Monday, September 30, 2024


The Philadelphia Covid Experiment

The Deep State has chosen Philadelphia as a testbed to gauge how citizens will psychologically respond to a fresh round of sweeping Covid-19 mandates,...

At GITMO, Fauci Refers to Wife Christine Grady as “He” and “Him”

“Tell us, tell us what we want to know about Obama.” JAG investigators at GITMO on Monday sweated new arrival Deep State Dr. Anthony Fauci...

Special Forces Arrest Deep State Dr. Anthony Fauci

US Special Forces on Saturday scored a major victory in the war against the Deep State--the arrest of Deep State mastermind and plandemic architect...

Loretta Lynch to be Hanged!

GITMO, Thursday, 7 April Three military officers empaneled to weigh JAG’s case against former Attorney General Loretta Lynch found the Obama-acolyte guilty of treason and...

Putin Calls Elon Musk a “Trojan Horse”

Conservative pundits on Monday let out a thunderous cheer when billionaire Elon Musk, who claims to oppose Big Tech censorship, bought 10% of Twitter’s...

Military: Fauci Likes Young Boys

A JAG source on Sunday told Real Raw News that the Office of Military Commissions has obtained from an unnamed source images showing Deep...

Putin Frees 35,000 Imprisoned Children in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday told Donald J. Trump that his “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine had liberated 35,000 children from indentured servitude...

Post Covid: The Return of Covid

Even as the nation’s bluest states eased Covid-19 restrictions earlier this year, the U.S. architects of the plandemic huddled beneath the hum and flicker...

Dr. Deborah Birx Was Executed Last July

In May 2021 Real Raw News reported that Deep State Dr. Deborah Birx, a woman more famous for polychromatic scarves than medical expertise, was...

Putin to Trump: “I Can Help You Drain Washington, D.C. Swamp”

In what seemed more matter of fact than a joke, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday broke a weeklong silence, telling Donald J. Trump...

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