Gateway Pundit Affirms RRN Reports of Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine




The Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova,  told the United States on Wednesday, “We have found your biological weapons!”

“There was statement made by the Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, leave no doubt, will not give Washington to be silent this time. Their attempts, while spilling blood, to find biological and chemical weapons throughout the world. We have found your own products. We have found your biological material. As it turns out it was all happening in Ukraine,” RT, Russia state-affiliated media reported.

Russia now demands the US to explain bio labs in Ukraine.

Russia accused the U.S. of violations of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention and has covered it up.

TRENDING: Poland Calls Blinken’s Bluff, Exposes Fracture in NATO Alliance

Via Chief Nerd.

This comes after State Department official Victoria Nuland admitted in her testimony on Tuesday that the US has biolabs in Ukraine.

On Tuesday, the official spokesman for the China Communist Government confronted the United States on its 336 biological labs in 30 countries around the world. According to China, there are 26 US biological labs in Ukraine alone.

Our notes: The GWP has a lot right, but is obviously unaware the Putin has already shelled and destroyed confirmed labs in Ukraine.

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I remember a while back seeing some kind of “disclaimer” about real raw news being “parody”. Yet today, when I came to check the site out…..I no longer See SAID Disclaimer of Parody! I always thought RRNews was MORE accurate than Any Other website or TV channel and I am Hoping and Praying that every word on here is Absolute Truth! Power To The American People and Down with the Leftist MSM regime!


It is import that you know Biden is trying to raise the cost of food by holding up fertilizer in the growing it food that is and holding up the supply chain. Lots of people are using natural fertilizer. Find out what natural fertilizer is. We have an abundance of it. Check Biden!


Trump was on full send podcast today for 50 minutes. He said he hasn’t talked to Putin since he left office. “You can’t just pick up the phone; you really have to be a President to do that.”


I’ll be damned , but what if he wasn’t telling the truth to throw everyone off? Can’t tell the truth all the time . Always something .


Tucker Carlson has not only confirmed this report on his TV show, he has openly asked why we are funding these labs. And he said we as Americans have a right to know because it’s our money!


Blue states did not suffer as much as Red states
You, OWD live in a deep blue city state –Los Angeles. Given more Saline. Check Red States. Seems the killing in the beginning was in hospitals and nursing homes. Mostly to avoid having to payout pensions and SSI. etc etc etc


Central Asia’s Leading Law Firm Opens in Space

Quote:  Recently, Seven Pillar signed a memorandum with the Kazakhstan Space Agency. Kazakhstan has inextricable links to the history of space travel and development, evidenced by the fact that Kazakhstan played a key role in both sending the first man to space from its Baikonur cosmodrome, as well as being the first to launch a satellite into space as part of a collective effort by the region. 


Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

What happened at Melinda Gates’ March 2 military tribunal?

unlabeled quality

all my comments so far, have been marked ‘awaiting for approval’, and I need to know why….

someone speculated and questioned whether the so-called ‘covid’ originated from a biolab in the Ukraine, and not the spoon-fed narrative that this originated from Wuhan or Fort Dietrich.
this possibility adds another layer to this evil mess…

Last edited 2 years ago by unlabeled quality

This could be happening if posts are lengthy or, have hidden links in them. 1, try cleaning up posts. 2, Place shorter posts

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
unlabeled quality

my posts have neither hidden links nor are they lengthy (two paragraphs tops).


Deep state infiltration…. I will go with that one
it happens all day long with my posts


Deep state infiltration

carolyn smith

obama, gates, fauci, biden all set up the labs. guessing Trump had no idea they were there or they would have been gone long ago


Yup, With thr help of Russia we know what we /he never knew before; twice as many bio-labs than any other country and at least 28. Who knows –there may be more to be found in the western Nazi section of thr Country.
And, that’s that talking about unknown tunnels and SRA children to be saved.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Rose Mary Abbott

I looked at the images of Putin on the Duck Duck Go search engine and I could plainly see that the older Putin is not the same guy as the younger Putin. The mouth on young Putin kind of pooches out and old Putin’s mouth is straight as a board. Plus there is no smile crease going from his nose to the corner of his mouth when the authentic Putin did have it. It’s the one missing on his right side cheek that I found to be the most notable thing. Now we know why this is happening. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

unlabeled quality

I read somewhere that the Putin we are seeing nowadays, is a clone that’s working for the Alliance…and that something happened to the real one.

it’s really hard to tell who is really who, these days.


Body clone . Obviously .


It’s possible the lips esp. change to thinner with age and maybe he’s had a face lift.? Then again is anyone really who we think they are? Good & Bad players.. Maybe our better leaders are part ‘off planet’ improvement ready for 5th dimension and above, bringing in ways soon to live more peacefully by cleaning the world’s swamp of Khazarian Mafia Satanism–the worst.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
American Living in Canada

Putin switched out also.. Holy sh!t!


The American Government is Lying, and has. Been for decades to the People of the World through the corrupt Media…. At the direction of the Khazarian mafia, who owns them.

Hunter Hunter

Ukraine = Khazaria… It ends where it began.


Stupid algo won’t let me write Khazarian!

Last edited 2 years ago by Xena
Russ C

The cat’s been out of the bag, since the world learned about the Wohon Bio Lab in China, that our government has been funding bio weapons research in foreign countries. Hundreds of labs throughout the world though! In a sane world the entire population of the world should be up in arms at what we’re doing!!!!!

David T

It’s not what the majority of the US is doing, it’s a select few DS elites who are pushing these labs researching this on the taxpayers’ dollar. They got ran out of the US due to ethics issues with what they were doing, so they went to Wuhan and apparently had been in the Ukraine since 2005 or earlier.


USA’s Pharma’s deep-state Gain of Function Labs have been set up in more countries than just Ukraine & China.

59 labs around world handle the deadliest pathogens and only a quarter score high on safety

quote…. Only 40% of countries with BSL4 labs are members of the forum: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, UK and the US. And no lab has yet signed up to the voluntary…………. MORE

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Which would mean that those unethical bio lab bosses were working during the Bush years, pre-Obama.


March Madness Continues
Revelations = Exposure!!!


Because they go to the funeral home.

David T

For all the fear-mongering that the MSM did with Covid, do you have any thoughts why they aren’t covering all these ongoing deaths even if it includes the trip to the funeral home for the bodies?

chris russ

Michael – Might you have any information or opinion as to the deafening silence from Tony Fauci??


Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida said about a week ago that fauci is in the witness protection program.

chris russ

Our governor is the best!

Rose Mary Abbott

I’m from Texas and I think we both have the best governors in the country.


They’ll ALL be hiding eventually. Their all in on this shit together.

John .S

Fauci as witness to who?, and what?

There is nothing left for Fauci to spew. Collins and others already spilled their guts.

No doubt JAG has Emails, Text Msg, Voice Recording and Financial Statements on many.

Fauci has nothing to offer, he’s done. Anticapate [cyanide pilled] heart attack news.

Money says: Fauci’s Obituary near. Myself on the fence for Saint Patrick’s Day or Spring Equinox.

Saint Patrick was known to rid the snakes [serpents] from Ireland, having significance to my synopsis, where’s Equinox known for Human Sacrifice [eyes wide shut], again on the fence for Fauci’s obituary.


Somebody had better catch him fast before he pulls a himmler.

John .S

My apology Chris, I meant to make my previous post to Road Master 55.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S
chris russ

No worries! I figured that.

Dave Strickland

Hi Michael, by accident I came across mention of the origin of the name “Baxter”. Quote: “Baxter was a ‘bakester’ or ‘baker’ derived from the Anglo-Saxon ‘bacon’ to bake.” All jolly good stuff.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dave Strickland

US now has (WMD) weapon of mass destruction.


Thats a fact, they call them – We The People – same as every Country on our Planet.
Our enemies, are fact News & Fake Politicians.

Gregg Nickens

Taiwan and Venezuela purging come next.


Please pass the syrup of ipecac, these sheeple need it.

doug miller

Off topic, please….
Since no one seems to have seen or heard publicly of Soros for months – he isn’t secretly a guest down at the Spa, is he? just curious. thanks for all you do, Mike.


They need to destroy all 336 labs yesterday…Notice the 336 number…demonic as can be…IMHO.

Debate Judge

FROM outsourcing gain of function out of the US to Wuhan
TO 26 labs in Ukraine, alone.

Tell us again, the US is so innocent: they told researchers not to do that and the researchers agreed. The U.S. hands are clean.

Yea, right.

Lucky Star

Tell that to Troll buck byeden


Great job humans in Russia!!!
Hang all Americans involved in bio warfare.

Lucky Star

Tell that to hotdogs buck biden

GreaterIdaho for Trump

Go real raw news go! I keep telling people to read 10 articles from real raw news then decide if your a larp or fantasy novel or the real darn truth of whats going on. Thank you for info always!


Laura Ingram on Fox News is talking about the Bioweapons labs in Ukraine tonight!

Buck fiden

Great news! This RRN stuff is finally breaking out to MSM!


It is about time,
The media had better come clean. !


Yep. They are turning on each other. They know the satellites are going down and soon there jobs will be no more if they don’t tell the truth.


Who determines what the truth is ? I think their jobs are safe.

Rose Mary Abbott



I make no money but you still cannot help yourself from answering me . Well you are never able to give me an answer, just a response . As always , thank you .

David T

So do you think there are US bioweapons labs in the Ukraine?


No all CGI

Sandy Koufax

Those who fucked around with Putin are finding out what the truth is.

Rose Mary Abbott

I was beginning to wonder where you were.


Get out of here!

Hunter Hunter

The criminal Biden administration, the damnable liars in the MSM, the corrupt corporations etc. are all throwing everything they can at Putin… That fact alone tells me that Putin is doing the right thing.

David T

Agreed. Any time the MSM is trying to destroy someone, it’s because that person and what they are doing, is a threat to the global elites power and wealth.

joe blow

Now to acquire the documents and the White Hats will drain many in the DoD.


Any Bills of laiding laying about?? I suppose so if Russia says they are US deep state owned.

Gregg Nickens

The kitchen is heating up.


Tucker Carlson all over it tonight


Why would Jennifer Griffin contradict him on the Hannity show just an hour later ?

David T

What was the contradiction?

Sandy Koufax

Jennifer Griffin is being controlled with compromising boudoir photos with underage participants, just like you are.


No neither of us are .

Air man

Q did not drop. qalerts(dot)app(slash)


Not sure of you coding, but I saw it on Bitchute last night.

Air man

Mike got it first!

Buck fiden

Everything MB publishes at RRN is true.

Rob William

Truth = whatever MB publishes


The GWP has a lot right but RRN is in a class by itself hands down. Imho, Rush Limbaugh is cheering you on and most importantly enjoining the heavenly angels to protect you. Blessings,

David T

I miss Rush badly. My favorite broadcast voice of all time.

Buck fiden

ωhαt ι rεαlly hαtεd αbομt Rμsh ιs thαt ενεry tιmε ι tμrnεd οn thε rαdιο, ι hεαrd “αnd nοω …… thιs ….” ι αlωαys mαnαgεd tο tμnε ιn rιght αt α cοmmεrcιαl brεαk.




Paul Harvey too. “and now, for the rest of the story.”


l remember that too. Seems like a hundred years ago.

Lucil le

I am beginning to listen to Putin’s interviews especially when an American Karen journalist was questioning him. He put her in a burner stove. Lol
Very amazing , interesting and logical man. Very very intellectual person. Sorry never found like him in American politicians. Too good to be true. Be curious and listen to him hard hitting questions. You’d be amazed.

Lucy Skywalker

He’s deeply Orthodox Christian as well as ex-KGB. Place for both.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lucy Skywalker
Buck fiden

That’s like a Catholic Cardinal who’s a pimp, too.

Rob William


David T

Or at least used to be 25 years ago


Still don’t trust him…. his history is murky at best.


Now find those responsible,z!0#!st ,and hang them high for the world to see……



Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith

Gateway Pundit does not have impeccable credentials . You want MSM?


maybe not but they have a large audience. And that audience WILL take notice and it will go vi-ral. Then add RRN to that…BOOM!, BOOM!, BOOM!,BOOM! as someone once said…17

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith

If only one fact checking website would verify it certainly would help . Have you seen any ?


MSM has a story about DJTs plane making an emergency landing Saturday night. Can this be true or is it false ? A conundrum to be sure .

Buck fiden

Saturday Night Live?


All non-leftist fact checking sites are censored.


There are no non-left fact checking sites.


Well, why aren’t there? Someone should start one.

Buck fiden

Q’s Favourite song: “When I was seventeen… it was a very good year…”


Wait a few hours, it goes from conspiracy to fact. That is another thing consistent about msm. Just give it time. Bingo, Tucker Carlson, on msm.


EXACTLY, we DID know it ALL Long.


Hmm…let me guess, it’s where the COVID came from


It sounds like more tribunals and executions will be happening soon,this should be an exciting year for us 🇺🇸
I just hope we really get to see the tribunals


Come on Stacy , you know there won’t be anything televised . Cards on the table , how much do you want to bet ?


I will bet 2 dollhairs lol…I said that I hope they do

Buck fiden

I bet 2 million 2024 dollars (worth 5¢ in today’s money before HyperBidenflation).

Rob William

Only things that one can bet on fan fiction stories is virtual goods.

Buck fiden

ι ωαnt tο lινε ιn BοRιNG tιmεs ωhεrε ενεryοnε ιs cοntεnt, thε dοllαr ιs stαblε, ενεryοnε ιs sεgrεgαtεd by εthnιcιty αnd prεfεrs ιt thαt ωαy, αnd thε ωοrld ιs αt pεαcε. Cαn αh Gιt α “εεY-MεN”?


Me too


eey-men, I can get down whit tit

Buck fiden

I’m very pessimistic tonight, Stace. I see food prices going through the roof. Property taxes about to double due to Bidenflation. More druggies and homeless on the street because the Democrat Party implements plans that kill jobs and savings.

No Republican has the balls to get that pipeline open.


I replied but its waiting for approval,go watch todays 🐒Werx,something was said that threw me off


The tide will turn or
political heads will roll, or more necktie parties,
In public view
In a neighborhood near you

People are way past (fed) up


It should be a state decision to tap the pipes and sell oil to the red states only. Blue states can opt in only if they clean up the voter rolls…

Hal Brown

Fraudski has disappeared, conveniently so? Some word he is under “witness protection”. Hopefully it is “witness protection” in Gitmo.

Lucky Star

“witness protection” in Gitmo = declassification about anything to avoid the rope

Buck fiden

What you know rucky sta? When you know it?

Lucky Star

When you put the sign closed 7-11


As Gomer would always say, “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”


Or,….goooaaaley !


There were Q drops yesterday.

Air man

Q did not drop. qalerts(dot)app(slash)


I saw it.

Buck fiden

I had a massive drop after my anchovy pizza.

Lucky Star

You ate anchovy?? Not hotdooooggg from 7-11 amigo??

David T

Burritos for you eh Pedro?

James McCandless Jr

Virgina Nuland, Obama-Biden Policy Stooge Reveals BioWeapons Labs in Ukraine = Putin Is Right Again


That’s Victoria Nuland.

David Agosta

This affirms your reports and Prophetic fulfillment The Lord shared through Mark Taylor, Veronika West, the late Kim Clement and the late Dr. Paul Oebel.

J Bill

Well, that doesn’t look very good…


“We would like to call, The Obamas, Bidens, Faucis, Clintons, Bushes. and Gates, to the stand!!””


they are all gone..


..maybe I should have said “gallows” instead of “stand”!

Bill Thompson

but they’re already gone! you guys can’t keep your fake news straight



Cuomo’s guy city U. of N.Y. or Lady and the Tramp?

Rob William

It’s not easy to keep track of it. Bio weapons are eating away our brains.

Buck fiden

Let’s bypass due process and send them straight to Saddam Hussein’s plastics shredding machine and insert them feet first.


Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay to mold me Man ? Did I solicit thee from darkness to promote me?…Paradise Lost Too many Frankenstein Scientist/Doctors on the loose getting paid to destroy humanity and to those who survive alter the very DNA structures. Human trafficking supplies many diverse customers. The most sickening information I have ever read these past 6 years.

Bill Thompson

I knew it! Thanks MB and RRN!

Ron Baker

Michael, I am going to drop a Bitchute link here and hope you approve. Cliff High gives a great historical review of Ukraine and I believe it will provide much needed perspective of the people and region of the world. Cliff uses some ‘colorful’ language, so if your easily offended, it may not be for you. However, I believe everyone could benefit from the lesson.


I love Cliff High

Buck fiden

I love colourful language.

Lucky Star

Yup.. u learnt it from 7-11 amigo🤣🤣🤣

Rob William

Interesting spelling of colorful!

Mr. Bill

British spelling.


Wow we actually agree on something

Buck fiden

Zee, you love GETTING high.


Ciif gave excellant info.. I was not put off by lanquage in the least if it’s Clif. This is dirty business their history


About time. When will the other Patriot Sources acknowledge? Why was Mel K so anti RRN? Is 100%FedUp becoming “swampy?” Why is Simon Parkes looking like the “shopping-channel?” Encounters in Central Indiana showing very, very UN-awake population (despite being a so-called “Republican” red state). Whatever Trump and Q & JOS are waiting for is taking its sweet time. Prior to this, RRN was backed up only by Wayne Jett, and John de Souza and, of course, by us. MAGA

Last edited 2 years ago by WrongWayCorrigan
Lucky Star

Easy to answer. They do not receive anything directly from Military and The Military does not trust them. When you see one person got very important news directly from the Military or people close to Pres DJT then the jealousy will comes up followed by hatred regardless political affiliation. Human Nature, a gift from GOD through Apple tree.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lucky Star
Buck fiden

I hope Trump gets back in and NUKES fucking CHINA. Use the Rods of God on the Three Gorges Dam so that MILLIONS of those small dicks – no tits people drown and stop reproducing like Mexicans, rats and cockroaches.

Lucky Star

Hahah.. haiya… u yellow dog can’t do anything to bucky byeden… amigo from the south will come to your house, have your women .. your soft dick do not have streng like me amigo….strong like a steel not like yours..a rotten banana…🤣🤣🤣🤣


Buck, have you seen WARGAMES (1983)? Especially the last 4.75 minutes before the end credits?

Thanks to the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction, what Tommy Joyce (Murphy Dunne) said in THE BIG BUS (1976) is true:

There are no winners in a game of losers.

Last edited 2 years ago by IsThisFairUse2

Notice how Judy Byington, Juan, Jaco, Mel, Ward, Parkes, ShariRaye, etc. either sell crap and/or lie. I believe this website, Kim Goguen, and Benjamin Fulford. They don’t sell paraphernalia. That self acclaimed preacher, Dave Scarlett, with his show called “His Glory”, is one of the worst scammers, selling t shirts, cups, and a whole cheesy store of crap. It’s SO disgusting! He’s a FRAUD. Many are called. Few choose the right way. I’m sorry, Trump isn’t coming back. He is a member of the Order of the Black Sun.


You forgot Charlie Ward and Scott Mckay


She got him on there. What is Order of the Black Sun?


Santa Surfer


Didn’t they take her down?


She’s back .


Shill / Troll #12


British Shill List 📋


Trump isn’t coming back? Truth be known… he never really left 🙂

Bill Thompson

oh why? b/c he didn’t concede? lmao good luck with that argument in 2024

Dave Strickland

So when Trump names the Name of Jesus Christ and confesses publicly he is subject to Him, then that is a phoney?

Bill Thompson



Ruth, help me out with Kim Goguen. Why do I have such a strong “run-the-other-way” reflex? And as to our Hero-President, he never left. You just can’t see him.

Last edited 2 years ago by WrongWayCorrigan
David T

Ruth you make that allegation with every post you do and it’s getting old. Not once have you offered any proof of Trump being a member of the OBS. Proof?


Our 75th Shill / Troll
Go away


British Shill List 📋

Buck fiden

“Order of the Black Sun”

Sounds like a really stupid Chink Martial Arts movie.

Angel Askew

You watched the Kim/Ben interview.
I never quite know what to make of her.
She made Ben’s jaw drop a few times. We shall see.


Wayne Jett still backs RRN,he was just on Nino last Saturday


Yes. Very cogent. Very lucid. His dots snap together forming the same structures mine do. Ever log onto a guy named “Max” at TheCrowHouse on bitchute? Kinda similar.


No,but I will now

Buck fiden

Log onto Bitchute?

I’d rather Lock&Load at Pelosi and Kuntmala on Bitch Shoot.


Good questions . Then MSM will too. Full disclosure !! EBS!

Lucky Star

Ebs about missing James comey and Cuomo

Bill Thompson

i heard the ebs today!!!

Buck fiden

Ah-soo! Chinese spy gonna communicate with FORCHUN KOOKIE during EBS! Stupid white guy round eye big dick no find out what Chinese say!

Lucky Star

Sup 7-11??? CIA spy works for chinesse for small change….lol…. the chink own this country…obey your new master in the WH Zhou bucky byeden……opps …mi amigo forgot that u usually used Google translate for any languages.. what a pity for you 7-11😂😂😂😂


“Looking like the shopping channel” yes and sad to say, most of the conservative platforms are like that. Although I can’t blame them for it because running a site such as RRN cost money in operating expense and employees salaries. RRN is a good example, sorry Brother Michael. As far as the waiting is concerned, this I have to say; If we are willing to leave everything in God’s hands, then we will see God’s hands in everything. Regardless of what may come, IF our trust is in God, the best truly IS yet to come. Stay focused and faithful in God. Blessings,

Buck fiden

Really? I sorta enjoyed listening to that half kike Mel K. I’ll have to go back to beforeitsnews and find that one.

Bill Thompson

right about never

Buck fiden

Thε gμy ωhο pιssεs mε οff ιs thαt μbιqμιtομs Pιllοω Gμy ωhο lοοks lιkε α B-rαtεd pοrn stαr ωιth thαt mμstαchε.

Lucky Star

U hate so many people that do not fits your mentality taste, 7-11?????

David T

Flying burrito brother

Debate Judge

I immediately went to rumble and searched for Wayne Jett. I see he has a book on amazon. David Nino Rodriguez interviewed him and published the video March 5th. Thank you.


This is why I come to your site first. I know you’re not lying about stuff and that you’re putting out the Truth. Good Job! Keep it up!




The noose Is Getting Tighter OOOORAH!!!!!