JAG Hangs an Admiral


On March 15, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps hanged to death Coast Guard officer Rear Admiral Michael Platt, whom a military commission convicted of treason for betraying his constitutional oath and aiding and abetting the criminal Biden regime.

Immediately after the verdict, a shaken and furious Platt told MPs that Vice Admiral Crandall was a coward for sitting out the tribunal and letting a lesser officer adjudicate his fate. His foaming enmity and limitless rancor continued even after he unwillingly returned to his cell and was forcefully given a mild sedative to calm his agita. But that only fueled his rage. He told a guard that if he couldn’t wear his uniform, he’d wear no clothes at all, and began disrobing, shedding his orange jumpsuit and prison shoes until he stood stark naked and raving mad in his cell, the embodiment of insanity. He then said that if he couldn’t eat in the officers’ mess, he’d starve himself.

“Suit yourself. You’ll hang before you starve,” a guard told him.

Platt’s commitment to starvation lasted three days, after which he accused his jailors of depriving him of proper nourishment, complaining about how other detainees on death row received suitable rations while he groveled for rice and beans and buttered toast.

A GITMO source told Real Raw News that staff had reduced the caloric content of Platt’s meals, for still he acted like an addlepated idiot and spent each day fully nude and pacing about his cell like a fenced-in rooster and invoking Adm. Crandall’s name as if to summon him. When told that Adm. Crandall was too preoccupied to entertain detainees and, moreover, would not attend the execution, Platt’s madness, genuine or theatric, intensified.

“There is no God, there is no God,” Platt chanted. “I went to church, did everything right. Why is this happening to me?”

He started running in place, then spurred forward and propelled himself headfirst into the cement wall of his cell, shouting, “You can’t hang me if I’m already dead.” A gash on his forehead leaked blood, but the wound seemed to invigorate him, and twice more his head met immovable concrete. Injured but alive, Platt was taken to the base hospital, stitched up, and given three days to recover before MPs showed up to drive him to the gallows.

He died that morning with a rope around his neck and a sack over his head, never having seen Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall.

The young captain who prosecuted Platt’s case had overseen the execution, worsening Platt’s spiraling, frenetic lunacy. In the instant before he died, all his self-created sufferings, depression, mental trauma, and oppression escaped his lips in a final, anguished roar.

“You tell Admiral Crandall I’ll be waiting for him in the afterlife. All of you. Look what you motherfuc**** have done to me,” he had said.

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Lunatic with power, thank goodness he can not harm any more military members

Bonkie 1

If only these people would just give up information and be cooperative. They are doing this to themselves.




Getting paid every month easily more than $15k just by doing simple job online. Last month i have exactly received $17529 from this online job just by giving this 2 hrs a day online. start earning more cash online just by follow instructions here……..
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Khazarian Mafia is planning a holocaust for April 8th; they will be stopped

By Benjamin Fulford March 25, 2024

The Khazarian mafia is planning a holocaust or mass murder event for the US Christian heartland on April 8th. The entire April 8th solar eclipse event has been forensically traced to the (kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest) Chabad death cult.

http s://www.chabad.org/calendar/view/day.asp?tdate=4/8

They are also telegraphing a “black swan event” through people like the fake General Mike Flynn and the politician Ron Paul. 

There is also widespread preparation for mass casualties, as can be seen for example in this emergency hospital being set up in Calgary, Canada.

Let us be perfectly clear, solar eclipses are when the moon blocks the sun and have never been associated with mass casualties. This means what is planned is not a solar eclipse.

Our US Space Force sources tell us the KM are planning to use Reagan-era Star Wars satellite-based weapons, laser firing planes and other methods to kill as many people as possible in a burnt offering to Moloch, aka Satan. The mark used by the cult of Moloch is the official insignia of the Satanic Nazi government of Ukraine.

These Messianic fanatical criminals want to carry out this event as a preliminary for a planned sacrifice of a red heifer to Moloch.

This would be followed by the construction of the third temple. Since the time of Moses, only nine red heifers have been sacrificed.

Now, a “massive altar” for the tenth red heifer sacrifice has been built in Israel, and there is a tremendous amount of speculation that it could happen soon…there was “a practice run of the purification ceremony” in 2023.

But an official ceremony must be conducted before the heifers get too old to be used for such a sacrifice…according to Temple Institute rabbis, they hope to carry out the ceremony before [the April 22nd] Passover 2024.

htt p://endoftheamericandream.com/a-massive-altar-for-the-red-heifer-sacrifice-has-been-constructed-in-israel/

The holocaust planned for this sacrifice WILL BE STOPPED. The US Space Force and white hat military will shoot down these satellites and other weapons if they are deployed.

Also, if they carry out a mass murder event in the US heartland then Jerusalem, Geneva, Kiev and the Norwegian Antarctic base will be wiped out by intercontinental nuclear missiles, US Space Force sources promise.

The reason the KM are desperate to carry out a mass murder event is because they are losing power and know they will be facing war crimes tribunals and the death penalty when that happens.

The events surrounding the British Royal family are a sign of this imminent collapse. King Charles, his wife Camilla, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Crown Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton have vanished from public view. Our MI6 sources tell us they were all killed by white hats after they sacrificed Kate Middleton to Satan.

Regardless of whether or not this is true, the public events surrounding the royals indicate something highly unusual is going on. There was the parade of the royal guards with a flag covered in black cloth and a white horse without a king on it. This is a traditional sign the king has died. Also, Kate Middleton failed to reappear after her “abdominal surgery.”

After this, there were clumsy attempts to make it seem all was normal. A photograph of Kate released by the royal family was quickly exposed as fake. Then a video purported to be of her with Prince William was released.

https ://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13211807/Kate-Middletons-body-language-pictured-Prince-William-visit-farm-shop.html

BBC reporter Sonja McLaughlan among others said the woman photographed and seen in a video with Prince William is “clearly not” Princess Kate.

https ://www.gbnews.com/royal/kate-middleton-news-bbc-reporter-prince-william-windsor-video

Then we hear the person in the video was professional Middleton impersonator Heidi Agan.

https ://www.businessinsider.com/professional-kate-middleton-lookalike-heidi-agan-2017-5

Next in this drama, BBC told people to expect a major announcement from the Royal Family. Flags were seen at half-mast on UK government buildings, leading to speculation the death of King Charles was about to be announced.

All this happened after the public announcement of the death of Jacob Rothschild (Roth=Red, Schild=shield of Satan), who many claim was the real father of Prince William (our own MI6 sources say the father is the King of Spain).

http s://www.businessinsider.com/professional-kate-middleton-lookalike-heidi-agan-2017-5

The MI6 sources say what really happened was a major white hat operation against the Satanists at the top of the UK government. With the red shield of Satan having been removed from the scene, a public announcement was going to be made that Kate Middleton had been killed in a Satanic sacrifice and that the royals involved had been executed.

That is why the flags were at half-mast and a major announcement was about to be made, the sources say.

However, before this could happen, Barack Obama, the Thunder of Satan (Luke writes in chapter 10, verse 18 that Jesus said: “I saw Satan ‘fall like lightning.’ The Hebrew translation is “baraq o bamah.”) shows up at the British Prime Ministers’ residence.

Following this, a new video was released by BBC showing Kate Middleton saying she had cancer.

They also released a photograph showing King Charles was still alive.

The problem is the Kate Middleton video released was a deep fake. You can tell because the ring on her hand disappears and then reappears. Also if she is on chemo, why does she have a full head of hair?

http s://rumble.com/embed/v4ip0pe/?pub=4

As for the picture of Charles, a Canadian intelligence agency source comments: “They can read the name on a soldier’s uniform from a satellite in space but they can’t take a clear picture from the side of the road. The circus continues.” 

The reality is a public announcement Kate Middleton had been sacrificed to Satan would lead to a complete collapse of KM rule in the West, which is why they are trying so hard to cover it up.

The troubles surrounding the Rothschilds and the British Royals are connected to the murder of NSA Agent Robert David Steele. The head of MI6 tells us Steele was murdered because he discovered…

John H

Discovered what?

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started___________  𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

John H

what were his crimes? did i miss the trial?

i mean , the guy’s an admiral. he has a right to a court date.

what were his crimes?

Mi ke

Use the search button. Did you read the article? Platt referred to his trial which SHOULD tell you he had a trial.

John H

Want to know the evidence of his crimes. I thought I missed the account of his trbunal. We still give people a chance to explain themselves before executing them. Likely he deserved what he got


Lake of Fire for you demon traitor.


That had to be quite the scene at the Pearly Gates when he arrived… lol


He’s not going there.


Okay then where?

John H

Yeah well we all deserve death for our sins, but for the Blood of Jesus, and His substitutionary death, burial and resurrection, and our faith and trust in Him, we would all go to perdition. have a little humility.
But thanks be to God and His Son Jesus Christ who has saved us from so great a death.

Last edited 6 months ago by John H

These perps ain’t in their right minds, that much is obvious.

Debate Judge

What an account of an admiral not only dealing with accepting his fate but also facing the dismantling of his reality: Biden is the President and there is a hierarchy of power from Biden. His reality did not compute from that arithmetic. Rear Admiral Michael Platt with his white uniform and many medals, each one earned and reason for pride, ego, and leadership awareness. In the picture, he even has a sword at his side. Then he calls to another admiral who will not honor him with a response. How he must have ignored the “misinformation.” He wouldn’t confess: “Me? An enemy combatant against the United States? Surely, a military tribunal cannot convict me of that, so I will choose that because I can survive that nonsense.”

Platt needed to know the case against Biden. Platt was not presented the case so he could have his fog lifted and contemplate better his choice of confession vs tribunal.

STILL, the white hats have not been able to present their case publicly. Platt is not the only one to refuse to accept being on the wrong side of right. Is it going to be that hard for others to accept the white hats version of reality? Is it going to be that hard for others to accept that the situation has gone way past the claim that Trump must be a racist because he didn’t side with dreamers? Is it going to be that hard for others to accept that Jan 6 did look like a revolt deserving incarceration?

“Surely the millions of people who have illegally crossed the border are well-meaning dreamers, too.” No, question that what we have now is a corruption of the pro-dreamer argument.

Keep score, Platt and others: the Hunter Biden laptop issue WAS important, Trump questioning Zelensky about Biden has turned out to be for good reason, the dossier turned out not to be a factual negative for Trump.So, walk back the impeachment and walk back some of that ungrounded dislike of Trump because reasons have been overturned.

Did Trump seductively whisper, “Get vaccinated.” It was not safe and effective, there have been adverse reactions.Billions of dollars spent on Ukraine would not have contributed to the trillions of dollars in debt we currently have.

Platt placed his loyalties and made a decision when he could not see, due to fog or lack of light on important issues. He honestly did not know, it seems to me. He was fully invested.

Last edited 6 months ago by Debate Judge

FYI: Trump promoted an entirely different shot, a mix of Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, & other genuinely effective ingredients. The DS is who did a big switcheroo on him, without his being informed nor consenting. Further, this became beyond his purview, not being a physician. There would have been lawfare along those lines had he kept Big Pharma from ‘helping’ people. Just for clarification, men have been tried & hanged for lying to the President about this matter.

Debate Judge

“Well, I got the Pfizer and I would have been very happy with any of them,” Trump told Yahoo Finance Live in a wide-ranging interview.
Sat., 10/2/2021 by Adam Shapiro, Anchor/Yahoo! finance

Last edited 6 months ago by Debate Judge

Like I am going to believe yahoo. Or Adam Shapiro.

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone. Here is I started__________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐬𝟏𝟐.𝐂𝐨𝐦


I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started________ waufooke.com/4/7263163

Last edited 6 months ago by kitty
Wanda yemm

I’ll be glad when they arrest the man that cause all of this Obama started it all it was his dad’s wishes for him to carry out what his dad felled to do. That man has hated our country from the very start. He went into the White house having less a million way less when he came out he had Billions of dollars now tell me why did they let him steal that much money from our country. For years we have set and watched these Presidents come into run our country and they let the American people do with out.Then they take our money that we all work for and give it to all these other countries and dont do anything for the American people. They let all these people bring drugs into our country to kill our kids all the law and the people in the White house do is take a cut out of their drug money .they arrest people out them in jail or prison an then feed them drugs in there. They don’t do anything to help these people reform. The only President that did not steal money from our country was Trump he was the only honest one we had in years.

Vincent Turner

I don’t think Ronald Reagan stole money from the US citizens.


It doesn’t look like the Admiral was fit to be Admiral ! He was mentally ill 🤒 in the beginning.


Easter is NOT just another Halloween, to collect snake eggs, or to show off rabbit ears, from the underworld (playboy-ped0filia-disney).

‘Let the children come to ME, and DO NOT hinder them…
Because Woe! from the one who prevents or diverts them, from the Purpose of their Life and the Will of God to them.
It would be better for him to hang a 1-ton millstone and throw it to the bottom of the sea, rather than fall into the Hands of the Living God!!!
Matthew 18

Holy Week is a time of Reflection in the Family and in the Christian Church; to become Conscious, in Repentance for the Forgiveness of our sins, before God-Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ-Resurrected and, by the Power of HIS Holy-Spirit. Matthew 22


My God, such a raving lunatic. I really feel sorry for all the personnel who have had to deal with him, and others like him. It’s like President Trump said, “These are very sick people”. I’m glad that Admiral is no longer with the living.

Willy 2.0

Bye Felicia


The darker the skin color, the darker the racism.

Truly, the communist freak was deranged by self-importance.

We could wager his ass burning in Hell, and easily win the wager.


Steely Dan

SIN is what Keeps us Separated from God…

Christ went to the Cross for us in FAITH, so that we would STOP SINNING…

Our Worst Betrayal EVER, is when we Continue to SIN with No END in Sight!

With Stocking Face, I bought a Gun, the Plan was Set, the Plan was Done…

Looked at my Watch and Started for the Door, Now the Food here ain’t so Good No More, and they Closed the Package Store…

Love Your Mama, Love Your Brother, Love ’em till they Run for Cover…


The most embarrassing day in the history of the United States Military was 26 August, 2021, when the incompetent satanic O’Biden Regime led the operation to remove U.S. forces from Afghanistan – tens of thousands overran the operation with many killed and we wound up leaving behind billions in U.S. assets.

And to date, the most embarrassing general/admiral officer in the history of the United States military has been this shameless, black, son of a shee-boon bitch named Michael Platt. Not only did he insist on following the orders of a satanic death cult, he disgracefully behaved in a manner unbecoming a common street gang member, much less that of an admiral in the U.S. armed forces. He has brought great shame on his race, on himself, and on the United States armed forces.

May his name live in infamy, humbling the black race to see the error of their incessant insistence on their anti-American hatred and also of their animalistic patterns of personal behavior more akin to a rabid dog than of gracious human beings.


And may the Lord God Yahweh continue to reveal the wicked, execute the wicked, and stop the wicked, from causing any further harm to America.


Doesn’t hurt to try to grasp the concept of a screen play and what is reported and what we think we see, maybe not be so. Not easy to tell either even if the proof seems to me right in your face. Nothing is what it seems and in this tech world it’s really nigh on impossible to tell what is and what is not. Hopefully much will be clarified in the coming videos.

Pork Wontons

Excellent points and a good reminder.

“You are watching a movie”. “You’ll love how this movie ends.”
Central Casting.” Many people in silicone masks and presented in CGI.

Only 20% of what is going on is revealed to us.


Well, some things ARE AS THEY SEEM. COme to Arizona and take a look. Another lady was attacked last night, in the grocery store parking lot……… this border invasion has brought in so many VIOLENT CRIMINALS. Just 2 weeks ago another lady was attacked and stabbed all over her body, while in a McDonald’s bathroom!!! She’s still in the hospital………………. there are so many VIOLENT crimes going on down here, due to katie hobbs, the cabal’s trafficking and biden doing everything to keep them coming in!


But the fact is since the 1960s blacks have been used as scapegoat to do the dirty work of the global elites.

There plan agenda was Interracial relationships, destruction of the normal caucasian families, decrease in IQ, destruction of moral and family values, the collaspe of American economy, takeover of sports, destruction of our youth with vulgarism rap, santanic, heavy metal music.

The biggest accomplishment these globalists elites psychopaths have done is enslaved all mankind with media propaganda lies non-stop.

Last edited 6 months ago by CD22

With djt as cic how did the withdrawl from afgan go so badly?


P.S. I can’t wait to hear the play by play tribunal of Merrick garland………………. God Bless you Michael, be well.


Biden cheered at Army+Navy game.

Well, maybe not exactly how the cheers went, but does sound/looks great, nevertheless.

truth is stubborn

Alteration. FJB has hapened at other sports games in past, but this was apparently a spoof overdub. You can see the original video further down in the text, in which it was “Let’s Go Army”.

Maybe they should have rendered it “Let’s Go Brandon” 😉


All Shills are hereby asked to write paragraphs instead of one line responses for the next 72 hours.

Then you can abbreviate again ..



My big brain hurt


For those of you that were not around during the Kennedy presidency, this video should be of interest to fellow Patriots. youtube.com/watch?v=tWxh2oS7Ays

Ann Ononomous

Is it possible all the drugs that were being brought into the country weren’t being given to these creatures for mind control all these years? It’s almost hard to believe a person can be that arrogant. It’s pretty much the same scenario every time one gets picked up and brought in. It seems like they all come in riding on their high horse, thinking they are invincible. But once the drugs wear off (or egos?), they figure out they’re really the 👹.


Here is the latest from C21, explaining what will happed when it all kicks off. Good to know so you are prepared, as best can be….

Part-1, Memory Vessel

Part-2 Memory Vessel


Between the scam ads and the first 5 minutes of filler words that ment absolutely nothing. I gave up.

truth is stubborn

If it takes somebody three minutes to actually get around to starting to say something, I’m probably not going to stick around for another half hour. People need to respect other people’s time.

If you want to outline a summary, feel free.


I know what you mean. It is painfully hard listening to the guy who is a very poor communicator. At least he is not swearing like he normally does, which is a big improvement.

The thing is, when you are digging for gold, you often have to get your hands dirty in shyte to find those nuggets. And these nuggets are worth a whole lot more than a few grams of gold, so I suffer on through the low grade grammar and ego stuff. And I am enriched:)


CR21 is full of Bullshizzle! Tell him to take his atheism and shuv it!


OFF-SUBJECT: Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., systems used in Maricopa and almost thirty states confirmed to have a built-in security breach enabling malicious actors to take control of elections, likely without detection. @GeneralMCNews


Yeah, and there is so much evidence out there now, but people who “won”, like Kari Lake, are NOT taking their rightful seat in the Governor’s office………. as an Arizona Voter, this concerns me greatly. All of those FAKE AUDITS, FAKE COURT APPEARANCES………………. WTH is going on??? This lady is an ELection Judge in Maricopa County and she’s been trying to EXPOSE THE STEAL…….. Her name is Michele Swineck, you can follow her on “X”.


That is the remarkable thing that is so hard to understand. These rigging machines and all the other evidence of schoolboy-level cheating (IN AMERICAN ELECTIONS – phew) and they just push on through without any proper response from Trump and the White Hat portion of the country.

Nearly four years and nothing has been visibly corrected. They still have those rigger voting machines in place, ready for the next farce. Why arn’t those machines rounded up and trashed? Why not a visit to the manufacturer? Why not all the state/government officials involved already processed through GTMO etc? And all those foot soldiers in the voting centres, and the cops in support, and the postal people that shipped in all those pre-voted chinese ballots; all the celebs celebbing, and all the MSM way out of control, etc etc etc – they all need some justice yet they all seem to be living on, without any fear of a tap on the shoulder.

And this is all going on in…. in America. Unbelievable. Where is Jack Bour and all the rest? Nothing! Just an odd report from GTMO.

All there is is Trump campaigning for the November Presidency. And even if they vote him in, the higher mob will refuse him:)))

It is so laughable, except it is mostly all true.


Domination sued the shit out of everyone who spread those lies. None of those machines are connected to the Internet.


Just a reminder that Barrack Hussein Obama, our first Muslim President and the current puppet master behind Joe Biden, is the founder of ISIS.

This is a Trump position as well.

When you remember that, it all makes much more sense.

Obama = ISIS.

Biden = ISIS


Last edited 6 months ago by MAGA100

Laura Loomer is also a 🏳️‍⚧️ NNNY!


Yeah, I hope they publicly hang him for all of the world to see. I loathe that man. There was a sweet young woman from Arizona that had gone to the middle east to help out on a humanitarian mission. ISIS kidnapped her, raped her for 1 1/2 years all while the parents were begging BARACK HUSSEIN to get their daughter back………… he not only refused, but he also said that THEY WERE NOT ALLOWED to even try to negotiate with ISIS. It was the sickest, saddest thing ever and for her to have to endure all of that torture for so long, only to have them finally CHOP OFF HER HEAD, but absolutely DISGUSTING. My heart went out to this family, as well as this young woman…………. MY GOD the ATROCITIES that killlary and hussein got away with. THey should have both been burned alive.


Obama only cared about himself.


Not only did he only care about himself, he found great pleasure in the harming of others…………………. he’s really sick. Evil and sick……. God only knows how many children he murdered………


I typed up a LONG REPLY to you, clicked on POST COMMENT, and now I don’t see it here?

truth is stubborn

MB has explained before that server caching can sometimes delay appearance of your post for up to an hour or so. So don’t panic.


Refresh your webpage (F5 key), and then, search for your comment.


All of us in Arizona mourned for this family. THis young lady. Kayla Jean Mueller (August 14, 1988 – February 6, 2015) was an American human rights activist and humanitarian aid worker from Prescott, Arizona, United States. She was taken captive in August 2013 in Aleppo, Syria, after leaving a Doctors Without Borders hospital. SHE WAS KIDNAPPED BY ISIS, raped and sodimized for 1 1/2 years all while hussein REFUSED to negotiate her release. NOt only did he refuse to help the family, he FORBID FOR THEM TO TRY AND NEGOTIATE WITH ISIS!!! IT was so disgusting. That poor young gal, 1 1/2 years of torture, only to end up having her head cut off………………. the atrocities of hussein and KILLARY are endless.

American Living in Canada

This is why the FUCKING EBS BETTER HIT THE AIR WAVES!!!! There was tons of cases of this shit going on… BUT THE FUCKING SCAM-MEDIA DIDN’T SAY A FUCKING WORD IN PRINT!!!



Fucking doesn’t exist dim wit


I agree………….. the list of atrocities, deaths and SUFFERING that has been inflicted on SO MANY, is beyond devastating……………..


Well Obama sent troops to Syria to fight them. And they’re still there.


You’re a person with two very different sides to ur personality, one good and the other evil: a real Jekyll and Hyde? – sometimes appearing to be a patriot, and at other times rude and obnoxious, attacking patriots & those who mention God. Mental illness. I thought you were demon possessed & seriously need help.


That is correct.

Obama, by the CIA, went in to Benghazi, to capture Gaddafi’s vast warehouses of weaponry and deliver it to,… ISIS, the sixth caliphate.

THAT is what the Benghazi coverup was all about.

Then, ISIS, under the training and backing, of the CIA, drove all over the Middle East, and Northern Africa, sawing [slowly] the heads off of little Christian boys and girls whose parents would not bow the knee to Allah.

THAT was what the Kenyan NIGGER did. And the trolls here have the utter GALL to throw rocks at Trump, myself, or any other righteous actor who is enraged by this.

In the name of *God,* justice is *here,* not soon. NOW.

Thank you Donald Trump. Thank you U.S. Marines. Thank you U.S. Navy. Thank you USSOCOM.

Note I did NOT say thank you U.S. Army or USAF. Your organizations have become blighted with satanic inference and anti Christian values. Repent of your ways lest ye fall like disgraced Michael Platt.

An Bolynn

Perhaps you should rethink Navy a little …….


Milei government approves $837 million purchase of sex change hormones for trans children, adolescents and adults.


That can’t be.

truth is stubborn

Yeah, I’m skeptical of this one too. In fact I’m suspicious of nearly anything in the MSM these days.


MSM = Mentally Stupid Minions.


Apparently, I haven’t made myself completely clear. BAX1 will not pull the plug on OWD. 🍿🍿🍿 It was a slow build up from being gone an entire year and coming back meaner and more ornery than ever.

Get your popcorn’ the greatest show on earth is about to begin. Sit back. Have a cocktail you’re all going to die anyways, you might as well have fun doing it. Keep your blood pressure low Michael Baxter’ continue to go missing for several days on end. Come back stronger like nothing unusual occurred and bleed these cash coughing coats of every dollar they have. Do a fucking CASHECTOMY. Pay no taxes, and identify as a democrat like I do. It’s a kick in the 💩 shit 👖 pants..

Oliver Wendell Douglas’
American Patriot

Last edited 6 months ago by PoopyPantsPennsylvaniaAve
David T

I knew that was you . . . Where is Buck Fiden?


it does ( seem ) that many RRN Poster’s co associate OWD with BF ….

Well they are two totally different individuals.

Perhaps, both prolific, obviously not the same.

It’s my understanding through semi reliable sources BF was arrested about 2 – 3 years ago for a hate crime in AZ regarding ( ding dong ditch ) where it was said; BF chased several teenagers down and beat them up. ( He also used a racial slur which upped the penalty. He was subsequently arrested and went to criminal court where he was sentenced by a judge.

Now, here’s the disclaimer: OWD doesn’t know more. OWD never met BF personally. And the entire tale / story could be completely fabricated? It might or not have happened in Scottsdale?

You should appreciate that – this has been pleasantly explained to you personally because OWD never had a dog in this fight or any other fight initially. OWD doesn’t start fights.

PPPA 💩👖🤮


You first. We’ll watch.


Oh’ so you’re s verified cuck. Sorry that’s not a fun position to be in.




⭕️ 🐷


Director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport Dies in Hospital After Getting Shot in the Head by ATF Agents – Questions Emerge Regarding Incident


There was a horrible Steven King (I know lol I already know) where an evil man was crash landed on an island with lots of coke and starved to death slowly eating himself to try to survive… very fitting for lots of these wall rammers. To this admiral… Lots of company thinking you were clean while you MADE us take your VAXX or not be allowed into the grocery stores or the hospitals which is Exactly what the nazis mind controlled, basicly Everybody they could sucker play, into doing to each other… now this guy couldn’t feel the nazism creep into his career, but it did in service to the avatar of treason and national death, obombanation. God have mercy. amen.

American Living in Canada

Feelin’ good, feelin’ right, it’s Saturday night,
The hotel detective – he was out-a-sight.
Now, these fine ladies, they had a plan,
They was out to meet the boys in the band.”

Grand Funk…

C’mon RRN…. let it loose… let it happen Captain.


I’m your Captain
I’m your Captain
And I’m feeling mighty sick
I’ve been lost now days uncounted
And I’m shaking my big dick


Watch for Russians. They’re biters

American Living in Canada

Eat Shit.


“C’mon RRN…. let it loose… let it happen Captain.”




Treasonous RINO Republicans are carrying out a planned sequence of resignations to deliver a House majority to Democrats BEFORE the November election, so that Dems are in charge of certifying or rejecting states’ electoral college votes. Dems will then carry out a treasonous maneuver to overthrow the United States of America, REJECT the will of the people, and prevent Trump from assuming office, while keeping their tyrannical, terroristic, dictatorial regime in power as long as possible. Another GOP RINO just resigned today, from Wisconsin: thehill.com/homenews/house…


Yeah, they are already making their moves………….. this is why it’s time for the MILITARY TO TAKE OVER and run the damn EBS……………. there is still too much that needs to be DONE and there should be NO MORE ELECTIONS UNTIL THE REPUBLIC IS RESTORED completely!

Surf Nazare

Question—Trumps properties—-How do you collect on properties that are not just owned by Trump—-Corporation—-Partnerships—you get the picture—–It is all a con—-Convicted of no crimes and supposed to collect on properties he owns—-or not in his name.

I got trashe4d on my past posts but explain to me—-All you brilliant people that can’t see the hole in the ground right in front of you—This is all one big play and you are the audience. poor Donald no money what is he going to do—–Then all of a sudden he has the money but says he wont pay it—The courts have a better chance of getting his cash then selling his properties that are probably not even in his name —-Protection/taxes/being sued—what would you do if you were a mega property/business owner—–he has filed bankruptcy before and that was on certain properties—not in his personal name but corporate—–wake up and smell the coffee—–Cry for poor Donald

It is free advertising—-and as I said it is ingenious and most are suckers believing all this—–Even the news said this would get hm elected now—

J Bill



Today is Saturday March 23, 2024, and Joe Biden STILL is not my president. Donald Trump is my President. Sorry not sorry.


It’s ok to live in your reality as long as you don’t force it on others.


Biden may be President (illegitimate), but Trump in CIC!


Still wrong. Ask any marine friend you know.


alread have. they agree Trump is CIC.


You’re lying. I have family in the service. You’re a Russian troll.


The hemp rope will be your reality soon enough.


Hopefully your evil will be delt with.


you are the evil invading this site.


Someone how has to watch you blood thirsty nut jobs.


not sorry but sorry


Boring C U N T

erase the slate

translation,, cant understand normal thinking…

Last edited 6 months ago by erase the slate

Every one who hangs have no remorse. No soul .


Correct, no one got hung.


Hang em high!

See: ‘Hang ‘em High,’ Clint Eastwood’s best movie ever made.

Last edited 6 months ago by EdBob

You do understand it is a movie with a 🍿popcorn induced act three. Do not try and adjust your computer. You’re being roller coastered into a film that really should not have ever been produced.

It’s a Democratic ending where absolutely nothing significant occurs except you’ve all nutted and lived the wet dream fantasy.



do u smear poop on yer balls when nutting or?


Funny you say that PussyPants. I just visited Pensacola NAS, home of the US Navy JAG HQ, today and things I saw absolutely 110% confirmed Real Raw News is entirely legitimate.

You know, the same JAG that is hanging all of your pussypoop friends on a daily basis.


No you didn’t. Stop fibbing


you forget, you guy are the liars.


You’re the one living in an alternative reality


You’re either a Russian troll or you’re delusional. Either way you’re spreading lies.


And NO PEACE to you, pussypants – not to you, your extended family, your friends, or to any of your descendants.

You are cursed by my God Yahweh and you will see it come to pass all the remaining days of your life.


Bless you cursed one…




Yeah he is a racist pig. So are many on this site. I say hang them high


This is why you’re evil. Go eat Russian dick mf


Thanks, OWD

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


…convicted of Treason…”for aiding and abetting the criminal Biden regime.” Is such an act even possible?? or is this an incremental deployment of Mr. Baxter’s signature deadpan humor? Seems very possible, since any allegiance to a fake, non-existent regime must itself be fake. right?

It all leads one to conclude of two mutually exclusive possibilities:

  1. The man is a white-hat actor, directed to play a bad guy, or
  2. He’s dumber than a box of rocks, and nobody caught him until now.

Michael, Blackhat is trolling




stfu satanist


Eat my mom’s cornbread


Hi Michael,

Do you know the truth about King Charles & Princess Kate both getting cancer?

truth is stubborn

If he doesn’t reply, is the story that they were forced into it or something? I can’t imagine they ignorantly took the real jab and just got the turbocancer effect.


they are BOTH closet SATANISTS…duh

truth is stubborn

Possible but not proven. They might take chances when they bring in outsiders like Kate, look how things went south with Diana of Wales.

Not of major concern to our Republic either way, but the cancer diagnoses were Ruby’s original topic.

Last edited 6 months ago by truth is stubborn

I read rumors that both were to be sacrificed, to what purpose was not part of the rumors.


Making the way clear for William


Last edited 6 months ago by Atlanta

That could be the reason for the rumored sacrifice of both.


Well that was satisfying.

jan hoff

Your writing style is one of attention to factual detail, controlled humor and inflections of pathos. Your vocabulary is top-notch and is not the drivel of the ordinary. I salute you and always look forward to each article not just for just current events, but for the stylistic components that galvanize your place in history as a top-notch writer. I am humbled by your consummate talent, sir. Thank you always.


His writing style is reminiscent of the Brothers Grimm. It’s all a fairy tale

truth is stubborn

Much better narratives than that.


If RRN was a fairy tale, you wouldn’t be here…


Your like a bot. “If RRN was a fairy tale, you wouldn’t be here…” your so stupid you don’t realize it would be in MSM if it was real. IF YOUR MOMMA ABORTED YOU, YOU WOULDN’T BE HERE. SHUT THE FUCK UP!


like a bot speaks truth

David T

Correct, not a single one of the FBI fed trolls would be here if this site were not true. Great call yet again, Qball59.

Comet Ping Pong

Jan got a thesaurus for Christmas.


sorry but i dont think MB writes very well; tons of mispelled, apparently MB doesnt even bother to REREAD his reports BEFORE posting here…how TF did he even GET this job??? WHY CANT THE W.HATS FIND A R.E.A.L. REPORTER???????????


He doesn’t have to. You eat it up regardless


Don’t you know in these times of covert actions against the enemy, misspellings have hidden meanings?


No. No one does. Misspelling is a sign of low intelligence

truth is stubborn

I think he does write well. You don’t have to have flawless orthography to do that, and sometimes for your own reasons you want to upload stuff in haste. I think for content – both in material and style – he does very credibly, and I appreciate it.

You call in a “job,” but it’s not one in the orthodox sense, it’s apparently a blog of his own creating, give him credit for it, far harder than a 9-5.

And b*tch b*tch b*tch, whine whine whine, kvetch kvetch kvetch. He’s probably the right man for the job, and he takes it seriously. I trust you don’t think some DS zombie from the MSM like the NYT or Atlantic is up to a task like this after selling his or her soul for years, right?

P.S. For the record, you’re carping about spelling in a post in which you yourself accidentally omit the word “words”, goof spacing, and drop an apostrophe? I see.

Last edited 6 months ago by truth is stubborn

Hey Truth…As much as I enjoy your posts I want you to know that you had me confused with Kay Mitchell about the Alts. business. Please check out Nov 28th & Nov 29th of 2023 for the responses that Kay Mitchell wrote about the Alts. I replied to her, also. No way would I diss MB. I’ve replied to you several times but I can’t get on this site due to time constraints. Hopefully this will clear it up for you when you read what she wrote. Thanx!

truth is stubborn

Correction always appreciated, pardon the goof 🙂


Upvoted you and of course some other person removed it.


MB gets SICK every few weeks, then his weeklong family problems, really no excuse for not ATLEAST checking his fuckn writing before pasting… this is WAY MORE then a 1 man reporting job, WHY CANT the whitehats afford to hire atleast a proven whitehat pro- reporter like jesse waters or any number of vetted socialmedia warrior reporters..
it just DOESNT MAKE SENSE letting MB bottleneck WH GITMO intel


Why don’t you write it? Shit.



MB only writes and releases what he is allowed to write and release.

This is an all out asymmetric WAR, and news releases are obviously only allowed at a small trickle.

We should be thankful we get that much. The military is not obligated to provide us any updates at all due to OPSEC.

truth is stubborn

It’s always nice to agree on points at least occasionally.


No, most honest media is not up to the task of lying and deceiving elderly, disabled and mentally challenged people. Their conscience prevents it. This is a man who made a conscious decision to create a fictional blog and connive people out of their money. He sits at home laughing as he counts his donations and tries his best to suppress whatever is left of his morality


lol! Liked the “PS” comment!


How would you know?? Your writing is a mess.

Karen B

Amen! Me too.👍🤗💙

John .S

“…detainees on death row received suitable rations”, those bastards deserve my wife’s garlic bread, that will fix them.


They say in life, we get what we deserve.. Hahaha.. Be nice to your wife..

John .S

This is what my gumada makes me.



bread is unhealthy TRY KETO


Hmm, you going to eat that?

American Living in Canada

Too bad garlic is not good for your dog… still… God Bless your Wife for putting up with you.. Brother…

American Living in Canada

“Cowboys are special with their own brand of misery
From being alone too long
You could die from the cold in the arms of a nightmare
Knowin’ well that your best days are gone
Pickin’ up hookers instead of my pen
I let the words of my years fade away
Old worn-out saddles, and old worn-out memories
With no one and no place to stay

My heroes have always been cowboys”

Willie Nelson….

“Cowboys ain’t easy to love and they’re harder to hold.
They’d rather give you a song than diamonds or gold.
Lonestar belt buckles and old faded levis,
And each night begins a new day.
If you don’t understand him, an’ he don’t die young,
He’ll prob’ly just ride away.

Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
Don’t let ’em pick guitars or drive them old trucks.
Let ’em be doctors and lawyers and such.
Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
‘Cos they’ll never stay home and they’re always alone.
Even with someone they love.

Cowboys like smokey old pool rooms and clear mountain mornings,
Little warm puppies and children and girls of the night.
Them that don’t know him won’t like him and them that do,
Sometimes won’t know how to take him.
He ain’t wrong, he’s just different but his pride won’t let him,
Do things to make you think he’s right.

Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
Don’t let ’em pick guitars or drive them old trucks.
Let ’em be doctors and lawyers and such.
Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
‘Cos they’ll never stay home and they’re always alone.
Even with someone they love.”

Waylon Jennings…

American Living in Canada

The lyrics for “Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys” were written by Ed Bruce and his wife Patsy Bruce. The song was performed by Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson, and it became a significant hit for them.

John .S

Believe it or not, I know Willie who knows how to cook Korean, Gong Kwon Rice, I tasted his food years back, gave me agita.

Surf Nazare

you got me laughing John

Vash the Stampede

You can attend church all your life, call yourself pious and give a facade of being a Christian… But if you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will be sent to a devil’s Hell and perish for all eternity former Admiral Pratt.


Not everyone believes that.


You dont have to.

But you do have to go to hell for not believing it.


Not go to hell we are at the cusp or one ofthe levels now . Since I was a child I believed in jesus and accept him as my lord and savior always. Who wants to live in a world of Satanic sufferring just for a short pitance of wealth and power. Life is short or it can be eternal .


there IS no hell except for earth


God, I Hate agreeing with you.


Hell is other people


Oh, pullease. You don’t have any proof for that.


I assume you are Jewish. God sent himself to earth as the Son, Jesus. He was sent specifically to the Jews to bring salvation to the Jewish/Hebrew people at that time. Few of the Jews believed Jesus to be God in the flesh and did not accept what God had offered. The gift of Salvation through Christ was offered to people outside of the Jewish beliefs. Surely you know the story of how the Jewish/Hebrew people rejected Christ. The Almighty has said there is only one way to spend eternity with Him. That way, that path is Jesus, there is no other.


Right, DZ, but you are talking to a hardened Talmudic! Let the dead bury themselves!


Certainly true. It’s not Paul we must follow.🌵


God hath given every man a measure of faith. You either use it or not. Your call.


So everyone who don’t believe in Jesus. Automatically dies? Good thing christians are dictators.


People die whether they accept Christ or not. All people die.
There are 2 destinations for the soul at death. Those accepting Jesus as their Lord & Savior, their soul ascends to join Jesus in eternity. Those that die without the gift of salvation, their soul decends to spend eternity with Satan


And it is appointed once unto men to die, but after that, the judgement.

truth is stubborn

Interestingly, not all Christians now agree on this, people started questioning the rationality of literalism and eternal damnation over a century ago.

Pascal has competition for his wager, and even the premises no longer really make sense.

You don’t have to agree either, but it wouldn’t hurt to look at your beliefs from a distance.


Those that don’t will regret later. NCSWIC


That’s why you will be burning in a furnace with Moloch, the god of the j000000000$!


Totally your choice. Vash is speaking to those who do.


Who is your great high priest Pzippo for you once a year sin offering?


Jesus became the veil the moment God rent the veil twain from top to bottom. Notice, not bottom to top as in the case of an earthquake.


Jesus is the perfect lamb without blemish offered up for the sins of the whole world once and for all. But it gets better! He rose on the 3rd day to prove he was God robed in the flesh. He is the Great High Priest who knew no sin, but instead willingly laid down his life and spilled his atoning blood for all man kind. Because blood was always required by God for sin, but he had no sin! He can be your Great High Priest right now Pzippo! Because in case you have not noticed, Israel does not have one. After he rose on the 3rd day he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve, then over 500 saw him before he ascended into the clouds where he sits at the right hand of God until his enemies are made a footstool. He’s coming back Pzippo! And this time He will rule with an iron fist!


It was always intended that the Christ would become the veil to the holiest of holies in a new and living way not made by hands! The new temple is our bodies! The moment you believe, Jesus enters into it. He lives in us! When he ascended, he promised that the Comforter would come. The Holy Ghost came and filled the disciples and those that believed He was the Christ! The believer today is comforted by the Comforter or Holy Ghost inside our temple not made with hands! Our body is that Temple! We will still sin and God expects that. But now we confess that sin (hourly if need be) and we have a Great High Priest or mediator between Us and the Father. We have access to the Father only because of the Son (our sinless Great High Priest) who washes our sins white as snow by covering it with his atoning blood! It was and is God’s perfect plan to redeem us back to the broken relationship with the Father that was lost by Adam’s sin in the garden when he ate of the forbidden fruit. That sin caused man to fall into a condemned state. But Jesus came as the Christ/Messiah to correct that by spilling his atoning blood for Us!!! Believe it and you too are covered by his blood and washed clean in the eyes of the Father! The blood sacrifice is enough to satisfy God and restore that broken relationship Adam once enjoyed. “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” I apologize for Mia-spelling your name Tzippo!


That is what the Passover represented. They would prepare the perfect lamb without spot or blemish and put aside the spilled blood in a basin. Then take hyssop and dip it in the blood and put it on the lintel and door posts. It is a perfect picture of Jesus. God was showing the Jewish people what was to come. Jesus or Messiah/Christ would spill his blood and Passover those that had the blood! You can have that Passover by believing that Jesus was the Christ and it is his atoning blood that saves us!


Children trafficked in tunnels!

Dennis Blair

That is the truth!


My husband called himself a Christian for the simple reason that he wasn’t a Muslim or other religion AND grew up in England, a once Christian country. Recently he tried to OD on some pills the Dr gave him.. Luckily for him, I realised almost immediately what he had done and called an ambulance. That and the fact he has a pacemaker is the only reason he is still alive bcos it was the pacemaker that kept his heart beating initially.. The experience he had while he was “unconscious” convinced him, and those who have ears to hear, that there is a devil and there is a God..
He saw himself in a dark place where a river of fire with skulls and bones in it was flowing past him and someone was trying to push him in.. He said he started praying the “Lord’s Prayer” and he started floating up out of that place. He says he says the “Lord’s Prayer” everyday now.. He is still in hospital..
All I have to say, is thank God for old time education in Schools bcos that is where he learned that Prayer..

Last edited 6 months ago by Margaret

Our father who art in heaven hallow be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it tis in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our trespasses and we forgive those that tresspass against us and lead us not into temptation. Amen
Please forgive those who have sinned whom have committed attrocities against humanity Thank you Jesus for all you have endured to save mankind watch over us and give us strength in many ways and for the white hats whom are fighting the good fight. Amen


oops and deliver us from evil amen.

Karen B

“…but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen”………….
…….you forgot to type the rest.😇🙌💫💓


sorry your hub sounds like an idiot loser, why not -DUMP- HIM ??


Maybe he’s Jewish? JK.

American Living in Canada

Had several occasions where something stepped in and helped me out… quite a few prayers were answered also.

Keep’in the faith and roll’in with the changes up here..

God Bless ya all.


I too once was lost. I was in college, in the 80’s, living like hell. The end of those ways was darkness and I cried out to God to save me. He did. He filled my life with goodness, purpose. I was no longer alone. He showed me many great things. I try to share them here. Maybe one or two will hear, and fear and turn. Even those who are so decrepit, I truly hope you turn. You really do not want to go to hell.


You’re still very very lost.

Lassie come home lost.




Karen B



Marge, I do have a soft side’ but I don’t believe your post. Without divulging anything else, your husband was weak when he tried to off himself. I hope you understand that you did well by temporarily saving him. He might let go any moment. You should prepare yourself and make final plans, for I don’t see any happy endings here whatsoever. I’m truly very sad about this situation.



The Church was infiltrated by Satan, too, like all the other areas of influence. Who knows what he was taught?


as 30 pence….


This what Christians say to each other to politely say, ” your going to hell.”


Yahshua is the Beginning & the End. Not Saul’s.




I’ll be nice today, as I’m in a great mood.

1) RRN doesn’t owe you anything.

2) RRN releases only what the military allows them to, WHEN the military allows them to.

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started__________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

M Ash

They are so fullof demons! Any innocent, normal person, even if falsely accused, would not act so bizarrely.

Ellen T

It’s unbelievable to witness!




The Renault used by the terrorists was bought with cash Jan 04,2024. What else happened then? Well, Wonder Gal Victoria Nuland announced that “Russia should expect Nasty Surprises”. Meanwhile, (President-in-Hiding) Obama privately met with UK PM Rishi Sunak in London March 18 this year. The last time he went to London was April 2016. On March 07, the US and UK warned of a possible terrorist attack in Russia. Putin has acknowledged that the car was escaping through Ukraine when caught. MARCH MADNESS.


You’ve been crying wolf here for 2.5 years. Don’t you get tired of only hearing an echo?



The Truth hurts, doesn’t it OWD?

truth is stubborn

And they now appear to have caught at least 3 if not 4 perps, mercenaries iirc possibly tied to Ukraine. That “nice surprises” quote by Nuland, now detained per RRN, is quite interesting, sort of like pseudoBiden’s threats against the Nordstreams.

The JAG should do the Russians some favors and extradite her evil ass over to them. Oh to read a transcript of those interrogations.

Last edited 6 months ago by truth is stubborn