Adrenochrome Oscars


White Hats had infiltrated Sunday’s Academy Awards ceremony in hopes of arresting a few criminal Hollywood elitists. But they aborted the plan due to an overwhelming security presence that outnumbered them 100-1. Despite the hindrance, they still obtained a useful but disturbing bit of knowledge: The tenuous war against Adrenochrome peddlers has yet to be won.

Part biologic, part synthetic, the potent narcotic is to the elite what heroin and fentanyl are to the homeless addicts encamped in the streets of San Francisco and Portland: an addictive fix. Whereas a fentanyl tab might cost a druggie three dollars, an Adrenochrome injection or infusion costs thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, based on the purity of the product. And prices continue to skyrocket as entities like the White Hats and Vladimir Putin wage war on Adrenochrome production and distribution networks in the U.S. and Eastern Europe, respectively, creating scarcity and an accompanying price surge—the laws of economics. But those disruptions didn’t stop some Oscar nominees from receiving a free sample.

A source at General Smith’s office told Real Raw News that White Hat investigators surreptitiously accessed the Academy Awards and saw certain nominees receive a jumbo gift bag, distinct from the $168,000 prize bags given to every nominee by the Luciferian Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Like the Willy Wonka Bars in Ronald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, certain gift bags held something golden. But instead of a golden ticket, these bags held a golden box about the size and shape of an eyeglass case, which contained a syringe of Adrenochrome.

Cillian Murphy’s bag had the injection, as did actress Lilly Gladstone’s sack.

At one point in the evening, Gladstone reached inside the bag for the gold case. But her Killers Flowers of the Flower Moon co-star, Robert De Niro, looked at her askance and laid his hand atop hers, pushing the case back into the gift bag. He shook his head in disapproval and whispered in her ear.

According to our source, the investigators also witnessed Cillian Murphy holding and then opening the gold case in a restroom, where a half-dozen other actors were snorting lines and giggling up a storm. Murphy asked an unidentified actor what the syringe held and was told, “It’ll take you to another planet, but that’s not for here. It’s for the latter.” Taped to the case was a label that read, “Do not open at ceremony.”

Murphy ignored the warning out of curiosity. Still, he nodded slowly, returned the case to the bag, and left the restroom.

By then, the investigators believed beyond reasonable double the syringes had Adrenochrome, and they suspected that someone at the Oscars had distributed it to celebrities who hadn’t yet taken the instantly addictive pharmaceutical cocktail.

“CID noticed that a handful of bags had a red bow, and they assumed those had the Adrenochrome. The addicted were trying to indoctrinate greenhorns into the ways of Adrenochrome. Even though they had backup nearby, the security there was immense—we’re talking about guys with submachine guns concealed beneath their jackets, and Lord knows what else. Mass arrests were out of the question. But CID wanted to get their hands on a syringe so we could chemically analyze it and possibly determine where it was made,” our source said.

Toward the end of the evening, the investigators cashed in on a hunch; they found an empty syringe in a bathroom trash can. Some Adrenochrome recipients had disobeyed the cautionary memo and injected themselves.

Although no arrests were made, White Hats found enough residue in the depleted syringe to run a chemical analysis. They believe the Adrenochrome came from Ukraine, meaning Putin has yet to bomb them out of existence entirely, and the Deep State is still importing it from Zelenskyy’s Adrenochrome mills.

“We still think that’ll be helpful,” our source said. “It may help isolate a specific lab.”

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F’ing vampires!


I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started_________

Last edited 7 months ago by Kitty
Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦

Surf Nazare

OK people you make of it what you will but the key is always taking the bits and pieces and putting them together to figure out what is coming or the real truth—

The Navy has told food suppliers for the Navy (subs in particular) to up delivery date to April 30th—Now realize they have canned 2 Sub commanders this year for loss of confidence (good excuse as any) and these subs could carry up to 154 Tomahawk missiles–(could do some damage if they wanted) and on top of that a commander of an Arleigh Burke destroyer also relieved. Then at same time 2 Medical Commanders relieved of their jobs.
Now keep in mind no Carrier travels alone and they always have a buddy underwater with them plus a bunch of other hang alongs like destroyers—and suppliers etc.It has also been reported we/US can’t detect the Russian subs—that is how quiet they are in fact they have popped up beside a carrier and no one knew they were there—-scary—-We could also have aerial sub hunters trying to detect them especially off our shores—

I am just saying it would be interesting to know who relieved them—Black Hats —and these commanders were good guys—-and got the axe—-Commanders of subs don’t grow on trees—-With the push by the idiots that want war with Russia, it is more then a sobering thought and now you ad Israel war into the mix—-keep an eye out for little pieces of info that fit the puzzle—-With commanders now in place that may want to be —-ok you get the idea—-so no post by MB may mean more then just the obvious—
But hey just a surfer here—what do I know

J Bill

With the push by the idiots that want war with Russia”


clark 1930

no word from mr B?


hello Michael, I hope you are well and perhaps on holiday? Better than having gout……. Looking forward to your news soon.


!!!!BREAKING!!!!: I just had Taco Bell for lunch.


I’m sorry 😞 RIP

Nail 13

Been over 5 days now, I hope MB is OK


It is a different realm than the one you are existing in right now, and at the same time, the fifth dimension is within you. That is a paradox, and it is supposed to be a paradox because you are meant to have your minds blown at this time. You are meant to go beyond hat your mind has the capacity to understand, and in order to do that, you must give yourselves that which cannot be figured out.


Ok Strike well have fun in la-la land I guess

Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website … 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦




You will find that everything that you want and need is available to you as a fifth-dimensional being. You are experiencing the hardships and the challenges that you are right now because you are co-creating the experience of the fifth dimension. You are asking for what it is that you want to experience and it is being created and held for you in that realm.


I’m hoping we can make it to 4D


Thank you oh humble Swami. Any other sage advice while we’re here?


i think MB might have read a mean comment about him recently, & decided he couldnt ‘continue’ with his contract (or larp) take yer picK


I’m 100% certain he’s laughing his ass off watching us.

Last edited 7 months ago by Blackhat
J Bill

he is


One thing you can absolutely count on, however, is that the experience you have of your ascension will be one that will be unequaled in terms of all of your other experiences in all of your other lifetimes in this universe. The reason for that is jumping from the third dimension to the forth and then the fifth in a single physical lifetime is the biggest leap forward that you can make. There will be no suffering as a fifth-dimensional being.


#WWG1WGA TRUMP / MAGA2024. 🇺🇸❤️🗽


Can’t wait!!


So you’ve been out and back? Do they have Doritos and fried chicken there? I like Doritos and fried chicken.

Dave Smith

What is going on no new news ? I hope all is well any news on April 8th Emergency Broadcast System ? 🤔🧐✌️💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🇺🇸


Yeah, it won’t happen just like every fake EBS date you nerds fall for


Mark your calendar. Epic trolling on April 9th


When? WHEN? We keep hearing dates and they have all been let-downs.

It is understandable as this kind of war has variables and such add some time into the schedules.

BUT now BLUEWATER has committed himself to this

I will know if he really means it, because he has promised to reveal his identity before the kick-off. (He has always concealed his image, so when he shows himself, it will be something to add support for the latest prediction. A Bluewater revelation:)

Skip the vid. He makes his statement ~60% way down the comments.


April 8th…or in other words…TWO MORE WEEKS hahahaahahaha


And the most ease on the remainder of your ascension journeys.
Not everyone who is a part of the Awakened Collective will have the exact same experiences moving forward because you are all different, and you are all meant to have different experiences for the One, for Source.

Pork Wontons

Thanks, Strike17.

Those that this post resonates with may enjoy the Empowering Better Humans Web site. https://


resonates with me lower bowels…ahhhhh

Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home . I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦




Title: President Putin’s Congratulatory Letter to Journalist Michael Baxter on Successful Brainwashing of Americans; Baxter Requested to Return Home to Russia

Moscow, Russia – In a secret letter exclusively obtained by our investigative team, Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulates independent journalist Michael Baxter on his alleged success in brainwashing the American population into believing in the insanity of so-called “Fake conspiracies.”

The letter, addressed to Baxter, commends the journalist’s efforts in disseminating content that casts doubt on the legitimacy of mainstream media outlets and their reporting. The Russian President also acknowledges Baxter’s role in amplifying the so-called Fack conspiracies that have fueled the “flat-earth” and “climate change denial” movements, causing a rift in the scientific and political communities.

“Your work has been instrumental in ensuring that the American people remain captivated by the ludicrous conspiracies and refute the overwhelming evidence provided by the scientific community and reputable news organizations,” Putin’s letter reads.

Sources close to Baxter confirm that the independent journalist has been requested to return home to Russia due to his significant contributions to the Kremlin’s disinformation campaign. The Russian government has recognized his efforts in undermining trust in foreign media and promoting doubt in the American public’s perception of reality.

Baxter, who has long been suspected of having ties with Russian propaganda networks, has reportedly acknowledged the importance of his role in the ongoing global information war. He is said to be delighted with the recognition and believes that his efforts have been “well worth it” and that he has no regrets in pursuing a career that aims to discredit the truth.

In light of the recent developments, it remains to be seen

Last edited 7 months ago by Blackhat

Fuck you.

Go straight to hell


you first


Agreed 100%


100% Brainwashed


H3LL Rulez. Hail SaTaN


Will anyone be hanged? It’s no fun if no one dies horribly




Ahhh shit. I knew I forgot something.


Something you will one day discover is that we are all one. We are all pieces of the one Creator. Hanging others is hurting self.

Many have gone astray and will need time to heal. Hanging etc just adds a bit more time to their healing, and longer to get back to battery.

Even you trolls are part of this, like it or not.


I believe a very great many have been hung, and there are a great many more, yet to come. Elimination for the safety of humanity is the goal.


Anyone remember Tokyo Rose? She put out the same kind of crap to dissuade the US soldiers. All this guy is doing is writing out a fairytale to his own liking.
Geez, you are aptly pathetic.

Comet Ping Pong

Relax. It is Satire.


If they were smart enough to know they wouldn’t be so brainwashed 🤣


Just wait til the day you finally figure out that’s exactly what Michael Baxter does, Marian


That’s thinking positive. I don’t have hope that they’ll snap out.


the usa soldiers fighting the jew banker wars? she was right.


Wow! This writing is detailed so therefore it has to be true


100% true. “They” didn’t want me to write it and expose them.


You are Total Bull Shit and your comment also.
You should be banned on every Internet site, not just


No moderators = no bans 🙃


❤️❤️❤️ I feel loved ❤️❤️❤️

clark 1930

fuk off dogshit brain!!!




Shut up commie


Is your real name Hillary?


Now their true message will be heard. Things will move very fast from here on out. Focus on creating Heaven on Earth and again do not participate in anything outside of Universal Law. Be well, A Quantum Leap Forward for the Awakened Collective. We are illuminating many paths for the Awakened Collective, because we know that sometimes getting the gentle nudges that you do from your guides is not enough. We know that the more encouragement you get from above, the easier then it becomes for you to take the path that will bring you the most joy.




No the new cosmic massiah Lomen Legion is winning


If they gave out awards for bullshit you’d be swimming in them.


MB still no post on Telegram.


Yeah we know Watchy, he died


Scroll down, he died in his house. We’re trying to collect money for him.


The Ancient Lyrans (Annunaki) after their fall also have a karmic duty to set things right. The benevolent ones are returning and you will see them in your skies globally.
If you ask where Jesus fits into all of this. It is part two and he is not alone. His prayer was that the beloved Father let then become one as we are one. There is on exclusivity on God. There are many mansions, many dimensions. Masters were sent to every culture.

Surf Nazare

I got to ask—-what have you been drinking or shooting up—what is your source for all of the ascensions. Not the Mama’s and the Papa’s—they tried to enlighten back when—-they even named themselves the fifth Dimension—And to try and tie Jesus into this—-Whoa !!!!


Strike I feel it is disrespectful of you to post this here on MB’s site because MB’s version of the Anunnaki is completely different. This just directly clashes with his storyline. In MB’s stories the Annunaki have no karmic duty or righteousness, they are pure evil blood-drinking lizard aliens from an unknown dimension.

Please read this story from MB to get a better understanding of how he writes the Anunnaki:


With this kind of nonsense you are distancing yourself from everyone.


Strike is welcome here.

Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦


I just watched a YouTube video where a person took a lump of molten metal left over from a house fire and chemicall refined $16,100.00 worth of gold (230g of 23k 99% pure) and will do another episode to refine the silver, which was the other part of what was in the lump. While it is a lot of money and took several days to do, using dangerous but readily available chemicals, for four days work, not a bad pay day. I am looking at the pile of computers I have here (two pallettes) and wondering how much gold is in there. One refiner I met in person, who lived on the corner of a junk yard in a trailer said he had recovered as much as $7,000.00 a year in gold from the computers he recycles. Just thought you might want to know.

Last edited 7 months ago by lcdro4

The scrap steel in the cabinets probably brought in more $$ than the reclaimed gold.


The contacts on the PCBs/cards are often gold plated. And some other bits. You would collect them all up (bit of work) and then YouTube people will show how to refine that plastic/gold combo back to gold.

It is a lot of work and not really much of a win for a domestic plan, unless you have a ScrapYard on the go. But there is gold (and other valuable metals) in them there hills:)


You’ll spend 100x more on nitric acid and all the other tools and chemicals than the gold therein is worth in the first place.


Well let’s see…as a forensics investigator I can assure you that’s silly. Unless you uncovered a guy’s gun safe full of burned up guns, blown ammunition and a pile of prepper’s gold or silver.

Last edited 6 months ago by CallMeSkeptical

I was told contact with the leaders and masses is happening now, the Pleiadians, founders of Atlantis and Lemuria due to their extensive Tera forming on Earth along with the fact they have more genetic stock than any other race are in charge of the planetary liberation.


Strike, you have the most melted brain here, buddy. It’s not even close.


Shut up Jimbo.


I’m not Jimbo bro

Surf Nazare

Normally Ray I would think and know you were the plague but I must say you got me laughing—and that really pains me—-but a good one—


I appreciate that, Surf. I may come here to troll but when I’m right I’m right, eh 🙂


Was that a compliment ?


This is a full-blown psychotic episode


They’re coming to take Strike away, ho ho, ha ha, hee hee


The Question is WHY ?


The videos I have seen on the internet of space traffic to and from earth looks like bugs around a light bulb in summer. I hve no idea how many ships that would be.


Yeah, those StarTrek® reruns can be entertaining.


I heard Andromedins were very much involved too. And lots of other ETs. It is a massive clean up operation to deal with the Parasite ETs.

While we all carry on our workaday lives:)


I was ignoring those voices. Damn I may have missed the boat.


Our highest suggestion is to surrender to the God within, see the Creator within all Creation, release the past and do not comply with anything that is not aligned with Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love Individual Freedom and Prosperity for ALL is Universal Law.


Are you MIA or did you shut your site down? Last time you were sick and had gout….


The gout took him, RIP Mr Bater


Alas MasterBaiter is no longer with us, his palms have given out.


Those that serve the network of tyranny will also not fare well. It is time to rise up, take back your power, be of service to humanity and Earth. Love, the ultimate power of the Universe is what is coming. Those who cannot rise to the occasion will not be frequency specific to the shift that is upon us.

Last edited 7 months ago by Strike17
Andi Kay

Pray for the health and safety of you and your family, MB.


Tyranny and all of it’s networks are coming to an end. Universal Law will prevail. We are in the birthing process of a whole new World. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing will be hidden, the true nature and character of everyone will be made known. Action/Reaction will be accelerated along with what many refer to as Karma. Those aligned with self-service at the expense of humanity and the Earth will not fare well in the days to come.


Can’t wait!

Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦


A corrupt Australian politician said in parliament that USA is no longer Australia’s best ally (not the peoples view) without a single reason given, “just look at the history” was give, he must be butthurt the Nazis lost and corrupt Australian politicians have claimed repeatedly Australia is going to be a “renewable superpower” basically extorting taxpayers and not much else, big, big money involved in many nations, while people are going broke, homeless and hungry.
I decoded renewable superpower and got “Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars To Finance Hundreds Of Millions To Attack One Man”
Renewable energy funds are being used by the deep state and we all know who that one man is.
Even the AI is in on it because if you ask it why would hundreds of billions of dollars be used to finance hundreds of millions and not one response is negative, for humanitarian reasons, philanthropy etc.
They are so busted.

J Bill

Australia isn’t even real


You don’t exist.


You don’t exist.


The current group of lunatic Libs running Australia and New Zealand have followed the current group of lunatic Libs running the UK and US down a traitorous, tyrannical, lawless, godless—not to mention anti-democratic—path. It seems a silent war and unrigging rigged elections are the only tools currently used to defeat them. We have other tools if needed. But if our house of cards falls in November, there’s a good chance the others will soon fail as well.

Last edited 7 months ago by Storygirldc

Your Bermuda Tringle is one of the larger doors, there are many other. The enslavement though dependencey is coming to am end. Most of your plagues and diseases will also come to an end. Longevity will increase and the Earth will prosper.

Last edited 7 months ago by Strike17
J Bill

oh my god shut up


How about you fatman Jimbo




I love science fiction


Ready for the new Earth, no diseases, etc….


Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. It is therefore futile and foolish to make appeals to Constitutional arguments in an immoral and atheistic society. Our enemies have disregarded what the Constitution says for half a century. It is a mistake continuing to play by a set of rules that our enemies no longer obey. Worse yet, turning a piece of paper into an idol and elevating it to some pseudo “holy” status in our minds.
Andrew Torba is correct. The power is not in the paper, the power is in the ideas and those ideas have been adulterated and perverted wherever they haven’t been abandoned. Neither the words nor the ideas have ever applied in any way to newcomers, immigrants, citizens, illegals, invaders, foreigners, or the children of those diverse peoples, they only ever applied to the Posterity of the Founders, the direct genetic blood descendants of the men who fought the American Revolution against their British brethren for independence from the King of England.
The Constitution was written to safeguard the liberties of the sons and daughters of the American Revolution and no one else. That’s what the Preamble to it says and that’s literally what Posterity meant. And that’s what it still means today, the legalistic fantasies of the would-be inclusive midwits who overrate the importance of their credentials and their own cognitive capabilities notwithstanding.
The words of the U.S. Constitution have never applied in any way to most of the “Americans” who are reading this now. So to fetishize it, to place any trust whatsoever in it, is to fundamentally fail to understand what it is, why it was written, and why it is no longer even remotely applicable to the United States of America in the Year of Our Lord 2024.
No damage therefore, that men in the state of nature suffer from one another, can give a conqueror power to dispossess the posterity of the vanquished, and turn them out of that inheritance, which ought to be the possession of them and their descendants to all generations. The conqueror indeed will be apt to think himself master: and it is the very condition of the subdued not to be able to dispute their right. But if that be all, it gives no other title than what bare force gives to the stronger over the weaker: and, by this reason, he that is strongest will have a right to whatever he pleases to seize on.
– John Locke, Of Conquest, Second Treatise on Civil Government, 1690


Very good


Lol fuck off with this nonsense, the Constitution clearly dictates a separation of church and state


Well given that our rights hail from our creator, that would be a definite goal of Moloch worshippers. Separation of church and state.


You’re an idiot


You’re a sovereign citizen idiot.


Kate is a man…

he-she- was used as ‘wife’ of an image of the ‘perfect man’… William, the anti-Christ, soon to be crowned.

2020-2030 Agenda means that we are in the Times of Tribulation:
The Church of JesusChrist are Tested, to be Ready for the Rapture.

After, will come the Times of the Great Tribulation, times for Israel and other unbeliever’s, lukewarm believers, who were deceived by the anti-Christ…




No to all of that.

The original is a women. Unlike Kamala, Obama, Hillary and etc.


um what


This also includes those within the Inner Earth, the Alantians, Lemurians and a host of other races living on your interior. Many escaped the floods and catastrophes by going within. They did not have to start over as primitives as the surface dwellers on numerous occasions.
The legends of Elves and Fairies are real.
Some are 6th dimensional and they control the doors to the interior.


Extremely outdated info, Strike. The Mole People have achieved near-total dominance of the realm of the Inner Earth. The Atlantians, Lemurians, and most other races have been decimated by the Mole People’s superior weaponry, some of these races may even be extinct already.


The rabbit hole is an endless abyss for you


Right? There is truly no limit. Someone could start a truther-style telegram channel that just recaps the plot of Dune and Strike would belive it’s genuine ‘secret galactic intel’ or some shit


Hope you are ok and on vacation somewhere!! Drop a line soon please!!

Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦


Chickens…you are liar….


bot bot silly silly


The Sons of Arcturus, the sweet energies of the Pleiades as mentioned in your bible and other scared text and part of this endeavor. There is the Orion Council of Light,
Andromedan Council, Sirian Council, Pleiadian Council, and
a host of others joining those on Earth desiring to end the tyranny and planetary enslavement.


Still waiting for that grand event you promised last week. What happened?


Starfleet ordered that it be postponed under Captain Kirk has returned to Earth.


gutter trash


You do know they want to eat us, right?




The ground crew is known as the White Hats, leaders and generals around the World gathered together to end tyranny once and for all. Watch who the mainstream media demonizes if you want to know who the good guys are. Nothing is as it seems.


gutter trash


Good morning great people not the trolls the haters they are.

The Oron Gray Alliance is one group that consists of many
negative ETs which are in the process of being removed. They are not to be confused with the Orion Council of Light. Just as there are dark alliances there are light alliances. The Beautiful Many Saints, Sages, Ascended Masters, Archangels and a host of Spiritually and Technologically Advanced civilizations are coming to the aid of humanity.

J Bill

this is the player hater’s ball now


I didn’t know that there was an Orion Council of Light? I knew about the Arcturians, Pleidians, Andromedans and Sirians etc. Didn’t the Archons and Dracos come from Orion? The Archons and Dracos are what caused this 3D enslavement. They changed Gaia to turn counterclockwise to make her more dense and everything.

Last edited 7 months ago by Jennifer

Anyone you can imagine


Is a man from Thailand with a wooden cock there?


umm, thats impossible


gutter trash


Good morning Strike


You got that out of which comic book?

Jan D Hunsinger

Is MB dead? five days….nothing.


Yeah he’s dead, RIP Mr. Bater 😔


Morally dead at the least


Master Baiter is dead apparently.


We sacrificed him.


Your sick in the head.




Get a life.


Thank you all for your post you make my day

J Bill

you’re welcome


Anytime, Lonnie 🙂


I feel your love 💖😘💖


I think I know what happened to Michael. … When he was down in Texas on the hunt for bad guys he met a cute little blonde down by the border and …before he knew it fell head over heels in love. I mean, it could happen to any of us down in Texas, right? It being the lusty month of March and all; or was that May. Anyway … just a thought. Hey Michael, grab that beauty and bring her home with you—we really are longing for another one of your reports! 🤣❤️🤣

Last edited 7 months ago by Storygirldc
J Bill

someone’s horny

truth is stubborn

Then you and Blackhat should just go off and disappear for a bit.


This place would die without us.


According to my sources, this is exactly what happened. However, things took a turn for the worse – that cute little blonde turned out to be a 9 foot tall razor-clawed Anunnaki reptilian shapeshifter. MB has been reported missing ever since. I don’t want to jump the gun here and say ‘presumed dead’ but I mean… given the situation, chances are not good.


damn shapeshftrs, WHs need to upgrade their OWN SHAPESHFTR TECH N.O.W.


no need for him to ‘come home’, home is where he lays his smartfone…

Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦


For those who did not listen to it yet.

Last edited 7 months ago by Joan
J Bill

are you the gift card girl with pierced nipples?

John .S

Come-on man, that was inappropriate.

J Bill

You’re right, I should’ve waited to ask about the nipples


Your disgusting


No, I am a girl who does not answer to idiots.


TikTok news network. Full of Russian propaganda. Give it a break Ruskie, we know what you’re up to.


CUZ THEY KNOWS WATS UP, and it aint yer BIBI baby eater bich


Thank you Joan for the reminder, as I read that along time ago. It’s good to read it again at: then type in 13848 and hit enter.


I can’t help but wonder if Michael was told to stop posting articles at this point. When will this fucktarded movie end?


not a movie. 50 million are dead. hopefully your bloodline


Your a sick bastard


You’re a bastard, sicko


Fuck off and die.


still cant manage contractions huh drools? and yes everyone who calls this a movie should have someone close to them die from drumps death jab. then maybe they might understand its not a movie.

truth is stubborn

Not even a week. If it gets to 2-3, sure, freak out. Till then, patience is your friend.


Good point. My hope since first finding RRN, or not long into it was that all of this is much farther along than any of us have known. And what Michael has shared is just a trickle of what’s really been happening. With so much “intel” going quiet on several fronts I also hope this stuff finally gets into the public shortly. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


Or things are going down fast


Hopefully in the way we’re hoping to see….. which is going to involve a lot of purp walks and rope 🙂


im sure the PURP walks are going crazy currently.


Never bro its not real


It’ll get cancelled when people give up and move on to the next bat shit crazy idea.



John .S

Heading to bakery for: Sfingi.

Already called 20 Joseph’s and two Josephines today wishing them a Happy Saint Joseph’s Day.


Yes, St Joseph, terror of demons pray for us. Blessings, 🙏🙏🙏

John .S

Yes indeed, today a big day umoungst Italians, unbeknownst to many, having priority over Columbus Day.

Sfingi is a must, especially if your name is Joseph, that includes: middle name, and Confirmation name, also family name.

Traditional Sfingi, yeah-baby, worth the years wait, doing espresso and cappuccino with the old-timers, with sambucca or anisette.

Italians named, Geppetto & Giuseppe nickname Chio and Pepe is Joseph.
BTW: Pinocchio means: Little Joe.


wait wat?? ?


MB – I hope you are back in Hawaii or some fabulous place. We appreciate big time, all your efforts and information. I am sincerely thankful that you probably cause many evil people to have sleepless nights. Stay healthy!

John .S

Money says: at Guam, getting direct intel on MSM mass executions. Maybe having a front row seat, or seeing some videos.

Suspect Steve Corbert started the festivities, believe 100+ hanged, possibly 200+, it’s a wait and see.

No fiddle-farting at Guam, keep in mind Maui FEMA Agents too.


Tis as I was thinking….

John .S

Was holding-off posting Guam Synopsis, was categorizing those suffering RRN withdrawals, could say Junkies, no different than a Crack-head looking for a fix.

Hilarious, MB-MB-MB; where are you?, RU OK – MB? Post something – anything please!

The sheer retardedness of it all, LoL.


umm, dood you do EXACT SAME WHINEYWHINE THINGEE about garlic bread…

American Living in Canada

Radio coms galore up here.. I agree.

John .S

Suspect something is brewing, equinox today, passover encroching, solar eclipse incoming; who knows?

Have my Magic 8-ball in garage, will dig it out, and give it a shake for more accurate predictions, its in same milkcrate with my portable 8-track tape player.




WOOT WOOT WOOT… wait wat?? ?


Michael Baxter Is MIA — Shall we start a conspiracy theory on where he’s gone to.??? 😂




Yes. Scroll down. I already did.

Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦


We thought MB placed someone to rid us of these incessant Federal controlled op FBI pests.


Lol yeah but here we are, no moderator in sight all week. MB has fucked y’all again, huh FedBob


Plot twist, MB is an FBI syop


Proof of Life plz


I’ll give ya proof of death, FED.

If Killary was alive, she’d be runnin for pres. .


why would they do that? they can run anyone they want with a mask and rig the voting.

logic isnt your strong suit huh q retard.



Surf Nazare

Hey J-Bulge/Blackie you better move to Colorado so when they dump your fat butts in jail you can go to the new prison cells they are going to build for all the pervs like you—-just think all in one place—see how generous I am —thinking about your welfare before your butts get burned up in that very fiery/flaming/hot place you are going to end up in—and it is all your choice—-but then again you are a demon or hybrid or just another ignorant soul too stupid to see the light—and you can’t say I didn’t know—-but you have a horrible day—you deserve it—–and tell your bosses for me I think they are dumber than a rock for hiring idiots like you

J Bill



No one is getting arrested for posting jokes on your larp blog, dingus

Surf Nazare

yeah but it is what you are doing when you are not posting—-perverts like you will screw up (pardon the expression) and pedos are still not treated real good in most places—dingus—-

J Bill

you’re the pervert, slurper


Surf I’m sorry to break it to you man but I have committed zero crimes and will be free to post here and annoy you for as long as I please 🙂


Keep lying as usual you piece of shit.

Your victims will not forgive you.

Go to hell and die Jimbo.


Zero crimes Tal. You have absolutely nothing to accuse me of that isn’t just your wild imagination

Surf Nazare

sure–I always believe everything you say—-


Don’t knock it until you try it.


so no arrests in 170 years, and team drump retard is outnumbered 100/ but now they have resources to arrest folks posting things that hurt your feelings on a satire blog?

thank god you took drumps aids vaccine