White Hats to Repel “Armed” Illegal Caravan

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White Hats on Monday sent “a sizable force” to the southern border after confirming reports that many men among a caravan of 12,000 (and growing) would-be illegal immigrants are armed and marching toward Eagle Pass, Texas, just north of the Rio Grande.

A high-ranking source in the White Hat community told Real Raw News on Monday that the U.S. military has drone footage showing “several thousand” asylum-seekers carrying Kalashnikovs. RRN has not reviewed the video, which if accurate directly contradicts how mainstream media have portrayed the army rapidly encroaching toward U.S. soil—the crippled, the disenfranchised, and impoverished parents with starving children in tow. The MSM and its liberal political allies are eager to adopt illegals as potential voters for the equally illegal Biden regime.

Our source claimed White Hats gave their footage to Fox News, ostensibly a conservative outlet, but the network refused to air it, citing “FCC prohibitions.” The FCC—an archaic institution that ought to be abolished—has for decades been entrenched in the Deep State and is partly responsible for the obfuscation of what’s really happening in today’s world, including the true nature of caravans of future illegal immigrants.

“The pictures shown to the public on mainstream are cherry-picked or recycled from a few years ago,” our source said. “It’s extremely disheartening—the stranglehold the FCC has over all network media. There’s 2,000 men in that caravan with AK-47s and AK-74s, thrusting them in the air in some sort of rebellious gesture, chanting in Spanish that they’re “going to the U.S.A. no matter what,” and the MSM is showing is pics of kids dressed in brand name clothes—Nike, Adidas, Reebok—saying they’re a repressed people in search of a better life, and deserving of U.S. government assistance. The deception is insane.”

On Monday evening, he said, White Hats mobilized “a lot of” active-duty soldiers, primarily from the Special Operations community. Although he would not quantify how many troops were involved in the operation, he said “plenty of experienced volunteers” were eager to uphold the U.S. Constitution and repel an armed invasion against U.S. sovereignty.

He added, however, that White Hats would engage only armed insurgents who cross or fire across the U.S.-Mexico border.

“We’re going to protect our nation against criminal illegals, but we still have rules of engagement,” he said. “If a Mexican or Guatemalan sets foot in our country with a firearm, it’s weapons-free. Unfortunately, we can’t deter all illegals, but will prevent an armed incursion.”

Weapons-free is military jargon giving U.S. soldiers permission to engage any target not identified as friendly.

Asked if Texas Gov. Greg Abbott was notified of the mission, our source said, “We didn’t seek his consent, but he’s been made aware. If push comes to shove, we want to avoid confrontation with Texas law enforcement.”

White Hats, however, are more concerned with how federal agencies like ICE and U.S. Border Control will react to their presence.

“Let’s be clear: federal agencies, all federal agencies right now, are controlled opposition. While they’re crying on MSM about border intrusions, they’re also letting cartel and gang members freely enter the country. If we see a federal agent aiding, or showing sympathy toward, an armed illegal, that agent will be deemed an enemy combatant,” our source said.

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These invasions of 3rd-world grifters are primarily red-pill wake-up operations for the normies. We could’ve easily destroyed the buses before they loaded up, created landslides in mountain passes, or sent cruise missiles to crater the highways, but we didn’t.


I am leaving everything in God’s hands then we will see God’s hand in everything. I believe our God is above all. Blessings,

Robert James

So an Division of Infantry is attacking our border. How about a few helicopter gun ships from Fort Bliss or Fort Hood?


🇺🇸If all Americans would see the truth, that’s it for the deep state. That’s it one simple truth.🇺🇸

Tracy Reinert

To leave a border open & unsecured, thus allowing illegal entry by undocumented illegals, militant criminals, drug dealers, & the downtrodden willing to sell their children to the elites for bread & circuses… well, all of it is the very definition of TREASON.


Well, they (U.S. border agents) have been warned. Waiting is.


Barbara lernor Spectre will proudly tell you who is behind the border crises. They have built a 3rd templw e of Solomon of Temple in Sao Paulo Brazil. Now the jews are trying to drive all the brown skinned natives north over the border ijto America.


kai the fly
nurses an obsession
With RRN posters
She can’t get enough attention!


Waiting for update on this one. Think we’ll hear more?


Shoot them all and let God sort it out.


Why isn’t Mexico stopping this caravan???


They’re part of the operation to annoy the Normies and Demotards. Nothing else makes sense!


LL, very interesting take. Possibly one of many discreet ways the DS is helping We The People defeat the forces of evil. Here’s why, accordingly DJT already defeated the DS/Cabal and they are working for him, playing key roles in this great movie Q asks to enjoy. On one condition, cooperate or else they’re history, putting it mildly. Trust in God alone. We are in very good hands, his hands. Blessings,

Brother Rigamortis

Deep State and George Soros funding again along with deep state officials and democrats to create havoc again right before mid-terms. This has always been their playbook. Using illegal migrant for voting illegally and sending in armed troops in civilian clothes for there Kabal militia. We all know their playbook and know their games they play. Hopefully we win big in midterms and get these crazy lunatics out of our government and offices, schools and everything they’ve corrupted for one too many years. We all need our country back and to live in harmony and have peace and thrive in a Godly country again.


Finally perhaps a chance of seeing some confirmation of an article.

Sharon Janice Manning

I am in that unfortunate group. My income is fixed and costs are soaring. I have a fully stocked pantry and freezers so don’t need much else right now. Hoping I can survive this mess.

Just Me

If this is true that many of these invaders are carrying Kalashnikovs than this is an act of war. Please, the Military needs to step in and stop this, this is more than an invasion it is war upon our country. All of those at the top who are allowing this travesty all needs to be arrested and charge with treason.

Rob William

Don’t believe your eyes, believe RRN.

J Bill

” All of those at the top who are allowing this travesty”

what are “those at the top” going to do people in a different country who walk through other countries with a gun?

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill
Dash Riprock

“ Operation Lone Star has currently constructed more than 17 miles of concertina wire along the South West border to continue to prevent, detour, and interdict transnational criminal activity and illegal migration,” the Texas Military Department told Fox News in an exclusive statement. “The intent is to install concertina wire along state property and private property with consent of the property owners.”


Hopefully it slows down at the very least the illegal entry. Lord hear our prayer.

rene Labre

May God continue to bless you.

rene Labre

MB groveling for money.I do not see that at all.I do not see any adds of him hawking products,most of which on other sites are useless. Fake stuff made in China. What I find here is hard hitting important news. Not his personal opinion. journalism. A historical reporting of the facts. I do find when I started to comment that I was researched and vetted. when I post this you can tell by the pic that comes up.Perhaps my comment may not be shown. I don’t cry and whine about that. It might be for my own well being it is not shown. I am not trying to interfere with what is going on here to make a name for myself.I like things straight up with no chaser. What I receive here I can apply to my personal knowledge. I am not running to my site or blog to put my personal spin on it. And of course grovel for money. so thank you Mike, my god continue to bless you.

Last edited 2 years ago by rene Labre

Cry more libtard

Rob William

Thanks MB for telling us that we cannot believe our eyes and anything other than RRN. If you are seeing a cow but RRN says it’s a cat, it is a cat.

Rob William

Google ads were banned some time back because of vaccine misinformation truth on this site.

Fixed it for you.


You are evil, Mike.

Rob William

You have to be more specific with examples.

Robert James

I hope White Hats are also hunting down Rockefellers & Co. Their Foundation is likely behind a lot of this evil.


The Rocks and the Roth’s are slowly being hunted down behind the scenes as one sources suggests. Lord hear our prayer.

Rob William

White hats are scared of reptilians and they are losing ground.

S. A.

Watch the first series of ‘Fall of The Cabal’ by the wonderful Janet Ossebaard and Cynthia Koeter, in which the ‘Caravan’ situation is fully explained. The full 2 series (part 2 ‘Sequel to the Fall of The Cabal’) can be found on Rumble but you can do a web search and both series will be shown.


FCC must be dismantled and nothing like it ever again.


You misspelled fbi.

Tracy Reinert

Grab the airwaves.

Rob William

And add eggs and sugar — whip them, put them into an oven and eat air-cookies.

J Bill

white hats have the ebs. do something white hats!


Is there any news on the Valerie Jarret tribunal .


Yeah turns out she was innocent, JAG let her go and apologized for the inconvenience.


Mike and I are holding up on the murder porn stories because seeing so many people we claimed were executed at the televised tribunals tonight will cause a lot of confusion.


Grow up


Thank you for your feedback. We have escalated your request and will take appropriate action.

Rob William

Clones grow up 100x faster than us.

J Bill

are you attending the watch party tonight?

Rob William

She is filing a $20M civil lawsuit for wrongful confinement by the military.

Mark A.

Does this mean they intend to prevent the unarmed invaders from crossing or only dealing with armed invaders and let the others enter?

Rob William

Yeah, that’s the idea. Unarmed will be given US citizenship at the border itself.


Perhaps you can come over and mow my lawn for me while I sit on my couch and watch NHL Hockey.
Ted can pick up all the clippings and smoke all he wants.


I want you to read an article on WND about healthy young men drying from mysterious syndrome under 40 years old. Go read it before you vax babies.

J Bill

ok…where’s the link?


I personally would not take any more shots pass the two that we started with and that or my cousin gave it to us one Christmas. Remember Joe is not a doctor and neither is the cdc.I did get and so did my cousin but he got blood clots in his lungs and legs. I was already on xarelto to prevent stokes. I fell apart at 65 it was a very bad year for me therefore I got the best doctors at Houston medical center and on out at Herman memorial on guesser who is a great doctor for autoimmune which I also got at 65. He is preventing me from losing the sight out of that eye, don’t listen to Joe about medical stuff neither is The Who spokesman or the cdc.


I did get Covid-19 that year and my cousin got it a bit later but he got blood clots in his lungs and legs and was put on xarelto. I was already on it for it also prevents strokes.


Covid-19 is nothing less than the Common Cold. Although, the Vaccine is a fraud because Covid-19 never existed, it was an act performed by bad Actors. Everything you witnessed was in your imagination because of panic like trying to get toilet paper,…and yea they got rich quick didn’t they? So did big Pharma & their Shareholders.
Its as stupid as Money Pox.

S. A.

That’s right. Many doctors and scientists and other non professionals, have now proven in several Worldwide courts that the so called ‘CV-19’ does not exist, as it has never been isolated or purified. Approx. 9 countries have now declared that CV-19 is and was a hoax. It was another strain of Flu, which seems to have miraculously disappeared. Not mentioned at all. People were dying from comorbidity and being put on respirators, the worst possible treatment for respiratory conditions and given Midazolam, a deadly drug that was given to the elderly in care homes in order to murder them, as did Fauci with Remdesivir. Michael O’Bernacia in the UK is bringing a court case against 4 Government Scientist / Advisors, charging them with murder and Genocide. It was all about the so-called ‘vaccines’ which are nothing more than death shots. They are the weapon of Genocide and Population control that the Leftist, Commie lunatic psychos are using as weapons of mass destruction of the Human Race. However, they are being defeated as people are waking up everywhere to this Agenda 21 / 30 of these heinous Swamp Creatures. Keep strong, resist vaccines and other drugs if you possibly can. Doctors working for the D.S. are not to be trusted, although there are many fine honest ones who are speaking out against this annihilation program. We will win in the end…


I see where you went wrong. Whatever Facebook post you read a snippet from was most likely referring to the fraud committed by people who obtained PPP loans that they should not have received. You should read the whole press release next time. Do your research.
The Department of Justice announced an update today on criminal and civil enforcement efforts to combat COVID-19 related fraud, including schemes targeting the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program and Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs.

As of today, the Department of Justice has publicly charged 474 defendants with criminal offenses based on fraud schemes connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. These cases involve attempts to obtain over $569 million from the U.S. government and unsuspecting individuals through fraud and have been brought in 56 federal districts around the country. These cases reflect a degree of reach, coordination, and expertise that is critical for enforcement efforts against COVID-19 related fraud to have a meaningful impact and is also emblematic of the Justice Department’s response to criminal wrongdoing.


S.A. never mentioned a Facebook—You Ted decided S.A. got the snippet.


90% of the information cited here is lifted directly from Facebook. Do your research.


You are correct about the hoax. The real virus is actually worldwide pedophelia. Guess what the vaccine is, the Military. Blessings,


You are right


COVID is Influenza A and B. They tested what was on the COVID Tests and that’s what they found-Flue A and B, on them. COVID means Certificate Of Vaccination Identification. The patent number for the COVID vaccine is 060606. We were all supposed to be vaccinated and hooked up to the Satellites so they could control us, depopulate us, and bring in the New World Order. (There is a chip in the vaccines) They failed their own scrip they wrote in Revelation. The original Bible did not have Revelation. Cerinthus, a left winged, liberal gnostic, wrote Revelation and added it to the Bible.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ruth
Rob William

Covid is an abbreviation of “Cow Videos”. You get it by seeing too many cow videos on YouTube.


Sorry about that. May God bless you and your cousin and free you both from the long term adverse side effects.

Rob William

It’s a mixed bag, some people get clots, other get powers.


They put animal venom in all prescriptions and shots. That’s what causes the side effects. Get off the drugs and take aspirin, niacin-(the FLUSHING kind), and magnesium. I do, plus other supplements, at 59, and am fine. No drugs.


What brand of tin foil do you wear daily and how many cats do you own?


Not all the shots are the same. I wouldn’t risk playing Russian Roulette and take ANY.

Rob William

Oh he was very unlucky, my cousin got powers from the vaccine. Now he can do telekinesis.


After I got the shot I stopped by the supermarket to get TP. When it was my turn to pay, I noticed that someone left their purse on the counter. I said “I bet the lady in front of me left her purse here.”
Not even 15 seconds later, the woman who was in front of me came back in and said she forgot about her purse.
There have been at least 2 other times that my newly found powers gave me important information. The shot gives people super powers.

Rob William

Under 40 year old are not babies.

John Sonn

from rose rambles:

Russians also accused President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and billionaire George Soros of involvement in the conspiracy. The Chinese and Russians insist that “whoever commits such immoral and inhuman acts must be punished.”
The Russians note that since the Americans broke a 1976 treaty not to use biological, weather manipulating, earthquake causing and other weapons of mass destruction, they are now entitled to use their own arsenal of such weapons.
The head of MI6, upon getting this evidence promised “We will sanction the United Nations on a shoot to kill.” In other words, the named officials, including those working at the WHO and UN, will be shot on sight.
The US military, meanwhile, responded by sending –in defiance of the Biden regime- a military plane with more than 100 generals representing all military units to avoid a comprehensive nuclear war the KM was trying to trigger, Pentagon sources say.
As a result of this meeting “Biden’s days are numbered, regimes will collapse and heads of those countries participating in this scheme will be overthrown,” the sources promise.


So, you think thats a ramble? I can assure you, it wasn’t.
Fucking moron.


Lmao sure sounds like rambling to me

S. A.

So hope this is true. Any way of verifying?

John Son

of course not! But I find Rose Rambles to be fairly reliable except for 5th dimentional stuff- I’ve read it but cannot get “in” to it. Her political stuff is similar to this website- occasional stuff like what I shared that gives fodder to goober and other trolls that think they are so intellectually superior and that we are all idiots! lol roserambles dot com


F the rules of engagement. The Deep State put that in place. We need.to be harden Americans not pussies like they made us.

J Bill

go to the border and let us know what’s happening!


are you ..Q ???


No I am


You first. Lets us know who you are so we don’t miss.

J Bill

ok boomer


wow Would like to help some how– I know the area from child hood-ca area only-

old man needs something to do—-lol


Thanks for your patriotism Max and May God bless you. If you are somehow a vet, please accept my heartfelt thanks you for your service. Imho, we the people got this by the grace of God. Blessings,

J Bill

go to the border? this isn’t difficult


Yea, j Bill, wanna come? I’m sure we can throw you over the fence.

J Bill

come at me bro


Very true OWD!


Just went are they going to kill Obama?

J Bill



Has anyone checked in on Rose Marie?

My cat and our quadriplegic friend Rose Marie (AKA Zee) are so similar.
Neither like being tossed in the neighbor’s pool.


Every time I look at my Pez dispenser collection, I think of Zee.

Gregg Nickens

So that’s where they wired in your A.I., a pez dispenser…..


For that matter has anybody seen J Bill around? The original J Bill I mean, the red one. I don’t think he has posted for like a week. Maybe those new other J Bill’s have out-J-Bill-ed him and run him out of his territory here 🤷‍♂️


Maybe we should ask Dr John what he thinks…

J Bill

that j bill is sad

J Bill

speaking of being “out j-billed’, which identity is this one your’re on sledgie?
it’s gotta be 5 or 6… or even more… i forgot.

if there’s anyone here born to grift and larp it’s you. until you get “run out” again.


That’s a pretty good Red J Bill impersonation, Purple J Bill! Almost like being insulted by the real deal 🙂

Also lol I have never been “run out” of here. On rare occasions MB puts in the bare minimum effort of banning my name, and then I just make a new name. It’s incredibly easy to do too, I just make one comment that sounds like something one of you guys would say, and bam, new account approved.

J Bill

red/purple gaybill loves bukkake

J Bill


Anthony C

Anyone carrying an assault rifle trying to come across the border should be killed straight away. Enough with diplomacy. This is an invasion and should be treated as such. End of story.



S. A.



Many of us Texans are well aware of what is going on.

Gregg Nickens

What’s going on is CIA MK Ultra experimentation on human subjects in underground military dumbs all across the U.S.

MK Ultra never went away, even though the CIA declares otherwise. The first military base where this program was established was at Lackland AFB in San Antonio.

Human subjects are used for false flag operations to fulfill DS agendas such as (gun confiscation).

That’s……what’s going on…..

J Bill

ok boomer


Go to bed little one.

J Bill

what were you doing up late? usually you get that early bird dinner and pass out around 7pm after you drink some ovaltine

Gregg Nickens

O.K. Jill Bill since that’s one of your 24 genders…..LOL

J Bill


this ain’t facebook gramps

S. A.

Absolutely right. It’s so obvious now. Spread the word. The Sheeple must wake up!!

S. A.

Have you witnessed Military at the Border?


Let’s be clear: federal agencies, all federal agencies right now, are controlled opposition.”

Agreed. So shoot on sight targets?


Try it bud, see how that goes for you

Gregg Nickens

You gonna cry now because he’ll hounds are on your trail?

J Bill

“he’ll hounds”


Why are you so fearful Kai? Are you distraught to the point of reason where you attack on this sight? Only demons attack and they using you to their full advantage. And they make you attack everything good. This is what feed you isn’t it? You do not sleep either, demons will not allow you to rest when you are fully leading the demon pack

J Bill



Are you suggesting that people shoot government employees? That is not a smart thing to write on a site that gets 250K unique visitors per day.


Yeah, he went from California to Maryland and had a ton of weapons on him. I will miss his posts.


My poodle barks at cars but can’t drive. Same goes on here.

Gregg Nickens

It figures that you’d have a pussy poodle. No doubt you love pasta and hot dogs too. LOL

J Bill

mike writes that way because he’s not really a trumper

Gregg Nickens

So, you’ll miss a DS stooge used by the Communist Intelligence Agency to establish the 2nd Amendment’s removal?

J Bill

i will

Gregg Nickens

OWD, it’s Liberal Meat Heads…..

Gregg Nickens

He meant you since you work for them.

S. A.



OK Mikey, I’m bored with this chapter of your book. When is the next one coming?


We at RRN do not condone the actions of frequent contributor Nicholas Roske nor do we support his decision to activate his militia. Please do not comment on social media about this person or his connections to our site.


My last two post today were deleted. WTH!

J Bill

post better content


Messages are delayed due to an investigation. We are cooperating fully with local and federal agencies and expect to be running normally shortly. Please note that our donations page is still fully functional.

Gregg Nickens

10 DS Democrat Governors vote against becoming part of the new constitutional republic. 34 State Governors vote for new constitutional republic.. 5 State Governors undecided. Hawaii decides to become their own sovereign nation.

God raises up kings, and he brings low and removes kings. It looks like 15 state governors are about to be removed.

Hawaii will learn (from China) what it means to become a sovereign nation with no established infrastructure to support their independence. The west coast will also see a threat from China as well.


Lol what the fuck are you talking about, what vote? None of this happened, you guys larp so hard 😂

Gregg Nickens

The meeting at the pentagon that took place where all 50 governors were summoned remember?


No Gregg I don’t remember this because it never happened, please enlighten me by posting any bit of evidence whatsoever that this was a thing that actually happened, and not just yet another dumbass story somebody made up on the internet.


Too the contrary, in fact it indeed did happen but only “32” of them showed up. You were to busy playing as stupid as you are yesterday as you were today so you of course missed it, like you missed everything else. Which is a good thing because you were meant to miss it since you’re not allowed into the standard equation.
You serve no purpose other than negativity, so you should just die Kai. Take the easy way out will you?

Gregg Nickens

The alliance doesn’t have to, or need to inform DS traitors of their every move Kaiphong Tse Tung, that is unless you have $1.4M of worthless fiat dollars…LOL

J Bill

researcher: provides “evidence” of stuff happening

other people: share your research

gregg/q people: d0 Y0uR r3s3ArcH n00bz!


Oh wow I’m getting word now that Vladimir Putin was invited to this meeting also, and he’s decided he’s totally on board. That’s right, Russia will relinquish its sovereignty to become a state of the New Constitutional Republic, because that’s how much Putin loves America. Russia will be taking New Mexico’s place as the 47th state, as New Mexico has decided they will also being going their separate ways as a sovereign nation, and will henceforth be known as ‘Even Newer Mexico’

Gregg Nickens

Kaiphong Tse Tung. You were missed when your CCP college student spy colleagues were recalled to Beijing. Your ‘burn notice’ has been issued.


Loooooool larp harder Gregg. Larp so so hard, my man.

Gregg Nickens

In your case it’s ‘Slurpee’ because that’s what you’ll be known by at Gitmo……LOL 😆


Along with the “2000 Mules” Gregg

J Bill

gregg and jill looooove bukkake

Gregg Nickens

China and Russia threaten the west with nukes if they do not totally Eliminate All Khazarian Mafia influence. This was what the 100 western generals flying on an airplane to meet white hat alliance leaders was all about. Concensus: Some heads are gonna roll.

J Bill

ok boomer


just do it…….

S. A.

Can’t come soon enough! Thanks for the info. Presumably your intel is authentic. I’d love to ask how you know this but I suspect you won’t reveal…


I don’t know what you are talking about so I don’t have an opinion other than 100 generals on the same plane is not very wise.



J Bill



S. A.

You are right. The Military is supposed to protect the Country and its Citizens but when children are harmed in any way, every ‘plan’ and manoeuvring have to be abandoned. Children come first. No question.


I concur Brother!




Totally agree 100%—THANK YOU for stating this so emphatically!!

Tom from 7 mile

Whack ‘em + stack ‘em


GOD BLESS THE United States of America, May GOD be with the White Hats. Let Peace come to our land and destruction to the enemy, and their agenda come to nothing. May the Good prevail.

Dr John

While waiting for the next article we are left “hanging.” And that won’t do. Here is a quick comment on vaccines.

I have taken the TIME to go back in history and study the vaccine and found NOT ONE vaccine that was of value. They follow the same line as the Covid 19 Clot Shot. They have no evidence of a Covid 19 virus and without it cannot create a vaccine. The only thing the vaccine does is make huge profits and makes people sick or kills them!

In the late 1800’s Louis Pasteur the innovator of the modern vaccine admitted on his death bed and in his lab books the vaccine experiments/tests proving the efficacy of vaccines on virus was a fraud and lie. No surprise Rockefeller and Gates great grandfather were involved in the money making scheme. A virus at the time was listed as being so small a conventional microscope could not see it, making contradictions of their tests impossible. Even in today’s conventional microscope you cannot see a virus.

They claim they can see one under an Electron microscope, but you have to isolate a virus before you can prepare it for viewing under an electron microscope. They have never been able to PURIFY a virus so that it could be put under a microscope. Bechamp’s postulate of the 1850’s states you must purify (clearly identify and separate from all other virus and bacteria the item to study) before it can mover forward in testing. IF YOU CAN”T SEE IT YOU CAN”T isolate it/purify it!

In 1918 the start of WWI Rockefeller (an oil tycoon) sold Meningitis vaccines to the military of several countries made in his own labs! It contained a bacteria that was what people were told was the 1918 Spanish flu! It killed 5 million people. Rockefeller went to Congress (CASH IN HAND) and recommended moving away from conventional medicine to his synthetic (oil based) medicines including vaccines that could prevent such disasters as the Spanish Flu of 1918.

You might think that bacteria was intentionally placed in the vaccine to create huge losses and garner the attention of Congress, who was waiting with open palms to vote in his favor.

Small Pox was not a virus and was not cured by a vaccine. It was a problem of sanitation and health standards that were prevalent at the time (1600-1800). The county of Lancaster England refused mandated vaccines of the time that had deadly consequences and cleaned up the streets created sewers for waste and stopped waste falling into water systems used for drinking and bathing. They moved grave yards into the country. Remember no formaldehyde and grave often only 3 feet to the bottom. Lots of bacteria

Polio was caused by DDT and records prove as soon as is stopped being sold in the US Polio went away. I appeared in the Philippines 2 years after the introduction of DDT there and went away shortly after it was banned.

HIV AND AIDs where a Fauci creation.

Shingles vaccines are bogus. Pneumonia is not a virus or a bacteria. It is a worsening condition of the underlying virus or bacteria. It is a CONDITION. You can’t get a vaccine for a condition.

All and I mean ALL vaccines are cons to make money for the big pharma companies.

60% or more of all diseases are vitamin deficiencies, but that is another story.

I you have a young daughter getting a VACCINE to prevent cervical cancer later on; STOP IT. The vaccine is causing more damage they do not fix anything.

You can talk to your doctor about it, but he likely can’t tell you the truth, they are being blackmailed to do as they are told to keep their job so that they can pay of their huge college debt. HOW convenient, they are all so deep in debt.

First step to good health and fighting the Deep State medical fraud is NO VACCINES. No go forth and don’t do it. You keep your health and the loose a little control and lots of money. All because WE stood up to the lies. perpetrated on us over the last 150 years.

Disclosure: I admit to being a Deplorable, Conservative, Trump Supporter who wants to see the Deep State Crushed out of existence.

You can hang em high,
you can hang em low,
we are always happy to see them go!

Where THEY Go One,THEY Go ALL to GITMO court and the short fall

One Short Drop for Them, One Giant Step for mankind

Last edited 2 years ago by Dr John
J Bill

“I have taken the TIME to go back in history and study the vaccine and found NOT ONE vaccine that was of value.”

not even polio!!

David Treciak

He said that polio was caused by the use of DDT. As soon as they stopped using it polio went away. The polio vaccine was a scam.

J Bill

thanks dr david! lmao



David Treciak

Not a vaccine. It’s an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.

Dr John

I am glad to see there is interest in this material. By the way it is not copyrighted and you can copy and share all you want. Keep it free please.

Earl, David is right, Penicillin is not a vaccine. BUT all antibiotics have serious problems that should be avoided. It kills the bad bacteria and your good good bacteria the stuff naturally protecting you from all sorts of bacteria. If you take an antibiotic of any kind for 2 weeks. Your body cannot absorb vitamins for 5 weeks. We need vitamins to balance our body and manage organ functions. It also has down stream potential to cause cancer. Eating yogurt while taking an antibiotic to replenish good gut bacteria is plain silly, but that is what they say to do. The penicillin will kill the good bacteria in the yogurt as soon as it is ingested.

If you have an aerobic (needs air) bacteria taking high quality Colloidal Silver stops this type of bacteria fast and with no side effects. Here I am making a product recommendation for your safety. DO NOT USE cheap Colloidal Silver internally. I use and trust Colloidal Silver 250 ppm at less than 10 nano particles <<< less than 10 nano particles means it is SAFE internally.

Good Colloidal Silver does not turn you Blue, if you add salt to it in the manufacturing it will look like the more expensive product, but the chemical properties have changed it is now TOXIC and yes the addition of salt can turn you Blue.

You cannot make high end Colloidal Silver at home; sorry, I wish I could make it too, but I don't have the particle splitting lasers to produce such small particles. Just a tad pricey.

I don't own the company and do not get paid to mention them, nor do I own stock in them. Just good advice.

If you have an Anaerobic (does not need air) bacteria you need to use CD/CDS, it works very well on these type of bacteria and again no side effects. It is the same product used by cities to make drinking water safe. I mix it at home and have great success with it. It is easy to mix and last up to 4 months full strength, but can be used for another few months by upping the dosage. It was approved by the FDA in 1923, but marketing on antibiotics the new medicine lied about Colloidal Silver.

I will discuss both on another post, but with these you do not need any antibiotic both for internal and external treatments. To improve there efficacy you need to take vitamin C at the same time. SOME bacteria have an external protein shell that needs to be "cracked" by the vitamin C so that the Colloidal Silver and the CD/CDS can do their job.

Bacteria cannot adapt to these products, chemically impossible.

Why do doctors use antibiotics because they are derived from Oil and can be patented meaning they can sell it for a profit and no one else can.

It is this kind of information that can change how we perceive medicine and medications. Colloidal Silver is a little pricey, but lasts a long time and is far cheaper than going to the doctor and not absorbing vitamins for 5 weeks.

Colloidal Silver is about $150 for 32 ounces or less last time I checked. You use very little and usually are cured in one that is 1 treatment.

CD/CDS chemicals (2) can be purchased for about $28. Again it will last for at least a year assuming you need help.

There is no such thing as virus a term made to sell vaccines. Germs and Bacteria, along with worms and parasites are your only real issues. You also need to maintain proper vitamin and mineral balance to stay healthy.

Without over loading the conversations here with my all too long comments I will continue to share and in turn you will see the value of what I am sharing. It can help us all and hopefully you will share with others. IT IS OUR WAY OF fighting back against the medical field and Big Pharma.

Did you know the CDC makes a profit off of vaccines? The FDA and NIH get kick backs as well or hold patients to the drugs which supplies them with plenty of undeserved profits. These people are NOT OUR friends.

Dr John

I am glad to see there is interest in this material. By the way it is not copyrighted and you can copy and share all you want. Keep it free please.
Earl, David is right, Penicillin is not a vaccine. BUT all antibiotics have serious problems that should be avoided. It kills the bad bacteria and your good good bacteria the stuff naturally protecting you from all sorts of bacteria. If you take an antibiotic of any kind for 2 weeks. Your body cannot absorb vitamins for 5 weeks. We need vitamins to balance our body and manage organ functions. It also has down stream potential to cause cancer. Eating yogurt while taking an antibiotic to replenish good gut bacteria is plain silly, but that is what they say to do. The penicillin will kill the good bacteria in the yogurt as soon as it is ingested.
If you have an aerobic (needs air) bacteria taking high quality Colloidal Silver stops this type of bacteria fast and with no side effects. Here I am making a product recommendation for your safety. DO NOT USE cheap Colloidal Silver internally. I use and trust Colloidal Silver 250 ppm at less than 10 nano particles <<< less than 10 nano particles means it is SAFE internally.
Good Colloidal Silver does not turn you Blue, if you add salt to it in the manufacturing it will look like the more expensive product, but the chemical properties have changed it is now TOXIC and yes the addition of salt can turn you Blue.
You cannot make high end Colloidal Silver at home; sorry, I wish I could make it too, but I don’t have the particle splitting lasers to produce such small particles. Just a tad pricey.
I don’t own the company and do not get paid to mention them, nor do I own stock in them. Just good advice.
If you have an Anaerobic (does not need air) bacteria you need to use CD/CDS, it works very well on these type of bacteria and again no side effects. It is the same product used by cities to make drinking water safe. I mix it at home and have great success with it. It is easy to mix and last up to 4 months full strength, but can be used for another few months by upping the dosage. It was approved by the FDA in 1923, but marketing on antibiotics the new medicine lied about Colloidal Silver.
I will discuss both on another post, but with these you do not need any antibiotic both for internal and external treatments. To improve there efficacy you need to take vitamin C at the same time. SOME bacteria have an external protein shell that needs to be “cracked” by the vitamin C so that the Colloidal Silver and the CD/CDS can do their job.
Bacteria cannot adapt to these products, chemically impossible.
Why do doctors use antibiotics because they are derived from Oil and can be patented meaning they can sell it for a profit and no one else can.
It is this kind of information that can change how we perceive medicine and medications. Colloidal Silver is a little pricey, but lasts a long time and is far cheaper than going to the doctor and not absorbing vitamins for 5 weeks.
Colloidal Silver is about $150 for 32 ounces or less last time I checked. You use very little and usually are cured in one that is 1 treatment.
CD/CDS chemicals (2) can be purchased for about $28. Again it will last for at least a year assuming you need help.
There is no such thing as virus a term made to sell vaccines. Germs and Bacteria, along with worms and parasites are your only real issues. You also need to maintain proper vitamin and mineral balance to stay healthy.
Without over loading the conversations here with my all too long comments I will continue to share and in turn you will see the value of what I am sharing. It can help us all and hopefully you will share with others. IT IS OUR WAY OF fighting back against the medical field and Big Pharma.
Did you know the CDC makes a profit off of vaccines? The FDA and NIH get kick backs as well or hold patients to the drugs which supplies them with plenty of undeserved profits. These people are NOT OUR friends.


I buy my nano silver from terral03 dot com.

Read something yesterday with a time table that ties vaccines to SIDS in babies. Seemed interesting but don’t have the training to say yay or nay.

All I know is several decades ago, you never had all this autism in kids you see now. Seems like the one in so many children ratio gets worse every time I hear about it.

When the vax for the hpv first came out, pharma was recommending age 12. Then I heard a few years later it was causing sterility in children. Since people are waking up to the dangers of the clotshot which has a sterility component in it and not giving it to their children, I saw a commercial last night where they are now targeting nine-year-olds with the hpv vax. They just won’t give up on sterilizing children.

Got the SV-40 monkey vax when I was a kid and developed cancer in 2013-14. Now I’m dealing with cancer again but not using the murderical doctors. They proved the last 30 months they can’t be trusted. Today I subscribe to Mahatma Gandhi principle. If it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for me:

“Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.

Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.”

Dr. John

I am sorry to hear you are struggling with cancer. I am positive radiation and chemo are deadly in more ways than one. Stay strong and stay positive. I have studied cancer, but not enough to offer a good solution. There were so many other illnesses that were easier to treat so I went for volume afraid I would get hung up with the cancer problem for years.

I have ideas, but they are not refined and are just hypothesis and assumptions, nothing to rely on and nothing I would dare recommend.

Here is where I wish I was smarter and had spent more time on cancer. What is being published in a number of journals suggest there is more hope than ever in a number of cures.

We need people like you so FIGHT, attitude is everything.

As to children’s illnesses; most are due to vaccine side effects or giving children oxygen at birth. If at all possible it is important the child travel the birth canal during birthing and can gain the benefits of mother’s milk initially.

Can vaccines be causing SIDs, I would not doubt it and there are, as you mention, those that believe it is the causative agent. I will have to look into it more, but it would not surprise me at all to see vaccines once again being the troubling agent.

Remember the COVID vaccine was only the latest assault on us. They have been poisoning us for years. LOOK at Fluoride! It does not prevent cavaties and is TOXIC, read the label DO NOT SWALLOW!

It is waste from aluminum processing plants. They bought off Congress because it was cheaper to lie to us than clean up the mess. Drink filter water and use tooth paste and mouthwash without fluoride. Consider using charoal based tooth paste it is antibacterial and you can swallow it if you like. By the way Fluoride does promote cancer!

All the best my friend,


Most of what is on here is crap, but you are spot on with this info. There is now a new term, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, akin to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Both have one thing in common, vaxes.

J Bill

Researchers literally discovered the cause of SIDS like two weeks ago. Get with it grandma


Most of it is not crap. So rude.


You spent a lot of time being totally wrong.


Can you recommend a book with this stuff in it? or a website. I’m reading some popular bestsellers about this stuff but haven’t hit upon that yet. Is it in Plague of Corruption? just started that

Dr John

If you are looking to balance the body, three books I feel are a great start are by Rodale. They are from the 1960-70s which is why they are so good. They are before much of the corruption and sanctioning of materials by the Deep State.

The Complete Book of Vitamins
The Complete Book of Minerals
The Complete Book of Food and Nutrition

You can find them used on Ebay or Amazon or other used book sellers.for $5 to $10. I prefer the Rodale books and not those written by his company after his passing.

Those will do more for someone heath when balancing the body. Both J.I. Rodale and his son were potentially murdered for being such ardient voice on health. The Deep State at that time was alive and well and did not like the impact the Rodale’s were having on profit lines and fact messing up their fiction.

There are other books that hit key topics, but their is not one book that spans it all, but is part of the problem Herb books rarely talk about vitamins or minerals. Each group of healers have there own niche and do not stray beyond them very often.

I will share other books along the way and glad to do it. I have thousands of dollars in books and in each (most of the time find invaluable tips.

I do own modern medical books, but have purchased books dating back to the 1600s and beyond trying to understand what may have been lost over the centuries and what we can learn from their diseases.

Currently one book I am reading is on Botanical Latin so that I can better understand the formal literature in this area. The common names for herbs leave a lot to be desired. Some common names apply to multiple plants and they don’t have the same impact/values. The latin names are distinct and have greater detail in their descriptions. What you won’t do (sigh).

If you are looking for books on plagues and the history of medicine I can share a few titles, but the answers are spread across many books, not just one.

A good book on virus is Viral Mania well documented with supporting data. It talks about vaccines that really did not work and what did.

On bacteria that was more independent research of my own where I found bits and pieces in history. I struggled with using Colloidal Silver and CD/CDS for years because of all the government propaganda marketing lies and junk products out there. To make sure I don’t kill or injure the subject lab rat (me), I use a lot of caution trying new things to me. I have tried a lot of things that had little value, but never tried anything that harmed me. In Bio Medical research CAUTION, it KEY!


1-800-herbdoc. Ask for a free cd “how to get well.” Opens your eyes.

question everything

“The pictures shown to the public on mainstream are cherry-picked or recycled from a few years ago,” our source said.
The picture used on this article is an AP photo from January 17, 2021

Last edited 2 years ago by question everything
J Bill

weird…MB wouldn’t go on the internet and lie would he?

question everything

I would not make assumptions about what MB would do; I just thought people should know that that particular photo probably wasn’t from the drone footage mentioned.

J Bill

oh it’s definitely not from recent drone footage. it’s definitely from jan 2021 like you said

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

I never got the impression it was a current pic of the situation. I aasumed it was a stock photo from recent years. SMH


Also…”We The People”…have to look at who’s funding this MASS MIGRATION!!! The POS George Soros is at the top of my list. 💩💩💩

Last edited 2 years ago by Otto

Why don’t you go impale him then


With a pugil stick?

J Bill

lol why would soros fund a caravan which only makes republicans vote in higher numbers? this caravan shows up every two years a few months before the election.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

Thats the way you Snowflakes like it. It suits your Liberal narratives, plus the distractions make it easy for you Clowns to do something nasty behind the backs of hard working American citizens. All of you Libtards are red flag experts.
Which makes you treasonous bastards traitors.


All fingers point to Izreal.

Rebecca E. Smith

FINALLY!!! Something is happening!


Is it though?


Oh…forgot to say: IMPALE THEM ALL!!! 😆😆😆


Time to buy another 3,000 Dollars worrh of .308 ARM UP & GET READY!!!! This is all by design…




Obviously he wants to go Deer Hunting and needs practice, so shooting a lot of cans will get him to where he needs to be come hunting season.


What happened to freedom of speech? My post was deleted. I pasted a link to FBI event with Robert Lavoy Finicum in Idaho.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jobba

Correct. We will be contacting you shortly.


They don’t always go thru, sometimes you have to wait for awhile.
Pay No Attn to Ted, he’s just the sites drunk.

