General Smith to Meet Col. Kurtz on Friday


General Eric M. Smith, a key figure in the fight against the Deep State, has agreed to a momentous meeting with the enigmatic Colonel Kurtz, the leader of the patriotic splinter cell known as the “Red Hats,” a source in the general’s office revealed to Real Raw News.

As reported earlier, the general had received a few pieces of correspondence from Kurtz in which he obliquely explained his mission and highlighted their dichotomous views on the application of force needed to terminally vanquish the Deep State. Kurtz also expressed a desire to meet Gen. Smith, air grievances, and to reach a mutual understanding.

Sources have refused to say whether Kurtz, whose true identity they are guarding, and Gen. Smith have ever had working or personal dealings. An earlier offhand comment—Kurtz was Gen. Berger’s protégé—suggests Kurtz is or was a renowned Marine Corps officer and may have been a former White Hat council member, though sources would neither confirm nor deny those presumptions. Regardless, it seems probable they have had more than a passing acquaintance.

“I’m not at liberty to share that info,” our source said during a Sunday evening phone call. “I can say they’ve agreed to meet and that Gen. Berger set up the meeting.”

Gen. Berger, as detailed in July 2023, became the White Hat’s civilian liaison to Mar-a-Lago following his ceremonious retirement from the Corps, having served the nation with pride and honor since 1981—the genesis of his distinguished, unblemished career.

“I am now authorized to say that Gen. Smith discussed Kurtz with Gen. Berger and President Trump while at Mar-a-Lago a few weeks ago. He sought Gen. Berger’s opinion of the man; he didn’t want to get ambushed if he agreed to meet. President Trump suggested that Gen. Berger contact Kurtz, and he did and got back to Gen. Smith two days later,” our source said.

Gen. Berger, he added, vouched for Kurtz, calling him “honorable” but “unsteady.”

As of this writing, the meeting will occur at a neutral location on Friday afternoon. Both men stipulate the following conditions: neither will arrive armed, no recording devices of any kind, and only two assistants each.

Real Raw News will report the outcome ASAP.

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Robert Gregory Boensch

I searched all different scenario’s
And drafted A document
Our remonstrance
To Peacefully reset this country
With the help of our commander in chief
Donald J Trump
And the
USMC General Berger
USMC General Smith
And Our Military
People Remember this One thing Today
We Are The Ones in Control.
The sovereign
The Art of War, by Sun Tzu
1. Sun Tzu said: In war, the general receives his commands from the sovereign, collects his army and
concentrates his forces.
2. When in difficult country, do not encamp. In country where high roads intersect, join hands with your
allies. Do not linger in dangerously isolated positions.
3. There are roads which must not be followed
4. The general who thoroughly understands the advantages that accompany variation of tactics knows how to
handle his troops.
5. The general who does not understand these, may be well acquainted with the configuration of the country,
yet he will not be able to turn his knowledge to practical account.
6. So, the student of war who is unversed in the art of war of varying his plans, even though he be acquainted
with the Five Advantages, will fail to make the best use of his men.
7. Hence in the wise leader’s plans, considerations of advantage and of disadvantage will be blended together
8. If our expectation of advantage be tempered in this way, we may succeed in accomplishing the essential
part of our schemes.
9. If, on the other hand, in the midst of difficulties we are always ready to seize an advantage, we may
extricate ourselves from misfortune.
10. Reduce the hostile chiefs by inflicting damage on them
11. The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own
readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our
position unassailable.
12. There are five dangerous faults which may affect a general: (1) Recklessness, which leads to destruction
13. These are the five besetting sins of a general, ruinous to the conduct of war.3
14. When an army is overthrown and its leader slain, the cause will surely be found among these five
dangerous faults. Let them be a subject of meditation.
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch
Each and every one in this Country Has the Home Farm (Home)
And All of Our God Given Advantages
Hunting Fishing Harvesting ETC.
All We Have to Do Is stand Between These Things And The Deep State Actors
They Can’t Eat Shelter Travel With out our Consent
What Say You
First Remonstrance
If they fail to accept It.
Then it is War
We Out Number them.
How many will draw a weapon against their own Clan.
You Don’t Have A Clue Of Who I Am


It’s a good psy op this one. It reads like a story because it is just a story they have fed Michael to feed us. Still it’s enjoyable,and more fun than thr msm bs news.


I hope Smith and ALL the white hats voluntarily step down, and go get treated for low testosterone. LET THE RED HATS TAKE OVER FROM THE AOTHBREAKING TREASONOUS WHITE HATS


Get treated for low testosterone lol so funny.


Anxiously awaiting your article on the ARRESTS! God Bless you!

voice of one in the wilderness

not to mention the pics!


Here is what ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE and is what President Trump has been FIGHTING FOR………………….. https://


I sent cupcakes to the meeting as a special treat


Don’t step on Kelly Brown’s shoes please


Can’t wait to hear how this goes……………….. I saw on the news that there is severe flooding in SE Texas, so I ASSUME FEMA will be scurrying there to rape and pillage the residents……..

Stinky Perfume

And this is the only place warning about FEMA from the military? Why not blast it out military style to everyone in the USA? Emergency on their cell phones and tell people FEMA and WHO vaccinators have been identified as dangerous entities?

I’m not here to override, just want to know why not? For what little I know would prefer at this time a list of who is wanted DEAD OR ALIVE. Let someone else turn them in if they can’t catch them yet.

Last edited 5 months ago by Stinky Perfume
Roger That

They won’t last long in Houston. Folk down there don’t tolerate BS. Confirmed!


Michael… PLEASE consider closing the Comments for topics ,such as this, about the Red Hats and White Hats meeting. The conversation has really taken a disruptive turn… we need reports… but chewing the fat amongst the gang has turned… well, let’s say “ugly”.


And that’s what freedom of speech is about Mein Comrade. Grow up and stop getting butt hurt by people speaking

William Richard James Nicholson

I pray all goes well ! It would be nice to increase efficiency by dealing more effectively with those controllers at the highest levels whom always seem to escape the noose while letting the lower levels absorb all the losses. I pray that the top beings at peak of the pyramid get themselves right with The Eternal Sovereign since they will be meeting Him Very Soon should Colonel Kurtz engage his forces more forcefully soon ! In early August of 2021 , Q recorded my invitation to join The Membership of The Illuminati . I hope & Pray the senior level management of the evil pyramid operations take full notice of the present time ! The secure positions many in the pyramid group have had in the past ; are not so stable or secure anymore ! Time to ReEvaluate whether you made a Wise & Intelligent decision at the time you joined the evil one & his anti-human coalition. Colonel Kurtz has your number & Efficiency is getting higher everyday ! Good Bye Evil Bass Tards , Listen to my august 2021 call with Chairman of The Illuminati Membership Committee if you need a reminder of the seriosness of this time & Era ! Stakes are high …… Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195 , N.A.C. # 1274 , iss 20 Apr 72 , Fmr Security 4 Joe Montana’s Place when He Was New QB 4 49er’s NFL Team
Credited by crew of U.S. Navy ship LST-1195 w saving new ship in Biblical Class Storm , early January 1974 in The China Slot also known as The Graveyard , Seal Team , Marines , 20+ Officers , 200+ ships crew & CIA’s top asset aboard ( The Master of Masters ) & everyone safely delivered to Hong Kong harbor . Thank Creator God That He Gave Me Temporary Strength of Hercules & Samson to accomplish this task & give All Aboard the opportunity to know Jesus The Christ as their Saviour ; so they may Enter Heaven via The Narrow Gate !  Take The Narrow Path ! 


“unsteady” does not need to equal bad. It could be the spice for the chili that only cayenne can pull off.

More cayenne, please


To RRN patriots: Just noticed a recently developed tactic by these trolls: They go around and negative vote on non-troll commenters, and they exchange plus votes on each other. Ah yes, the glories of the Einstein/Neanderthal mind of a troll. Gotta love ’em. Suggest we RRN readers ignore trolls and don’t even vote or reply – let ’em burn themselves out unnoticed.


I agree. I believe most of the old timers on here never acknowledge these things/trollers even exist. We just go on with business as usual…checking out what the other real fans of RRN have to say about Michael Baxter’s newest news. It’s important trolls are not.


old af news…

Last edited 5 months ago by MAGA100
voice of one in the wilderness

no recording devices. we can’t let the sheeple know any more than we choose to tell them. copy.


To RRN patriots’ criticisms of these trolls (Blackhat, Roger Deswans, J Will, PPPA, etc), you’re right. However, watching this for months, I see these trolls GET OFF ON the abusive responses aimed at them – apparently they are into S&M, even if just textual. Best “handling” is ignore them completely, don’t down vote, don’t reply to them, let them just circle jerk themselves to extinction. Look at the following – do they even deserve any attention?? Definition : “At its core, a troll can be described as
an individual who purposefully stirs up controversy, discord, and chaos within
online communities. These individuals thrive on provoking emotional responses
from others and derive satisfaction from disrupting meaningful discussions.”
(source: Slangsensei)) “The term troll is not an acronym or short for anything.
It originated from the mythical Scandinavian creatures of the same name, which
were known for being dumb, unfriendly, and brutish.” (source: Fluent Slang)
That handles it for me!

Council Man

I’ve watched this site for years and the troll personas have shifted or assumed new identities over time. I don’t mind contrarian opinions of doubt, especially if they bring reason with their views, but copy/pasting long texts gets annoying to scroll through for intelligent comments. This site lacks two key capabilities for best practice navigation of comment sections: an ignore feature and a search bar.

Last edited 5 months ago by Council Man

You know, I never thought of that (I’m not a geek)! If you could block certain names, like you can do with numbers on a cell phone, that would give the RRN patriots a choice (which the trolls try to deny them by parasiting onto this popular site), and the ones that wanted to read the drivel, could still do so. Trolls would retain their deserved audience:) Justice would be served! Maybe MB will take this up… I bet the actual RRN patriots would love it.


I’m older and not well educated in the process or costs and the time required to implement these changes you are suggesting. However, you have to remember RRN is pretty much a one man company which depends upon donations to keep it up and running and pay for all the expenses plus pay his personal expenses which also includes serious medical issues. God bless this man for being so dedicated to educating us when others lie and deny what is truly going on in the world especially in this country. 🙏🏻🙌🏻😍


Yes, God Bless Michael Baxter. Lord, keep him strong, decisive and discretionary, protected and alert at all times. In Jesus name, Amen!

Usual suspect

And they live under bridges!


Since the nation has been under military control for going on four years now, after an Insurrection Act was signed by President Trump, in 2019, it is very excellent that our military leaders get together in person. The military should also hold a national conference, of some kind to inform the American people of their current agenda and accomplishments, if that is wise, which it may not be.


As a Patriot of Common, I consider this a very good development. Let’s be civil at this meeting, remembering that both are on the same side. The Military have already been obsconded of any prosecution, give the same liberty to the Red Hats. It takes us all in the assistance to conquer the established evil we are at war with.
God Speed Patriots!

Combat Engineer 4 God


Combat Engineer 4 God

Here’s the thing I rejoice, the DOOM comes swift to the Harlot that MADE 911 HAPPEN


still talkin to yersef

Lisa Cordaro

Off topic
We are the good guys And we are not dealing with this

J Will

you’re not though

Combat Engineer 4 God

🤣 🤣 🤣

Combat Engineer 4 God

God’s Command for Ascension DAY MAY 9TH ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!

Combat Engineer 4 God

God’s going to call all his people sheeple to his location Steeple!- 🙏 yeah!

J Will


Surf Nazare

I appreciate your enthusiasm and G-d tells us He is coming for those that are looking for and loving His appearance !!! I once wrote a breakdown of the 7 Jewish Feasts and would be nice if you are correct but it would be more probable that His coming (rapture) would be on Feast of Trumpets which is Rosh Hashanah which is a Feast of ingathering. They actually blow trumpets etc. and one long last trumpet is blown—–no matter G-d Bless !!! keep looking up for your redemption draweth nigh

Combat Engineer 4 God

One week from today, ASCENSION DAY ,


I was minding my own business, reading a book on an Amtrak train, when suddenly a gang of people in white hoodies started creating a ruckus up front. They were shouting about justice, vengeance, and all that crazy stuff. I recognized them as the notorious vigilante group, the White Hats, from all those videos I’d seen online.

I quickly evaluated the situation. A bunch of angry vigilantes running amok on a train wasn’t a good look. I glanced around, planning my next move. Luckily, I spotted a potential victim and realized I could help him escape.

I stood up, positioning myself as a human shield between the White Hats and their intended target.

“What’s the fuss about?” I confronted them, feigning ignorance. “This guy’s done nothing wrong! We’re all just passengers here. Can’t we sort this out peacefully?”

The White Hats were taken aback by my unexpected intervention, their angry gaze now directed at me.

“And who are you?” one of them challenged.

I gave them a look like they’d grown a second head.

“What do you mean ‘who am I?’ I’m a passenger, same as everyone else here! Now, leave this poor guy alone,” I insisted, upping the charm offensive.

After some eye-rolling and grumbling, the White Hats turned tail and left us alone. evidently, they didn’t want any witnesses to their little raid.

I escorted my new friend to the train’s cafe, buying us some time and distance from the crazy situation.

“Quick thinking there, mate,” the suited man said, blowing off some steam with a strong coffee.

I shrugged, glad that my tactic had worked. We rode the rest of the way in peace, me enjoying the sweet taste of success at having outsmarted the absurd White Hats. Traveling on a train had never been so eventful!


The sooner you return to hell.
How much better life will be for good people !!!


Sir, I fart in your general direction.


Just goes to show how stupid you are fart cloud. Farting in hell only intensifies the blaze. And you couldn’t guess my direction with a map or a compass.


More proof The Plan is working


You have an incredible imagination

jay dee

ONE MISTAKE in your story – it should have ended with the caption – written by a true pedo, grooming leftist butt hole licker, then maybe we would not have thought of it as another shameful story from a satanic troll – pst – you are JUST a troll an obviously nothing more or you would not even be here – LOSER!!!!

J Will


jay dee

cry – just once it would be nice if you made sense…why would I cry – I already know you are all JUST trolls – you mean nothing to no one at all. The whole world knows what a troll is, no one EVER respected a troll, if you were trolling in person you TOO would wear a mask just like blm/antifa you EMBARASS YOURSELF!!! evil always hides in the shadow and I know you know this too, that is why you are JUST a troll!!!


What a sick, delusional person.

Combat Engineer 4 God

Ascension Day is 1 WEEK AWAY- WHAT IF………?

Combat Engineer 4 God



I bet you laugh hysterically at a lot of things, mostly things other people don’t see.

Combat Engineer 4 God

You don’t make much money with the bets you pursue, do ya- Yuckster- you’ll get none here you lost Turd! Go pester your mother, think she’s down in the basement changing your bedding from last night we heard there was a mishap..
🤣 🤣 🤣


I think you just proved his point.


Continue infighting, it’s a diversion …


Probably just you. Are you imagining seeing his desire for you that others do not see? Anybody using the pseudonym that you do, and compose the way you do is either a flamboyant queer or a waiter at Montana’s. And you don’t wait. Still whatever gets gas in the tank, 20 cents per post, you’ll be there in no time.


One week away? Writing this on my calendar for trolling later.

truth is stubborn

Siguen ponerse a la tarea. Pero no es nada pequeno.

They’re still working at it. But it’s not a small job.

John .S

Smith – Kurtz sit-down could be interesting, failed talks with Kurtz saying to his guys: “leave the guns, take the cannolis”.


Well, in my opinion, that, that’s not Mike Johnson as I just saw on the news.
The DS has officially taken over with their plant. MTG is right in taking the gavel away from him!!!


So you know him personally, well enough to discern subtle changes in his appearance? Or have you only seen him for a few seconds on TV?


We are winning. Admit it. LARP hard my friend.


I recently saw a photo comparison (half and half, side by side) of Mike Johnson and Edward Snowden …. hmmmmm …. remember Putin’s line, ” the ball is in your court Mr. President” …. (another hmmmmm …


Well folks, the proverbial shit must be about to hit the the fan, as evidenced by the content of the following posts. Our resident trolls have kicked up their usual diatribes as follows: Old Poopy Pants has posted a listing of “the questions that everyone is trying to figure out” with his usual mocking intent. Most of the questions appear to be ones no one has asked or addressed onsite. Then we have Ms.Bu posting about a video she saw on “before its news” about all humans being eradicated by 2025 with NASA being the culprit of the eradication asking MB to talk to his sources about it. I’m pretty sure most here know “before its news” is a supposed news site, much like AMG, and as the trolls like to dub RRN, not reliable news. The bot has also kicked into overdrive as has RGB=Robert Gregory Boensch posting a new volumn as well. Both Blackhat & boxer (trolls) are posting their usual unimportant vulgarities. Surf Nazi & Dr John have jumped in with their usual provacative observances. Its a wild ride so buckle up and enjoy.

Combat Engineer 4 God


Usual suspect

That kind of sounds like Heavens Gate!


Russian dick for everyone!


You are Scum.


You hurt my feelings.


You have no feelings you gormless spiritual vacuum. Lies leech from you as liquid from a rusty pipe.

Council Man

I think people here get bored waiting for the next article installment. If people ask serious questions, they get serious answers from some of us, but I am guilty of trolling the trolls as a pastime. However, I do try to put a nugget of truth in some of my responses to stimulate curiosity. The “I make money” bots are a systematic attempt to ‘tag’ this website and its posters for later identification. The RGB diatribes are long and annoying as it reminds me of regurgitated “Sovereign Citizen” stuff from the 90s.

Last edited 5 months ago by Council Man

Trolls need love too


You need God


Have you even been reading RRN articles? AT ALL? If not, why are you here? Where pedophiles are torturing, murdering and eating children, all of Hollywood is using drugs made from torturing children, where most of our world and national leaders in govt. are pedophiles and adrenochrome junkies and child trafficking criminals, there are the “mad scientists” torturing homeless people by horrific drug testing experiments and enjoying their suffering, setting people’s farms on fire, spraying us with chemtrails, creating disastrous superstorms and floods by HAARP., setting things ablaze with DEWS, injecting the entire population with deadly shots by force and coercion, creating earthquakes, massively stealing our elections without penalty, massively killing livestock and poultry to destroy our food supply with chemtrails and fires, spraying US with chemtrails, cloning people, poisoning our soil and water supply, they talk of aliens living underground and cloning factories, I could go on and on, where the richest and most powerful people in the world are addicted to drugs made from tortured children…Now tell me WHAT part about “They’re trying to kill us” do you not grasp? Which part is less credible? Which part is crazier than another?

Have you been paying attention? You add up ALL those crazy examples, plus many more, and I have to wonder if YOU’ve been paying attention at all. And you imply that I’M delusional and a crazy conspiracy theorist, because I can put those pieces together? Which was not even MY assertion, but that of another well known agency (which btw is said to have FAKED the moon landing.) I just have to question your reading comprehension, if you can’t see ANY possibility that MANY “SOMEONES’ are deceiving us and, yes, “conspiring” against us, and quite possibly wants ALL of us dead, OR put together a million clues indicating the possibility. SERIOUSLY? What do you think all these thousands of tribunals are about if they’re all innocent and mean us no harm??
It’s becoming very, very clear that you are only here to distract, taunt and discredit the truths we find here. If you think it’s all false and crazy, don’t read it. Go to MSM to stay in your “safe space”. Everything is right, safe and perfect in the world. Sleep tight.


So, here are all the questions that everyone is trying to figure out?

What really happens in the coming summer and fall months’ for America?

Have the Republicans been completely hoodwinked by the opposition?

Will the DOW JONES continue to rise?

Will the dollar index reach 107 – 108?

Will gold become currency or are we going digital?

Could silver fall back to $13.00 spot even with continued wars?

On the first day on the new presidency what immediately gets signed into law?

Does the government actually bail out the banks with the debt of American’s going off the charts?

Who here will still believe and wait for the EBS in November 2025?

Does JFK Jr. ever reveal himself as alive?

Do interest rates continue to be low to hedge inflation?

Does inflation continue to ravage our economic position in world trade?

Which female politician gets the most television airtime until December 2025?

Does the new calendar reveal that there are actually 13 months in a year?

How many RRN Readers does it take to make Michael a multi millionaire?



You sure hate Michael.


We should all hate each other.


I don’t hate anyone, that’s your deal you devil worshiping troll

Council Man

It gets hotter in the summer and the cools down in the fall in America.

No, the Republicans work in conjunction with the opposition.

Yes, his JOHNSON will continue to rise if he takes his viagra.

Unlikely, the Dollar index is under AI control and only moves when Ukraine needs more cash extracted from another country. It’s doing very well against the Yen right now.

CBDCs will be the choice of central banks, everyone else will barter with chickens.

No, because silver photography paper will make a comeback due to its use at GITMO

A bigly check to pay for Trump’s attorney fees.

Yes, Americans bail out the banks. When has it ever been any different?

I will and other people who did not take the covid jab.

Yes, he’s Juan O Savin. (Just put on a few pounds.)

If you are a big bank, interest rates will remain low, for everyone else they will be high.

No, the US becomes a powerhouse exporter of manure.

The one with the largest breasts. Then it rotates to the next chick with large breasts

No, we go back to the Gregorian calendar of November 1582, but mainframes have a tough time with it.

Just one and a rather large donation.

Glad to answer your questions.


The follow up to this meeting is 45 days out.

Robert Gregory Boensch


Below is What you will see on the cover Page
And the links will open and you can travel Down
The stages of Our REMONSTRANCE and See the Facial Evidence
Of the What Why And How.

We Did win in Michigan

And So did you in every State and Territory Of these united states of America
Image of the date they received certified Mail
April 6, 2022 at 11:58 am

The Remonstrance below

To The Michigan House of Representatives
101st Legislature
I Robert Gregory Boensch Am Formerly presenting this Document as a Remonstrance
A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan
Drafted by Robert Gregory Boensch

I am a common man and this document is for all the people of this state. It is for our children who have not fully learned what a State is and how government works they don’t know they have (that operation is by omission and deceit).This information is also for our Elderly and people that are challenged that are unaware of why events happens in this world around us. And its also for all the people that are not interested or too scared to get involved in Governmental affairs. Andfor the ones in power that have usurped power as impersonators abusing their false powers against the common good for the people.
And this remonstrance is to be restricted to our God given Rights and everything that is disclosed and referenced. And not to be expanded upon or altered in any way unless agree upon by the Author and creator Robert Gregory Boensch.
It is with this Knowledge that I present this Document to you today. This Document is drafted my myself today with the interest in the well being of all of the people in this Great State of Michigan.
And with full knowledge and hope that the other State and territories of this Great nation will take note of what is enclosed and alter and adapt any part of the elements that are to be disclose herein for the benefit of their own land.
Remonstrant were used in this state and this is not a new concept but a very hidden oneand now we will go to some history for the founding of this state and how it was created.
You need to down load the PDF and click the links through out this document to see all.
Find the documents on this click here 1835 CONSTITUTION OF MICHIGAN
in 1836 after the constitution a remonstrance was used 5 times as noted in the
1835-1836 Journal of the Senate

Part one Evidence being presented

Part two what redress is being sought.

Page 1of 9
Part one Evidence being presented
President Donald Trump says this Inauguration Day marks the transfer of power back to the People.
Trump: We are transferring power from DC back to people
President Donald Trump says this Inauguration Day marks the transfer of power back to the People
President Trump Proclaims The People of America are Sovereign
Fourteenth AmendmentSection 1All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The three Day Congress
117th United States Congress January 3, 2021 – January 6, 2021.
People on January 6 2021 Did President Trump Shut Down The United States Congress before the
Electoral collage votes were certified???
President Trump Speaks to the crowd this.
254. Proclamation to disperse
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.
Video Evidence 2021-1-06
Our President of The Unites States of America Proclamation to disperse (while in office).
Donald Trump tells supporters to ‘go home’ after they storm Capitol
Donald Trump tells supporters to ‘go home’ after they storm Capitol Archive backup
page 2 of 9
Written in Law
Office of the Law Revision Counsel United States Code
10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse
254. Proclamation to disperse.
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter,
he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.
Article 4 of the Constitution
Ensures a republican form of government (representatives democracy)
The states derives its power from the people
Guarantees that the Federal Government will protect the states against invasion and insurrection.
Page 3 of 9
In January 2021, like in most presidential inauguration years, the United States Marshal’s Service deputized thousands of law enforcement officers and Army National Guardsmen.
A Deputation Story 2021
Written in Law
Department of Defense Law of war Manual 2016
1236 pages
As part of its emergency regulations, a State may establish special
or emergency courts for cases involving unprivileged belligerents or other persons suspected of
committing offenses related to the non-international armed conflict.
Such courts must be regularly constituted and afford all the judicial guarantees that are
recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.84 Such courts may distinguish based on
nationality.85 The procedures of such courts may deviate from those applicable during ordinary
Proclamation of martial law was the only provision in case of disturbances endangering the security of the state. It would have entailed handing over all powers to the military authority and suspending private and public liberties.
Government and Parliament considered this step too extreme. Hence they devised a new contingency, the so-called ‘state of emergency,’
The government in turn gave authority to regulate movements of persons and goods, assign places of residence, create forbidden zones, order searches, ban meetings, control the press, dissolve associations, collect reparations for willful damage and for aid given to the rebels, suspend or transfer civil servants, deprive elected representatives of their seats, postpone by-elections, and delegate certain civil powers to the military.
(“No country which relies on the law of the land to regulate the lives of its citizens can afford to see that law flouted by its own government, even in an insurgency situation. In other words everything done by a government and its agents in combating insurgency must be legal. But this does not mean that the government must work within exactly the same set of laws during an insurgency as existed beforehand, because it is a function of a government when necessary. It does not mean that the law must be administered in exactly the same way during an uprising as it was in more peaceful times, because once again a government has the power to modify the way in which the law is administered if necessary, for the well being of the people, although the exercise of such power is usually – and rightly – subject to considerable constitutional restraint.”).
Page 4 of 9
Written in Law
Constitution of the United States Fourteenth Amendment Section 3
section 3No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Written in Law
Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election Executive Order 13848 of September 12, 2018.
Written in Law
“All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”“The people have a right in an Orderly and peaceable manner, to assemble and consult upon the common good, give instructions to their representatives; and to request of the legislative body, by way of petition or remonstrance, redress of the wrongs done them, and of the grievances they suffer.”
Part two what redress is being sought.
And here by request that this State of Michigan To Review and investigate all of the Above elements presented and other elements of crimes that have be waged upon myself and others That are known publicly or to be brought forward by Robert Gregory Boensch to be included in this Document at a later day.
and use the law as required to do the following and to expand the breath of these requests to include any and all others laws that are applicable to cover all actions that were carried out and include all the party’s involved even those that are not stated in this documents.
I am also demanding to make every Court in Michigan a Common Law Court. And the abolishment of this State’s bar association and demand that no member of said bar or any other states bar to participate in any legal mater in the State of Michigan. And fore the Abandonment of all statutory laws in this state of Michigan for the history and use of many of these laws are to hurt and eat off the substance of the common people of Michigan by those in Power and it has been proven time and time again by my personal experience of the actions that were carried against Me and others that I am a witness To.
Page 5 of 9
please redress and declare that this state will act as a Republic form of Government.
Article IV Section 4, shall be incorporated into our state constitution, For This will benefit all people by placing the power where it belongs -To We the People of the State of Michigan
Question was there Arrest made after the Insurrection act was proclaimed January 6 2021
Per the Article 4 of the Constitution and who was arrested.
I am asking for These Special or Emergency Courts to be created for carrying out justice for the people of Michigan.
As part of its emergency regulations, a State may establish special or emergency courts for cases involving unprivileged belligerents or other persons suspected of committing offenses related to the non-international armed conflict.
Impeach any and all the people in the state of Michigan that took and oath of office to the constitution of the State of Michigan and or The United States of America and remove them from office that committed crimes against any of this states common people and include all others being in state
To Impeach all of the members of the United States Congress that are from my State and
All of the Members of This States Senate and House of Representatives including any one else holding an office in Michigan and remove them and their staff from office!” That were an influencing member and or voting member that participated In any one or more of the following acts
The 2021 election Insurrection
The First impeachment of President Donald John Trump.
And-Or The Second impeachment of President Donald J Trump
And-Or That also voted for the Electoral collage votes to Joe Biden.
And expunge from the record in this state these impeachment records of President Donald John Trump and plea with the United States Congress to do the Same.
And in my State Your are requested to do the following.
Remove all of the electoral collage votes that were pledged for Joe Biden under fraud.
and audit all of my states vote polling places by September 1 2022
To end this the militia or the armed forces control under the 2020 election fraud
To remove and bar SERCO and other Operators, Controllers, Partner’s and Ownership Ship completely from all strategic Businesses and government entities in Michigan from foreign countries.
Page 6 of 9
And I Robert Gregory Boensch Reserve the Right to add any and All
Evidence elements and or Documents that I have or will receive about any and all crimes.
That I have been a witness to or been a victim of For the fact many Witness are at risk today.
And request these crimes be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest of the Law.
Furthermore be it dully noted that the complexity of the crimes that were commented Against
Me personally and my Family and others are So complex and as they become forth.
I am Requesting For these retribution to be address as addendum’s to this Remonstrance.
Questions to Answer
Who are the People and Countries that interfered in our 2020 Election.
Was Congress suspended after President Trump Spoke these Words on Jan 6 2021.
Was one of the above Laws Violated on or around Nov 3 2020 or January 6 to 20 2021.
Was certifying the 2020 Presidential Electoral College a Crime.
Question Did congress to do and illegal Vote on the Electoral College.
Question would this nullifies all of the Electoral collage votes to Joe Biden under fraud etc.
And makes the claim of voter fraud in 2020 open for investigation in each state.
Constitution for the United States Fourteenth Amendment Section 3.
Question Every member of congress that voted to accept the electoral collage votes for Joe
Was a willing Member of this November 3 2020 President election Insurrection
And shall be removed from office By the Military?
Every member of congress that voted for the articles of impeachment of
President Trump.
and Every Member of the Senate that Voted for Impeachment of President Trump.
Did so as an Act of rebellion against the same
And shall be removed from office By the Military?
For any body in The United State congress Or in Each State’s Senate and House of Representatives.” that participated in these crimes. Should they be allowed to vote?
Page 7 of 9
But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.?
I think Not
If you commented a crime in this country in any court of law
can you demand to sit on the jury that is hearing your case
any congress member guilty can not sit in the jury!!!
To Those in My State that accepted the electoral collage votes for Joe Biden
You can not participate in voting for such relief in this remonstrance.
And what kind of Retribution do we need for our injuries and financial losses.
And please address the Harm to the United States Citizens that such action has caused and Give retribution to such Victims in a just way as they seem fit.
This Insurrection
That was carried out against the People of These States on November 3 2020.
This Was declared By President Trump on Jan 6 2021
By proclamation.

A Declaration By Robert Gregory Boensch
Everything that is in this Document was investigated By Me and Found to be True
to the extent that the elements presented to me are authentic and true.
From a Common Sovereign Man
Robert Gregory Boensch
________________________ ____________
“notice to principal is notice to agent, notice to agent is notice principal”
the requirement for a 30 day notice for response.
To Jason Wentworth Speaker of the House
164 Capitol Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Page 8 of 9
House Clerk’s Office
House of Representatives
PO Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Secretary of the Senate

Michigan State Senate |PO Box 30036 |
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Arenac County Clerks Office Nancy Selle, County Clerk
P O Box 747
120 N Grove Street
Standish, MI 48658

From a Common Sovereign Man
Robert Gregory Boensch

Page 9 of 9

The end of this Remonstrance


Ask MB to let me post this with the links Live

and all of Us here can really see what this is about and Make thousands of commits about It

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Game theory in Michigan every time
i called the state

The rats starting scurrying and tried to leave this state.

very fun to Watch

You can Do the Same thing in your state

Watch the rats run


Last edited 5 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Billy Bob

Obersturmbannfürher Kurtz. OK.


Attn: Michael. I’m sorry, Michael, I REALLY want to share this with your readers and YOU, to dig into. I just watched it myself. I hope you can bring some sort of a positive spin on this story, because it is more than terrifying. It’s stomach churning. Because we know these things ARE happening. This is the ONLY place I could think of to share this, who might actually take it seriously, and watch to the end. I’d LOVE for you to find something positive to report, saying this is being dealt with and thwarted. I know this is a competitor site, but…you’ll see.

Off topic from your current topic, a VERY scary, alarming video about 35 minutes long – a “must-watch” that explains a lot that we already know is happening as we speak. Go to: April 30, 2024. And watch this video about the Plan to kill all humans by 2025. It’s a NASA document, well laid out, with very alarming information to share.

A Found NASA Document Reveals Plans to Kill All Humanity by 2025 – Advanced Weapons to Be Used (Video) dated
Tuesday, April 30, 2024. This lady has studied this NASA document, and gives an excellent (and terrifying) summary of what it reveals. PLEASE LET THIS POST STAY?
I want you to talk to your sources about it.

Last edited 5 months ago by MsBu

I have watched this video by Deborah Tavares and her others about the California wildfires. She is very well informed and a serious investigator.

Her website is On Stopthe Crime

https ://

note: remove the space after https


Thanks, Ed


Thank you for your response.


Let’s parse this out. If someone intends to kill all human beings, that means the perpetrators would also kill themselves. Why? Second, why would NASA be involved? It’s a civilian agency. The military controls space weapons. Third, what weapon has the power to eradicate 8 billion people? Even all-out nuclear war would only kill about half that number. Fourth, Before it’s News is the gold standard of crackpot theories and total BS. Why would you believe some random post by someone unknown person reading an alleged government document?


Evidently NASA is not what or who we think they are. That has come up a number of times in recent years, linking them to other things we would have never guessed. You make up your own mind.


There’s a lot on there (BeforeItsNews) I don’t take seriously, but some I do. Plus, it’s too depressing for me. I rarely look at it, but something else must have referenced it, that led me to look at it. So much about NASA is said to have been a big lie, that I can’t just dismiss this. Maybe what we believed they did was just a cover story for their bigger agenda. I want it “credibly dismissed and debunked” by those who have a possibility to access credible sources who are in-the-know. NOT just dismissed by someone (without real credible access to such sources) saying “I don’t believe that.” Also, because we already know that many of the weapons referenced in this document and tactics we’ve seen used, that this document references, DO exist and are currently being used against us already. It’s hard to ignore.


Don’t trust Before it’s news, not legit content on that website

Combat Engineer 4 God


Last edited 5 months ago by Combat Engineer 4 God

I’m more powerful than your God.


“Found NASA Document Reveals Plans to Kill All Humanity by 2025” yes I support this.


Then all your problems will be over.


Regardless of the world as it is. See what has transpired.You have no idea

S alan

Most people think they are and always have been innocent beings. A deep examination of past lives will reveal both sides of the truth. You have been dark and demonic and also light/helpful over the hundreds of your incarnations.
Most religions have been deceptive and told you that humans only have one life but that’s because they want total control over its members. Most religions are dark, just research how they originated.


You came to me exactly at the right time. I do remember some of my past lives. What I know is when the soul leaves the body do not follow the light. It is simulated to entice you. You are so right. We have all been good and evil in our incarnations. Thank you for finding me dear soul


A helpful summary….


Surf Nazare

It is reported that Austin—you know the dead guy—is trying to get countries to give up their Patriot Systems to Ukraine—-I mean Spain/Greece etc. don’t need them—-Let me get this straight—all of Europe and fiends are supplying Ukraine with weapons and money not to mention soldiers are starting to filter in—–Geeze I wonder how Vlad feels about that


He’s getting his dick sucked by MAGA


And you’re getting buttfucked by Zashitski


You’re getting gang raped by Jesus


Wild how everyone “executed” in a RRN story is still around doing stuff, huh Surf


I’m sure you are easily fooled.


Almost like it never happened, amirite ?

Combat Engineer 4 God

Pull the COBB OUT!! 😆

Surf Nazare

Really Cool—-have you seen what the Russians call the Cope cages—-they have put what looks like cages around refineries and tanks and all sorts of their equipment to protect against drone attacks—gotta love the Russians—those dumb stupid people–at least that is what our news and military like to say about them—-those Russians are getting their asses kicked—that $60 BBillion should do the trick—


I really love how their tanks fly sky high

truth is stubborn

Do you like that M1A1 Abrams Russia just captured and added to their museum collections? Boy, the Ukies are just kicking ass with everything we give them, aren’t they?

Just imagine what they could do with an F-16 or two, I bet they could hang onto it a full half a week before it gets destroyed on the tarmac.

But keep repeating that good ol’ MSM rah-rah Democrat war filth propaganda, Zelenskiy said the last summer initiative might push them all the way back to Moscow or something, right?

Last edited 5 months ago by truth is stubborn

go to and see how badly russia is getting beaten…I mean ukraine.

jay dee

Hi Michael. I have been awake for a few decades, even prior to losing my own father to a reaction to a “regular” flu vaccines in 2003. Due to my allergies and types of allergies I know this covid vaccine would have killed me in an instant. The reason I am writing this is because I am Canadian. I honestly believe I was born to be an American as I probably know more about America and it’s politics than Canadian politics. Our so called leader “Trudy” is/was Klaus’s favorite pet. Many think very little about Canadians or think we are puppets but we are not, many think we don’t have guns, but yes we do, they didn’t take them they only stopped from buying handguns. Most I know never have EVER voted for Trudy and most know he was selected. I know that the corruption of politicians first was said at 90% worldwide corrupt but has risen to 98% so my question is…. Are you aware of any or approx of #’s if any of our lovely leaders whom are already gone…I have seen only some on that list, but was hoping that maybe you have a few, actually hoping 100’s of gitmo stories with Canadian’s standing trial. Do they go to gitmo or is there another such place. I watch the flight data mostly military and I do see alot of the worldwide military working together like Derek Johnson site shows but I would so much appreciate a few hanging news of Canadians. I know it would make me feel a bit more assured that help is here. Good guys are in Canada too. Please let me know if you have any info that can make Canadians smile too. Please and thank you for any info you can provide.

Dr John

Where you were addressing MB, I can assure you from Down South in the US, we have a kind hear toward our Canadian brothers and sisters. Do we think your political problems are worse than ours or your fault. NOPE we have the same problems just slightly different assaults on us. Yes we have plenty of guns of all calibers and sizes with plenty of ammo, just looking for targets off opportunity(hunting season on the Deep State Players).

But a gun is a gun and whether hand gun or long gun they both make holes and we area aware your are hunter like us and indeed do some large game hunting as we do. You like us would keep a solid stock of ammunition just in case an intruder showed up at your home.

I have heard, “HEARD” that the down fall of the politicians in Canada is tightly coupled to the fall of the US corruption. I have also heard the US is involved in helping collect actors in Canada. That ALL or nearly all countries are involved in helping each other. Your leader in craps is supposed to have a micro tracking chip implanted in the old brain box.

The difficult part for us, and I assume for you as well; is many of these political players are not the real person and are in place to destroy the image of the Deep State and the totality of their corruption for the Nominees to wake up.

I am not MB and apologize for throwing my two cents in, but I hope it helps a little.

What is fact and what is fiction; who knows but that is a few things out there that “may” be true.

jay dee

no need to apologize at all. thanks – I guess deep down I just wish I could hear a MB story about one of ours. (many of ours) I have heard about the Trudy chip as well. I believe world wide every country is fighting the same fight but I believe the USA has the biggest factor on the rest. I also have read the USMCA frontwards and back and I believe some of what one may call clauses/conditions etc. USA could take over Canada due to some of the things Trudy has done, as he has had hand in at least one attempt on Trump, Haiti, Uranium one, bigly profiting off vaccines etc. and we all know it was Trudy’s place the clintons ran to crying when she lost in 2016 – disguised as a “holiday”. Some times I think the extra news of reading the down fall of evil helps give that little boost we all need every once in a while.

Robert Gregory Boensch

I also have read the USMCA frontwards and back and I believe

That Our Remonstrance is law in your country and Mexico

Robert Gregory Boensch


Hang in there friend…. we are in the closing acts of the cleansing of the world as we know it. White Hats worldwide have achieved so much over the past 7-8 years. It is confirmed that your “Trudy” is not really your Trudy. Just as our poopy pants Biden is not the man he used to be. We are already victorious and White Hats are now in the final months of the plan to eradicate the deep state. Clean up in aisle 45-47.


According to our resident trolls, they know everything, at least they believe they do! Love your response to our Canadian friend.

Karen B

Your ‘two cents’ is usually like a quarter to me, Dr. John. It is wonderful to have our continental citizens reach out to us, isn’t it! It brought me hope and heart-happiness. Your comment I am sure eased their mind. 💜


I Joined the red hats a long time a go

Karen B

GOD bless you, jay dee.🤗 🇨🇦 Americans think fondly about you northern strong people. Your truck convey protest during covid demonstrated how great of a people you are coming together in faith and you dismantled the tyranny and watching videos of this battle, just showed people how unnerved the puppets of Justin Castro became by your strength and solidarity. Men know it when they see free liberty manifesting. I will never forget your struggles during that time and I embraced your protesters with prayers and gleefully watched you all each day fight in peace and rejoiced over your victories. It was historical. I think history will disclose and expose just how much damage your truckers hauled onto your freedom-hating gestapo.
I know reading RRN makes people gain hope and lets truth of these war operations out a bit, but you Canadians are not at any way left out. You come on this board here anytime. We will be more united by the knowledge that we are all one human species as each month goes by. I believe we are joined together without us really consciously knowing the Plan of saving this entire planet from the hands of evil entities and bringing us together,. This Plan has been decades in the making; being carefully and precisely thought out and planned by the Alliance and Light Beings that are helping us world wide. It is part of their Plan that would make you want to come here and reach out to your southern country of the great Northern Americas: to make connection possible. We Are one people and I just know that great men and women are working out with the same force to bring down the corrupt and captured establishment in your country as they are with us. Rest assured, when we are free so will you be and I remain hopeful of that. There is such a gargantuan operation combining countries all over our planet that we have not been privy to. This site here is the best bet to find out what we are given from the war rooms. As we are in this war world wide, we won’t know when it is done until it is done. So, gather your loved ones around you, pray and trust GOD ALMIGHTY that he will see us all through this time. Thanks for being here with us.👍🤗💪💓🗡🛡🛐🕊

truth is stubborn

Yeah, WHs have no jurisdiction up north barring extraordinary circumstances, but the great awakening is definitely rumored to be a coordinated international effort now.


What a beautiful and hopeful reply. Well said. I love a positive and uplifting point of view. I agree wholeheartedly.

Susan Banks

I just heard Ben Fulford say the Warbis over everywhere! The Jubilee is coming. And they every man woman and child is getting 236,000!!! Omg! I’ve been waiting 8 years!!! Some have waited 30 and 40 years! Some woke up after 9/11. Whenever you woke up it doesn’t matter. As a Country we will vote on every decision made for our Country!! President Trump succeeded big time!!! What a great Hump Day! I’ll take that any day any time! I’m so ready!

Bill Meadows

Keep dreaming, Suzy!

Council Man

Some people get so delusional.


I assume you are speaking of Bill Meadows. He is pretty delusional.

Dr John

Originally the payout was payback for illegal taxation which has some justification to it. But to give every man, woman and CHILD; that much money seems dangerous.

With money like that why would any young person work or at least not until the money ran out. It could likely be the worst thing that could happen. The government started paying families and their children during the Covid JOKE so much a month and many of those young people receiving those funds had no reason to work.

The increase in minimum income impacted the job market. McDonald’s met the demand by firing employees to balance the excess cost, now those working for McDonald’s only have to work harder and faster to make up for the shortage of employees. While the unemployed will not take any job that does not at least meet the new minimum income and now they suggest new income is not $15, but $20. Which means everyone wants more money to maintain the same economic distance they felt they earned.

Free money happened during the PLANdemic as adults received a couple of $1500 dollar or so checks to soften the dramatic economic shift as product prices rose dramatically while jobs were lost. It helped some families but not near enough and it did little for a failing economy as we struggle with a painful depression that is being driven by a false government.

I might take the money and buy a life time supply of chocolate and become the chocolate KING, but other than that if we all get the same amount the economy will shift in accord diluting our short term gains for long term retail profits.

This gift they propose has far to many complications. Would I like it off course, do I believe it will happen? When the check is in the bank then and only then will I accept my poor judgement.

American Living in Canada

What’s your take on these Military Tribunals being released and viewed by all?


where? you mean this mega larp?


no the other one.

Dr John

The military operations to deal with propaganda including dispelling it and dispersing it does not publicly announce what they are doing. They typically use circuitous routes like MB to broadcast the information.

The nebulous thinking is MB talking to the military or is he running a con; gives the military deniability. They have not openly told us MB is doing work for them! Someone in the military command is leaking information. With approval IT SEEMS???

It is like living in a cloud where someone is being feed information that cannot be obviously from the military, but yet it is, because no military officers is suing MB for his use of their names and blaming them for trials and executions!

When all of these deaths are shared with the normees don’t be shocked if the dates of trials and executions are later that what we are not hearing. The truth is malleable; when they were executed is not as important to us as the fact they were executed earlier. To the normees it may be less shocking to know they are in the know and not 2 years behind.

There is plenty of information going back several years discussing the construction of GITMO expansion and improvements including better care for elderly arrests of those involved in the corruption.

The military also trained about 150 lawyers in military law so that they could act as lawyers or possible judges as the mass arrest are initiated. One court room is not enough and they already have more than one.

The speed of the arrests and convictions as well as executions is softening up the enemy that believed they were above trials and execution. That they could not not be arrested and HUNG! The slow roll is to increase fear and help them either to self exterminate or surrender to the military hoping for leniency if they talk. Information on Deep State players and future activities or locations where they are hiding is important.

This site is read by Patriots, Trolls and Deep State players. Don’t kid yourself this is the best source to know what is going on. And of course the Trolls spew lies and more lies while the military may be sharing all facts and no propaganda or some propaganda for the Deep State.

They can tell us what is and is not the truth, because the dark side would know as well.

It seems like Los Vegas; whoever goes to GITMO stays in GITMO one way or another.

Yes I believe the hangings are real and yes the military if passing filtered information to MB. This allows us a forum in which to champion the actions of the White Hats (and Trump). And the Deep State gets to hear our anger, hatred and efforts to stop them at every turn.

MB could block me from sharing medical information, but he knows it is a way to fight the Deep State and my messages are an affront to the enemy.

Robert Gregory Boensch posts are not stopped either because they are constitutional law and your rights to stand up and fight back. Again an affront to the enemy.

Both Robert and I are know for long, detailed posts. In between articles the conversation can drop off. Our posts increase conversations and annoyance to the Deep State.

We are not alone in such posts there are now many that contribute important information that brings us together… something the Deep State does not want. Together means we are organized and can operate against them together as a unit, a fighting force. We can and do share information we pull from across the internet in the form of articles and videos. We offer opinions and our understanding. We raise the anger and distill fears all in what and how we say things.

Here is where we stay current and knowledgeable. We stay excited and motivated. We ARE AMONG FRIENDS and Patriots!!!

When the military perceives you might become a prisoner of the enemy you are trained in what to say and what not to say. You are not supposed to say where your unit might be and any lies you tell might give away their location through dedication.

The Trolls really get active when we are “over the target.” This in turn tells us and the military that said topic is a sensitive issue.

And the military monitors what we are saying to get a pulse of the Patriots. Growing readership also document the spread of these articles and the interest in them.

It is all here for a reason that makes sense to me from what I know of the military intelligence sector.


Regarding the health information you often share, about which I am a kindred spirit, I was just reminded of an audiotape I latched onto decades ago. It had such an impact on me that I bought dozens of them to share. Very good introduction for those just beginning to discover what I call “God’s medicine”. I JUST NOW found it online, to listen to it for FREE, on your phone or other devices. It’s called, “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”. You can just search that title and a lot of copies of it appear, to listen to right then from your device. His first name escapes me at the moment, but his last name is WALLACH. I HIGHLY recommend it. It’s a fun listen. If I recall correctly, it might be about an hour long, so get comfy to listen to what he has to say.

I must have played mine hundreds of times, because it spoke of what I had been researching for years and trying to convey to others. The concept of healing yourself naturally. But he explains in such a clear and understandable (and even entertaining!) way for anyone to grasp. Great information, especially for those unfamiliar with the concept of natural healing. It’s a nice jumpstart. I still enjoy hearing it. I’m going to listen now!

Dr John

I have the book, good material, and listened to his speech. His name is Joel Wallack. He among other things use to do autopsies on zoo animals and worked with Marlin Perkins for a brief time.

He translated what was nutritional wrong with animals to human needs. This was quite typical, 50 to 100 years ago animals were cured; later it was found a similar condition in humans where the same cure worked. Same condition, different name; after all we are not animals ; )


Remember every thing thing you were programmed.


Yes, that’s the one. I had forgotten how funny and entertaining he is. Nothing boring about it. I think that even if you don’t care about natural medicine, you can still be entertained and enjoy his talk.


‘Known for long, detailed posts.’

As we all know, size matters.
As long as a post is succinct, and does not tie up a reader’s time unnecessarily, fine by me.

Dr John

It may surprise you; they have invented scroll bars so that you can turn a lengthy and informative post into a blur lasting only a fraction of a second.

Where size matters, I am well equipped and can use what I have to pleasure readers with posts that share the most insight.

Thanks for bringing the topic up.


My take is that Hollywood MSM Hugh Hefner and so sorry parents Disney too. Soon to be realized coming to a theater near you


If everyone got a megaload of free cash the economy would shut down. No one would go to work, so no food, no utilities, no police or fire, no sewer or water. No Amazon and no one making anything. Basic economics tell us that prices would soon spiral because there is so much cash around. As food and consumer goods ran out, prices would spike. People paying $100,000 for a loaf of bread. People would battle for the few items that are available and before long, those will be gone too.

This is a false dream peddled by con artists to vulnerable people. Charlie Ward has become a millionaire selling his NESARA/GESARA lies. This is a false story, a scam. It’s never going to happen because the laws of economics and human nature make it impossible. The flim-flam artists cash your donations and laugh at you for your gullibility. They are robbing you, but with a keyboard instead of a gun.


Part of the requirement for the $$, is that you CONTINUE to do your job. Well, except those that are of RETIREMENT age…. which, from what I heard is being lowered.

truth is stubborn

I used to think about the same thing. But if you think about it, even a quarter mil would just let you buy a house and that’s it, or let you create a small-ish retirement account.

They did something similar to that when they privatized in Russia, they paid people out. Idiots wasted it, smart people invested it.


They don’t understand logic


u mean satangic ?


and you don’t understand truth, but then you are a enemy.


Truth is my weapon


Some of those thoughts have crossed my mind, too. With all the newfound money and wealth everyone is said to have, what incentive will anyone have to work? And to help to CREATE the products and services everyone will finally be able to afford to buy? How exactly will that work??


We will have to wait and see. However, if per your post we are all going to be eradicated in 2025 What does it matter?


I’m not saying that. Someone else is.


I just want to know the whole truth. I trust that God isn’t going to let that happen. He has protected me in the past. I trust that God does have a plan to protect us now. However, I do believe the Deep State IS trying their best to kill off as many of us as possible. ASAP. Look around. Read RRN. Look at the clotshot agenda alone and all who have died from that whole plot.

But, for an example, let’s just say, it’s the middle of the night, and let’s say someone repeatedly rings my doorbell to frantically tell me my house is on fire; I’m probably going to at least go around and take a look, and verify that it’s ok, before ignoring it and going back to sleep. It’s kind of like that. Had there been a fire, that frantic doorbell ringer might have been God’s messenger, sent to save me from the fire. What if I ignored him? Just sayin’.


Ben Fulford is the greatest liar that has ever sucked air. He is a fraud and a fool. Not sure what “Warbis” is but if Ben says its over, it’s not. You are not magically getting millions of dollars and there is no 650 planeloads of Vatican gold. Its just another long con to get you to donate to these lazy hucksters who can’t get a real job. They are stealing from you, Susan; your money and your soul.


your pathetic to mock innocents like that.


Are you really that stupid?


Remember in your words everyone is dumb if we don’t support your lies.


not only are you an asshole, you are cruel to the core. just plain evil.






free beer tomorrow


soooooonx ..


where is the lmfao emoji?


I would not put any faith in fulford……….. I don’t know why people always bring his opinions into this website. But, when the $$ gets disbursed, it will be dependent on AGE and mortgages……………… so that fact that he’s quoting you an exact amount, is a huge RED FLAG.

Combat Engineer 4 God

Susan, that’s never going to happen, it’d be totally irresponsible as there would be a mad attack RUSH on every luxury store and Stores in general, would sell out in minutes, t h e n
the rioting will start immediately, cause a street criminal lives there, it’s- home YOU WOULDNT GET TO T H E STORE IN TIME!

Robert Gregory Boensch

Thank You for letting Me Use your Space

So My testimony Seems like a lot. But It’s not

Just Remember Everything that Happened To Me and My Family Happens Every
Day in this Country And Around This World

Just think of your security and freedom When all of these Bad Actors Are Gone

Robert Gregory Boensch

Thank You

American Living in Canada

You’re ok by me Robert, keep on truck’in and rollin.


Dear MB, your articles as well as the JAG making this information available, are both very appreciated by RRN patriots. This website is a v-e-r-y valuable source of information about actions by White Hats to win this war, and I believe that is the purpose of this website: to inform patriots of the progress by White Hats so they don’t fall prey to the MSM defeatist propaganda. As a secondary purpose, RRN also allows conversations about the articles. That said, there are a few commenters that abuse this website for volume publishing of their own off-subject data, not to mention a number of useless trolls. These distractions lower the quality and value of this website and serve to discourage readers from reading it. That is the purpose of the trolls. I think it’s time to review the RRN comment policies and reduce the volume of trolls and distractions. This is a news outlet for JAG – would they want their hard-earned news distracted by such website abusers? I don’t think do – please have a look for yourself, and thanks for your hard work.

Susan Banks

We have to scroll right by and never like or dislike them! In fact, if you read them you will be more discouraged than ever! A whole lot of deceivers have infiltrated this and a whole lot of Platforms! Don’t read the comments if you can’t take the heat and discern what’s real and what’s not! President Trump promised to give power back to us! That’s what he did!


Stay strong Susan, the naysayers have no idea what the truth is. Let them live in their delusion of negativity. Keep on scrolling along.

Combat Engineer 4 God

You’re deceived and only lying to yourself if you do not trust God’s ability & Timing REGUARDING Revelation 18:4! Trump didn’t give you power, he merely let you take a “WHIFF”!! JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD GOD IS THE ONE WHO IMPOWERS & INTRUSTS OTHERS IN A POSITIVE DIRECTION EVERYTIME!

Last edited 5 months ago by Combat Engineer 4 God
Combat Engineer 4 God



This is pure BS. RRN engagement has skyrocketed since we came. I’d say we accidentally had the opposite affect. Why would he let us run amuck like this? Because we add value and entertainment. ::mic drop::

Last edited 5 months ago by Blackhat

your sure want us dead.

you have terrible lfiee to kill innocents liek that.

your nto going to breathe asshole.

truth is stubborn

Cobb had it closer. He bans you periodically as he has time, thus the necessity to rename.


It’s a valuable source of total bullshit and lies. That much is for certain.


yoru sick.


why not thank valiant thor while you’re at it…proverbs 14:15


The purpose of this website is to ensure MB never needs to find a real job and can continue sitting on his couch on a pillow of your contributions.


JFK Jr. Bet on it.


Now there is a dating show where there trying to force straights to marry trans…

Lol, it backfires. They are desperate…


Why are there so many trolls in here🙄. Thanks again Michael for bringing the information the public needs to see & hear about.


Yes. The three-letter-orgs running this message board don’t want us to be
able to block these twerps; they want us to interact with them to gather data.




take the sausage out of yer mouth, when u think, ok ?




Because you people, with your child-like willingness to accept these ridiculous lies, are extremely entertaining. I don’t work for any government agency. This is pure amusement, tinged with sadness that you are willingly deluded by these cheesy tales.


Your sarcasm is so funny. Loser.


The trolls are here to discourage, disparage, deny, & denounce. They belong to the dark side aka Black hats. White Hats winning will not turn out well for them and their owners so they must attempt to make us lose hope, conviction and belief in the truth. If the Whites Hats/Patriots were actually losing this war there would be no need for them to be here.


Maybe we should get the frat boys in unc to save the constitutional republic white hats getting shown up by lots of folks lately looking like it’s about break out in the streets keep slow walking it guess you can watch it on tv

Dr John

I do believe their meeting is a good next step along with the prior discussion with Trump and company, when coupled with the fact they do know who he is; I feel the meeting is safe enough.

While waiting for them to have their meet and great, I want to share a simple and straight forward vitamin list that you may find helpful.

To better equip you with just one type of vitamin (for now):

“Here are the common B vitamins you can expect to find in a vitamin B supplement and why you need them: (Dr John note: I buy the B vitamins individual so that I can regulate how much I want/need of each vitamin)

  • Vitamin B1: Thiamine is good for your heart, and it also helps convert nutrients into energy that your body can use.
  • Vitamin B2: Riboflavin also helps with the digestion of food and is beneficial for the brain.
  • Vitamin B3: Niacin is useful for many things, including DNA production, healthy cholesterol levels and joints, and metabolizing food. It may also help to protect the brain against dementia.
  • Vitamin B5: Pantothenic acid helps with metabolism, cholesterol, energy, and hormone production.
  • Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine is essential for nerve, heart, blood vessel, and brain health, as well as DNA production.
  • Vitamin B7: Biotin helps regulate metabolism and gene expression. You may know biotin as the vitamin of choice for improving the health of skin, hair and nails.
  • Vitamin B9: Folic acid/folate helps with metabolism, the formation of blood cells and cell division and growth. It’s considered especially crucial for pregnant women.
  • Vitamin B12: Cobalamin is essential for neurological health, blood cell production, and DNA production. When possible, choose a vitamin that offers methylcobalamin, which is more readily absorbed by the body than cyanocobalamin.”

This is a good start, it is not replete in the potential solutions B vitamins offer, but it is a good start. Some vitamins are fat soluble and some are water soluble. Usually B vitamins are known for being water soluble, but you can get B5 also as fat soluble. Vitamin C is another example of a water soluble product.

Being water soluble means they pass through the body in one day and need re-enforcement on a fairly regular basis if you are not getting enough through your organic food sources. Fat soluble vitamins store in fat cells with a greater retention. In some cases you need that fat soluble effect to access certain fat cells where the vitamins presence enhances those cells.

Remember the FDA Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is the BARE MINIMUM you need to survive. It has nothing to do with being Healthy or concurring a health issues.
As you should already know by now, most illness are not a dis EASE, but a chemical imbalance that makes us ill at ease, uncomfortable. The chemical imbalance is often due to lack of water, electrolytes, vitamins minerals and over all proper nutrition.

Try this simple experiment. Stop eating all sugar and carbs for one week. At the end of the week you will feel sluggish, lacking energy to do anything. Next spend just a couple of days including carbs in your diet. You will bounce back full of energy.
It is not just the vitamins, hormones, minerals, etc. It is all around nutrition. Fat is good for you and so are carbs if done in balance. Protein is good for you. I get so annoyed when the so called experts eliminate healthy foods as junk. Don’t eat eggs, don’t eat butter, tomatoes, beans, cards, protein, candy deserts. Wait minute if you follow all of these guidelines from this so called experts (idiots) you would have to
stop ingesting all foods and drinks. Your life span would be close to zero!

I eat normal organic home made foods which include deserts, like pies, cakes, cookies. What I do not do is eat them every day and do not eat mountainous pieces. Cherry pie; which has real cherries, a touch of sugar and a thin crust made with LARD (which is good for you). Where do you buy lard? You save the bacon grease from your fried bacon! Wait, I eat fried foods???? Of course I do, I know what is good, I just don’t eat it all the time.

Cooking foods at a slightly higher temperatures locks the fat to the outside and minimizes the fat in the food. Letting fried food dry on a paper towel also reduces the fat. Note: you can leave lard out on the counter as long as it is covered to keep bugs out. Lard was used for a long time as part of the canning process to seal the top of the food being preserved. It does not spoil.

I also as mentioned more the once, exercise vigorously 5 days a week. It is those days I can cheat the most; if the need arises. And that exercise is not just building muscles, it is lubricating joints, and muscles as well as removing built up toxins in my muscles burning off calories eaten as well as those stored as fat.

By the way where cardiovascular exercise increases endurance that type of exercise impacts you for several hours, where a good weight lifting type exercise is still with you for 24 to 48 hours drawing down those fat reserves as muscles call for energy to supplement their needs. bigger muscles mean the body needs more calories just to survive.

That does not mean MASSIVE muscles, lean muscles have the same needs.
If you get to doing super sets (minimal or no breaks between different exercises) that is also cardiovascular at the same time. It also raises the heart rate (in a good way) and improves stamina.

The old adage, “You are what you eat,” does carry some weight.

Not only should your diet make you healthy, it should make you happy; make you smile!

Bill Meadows

If you want to put your health in the hands of the pharmaceutical companies, keep taking supplements.

Proper nutrition does not come in the form of a pill.

Susan Banks

Yea you are right! Wait until they are all gone! I promise when Trump pulls the Trigger it will all come out!

Dr John

And it no longer comes from food as you image. Much of our food LOOKS good, but in many cases suffers from more than bad taste, it lacks vital nutrients.

I agree some vitamins are a product of the Deep State. You have to be careful sourcing what you use. But to say or suggest vitamins are worthless is not common sense.

Too many vitamins are the cures for chemical imbalance which Doctors prescribe as disease Too many of these “disease are nothing more the a chemical imbalance of the body. The adjustment is through vitamins, minerals, hormones, electrolytes and proper hydration.

Lack of vitamins are the cause of Scurvy, Rickets, Colds Flu and much more. And they are cured by administering vitamins. To consume enough food to bring about such cures would be near impossible and very expensive.

My own mother suffering from advanced dementia due to extreme over medication by and uncaring doctor caused this problem. I got her off the toxic drugs, but needed plenty of B12 to restore brain function. It took 9 months to get her back to normal. You might think the B12 did nothing.

I got a Doctor to inject a higher dose of B12 in her. Within 1 hour she was completely back to normal However B12 being water soluble that change only lasted a few hours of which I was well aware.

With such proof your repeated cries of Wolf do not stand the test of time. Time and again I can prove where vitamins have saved people.

You are right, if foods were as intended their would likely never be a need for vitamins and that would best the best way to gain them. However you are ignoring what I believe is another Deep State ploy to undermine our healthy by destroying the nutrients in our farms and thus our food.

You are right SOME companies that make vitamins are corrupt and run by Big Pharm… The Deep State. But you are wrong to think ALL vitamins are tainted.

Your bias is transmitting incomplete and false information.


Food source Dirt is 50 million years old, therefore there is no nutritional value whatsoever without supplements. My choice is VIVA VITAMINS. 👍😎


well goody for you dirtbag. time to change your pants you are beginning to smell like shit.

Huck Finn

100% correct. There are many wonderful vitamin companies still around that have not
been bought out by big pharma. Swanson vitamin are small family owned. Stay away from Centrum vitamins as they are owned by Pfizer. Doctors’ Best vitamins’ quality has dropped since they were bought out by Chinese company. Dr. Berg says Solgar has been compromised? Cream of the crop are Life Extension, Thorn, Natures’ Way, Solaray, Source Naturals supplements = top self, and many more. Do diligent research.

Bill Meadows

Swanson was bought out by a private equity firm. In other words, it’s owned by a group of uber wealthy investors.

Good luck with that.

Huck Finn

Swanson was purchased in 2016 by Swander Pace Capital. No attachment to big pharma. However the fine tuned Swanson management team ($300 million sales per year with 10% growth per year) will stay intact.

Huck Finn

Doc, What do you recommend for an astigmatism?



Huck Finn

Wrong answer Dr DeKnow it all


Well stated! Thank you. I’ve had that conversation with him before, too. He’s thinking that you can still get all the nutrition you need from your food, even assuming that you can take in every known food group faithfully daily. Many people forget how depleted and devoid of nutrition our staple foods we rely on have often become. For varied reasons. Some are inadvertant by those growing/raising our food, such as growing crops in nutritionally depleted soil, due to no crop rotation or replenishing soil nutrients after pulling crops out, repeatedly from the same patch of soil year after year.

Every time you pull the plant/food out of the ground, you remove more nutrients from the soil it was grown in, since the plant absorbs those nutrients, which are then depleting the soil it was grown in. They may replace some select nutrients to the soil to make the next crop grow big, but not the full spectrum of everything it would naturally contain. AND some depletions are intentional by the DS demons – deliberately sabotaging, poisoning it, synthesizing or adding dangerous additives.

Last edited 5 months ago by MsBu
Bill Meadows

This is just flat out wrong. And if you think they are deliberately poisoning our food, what do you think they’re doing to the supplements?

When you take a pill, you have zero idea what’s really in it. Zero.

Last edited 5 months ago by Bill Meadows

Same deal with your food.

As for supplements, if it’s produced by Big Pharma, it’s a no-go. But I trust the smaller producers far more than the major ones. The independent ones, and look at reviews, etc. And I look at who is endorsing them, if it’s someone I know to have integrity, by their past behaviors and what they have demonstrated their beliefs to be in their normal lives.

But.. you do you.

Last edited 5 months ago by MsBu
Bill Meadows

The vast majority of supplement companies are pharma subsidiaries. Those that aren’t source their ingredients from the pharmaceutical or chemical industry.

You are promoting industrial chemicals as a road to health.


Absolutely NOT. I do my best to heal myself by choosing to supplement my relatively healthy diet with natural herbs, vegetables, fruits and minerals, INSTEAD OF big pharma synthetic DRUGS. No doctor or Rx prescription required.

But I can find many of those ( maybe some fruits, herbs, or veggies that I don’t normally include in my diet regularly, or just don’t have a taste for) in a more storable, readily available dried, incapsulated form to keep on hand, and add in with my regular diet, in more concentrated amounts than I might take in otherwise, and to round out a wider range of nutrients.

This helps me avoid having to visit a doctor as much as possible. I haven’t seen a doctor in about 13 years, and then, only in an emergency. I refuse to become permanently dependent on any doctor for the rest of my life, with standing appointments, “just because”…and become a permanent fixture in a doctor’s waiting room. With a cabinet full of prescription drugs, loaded with numerous potentially deadly side effects ( by their own admission).. I’ll take my chances with nutritional supplements anytime, over THAT dreaded scenario.


who are you and what are your qualifications? We know about Dr John and his. why should we believe you instead of him ? Present your qualifications and let us decide who to trust.

Bill Meadows

Ph.D chemist.

Dr John

Then you should know a lot more about soil mineral depletion and the trouble finding truly ORGANIC foods. You don’t even mention the preservatives and other toxins added to processed foods, that make them dangerous.

You also should know how those foods react in the body. And the challenges the body has when those vitamins and minerals are missing.

You have taken a very narrow point of view. We eat a wide variety of healthy and what we assume are nutritious foods. I have personally found what I believe are good vitamins that I can test and prove work for me. When possible I buy vitamins from the source in powder form and make my own capsules or added it to smoothies.

A good example of bad food in almost all stores are tomatoes. They look smooth and round, but are absolutely tasteless. No sweetness and no acidic byte. Good cucumbers have flavor, but you don;t find that in the store bought product. Notice those big, plum, colorful bell peppers an all those vibrant colors? what do you know about them chemically.

Your posts. don’t reflect the analytical skills of a Phd nor the critical analysis of a chemist. After that many years of education you should know better.


“Dr.” John is a bull$hit artist and a blowhard.

Bill Meadows

You should cite the source of your list.


I think I can answer that. Most likely from decades of intensive study from thousands of sources, plus experience. That’s where I get my information. I’ve studied these topics my entire life. I own more books on the subject than I can store. Also audiotapes, news articles…Natural healing has always been my passion. As it obviously is his, as well. It’s not just from a single source, but from a lifetime of sources through perpetual research and study, plus from personal experience, trial and error, and wins.

Bill Meadows

Nope. He copied it from a web page selling supplements.

Dr John

In this case yes, I copied it from a WEB page, because it is in quotes it is not my own thoughts. I did not want to type it in from one of my books that takes too much time. What I hope is the people will get interested and do searches in the internet for the various vitamins to learn more. at least one respondent pointed out differences in the chemical make up of B vitamins and which is best!

In the article you speak of; I can only hope it is a launching pad of discovery for readers. I want readers to learn more on their own so that they are not reliant on me; as they have become medical doctors.

I gladly share my information, but I am not enough. I only know only a small part of what can go wrong with us. I have not found cures for everything.

The deeper I dig into the LONG lies of illness the medical field claims are disease the more I find lies and conditions I was not even aware. This mess is huge and the amount of lies are massive along with the bogus cures. I am studying Evidence Based Practice of Critical Care to understand diagnosis and tests run by doctors; so that I can eliminated the fancy equipment they use and convert the tests back to more simplistic times; if that is even possible.

Just because I have redefined things like virus (as have others) and dug through historical plagues to better understand diseases/conditions of the past; is a long ways from knowing everything. I discovered/uncovered treatments for the most common health problems like cold, flu, allergies, bladder infection, acid indigestion, kidney stones, etc. I am capable of MINOR surgeries, but only do them close family. I can suture lessor wounds and know how to deal with simple fractures and some compound fractures on myself because I can feel the internal placement of the bones to correct them. If a bone is stick through the skin, I would go to an emergency room to make sure it is properly cleaned or if I cannot see/feel the bone to repair.

What I am trying to say, is with all the learning and experience I have had… I still feel I am looking at a mountain of knowledge and experience I am lacking. We all know what the organs in our body do at a very high, generic level. But when you learn all the things those organs do it is huge, then you get into hormone signaling and chemical and electrical balances. Even how muscles react to signals is not as straight forward as we assume.

Lots to learn; I am a source of that knowledge, but a very small knowledge source.

My concern it when ALL of the criminal doctors are gone where do we find the good doctors, the few good doctors. Newly educated doctors will be learning under the old dictum until those books and treasonous teachers are replaced with the truth.

It is easy to turn off the Big Pharma machines, but not everyone knows the alternative cures or where to find them. They need to trust our alternatives, but they do not know us.

For serious cuts and quick solutions I have suture bandages that allow you to pull a wound closed while watching the union to prevent scaring. Most people do not know that type of bandage even exists. To suture a wound patients would prefer it to be painless, what you you do to numb the pain?

There are lots of books on natural healing and many offer treatments that just don’t work. Yes among their untested cures there will be cures that are beneficial, but without doctors people need facts they can believe in.

With all of the messages I have created, I have educated a very few when you consider the millions/billions of humans that will be in need after all the arrests.

Med beds, IF THEY EXIST are not the answer for common issues and will not always be accessible for emergencies at a location near you.


He has in other posts he has made.


There is also a difference between B12 supplements. Most take the cyanocobalamin form and for some (myself included) it does nothing.

Whereas, if you get the methylcobalamin it can make a big difference. There are forms of anemia from methylcobalamin deficiency and yet no one ever talks about that. Or that form of B12 either.

Dr John

Good addition and on target, thanks

Boss Lady

Interesting. I went Carnivore and within 3 weeks every pain, swelling, inflammation, sleep apnea, and other issues I had for decades were gone. Still Carnivore almost a year later. Never hungry, EVER. No cravings, no depression or anxiety, no counting calories or reading labels. Wish I did this a long time ago. When I ate like you suggest I felt poisoned.

American Living in Canada

Me personally, I think red meat gets a bad rap.. kinda political.


You are on target. You look back through all the stories over the last year of how huge cattle herds died, or burned, or were destroyed “mysteriously”, or are targeted for destruction because their gas “destroys the atmosphere”?? Then all the chicken farms destroyed because of a fake “virus”, and other food production facilities burned. The globalist mentality goes like this: “Gee, how can we make them eat the bugs we want them to eat? Hey, we can just take away every other desirable type of food so they have no choice!” This is a stupid and Neanderthal mentality, but…

Dr John

My point was not over eat or over indulge but that each food we eat if eaten in moderation with proper balance across a wide variety of foods is what is best. I too eat meat, but do not over do it (unless BBQ sauce is involved). If you don’t read labels that is a choice you can make. If you eat right you don’t need to count calories, I don’t. I am never hungry, I only have an occasional craving for Chocolate (yes I am a confirmed chocoholic) ; )

I also am free of depression and anxiety. I am an A type personality with the energy of five people or so it seems. I work and play long hours, way into the night and are up early the next morning.

If you read my article again, I only shared what I could get away with and still be healthy. Some people fear food and contain themselves in rigid diets, that was my point to include variety with mature behavior. Nothing, nothing I suggested told you not to eat meat and to eat too much of anything else. I did not provide any diet plan and never will.

I do hope your are eating more the meat, but that is your choice too.

truth is stubborn

I did the reverse, and it’s helped my health instead. God knows what I might weigh if I’d stayed carnivore.


Many thanks for that breakdown!


What are your thoughts on Bioengineered Food Products added to alot of processed foods and cereals, as I’m seriously thinking of taking all of those foods out of my diet?
Thank you in advance for your response!


I say ‘yes’, do that!

Huck Finn

Dr. John and the Medicine Show. Rock on Doc!
Your advice resonates a true healing frequency, I have run my test, and you pass with flying colors. You might check out Dr. Joel Wallach.

Karen B

Has to be tart cherries for my pie!😜 I keep bacon fat, too, store it in the fridge in a glass jar and replenish it as I fry bacon: not often; but it stays nice in the fridge. Fry eggs with it or sometimes cook meat for my puppies. They love it. I also believe in everything in moderation and balancing all food groups has been my goal each day. For example, if I have some good toast for breakfast, then I’m not going to have bread again that day. Taking long walks outside with my pups is my favorite thing. I am a cold weather person that got free of the tropical swamp weather for 31 years just recently. (quite a 3 decade challenge for someone who prefers cold weather) walking is so good for healthy joints and fluid body movement. I believe I have good circulation bc I can keep my windows open in 40° weather where people will start their heaters. Eventually, I do use heat but have to have fresh air piped in for good breathing.
Thanks, Dr. John, for keeping our minds on the importance of good health: mind, soul and body! It doesn’t matter how much money one has if their health is bad. Health is the highest reward.🤗🙋💜

Sandy Koufax

Colonel Kurtz has quite obviously made horror his friend, while Smitty has not. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies.


Very interesting point, and very much true. Although perhaps they need be neither friends nor enemies as long as they are recognized as likely necessary tactics and included in the playbook as required.

Last edited 5 months ago by Storygirldc
Dr John

Nice and accurate, well done!

From a friend of a friend ; )


Tell your friends thanks! LOL!


Watching Trump’s rally LIVE right now! https://


Both of his rallies in WI and MI yesterday really rocked the house! He was totally on his game!! TRUMP2024!

Phantom Phlyer

It is for sure, we are over target. the two biggest trolls have been very busy. It’s good to know the deep state is upset by this website.

J Will

we’ve been busier smh


Whatever makes you happy

Sandy Koufax

There doesn’t seem to be any discernable difference in how the government operates.


Your discernment may not be working as it should.


Try looking past the optics and beneath the surface if you’re trying to find the truth.



Dr John

What is really bad is the Trolls have become lazy with comments like “yawn.” And the stories they try to get us to believe. Lost is the years of their youth where they got up early enough to write something of value. Now that they are 14, they have lost that youthful vigor and blatant stupidity that we will believe anything they say.

We will miss you when you are at GITMO. Not much, but if we get together we might be able to shed a tear or two when combined from all of us. Unless it is laughing so hard were are in tears over your stupidity after all the warning we gave you.

Just remember to introduce yourselves. “Hi I am Daryl and this is m brother Daryl and my other brother Daryl.’

And don’t forget your defense, “We were on the internet, you can say anything on the internet… it is true because we said so!”


I so enjoy your retorts.


Mirabella is my cat. Dr OZ saves lives. Hugh plays with bunnies . Ivermectin kills horses


When they’re at GITMO let’s all go dancing!! 🤣


I pissed off Poopy Pants yesterday without trying.


This is such good news! Gen. Berger was the perfect go-between! I’m miffed at myself for not seeing the obvious as to Gen. Smith’s visit to Mar-a-Lago. (LOL!) Of course he went to see POTUS as RRN reported, but ‘twas also obvious that he would meet with Gen. Berger about “Col. Kurtz” while there as well. Well done, gentlemen! Let’s all work together to free the world! WWG1WGA. 🇺🇸❤️🗽

Last edited 5 months ago by Storygirldc
J Will



Mr. Baxter: Will my vote in Marion County, Indiana be frauded?

J Will





You can waste your time if you want to

Council Man

Not if you vote early and often.


why in the world would you ask MB such a question ? What makes you think he would know the answer ? and if he did why would he answer. ?


Knock knock