Deep State War on Trump Continues


The Deep State and its liberal media allies have an unhealthy obsession with Donald J. Trump, someone they’ve labeled irrelevant and inconsequential. Nonetheless, they dedicate to him an inordinate amount of coverage, often using him as a centerpiece of broadcast news and spurious documentaries meant to malign actions he took for the betterment of the nation. The media’s newest drivel centers on accusations that Trump grabbed White House documents and brought them to Mar-a-Lago after Biden and his handlers stole the 2020 election. This allegation is partly true, but the MSM has no comprehension of the gravitas of exactly what Trump pilfered prior to leaving the White House for his Mar-a-Lago command center.

A Mar-a-Lago source in daily contact with Trump told Real Raw News that 45 had triggered the Insurrection Act of 1807 before departing Washington, and in doing so ceded civilian authority to “White Hat” military commanders whose unshakable adherence to the Constitution had placed them in Trump’s good graces. Once activated, the Insurrection Act can be switched off, so to speak, by only two parties: Trump himself, or the person he entrusted to uphold the rights and freedoms Americans hold dear, in this case Marine Corps General David H. Berger.

Gen. Berger, our source said, was aware of the 27,950 sealed indictments which Trump and acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen had authored ahead of January 20, 2021.

“Berger and Vice Adm. Hannink told Trump to take the indictments with him and leave no copies behind. Trump knew this, of course, and wouldn’t have left the illegitimate admin. info on who had been singled out for arrest. They were cautionary messages. So, yes, President Trump absolutely took that paperwork with him. He wasn’t going to leave it sitting around for the Deep State to find, which would have clued them in to the people the military was actively investigating,” our source said.

The MSM, however, armed only with knowledge that Trump had taken “some paperwork”—a nebulous statement—is perpetrating the false notion that he swiped documents that could be sold to foreign actors and compromise national security.

“Nothing is farther from the truth. When Trump gave the military provisional control over domestic authority, he was protecting this country, working to finally give them permission to pursue, capture, and incarcerate wrongdoers that want to strip citizens of their God-given rights. They’re deathly afraid of Trump, fearful he’ll soon return and make known the corruption that’s been going on. That’s why they’re obsessed with him. They say Trump is a man of the past. If so, why give him so much coverage? The papers Trump took were to protect this nation, not damage it,” our source said.

RRN’s source in the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps confirmed receipt of an “incalculable” number of sealed indictments, many of which are currently under active investigation.

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Maria Regina

Thank you, Michael Baxter.
You and your news stories were missed throughout the cosmos.

Last edited 2 years ago by Maria Regina
doug miller

Actually, we’re just happy you’re back. We would help with your loss if there was a way to do so, but…. life is a large spectrum having a beginning, a middle, and an end for all of us. The end is as much a part of life as the beginning.


Well put, Doug.
Circle of Life! ❤️


Good post.

Big E

The truth is always worth waiting for. Sooner or later, it comes out doesn’t it?


Historically speaking, each time our species enters a new age of development governments around the world were taken down and their leaders brutally killed off. Our nation hasn’t had that experience yet because the New World did not begin until the beginning of the Age of Energy in the mid 1750s through 1770s. I find that this factual information has been very helpful because knowing that the end is nigh for Washington, DC is the best news we can receive…..even if those truths are hidden from public awareness. You’d think the smarty pants in Congress would’ve taken into consideration, before acting, the facts behind human development and the art of geo-physics that keep things moving forward. Crooks always get caught because negative actions are returned with negative reponses from the ethers.

Rose Mary Abbott

Crooks are caught because they fail to study what has taken place before. They are arrogant and so they act foolishly and then get caught. Pride, arrogance always go before a fall. God’s rules and wisdoms never change. Crooks forget that there really is a God, and His rules are absolute, true and final.


God never changes, he is the same yesterday, today and forever. As for the crooks, they never seem to learn from their mistakes. Blessings,

Rose Mary Abbott

He is the Rock that we can always depend on. Thank God for God!


Were you aware that the military (Army, I believe) published a document entitled ‘Religion as a Weapon of War’? It’s online. You can look it up and read it for yourself.

I only discovered it in my search for answers as to why, if god is real, he’s been sitting on his hands for thousands of years instead of intervening and preventing the murder of babies, children and teens for the production of adrenochrome and why he sat on his hands while millions of koalas and kangaroos died screaming as they burned to death (lots of videos of that horror on youtube) in the deliberately lit bushfires in Australia over 2019-2020.

Never found an answer to my questions, but I did find that document.


Don’t blaspheme. God has given us free will.


Eric C., Soros , CIA, Drug Cartels, local ,State, Federal government officials around the World connection to One World Government . That’s something worth hearing more about .Unfortunately ,not sure why unless other organizations such as our military might have connections to the Crime Family . Maybe that’s why no one talking about it or can do to it won’t get published. Try talking about that connection especially more involved discussions related to there connection. Chances are it’s not going to get published. It kinda makes you think about why that is ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikee
Frances Rose

Thank YOU Michael I have been looking for the site to be up for a couple of days!

I do not know about everyone else’s thoughts, but I am ready for “the event” or whatever it is called to be out in the open, and all this evidence against the usurper and his admin, the voter fraud, the indictments etc etc to be out in the open. This country is never going back to the way it used to be, and thank God because everything we thought we knew is on its head, upside down and wrong. We need to bring everyone else that needs their day in court to justice and begin to rebuild our nation.




Mr. Baxter, I am very glad to have read the above article. Naturally, living in a fact-poor environment, as we do, it is not surprising that it takes exception with some of what other patriot sources have been saying. This is why, in an earlier comment on the previous article, I suggested that you contact Mr. David Rodriguez for a “boots-only” interview. The intentionally mysterious Juan O Savin has, for months now, maintained that Trump did not sign the insurrection act and that the military were, instead, following the Geneva Convention as transcribed in the DOD Law of War Manual. In the LoW, around para. 11.4, it states that the military must wait one calendar year after clandestine takeover by a foreign power, to begin operations against the American actors of this foreign occupation. This has always seemed to me to be the long way around the barn. Back in 2020, I used to post some of the Insurrection Act on the Fox comment boards (have not been back since election night for obvious reasons) and I grew to believe that Trump was forbearing so as to allow enough deliberate damage to be deliberately committed so as to wake up the American body politic. Such ideas only grow in obtuseness. Of course, when properly considered, the news blackout actually began about 1947. Rodriguez has an “everyman” quality to himself and I think that he would be a fair-minded partner in any public discussion with you. Your interview, should you accept one, would relieve the common anxiety of the long suffering awakened-ones. WWG1WGA & MAGA


I should state also my confidence in Juan O Savin (or, Senor Boots, as I often refer to him) for the main reason that he and he alone, among all of the many and diverse members of the Patriot Sources, is not only featured on the Q-board, but is featured prominently. Only him. You simply do not get mentioned by Q if you are not on the level. So, can both polar opposites be simultaneously true? Both Baxter and Savin? Of course, both can be true. I, for one, have always been comfortable with paradox. But anxiety remains. To quote Mr. Rodriguez we should “get used to the idea of becoming comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.” Savin has a full one-hour interview embedded in the Q-board (hosted by the patriot VGorilla, also an under-cover guy, as Savin has been). To navigate and going from memory, begin with the very last Q-drop, and click on the alpha-numeric link on the left side. You will be taken to a fill-in-the-blanks form. Do not try to execute this form. Wait for a few seconds. A new screen appears. Then, scroll up to President Trump’s photograph and click on the link beside it. Good interview reminiscent of those in the old days with Mr. Field McConnell. Sorry to lean on your hospitality with so much typing.

Sid Ramon

In war, both sides will engage in misinformation.


Juan said last week that a couple of Senators are going to resign soon and when that happens it’s going to wake the left up

Frank B

One dem senator just had a stroke in his cerebellum and required brain surgery.
It’s being played off as no big deal, when it’s a very big deal.


Did he recently get the💉💉💉


WWC, imho he prefers your leaning on his hospitality rather than putting up with the trolls because they are all PITA’s if you get my drift. As for David Nino, I watched his video interview with C. Ward last week and found him interesting to say the least. It was at that interview where Ward opined that “something big/significant for the good of the Great awakening” will happen sometime in March of this year which btw dovetails with what S. Parkes suggested. Blessings, 🙏🙏🙏

Sondra Saenz

I agree with you regarding David, he believes what 107 says about the insurrection act not being signed but he had an older gentleman on there who has said that it was signed, and he stated all of the proof.


Why is there so much dissension about the IR being signed ? When Bush did it in 94 everyone knew about it . No duplicity . It hasn’t been signed . If nothing else Trump would have bragged about it .

Rose Mary Abbott


Randy Clint Duncan

the wicked flee whe

Frank B

I didn’t trust 107 at first. I did a deep dig on his past and who we think he is. I thought he was BS.
His birthdate is 7 10, he’s spent time in Canada and the UK, has an interest in Aston Martin’s etc.
Here we state dob month before date, there they do date before month, hence 10 7. Also teslas bday and why he’s so into Nikola tesla.
I know 2 people that met him in vegas. There are 2 Juan’s.
He owns a very important and patriotic business.
He definitely has some standing with Q team.
He also has an Easter egg in fall of cabal part 10 at the 1:07 mark.
I’m a Q guy, I can be a autist decoder at times.
Imo and the opinion of my brothers, Q is legit.
All of the things stated above, and saying they couldn’t happen with out the IA, is false. The could very well happen under devolution and COG.
I’d type more, but most my post don’t make the board because I’m not 100% a MB nuthugger.


As to the Insurrection Act, I have never really believed what O’Savin was saying. As Judge Judy likes to say, if it doesn’t make sense, it isn’t true–and it makes no sense to me that Trump would want to wait an entire year before beginning to round up some of the Deep State players (covertly, of course). Furthermore, he had full justification to sign the Insurrection Act with all of the evidence of foreign interference in the 2020 election. The Law of War Manual is superfluous here. With the justifiable invocation of the Insurrection Act, there is no need to fear any tribunals for war crimes.

O’Savin has, in several instances, mentioned the military raid in Los Angeles in which, under the guise of a training exercise, helicopters landed on a city street and something (O’Savin said it was a Deep-State biological warfare agent) was extricated from a building. Video of this was taken by onlookers. I agree that it was an actual raid and not a drill, but the point is that O’Savin said it was an actual raid. This was well before the one-year deadline mentioned in the Law of War. If the Insurrection Act was not invoked, then that was a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.

O’Savin also likes to bring up the fact that Biden has not yet managed to raze Gitmo, as an example that the military is in control. He was mentioning this before the one-year Law of War deadline. What does it mean for the military to be in control to the point that even a president has his hands tied? If they were defanged, then it would be all so much talk, and Gitmo would no longer exist. That also is evidence–from O’Savin’s own mouth–that the Insurrection Act was invoked.

If the Insurrection Act was indeed invoked, that does not imply that the military has to come in with guns blazing and nukes dropping. They can do it the way they wish. They’re being smart about it and doing the arrests covertly, all the while assisting in the Great Awakening. Not to mention, Trump is still the Commander in Chief.

While I remain a fan of Juan O’Savin, and I have bought his excellent books, that does not mean that I have abandoned my own thinking abilities. He may well be a part of the Q team, and he may even be JFK Jr., but he may also be spreading a little misinformation to confuse the enemy. At any rate, what he’s saying and what I believe have the same ending, and it’s a good one.


Herm, very glad to read your note. We think in parallel. I’d like to see you in a Patriot roundtable. You hit all the high notes. Over time, I have hinted at my underlying explanation for why things are as they are, and I hesitate to say more now except to hint at the concepts of “entangled pairs,” and “superposition.” If Einstein complained of “spooky action at a distance,” he should see us now. I invite you around the middle of the month to see if my Channel might be up on Rumble. It will be a 30-part series consisting only of problem solving for a future America. No intel. No explanations of the Cabal.


Can’t wait for the channel, Corrigan. Keep us posted.


Who ever said you are the Wrong Way Corrigan? You are the “right way Corrigan” here.


Interesting viewpoint… on usurpation day i was expecting guns blazing and arrest drama and frog marches and perp walks so the yelling, screaming and cursing Biden, Harris and the other swamp eels could get miltribbed and DJT would be properly sworn in. Was so very disappointed when that did not happen, especially when the President never conceded and invoked the insurrection Act. Everybody was sickened that day, it was high treason on Biden’s and Harris’s parts.

Keith White

They are still gathering evidence. That’s why it’s taking so long. I think you are getting to far ahead of yourself thinking logical sense.


If the insurrection act is not signed none of this can happen . The military cannot arrest civilians .

David T

“IF”, it’s the word a liberal starts a post with, when they are spewing lies and nonsense.


Well it wasn’t . No ifs , ands or buts . Thank you for pointing that out .

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



The ‘big thing’ now is that the WH in WDC is ‘walled in’ along with other key known NWO strongholds. What I’ve heard online is they are waiting to destroy them all to signal to the truthers and the public that the ‘old rule’ has been destroyed and replaced. The destruction of the WH would be a GREAT way to signal this AND OUT the fake Brandon administration quite simply. If the real WH is gone, where is Brandon doing his duties as POTUS? I’ve recently heard online that the Brandon administration is working out of New York (City I think if I remembered right) while Brandon does his photo ops / media appearances from a WH set elsewhere such as the one(s) built for TV and movie use somewhere in the USA not in WDC. This subterfuge was disclosed in a ‘daring’ clip by a truther in WDC during the early days of the sham.

Michael R Davis

If you look at the current White House webcam, (yes it is up, just viewed it) it has been moved substantially back from the WH giving a good look at the “wall” in the north lawn.

That insubstantial wall with concrete and wood parts in no way protects nor guards the WH. It encircles a large portion of the lawn, apparently hiding the digging going on in the lawn from close eyes and zoom lenses just across the fence along Pennsylvania Avenue and Lafayette Square Park.

Can’t tell what the digging is about. There was heavy equipment inside the “wall” but not right now. Something to do with the tunnels beneath the WH, sprinklers, teasing the people?

https :// www. washington-white-house/live-stream


Wouldn’t using the EBS as predicted be a lot easier than destroying the White House?


the white house is evil, a lot of little children were murdered there by the sick satonic politicians over the years. the OSIRA washington monument is going to be taken down with all the other EVIL symbols world wide, thats why the RUSSIA INVASION hype is happening. a false flag fake war has to happen for them to use the DEW WEAPONS to destroy these places.


if this happens, thats when the EBS will be implemented, because it’s a so called emergency !

Rose Mary Abbott



They have White House movie sets in LA and Georgia, the one in LA is called castle rock. I believe personally he films at the one in Georgia, Tyler Perry’s movie set. Just my opinion!

Elisa Orozco

Very well stated, sir! I agree that David ‘Nino’ Rodriguez should have Michael Baxter on his show!! Great Idea!!! I sincerely hope that it happens!!!


Or maybe Kerry Cassidy – (Project Camelot) could have him on or Michael Jaco….


Bluewater on bit chute calls Nino and Cassidy out constantly.


Thank you Mike. Happy you’re back

G Laney

Thank you for your work, as a web designer, I understand the difficulties for sure.

Johnny Lunchbucket

Glad to have you back. Have faith in Jesus to make this right.


Or the inter dimensional aliens among us .

Rose Mary Abbott


lewton cole

God keep and protect everyone associated with RRN and its mission.


THANK YOU for telling us, WE THE PEOPLE, la verdad, sir! You will be remembered in one thousand years for this great patriotic work you do for all of us! You clearly are a man of courage!


The better question to ask here is: has membership names & emails been compromised, if so, give us “all” the little minions info, and we’ll take it from that point.

Sid Ramon

Glad you’re back, sir. Thank you for persevering.

Thank you Michael! I like the current look, more streamlined. Hope all is well.

Kathleen Ann

I admire your work, Michael. If I wasn’t struggling myself I would send some $ your way…Imho I believe what you are posting here is of utmost interest of the American people during these times of enormous deception of the current “occupation” by these WEF agents…I always check in if you have posted anything new and sensed there were attacks going on these past few days…ugh can’t wait for all of this to come to a head already. I truly want to see military intervention.


“Have nothing to do with the vile, fruitless works of darkness, rather, expose them”. ~Ephesians 5:11
If only we had language to express our respect, as well as the kinship we feel for you all (Michael Baxter & Co.) doing this work, ‘behind the scenes’, yet very much a clear target. It’s not often that people are beyond willing to stand for truth & justice in such a public & consistent manner. Thomas Jefferson once said that;

“Timid men…prefer the calm of despotism, to the boisterous sea of liberty.”

Clearly, we have learned that justice lives in the wake of bold & courageous men. My husband spent 34 yrs in military comms, as a radioman, & several more yrs in search & rescue for the USCG. I have never been more inspired or encouraged in my own fight for justice than when I look back over his life’s work. It is that same feeling I experience when I read one of your articles Michael. It also reminds me that, in the midst of the most horrific revelations regarding what has been taking place, and at whose expense, in our great nation, there exist far more loyal, bold & courageous people who could never have imagined such horror~ much less taken part in it. This is, in large part & imho, exactly how these cretins were able to operate for so long, delving ever deeper into the enemy’s snare as time went on. The worst part is also the best part~ now we DO know. They simply will not be tolerated. There no longer exists a broom nor rug big enough to sweep it all under. Not this time. Truth stands on its own- does not require us, nor our approval to exist. It’s still the truth, with or without us. We must choose to stand.
My husband & I want you (Michael & Co.) to know that we are in prayer for your every need, your safety & your peace. We pray that every effort continues to be blessed, every footstep, every breath, and in Jesus’ mighty name~ Amen. Sincerely, & with huge love & respect~ Samantha W./AZ/USA


Amen and may God’s truth stand out and lead the way for us. Go white hats!!! We are behind you! Most American people! By the way a story for the Marines. When I use to work for IBM I had to make a call one time at helicopter company creating the Osprey. I loved it however it those people working on the osprey were very discouraged. I told the man who was with me that is a great but don’t kill my marines in the process and they didn’t do it again I don’t like that. They didn’t do that again. My Young marines had gone up to test the machine and did not make it- so I saw a picture of the osprey was up and I said “oh there is the osprey. I love that machine. He said you do. Oh yes for I can see what it will do! It will help a lot of people but don’t kill my marines in the process and you could hear on the news when the machine was in Afghanistan people said the marines have the osprey with them and they sounded proud. I love that bird and it did what I knew it could do when it was being built I told the company working on it I could see it helping people and it did in Afghanistan. In the mountains they would able to get some people out. It is not a plane or a helicopter it is both and can go where a plane or helicopter can’t go by themselves and pick up lots of people. It is the best of both worlds and is stronger because of it. It is also fun to fly I bet because it does things differently. It is helping people which it is supposed to do. I hope they all are going to eat their words. It is doing what it is created to do. I think it is a beautiful machine and saw everyone else with military experience turn up their nose at that plane. It is helping lots of people – as it was created to do.

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie
Susan Sloate

We’re grateful you’re back at all, Michael. Keep up the good work!

James McMahan

Terry Bennett, said back in 2014. For a while we will have a fractional government, which means basically our government will come down to the state level because of the military stepping in and having to seize control of our federal government. We would call it a coup, but in all honesty it will be to help our nation. But info out there claims your a fake. We just dont know if your legit.

David T

The purveyors of that “info out there” swore up and down for 3 years that the Steele dossier and the Trump Russia collusion was REAL, but in reality it was all fake. If those same bad actors are claiming that MB and RRN is fake, you can about bet your life they are both real and truthful.

Last edited 2 years ago by David T
James McMahan

Terry also explained, “What the United States is going to go through is civil conflict, civil war, and then invasion. This will greatly diminish the desire of the spirit of antichrist to take hold of this nation.


Just curious, is there any information about other up coming military trials in other locations ?


Thank you, Michael.
I’ve had trouble pulling up your site last couple of days. Yesterday, it wouldn’t let me pull up anything….cursor just kept spinning. (I was like the mouse…constantly pressing the reward button, but no reward, lol.)
Had a gut feeling something like this was happening.


What’s the latest on Soros ,an his posible criminal connection involved in our pass elections ?


Something everyone has to be concerned with is another war . So, can you let us know is our military watching, listening , to Individuals great at creating wars ? ( CIA an there Deep State connection for a One World Government.)


So sorry for all that you and your colleges have to deal with day by day, or moment by moment. Thank you for hanging in there…….

Rose Mary Abbott

I can no longer get your website on my phone through DuckDuckGo. GoDaddy says that I am blocked by the administrator. Have you really blocked me from reading Real Raw News? Obviously I have other avenues to here but if you are trying to get rid of me I will go away peacefully.


No he is not trying to get rid of you nor is he trying to block the website were we give money to help him out.

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie

Thank you Michael!!! Keep up the great work you’re doing!! You are in our prayers!

God bless you and those working with you and our beloved military for the difficult but necessary job they’re carrying out with the arrests, detention and military tribunals of those perpetrating evil. ✝️🙏🏼


When Biden declares a “new war”,
(Their wars profit money galore),
The white hats will say,
“But it’s a new day,
Your ‘wars’ we will henceforth ignore.”


Well on just the news Dr Robert Molone has a admitted that they have know how to solve covided 19 since march of 2020! Here is my question then why put the military though that threat saying they had to take the shot that is leaving them injured. There is another reason to force the military injured that may effect their careers. Why would the President want to disable our military??? It is obvious to me money paid by whom??? Can you figure it out. This article is on Just the News go read it Now!!!! He is messing with our sons and daughters with out firing a shot. It could be Russia or China. Do not vote for that traitor. Biden!

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie

Michael I don’t know if you saw my other email but the email that we give you money is not working it is giving me a 404. You won’t get money if you can’t fix it. Just let me know you know about this.


Yes but like last time they won’t win.


Michael I tried to send you money but I got a 404 not found. With the truckers as having to use this site that may be the reason for this. I could not get to the site. Can you fix this please?

Stinky Perfume

There’s deep state and what I call dark state including all the underground. Surface operative arrests and executions showing the evil is not explaining the hybrid human creations without empathy and all the MK Ultra hybrid human potential killers and killers that seem like our nice neighbors or polite rulers. What is going on with the cities under earth? The tunnels, levels under casinos, hospitals, Getty Museum in LA? Is the missing Trudeau in the elite Hollywood Getty Museum underground city? Seems like his kind of place.

Jewelie Dee

Juan O. Savin has recently said that Trump did NOT sign the Insurrection Act. So much conflicting evidence out there.


O’savin is a ds disinformation troll, he wears a blood ring, what that tell you? He may say some things that make you feel good, but then lies about what is really going on…I have never trusted him or charlie ward they both have DS ties…


I… Love… Trump 💜


I do too,most Trump lovers have 5 eyes like us


I apologize for posting so much today, but does anybody know the latest on the tunnels under our country?


They won’t be built until we get the infrastructure bill going.

Rose Mary Abbott



That’s what everyone in the Antelope Valley have been asking because of all of the loud explosions lately that seem to be coming from underground,its funny when others refer to them as sonic booms as cement patios are breaking into pieces everywhere,there is supposedly a DUMB opening near Edward’s AFB at Plant 42 and supposedly they have been blowing them up

Last edited 2 years ago by stacylee
John .S

Been reading the nonsense of Trump flushing documents down a toilet as hilarious.

People are woke not buying into it. The purveyors of that nonsense are sick.

Fact: Donald snaked-out toilets [summer job/weekend building janitor] working for his, and worked a plunger many times like any other family man with kids, and knows about stoppages and root causes.

Most don’t release he’s actually a regular guy from Queens, that played stick ball and touch football on the street, pushing a snow shovel for a quick hustle with friends, ending up in a movie theater or bowling ally.

Donald as master builder/contractor who well versed with low flush 1.6 gal.
flush toilets and the problems that occurs.

No doubt Donald has a serious paper shredder [incinerator feature] at his disposal, toilet disposal LoL.

Wonder what nonsense is dreamed up next.


The white house is evil, a lot of little children were murdered there by the sick satonic politicians over the years. the OSIRA washington monument is going to be taken down also with all the other EVIL symbols world wide, thats why the RUSSIA INVASION hype is happening. a false flag fake war has to happen for them to use the DEW WEAPONS to destroy these places.When this happens, the EBS will be implemented, because it’s an emergency. then, hopefully, this media will come to an end. Trump has all the dirt on these sick POS people, THEY DON’T WANT TO BE EXPOSED ! They have all been blackmailed for killing or molesting little children.


IF we do this above board with legal maneuvers, and elections. TRUMP and Q didn’t have it all and he lied to us. Then we were played. Then Trump is as responsible for having our people vaxxed as the deep state is. The only thing at this point to salvage Trump is EBS and Military Tribunals. That is the only justification for Trump and the Military losing our country and vaxxing that many people under his watch. There is NO normal way to solve this where TRUMP comes out ok. Between Trump and MSM my Trump supporting extended family are fully vaxxed and boosted. Trump has to show us the EBS and Military. There are allot of people vaxxed on his word alone. Are they walking dead, have Aids? You guys can’t have it both ways. Above board normal and the Q world. Which is it pick a path.

Buck fiden

Encouraging vaccinations is Trump’s Achilles’ Heel.

J Bill

Whoever voted for Trump, knows the choice was theirs and he’d never mandate it.
If a democrat took the vaccine to spite Trump, that motive speaks for itself.

But for one of them to use it as fodder against him using their dying breath…
… you’re talking S-Vest mentality now.

Not an Achilles’ heel by any stretch.

Rose Mary Abbott



Off the main topic but relevant in fact.

best to RRN


Rose Mary Abbott

Tried it but only got an error 404. I did remove the extra space marks.


glad to see you guys back thx for your hard work and patriotic service to the USA

carolyn smith

Hey Michael – Do you have any information on the former Blackrock hedge fund manager investigating fraud by Moderna and Pfizer in their clinical trials? The CEO supposedly of Moderna dumped $400 million of MRNA stock when the Blackrock guy started digging into death statistics from insurance companies and funeral homes.

Lorenz Manner

He’ll be back soon. He won and he is the real President of the USA 🇺🇸. He has never left his position. He is still fighting. He is the greatest patriot and he has awakened the whole world.


Why was Biden inaugurated ? Why is he picking a Supreme Court justice?

J Bill

Impossible for biden to be prez if “inaugurated” before 12:00pm.
So, US Military ensured he was before 12:00pm January 20, 2021.

Should we expect questions on the Jurassic Period from you next?

Why always so far behind?

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

No, it’s not true at all. It was never mentioned to anyone? Just like since Trump didn’t resign he’s still president. SC justice will be his pick.

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



Truckin’ got my chips cashed in, keep truckin’, like the do-dah man
Together, more or less in line, just keep truckin’ on

Arrows of neon and flashing marquees out on Main Street
Chicago, New York, Detroit and it’s all on the same street
Your typical city involved in a typical daydream
Hang it up and see what tomorrow brings

Dallas, got a soft machine; Houston, too close to New Orleans,
New York’s got the ways and means; but just won’t let you be, oh no

Most of the cats that you meet on the streets speak of true love,
Most of the time they’re sittin’ and cryin’ at home
One of these days they know they better get goin’
Out of the door and down on the streets all alone

Truckin’, like the do-dah man Once told me “You’ve got to play your hand”
Sometimes your cards ain’t worth a dime, if you don’t lay’em down,

Sometimes the light’s all shinin’ on me,
Other times I can barely see
Lately it occurs to me what a long, strange trip it’s been

What in the world ever became of sweet Jane?
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn’t the same
Livin’ on reds, vitamin C, and cocaine,
All a friend can say is “Ain’t it a shame?”

Truckin’, up to Buffalo Been thinkin’, you got to mellow slow
Takes time, you pick a place to go, and just keep truckin’ on

Sittin’ and starin’ out of the hotel window
Got a tip they’re gonna kick the door in again
I’d like to get some sleep before I travel,
But if you got a warrant, I guess you’re gonna come in

Busted, down on Bourbon Street, set up, like a bowlin’ pin
Knocked down, it get’s to wearin’ thin They just won’t let you be, oh no

You’re sick of hangin’ around and you’d like to travel,
Get tired of travelin’ and you want to settle down
I guess they can’t revoke your soul for tryin’,
Get out of the door and light out and look all around

Sometimes the light’s all shinin’ on me,
Other times I can barely see
Lately it occurs to me what a long, strange trip it’s been

Truckin’, I’m a goin’ home Whoa whoa baby, back where I belong
Back home, sit down and patch my bones, and get back truckin’ on


Not sure the Dead would be fans of this website.


Did TW ever say what happened with his request for a politician to resign while he goes after her surety bond?


No, we have questioned him several times and are waiting patiently for an answer. What could it be?

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott


Barry Williamz

That’s what I am calling the MSM from now on.
Drivel centres.
That’s what they churn out.
And they are scared.
And so they should be.
We stand behind you Michael.

Wayne Hatton

The cabal controlled media must be terminated with extreme prejudice and the people shown the truth, even though it may hurt. Time to pull the scab!


They are traitors and should hang,there is one reporter that works for a local News Station out here in Los Angeles that I would like to see face Crandall someday,I know things about him as he blackmailed someone I know…he’s very evil and hopefully someday he hangs for his crimes


It’s adorable that you guys think that Trump taking some documents means the DOJ now has no record of 27k ongoing investigations/indictments. It’s the same judges and most of the same DOJ employees in place now as it was under Trump. There are multiple court and legal databases that would have this info, it doesn’t disappear just because Trump took some paper copies with him or whatever 😂

Rose Mary Abbott



Nothing New! And again the demonic ds will fail, as they always do. They are all a bunch of failures. Vote them all out this November and in 2024. And America will be Greater than ever.

Buck fiden

My vote matters? What about Dominion, Maricopa County, drop boxes, vote harvesting? Nothing has changed.


⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Gen XXX ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

Buck fiden

Get X: Born 1965-1979.
What of it?

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



Trump is ever dancing in their heads 24/7. That is hilarious 😂


So the fake 46 and his cohorts are not in control? Hmmm… Tik Tok Tik Tok, it seems like it is almost time for the big reveal.🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Buck fiden

Is that when Ivanka takes her clothes off?

Rose Mary Abbott



Funny the deep state accuse Trump of compromising national security – what have the Bidens done?????


Thanks for posting this! Makes complete sense what you’re saying.


Good another one bites the dust!

Proudly Unaffiliated

Yes, this rings true as well. President Trump is a super patriot who fully understands the nature of this pre-planned and orchestrated attack on America and has taken any and all counter-measures to ensure the survival of the Republic and the minimal damage to us, the American people. He has been, is, and will always be our MAGA POTUS!

Sandy Koufax

The Obama administration used this same tactic against former CIA Director David Patraeus who subsequently plead guilty to a misdemeanor and received a sentence of probation.

The next step will be for the FBI to deploy a swat team to Marlago to extract the contraband documents and take Trump into custody.

The mainstream media isn’t making the Patraeus connection because then public opinion would be for the government to put up or shut up.

J Bill

If they did that, they’d be acting as rogue operatives.
Assuming you/they believe J Biden is still alive and potus.

Sandy Koufax

Biden is just a mid level operative and does what he is told by his masters.

J Bill

FBI is ‘hog-tied.’

question everything

They are probably busy with the upcoming ‘super bowl’ fiasco. Maybe something similar to Las Vegas, and blamed on a trucker convoy(maybe of their own creation).

Freddy Benson



How is Trump supposedly going to come back.? I mean, if any of this is true and happening and the military comes in boots Biden out, does Trump get a new 4 year term or does Trump just finish out the remaining time that is left in the 2020 Term or does the military create a new election?


Correct, of course he is not coming back.


Not like people expect. I just remember rumors started by people such as X22 Report, Juan Savin , Simon Parks, Lin Wood, Mike Lindell … etc that Trump was coming back and it took this life of its own and got everyone believing that the military was going to rush in and save the day on Inauguration Day and arrest Biden and Trump was going to be sworn in. even though there was no actual proof or evidence that it was ever going to happen, nor did it. Then people made excuses and 2 years later they’re still moving the goal post and making excuses why it didn’t happen yet. I mean, how long does it take for a person, no matter how much they hope for something to come to past to finally realize and admit it’s not going to happen?


It’s called “hopium” and addicts pay good money for it. No results necessary, just keep moving those goalposts forever!

Buck fiden

Rehab doesn’t help, either.
Hopium’s some serious shit. Makes Fentanyl look like aspirin.

question everything

Gosh, Buck, it sounds like you don’t put much hope in Savior Trump. Sounds like you don’t put a whole lotta trust in the New York Democrat that hung out with the likes of Epstein, etc, and then suddenly became the saintly Republican Savior of ‘merica. Almost sounds like maybe you learned from the history….Reagan, Bushes, etc., that the human ‘saviors’ don’t pan out, and can even lead to our destruction, as in 9-11. I guess when the scales of hopium fall off someone’s eyes, they just might be able to see through the veil of bullshit that we have been fed most of our lives.
I understand that this idea is offensive to most people who come here. That’s how hopium works. Like any addiction, stage one is denial. But the truth is what can remove the scales. Thomas Paine said “He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” I love harmony, but ignoring truth will never achieve true harmony.

Buck fiden

I’m not officially back until June. Addictions are painful. So are PC “counselors” who have absolute power over your liberty. The hardest part is biting your lip until these motherfuckers no longer can control you. Like sucking dick at parole boards.

Or like defending your thesis, only to have five years turned into shreds and having to start all over again wasting your life chasing that elusive piece of paper because the professors hate you for being a straight white male. I kinda get why Brendt Christensen did it.

question everything

Seems like anyone who doesn’t buy into the narrative(s) is labeled a terrorist, a troll/shill, or the classic ‘mental health issues’, anything to either deflect attention, or to give creedence to why you had to be removed from society, or taken out altogether.

Buck fiden

That day is coming.

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



Sure seems to be the case here and the gullible just go along with it.

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott


Sandy Koufax

You asked and answered most of the details of your own question. The military would determine the nature and duration of Trump’s powers.


I don’t know. Would they? Do you actually know this or you just assuming?

Sandy Koufax

I know it. You don’t have a need to know.


No, you don’t know it. You’re just hoping, like the rest. Why should I, not know?

Last edited 2 years ago by Delta
Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



Why does everyone think the military has so much power ? They are corrupt too and have limited power . Who is the head of the military ? Gen Milley ?


You have more questions than corn in the corn field.


..and you don’t have the answers ,either. Just guesses and opinions

Rose Mary Abbott


Sandy Koufax

Why should you know?


Why shouldn’t, Exile know?

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



Uhh… magic?

Sandy Koufax

They have the same ability as they had to overthrow governments around the world for the past century.

Rose Mary Abbott


Sue Grantham

Thank you for the information ♥️🇺🇸🙏


Hey Mike, glad your back. I thought the bastards took you down.


Just glad you are back up and running…


⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️Gen XXX+ ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


You spelled boomer wrong pedophile,I was born in 1960


President Trump put a statement out about this yesterday. The collection of Momentos at Mar Largo was a scheduled appointment. Momentos will be displayed at the Trump Presidential library some day.

He added information about Hillary’s deleted emails. The fake news walked right into it.

His election fraud and Unselect Committee statements he made today are awesome too.



Did the politician who hurt your feelings resign yet? How is the action against her bond going?


TL doesn’t seem to want to talk about that anymore. Must be a sore subject 🙃

Rose Mary Abbott



The surety bonds that were going to save and change everything . Please give us an update .

Rose Mary Abbott


Buck fiden

San Fagshitco’s mayor says everyone with an extra bedroom should take in The Homeless. Will he lead by example?

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott


Buck fiden

At the rate this country is going, there won’t be any presidential libraries because there won’t be any presidents. All will be torn down to make way for nigger housing. The next president will ban all firearms. The one after that will make it the death penalty to even have a five-round magazine. The third NWO president will import 500 million African niggers and give them our homes. We will end up in chink-quality high rise flats in city centres having to fight each other for the least noisiest living space.

Life will soon be hell worldwide.

That fucking kike-schmekel eater, Klaus Schwab, predicted it correctly:

You will live in pods
You will own nothing
You will eat bugs
You will be happy.

Not sure about count four.

Rose Mary Abbott


Mont Schroeder

Michael, you deserve the”Medal of Freedom” award, after this deep state and WEF sponsored fiasco is over!


God bless you Michael. So thankful you are back. YOU are my only source for information and We The People depend on you. Thank you, thank you so much…stay safe!

Buck fiden

The rumours on this board say that MB lost a close relative. Hmm. Sorry for your loss.

MB was gone a week.
Kikes have a tradition of mourning for one week.
They call it Shitting Siva.
Is it possible MB is a Heeb?
Was MB Shitting Siva?

I called Rabbi Finkelstein in PV yesterday.
He won’t answer the phone on Saturdays.
He told me that you’re supposed to say Kaddish.
OK. “Kaddish.”
There! I said it.

Then he said, that’s not how you do it. It’s a heeb song for the dead. It goes like this:

אבל: יִתְגַּדַּל וְיִתְקַדַּשׁ שְׁמֵהּ רַבָּא. [קהל: אמן]
בְּעָלְמָא דִּי בְרָא כִרְעוּתֵהּ וְיַמְלִיךְ מַלְכוּתֵהּ בְּחַיֵּיכון וּבְיומֵיכון וּבְחַיֵּי דְכָל בֵּית יִשרָאֵל בַּעֲגָלָא וּבִזְמַן קָרִיב, וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן: [קהל: אמן]
קהל ואבל: יְהֵא שְׁמֵהּ רַבָּא מְבָרַךְ לְעָלַם וּלְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַיָּא:
אבל: יִתְבָּרַךְ וְיִשְׁתַּבַּח וְיִתְפָּאַר וְיִתְרומַם וְיִתְנַשּא וְיִתְהַדָּר וְיִתְעַלֶּה וְיִתְהַלָּל שְׁמֵהּ דְּקֻדְשָׁא. בְּרִיךְ הוּא. [קהל: בריך הוא:]
לְעֵלָּא מִן כָּל בִּרְכָתָא בעשי”ת: לְעֵלָּא לְעֵלָּא מִכָּל וְשִׁירָתָא תֻּשְׁבְּחָתָא וְנֶחֱמָתָא דַּאֲמִירָן בְּעָלְמָא. וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן: [קהל: אמן]
יְהֵא שְׁלָמָא רַבָּא מִן שְׁמַיָּא וְחַיִּים עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשרָאֵל. וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן: [קהל:אמן]
עושה שָׁלום בעשי”ת: הַשָּׁלום בִּמְרומָיו הוּא יַעֲשה שָׁלום עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשרָאֵל וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן: [קהל: אמן]

See, Zee? I can copy pasta, too!

question everything

some translation softwares just don’t work so good, especially when you copy and paste from right to left instead of left to right.

Buck fiden

Some browsers show squares instead of foreign alphabets and emoticons, too.

question everything

you can load a hebrew font on your computer, though

Buck fiden

That was in Aramaic.

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



IF we do this above board with legal maneuvers, and elections. TRUMP and Q didn’t have it all and he lied to us. Then we were played. Then Trump is as responsible for having our people vaxxed as the deep state is. The only thing at this point to salvage Trump is EBS and Military Tribunals. That is the only justification for Trump and the Military losing our country and vaxxing that many people under his watch. There is NO normal way to solve this where TRUMP comes out ok. Between Trump and MSM my Trump supporting extended family are fully vaxxed and boosted. Trump has to show us the EBS and Military. There are allot of people vaxxed on his word alone. Are they walking dead, have Aids? You guys can’t have it both ways. Above board normal and the Q world. Which is it pick a path. If the Q story was a psy op we were played, and Trump knew he was playing us. IF this is a war and there is EBS, military tribunals, dumbs, etc then all was justified. War is War.


Have I missed the EBS? Military takeover?

J Bill

Plus, all the key developmental stages for a normal life.


I will carry on.

J Bill

To fret your hour upon the stage…

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill
Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



Blow it up. Thank God for President Trump and our military.


They divided us with fear. WE UNITED WITH COURAGE.
They divided us with politics. WE UNITED WITH FACTS.
They divided us for control. WE UNITED FOR FREEDOM.
They divided us for Power. WE UNITED FOR HUMANITY


Did we miss the quantum everything and EBS? What happened?

Rose Mary Abbott


Buck fiden

I divide your legs for sex. YOU BAFFLE US WITH BULLSHIT.

Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden


Rose Mary Abbott



My take on this article is this:
Trump to the DS:
“Hey guys, we’ve got 30,000 of you bastards in our sights – sleep tight!

Bob Adam

Yes, let’s continue to pray for truth, righteousness and justice. It will be good to see those indictments begin to be opened.

Buck fiden

We need more than opened indictments.
We need judges and prosecutors who have the cojones to ACT on them!

Rose Mary Abbott



Biggest issue is msm so I dont understand why they are allowed to continue this witch hunt.
One EBS announcement would wipe these monsters out.
How would Biden’s administration have any contact with documents in WH when JB isn’t allowed into WH.
Have we been lied to about this information also.
None is deemed trustworthy anymore.


He’s in the White House, always has been. That pesky EBS just won’t come into play will it? Kind of disparages everything else. It would be so easy but it can’t and won’t happen. May I ask why you think it could?

Rose Mary Abbott



Yea-a-a-a-a POTUS Trump and Marine Corps!


I pray that everyone of these criminals is brought to JUSTICE!!! May “They” all be IMPALED on the spears of JUSTICE!!! NO MERCY!!! 😆😆😆👍


Who actually believes the main stream media?? Once a liar, always a liar. They can all go to hell. And I think they will via Gitmo!!


Yes every newscaster from CNN, MSNBC, AP, UPI, BBC and Fox will be arrested and executed on air of MSM . Then the cameramen, writers, editors , lighting and electricians will be arrested . Then the maintenance people and contract personnel . Death to all . Then their families . The American way !


Don’t worry. You must be one of klaus’s top men. At least you will retain a job as shoe shine boy and bathroom stall attendant.


Let the demonic DS do what they do best, destroy our country and the American way of life. They have not done anything good for our great country and all Americans for decades. Then let the Americans decide this November and in 2024.

Kick these thugs out of office and let’s elect honest politicians, regardless of party.

Last edited 2 years ago by RG1
Freddy Benson

“honest politicians”


Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy Benson

We need to be ever vigilant and keep watching their every move. Include ACCOUNTABILITY! Remove any law that says a member of Congress can’t be arrested.


According to the law, that is the case except for treason.


Let ”Americans decide” you mean the way we decided in 2020
How is that working out for us all.
The fixed 2020 needs to righted before 2022 elections or DS will just pull same fraud they have in past decades. Politicians haven’t been elected into place they’re planted into strategic places.


Thank you Michael for everything ..


On another note…It’s possible that the usurper wants to go to war with Russia because Putin knows where the tunnels are regarding trafficking victims.,. a couple of years ago before the usurpation took place, there was a raid by special forces that revealed thyere were pople being locked up there, along with computers and gold… That means Trump’s special forces were trying to get evidence of Biden’s corruption in international spheres that may be connected to his son’s business in Ukraine and via the Burisma job,… now new info, not yet double checked, shows that there may be more tunnels with trafficking victims and Putin is willing to fight Biden to save the kids just like Trump fought the DS and saved the kids under the tunnels in DC after the elections was stolen in 2020… Biden is a paedo and hates having his victims rescued just like the rest of them and Putin, being the fearless one, wants to save the kids. Putin HATES paedos and is willing to go to war to save the kids. that may be the other reason the US and Russia are going to war and Ukraine is in the mix — the tunnels are not just under Ukraine but in other countries going up as far north as Sweden.


Optics are very important in why Russia appears to be getting ready to wage war against Ukraine. Economically Russia has nothing to gain by invading Ukraine because it’s economy is in dire straights. Lastly, the posturing by Russia is a front for wiping out the Khazarian mafia. Blessings,


GDP of glorious Ukraine is 20% lower than 1992 !!!!! Russia will fight back only if Ukraine they invade Donbas…


The real biden is dead or still in a coma…so it is the DS you are talking about not biden. the biden everyone see’s is just a masked standin. no real biden exist anymore, he is brain dead or literally dead.

Buck fiden

Oy gevault! The vaults! Where did they take my gold!!!?

American Living in Canada

Clearly Mr. President Trump is the best Man for the Job!


Yes , maybe he will get the Olympics back where they belong !

Buck fiden

A dog slaughterhouse/restaurant in Wuhan?


These must be the documents that the fake stream media accuses Trump of “flushing down the toilet.”

Freddy Benson

the same toilets he said had to be flushed 10-15 times back in 2019. now we know why it took 10-15 flushes.

Rob William

That’s really funny 😆

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William

⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Labeled ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

Buck fiden

It was a virtual flush. They still gottem.

Outlandish Outlander

“God-given rights.”

Mr. Baxter,

Perhaps this could be better written, “God-given unalienable rights.” Just a suggestion. The word unalienable when broken down gives a big clue as to why the American forefathers used that word in the Declaration of Independence (not the word ‘inalienable’), which expresses that one’s rights are, ‘NOT-A-Lien-Able.’

In other words, ones God-given rights can never-ever be given-up, lost, or even sold, which is what Esau did (Genesis 25:29-34). By the way, that is also why God hated him. (Romans 9:13) That was an act of rejection of the Creator and His gift, His Will and His way. Just a thought here, but it is not a wise thing for one to reject a gift from their Creator. Moreover, one should know, understand, and be fully aware of their inheritance, and be fully verse in how to use it properly.

So then, the word “inalienable,” in regards to one’s, “God-given rights,” is not only improper and incorrect, but it also implies an impossibility….. that one can in-fact separate themselves from the gift of their rights, which is an inheritance from the Creator. So, one’s rights are not only “God-given,” they are in-fact more accurately and correctly, “God-given unalienable rights.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Outlandish Outlander
Buck fiden

I wish America were unalienable. Instead, these greasers are invading our country by the millions! I talked to a spic roofer today while I was out for my morning constitutional. He was grousing that he was only making $20/hr. Excuse me? ¡Fuck you, Héctor! You’re making $20/hr TAX FREE INCOME in Arizona. Your wife Sonia, who is fat, short, stupid, ugly, illiterate and also illegal, is on baby #5. All at taxpayers’ expense! How much would you be making doing what you’re doing in Sinaloa (aside from drug-dealing)?

Yeah. Exactly.


I hope your wish comes true,my neighbor is getting ready to drop another anchor baby that we will be supporting 🤰🏽


Thank you President Trump…one or more steps ahead as always…Thank you 💖‼

Buck fiden

If Trump were one or more steps ahead, he’d be in the WH, and that cocksucker Zhou Biden’s execution wouldn’t just be here at RRN, it would be televised live on CNN!!


He is in the White House, the Mar-A Lago White House. Just like Reagan, who had Rancho del Cielo and Nixon, who had La Casa Pacifica. They also owned private “white houses” they retreated to. Trump does too.