FEMA Official Beaten to Death at GITMO


A former FEMA official whom U.S. Marines arrested in August was beaten to death at Guantanamo Bay, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

As reported on August 22, White Hats apprehended FEMA Deputy Administrator Erik Hooks after linking him to atrocities FEMA personnel committed against Hawaii citizens while Maui burned. Hooks was processed in South Florida and flown to GITMO on August 27. There, he refused to cooperate with interrogators and said that if JAG prosecuted him for fulfilling his appointed duties, he’d be a silent participant in all proceedings. His tribunal would’ve occurred on September 18–had he lived long enough to see it.

On September 13, a Camp Delta guard began clubbing Hooks with a baton after escorting him to the shower stalls, which have no security cameras. Hooks, handcuffed as the beating started, was struck twice on each kneecap before collapsing in a puddle of water. The unnamed guard then bludgeoned Hooks’ torso and face, as Hooks entreated the guard for mercy. Approximately two minutes later, with the guard mercilessly pounding Hooks, a second guard entered the stall and joined in the assault, kicking a prone and defenseless Hooks in the teeth. The guards’ unswerving desire to end Hooks’ life lasted several minutes, at which point one guard felt for a pulse and said, “Yeah, he’s gone.”

The guard who initiated the walloping immediately radioed the Master-at-arms, saying, “We need to surrender. We just killed detainee Erik Hooks. We did it for Maui.”

As medical staff zipped Hooks’ globular corpse inside a plastic bag, military police read the guards their rights and escorted them to an isolated cell at Camp Six, GITMO’s medium security holding block, replete with private showers, televisions, and communal areas.

Our source said GITMO leadership at once tried to muzzle news of the extrajudicial execution, fearing other undisciplined service members might seek vigilante justice—of which GITMO has seen its fair share—against Deep Staters in custody. However, word of the guards’ deeds spread faster than the truth about COVID-19 vaccines, and some at GITMO championed their actions and revered them for “taking out the trash.”

The guards, he added, confessed, detailed what they called “justifiable homicide,” as described above, and said they started planning to kill Hooks four days after he had arrived at GITMO.

“The guards wore body cameras and they captured everything. Per their sworn statements, Hooks would sit in his cell at night whispering just loud enough for the guards to hear him and bragging about all the people in Maui who died by his command. They said that even if JAG found Hooks guilty, a hanging was too good for him. So, they conspired to take matters into their own hands, knowing they’d be screwing themselves for it.”

Both guards had exemplary service jackets leading up to the killing, and neither had ties to Maui residents.

“The UCMJ is here for a reason; it guides us, and breaking it brings consequences. JAG has charged the guards with violating Article 118, murder, of the UCMJ. They knew they’d get caught and didn’t care. They entered a plea of not guilty by reason of Justified Homicide,” our source said.

As of this writing, a trial date has not been set, nor is it clear who will prosecute the case.

In closing, we asked the source why JAG gave the guards cozy accommodations.

“Obviously, we don’t want them around certain others,” he said.

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I may not agree because he would be hanged anyway, but that idiot looked for it. He can go straight to hell.




My last pay test was $9,500 operating 12 hours per week online. My sisters buddy has been averaging 15,000 for months now and she work approximately 20 hours every week. I can not accept as true with how easy it become as soon as i tried it out.
Detail Here————————————>>>  𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦




I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar
Lisa Watson

Did a little digging…Turns out those whispers are low vibe chanting that can hypnotize people. Hooks took 2 of our guys with him. These are evil POS’s.


What do you mean H00k$ took 2 of our guys with him?

Lisa Watson

knowing he was going to hang, Hooks did this chant thing to get the guards to attack him. So he took out two men that were working for the good side. He knew they would get into trouble and that is what he wanted.


Thank you Mr. Baxter! Your articles give me hope for America. These folks do not need to be driving or operating heavy equipment or wasting other folks time with their frustrations.


Baxter’s werky gives me hope for THE world!

Patty Hoch

I’m going to call Erik Hooks’ office and see if he’s there.


You will most likely get a recording that he left before being caught or one of his staff will answer!

Patty Hoch

I will let you know. Eventually, the truth comes out. If this article is false, the last thing we need is someone lying to us. We have grandchildren out here that need out help and protection, not lies.


Please record your call, Patty. Lololol. The article isn’t false but I’d like to hear what these insane staffers have to say. Ask them when you will be able to get an appointment with him or talk to him.


If there is a person claiming to be ‘Hooks’, it may be a clone or a flesh mask wearing double. Most of the higher level freemason criminals have doubles.


His clone might be there. But he died at Gitmo. Thank God.

Patty Hoch

How do we truly know that for a fact? We don’t. The fact that the Holy Land was attacked to brutally, so viciously. If President Trump were in control, that would’ve NEVER occurred.

Patty Hoch

I tend to agree w/you.


The “holy land” is occupied by unholy scum!


My last pay test was $9,500 operating 12 hours per week online. My sisters buddy has been averaging 15,000 for months now and she work approximately 20 hours every week. I can not accept as true with how easy it become as soon as i tried it out.
Detail Here—————————————>>>  𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


The guards became insane because they witnessed so many executions.This would make anyone crack


nah, they are frustrated with how few DSFucks got the noose!


perhaps hooks said lots of stuff connected to other heinous deeds
case in point the warehouse torture and murder of the four WHs earlier in the year
among the horrendous charred remains of these heroes, a video of the prolonged torture was left for WHs to view
if this is the case then I can see orders coming from higher up to exterminate this pos
and possibly his “demise” was prolonged


I agree 👍


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar

do you act as a fema punching bag for patriots?


Now THAT’s an idea !

Mark David

Hooks was teasing the Guards with his whispers at night, which sealed his fate. The Guards did what any normal person would do, they killed that POS.


So sad that “we” have come to this. So very sad.


I know, what kind of monster whispers nasty things about kids!

Timothy Dillow

Look what happened to Axelrod for talking shit about children


We’ve always been right here. We’re not as sophisticated as you would like.


Makes one wonder bout Colonel Turđlęy, too! His FB got closed one hour after news broke by RRN that he was arrested! His entire family has gone silent!

MB is a legend as most people would rather sit in the dark when handling these TRUTH 💣!


Thanx for that info about Turdley! YAY.


Who’s Turdley? Never heard of this person.🤔


He went by Col Hoadley, but since he was arrested, nos eating scraps at gitmo has been named, TURDLEY!


I will sleep more peaceably at night now thanks to these patriotic Guards.

Timothy Dillow

I am a writer. I couldn’t make this stuff up on my best day. Neither could Mr. Baxter.


I used to write…now I woodburn & paint.😃👍


Wasn’t right, BUT, he looked for it.

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

good that fuck got what they all should be getting!!!! and nothing less!



Sandy Koufax

Seasons Beatings!


Hilarious 😂👍


INSTANT CLÄŠŠĮÇ roast! 😆 — 😝 — 😂!

Frederick Carreon

Seasons Justice🇺🇸👍


I’m making $90 an hour working from. home. e I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me she prescribed for me to attempt it simply….-x Everybody must try this job now by just
using this website….. W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m


Why don’t people that smoke put down what they smoke and stop polluting the atmosphere. I think they pollute more than a cows fart does. You don’t hear nothing about that why curse people that smoke help run big pharma. It’s a lot of money when a smokes is sick so you smokers better have a big pile of cash so my tax money won’t be used for your hospital bills and stop thinking of yourselves and think about all the non smokers you pollute each day. Start calling smokers cash
cows cause that is what they become.


Smoke causes cancer

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

diet causes cancer period!

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

go blow smoke up your arse!


Your telling a SFC E-7 retired now get down and give a hundred that is if you can remove the cancer stick from your hand SPC

Last edited 1 year ago by Strike17

So true!!!!! There are not so many caws on Earth like smockers! That is who poisons the air!


And to thunk, I always thought it was those fat old ladys that raised kids until they’re about 40 yrs old in their basement who grew up on junk food & candy that farted, not to mention all the litter they throw out mom & dads car windows.

Get a grip

How’s this, if you want fresh air – get outside!

I also heard a Med bed will cure them of that nasty habit their addicted to.


How D””are You!


Well my Dad smoked my cousin ah chained smoked both are dead from it and my gf is a ex smoker she can’t be around smokers. So stop smoking and save the air we breath. Is this to much to ask?


10 negative smokers wow did I hit a nerve, how many times you hit the nerve on non smokers just think every time in public in your own car or truck you light up you hit the nerve of a non smoker. And if you don’t know that shity smell of stale smoke stays on your cloths tell you replace then the cycle starts over again. Look at your walls if you remove a picture the tar that ain’t behind the picture that’s all the shit that misses your mouth. It’s impossible to remove that tar especially it’s on wood paneling. Do you wake up yet with the smokers cough yet. You know you can quite my dad did if even have up gave up drinking too. Why he bought something he loved. That’s what you all need to do buy something that will take those crutches away. For my dad it was land 12.5 acres, I bought 12.5 next to his and we bought another 12.5 together. It caused him to want to live so he put a pack of Pall Mall in the pantry and never light one up again.
The key is don’t quite for a person it takes something bigger my dad was the land. We drove out to it every weekend. He loved that land.


My Mom smoked & collapsed her lung, she had to quit. She did live to be 92, though. One of my aunts smoked till she died and she was also 92, she never seemed to have any problem with breathing, etc. Her kids hated it but what can they do? Many people smoke cigars & pipes. I like the smell of good pipe tobacco. I don’t smoke but if people choose to, what are ya gonna do? Smoking is banned in some states.


Please pray for me as I am trying. To quit. Don’t be mean to me or ridicule me…you don’t even have to encourage me…just pray that we all can quit again soon. Thank you.


Its a lot worse to let people have these fireworks for a whole week during 4th of July, it definitely leaves harmful metal toxins & chemicals: sulphur dioxide, aluminum, etc. Also they affect the animal population. The poor birds, your dogs & cats and the people that served our country have to put up with this stupid, immature bullshit. They ought to have it at a designated area so people don’t feel cheated. The freaks that have to light M80’s, which are supposedly banned, need to be arrested. That is what is polluting the atmosphere. If people choose to smoke, that is their right. I am burnt out on these idiots in my neighborhood that get up at 8:00 AM to light up some big noisemaker. At least cigarettes aren’t noisy.


Okay 4th of July and new years to take your family to and enjoy. These days not much too enjoy than those days can’t say that about some one lighting up smokes. When my dad finally quite he could enjoy food again cause his taste came back. I imagine some fireworks benefit trees.
But I don’t think a smoker benefits anyone not even themselves cause all the toxic mess they inhale. Young women that smoke it stills their beauty.
Maybe Med
Beds can revers the damage I heard it gets rid of the additions so no need to go back to it.


I’m not against a designated area for fireworks but the “neighbors” that are continually lighting them off all day gets on your nerves.


In light of their crimes, I do hope they get a light sentence. I don’t support homocide but let’s be honest, is anyone sorry they did this? We know about those atrocities. If I had witnessed them or been there dealing with this it could take away your normal self-control and normal unwillingness to harm others. that self-control and unwillingness is usually predicated on the others being reasonably innocent. This demon was not. Definitely if this guy had shown up in Maui crimes scenes he would have been shot immediately. So there was a delay. He was on the way to the gallows when this incident occurred. These guys will still have the karma to deal with, which even that is mitigated by the circumstances about this evildoer, I would surmise. Though I have slight mixed feelings about it, I do hope they get a seriously fair sentence.


So a populist anti-establishment candidate won in argentina and in the netherlands?
wow. the establishment is working hard to provide anti-establishment candidates!
Geert needs to stop over-acting.


Was it also a FEMA official that incited a soldier to throw him into the ocean? Part of training to protect from interrogation?


I remember homeboy getting thrown out over THE ocean to his demise! I think he may have fallen cuffed, too! He was talking a lot of shizzle bout how TH33 D33P state could find his captors families, too! That dude was a 👿!

Guillaume DesChamp

Again, you don’t know what “thee” means.


I’m making $90 an hour working from. home. e I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me she prescribed for me to attempt it simply….-z Everybody must try this job now by just
using this website….. W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m


herpes is forever. ask ethel

Anne Stallybrass

Wikipedia on Google page, clearly before today’s 3 sets of changes: “Erik Adrian Hooks is an American public safety official who is currently serving as the deputy administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He previously served as secretary of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety from January 2017 to August 2021.”

Wkipedia as of 4:44 GMT today: “Erik Adrian Hooks (born 1967 -2023) was an American public safety official who was serving as the deputy administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency when arrested on August 22 and processed at Gitmo prison in Cuba on August 27, 2023. He died on September 13, 2023 in the shower due to natural causes.”

Wikipedia Revision History page for Hooks – pretty quiet until 24 August when a flurry of revisions took place. One interesting comment by WikiGuy dated 25 September: “Article incorrectly cited false information that Erik Hooks had been arrested. This is false, and the fact is easily confrimed by any of these sources: [see WP page since urls here are not very welcome]”


Last edited 1 year ago by Anne Stallybrass
Guillaume DesChamp

Yes, indeed. Anyone can edit most Wikipedia articles. This is why it is not a good primary source for info.


Plus it’s owned by the cabal


I just looked and wiki says Hooks is alive and well (not that I believe it)!

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

his cgi or body double or clone maybe lol


White hats allowing msm to remain for now.. keeps the streets calm. Meanwhile, no way the msm will admit these things are happening, for to do so would signal to the world they have no power and are near to total defeat.


Last edited 1 year ago by EdBob
richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

yup ok go back to sleep lady


Here’s the solution for the everyone upset that Hooks didn’t hang. Do what they did with Pope Formosa in 897. Dig him up, have a trial, and execute his corpse.


Formosus. Darned spellcheck


These people are asking for help, Harrison. Sick people need help, not condemnation.

Guillaume DesChamp

So how can we help you, Julie?


By allowing others to help you, Deschamp!


Some sick people will never be “helped” because of their insanity.




But those servicemen go it was justifiable homicide. They did it for the people of Maui, innocent people who this animal killed. If I was on the jury, I would find them not guilty.


Animals, plural.

Just sayin’…

Michael R Davis

Right on schedule, Commander-in-Chief Trump keeping his promises.
https ://ak2.rmbl.ws/s8/2/7/k/J/j/7kJjo.caa.mp4?b=1&u=ummtf

The huge motorcades for Trump are not similar to the small motorcades for other former Presidents. That is an Atlanta fire truck in the motorcade. That rolling armory 10th in line should open some doubting eyes. A lot of security in the motorcade.

Fairly certain this is the huge motorcade from 2 months ago when Trump turned himself in at the Atlanta courthouse. A reelected President receiving the security protection he is due.

It seems this war is drawing to a close. Perhaps the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System), shutting down the Boob Tubes, the internet, are very soon.


Very soon. Any second now for the last seven years.


And when it does go off, you’ll find one more thing to be incessantly pessimistic about. Souls like you are dead – no wonder your wife left you.


But didn’t the senile dude who’s fauxcades are attended exclusively by hecklers ‘win’?

The actual President offers warm and sincere Thanksgiving wishes to all, as do I.




Yeah man the EBS is coming very #soon just like always

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired



My last pay test was $9,500 operating 12 hours per week online. My sisters buddy has been averaging 15,000 for months now and she work approximately 20 hours every week. I can not accept as true with how easy it become as soon as i tried it out.
Detail Here——————————————>>>  𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


I’m making $90 a month driving a bus hauling window lickers


My mama always said, evil is what evil does!

John .S

Happy Thanksgiving Crandell. See what you caused in dragging your feet. Adage: “can’t handle the heat – get out of the kitchen”.

Upon Hooks Gitmo arrival, he should have been in the courtroom within 48 hrs., thereafter taken outside, placing two in the back of head.

Hannink will be known as the greatest Admiral in naval history via Comey and Schiff.

BTW Darse, you’re going to be known as the Wussy Admiral, and have a Bud Lite beer with Thanksgiving dinner – faggot.


What is all this hatred you are spewing toward Admiral Crandall? He has been doing his job very well and has his hands full. You are doing nothing but criticizing and calling names.

John .S

Crandell as public servant, my [our] ‘Govt Employee’ that’s open for criticism, ridicule & vitriol.

When ‘Mr. Wussy’ [Darse] starts utilizing the *guillotine and firing squad, and speeds things-up i.e., ‘executions directly after conviction’ then maybe I’ll have a different opinion of him.

Fact, Crandell the cause of Hooks getting tune-up, not being dragged into court post haste within “48 hrs.” upon arrest.

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

hes not even in charge anymore


Damn John, you are ruthless, my guy


Agent Buttsey on the job.


So you think the poster is male because he has a male SN?


That is over the top and uncalled for. Get a grip.


Well, according to your posts you rag about having a wife you can’t stand and also a gumada, which we know is a mistress, girlfriend, whatever you want to call her.
Then you talk about Padre Pio. Then you state “RIP” to some mafia dude that is most likely one of your friends. Maybe you are one. So talk about calling the kettle black. Maybe your Thanksgiving dinner was burnt garlic toast.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar

Wikipedia states hooks is deceased – was arrested August 2023 and died of natural causes while showering …


Wikipedia also states that Muslims did 9/11.

Grain of salt with msm lies


I agree with you nn but imo it is a start
the false wiki 911 narrative has been out there a long time so to change that all of a sudden would be too drastic perhaps?
not to mention all the lies concerning past world w@rs
everything … everything is such massive deception on a biblical scale


Struck a nerve huh…

Sandy Thomas

WOW. Yep! They’re starting to disclose things, even if ‘natural causes’ is a lie it’s almost as if they don’t care if people read more conjecture into that.


Who’s “they?” Any relation to “Them?”


Always fun to DDG some of these events and watch as the usual suspects list of factcheckers Snopes, Politifact, USAToday and MSN etc. herniate themselves doing damage control “to get ahead of the narrative”.


Then down voters should go ahead and get their daily dose of DS-controlled “fact checking”. Only seems appropriate.

JMFC.., how can this be more obvious?

waky wednes

Your caveat loser:  “Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire”

waky wednes

 “Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire”


Yes, it does contain those things.

It also contains real, raw truth.


GOOD. The only good N*gger….is a dead N*gger. The fat ugly Bastard. They need to release both of those guards. Let’s hope that the White Hats at GITMO
do not go woke. There is nothing wrong with beating a N*gger to death.

Sandy Thomas

Fuck you fed. Obvious what you’re trying to do.


Is there a way to block some of these a-holes? Asking for a friend.


I’m NOT a fed…. you asshole. Nobody invited you on this website. It’s obvious
to me that you’re a N*gger lover. It’s also obvious that if the guy was White….
you would not have a problem with him getting beat to death. Nobody cares
what you think….you asshole.


Well…Well…. what do we have here ?? A fucking Democrat. Stay off this site.


That’s a horrible thing to say. Just because he is black doesn’t automatically mean he should be beaten to death….he was evil and did awful things and that is what brought him to the shower killing.


That is correct. However, blacks, as a race, and as a political voting constituency, are in fact, one of America’s enemies.


The thing is Chloe, many of the people who agree with you that these stories are real are just miserable hateful racists.


He was FEMA!


I know….I just hate to see these guards ruin their lives over a worthless POS like Eric Hooks.


If it was the other way around…. and the guy was White….that would be OK ??
So you must think it’s OK for a group of young N*ggers to beat a young White
kid to death. Same difference.


I don’t think I said any such thing. I believe I said just because he was black didn’t mean he should be beat to death as some of you were inferring.


Ipmala IS A FED, A TROLL, A SHILL, A BOT, here to smear racist, LYING, misdirecting DEMONIC SHIT on thus biard to SMEAR patriots.
The EVIL POS thinks it will shut people up.


I know he comes across like a liberal troll.


Get Lost you racist, race baiting pile of cockroach SHIT


Be interested to hear what you would say if you found yourself on an operating table needing emergency surgery to survive, and looking up you see a black surgeon. Someone like Ben Carson, the finest neurosurgeon ever


Carson is BLACK. He is not a N*gger…. you fool. Get educated…so you
understand the difference.




WRONG…. asshole.


You are what is WRONG Demon-Turd asshole!!!!
Fed FedFed through and through


FED FED FED So obvious.


WRONG…. asshole.


He should have gotten the same treatment the people they killed….Shot and flamethrower…


‘Exemplary service prior to.’

‘Globular corpse.’

Trash was indeed taken out.


they beat him to death…….did wh in the army fully understand people’s frustration ??? most of us are sick and tired of this freak show since 11/04 /2020 I ask many time Mr.Baxter to let it know source of his info…. seen to me if it come to answer he Mr.Baxter is deaf or do not care…..saaad….


2020? Try 1963 or at least 2001.

These supposed white hats are worthless


It’s a combination of a) he has no source and he just makes up the stories, and b) he doesn’t care to answer your questions anyways


What time’s Ray (Epps) coming over for Turkey today, fed? Y’all gonna drink beers? Yuk it up. You ain’t got long.


ed, biggs is chinese. Besides female chinese apes are a lower subspecies…no matter with them.


Hey dipshit, Mr Baxter is nothing more than a messenger, revealing what he is allowed to release, by a very real, very powerful, righteous military authority.


Properly understood, Hooks beat himself to death. He made the choice to assault the marines fists with his face. These DSFucks are simply asking for help!


Justifiable Homicide. Give the Guards a Medal and Quietly issue them an Honorable Discharge.


YEAH…. very good point. Give them BOTH a medal. Like I said in my post….
** there is nothing wrong with beating a N*gger to death ** After all…why
waste a good ROPE…. when you can beat the son-of-a-Bitch to death . SAVE


Racism is not welcome here!!


Says who? You? The msm? The demoncrats? The rhinos?

Time coming when you’ll get your face shoved through a sheet rock wall you keep running your mouth to men who provided and protected you.

Blacks are indeed the sons and daughters of Cain. Sold them own selves into slavery then have the narcissistic gall to accuse people with white skin of the deed when our godly constitution framed the very argument that freed them to the time of 650k dead in the civil war and not one damn black run city on earth desirable to live in – not one! Yet you Karen bitches preaching to us white men who provided and protected you all these years. You’re lucky we let you vote and don’t drag you around by the hair of your bitch head, *bitch.*

Last edited 1 year ago by EdBob

And…. YOU are not welcome here. So….in your opinion…it’s OK if a
White guy gets beat to death…. by a group of N*ggers….BUT…not the
other way around ?? You must be a goddam Democrat. Get the FUCK
off this website….you Democrat piece of shit.


Make up your filthy LIES elsewhere you reeking DEEP STATE- DEM-TARD FED TROLL!!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Whateverfloatsyourboat

No one is talking to you troll


Hahahahahahaha…. fuck YOU. Asshole. THAT’S what floats my boat.
You chicken shit… piece of garbage.


Fuck yourself asshole because no one else will come near you with a battering ram however richly deserved.
Your boat can sink and you can drown in the best of all possible worlds.


and a 100 days in the hole


The ugly reality here is; if the Deep State had their wet dreams come true, even many who’d been fully onboard w/ the Woke Agenda would be offed in Thunderdome death matches over a moldy biscuit.

Three months after arriving at their FEMA “camps” and we’d be begging to be beaten to death. So while I still don’t approve of this form of street justice, it’s small potatoes compared to what they had planned for us.

Guillaume DesChamp

No one has anything planned for you. You’re just not that important.


That wouldn’t be the point. See you in camp, fellow useless eater..!

Guillaume DesChamp

I’m glad you have something to look forward to.

Carlos Perez

Let the guards go. They’ve done a justifiable good deed.




It had nothing to do with race
Fed Liar!


Please Michael,
Please remove this piece of garbage. We get enough of it from the. MSM and for the Keith Olberman of racist profanity to come here and attempting to smear patriots as racists…
This fed has contributed NOTHING To the conversation except attempting you make it appear that white hats are the KKK


i say let hooks go, let it think it is free. then drop it with .338 handshake!


Biden gave Hooks Three Billion Dollars for ‘Climate Change resiliency’ before the attack on Maui.


If that is true, you can bet he salted dome of it into his personal offshore savings.. So as he now hasn’t had a trial and been found guilty of all his crimes against humanity, does it mean that his personal assets cannot be confiscated??
And does that also mean that the Cabal gets to claim any funds salted away?? Money that by rights belongs to the American taxpayers..
So by committing murder, those 2 guards have actually cheated American taxpayers and aided and abetted the enemy.. Besides which they have broken their oaths to uphold and defend the constitution..
I still think they shld be properly investigated, which includes their bank accounts.
They should have rather volunteered for rope duty and given him a short rope..


His assets will still be taken and put into the good guys jar for future missions, and for the people.


They take away their citizenship and all rights as soon as they are arrested. Their assets are confiscated and it doesn’t wait until the trial. He already had nothing left.


They can have trials without the defendant present.


Not criminal trials


not in military courts

Anne Stallybrass

I’m sure Trump’s EO would have been worded to cover things like this.


The White Hats will be confiscating, don’t you worry.


Yup i can understand justifiable homicide but if the UCMJ cant get it right then what hope have we, it was too quick a death for hooks he had no time to reflect as he stared at the noose whilst being beaten he didnt know he would die when he did, all i can say is come on ucmj set the example here and dont slacken off till job done. love to all.


How do you know it was quick, your just making stuff up. He was taunting the guards; these are the worst of the worst criminals in human history and criminal courts won’t cut it because of the media remember the OJ Simpson trial and that’s why it was amazing because he thought he could still be evil in prison with no consequences and relishing his crimes against humanity and street justice kicked in and it was biblical. We must look at the definition of murder for example under Minnesota law, “Under Minnesota law, third-degree murder is defined as causing the death of a person “by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind” without regard for life or intent to kill.” the soldiers in question did not have a depraved mind and do have a regard for life, and it was justifiable, so therefore the soldiers are guilty of disobeying orders, breaking protocol and putting the reputation of the US Marines and GITMO in disrepute, not murder, we are just programmed to think it is murder.

Guillaume DesChamp

Correct. Their actions do not fit the definition of third degree murder.

They do, however, fit the definition of first degree murder under Minnesota law.

609.185 MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE. (a) Whoever does any of the following is guilty of murder in the first degree and shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life:
(1) causes the death of a human being with premeditation and with intent to effect the death of the person or of another;


Three huge articles in less than 48 hours. This, the USAF colonel, and zelensky.


“Obviously, we don’t want them around certain others,” He said.
Oh go on, set them loose.
He deserved all he got.


I’m starting to think it’s all a lie guy’s.. I want justice so bad for our country but it’s just too late.. The Bible tells us to put no faith in man, only The Lord Jesus.. Clearly we are living in end Time’s so time to stop focusing on this crap and get your own house in order.. American’s are armed to the teeth if they actually try anything..




Check Wikipedia. His death is reported at Gitmo, from showers. First “solid evidence” confirming gitmo deaths other than ( GBush funeral). If you have eyes to see. Very easy to see if you are paying attention but not everyone has the luxury of time.


None of that is on his Wikipedia page. “Solid evidence” amirite 🙃



Yea you’re right. I saw it on wikipedia! It’s getting real!


According to gods laws, there are no mistakes, no accidents, no coincidences – everything happens exactly as and when it’s supposed to happen!


one of Oprah’s henchmen bites the dust.. he was probably on her payroll to extinguish the squatters on her desired Lahaina shores


RIGHT. As you know….all N*ggers stick together. I see nothing wrong with….
beating a N*gger to death. After all….why waste a good ROPE.


Enough with the N word, junior. You made your point


why do you allow a metaphor to irk your mind?


Get lost racist fed.


Everytime I come back to read this article I keep thinking this is completely SATIRE. This is just unbelievable. The guards are either robots and are not real people. Or this is just completely SATIRE, untrue. This just can’t happen the way they say it did.

For example, Gov. Newsome was supposed to have been hanged a few years ago. In the latest news during APEC in San Francisco just this month, November 2023. Newsome was supposed to have met with china’s xi jing ping.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWillPrevail2024

A shocking development, a site with a big ol’ THIS IS SATIRE disclaimer on its About Us page turns out to be satire 😮


Mornin Feds! You and Ray Epps having some Turkey and pumpkin pie today? Maybe y’all can chat about your next big Trump supporter entrapment scheme. .


You know it, FedBob! Ray is bringing the cranberries.


Agent Buttsey Planning his holiday gay-la


Every time I read it, I think an opposite line. I think what a perfect narcissistic nigger Hooks was, goading those guards every day till they snapped. I worked with one like that recently. It was like he was possessed of a demon – hell bent on trying to shame me, goad me, taunt me, till one day I reached around and jerked a knot in him – let him know the point of confrontation had arrived. Nigger did what niggers do at that point – coward went upchain to ‘HR’ – told them how whitey had attacked the po black boy with a bad back. At the big meeting, I tore him to shreds – he was revealed for what he he was. How did I do it? I just stated the truth, and didn’t back down. Bible says, Satan will flee if you resist. And that’s what he did! He left his job that very week! That’s what all of you need to do. Stop putting up with the devil, with O’Biden, with the cia, fbi, niggers, msm, your demon possessed neighbor, your 501c3 pastor. Tell it like it is and let the chips fall. God will take care of you.

Those guards did that. They decided to put a stop to it. Nice. God will take care of them. It’s about time a message was sent to the niggers of America:

George Floyd was a worthless, sorry, lying, good for nothing, drug dealin, bad check floating, violent *nigger* that got himself in a spot and whined like a bitch right before the end of his rope and the same thing, or worse!, will happen to all who lead worthless, violent, thriving, narcissistic lives like he did.

Eric Hooks was a rotten, marxist, white hatin, communist loving, Obama votin, mass murdering NIGGER, who got exactly what has been coming to him – kicked to death by better men enraged at what he had done, and BRAGGED about.

Yeah. I see it quite different than you do. As for Newsome, it’s just another actor body double or deep fake video, dumbass. Stop acting like you don’t know that. Research deep fake videos. Easy to make. Impossible to discern from a real video. We’ve had the technology for decades. Videos mean nothing fool.

Last edited 1 year ago by EdBob

Like I said in my post…. Bob. I see nothing WRONG…with beating a N*gger
to death. Rope is expensive. Why waste a good ROPE.




You may be on to something here.


Technicly, the dead prisoner could be revived with med beds for questioning.
Heard they have 48 hours delay possibility.


Every time you guys write about med beds on here they seem to gain yet another magical superpower ability


yea, they got the idea from the Fedbedwetters. Everytime you turn around the philistine feds somehow gain another magical dry bed!


I heard Jesus had a medbed in the garden tomb that resurrected him in 3 days.


roman disinfo

Anne Stallybrass

MedBeds would not be wasted on vermin like that.


Even if MB’s did in fact exist, what would be the point of having them at a facility where death sentences are allegedly doled out daily?

We already KNOW what he ( among numerous others ) orchestrated in Maui. Or are there still some out there, in spite of mountains of evidence to the contrary, feel the Lahaina Fire was just a random, ‘natural’ event..?


He clearly had some sensitive intel on other stuff, those guards most likely insiders.


Stop him talking: anything is possible. (If this satire, I’m still enjoying the read).


I think this could be a possibility. The guards could have been approached by the deep state and bribed or threatened. I tell you what. If I was one of them guards I would never put my freedom in jeopardy for murdering a prisoner who was most likely going to recieve a death sentence anyway. The guards admitted that it was premeditated and they knew darn well before they killed him that they would be caught and held accountable. Maybe they were paid off to silence this guy before he started squeeling on some of the bigger fish.

Last edited 1 year ago by Derek

An angle I hadn’t considered. Also possible Hooks already spilled the beans and this was just another Cabal revenge killing. Hillary was famous for that.


Yep, he probably did.


I guess it’s possible. Jus when you think there might be some good in the world.


Lots of stupid comments here  you have to understand people the dates mean nothing just remember if you can Fucking read this everybody else can read it to just remember this Biden has to be impeached and the Trump court case has to be cleared out  if EBS happened earlier it’s a bonus for us

Bill Graham

Wonder why Wikipedia confirms his presence and death at Gitmo

Guillaume DesChamp

No it doesn’t.


sure does.. check it out.



https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Hooks

Erik Adrian Hooks (born 1967 -2023) was an American public safety official who was serving as the deputy administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency when arrested on August 22 and processed at Gitmo prison in Cuba on August 27, 2023. He died on September 13, 2023 in the shower due to natural causes.


Getting beaten to death by guards after ‘getting under their skin’ and causing them to snap and take it out on Hooks DOES NOT sound like death by ‘natural causes’ to me. So even when Wikipedia ‘tells the truth’, in this case they ‘lie for the agenda’s sake’ by withholding the REAL TRUTH as reported by Michael Baxter in this news article. Perhaps Wikipedia is now under the same ‘deal’ JAG has with the rest of the Main Stream Media: gradually start telling the TRUTH on the timetable in our plan for you or it is CURTAINS for your operation. At least this way this is further, indirect proof that Real Raw News is true/plausible. People here can show this article and Hooks’ Wikipedia article (and this post with the links below) as circumstantial proof useable in a court of law that the USA is, as of this post (2023-11-23 3:06 PM UTC [London England Time]) under a Continuity Of Government plan as outlined in detail by ex-military truther Derek Johnson in this clip:

https ://rumble.com/v2t14ue-derek-johnson-if-nothing-matters-why-are-the-laws-and-orders-being-extended.html

Slick, polished documentary version of the (public facing) events of this COG plan.

https ://rumble.com/v3gx680-the-greatest-show-on-earth-2023.html

Abridged slideshow version of the podcast account of these events in the above documentary

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/uUhuInDI6YIG/

Original uncut audio podcast

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/XzEKYCFSrecB/

Last edited 1 year ago by IsThisFairUse2
Guillaume DesChamp

Nope. Just checked, and it doesn’t say that.


I just checked. It does say that. Crazy! It is getting real!




Derek does a fantastic job of patiently explaining CoG. Reminds me of all the good old Southern boys many of us served with over the years. Their excellent upbringing forbade them from betraying the values they were instilled with!

Having people around you where their “grandparents are in the room” is a good thing.


No. It doesn’t.



Open source. Anyone w/ admin. can upload to Wiki. GWB’s page was vandalized and scrubbed continuously. In typical Leftist fashion, with humorless cheap shot jabs only an 8th grader could appreciate.

Guillaume DesChamp

You don’t need admin privileges to edit most articles. Literally anyone can do it.

Wikipedia is not a good primary source.


Yeah, kinda’ backfilled yer’ [previous] unenlightened statement. Nice damage control. The outside possibility Hooks’ death might have been corroborated by an outside source sure had ya’ nervous tho!

Ahem, if a Progressive posts anything, however slanderous and obviously untrue about a Conservative, it will remain -until- said victim hires an attorney to have it removed.

Wiki has never been a ‘source’ for anything. Propaganda tool at best…

Guillaume DesChamp

You’ve totally missed the point. Well done!


Marshall_Will: Wiki has never been a ‘source’ for anything. Propaganda tool at best…

Sadly this is true for ANY content there that can be ‘spun’ to help/fit the agendas of the DS at the expense of the subjects profiled in that content such as

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Alfred_Strom

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin

Keep in mind that the DS weaponized the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ as ‘damage control’ to discredit people that do research and uncover true/plausible truth of their evil who share it with other people to warn/inform them.

The ‘bread and circuses’ content at Wikipedia (sports and entertainment of all kinds) is ‘true’ more or less and not ‘spun’ because such content keeps ‘the masses’ asleep of the predicament they are in which is what the DS wants. A clip I found online explains in detail how professional sports is a part of the DS plan to control ‘the masses’.

Via a prior post at

https ://realrawnews.com/2023/11/white-hats-thwart-deep-state-plan-to-use-ieds-at-world-series-texas-rangers-parade/#comment-613788

reposted below verbatim to make this post self-contained.


Here’s proof.

First go here.

https ://odysee.com/@Casanova:8?view=content

Then carefully scroll down the video list until you see this guy

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Farrakhan

in a red jacket and red plaid bowtie in the thumbnail image. The next clip to the right on the screen with ‘Ruling Elite’ in the title is the one to watch.

I CANNOT link to it directly because RRN is currently ‘remapping’ strings of 2 or more hyphens into Unicode equivalents that make the URLs invalid.

Skip to the 50 second mark to avoid a strong language rant against the REAL OWNERS

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Carlin

‘hinted at’ in his strong language comedy bit here:

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLODGhEyLvk

that will be deemed ‘hate’ speech. That is a ploy used to ‘demonize’ truthtellers who point out wrongdoing according to former Israeli minister Shulamit Aloni.

Soundbite version

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/q3sKM5KhT8sG/

Full version

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/e0mw6eI4Ezmk/

Someone somewhere online basically this: “When you are criminalized for pointing out criminality, you are ruled over by criminals.”

Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove [them].

Nu 32:23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.

— KJV Bible https ://bibleprotector.com/TEXT-PCE.zip

Long ago on TV, I saw

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.V._Hill

say the 2nd verse quoted above this way:


The Odysee clip explains the ‘head games’ psychological aspect of professional sports and is indirect proof that pro sports is rigged.

Feel free to click the ‘…’ and click ‘Download’ to download/save/share a copy with others. Stop wasting time and money (betting included) on pro sports, it is TRULY ‘breads and circuses’ designed to placate ‘the masses’ which is what the ‘real owners’ want so they can stay in power.


Content that is ABSOLUTELY TRUE AND CANNOT BE ‘SPUN’ is not ‘spun’ because it is SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE.

A GREAT example:

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC4

This is a data encryption algorithm first created in 1987, computerized, and once ‘baked into’ web browsers to keep e-commerce sites and secure webpages secure. This algorithm is quite simple but was eventually deemed ‘insecure’ and dropped for its more complicated replacement

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard

These two Wikipedia articles should be free of any DS-planted ‘spin and bias’ because how can you ‘spin’

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics

Long ago, the Main Stream Media reported on

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gates

[see also

https ://realrawnews.com/2021/10/bill-gates-hanged-at-gimo-ahead-of-schedule/


and his ‘population control’ plan on the front page of a newspaper. Somebody bought that particular newspaper and held it up for someone to take a picture of them holding it for the camera.

This image is now the ONLY thing you can find online. This damning newspaper article has been completely scrubbed from the ‘public internet’ that most people use and is no longer available online. This also now applies to

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Hooks

as of 2023-11-24 12:58 AM UTC [London England Time] as information about Hook’s arrest and ‘sanitized’ death at GITMO has been expunged from his Wikipedia page.

Getting back to Bill Gates and his depopulation plan, it is still available online (for now) here

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaF-fq2Zn7I

as a TED talk on TEDs own YouTube page.

The ‘money shot’ where Gates explains his depopulation plan in a ‘camouflaged’ manner is at 3:56 – 4:50. Ignore everything else he says in this clip or just don’t watch the clip at all except the above segment. Truthers ‘everywhere’ just re-use the above snippet in their truther clips–it says it all and is all you need to know. The Plandemic (2020 – ) is the culmination of the DS depopulation plan outlined and later spearheaded by Gates back in 2010 in the above posted TED talk.

This depopulation plan was in the works since at least 1981 according to DS asset Jacques Attali:

https ://www.thebernician.net/globalist-banker-predicted-scamdemic-genocide-of-the-useless/

Searching for ‘jacques attali the bernician’ now on Google brings up the above link in the #2 spot where it was once in the #1 spot. Now in the #1 spot is a ‘fact check’ article ‘debunking’ this from Reuters, a news agency (once) owned by

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_family

If the (paid DS) trolls downvote/reply to this post, please be aware of their ‘playbooks’ available online at the following links:

Masonic Diversion Tactics – Get a copy before it is scrubbed from the net (link in description)

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/BYTCYu2kJVRu/

the ‘Tactics’ section of
https ://archive.org/details/RulesForRadicals

https ://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

https ://8kun.top/truthlegion/res/360.html
[ see the ‘Clown’ posts by LVAnon at the above link]

https ://media.128ducks.com/file_store/09127920a64af937df422c5fa19246854ebc2f7e9233d7749098c92aa705e6cc.png

How Israel censors the internet – If Americans Knew 
https ://www.bitchute.com/video/0RZTW9x4BChJ/

Owen Benjamin’s comical version of the above complete with actual ‘damning proof’ 

https ://img.ifunny.co/images/3ee45071082298008166509c8485fd58d9108968d25e8e558e2889bac4de52c5_1.jpg

shown in the clip below


2:20:45 – 2:29:25 
2:20:45 – 2:36:48 [longer ‘FULL’ version]


https ://bitchute.com/video/Aog7TSfHkxGo/


I just checked. It does say that. Crazy! It is getting real!

Sandy Thomas

We’ve read it. As of five minutes ago anyway.

Guillaume DesChamp

Sorry, but it doesn’t say that. I just checked.


I just checked. It does say that. Crazy! It is getting real!

Guillaume DesChamp

Uh oh, Julie got stuck in a loop again.

Someone reboot her.

John .S

Screen shot that, and run off copies for posterity.

American Living in Canada

Got it. Hey Johnnie, anything happen’in in NYC you can update with us?


I saved the whole webpage as a PDF and his ‘official image’ as a PNG. The more people who back up these 2 items, the harder it will be for the DS to ‘gaslight the masses’ about this matter/incident–telling them ‘it never happened’ or other word that eventually lead to this conclusion that benefits them and their agenda..


Nobody can back up this info though. Its only source is a fake story MB made up.


how can you back up your info about it being fake?