Chelsea Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 2


Day 1 of Chelsea Clinton’s military tribunal had ended abruptly when her lawyer, Clinton Foundation attorney Robert S. Harrison, excused himself from the proceedings to take, what he said, was an urgent telephone call that could reshape the outcome of the trial, purportedly to Chelsea’s benefit. When the tribunal resumed Wednesday morning, however, Harrison entered the courtroom with a grim frown on his sleepless face. He sat beside a hand-cuffed Chelsea Clinton, who had smiled as he approached, and whispered something in her ear. Her grin turned suddenly dark, and she hung her head as Harrison apologized profusely to the commission for having interrupted witness testimony the day before.

“I take it your ‘new evidence’ didn’t pan out,” Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall said of Harrison’s alleged mysterious phone call.

“Neither my client nor I accept the legality of this tribunal, but for what it’s worth, I am sorry for the delay,” Harrison said.

“I take it they’ll be no further delays,” Rear Adm. Crandall replied.

“Only if I must,” Harrison said. His brusque tone clearly illustrated contempt and a palpable, personal enmity toward Rear Adm. Crandall.

Marc Mezvinsky returned to the stand, and Rear Adm. Crandall asked him to recount his early days as Chelsea Clinton’s husband.

“At first it was wonderful, blissful, serene. We were in love. We never fought. We did everything together. I got along smashingly with her parents, and she with mine. It really seemed like a marriage made in heaven and I was looking forward to spending my whole life with her,” Mezvinsky said.

Rear Adm. Crandall asked Mezvinsky to clarify what “at first” meant.

“About 9 months into our marriage everything changed. This sweet woman became a bossy bitch. It was like a light switch had been flipped—”

Harrison sprung to his feet, unceremoniously objecting that his client’s demeanor was not on trial.

“What is this? Are you charging Chelsea Clinton with being nasty and bossy? This is outrageous,” Harrison said.

“This is a military tribunal, Mr. Harrison, you have no authority to object,” Rear Adm. Crandall admonished him.

“Then I renew my objection, on the grounds that my client is not and never was a member of the United States military, and therefore cannot be charged for any crime in this venue,” Harrison barked.

Rear Adm. Crandall’s eyes narrowed, and he instructed two Marines who were guarding the chamber doors to eject Harrison from the courtroom. Harrison protested, decrying the tribunal an “indecorous den of depravity,” as the Marines expelled him and locked the courtroom doors.

Rear Adm. Crandall addressed Chelsea: “Your advocate has bad legal decorum. I hope you, at least, understand the severity of the charges against you.”

For the first time, Chelsea Clinton spoke. “I refuse to speak.”

“All the better,” Rear Adm. Crandall quipped. “Please continue, Mr. Mezvinsky.”

Mezvinsky elaborated on how Chelsea had rapidly metamorphosized from a loving wife into a spitting image of her mother, a foul-mouthed hag whose niggling and incessant demands eroded his dignity and moral compass.

“I was told by Chelsea and Hillary that if I wanted to be with Chelsea, I’d have to participate in the family business,” Mezvinsky said.

“On the surface, aiding the Clinton Foundation in its legal business,” Mezvinsky said.

“And beneath the surface?” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

“I methodically destroyed any evidence that linked the Clintons to a child-trafficking ring that Hillary was in charge of and Chelsea participated in. I know it was wrong, but I loved her and blindly did whatever it took to keep her,” Mezvinsky said.

He claimed Chelsea, under her mother’s tutelage, had overseen the abduction of hundreds of children in the United States and Haiti.

“I want to cooperate, Mr. Crandall, but I have a splitting headache. I know you don’t want delays, but is it possible to continue tomorrow?” Mezvinsky asked.

Rear Adm. Crandall seemed to deliberate the question. “In the interest of cooperation, I’ll grant the request, and we’ll resume Thursday at 8:00 a.m.”

Note: I’m a day behind in getting reports, so will update as soon as possible.

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Where do these people find these lawyers… They all seem like bumbling buffoons.



President Trump Cheers On Atlanta Braves With “Tomahawk Chop” At World Series Game 4
~The Gateway Pundit
October 30, 2021 at 9:59pm

Deb S

Melania looking hot at the game:


As Biden soils his pants.
Now thats priceless

Victoria Flood

Chelsea is almost pure draco lizard. A hybrid of human and non human, who was taught from childhood to be a high satanic witch by Hillary. There is some speculation that the original Chelsea was sacrificed because it wasn’t evil enough, and this one was cloned up. The cabal had big plans for this “Mother Of Darkness”. Now she will be heading for the abyss where Hill and Bill await her.


I think we’re going to need a bigger boat .

Buck fiden

Victoria Flood knows about boats and Noah’s Ark.


One man who underwent an NDE (Near Death Experience) went briefly to hell and he was under attack by horrendous creatures – but there was no one he knew there.
She will be alone.

Last edited 2 years ago by Guest4579
Deb S

Happy 4th anniversary to

Drop 25

“Proof to begin 11.3”

Drop 26

“The only way is the military”

Drop 32

“Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn.”

Four years later and still #soon


do so little debbie…..

Buck fiden

Trust the Plan.
The Patriots are in Cuntrol.



“COVID vaccines are very good. Here’s how using your nose might make them better”

“COVID vaccines have been incredibly effective at preventing serious illness and death, but some scientists say there’s room for improvement. The answer may reside in your nostrils.”

How Sick is this……


old news…any news about gruesome…


With our paid content plan quickly approaching, please let us know if you would rather have all of the stories up at once and you pay for what you want to read on a story by story basis or if we just go flat rate per month. Mike likes the idea of the micro transactions but I don’t think we should give you part one of a story and ask you to pay for part 2 and 3 etc.
remember that your vote counts here and we want to hear from you about how we move forward.
Ted – Site Administrator



Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

I think it’s a great idea . Do you have a better one ?


Zee is angry because her insane troll posts is what prompted the internal discussions between me and Mike. The last thing Mike needs is to worry about money and read Zee’s insane ramblings. Mike actually calls Zee a “blinkered barmy”.

Buck fiden

The progressive elites wish that each American pay her fair share. Since we should all agree to contribute to Zhou Biden’s benevolent government for every kilometre we drive, wouldn’t it also behoove us to pay per byte we write in our comments at RRN? It’s only fair. Hadji is starving in India and we need to do our part.


is anyone knows what really happend when “jb” met with “pope”???…..please..


It went well . Both are still with God .

Buck fiden

Uh, the Pope gets a bj?


Bishop Vigano wrote a letter and it was deleted,already.

Air man

It’s time for Zuckerberg to take a long vacation. His new company name means DEATH in Hebrew.

Angel Askew

That brazen ego on full display.
They are mocking all of us.


Zuckerberg needs a one way ticket to guantanimo military tribunal for reevaluation and to conclude which way he should be executed..


Mortgage means death pledge. The more you know…

Buck fiden

The only thing I admire about Fuckerberg is that he dresses down. He wears the same chartreuse thrift store quality T-shirt wherever he goes. I find that inspiring, coming from a billionaire.

Terminally deplorable

First degree murder is usually aggravated and premeditated, not an accident. The Baldwin story stinks. What does the sherriff know that we dont know?




Another date ! Nothing will happen !


I see Exile on permanent vacation, banned from all social media. Sent to deep underground military bases for
Reprogramming and shape shifting. After you have been neutralized, you will become… Soilant Green.


A novel idea . Thank you for your attention to this matter . When something happens I will concede .

Buck fiden

You Wildcats truly suck! You lost to USC last night!! Now your season record is ZERO-AND-EIGHT!!! Hahaha!

Buck fiden

I’m ready to vote for Trump! See you at the polls!


Where? What is this organized FOR?


Its a March for freedom for ALL, worldwide every City, every Country. Follow Hungary’s lead, say; NO TO THE LGBTQ idiots and to their stupid world order bitch’s behind the scene. Its time to expose these dolts and let them know “We Know”, we know who they are where there are, who gives them all their money and who supports them the most,….and what their plans are. Its time to shut them down – of course peacefully because they want an excuse to become violent themselves.
WE cannot allow the “Brain” & “Blinky’s” to take over the world.

Irish Girl

So…this may be as vulgar and unseemly as a troll – but I can’t help myself. I saw a post on Gab that called FJB’s “outburst” with the pope a “Vatican Steamer“.
Is it true? Did our most-popular president poop at the Vatican?


Yes he did.

Terminally deplorable

I am here to improve my English, and it works.

Irish Girl

This made me smile. 🙂


I must say, that you are coming right along.

Buck fiden

Your English is ausgezeichnet!


did he really SH*TTED …all over?????


Everybody poops. There is even a book about it.


Not to mention 2 previous “misfires” also mentioned on daily mail.

Deb S

Oh so now y’all believe me? Lmaooooooooooooooo

Said that last week


Leaving this video from a whistleblower giving names,dates,documented evidence as I found interesting its date and what he said about a virus appearing in 2017 that,if it happened,would confirm to many people (who didn´t had opportunity to read and research other evidence)what has been planned for us.

Deb S

Oh wow thanks. I too can find shit where someone says something will happen in the future and tie it to today’s events. See q

Buck fiden

Hey roundeye. I come LA. Soon we go wessminnsah eat pho (pronounced “fuck” without the final ‘k’ sound).


Everything was set into motion many many years ago, in fact inch by inch day by day ever since they killed JFKjr. And once the killed him thats when they started to make their latest move before that, they tried just before Adolph Hitler came into power. Think Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc. You’ll soon see it.
Most of this you can still find on Bitchute, its being exposed once again. Each day a little different info comes out, but backups are out in other places once they start taking people down again. You’ll have to find the right channels though because there are a lot of losers that occupy your time where you need to focus, they are a distraction like the trolls on rrnews are.
Stay tuned, it gets much worse and more intense as we expose these demonic entities for who and what they are.
They are fighting us “bigtime each day and each day we put them in their place.

Chris Russ

What channel posted??

Deb S

The one called “these nuts” lmaooooooooooooooo

Terminally deplorable

You can make DebS out of b o f a, baut you cant get b o f a out of DebS.

Last edited 2 years ago by Terminally deplorable
Chris Russ

Surprised nobody has commented on the forthcoming stories for today. MB announced the whistleblower from the CDC admits the 25K deaths by the vaccine, he will be named.

The Army’s medial tests reveal 5,000 or less deaths caused due to COVID only symptoms. 98% of them had comorbidities and all were over the age of 28.

Looking forward to the article/s

Deb S

Cry more snowflake Lmaooooo

Last edited 2 years ago by Deb S
Chris Russ

Break your stupid pills in half, you are overdosing.

Buck fiden

>> Break your stupid pills in half, you are overdosing.

I’m using that line!!

Deb S

It’s such a boomer insult tho

Buck fiden

Boomers are currently the generation needing prescriptions, so it works!

Buck fiden

Not funny. The got me on so much shit I should have a port installed. At least they let me use the laptop. Same thing in prison: they give you privileges so you have something to lose and motivation to cooperate (within reason).

Deb S

Looks like your premature celebration shows you’re premature with multiple things


Terminally deplorable

I think we have a new b o f a here. Russel is dead.

Last edited 2 years ago by Terminally deplorable

suchi ???

Buck fiden

All three are the same.


Perhaps you & buck can find a room someplace.


Sorry Chris, my bad I meant somebody else.

Buck fiden

Female or male “Chris”?


He was discussing his arrest on Good Morning America this morning.


Michael, has Gavin Newsom been nabbed by the military? (I hope, I hope.) He suddenly pulled out of a conference. “The Democrat leader cited “family obligations,” though he did not elaborate on those obligations.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Guest4579
Terminally deplorable

An urgent case of trick or treating?


Important satanic dates today and tomorrow

Deb S

Nope lmaooooooooooooooo


surprise halloween ..visit????

Paul Frehley

GET FAUCI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Terminally deplorable

FREE WILLI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Corrections to understanding the Bible maybe?

This war is absolutely against Ba’al! That is why Israel is last. Israel is the home of the Ba’al lineage. 

The man you think of as Christ is not one of the Ba’al King’s son. It is not the image we think of as Christ. Check this out. ebhDOTclub…. This is the last supper super imposed. This was painted by Da Vinci and this is how they would send messages to one another in the secret societies. Who do they worship? Ba’al, and this is Mary Magdalene but really I think its Lilith who was known as the Rose. That is who Ba’al married. This is Ba’al’s court and his army leaders. I think we have been lied to big time. Stay with me, this is going to get good.

Who are we at war with? NWO, Cabal, Cain, Chimera Group, DS, Illuminati controllers and Khazarans. All of which are in Israel. How do they control the population? Its through disease and sickness. Where are their labs? In Wuhan. Who else is in Wuhan? Li another bloodline from the Lizard Queen. What do they use: Black Magic deadly poisons they call Western Medicine. Lilith (Isis), not Mary Magdalene

There were two Chistos type people on the planet. Both came from the Pleiadian star system. They were the Essenes in your Bible. They were the gentle teachers that came to earth to help create a “golden” path to the Ascension pathway. They showed the light to enter the Kingdom of God. Basically, to return home so we could integrate our Light Bodies with the Biological bodies.



What a bunch of garbage . It has nothing to do with the real world . By the way Trump is at the World Series game in Atlanta .

Deb S

That website gave me cancer

Terminally deplorable

You died already 3 times.

Deb S

Twice actually

Angel Askew



He’s in a restaurant in Vermont with his wife . Real pictures and all .

Terminally deplorable

Did he have a mask on this time?. If not, GITMO.

Irish Girl

So a 757 from Andrews AFB landed at Gitmo this afternoon. Why would a jet with this capacity (passengers or cargo) be going to Gitmo on a Saturday afternoon?
I doubt it’s to trick or treat.


500,000 Arrests involved in the DURHAM investigation


Soon ? Imminent?

Buck fiden

Like a bad penny, Z returns.

Terminally deplorable

Is that enough?

Deb S

Definitely 500k and nobody notices nor leaks the story lmaooooooooooooooo

Buck fiden

That’s a lot of people to cram onto one airplane. Were they all chinks?


They change personnel at the end of the month . Some arrive and some leave .


Yes! That is why Mike said there will be a story delay.


gruesome /fasci ?????


Mr.Baxter…Friday ..DRAMA….please..

Buck fiden

Huh-huh, huh-huh. Hey Beavis! He said abr—-

Buck fiden

Did the Queen die?

Terminally deplorable

She bugged us long enough.

Angel Askew

I think she’s just avoiding the Biden freak show and possible Halloween chaos?




Mr. Baxter ?? Is Mezvinsky ..on the metal table already ????


Well I thought we find out today what happened on day 3 of the Chelsea Clinton Tribunal. Apparently something happened and it got delayed?

Deb S

Yes: reality

John S.

Waiting on Cuomo news. Gates started the month, anticipate Cuomo finishes it.

Members of ‘law society’ know that “The Law Sleeps on Sunday” [Oct 31], whereas at GITMO matters are subject to change.

Cuomo’s halloween earthly exit via White Hats is poetic upon a Satanic Ritual Day.

Hmm, hung Saturday at 11:5x PM, pronounce dead at midnight.

Wouldn’t be surprised if Crandall says: “Trick or Treat”, as que to open trapdoor, LoL.


Cuomo was charged in NY with groping and they had no problem finding him.

Patriot Level


Maybe Chris coumo. But you can not be executed twice. ANDREW HAS BEEN REWARDED.

Deb S

I died twice. Why not him?

J Bill

Try harder next time. Three time’s a charm.


Johny…you are funny…


“I object!”.. “Sit down ,This is military time. There are no BS delays here!. Guards, Get him out of here!” LOL Love it!!

Deb S

Almost like it’s catered to you, right?


Michael, speaking of this guy being Soros’ nephew. Isn’t Soros himself in custody?


Soros Halloween surprise…and without mask…HMMMMMM


Halloween 🎃 would be fitting…


Which one?

Deb S

Nope he still pays me directly


a headache is a flimsy excuse to delay something this important.


Maybe Crandall is smelling a rat and is quietly checking this out. He’s not stupid.

live oak

Good point! Maybe we’ll hear very soon…Sunday or Monday?

Terminally deplorable

The anniversary of the electiom fraud would be a good milestone.

Hanging with matty

So my question is: with all the flowery prose written in to these articles, are they writing these up for you, Baxter? Or, are they handing u an audio log?

Help me understand, understand how these picturesque court room drama tales are being created…who’s writing the prose:
U, Baxter…?? Or are they transcripts…?

There seems to be quite a creative sense of writing style, and I’m wondering where it’s coming from: actual court transcripts and audio file and you embellished on them…or did someone just ring u up on the telephone and tell you, and then u were able to somehow recreate the information in ur specific writing style?


I don’t expect in all honesty that MB will use HRC’s famous answer when she appeared before congress after the Benghazi incident. I do expect him to craft some flowery response with help from Hollywood’s screen writers guild imho.


Michael and I have discussed this situation often. Studies have shown that our average readers have a 3rd grade vocabulary. Michael throws in larger words with the hope that people will actually look them up and learn something. The more you know…

Buck fiden


Terminally deplorable

Right on.

Buck fiden

Can beaners be English teachers?


At least the witch seems to recognize that having the name Clinton has no weight here! That must be a shocking realization for this hag who has been brought up thinking that her lineage owned the world!


Another delaying tactic by Robert Harrison, who, no doubt, is re-contacting his Deep State superiors. Perhaps Chelsea’s husband will suddenly become ‘ill’ for his betrayal. If Chelsea has to go, so will he per the Deep State.

Last edited 2 years ago by Guest4579

Mike and I have finalized the donation structure as it applies to posting privileges. Soon, when you want to post a comment, you will be prompted to enter your Donor Number. This number allows you to post based on your support.
All numbers will beginning with MOTB (reflecting Mike’s Original True Believers) – followed by 8 digits.
So far we have agreed on the following:

True Patriot $1000 to $5000= 5 posts per month
Pure Blood $800 to $999 = 4 posts per month
Researcher $700 to $799 = 3 posts per month
Storm Watchers $500 to $699 = 2 posts per month
Research Assistant $100 to $499 = 1 moderated post per month

Anyone who donates under $100 per month will be allowed to read posts (below a certain level) for now but we strongly encourage you to donate and be a part of history!

Ted – True Patriot Donor

Buck fiden

Truly Bidenesque.

Deb S

Truly capitalist

Jose Ramirez

Another delay, mmm.


I hope that this tribunal get s to the sentence phase soon.
Except for the Trolls, we already have enough evidence to expect a conviction.
The worm husband witness has just thrown the POS chelsea , under the Bus..
MAYBE WE CAN GET A DOUBLE HANGING as a special bonus. !


He might get life for throwing her under the bus.

Deb S


Buck fiden

Cop a plea!
Don’t hang me!

MAGA CountryBabe

Atty Harrison is a PEDO-PROTECTER..


You are aware that he is not a practicing lawyer nor admitted to the Bar, right?

Buck fiden

Is being a lawyer a military tribunal prerequisite?


Funny you ask… GITMO falls under the Eastern District court rules. You need to be a practicing lawyer who passed the bar for the state of Pennsylvania or file an entry of appearance through a Bar certified lawyer.

Buck fiden

So, if I met a lawyer in a bar and convinced him to file said “Entry of Appearance” for me, I could defend Gomer Pyle at Gitmo?


I would write about that.


And paid handsomely and, laughing all the way to the bank. He knows he can’t save his client and just going through the motions. It’s just a matter of time when the tribunal will render the oh too familiar verdict……

Angel Askew

Curious to know what he is stalling for.

Deb S

It’s hard to make up stories. Give “MT” some time for new dialogue


we all know -you miss him/her dearly…

Keith White

I just saw a video on UTUBE that came from the website that said forty-five thousand of illegals children that have crossed our borders and put on planes in the middle of the night to undisclosed locations for some and others to New York State with no accountability of tracking from the the time they got on the plane to there final locations. And that they feel that this grand child trafficking for the purpose of taking there blood for harvesting.They also said we should demand an audit from every charitable organization and hold accountable all charitable organization that can’t account for all the children. You can read about it on

Deb S

Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!

Terminally deplorable

And the parents get $450000 from Biden to compensate fo the separation.


Whose side is brain-dead Biden on, … Anyway.? On those who demand adenochrome…

Deb S

You should try it

Sue Grantham

It amazes me the ignorance of these lawyers for the defendants!
The military can charge ANYONE, military members or civilians, if a high crime is committed- crimes against humanity, treason or sedition.
Thank you Michael!


Doesn’t the FBI go first ?


The FBI has proven itself again and again, to be nothing but a phony affront to actual justice in this country. Consider that it has been run by the likes of Comey, McCabe (who just had his lifetime pension reinstated by Biden’s DOJ) , Wray and others prior, it is no wonder that it is as corrupt as it is.


But it is still their case . Just because you say they are corrupt means nothing when it comes to prosecution jurisdiction.


YOU are mistaken, and stand alone. WE the people, all over America believe that the FBI,CIA and DoJ are


You know that does not count . FBI is still a functioning department under regular rules and laws and has jurisdiction as usual .


Yea, just because you say so…


we do have few ignorants here too who still do not ger it after 21 yrs of -state of war- notably- exile…


Who makes the charge of crimes against humanity ?


Why do you care?


For future reference and discussion . I don’t know . Do you ?


WHO.? The friends, and family of the victims. And the compassionate humans throughout the USA.


So an individual goes into a police station and says they want to make a charge of treason and crimes against humanity ? Just when has this happened ? They apparently have to file it with the International Criminal Court in The Hague, that’s who hears these cases .

Terminally deplorable

Humanity, who else?

Buck fiden



THAT is exactly correct.
EXILE IS JUST ONE OF THE IGNORANT TROLLS. who root for the bad guys.


This is the justice system that Americans demand! As an American, I don’t even see a need for a trial when we all know someone is guilty.

Deb S

Who needs the constitution when people I don’t like should die?

J Bill

that’s why people want u gone. you’re too radical.

Deb S

Yet I keep coming back, thirsty jill

Last edited 2 years ago by Deb S

I know! This is why we left Europe in the first place!


NEED.? What we have here, is a failure to communicate, ..
I need a military tribunal, and an EXECUTION.


Thank you Sue, Miss seeing your posts. You bring wisdom to the uninformed.

Lorenz Manner

I was amazed at Harrison’s insolence. He is really a disgrace with a bad demeanor and insulting the military tribunal. That’s really too much from a so called lawyer.

Buck fiden

Say hi to Mei-Nu for me.


Doesn’t Mr. Mezvinsky realize he has signed his own death warrant? Hillary can kill beyond the grave but why bother? Chelsea seems quite adept doing her own wet work.

It is logical to assume he will give up anybody to cover his guilt. Envisioning a typical Sunday dinner with the folks, I wonder what the topic of conversation was? How was Mezvinsky inducted into the family?

Anyway, he’s already implicated himself so once they squeeze him of useful incriminating evidence, they will give him everything he deserves.


He may still have some shred of decency and he may feel some sense of atonement by sharing the facts that help tighten the noose around nasty Killsea’s neck.

Mr. Bill

Watch for the old poison trick!

Sandy Koufax



Pray he’s protected and does not commit suicide.

Chris Russ

Trust is wasn’t gas station sushi!

Terminally deplorable

Gas station sushis are way underrated.

Buck fiden

Lots closer if you go to Gardena. Japs everywhere.


Mezvinski was a prop. He tried to escape the marriage, going to Colorado soon after the wedding, but daddy-Bill flew out to tell the boy how things would be. He went back to New York, obediently. He was what he was…an owned dog.

Buck fiden

All these goyim in power seem to marry kikes: Clinton kid, Trump kids …


From RealRawNews “About Us”. – “Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire.”
There’s nothing in this statement that purports to any articles being factual. Please take this under advisement. I do hope that everything plays out as Michael writes. And I actually do support Michael, though some of you may think I wouldn’t. Michael has done us a great service, keeping our spirits and hopes up, and more importantly, making us exercise our imagination. Instead of only ruminating over what the communist Left throws in our face every day, we can exercise our own imagination and work on bringing what we want into reality.
You may want to argue true or not, I will respond …… “It Will Be True” ….. if You and I exercise our own free will, imagination, voice, and authority over ALL the enemy.

Thanks, Mike


It does not say that it is ‘all’ humor, parody and satire.


Wow, you mean to tell me that caveat was there all along. How could those of us who have been supporting Michael lo these many months missed it. I tell you what some people wont do to get attention.

Thank you Michael, you are very much appreciated.


Strange as It sounds, part of me WANTS to believe. The death reports of Hillary shitting her pants when hung, or James Comey head chopped, John Podesta, Brennan, Tom Hanks, Peter Scolari all seem so vivid.

Of course, some of this is true and the rest strategic disinformation. If fiction: Bravo! If fact: Bravo!


I find humor in some of the writings to be sure. Such an open-ended disclaimer likely provides some legal protection against any slander/libel suit against MB & RRN getting enough traction to actually make it onto a court docket somewhere.

John S.

Keywords: Plausible Deniability (insurance policy).

Terminally deplorable

You find humor, parody and satire particularly in the comment section.


Mr.Baxter-Thursday DRAMA -PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shouldn’t you be giving a massage to your favorite Goat?

J Bill

you must be referring to “concernedpatriot” and “Jay”

they’re radical islam, and be the ones u want.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

Don’t be surprised if Mezvinsky is dead in the AM.remember Bill

J Bill

Too much “crow pie” for dessert.




Maybe there’s a distinct possibility he never did, maybe, he didn’t get McDonalds and actually got Burger King instead.
Nobody has seen any real Court proceedings, transcripts or anything else that can flip the narrative.
All this, as a tenor sax is faintly heard in the distance as detainees sit by in their cells in the middle of the night trying to otherwise sleep.

Buck fiden

Wearing sunglasses while he toots his horn.

Rose Mary Abbott

You Michael Baxter are amazing!