Saturday, October 19, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2023

JAG Convicts Former FEMA Boss Brock Long, Part III

In the summer of 2017, Hurricane Harvey, a monstrous Category 4 storm, cleaved a path of destruction through the Houston metropolitan area, flooding roads...

Jack Smith: All Trump Supporters Are Criminals

Jack Smith, the Deep State special prosecutor leading the witch hunt against President Donald J. Trump, made a reckless statement Friday morning, saying, “Find...

JAG Convicts Former FEMA Boss Brock Long, Part II

FEMA’s perpetual degeneracy and Brock Long’s smugness seemed to genuinely irritate Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall, who, for reasons not given to Real Raw...

JAG Convicts former FEMA Boss Brock Long, Part I

(Due to the length of this article, I am dividing it into three pieces. I will publish part II tonight and part III tomorrow) The...

Special Forces Detain “Suspicious Couple” Near Trump Rally

White Hats assigned to protect President Donald J. Trump detained a “suspicious couple” who had planned to attend the president’s Saturday rally in Pickens,...

Obama’s Former AG Eric Holder Arrested

U.S. Navy JAG investigators arrested former Attorney General Eric Holder on treason charges Friday night, as he and an unnamed male companion exited a...

Kidnapped Dubai Brilliance Children Reunited With Families

The American children (63) liberated from child slavers aboard the Dubai Brilliance have been reunited with families thanks to the Navy SEALs who saved...

Military Thwarts Deep State WMD Attack

United States Marines last Friday raided a warehouse in South Carolina where scientists contracted to the Deep State were building weapons of mass destruction...

Navy SEALs Save Children From Child Sex Slavers

United States Navy SEALs on Sunday rescued “hundreds” of enslaved children from the hold of a crude oil tanker berthed in San Francisco Bay,...

Gretchen Whitmer Hanged at GITMO

When a military tribunal convicted Gretchen Whitmer of treason and sentenced her to hang by the neck until dead, the disgraced Michigan governor bewailed...
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