U.S. Special Forces Arrest John Podesta and Huma Abedin


Update: Trump Charges Podesta, Abedin with Treason and Crimes Against Children

Former Clinton Staffers Huma Abedin and John Podesta will soon have a new home at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, where they, like Clinton, will face a military tribunal to answer for heinous crimes committed against America and its people.

A confidential source familiar with Trump’s plan to drain the swamp and restore American prosperity to the people told RRN that U.S. Special Forces operating on Trump’s authority conducted simultaneous “nab and grab” missions to apprehend Clinton’s co-conspirators.  Trump picked Easter Sunday to arrest the traitors because he believed it to be the best day to catch them unaware and at home, our source added.

Trump’s tactical expertise paid dividends.

At approximately 2:00 p.m., a Special Forces detachment out of Fort Bragg captured Abedin at her parents’ home near Lansing, Michigan, where the family had gathered for Easter dinner. Although Abedin is a radical Islamic Jihadist with obvious ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, she spent her political years pretending to be a Christian.

“Trump learned Abedin would be at her parents’ house for Easter. As you know, Clinton is already at GITMO awaiting trial. She’s given up a lot of info, including on Abedin—she’s allegedly revealed that she and Abedin partook in Adrenochrome infusions from Haitian children. When Navy Seals captured Clinton, they found evidence of this on her laptops, and now her own words have incriminated her and her criminal conspirators,” our source said.

As Huma Abedin was arrested and escorted to a clandestine holding facility in south Florida, a simultaneous offensive was made against John Podesta at his springtime home in the outskirts of Bethesda, MD. Special Forces Operators of the 3rd Special Forces Group descended on his Friendship Village home and used non-lethal force to subdue two bodyguards protecting Podesta and his wife, Mary.

A preliminary report said that U.S. forces suffered no casualties.

Moreover, it’s understood that Donald J. Trump had cleared the operation with General Gen. Richard D. Clarke, Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command.

This is a developing story. More details as they arrive.

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As long as Gates isn’t hang and Trump, Ivanka & Co. are pushing for the deadly jabs, all of this is BS.
Remember, after vaccination, later down the road, all ferrets and cats died, due to immunoreactivity.

Doc Popeye

This in conjunction with what Monkey Werx is covering goes hand in hand. There are agency birds and military flying between GITMO and Small airport out of South Florida


Not buying it.

Bonnie Blue

People really believe this shit?

Eleanor Cummings

Nothing in our MSM?? Gee, I wonder why. Check all the foreign media – they know more than ours do!!

Sue Grantham

I think our media is under a blackout. Foreign countries don’t have to adhere to our blackouts.

Sue Grantham

You’ve believed fake news for decades. Trump let everyone know the truth about MSM the paid actors of the liberal left/pedophile elites and Hollywood elites who are complicit in the crimes against humanity. Haven’t seen a lot of new Hollywood movies coming out have you? Oprah, Degenerant and Hanks ALL wearing ankle bracelets?
Trump wants people to begin THINKING for themselves and stop being spoon fed the garbage and thinking it’s the truth.


SO hope this is accurate!

Kevin Martin O'Boyle

As of this posting the most recent Twitter from HRC was 2 hours ago. I am very mistrustful of this site. Hopium so we can watch our freedoms evaporate while we lay in our beds and fantasize about a savior who is coming to right all our wrongs. Believe this if you need to but also realize our situation and stand up for your freedoms before they are all gone.


I would think misinformation is being put out on both sides? If we’re at war against an evil enemy which we are they are watching everything true Christians, Patriots and truthers put out on the internet. Remember what Snowden said? Nothing being said isn’t being monitored folks, everything!!! Texts, emails, phone calls, blogs sites, financial transactions. My Mom and Dad always said something to me a lot as a kid that I never really could comprehend at my young age. But I do now, believe nothing what you hear and only half of what you see. How profound… Whats TRUTH? Christ and his word and that’s about it

Eleanor Cummings

I have read (many sources) that claim these criminals are being replaced with body doubles, that’s why Biden and others seem different when you see them, and Biden (nor Kamala) are never shown close-up without a mask.

Sue Grantham

Absolutely agree. Tyler Perry’s Atlanta property has a White House set for one of his series. Exact duplicate but smaller. That’s where Buydin has been.

Sue Grantham

Seriously! You hit it exactly!??

Sue Grantham

But you trust Twitter???
Did you know anyone can type and pretend that they’re other people???
Jesus Christ is our Savior.
The fact you are ignorant to that and then berate others that do believe- reflects your cruelty towards others.
Just think when you die, you’ll be all dressed up and no where to go ?


Just for clarification, I am a Patriot and as many americans I too want to see the cabal destroyed. But I have some analysis to share about this article.

First of all, the redaction of this articles uses words that doesn’t make sense. Secondly, they are describing the event like an action movie. Third, there is no reason why special forces for these types of arrests when none of the bodyguards is a threat to law enforcement personnel. Last but not least, using Trump as the hero is not appropriate. The military is in control and according to intel reports from Juan O Saving, the military must install first a lawful President back into office before they do anything else. It’s expected that Trump will be reassigned as the Legit POTUS.

I have my doubts about this report, however, I believe that these scumbacks have already been arrested long before the 2020 elections.

Do not turn patriots news into fake news because it will harm us more than what help us.

Last edited 3 years ago by David

I don’t know who is lying and who is not – but I know God doesn’t lie – and He said people are going to reap what they sow. I wonder how comfortable Hillary and many others feel if they begin to suffer the same physical abuse they have dealt against the children. Kind of sobering, isn’t it?

Sue Grantham

You get what ya give whether good or bad. The monsters will be humbled and hung for crimes against humanity and treason.

Sue Grantham

Special forces are an elite group that is used when local/state police officials are compromised.
If you haven’t read Trumps Executive Orders, you should.
If you haven’t researched the America, Inc corporation initiated in mid 1800s, you should. Trump dissolved the corporation before leaving office. Do research to find out the consequences of that brilliant move.
Throughout history, God has touched many ordinary men to do extraordinary things. I have no doubt that what is occurring now has been planned for decades and the finale came when Trump agreed to help the Generals who have planned this out meticulously.

Paulette Williams



Makes one PROUD to be an AMERICAN and to have SERVED! Restores my MY FAITH IN TRUTH, JUSTICE, CONSTITUTION, AND OUR WAY OF LIVING. Prayers of protection, strength to all the Spec OPs, Marines, Delta OPs who make it happen. These Lucerfirians have done much damage ~ NO one is above the LAW! Right Hitlery ?? Also hedge of protection around the TRUE PREZ TRUMP, POMPEO, FLYNNS, DESIATO, POWELL, WOOD all the JAG officers who must prosecute these satanic creatures.

Sue Grantham

Ditto ?♥️??

Pamela Meagher

Great news !! Just subscribed

Eleanor Cummings

I did too.


The so-called mainstream media is not interested to confirm what it refuses to report but has been reported by non-mainstream media outlets. This means we readers must hone and sharpen our own ability to judge for ourselves. Mr. Michael Baxter’s list of names of those under arrest is getting longer, and a public appearance by any of these could undermine his journalistic credibility. On the other hand, every day that passes with none of those on his list appearing on TV adds to my confidence in the credibility of Mr. Baxter’s reports. By now, I for one refuse to take Real Raw News as a big hoax. Sooner or later, someone in the media may pick up the phone to find out if Mr. John Podesta or Ms. Huma Abedlin is in office.


When Pelosi “disappears”, well…….


Yes, I’m awaiting that day, as well – and I want to see McConnell and Schumer gone. I think our country would probably have a chance without these slimers attached to us…


No comment from the most VOCAL people who never loose an opportunity to appear?FOR 4 YEARS,NOW?



Chip Henry

Fantastically encouraging!

jack Savin

Great Job. It’s About Time Yipeeeee

Mike Hunt

It’s good news if it’s true! I’ll say that much…


This is the beginning of the move. We should be better of when done, Nasara and removal of Biden as President. It was stated that when Podesta get arrested it is the beginning. Looking forward to it happening.

Angela Nicholls

Thank God for this.i will be glad when this is all over.it is because of these heinous people that the world is in Lockdown and I worry that this highly conspicuous vaccine is to try to wipe out a huge chunk of humanity. I’m hoping when Trump gets back in it will all be cancelled and no one will be forced to have it.
God Bless All of America President Trump all the military involved and all his Patriots and the people of the World
With love from Wales UK

Gail Jones

why wait for Trump ,just say NO!


Because in UK they are being FORCED BY THEIR GOVERNMENT to take the depopulation vaccine without having choice and because they were disarmed!

Sue Grantham

So the UK has no Founding documents like our Constitution to protect the citizens FROM the government? If they do- then they are denying themselves their own rights and freedoms. If they don’t, they can create one to protect themselves from the government.

Sue Grantham

First of all- no one is “required “ to take any healthcare therapy. The “vaccine “ is not a vaccine because legally they have to be approved, not just authorized. This is considered a gene therapy as outlined on the CDC website. Mandates are not laws and unenforceable. Any fines, charges,etc will be dismissed as they are unenforceable. Federal law protects citizens from the government requiring ANY healthcare therapies.
You are as free as YOU want to be.
The government has no authority over the citizens regarding healthcare.
Simply put if a woman can claim my body my choice and remove a human being from her body- than it’ll certainly be true regarding a shot. Even the mask box states it is ineffective for infectious diseases including Covid.

worst is yet to come

Epoch times reported Guantanamo prison is shut down as of yesterday and all the prisoners are transported to another prison in Cuba.


I believe that was one prison within that system which was claimed to be in great disrepair. Those prisoners are said to be moved to another section within that GITMO system. Who knows the real reason or if that is true.

Sue Grantham

There is another prison America uses in Honduras similar to GTMO.


Sure, Jan ?

Donna Fasanella

If this is true, it won’t be long now.

Charles Westlake

I’m waiting and we’ll see!

Eleanor Cummings

Me too, but we’ve waited so long …. It HAS to be true!!


Seems that crap hit the fan”



If I’m being honest, I do want this to be true, but I do have my doubts. I have been following your website for 2 months now and I have come to the conclusion that either it is true, or your source is misinforming you. Again, the level of detail in the article is why I do think this is true, but I have to ask: Why is it only your page writing this? Why not other news sources?
I understand you can’t share your source if it needs to be confidential, but is there something you could share to back up your article’s claims? It’s why I still have a difficult time believing your article’s. Knowing the deep level of deceit our media is, it’s difficult to know what is true and what is not.
Anyhow I wish you nothing but the best and i do look forward to following up on this story.

All the best!

Eleanor Cummings

It’s in many languages worldwide, but the MSM isn’t reporting it here!! Why?? You have to hit “translate” to see that it’s the same article. I think it’s on the Clinton Tribunal Day 1 post, down at the bottom.

Sue Grantham

America media under a black out. Other countries are not required to adhere to our media blackout.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sue Grantham


Manse Everard

Hope it’s true!

Israel Smith

Hey maybe that’s why he kept saying happy Easter today on telegram! That’s my president!


It’s to placate the right wingnuts to be sure, as they’re nearly all christians.

It is a dichotomy that baffles me to no end: the same people who invoke “freedom”, “liberty” and “sovereignty” with their mouths are the same people who wholeheartedly submit to the psychospiritual equivalent of a communistic monarchal dictatorship (religion). ? ??‍♀️

In both, you can only gain empowerment via disempowerment (submission), you are inflicted all manner of suffering and it’s under the belief that “my dear leader” wants the best for me. Both systems boil down to “comply or die”. Both systems infantilize people. And both systems will always hold humanity back from progressing so long as they exist. Why this group recognizes the threat with one and not the other mystifies me. I’m not being a troll, I’m being genuine here. Compare the two…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cure_Islam_With_Bacon

You are ill informed, to say the least

Sue Grantham

Excellent Mike ?


Until you surrender your life to Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit you will never understand. No apologetics will change your mind. But it is only the Spirit who draws you to the Father through His Son so I’m praying that the Spirit will begin to woo you.


I AGREE 100% All have fallen for the trap of choosing sides and waiting on a man to save them!


TRUTH DOESN’T NEED GAMES AND MOVIES TO BE REVEALED! It’s all another agenda to enslave sovereign beings who don’t know they are sovereign LOL


Too bad you are so misled. Or evil!


I’ve always had a problem with a religion who’s deity decrees:
” Love me,or go to hell”
Just sayin’

Sue Grantham

Obviously ignorant to the Bible aren’t ya.
The Bible doesn’t say that. The Bible is God’s law, which America has built their laws on. Read the 10 commandments and then think about our laws, the same. The morality of a human and the way they treat others is the most important; believing that Jesus Christ died for our sins and all we have to do is be kind to one another. Sorry if that’s above your comprehension

Sue Grantham

You are entitled to your opinion as narrow minded as it is. Religion is a right. Whether you believe or not is your right.
However, you don’t have the right to berate people who do believe.
As a veteran, I was willing to put up my life for every citizens rights and freedoms, regardless if they weren’t aware of those rights and freedoms. I will defend your right to free speech even if it’s ignorant to facts and evidence. You have a right to be ignorant.


I love it here…

Mike Hunt



Don’t believe a lick of this… Hopium….


i just hope this is all true!


It is true. White House is still going full outage at 11.00 pm and 47 years carrer politician Joe Bidan cannot able to say a full sentences are it’s open proofs.

David R

doesn’t seem like u can say a full sentence either . lol what a sad sad life you’ve chosen . may God have mercy on ur soul

Sue Grantham

David- You made me realize that the left liberals are a bunch of bullies, which is ironic since your party always brags about equality and justice. Your party and it’s members, including the BLM & Antifa terrorist groups, are about as intolerant of other’s opinions/beliefs, to the point of violence and mayhem as one can possibly be. It must be draining to be cruel and angry all the time, and certainly a reflection of the enormous amount of ignorance.

William D. Hager

well I for one am not holding my breath


Don’t hold your breath because you won’t make it if you do.


Me too! It is way past time!


I am really quite amazed how these arrests have not been made public? Crooked Hillary’s arrest would be headline news throughout the world, right. Why the hush hush all of sudden?


It’s too soon. FWIW, I thought Hillary had passed on a while ago from kuru and was replaced with a combination of doubles, clones, and/or CGI.

Last edited 3 years ago by jimbo
Pamela Meagher

Jimbo..i heard same…maybe these will be for public consumption


M/S news will be the LAST to report this sort of thing. Many events going on behind the scenes, the house of cards is beginning to fall. Seek more details from online sources. It has been necessary for Americans to be exposed to the worst of the worst in order to learn the true agenda of the current administration.


The general public sheep can barely handle the barest truth as it is now. I see some change, ok, but I still doubt they can handle the curtain getting pulled back and finally being shown “how the sausage is made” as it were ?


The house of what cards? I guess that depends on what deck you’re playing with. LOL.

Robert M Olson

You must not keep up with what has been going on in the world… I am near 72 and been watching this mess from all administrations for decades…Trump was the first to try to pull the rug out from under the world order banking establishment who has made what we use for money (our labor/their Federal Reserve Note near worthless all to depend on government for financial help… don’t be their fool programmed by their nightly news

Sue Grantham

Awesome response Robert!?


Why do you think they call it fake news; they will not tell you the truth, they have to much at stake to now turn around and tell the people, sorry we lied; we could not tell you the truth because we are part of the Cabal. That day will come when the news media will be taken down and the TRUTH, will be and must be told, no matter how much is hurts to wake the people up, just how evil the news media was, just as evil as the Obama’s, Clinton’s, Bushes, Biden’s, the Pope, the Queen, all the evil in politics and sold us out for their own power, to control the people all over the world. ONE NEW WORLD ORDER, thank God they have all been taken down by God who is directing Donald J Trump and the Military to remove the evil Cabal and child sacrificing,

Trina Cols9n

Don’t forget about the Bush’s.


What not on CNN or other MSM ?

Just who do you think will make it Headline News… The same Papers who give us all the true facts at the best of times
No questions re Biden’s Policies or Mental decline , the Election Scandal or anything else of consequence.

People who are programmed to get their news from MSM ( the Political Information Properganda Arm of Deep State) wont believe anything unless it’s on The TV .


You know you are linked to, if not the author, of this bogus site.


I’m not surprised why you and your likes would visit bogus sites as you put it. Your lame stream media too boring since President Trump left the scene or is the truth beginning to grow on you…

Sue Grantham

Jade is upset about the gravy/money train that will be coming to a screeching halt ???


If this site is bogus we will be expecting Hillary Clinton to be walking into a courtroom to prove she’s not in Gitmo and filing the mother of all lawsuits now that RRN is reporting that she’s been convicted of crimes against humanity.

That…and I’d suspect government charges of treason to follow then. This would make you quite happy then woudn’t it?

Eleanor Cummings

I want to see THIS verified!! Then I will celebrate!! comment image


Can you show the rest of this list please?

Last edited 3 years ago by Adam
Tom Highway

Prove just one name on that list is dead?

Laura Swiercz

All of a sudden? They’ve been hush hush about everything fir 50 years atleast, just worse than ever now, because they are trying so hard to stay above water, and they’re realizing we still figure things out, thanks in large part, to the internet.

Sue Grantham

I think there’s a media blackout in America regarding any of this. However I noticed that overseas media is covering it, as they aren’t required to adhere to other country’s blackouts
Then again, only FOX covered the Hunter laptop prior to the election, and no other American news media did until AFTER Buydin was selected.


Really? which overseas news covered it? just so happens im not in America so i can check.


Mr.Baxter…..can you answer if you dare to this qst…..


That’s why I think these two were taken care of a while ago. They have not been in the public at all for some time……even after the stolen election putting their puppet in charge when one would think they would be everywhere, feeling quite safe. This is coming out just to prepare the public for the news when it’s finally revealed. This wouldn’t be revealed if there was any danger that the Satanic thugs could interrupt the justice being done.

If not, Trump could have had this planned operation signed off by the then commander in charge of such spec. ops which would be passed on, still during Trump’s term, to the new Gen. who would have been briefed as he was Director of Operations, Joint Special Operations Command, prior to this command.


If this actually happened, there would have been eyewitnesses.


And how would any eyewitnesses make themselves heard?


When the raid on OBL’s compound happened there was one person in Abbottabad who noted hearing helicopter sounds in the night while he was drinking his tea/coffee.


I think that was part of a script. From what I researched, OBL died of kidney failure in 2003.


Remember during the OBL raid media aired out a footage of OBL watching recorded World Trade Center fallen clip over and over again. Also national geographic channel documentary about OBL raid they showed that OBL body was buried deep in the Indian ocean with full Islamic ceremony. Do you believe all these bull crap ?


I’m sure there were eye witnesses. Special Op Forces are real people. Duh!


Since these people seem to have disappeared off the radar for some time now….even after the stolen election w/ their front guy now taking orders from the usual Obama circle…..I was thinking that they were already “taken care of”. Wondering if this current news is being released now safely and w/o the ability of any interference since it’s already a done deal. Otherwise the “militias” of Obama could be used to interfere and try to rescue their “people”, as Hillary has allegedly called them….”her people”! I doubt if this would be openly leaked if there was any danger of stopping this justice from taking place. Trump has been too careful with the public only finding out about McCain and Bush after the deed was done!


good point but clinton’s tribunal is april 8. was it recorded i wonder?


Right? I’m going to be up all night as though I’m waiting to open Christmas presents from Santee Clauze. LOL…

Sue Grantham

I bet they recorded it analog so it cannot be fiddled with. Americans will need to see something.


Where could we read about bush ab McCain ? Did they have tribunals as well ?

Terminally deplorable

I am speechless.


I am faithless ?


Downvote all you want, it doesn’t make any of the fantastical fantasies published here any more true. So far, that’s all they’re adding up to ? PROVE me wrong and I will concede. I WANT it to be true, but all I see is talk and no action. PROOF! Put up or shut up!

Last edited 3 years ago by Cure_Islam_With_Bacon

This is QAnon. Remember I we all believed that mess?


This certainly cannot be a small job. I understand that u are frustrated, I am as well. However when I really think about this, I do not want them to miss not one of these slimy bastards, This has been going on for 100’s of years. It will take time to do it properly with no missteps. I was watching a video that described it like God playing chess with the devil. God has him in checkmate and they both know it but the moves still have to be played out exactly how it needs to be played to get to Checkmate. Peace!

Sue Grantham

Excellent response ? Vicki

Sue Grantham

The proof is public on Wikipedia. Podesta emails to and from other monsters/elites. You have to go on Wikileaks where there is a mountain of evidence from inter office memos, analog video, top secret and classified information that was just declassified by Trump before leaving office. If you’re expecting MSM to talk, they’re under a media blackout, however countries overseas are reporting on America.
You can’t be spoon fed and expect the truth. You have to research it for yourself


I notice you are on every thread putting down anyone who asks questions. Almost like you have some agenda. Every time you tell people to “do their own research” which is a cop out. Not once have you linked to these mountains of proof you claim to have seen.


I was in the same boat as the other doubters. I wanted someone to “spoonfeed” me too. The problem – we have been spoonfed the info. Its already all out there. The problem is that there is SO MUCH INFORMATION that its difficult to pick where to even start. And to ask people to organize it for us more than Wikileaks and other journalists has would take an entire military operation to do. She’s not “putting you down”…but she is instructing you. Nobody is going to convince you of something you don’t want to believe and don’t want to put in the effort to find the truth.

p.s. – finding these Real Raw News articles has finally convinced me 1000% this happened. Why? (especially when a publication calls themselves something like this which doesn’t create confidence)…the authors MUST BE TELLING THE TRUTH. They just published that Clinton committed crimes against humanity and is convicted in Gitmo. If this were a lie they have set themselves up for the easiest mother of all slander lawsuits – if not being charged with treason themselves. All Hillary would need to do is show up in a court room to prove she’s not detained in Gitmo. It doesn’t matter if this publication is considered a rag – Clinton wouldn’t sit back and not sue if it were a lie.