U.S. Tax Dollars Fund Soldiers of Fortune in Ukraine


If you’re like me and the IRS burgles a substantial chunk of your annual income, you would hope that money is spent on bettering the country, upgrading our military, helping indigent and displaced veterans, and overhauling the country’s dilapidated infrastructure, as opposed to the federal government using your cash to fund a proxy war benefitting a country known for harboring child sex traffickers. A convergence of evidence, however, clearly illustrates that U.S. tax dollars are clandestinely underwriting an unorthodox definition of foreign aid—funding mercenaries to safeguard child predators and adrenochrome farms in Ukraine.

As reported yesterday, the constitutionalist faction of the U.S. military arrested Office of Budget & Management Director Shalanda Young after obtaining proof she had secretly wired $17bn to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense on April 2. JAG sources have since told Real Raw News that Young, now at Guantanamo Bay, invoked her 5th Amendment right to remain silent in response to questions about who instructed her to authorize the payout and how Zelenskyy planned to spend the cash. Although she wouldn’t talk and White Hats could only speculate on how Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense would use the cash infusion, sources within Russia’s FSB, or Federal Security Service, have practical knowledge of how Zelenskyy is spending that irrecoverable coinage.

FSB agent Andrei Zakharov told Real Raw News that on April 4 the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense issued an international call to arms, offering mercenaries and soldiers of fortune between $3,000-$10,000/month, based on experience, to swear allegiance to Vladimir Zelenskyy and defend Ukraine from “Russian invaders.”

Zelenskyy must rely on foreign fighters because Russian forces have decimated and demoralized Ukraine’s native military apparatus, Zakharov said.

“The pig Zelenskyy has gotten wealthy from child trafficking and Adrenochrome, but he would not use his wealth to hire a paramilitary. Many Ukrainian oligarchs and government officials are now billionaires thanks to Western-run criminal businesses in Ukraine, but the country is poor. If your criminal government secretly gave him $17bn, that is the money he uses to hire outside help to protect the criminal enterprises,” Zakharov said.

He added that Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense uses an antiquated form of communication—shortwave radio—to reach mercenaries looking for work to remain inconspicuous. It broadcasts encoded messages on Radio Ukraine International, which is heard worldwide through relay stations like WMRI in Miami. The transmissions hold info on how to contact the Ministry of Defense to arrange transportation to Kyiv.

The FSB, Zakharov said, has intercepted and deciphered several such broadcasts.

“Naturally, we watch all transmissions from Ukraine. Our experts found a fundamental message embedded in the radio shows that gives a phone number and an email address to get information on getting to Ukraine and whom to contact when there,” he added.

However, He could not explain how mercenaries know to listen to Radio Ukraine International and decipher the hidden message.

“If we figure that out, I will tell you. Maybe they also use current communication methods like the internet and throw-away phones, but for whatever reason, they are using shortwave too,” Zakharov said.

A day after the first scrambled message hit the airwaves, a caravan of 500 Albanian mercenaries entered Ukraine through Romania, as confirmed by boots-on-the-ground observers and FSB satellite imagery. Since then, a dozen caravans have arrived in Ukraine via Poland, Moldavia, Hungary, and Slovakia, Zakharov said.

“We estimate around 7,000-10,000 men so far,” he explained.

On April 9, Russian intelligence learned that an 800-man-strong column was marching toward Ukraine from the Hungarian city of Nyíregyháza. The FSB had inserted undercover agents into the formation, Zakharov said. After crossing the border, they were met by a Ukrainian official and driven to Kyiv, where, once vetted, they pledged allegiance to Ukraine and were given American weapons and an assignment.

“Our men had forged credentials. They were offered the equivalent of $5,000 United States a month and told that their families would be paid a lump sum of $500,000 for the loss if they died. Some mercenaries got paid more; some got less. Our spies were not asked to go to the front lines,” Zakharov said.

Instead, their orders, signed by General Serhiy Shaptala, instructed them to guard a warehouse near Pisochyn in north-central Ukraine. That building, Zakharov said, held 135 kidnapped children who showed signs of starvation and dehydration. The two Russian agents felt morally compelled to act but faced overwhelming odds—besides them, a dozen genuine mercenaries had also been tasked with guarding the warehouse.

Nonetheless, they turned their weapons on the mercenaries and opened fire, killing seven before falling in battle.

“It is with great sadness they failed. When we learned of the death, we sent Spetznas to destroy the scum and save the children, but when they got there, the warehouse was deserted, and the children were gone,” Zakharov said. “Your country gave Zelenskyy $100bn in arms, and now he has $17bn to hire many men to fight at his bequest. This is tragic.”

In closing, he said Russian President Vladimir Putin would do his best to hunt and kill soldiers of fortune fighting for Zelenskyy.

“No thanks to your criminal government, cleaning Ukraine of pestilence is a very tough job,” he said.



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900 % increase of Chinese crossing our boarders.


Chinese police stations being set up all over America.


consider every person crossing our boarders an enemy till proven not cause the truth is most are most the world believes America is about to have World War 3 here on our shores why would they come flooding into here.


yeah, they are recruiting for the deep state worldwide. biggest recruitment in world history like I said before, but no one believed me, now do you believe me there literally taking trillions of American’s money alone and are buying soldiers and are running off people and confiscating land and homes and businesses in preparations to give to everyone who joins them, also offering scientist top level jobs from around the world if they join them and they are going to top crime bosses cartels and syndicates you name it and recruiting them and their whole gangs they will number in the hundreds of millions in a short time if not stopped . you’re taking too long to get things done you never give your enemies time to regroup and set up plans. I know you think you have things in the bag but that’s when things are most dangerous.


not trying to sound like a smart mouth if I seem that way, I’m sorry. I have been raised to be blunt no beating around the bush. straight forward


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Afshin Nejat

All I want to say at this point is that no matter the veracity of these stories, if waterboarding is not going on to get precious information, then these opportunities are wasted. Again, that is aside from the question of their veracity.


Are these soldiers beheading the Ukraine soldiers?


Mercenaries that travel to the Ukraine to fight Russia won’t be coming home to the United States! Putin has Already Destroyed the Ukraine of Pedofile’s, Human Trafficker’s and killing healthy people for the Organ Market! Oh, don’t forget about the BioLab’s! This isn’t America’s Fight and those around the World Volunteering to Support the Ukraine will die in the Ukraine!!


It’s not my government. I’ve worked all my life only to watch the IRS take my .oney and give it to foreign invaders or foreign governments or line their pockets with it. Fuck this government. I can’t wait to see them burn for eternity!




I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Col. Douglas McGregor and Scott Ritter have said numerous times that the U.S. is going to fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian. That may be so but the war won’t end even then. It will never end because there is an endless supply of mercenaries willing to fight the war to protect U.S, NATO and Ukrainian criminal activities and an endless supply of worthless printed dollars to pay them. Ex-CIA (is there such a thing?) Larry Johnson stated in an interview that the Ukrainians are buying oil from Russia using American taxpayer money. If that is so, then what incentive does anyone have to end this war? Alex Jones calls earth a “prison planet” and I think he is right. We are slaves paying our hard earned money so that millions and even billions will die and a few million can make an ungodly amount of money from the suffering of us prisoners and slaves. I appreciate the work of the White Hats and certainly reading these articles but will victory ever be achieved? Impoverish people and then promise them more than they could ever make at home if they fight for the criminal enterprise knowing full well most will be killed and not a dime of the promised money will ever be paid to their families. And in the meantime, Americans go broke through inflation and taxes which finance the whole rotten thing. We are like hamsters on a wheel I’m afraid. If it ever does end, it won’t be in my lifetime and that of so many others. So what do we have to look forward to?


We have the return of Christ to look forward to. These wars have been predicted centuries ago and God will deal with the wicked.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……. http://earndollars8.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

so sad and such inhumane deeds. Don’t grow callous to quotes of 123 children starving in captivity.picture one toddler you have known and imagine leg-irons and bondage for that beautiful little child , helpless against sexual attacks and long needles jabbed into their bruised sides while they scream in fear. STAY AWARE OF THE URGENCY OF DESTROYING THIS EVIL RIGHT NOW!!! As for me, I think international forces from all over the Christian world should assemble on all borders to Ukraine and close like a noose on the evil. Get it done in a couple of weeks and liberate all the little ones now!!!!! God bless those who fight to stomp out evil!




The problem is what woke dairy will publish this info? I’ve always said many things have to be put in place to implement the NWO. Regardless who is victorious in this Good vs. Evil battle the outcome will be a NWO. The fabric of our home planet political, religious and economic will never be same. Life as we know it will no longer exist and nothing will happen until the global economy collapses. The reset is a reality and inevitable. People are petrified that government will know and be able to control and monitor every human transaction, they already do. It’s called social media, Amazon, Paypal, Visa, MC and the list goes on.


can’t, the deep state owns all the food and and packaging plants, they won’t do that !


When they (the mercs) realise that ukraine has lost 250000 casualties then maybe they wont be so keen to be a part of the russian meatgrinder

Donna Miller

Michael I want to Thank You for all your great reporting… I believe that we should support all PATRIOTS no matter what Country they come from… Because we are all fighting the same EVIL DOERS and this EARTH belongs to US ALL… Where We Go 1 We Go ALL… THE BEST IS YET TO COME….


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……. http://earndollars8.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I’m happy to see some people are starting to get it now, even though there are many shills trolling with lies – the truth still comes out.

Donna Miller

It is past time for the White Hats to do the EBS and take these people oking our MONEY to the SCUM in Ukraine… The demoncrats are trying their best to hide what they have been doing with the Children and the making of the “A” liquid… Maybe it is time for a PUBLIC HANGING OF ALL INVOLVED….


…….and for all those stopping the EBS.

Dave Kelly

that would be TRUMP, he initially STOPPED the EBS.


Thought the White Hats took over the control room. No?


For spies to blow their cover in an effort to stop the operation is unwise. Better to have advised the Spetznas and then made a quick exit when they arrived.

Michael Tiner

Putin would not be tasked with hunting & killing these soldiers of fortune if the white hats would arrest this criminal administration and put a permanent end to their criminal actions in this nation. We would no longer be financing their global criminal enterprises. The tortured enslaved children could be saved, and we would retain the wealth that should be ours for our own humanitarian needs. There are a lot of hurting impoverished people right here in the states, victims of this illegitimate criminal black hat deep state regime. TAKE THEM OUT!!!


Attention Putin fans. Leaked docs show Moscow is VERY effective with its social media infiltration: (Remove “dot” and space to read)

washingtonpost(dot)com/technology/ 2023/04/16/russia-disinformation-discord-leaked-documents/


WAPO bullshit. Nothing more. Spun like a yoyo,


Yeah, you’re right. This site is much more credible

Michael R Davis

The CIA Mockingbird Press Washington Compost FAKE news lies, disinformation, propaganda. Suitable only for lining crapping bird cage trays.

Eugene Templet

Before trying to read it which I was unable to do, I thought… The Post???? LOL We wouldn’t expect anything less from them but Deep State propaganda.

Dave Kelly

WAPO is ENTIRELY operated and controlled by the CIA


You know this how? Some Internet wizard tell you ?


I believe nothing printed by the WAPO, or the NYT, absolutely nothing unless it also comes out in a media I trust.

David Boettcher

On a happy note, if this admin changes to a digital currency and your mortgage company expects you to change over they are null and void of your mortgage contract. You may not have to continue paying your mortgage. Read your contract and review the contract laws for your state.


Ands get professional advice before you unilaterally declare the bank in breach and stop paying

Donna Miller

Yes, always cross your “T’s” and dot your “I’s”before doing anything drastic… Our court system goes by ADMIRALTY LAW and is not our friend… With NESARA we are supposed to go back to COMMON LAW… Go to annavonreitz.com to find out how to get out of LAW OF THE SEA and back to LAND and SOIL….


Don’t hold your breath on NESARA. And the law of the sea thing is a red herring


The altered Constitution making us a corporation is dead.. legally dead.


Your mortgage says you owe the bank X number of “dollars”. Without dollars your mortgage is null and void.??

David Boettcher

The current admin is laundering our tax dollars to all the countries need to fund WWlll. It’s always the way these thieves operate! It’s called treason! Colluding with foreign governments is punishable by death.


Those brave men who turned their weapons on The mercenaries did not fall in battle. They actually won! We always have to remind ourselves don’t think that God is not watching. God bless those men for doing what they did!


Disagree, by opening fire on the mercenaries, they caused the adrenochrome farm to be moved to an unknown location.
Ergo saving those children could well be impossible before they are dead from lack of food water and the torture they are put thru to get the special substance from their blood. Perhaps when the locations of these farms are found, rescue he children first, then take ALL the survivors of those who were ding those things to the children and put them thru the same techniques they used on the kids, but destroy the adrenochrome taken from their bodies after the torture, then KILL them as criminals, hang them not from a gallows, but from trees so they strangle to death instead of the easy death by snapping the neck. That is the kind of death all those kind of criminals NEED!

About Time

Turn Commikraine’s Kiev into a massive crater. Round up all the Nazi and demonRats and toss them in. Add diesel fuel and light. Perfect recipe for salvation


There will be many good folk in Kiev as in DC or New York.
Please think about that.


So many folks forget(or never consider) the hedge of protection afforded a city by the mere presence of a few righteous within it, as Genesis 6+6+6(18) describes before chapter 19 gets into the gory details of a democracy where homosexuality if accepted, and nobodies butt is safe.


Not so certain there are ANY good people in any of those locations! The truly good people would get out of those locations as quickly as possible, they are criminal cities, just look at what happened in Chicago, last night (Sat nite).

strike 17

(1) IN GENERAL – Subject to the other provisions of the section, a covered person shall be immune from suit and liability under Federal and State law with respect to all claims for loss caused by, arising out of, retaining to, or resulting from the administrator to or the use by an individual of covered countermeasures, if a declaration under subsection
(b) has been issued with respect to such countermeasures.
(A) LOSS.— For purposes of this section, the term ‘loss’ means any type of loss, including—-
” (i) death;
(ii) physical, mental, or emotional injury, illness, disability, or condition;


What does the rest of the bill say?

strike 17

Look up the something the Secretary Xavier Becerra is trying to push its called the PREP Act its a license to kill. His letter to the governor goes like this. Today the 14th April , I issued another letter to governors before the end of PHE. The PREP Act has helped millions receive access to the bio weapon vaccines and therapeutics during COVID-19 and I intend to amend the PREP Act to extend important protections to keep access to this care. White hats need to hope on this quickly.


Zelenskij should be eliminated first ,he is dragging this war to profit him ,,disgusting


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open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

once a fool-always a fool

David Boettcher

I made $8 in the backseat of my car…the hard way! I get no respect!

Robert Ford

Michael Baxter, evidently “Delavic” is a Bot, but is there nothing you can do to prevent his obnoxious posts?


Michael Baxter is the proprietor of that brilliant work-from-home scheme 🙂


Ignore him. That’s the best way to deal with that insignificant aphid.

Michael R Davis

MB has already addressed this bot to us, with supposedly endless pathways into the website. Very difficult to remove permanently, it cannot read nor answer to your posts.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Robert Ford

Is it absolutely necessary for you to be so Fn obnoxious? Don’t you have a LIFE?


Yeah, remember the TV series back in the 1990s, “Get a Life”? That’s exactly what he needs to do. Get a job, get a girlfriend, open a pizza shop for investment funds, and raise some turtles and rabbits for pets for schoolkids. That’s not hard.


Car 45 Where are you?


Car 54

thomas j cahill

There’s a holdup in the Bronx, Brooklyn’s broken out in fights, there’s a traffic jam in Harlem that’s backed up to Jackson Heights…..


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I’m making $88/h to complete some internet services on the internet . I’ve not ever imagined like it could tgb even achievable but my greatest pal was getting $27,000 just within four weeks completing this leading task & she has satisfied me to try…Explore updated guidance by reaching following
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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Could very well be it is thru these bot like “adverts” that are recruiting these damn soldiers of fortune…such $$$$ can only be laundered thru shit like this to benefit these NWO devils…mmmmmm

Anne Stallybrass

Time now, if any, for the Emergency Broadcast, it seems tome


Not til next passover. Sorry 🙁


Weird how you’ve been reading this crap for over 2 years and it never comes, huh


The EBS or the Information has already rolled out on Queen Romana’s TG channels.
There are now about 690 bullet point cards.
It’s been rolling out for nearly two yrs now.
Will there be an EBS as in a shut down I think not. It’s playing out on MSM and Telegram and Twitter and You Tube and Truth Social Etc.


Who the hell is Queen Romana? And what does she know?


She’s the TRUE Queen of Canada and she rocks. She tells her followers to quit paying their bills and she gives them Monopoly money with her face printed on it.


Ah, now the name is familiar. She’s a hoot


She voted to place DJT in the White House.
She has already rolled out the EBS.

Much to learn WE all have yet.

If your still waiting for EBS your late to the party it’s done.


She, a Canadian, put Trump in the White House? Sounds like foreigners interfering with our elections


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Mark David

Remove the status of Washington DC as a separate part of the country, and split up and move Federal government offices to other States. Demolish the Washington Monument because it is a symbol of the Triad of enemies over the World – the Vatican, the City of London financial banks, and the US Inc. fake government and politicians… Make all Wash government structures permanent free-admission museums, with evidence and pictures included, to remind Americans that their Federal government used to be controlled by Satanic pedophiles, child traffickers, mass murderers, drug pushers, and traitors, as they tried to destroy the USA for their own evil purposes. Show images and video of executions of the guilty. The US Govt was the worst enemy of the USA. Include the NAMES and CRIMES of the guilty on all exhibits. Never forget that the US has been through hell from these psychopaths, with tens of millions of Americans murdered by their own government since 1871, Our government sold us out to the Banks and the Vatican. Never again.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David

Those execution videos may be hard to find


Probably because they don’t exist


Ancient Greece, Nazi Germany (yes, child rapist and killer Fritz von Ballusek was one of them), ancient Rome, Babylon and ancient Khazaria had paedophiles and sexual deviants and killers in their ranks, too, so what makes Washington D.C. so exceptional for having them? Punish D.C., but ignore the fact that other ancient civilizations had the same bloody rubbish as Washington Luciferians do now?

Donna Miller

You just mention who and what we are fighting right now and they come from Khazaria, they were the “Money Changers” from Jesus’s time and they are now the Khazarian Mafia… They are in every government including our own….


I found a crack in my front walk this morning. Did the KM do that too? Seems they are responsible for everything else.


Excellent idea!! Truly!


If it were to fund, clandestinely, ‘the brave Ukrainian patriots protecting their again newly-emancipated state from Soviet-style Communism,’ this funding MIGHT be considered acceptable. (But still not in the astronomical amounts that have reportedly been sent, to date.) BUT THAT IS NOT, APPARENTLY, what & whom the fantastical, debt-produced funding is really poured out to protect & enrich. America has large & very capable accounting individuals, firms & even (occasionally) Gov’t bureaux/bureaux. At least, that was true in the days when 2+2=4. It will take some time to get responsible administration humming again. And quite a few executions, both fiscal (in property & account seizures) and physical (for a judicious selection of TRAITORS & THIEVES.) MAGA!


Families of the fallen ‘Loyalists’ who try to save & free captive children must be supported, funded & cared for in their turn. From the hides of the Criminals. War is terrible. Diabolical part of this world. Human shame. We must do & be better.

Last edited 1 year ago by Paladin45

President Putin said in one of his addresses that the families of those service members who die in action during the special operation would be compensated as well. So not hard to think that the families of these patriots fighting to save the kids won’t be compensated.


Our government is a phony, fake , illegitimate,croney.. criminal regime.
Throw the bums out…hang them at gitmo

Mark David

Remove the status of Washington DC as a separate part of the country, and split up and move Federal government offices to other States. Make all Wash government structures permanent free-admission museums, with evidence and pictures included, to remind Americans that their Federal government used to be controlled by Satanic pedophiles, child traffickers, mass murderers, drug pushers, and traitors, as they tried to destroy the USA for their own evil purposes. The US Govt was the worst enemy of the USA. Include the NAMES and CRIMES of the guilty on all exhibits. Never forget that the US has been through hell from these psychopaths.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David

There are lots of other countries in the world if you don’t like it here.

Robert Ford

Are you proposing that the situation in D.C. is acceptable? Do you like the way things are going now?


Nah. I lived there for a while. Nasty little town and totally disconnected from the real world. Reminds me of some other places

Pat Nelson

Why are you attacking the truth? Condemning someone because they are unhappy with our present situation? You are condemning most of the world’s population. People can’t just pack up and leave when they are unhappy. Our Cabal government controls all the money. They are using it for their benefit, not ours.
If you are not unhappy with our present situation, then you must be part of the problem.


I got a great idea! Send shalanda to Russia! Let Putin take care of her! There’s a long list of DS rats to deal with, we have not time for this. She’s costing him a lot of valuable time by supplying the Nazi army with worthless money – i.e fiat USD currency.

Fair fairy

What have rats done to you? Those are devilpeople, not innocent animals.


Rats are carriers of diseases, they destroy property and they bite. Tell me how innocent these animals are again? Especially the ones in D.C.?


Excellent Idea! Get the flight , put her on it and let Putin have his way with her. Lefortovo Prison would be a good start.

www .wsj. com/ articles /evan-gershkovich-lefortovo-russian-prison-detainment-ae4d9414

Donna Miller

Don’t forget that the money is laundered thru the bank over there and comes back here to certain people in Congress and I imagine other individuals as well… While forgetting “WE THE PEOPLE”….

John .S

Is Nancy Pelosi’s gigolo [boy toy] classified a Soldier of Fortune in doing the mercenary position?


Might be.


Nancy had a few boy toys for cheating on Paulie with. Nancy had no idea how nice and how humane and how forgiving and how gentlemanly he was with her for not divulging that he knew Christina, their firstborn child, was not his biological kid. When he finally told her in prison before she was executed, she went on a rattlesnake rage despite being gagged! Nancy the Pregnant Pig, like most wives spreading their legs open with other men and getting knocked up with other men’s kids behind their husband’s backs, would have been shocked to find out their husbands found out about their childrens’ misattributed paternity and were not as clueless as they once thought. That strips them of their power, and they are denuded and disarmed and defanged from their evil intentions.
This is why black men today are demanding that their wives and girlfriends take a paternity test to make sure they are the father of the child and not some other dude who banged them on the night in night. Men are such hypocrites for thinking they can cheat and cover it up but the women can’t; they can cheat all they want, and father as many kids as they want behind their women’s backs, but GOD FORBID if their life partners pull the same stunt on them if they get pregnant with another man’s kid. THIS IS VERY SAD. It is deeply offensive to tell one’s wife or girlfriend that they take paternity test regarding their own child; no woman wants to be insulted and have her fidelity or love or integrity questioned on such a delicate issue.
But 37% of the children born in the Five Eyes are fathered by men not married to or romantically committed to the pregnant woman in question, who then knowingly perpetrates a fraud on the husband or fiancee or boyfriend telling him he is the father. AND THAT MAKES EVERY OTHER WOMAN ON THE PLANET WHO DOES NOT DO THESE THINGS LOOK BAD. Women give other women a bad name with this kind of disgraceful behaviour, which tears both marriages and families apart. All it takes is one medical emergency for the doctor to tell the father that he is not the kids’ dad, or some friend or family member, let alone an enemy, seeking revenge on the woman and exposes her secret to him, and the whole family is ripped apart for life.
OTOH, no man wants to pay child support for a child that is not his own, no matter how much he loves his son or daughter. He will walk away in a heartbeat and never look back, and the kid will wonder why dad doesn’t live here anymore and why won’t he see him or her anymore. It’s not the kid’s fault, it’s a man’s pride to not be made a fool of. This is what men do.
I REPEAT: it is a man’s pride that will not allow him to be cuckolded and humiliated about their ability to father their own children within their own marriage bed, and be mocked in front of their families and friends. That strips a man of his pride, his dignity and his sense of being a man. And that matters to all men above all else. Men hate losing their pride and will hold onto it like a pit bull with a bone.

John .S

Don’t single out Black Men, it’s non-discriminatory.

Romance non existent in this day in age, also people timid in adding spice i.e., kink. Fridge and prudish women causes male galavanting.

I dispise people hooking-up via internet. People have no game, and in other instances, social anxiety disorder. Chivalry is dead.

Bunch of my neighbors sitting around fire pit having cocktails, kids ask parents what caused you to marry each other?

Heard every cockamamie story: Dad was a Gentleman & Mom was a lady, and when our eyes met, yada-yada. Everyone was so full of shit they should’ve been wearing a colostomy bag.

My wife said: your father was a great piece of ass, he bang me out of the gate. We were powdering our nose, drinking kamikazes, and nine mts later you came around, we were sloppy.

My kid now in realization in being referenced as sloppy, having no meaning to a disheveled room.


Lmao, John you rock dude. Don’t ever change.

John .S

Test Post – 1-2-3


It didn’t work


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

You r rights are gone when you funnel money to a child sex trafficking and Adenochrome evil faction of a corrupt country


Maybe Guam 2.0 has a few spots open for these traitors if GITMO is filled to capacity.


can’t wait for the DS to be broke… any minute now…

I don’t know how the evil Shalanda thinks pleading the fifth will help her. She obviously thinks her cult (Deep state/cabal) is winning the war. She could have negotiated a deal for her life, now I doubt that will happen. They seem to be happy to die for their cause and that is their choice.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kitty
Big Johnson



Aaaaaaaaaaaany minute now


Two weeks max

Eve Bright

It makes boil my blood learning that our own American government using our tax dollars to fund evil Ukraine president killing our children. Time to hang all these enemy of humanities!

strike 17

Hang all the ones giving our money to Ukraine.




They’re killing children over there too, not just over here. That’s evil no matter where on the planet it happens. Those children are also our children, never mind the nationality. Imagine how many children were killed to make the adrenochrome filled to capacity in a truck that the Russians stopped from crossing over into another country to go to the States. Imagine how many kids were locked up in Mariupol to be trafficked when the Russians had them cornered. They may have lost their parents one way or another and they need us now. The childless couples will be extraordinary loving to them once adoptions take place, guaranteed. Just take them in and love them, that’s all they want.


LORD reveal and expose where those 135 children are and may they be found alive to be rescued. In YESHUA/JESUS NAME AMEN.

Big Johnson


Anne Stallybrass

Michael Baxter, time to remove this troll


He doesn’t care


Shut your filthy mouth! You have no love for human beings!


Richard’s just being a Freudian slip.



Big Johnson

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING. kill someone already!

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

never has a single copper gone to the government its been run off debt and fucking child trafficking and world drug sales by CIA not to mention wars and weapon sales


Since when do those arrested and awaiting trial at Guantanamo Bay have 5th Amedment rights?

Last edited 1 year ago by jimbo

They don’t. She is just I’ll-informed, and that was her only play.


Since MB forgot the ‘rules’ to his own made up stories lol

Last edited 1 year ago by Cyrus
Carol B

Cyrus if you do not like Michael then go away and try to find a purpose for your life


I agree. It amazes me how some people(bots?) seem to want to spend their time ridiculing and criticizing others. Sad. Low frequency individuals. I hope that they find a better purpose/way to spend their limited time in this life.


I appreciate y’all’s concern but don’t worry guys, I have plenty of purpose to my life. It just doesn’t involve this website, which I only read and make fun of because it’s very stupid.

Does it really make any sense to you that MB always writes Crandall or whoever saying stuff like “You are an enemy combatatant, you have no rights” but then also writing shit like this where they allow someone to assert her 5th Amendment right at Gitmo?