUNNING ALL this Human Trafficking???
( ALL these corrupt police chiefs ~ Pence’s security detail outlined STATE TROOPERS delivering boys to Pence’s Indiana lairs and PARTICIPATING IN the debachery and horrors ).

Illegal Traffic Stops are a COMMON WAY they procure Single Women. Miami Herald outlines SEVERAL RECENT CASES of Deputies kidnapping WOMEN .

Major City, Major Paper.

Only Americans think they aren’t run by Terrorists. The Rest of the World 🌍 is hip.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi
Dave Kelly

Teddi, NO mention of the VATICAN Catholic Church, aspects of Military of different nations all over the planet, the Israeli government, Mossad , IDF ADL , Israeli TALPIOT and ARMY UNIT 8200 and ORGANIZED FREEMASONRY and MASONIC LODGES WORLD WIDE, the Black Nobility , zionist satanist degenerate Oligarchs, and establishment inbreds COMPLICITY in WORLD WIDE Human/child sex-slave -body parts TRAFFICKING/MARKETING

John .S

No way Abruzzo’s gets fresh seafood delivered daily. Money says, shrimp, calamari and scungilli comes frozen. Clams and Oysters on the half shell, I don’t think so.

John .S

abruzzoitaliankitchen com/

As per my code of conduct, going to notify Abruzzo’s and let them know their establishment is jumping with Feds, and their place has probability in being wired for sound.

Will advise them to electronically exterminate their discreet dining areas [secluded tables].

Stinky Perfume

Sounds like maybe an Italian mafia connection, deep state business.


You do know technology is so advanced that the entire neighborhood is satellite monitored ~ meaning that ALL ESTABLISHMENTS are heard for a mile radius that they zero in on. It’s all done by SATELLITE.
People were so upset to hear all their HOUSEHOLD talk played back to them. This was 2007 Sonoma County, California.

Living in California, FIFTEEN YEARS AGO people were complaining of their neighbors being able to RECORD EVERY CONVERSATION in their HOUSEHOLD.

A State Trooper’s WIFE in 2007 waved her hand over the whole area ( we were standing outside her home on the Northwood Golf Course which is located due north 1/2 mile from the perimeter of the Bohemian Grove in Sonoma County ) and said : “This whole area is recorded 24/7” .

So do you THINK they can’t do this elsewhere???? And do ????

The WHOLE USA is Recorded.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi
Dave Kelly

TIA -TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESS HAS BEEN AROUND SINCE AT LEAST THE EARLY 1990’S, It has been codified into law just after 9-11-2001.


Children =seafood

John .S

Only seafood here is: Coney Island Whitefish a’la Feds, bringing alleged Chinese spy balloon drifting over Montana for additional scrutiny.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16 thousand bucks a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this site.. w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­7.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar

Thank you for the update.
Where I live in UK it’s been a busy week for the Alliance Aircraft. Though quiet today Sunday.

John .S

Do people in the UK actually believe Queen Elizabeth died on Sept 8th, 2022?


The UK, when I visited London, WORSHIP the ugly inbred “royal” family. They are blind as bats to the whole charade. Naked children trying to escape Buckingham Palace ON TAPE ~ falling to their death in their escape THEY DENY.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi

I had a dog trainer I was going to utilize for therapy dog training, who was a former UK police officer that came highly recommended by other dog guardians. When I spoke with him concerning the political situation at the Buckingham Palace he irrevocably DENIED WHO THEY ARE. He stated his good friend was PRESENTLY one of the BUCKINGHAM PALACE POLICE!!! ~ And that none of this was happening “all conspiracy” ~ ( that kids caught on film ~ naked ~ and trying to rappel with bedsheets from the highest stories of that Buckingham Palace ON TAPE & DENIED IT!!! )

Needless to say, he didn’t get a penny of my money. Saw his daughter, a little girl, and she LOOKED abused. Guy’s in Whitefish. He can hide there and prosper.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi
Rebecca Tracy

They saved three children! Thankful. NO MERCY for the evil 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Media Blackout: UK Gov. quietly confirms Vaccinated account for 95% of COVID-19 Deaths in England over the past year; 94% of which were among the Triple & Quadruple Vaccinated – The Expose (expose-news.com)

Dave Smith

I just seen a video yesterday of prof that that the election was rigid.


ALL Elections are RIGGED.
What better way to control the population than to think they have a say ( even though all the choices are from the same distributor )????

Like ordering from a bad menu
No thank you, I think I’ll eat at home today.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi
Frances Bell

Would love to know, who was responsible for Obama being chosen asPresident. Any takes????


Good job.


Excellent job.
That’s how any wrong doer is dealt with.


I’m waiting for the big news . . . on INMATE milley.


maybe they are getting information from him.


Now former-detainee Milley

Victor Bravo

Show the deep state shills the same mercy the deep state dictators are showing J6 patriots. Which is none.


When is that big news coming out MB?


There’s so much ‘big news’…to which one are you referring? Oh! Milley?😁


Fri. 13 Oct. Well, crap. Today there was a public announcement of U.S. Weapons being delieved to Israel. They’re getting ready to tell up something BIG in the U.S. Sleeper cells could be activated at the moment. Intel encourages folks to stay in their homes over the weekend as tensions rise in Israel. New York City, Florida and California are on high alert. NORAD and Space Force are on high alert. Stay in your homes if you live in large cities. Stay safe….


Great update, thanks for sharing.

Yeah, the DS is so used to executing forced, unnatural migrations.., why they hardly give it a second THOUGHT any more..!? Have backpack Will travel. Leaky raft, rickety motorcycle, on foot, pregnant, it’s all good.


It won’t save you from nukes.
More people die in their homes than out and about. Actually statistically, more injuries occur within a 10 mile radius of home

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi
Stop It

That’s mostly becuz they are around there most of the time.


Actually Its because people let their guard down within a one mIle radius of home for it’s their comfort zone, making one suseptible to accidents.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi
Dave Kelly

Most of the time people spend outside would naturally be within a very close proximity of their respective homes , therefor chances of dying near one’s home would naturally be grater , that stands to reason.


That whole area can never get it right. They’re worse than the Black Op US and that’s saying something

Stinky Perfume

What I heard from Jimmy Paine on supersoldiertalk.com months ago, the Chinese military are coming in and they are gross, and they are here to rape all the USA military men I guess who has the karma from being a horn dog with the asian ladies, etc.


NYC and Florida with Washington DC are major targets that WILL be obliterated. As will Seattle and Portland. The prophesies have stated this over and over. The enemies ( China ) definitely have them in the crosshairs.
Florida is NOT the bastion of goodness portrayed with De Santis at the Helm and so many attacking WH operations.

Believe it or not, Southern California has a Much Better Chance of surviving an attack than these places listed above.

Our WH Navy are down there.
Highest concentration of ACTIVE MILITARY ( not retirees like Florida )

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi

It’s a matter of WHEN not IF these areas will be Nuked.
America has Nuked too many places over the years. Karma comes back.

Dave Kelly

Still pushing the scare narratives, NUKES are going to land on you and yours Teddi, THY will Be Done.


God will not allow Southern California to be harmed as Commandant Smith is down there.













…Prepident Donald Trump Thurs. 12 Oct.







It take using your head a little.


It’s all BS til it comes to fruition.😁

truth is stubborn

Strike17, three questions. Is that a new item for 2023? Can you reveal source? And I did not think Q had ever mentioned KM before, is that a first?

Michael R Davis

He made it up from scratch


It must be new because I’ve never seen it before either.

truth is stubborn

Or MRD is right, S17 just didn’t identify it as his own creation. Admire the enthusiasm then, but it’d have been better to indicate to that effect.

Kay Mitchell

Best post I’ve ever seen!

I hope they BRING IT!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell
Gaseous Clay

My question is…painful for who, exactly?


The Bible says the trap they laid for others will become their own snare. So whoever built the FEMA death camps for the goyim to force them to go along with noahide laws will themselves be executed in them. Glory be!!!

Someone Else

The Bible isn’t what you think it is.


You are absolutely correct, It has been tampered with by Constantine and his minions [ he never converted to Christianity], who decided what was included in the Bible and what was changed. The RC church also had input in the final version. The word reincarnation was removed. After all, who would give great sums of money to the church to buy their way into heaven if they found out that they may not go there. Everyone needs to find the TRUTH about the Bible. Read the PhoenixJournals or now known as Four winds 10.com to read the true word of God. This is not second hand information but is presented by God and his hosts.Oh I can hear the comments now. God can do anything and he would not allow his word to be changed. First of all, the universe does not operate in time like us and God knew that this biblical event was coming. The changes they made was small potatoes to what is happening now when truth shall prevail.This information is known as The holy Book of the Lighted Realms or the Bible of these times. Please read!!

Dave Kelly

It was CORRUPTED LONG BEFORE Constantine LONG BEFORE. Starts back in 458BC with the Masters of Judah the Levites, Levite priests, who corrupted the Law, This is were the CORRUPTION begins, Jews , Levites are NOT Israelites and have NEVER been Israelites or of ISRAEL,NEVER,


That’s funny, you sound exactly like satan.

Dave Kelly

YOU sound like a degenerate troll.


💯 accuracy on ALL PROPHESIES told THOUSANDS of YEARS ago. Hmmm…… as a scientist I’d have to acknowledge that the Bible as a source for PROPHESIES is Empirically VALIDATED.


Buckle up your seatbelts.
You are in for a bumpy ride.

Dave Kelly

YOU are not a SCIENTIST , you may be posing as one but you are NOT a scientist. Nice try. LoL

Dave Smith

All the big box stores and general dollars where supposedly been built to be FEMA re-education camps built in plane site under our noses. And all the Manufacturers that belong to these global agenda rules and regulations where made to cripple our ability to fight back when they were planning to invade us. And alot of the border crosser our slepper soldiers waiting to be activated. In my opinion. So be well armed and well stocked up and God bless us all amen. We are the world’s last obstacles for the New world oder take. When we go one we go all .🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🧐🤔🫡✌️😎🇺🇸💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🙏🫡


No Weapon Shall Prosper Against the Righteous. Our enemies will be destroyed before our eyes


I love this a silent holocaust.


Thanks! <3


Her death look what’s happening today because the occupant of the White House is a laughing stock, all over the World America’s enemies cannot believe how lucky they got. They got real lucky, every monster villain dictator and terrorist, and there is plenty of them I know most of them. I got to know a lot of them all over the planet. They’re having a field day, because they will never have it better than they do with Crooked Joe, who in many cases received money from those countries, and unfortunately with the most corrupt and incompetent president in our history we’re closer to WW III, than anyone can understand. There’s never been a time where we’ve been closer, we’re inches away and we have a man that literally can’t speak he can’t get off a stair.
A President Trump speech God bless President Trump!


Really it started 1/20/17.
Stepped up a few gears 3/24/22 with Ukraine Russia SMO.

Kay Mitchell

The world has become so corrupt and evil.

What we’ve heard that ISIS has been doing in Gaza to hostages, even children and babies, is beyond one’s wildest imaginings of Evil.

Beyond even Sodom and Gomorrah no doubt. I don’t know why God allows man to continue.

If the whole disgusting planet blew up today, the universe would a Cleaner place!

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell
Gaseous Clay

Who are you listening to? I’ve gotten conflicting stories, so I turn off the news crap. We’ve been lied to so much that we don’t know what to believe anymore.

Dave Kelly

She is first listening to her CONTROLLERS the IDF , Mossad or some zionist satanist degenerate jew sociopaths, Then she begins her infulencer schtick to corral The GROUP THINK.

Kay Mitchell

I listen to “Forbes Breaking News” found on Youtube and Trump’s daily rallies.

Youtube videos of Conservative Republican Congressman and Senators I trust.

I subscribe to The Epoch Times and OAN. So far I trust their coverage.

Where do you get your news?

Gaseous Clay

I don’t use any of those. Frankly, I believe OAN is compromised, and I don’t subscribe to any msm, even if it’s called conservative. I’ve been lied to so long I’m tired of hearing it. No one knows what’s really going on in all these places in the news, because we’re not there to see it. Why the hell would I believe it after knowing the deceitful track record of the media?

I come here and sometimes listen to Julie Green for my news. I’d love to get news at the source, but I guess I wasn’t born to be a journalist.

I ask more questions now than I ever have before in my life. How about you?


Oh stop with the melodramatics! Pull yourself together

Kay Mitchell

Go eat a sh*t sandwich and die traitor.

The only possible way you could get any upvotes is from your own alts.

Michael R Davis

ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
an out in the open branch of the MOSSAD


The End Times.
Read The Book of Revelations.
Then you’d be informed as this is all unfolding as prophesized and a WHOLE NEW WORLD will be Born.
But NONE of the inhabitants will be here when this occurs.

As in the Days of Noah
( denial denial denial )

Dave Kelly

this from the scientist, ….yeah

Dave Kelly

What you have heard is HEARSAY , so much has been retracted yet you keep Talking shit, you are HERE TO PUMP BULLSHIT NARRATIVES and ACTING, as an RRN INFLUENCER, just like the assholes at social media entities , You are the Pied Piper of The GROUP THINK here at RRN .

Dave Kelly


Kay Mitchell

LOL…. you pathetic clown 😁

Dave Kelly


Gaseous Clay

I really hope you’re wrong.

Dave Kelly

Yes I know how you are feeling I wish I was too, but this is not the case, very unfortunate though. DJT was never the end-all – be – all and folk need to understand this an move on, NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER!


Number one, you buried the lead. Newspaper people know what that means. Second, this is the most plodding explainer we have seen in a while. So long and dull, and minimal bloodshed

Sarah M

Mr. Bergeron – You must lead a pitiful existense.

Kay Mitchell

I sure hope so. It couldn’t happen to a bigger jerk.


Not at all. I have everything I need including a nice house on a lake and a great family. This site is like going to the zoo.


Yet you live on this site.

CONservative DEMocrat



I guess the house and great family aren’t enough or you wouldn’t need to go to the zoo.

Stop It

Sometimes having a nice house in a nice neighborhood means living in moms basement as she tends to all needs such as housekeeping, laundry, food and drink, utility and Internet bills from her pension or job. Her car can be used if she put gas in it that day and promise to pick her up at a certain time from work. Some guys exchange moms for sugar mamma. But there are some guys that work and loaf in their cave.

Midwest patriot woman

137k federal agents with arms. 1.6 million active military. It seems any so called 5th columnists would have a bad knee that they have to retire over and get the h-ll out of that crap show by now.

Victor Bravo

70 million pissed off American gun owners standing by.

truth is stubborn

I’ll take my marching orders from DJT as valid President first, or if God forbid they assassinate him, from Q failing that. But everything I’ve read so far suggests Q’s advice has always been, don’t get faked out. Let the mili guys handle it first. Stay safe till we say we actually need you.

Of course I wouldn’t recommend any fraud FEMA guys go around door to door like they did with Katrina in the meantime either 😉

Dave Kelly

So did you take DJT’s advice and take the WARP SPEED JAB?

truth is stubborn

No, because in disproof of the slanders from the libtards, we are not cultists, we actually DO think independently for ourselves.

Versus for example doing the Fauci-ist mask and fake-vax lemming thing, you know.

Dave Kelly

GOOD you did not take the JAB,

Kay Mitchell

No doubt!

And if President Trump were to be assasinated, no doubt there would be an uprising like none other in all of history!

I just hope the Cabal creatures realize it BEFORE they do something that stupid Again.

“Even if he were to be struck by lightening ….”, they would be held responsible for it!
(to paraphase Marlon Brando in the Godfather)

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell
Rebecca Tracy

I pray someone won’t fake Trumps death would cause lot chaos!

Kay Mitchell

That’s putting it mildly!

Kay Mitchell

That’s a scenario I never would have imagined.

How would that work?

I don’t think President Trump would sit still for someone claiming that he was dead.

truth is stubborn

He could quote Twain: “Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated!”


There are over 350 million citizens in America. Almost all of us hate Communists Human Traffickers, traitors and pedophiles. Whites, Blacks, Browns Yellows etc…
We may all have our differences with one another but when it comes to uniting for a cause like protecting our children from these demons we will unite and defeat them.


One Third are Foreigners with less than the best interests of the USA.
Where do you get these stats????
Wishful thinking.
HOW do you THINK we got this bad of a country if WHAT you said was true????

Dave Kelly

As of 2023 , 13.6 percent of AMERICANS are FOREIGN BORN, Where do you get your stats from Teddi? Are you pulling them from out of your ASS? It appears this is the case and from a scientist no less, Trust the science? NOT your science Teddi

Dave Smith

Probably alot more than 70 million I’d bet alot have lost their guns in a fishing boat accident 😏🤔🧐😁and are at the bottom of a lake or river I plead 5th amendment rights 😏😉🇺🇸🫡💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🙏🇺🇲✌️😎🤫


You need a LOT more than guns to defend yourself as you can easily be disarmed ( 4 heavily armed Tacoma police were disarmed by ONE street punk and got themselves KILLED ~ thinking all they needed were guns ).

Are you trained in Martial Arts???

For to A Great Warrior
EVERYTHING is a Weapon.


You should be trained in swords and knives as those are the MOST EFFECTIVE when attacked close up
( and psychologically a greater deterrent as everybody has a gun but only TRAINED individuals CARRY KNIVES ).

I’ve had many a person back off when I pull that out. Actually just my mugger fogger pepper spray has made people back off ASAP without having to detonate it. They take it seriously. While a gun, if you DONT SHOOT them it will be used against you EASILY ).

More people have their guns used against THEM in the US.
A well-established fact.
Talk to ANY QUALITY Martial Arts Trainer and he’ll confirm this.
Guns are a False Sense of Security.

With Swords & Knives you NEVER RUN OT OF AMMO. You don’t need a permit. And every kitchen has them. As a CIA assassin told me
” Who needs a gun to kill someone these days??? Passe”

Dave Kelly

Where did you get the well established FACT that more people have their guns used against THEM in the US? I cannot seem to be able to FIND that well established FACT that you are speaking about Teddi?

Stop It

Learning a martial art or a few can save your life. I had to deal with people breaking in while sleeping. I threw them out by myself. I git them out the door and yelled for a neighbor to call for help… They were trying to kidnap and kill me. Security never showed up until a week or so later LOL! I did kendo lessons, tai chi, capiera and mixed marshal arts. It really comes in handy.in hand to hand combat. Mano a Mano. I two or three against me that whiddled down to one that peed themselves while I stood over them lying in a pool of their own doing outside my door.

truth is stubborn

Not passé, but a very persuasive option to have.

And pepper spray gives you the non-lethal option.

I think for martial arts I’d opt for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu if I could, it’s best for the close-up stuff of all of them, karate and taikwondo and kung fu included.


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Anne Stallybrass


Dave Smith

What is this about.?