Special Forces Arrest Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel


U.S. Special Forces on October 30 arrested Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel on charges of murder as the pharmaceutical mogul and eugenicist exited a posh restaurant on the outskirts of D.C., where he had planned a business dinner with CDC Director Rochelle Walensky—but she never showed up. Sources in General David H. Berger’s office told Real Raw News that White Hats had been monitoring the detestable duo’s phone calls for months; Bancel and Walensky had spoken often, at least weekly, with Bancel asking her to board a flight to Paris, his home city, to discuss in person the “many lucrative benefits” of merging Covid-19 and Influenza vaccinations into a single inoculation.

But a fearful Walensky, who spoke in tremulous whispers, expressed trepidations about leaving the Beltway. She told Bancel on an Oct 17 call that she “felt safe” in D.C. and that “Covid deniers” were plotting her downfall. She admitted to him that she hadn’t even visited the CDC’s Atlanta headquarters in months, for fear of being “illegally apprehended” or killed. She agreed, though, that further discussion on the hybrid vaccine ought to be in person to mitigate risk of someone eavesdropping on phone calls or digital transmissions. Donald J. Trump, she said, had spies everywhere.

After much back and forth, Bancel on October 25 agreed to fly from Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris to Dulles International Airport in Virginia. He would arrive in the U.S. aboard Air France flight AFR26 at approximately 7:00 pm, on October 29, he said to Walensky, adding that he would spend the night at a hotel before meeting her at Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Mclean, Virginia, the following evening. His last message to Walensky before boarding the flight: “I know, Rochelle, you are also talking to [Pfizer CEO] Bourla. It would be in both our interests to reach a deal of exclusivity.”

Unbeknownst to Bancel, U.S. Special Forces had eyes on him the moment he deplaned. According to sources, Marine Corps General David H. Berger and 5th Special Forces Group Commander Col. Brent Linemen considered grabbing Bancel at the hotel and picking up Walensky at the restaurant the next evening. They ultimately rejected that idea, believing that Walensky might get tipped off to Bancel’s sudden disappearance. “It’s better to kill two birds with one stone,” Gen. Berger reportedly said.

Special Forces dressed in civvies and driving civilian vehicles tailed Bancel and his chauffer from the airport to the Watermark Hotel in Tysons, Virginia, where he used fake credentials to check in under an assumed name–Émile Blaise. His chauffer, later identified as Ralph Adleman, an employee of Virginia Limousine Service of Richmond, stayed at the same hotel in a different suite, paid for by Bancel.

Neither Bancel nor Adleman left their rooms until 6:30 pm the next day. They then drove a stretch limousine from the hotel to the restaurant, a 15-minute drive. Adleman stayed with the limo in the parking lot as Bancel entered the restaurant and was seated at a corner table—but his guest of honor, Rochelle Walensky, was not present. Meanwhile, Special Forces across the street watched Bancel with binoculars and listened to him with parabolic microphones as he ate a plate of Hors D’oeuvres and imbibed a few cocktails. Bancel mumbled under his breath, “Where are you? Why aren’t you here?” and tried to reach someone, ostensibly Walensky, on his cellphone.

Thirty minutes later Bancel paid his tab and left the restaurant, hustling across the parking lot to the limo. Special Forces shadowed the limousine as it peeled out of the parking lot and began speeding toward an unknown location. It got less than a mile when Special Forces cut it off, blockading it between their own SUVs. It took less than two minutes for Special Forces to pull Bancel from the limo and place him under arrest, while the chauffer was set free with a dire warning to not discuss under any circumstances what had just happened. Special Forces took Bancel to a processing center for interrogation, sources told RRN.

“We don’t know why Walensky didn’t show. We wanted both. But for now, we’ll take Bancel. We can’t charge him with treason because he’s not a U.S. citizen. But we can charge him on many counts of murder based on the number of people his vaccine has killed. Maybe Walensky caught wind of our operation—we don’t know. We’ll get her eventually, just like we got Fauci. They can run but they can’t hide forever. Bancel is now detained as an enemy combatant, and he will face a military tribunal,” our source said.

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Too bad Walensky didn’t join him that night. It would have been good that she was on her way to Gitmo.


Me borraron el mensaje están peor que Facebook


Es la verdad nos tienen dormidos y no pasa nada


Ya no me mientan mas por que no cogen a todos los que volvieron a robar las elecciones


They should arrest and detain every illegal alien as an enemy combatant just like Bancel.


Kill the bastard!

Last edited 1 year ago by SeaDog

The Democrats have been calling people election deniers throughout this election as if it is some strange disease. What we need is an election, like Arizona for example, or Colorado, where the military says there is voter fraud going on. Make that public with arrests made, push it in their face, and get it out there. No one is going to do anything about this in the civilian courts unless you just find the right judge, but pull the covers off and watch the cockroaches scatter. This is treason and falls under the military,s JAG court’s jurisdiction. Enough of the behind-the-scenes intrigue.


If the military has arrested and charged so many people of such pie-in-the-sky high status, from Hillary to George bush, etc., then why are they afraid to get up and arrest these treasonous democrat people who are causing all this election fraud? Why not go to one state and publically arrest people, who like Arizona, are obviously mixed up in election fraud? This has to be stopped. What are they afraid of?

John .S

This is not my usual generator rant.

Received photo of industrial grade electric generator that appears to be 75 kw+ unit in Times Square, sitting idle, and barricaded.

Kick it around with buddy [credentialed electrical guy] that took photo, saying: “possably set for traffic control devices” of intersections.

We spoke about nearby subway elevators and satellite/small police station alleged as slab on grade (no basement, no backup generator).

Size of unit and placement conserning, also of whom [entity] that placed that there.

Few days prior was unformed from same buddy [no photo] that three green military helicopters in triangular formation flying directly over Hamilton Heights/Vinegar Hill section of Manhatten. Many laboratories buildings in vasinity.

Recently much copter activity along Hudson River, Long Island Sound and South Shore Coast, also flying LIRR rail lines.

I’m just putting this out there, in somewhat having my hand on the pulse of NYC, monitoring heartbeat, in sense of awareness.

God Bless America.


They are filming a movie at that location. Good place to pass out flyers.

John .S

*Leaflets* for the umpteenth time.

Filming move LoL, though great responce, kudos.

Key tip recognizing potential uncertainty is seeing Meter Maids strapping gas mask on utility belts, transit [subway] cops too, meaning something is brewing.

Dave Kelly

YES possibly more booby traps , kill switches lurking, this slows everything down , too many folks just do not understand this reality.

American Living in Canada

Flip the switch!


Massive fraud in this entire election…If the Military doesn’t step in, then this country is lost…IMHO…

trust nothing

True dat, but unfortunately that won’t happen. Two years and 2020 wasn’t taken care of with massive evidence. I expected nothing less from criminals in 2022. We are all being played.

John .S

Careful what you wish for, military running-a mock is not beneficial, potential curfews, lock downs, and terminated utilities.

See, Sir Isaac Newton’s: Third Law of Physics.

Many yelping military blitz. Simply a few publicized perp walks of those apprehended a good place to start, before unleashing goon squad.

Vince Sly

That fraud DeSantis is going to “win” his “election” hopefully white hats take him out. Obvious deep state stooge.

trust nothing

Interesting. Florida “voted” like the rest of the country should have if we are to believe results. Trump pushes death jab and DeSantis pushes freedom and liberty. I still say all politicians are corrupt from the first “donation” they receive.


Good morning Oliver…understand your frustration but one day you get reward.


I thought the white hat were going to be monitoring the elections in real time and arresting fraudsters in real time. Guess not. May the United States suffer the same destruction as Sodom and Gomorrah.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tucker
J Bill

hell yeah lfg!!!!


I guess Whitmer will get away with murdering thousands of elderly in nursing homes. I have lost all hope. If there were somewhere to go I’d gladly leave the U.S. now. Since that isn’t possible, please send Special Forces to put me out of my misery. Thanks.

J Bill

i’ll put you on our SF list. thanks!

trust nothing

Whitmer will be rewarded with man of the year.


You are disgracing all who have fought and died for this country. What’s changed? It’s still a battle between good and evil. Even a little Shepherd boy took down a Giant with a sling shot. Most of the Apostles died painful martyr’s deaths. Our forefathers risked everything for this experiment called freedom. I don’t know you but I ask you: what have you truly done for our country? Have you served in the armed forces? If so thank you for your service. How many people did you take to vote? Do you call yourself a Christian? If so how many people have you lead to the Lord? If you are not a Christian maybe you should get out of this great country because you are a big part of the problem if this is so. Many are called but few are chosen. I don’t know who Michael Baxter is. Yes I want these articles to be true. I despise the bad especially when it comes to children. If Michael is not legit then he has to stand alone before God. Even as I write this I just got a news alert that a Democrat was just elected in Pennsylvania even though he had died in October. For me I will have FAITH that God is still in charge. I took a oath to defend this country and I have never been relieved from that oath. I hate violence but I continue to go to the range and shoot to stay honed. I’m not judging you. Either your heart is in the right place or you are a troll. As a combat veteran it takes a little more than heart. My hope is that every Saint and every Patriot stays in the fight. Even now there are those out there trying to blame Trump because this hasn’t gone the we hoped it would go. Just remember the Devil has had many years to seduce the world. There is one God and you only have one soul, so suck it up and persevere. God created winners not losers. I will end with, Michael, if this site is legit God Bless You. If not I take it personal and I will not forget nor forgive until you get on your knees and ask for forgiveness. Everyone may God bless you and keep you safe.


Yes I am a veteran who took the same oath. So I don’t understand how people who are obviously traitors are allowed to stay in power. They should be executed for treason as soon as it is discovered. Elections accomplish nothing.


I agree brother. You are preaching to the choir. All I can say is locked and loaded. To many people, here included, take their freedom for granted. Thanks for not being offended by my post. I talk to myself also. Be blessed Tucker.

J Bill

For me I will have FAITH that God is still in charge.

good luck with that one lmao


Bless you too.


Subsequent circumstantial evidence, useable in a court of law, revolving around ex-New York Governor Andrew Cuomo after RRN posted this


is sufficient proof to me that RRN is true/plausible. So the paid trolls here continue to do their dirty work for their paymasters. Please just ignore them and any downvotes they give to worthwhile posts made by other non-troll readers/posters here. Please see


for more information about this situation here at RRN.

Miss Impatient

His punishment should be to receive his own vaxx, once an hour until it takes him out.

Mark Heisler

Just keep arresting the bad people with absolutely no proof at All’ unless you just want to call it Intel like everybody else does, Wow pretty soon it will be 3yrs of bad Intel across Rumble and everywhere else, there’s a lot of bad comments that people are getting very upset on there,
How much longer can we hold on,
2 more years of this bull crap, mean what now! just going to be biden in office still and not pass any bills’ just play games with the Democrats, maybe some chess, what Punishment is that. Yeah just a matter of time everybody just going to pick up their guns.


Trust the plan bro, keep sending Michael Baxter that donation money 🙃


I thought we moved to quantum money.

Dave Kelly

How would you know what proof or evidence there is concerning arrests? Why would JAG or prosecutors share or show you evidence?


Everyday my eyes tell me a far different story than is written here……sorry rrn


Your eyes lie.

If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it
out and throw it away from you. For it is more
profitable for you that one of your members should
perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Hell.


KJV. Isaiah 3:12. “As for my people, children are their oppressors and women rule over them. Oh My People, they which lead thee cause thee to err, to destroy the Way of thy Paths.” The “haughty women of Zion” (Isaiah 3:16-25). . . That would be Whitmer , Hochul, Pelosi, HRC, AOC, Warren, Feinstein, Waters, Omar, Cheney, C. Bush, fill in the blanks. This DUMPSTER FIRE would never see the reins of power in China or Russia EVER. Good luck!

J Bill


cope and seethe jack

American Living in Canada

Wheels of Justice move at a slow excruciating speed.. for both sides.


ok, tons of obvious cheating for democrats yesterday. Where are the “white hats”?

Ready to admit everything on this website is moronic and wholly untrue?

J Bill

but muh red wave lmao


It was more like a discharge.

trust nothing

Completely fraud free. Like 2020. Like Brazil. Like every election. Trust the government- they’re here to help.

John .S

NY Gov. election results are conserning that known Pro Child Vaxxer & Anti Second Amendment Hochal swept Ulster & Columbia Counties as rural Catskill Mt. areas. She also swept NYC suburb of Westchester too, and *Not* suburban Nassau and Suffolk; go figure.

Much Republican influence in Westchester i.e. areas outside county seat.

Four out of five NYC Counties went Blue, Richmond County aka, Staten Island went Red.

My opinion something doesn’t seem right, again it’s just an opinion.


Congratulations to Marjorie Taylor Green and her lovers Justin Tway and Craig Ivey! Despite her struggles with her divorce, she was able to get re-elected with her promise to return America to its original Christian values.

Nick NavyBlueSmoke Nicholson

The Best of The Best ! That’s what our SOF community members are ! They protect Innocents Everywhere on Earth by seeing Justice is carried out ! May the trial be quick & speedy & the punishment equal to the crime ! Premeditated Murder & Severe Lifelong Pain & disfigurement Requires his trial be especially swift. The evidence is already overwhelming . Tears of the Innocent & their family members & friends will be rewarded with Justice. Thank You Warriors that set The Standard ! Cordially , Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

robin earl redwine

six years in and they steal elections with ease and impunity and yall think drump and q are actually on your side. Id call you stupid sheep, but after 6 years you must be mentally ill or severely vaccine injured. No one is coming to save anyone.

J Bill

i told ya’ll i’m stealing some seats. but muh red wave lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Lorenz Manner

I’m so delighted to hear this and I’m sure he will taste a sweet swing in the noose very soon. I hope that this disgusting liar called Walensky will be the next in line. Both have to take the consequences of what they have done. No mercy!


I’m trying to ponder your stories. If Newsome is dead, who is still in this state competing for governor? Even if he’s dead, who’s running in his place? These people that are supposedly dead, have been miraculously reanimated? So, you can run as a dead person and NO one says anything on the right? Trying to understand these lies you’re spewing more and more. I want to believe that your sources are accurate, but, well, I know my savior has brought people back from the dead, but I sure know that satanists can’t. Please, what does it matter if you have a ghost playing someone he’s not or the real thing if they do the same evil? Waiting….


yes. It’s not only Newsom it’s many of them. The Hollywood actors that have been found guilty of paedophillia are still appearing in Public and Bill/Melinda foundation is still up to no good as well. Apparently a handful of doctors are suing Newsom for some of the fascist laws he is still passing from the other side. Maybe it’s a message from God?


EVERY politition in this country (and every place in the world where there is any wealth) answers to and obeys bankster globalists. They aren’t allowed to think for themselves… so it really doesn’t matter WHO is in Newsome’s place. He obeys his “staff” or else.


Lol I wonder how many of you guys will realize Michael Baxter is full of shit now that the ‘red wave’ was a huge dud and the EBS he promised you won’t happen after the midterms, again, just like the like twelve times he promised you it would happen

Dave Kelly

So it wasn’t a RED wave, more like RED chop, not a problem, get over yourself , Lloyd


Don’t ponder these stories, they are stupid and not based in reality.
If you listen to the clowns on this site talk about “clones” and other complete nonsense then i feel bad for you.

Jose Ramirez

And the midterm election is been stilling! We have this news and so what? You expecting the Americans people will be happy? Show me you respect the USA constitution and I will respect you. What you are going to do with this fucking midterm election been stolen? MILLITARY IS THE ONLY OPTION!!!

J Bill

it has been stilled


Lol hey guys how did that massive red wave turn out? 😂

trust nothing

Just like it was planned because we trusted it. And nothing stopped it because nothing was able to. The Q psy-op took over the feeble minds placing all hope on one mortal man. But “we caught them all”, we’re just not going to do anything about it because that would take years with our injustice system so we will wait until the next (s)election and will win then. Duh

J Bill

oh so you’ll win bigly NEXT time? lmaoooooooo cope and seethe jack

trust nothing

So you read the MB stories but still can’t see sarcasm? YOU must be a genius.

J Bill

cope and seethe mikey lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo

cope harder next time

Michael R Davis

Surprise, surprise, surprise
Democrats, 100% malice, election stealing treason.
Paper ballots, no election stealing Dominion machines here in my town.
Yes, the joy of perfectly filling in the little rectangles, no sloppiness outside the lines, sweet old Mrs Frost patting me on the shoulder in 1st grade, came back to me. Time to send in the US Military, loyal to us, loyal to President Trump, conducting massive arrests of election thieves, taking back our beloved Republic. GOD bless our people, His people, keeping His promises.

Nov 8 2022 23:01:48 (EST) NEW 4961
Endless lies.
Endless wars.
Endless inflation.
Endless ‘printing’.
Endless oppression.
Endless subjugation.
Endless surveillance.
Who will put an end to the endless?
Taking control.

Nov 7 2022 19:20:19 (EST) 4960
Why do some elections take more than a day to count?
Can cheating be done after the polls are closed?
Who controls the pollbooks?
Who controls the databases?
Who controls the elections?
Why are extra ballots printed?
If someone doesn’t vote, can bad actors hijack their vote?
Why did the National Guard activate cybersecurity teams?
Who gave the order to ‘activate’ the cybersecurity teams?
To protect the elections?
To claim the midterms are ‘safe’?
Safe from what?
Setting the stage?
Watch carefully.
White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.
You have all the tools you need.


Lol these new Q drops are the absolute most pathetic shit. Q themself is now asking “who will put an end” to all this stuff? Wasn’t that like, Q’s whole deal that they were handling it? Jim Watkins is fucking terrible at writing these bro, he is not even trying 😂


Only stupid peopole believe in Q or “white hats”

J Bill

lmao at quoting jim watkins doing a pathetic q imitation

Rob William

Newsom wins CA election by a landslide from GTMO?




Clone Newsom doing just fine though 👌

Rob William

As I predicted, DeSantis won by a record margin. I think that he can in fact win the presidential election as well – he seems to be an extremely shrewd politician.

J Bill

it’s easy when you have racist boomers as your base


And God is sending another storm to Florida because of what DeSantis has done.

trust nothing

Why is it so easy to look at future elections when we see they are rigged?

J Bill

never vote!!!!

trust nothing

From the voice of another apathetic person. (or bot)

J Bill

never vote again! it’s rigged! if you win it’s legit, if you lose it was stolen. better to never vote again!!!!

J Bill

it’s pretty weird how gavin newsom’s clone won an election


Clone Lives Matter!

trust nothing

Gee, I guess the “white hats” and military forgot to tell everyone all the important executions they have done because it’s a secret. Nobody really believes the stories here because it’s satire, comedy and lies.

J Bill

but muh red wave mike

J Bill

where’s muh red wave? lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Can’t see the Blood Moon through the newest batch of chemtrails being sprayed over my house in Michigan tonight.


Isn’t the blood moon Satanic or some kinda witchcraft of some shit though? Sounds like they did you a favor and shielded you from Satan’s moonbeams


Supreme Court dependa Ginny Thomas has called for an emergency session to deal with the election.


What is a “dependa”?

Rob William



Do your research.


Not possible. I don’t have a copy of the Fictionary used by people who make up nonexistent words.

Robert James

That Satanic fiend will be made very welcome at Gitmo. NOT! LOL


If you sow seeds of DEATHS, then eventually your death will be required!

You reap what you sowed!

God’s word doesn’t return void!



David T

Bancel = wormy bastard


Massive issues with Voting machines in AZ. If this election is stolen and we get no response from the “white hats”, no EBS alerts, no intervention, is everyone willing to admit this is all BS?
For clarification, I hope the election isn’t stolen. If it is, I hope the good guys intervene. But if it’s allowed to happen and there is no response. Do we admit we were all fooled?


If you think this site is true, send $100 to the fundraising site. If you think it isn’t true and is satire as stated in the FAQ, send $200. We will tally the results later!

David T

Stop blowing goats, at least for a day.


That is a strange comment. Are you ok?


If it’s stolen and nothing happens then we have definitely been fooled or if we haven’t been fooled then the so called white hat movement is ineffectual. Either way it’s bad news. Even if it’s not stolen, if nothing consequential happens and the bullshit (Biden/Pelosi/Vaccines etc) continues then it’s the same

Rob William

Surprisingly Dems seem to be doing better than the opinion polls! Check it out on MSM.

Lucky Star

Just like I thought, nothing will happen. Whatever Trump and Berger said to arrest all of them if the Donkeys cheat again. Stolen election 2.0

F’@$^^# whitesheep military….

Last edited 1 year ago by Lucky Star
Michael R Davis

Watch what happens now.
Surprise, surprise, surprise
Democrats, 100% malice, election stealing treason.
Paper ballots, no election stealing Dominion machines here in my town.
Yes, the joy of perfectly filling in the little rectangles, no sloppiness outside the lines, sweet old Mrs Frost patting me on the shoulder in 1st grade, came back to me. Time to send in the US Military, loyal to us, loyal to President Trump, conducting massive arrests of election thieves, taking back our beloved Republic. GOD bless our people, His people, keeping His promises.

Nov 8 2022 23:01:48 (EST) NEW 4961
Endless lies.
Endless wars.
Endless inflation.
Endless ‘printing’.
Endless oppression.
Endless subjugation.
Endless surveillance.
Who will put an end to the endless?
Taking control.

Nov 7 2022 19:20:19 (EST) 4960
Why do some elections take more than a day to count?
Can cheating be done after the polls are closed?
Who controls the pollbooks?
Who controls the databases?
Who controls the elections?
Why are extra ballots printed?
If someone doesn’t vote, can bad actors hijack their vote?
Why did the National Guard activate cybersecurity teams?
Who gave the order to ‘activate’ the cybersecurity teams?
To protect the elections?
To claim the midterms are ‘safe’?
Safe from what?
Setting the stage?
Watch carefully.
White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.
You have all the tools you need.

American Living in Canada

Wheels of Justice move at a slow excruciating speed.. for both sides.


Spoken like someone who has never volunteered for anything in their life. Why not actually get involved instead of watching YouTube videos?

trust nothing

I’m waiting to see the next article saying “We caught them all” and “white hats and Trump are in charge”. Like 2020 where nothing changed.

terry jacks

You can’t kill me because I’m not a bad Jew, I’m a good Jew. Oh yeah? We’ll see about that. Dumbest excuse I’ve heard to date. They will all say that to save their skins. Too much mayhem. Too many murders over the centuries. Can’t take a chance anymore. If they wear that evil star around their necks, if they follow the Talmud and the Torah, if they do not denounce their cult, they deserve a rope to go with it. Stretch the ropes very tight, or they will not stop until they kill all of us. If the attempted genocide we are going through isn’t enough, you are brain-dead.


Careful what you say. Mike (the site owner) is a devout Jew.


Is it you..Ted dy..???


glad to hear from you….I am in the pain knee/hip…seen to me pain killers not working…

terry jacks

Seeing the sheer destruction that said cult has infected the world with for more than a thousand years, it is difficult NOT to be angry about their continuing mission to kill everyone else, except those who would be forced into slavery. This has gone on way too long. If it’s ONLY the Khazarian Mafia, then the KM has to be exterminated. But if other Jews and non-Jews (Vatican for example) are also involved, they must receive appropriate punishments for their crimes against humanity. They infect governments, hide behind their positions of power, turn the Law into a weapon against the average Citizen, while they continue to plunder, rape, harvest and kill us all into oblivion. If someone feels insulted or offended, get over it.

Last edited 1 year ago by terry jacks

No, it’s Zee. Shhhh.


Uh, no, Mike said he is a born-again Christian a few articles back. He may have been born Jewish or has Jewish Roots, but that does not discount the fact he is a Christian by his own admission.


Mike and his brother had a fundraiser for their synagogue about 2 months ago. Do your research.


Now hold on, Terry, there is nothing wrong with reading the Torah. The Torah is simply the Old Testament, pure and simple; God’s word is the OT before the NT was written which contains Jesus’ life and teachings and those of the early Christian church fathers for the first 300 years before Roman Catholicism was invented under Constantine.
Jewish people who read the Torah and follow the ways of the Lord are not evil. The Khazarians who originated from Sumer and then Babylon (from whence came the Babylonian Talmud and their corrupt teachings, remember there are two Talmuds, and the Babylonian Talmud is very dangerous) settled in Turkey (from whence came the word Ashkenazi) during their travels through Poland and Ukraine and Germany and France and Spain and Portugal afterthink were kicked out of Russia after migrating from Babylon — they refused to stop their human sacrifices and murders and theft of travels and stealing identities even after they converted to Judaism (style without substance), and the Russian king had had enough of them.
Khazarians claim to be Jewish and read the Torah, but do not follow God’s teachings in the Torah nor follow His holy law, but follow Lucifer and his demonic teachings. There is a reason Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and said they are of their father the devil:
Joh_8:44  Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
You can imagine the rage and hatred they had for Jesus after being called out like that.
There is a different between real Jews who love God and His Torah (the Word of God) and Khazarian Jews who hate God and His Torah the Word of God), or OT Word. The genuine Jews just haven’t received the Messiah yet like every else, Jew and non-Jew alike, who has not received the Messiah yet, also the Messiah has already come and will come again. All they have to do is receive the Truth of God’s Son dying for our sins on the cross and rising again, it is Christ Jesus who is the mediator between God and people 1 Timothy 2:5).
But reading the Torah, God’s word, is not evil. It is a good thing to read because God’s word contains wisdom and truth which. if followed diligently blesses one’s heart and gives long life.


Could it be they caught another mass murdering genocidal maniac conspiring to kill a large populace of people?
This shit is like a Pinky & the Brain cartoon.
www. you tubeDOT com/watch?v=GBkT19uH2RQ


We should round up everyone who spreads lies on the internet and send them to GITMO!


Like You for instance?
For all the times you’ve posted on here, I never once seen any truth in any of it.

Last edited 1 year ago by goober

Wiser words have never been spoken. You are a very well educated, charming and handsome man. Your wife must be both beautiful and proud.


I have a pretty big boat already.

terry jacks

Kill one, they call you a murderer. Kill a dozen, they call you a mass murderer. Kill several million, they call you a Big Pharma CEO.


Or an abortionist.


All glory be to god. Source protection to all doing his work. Reinforced done. 💙💚🙏👑


100%! Allah be praised!


Allah is Satan.


Take that racism somewhere else!


Obviously, if true, there is still a mole amongst the ranks of the operation and something that should have been handled by now. What gives?


I don’t think they’ve set any Rat traps for awhile, but I’m sure if they do they’ll catch a few.
Then again, those Rats could’ve morphed into Cockroach’s (its just what they do), so setting a few of both traps might catch an entire colony of’m.


check out Emerald Robinson yesterday on Citizens Free Press.. interviewing Dr. in San Diego who was fired over max vandate… time frame 46:55… why is forced mandate policy being written by a NON CITIZEN from a Hebrew speaking country and a first generation CHinese man who went to Harvare (CCP U). Bolscheviks and CCP threaten us with deadly shotz, stolen elections to allign with NWO globalists.. while they flood us with 3rd world parasites.. all in effort to destroy wHITE CHRISTIANS in the Western World.. ala So. African model…


The U.S.’s Christian majority has been shrinking for decades. A Pew Research Center study shows that as of 2020, about 64% of Americans identify as Christian. Fifty years ago, that number was 90%.
Read a book.


A book written by one of your brothers at your Synagogue I presume.

John .S

Roman Catholics are identifying themselves as Christians, many walking away from RC Church.

Quite a few Catholics flipping into Jehovah Witnesses, I blame those doorbell ringers with their tag team abilities to captivate, doing the Hocus Pocus.

FYI, Italians can’t stand Jehovah witnesses, cause they despise all types of witnesses, soon as they hear the witness word they go into freak out mode.

Dave Kelly

The Catholics flipping into Jehovah Witnesses must go there because they can’t quite part with the child sex abuse and pedophilia, so they are comfortable with the Jehovah’s. It is all about the CONDITIONING.

David T

I read several books. The Bible is my favorite, what’s yours? Or do you read, DF?

Dave Kelly

You forgot about the Fentanyl

Steve J

Rochelle Walensky
BY ZIZA · JULY 10, 2021

Birth Name: Rochelle Paula Bersoff

Place of Birth: Peabody, Massachusetts, U.S.

Date of Birth: April 5, 1969

Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jewish

buck fiden

Can ashcan nazi Jews be cremated?


Judaism is not an ethnicity, it is merely a religion. DNA ethnicity and religious beliefs are two different things. The MSM would have us all believe otherwise.


Nazi, no doubt about it then.
The major thing to take note is; She’s No Christian.
To me shes a self serving blood guzzling Satanist trying her best to give as many Souls to Satan as she can for her Sacrificial offerings.

John .S

Ha, wrong, via credible sources Rochelle is ethnically Polish via shorten name: Bersoff-insky, now Walensky, she’s just another Pollock anyway it’s sliced.

John .S

Election Day hubbub via my vechile window writings: “Oust All Incumbents” while lawfully parked on safe side of electioneering zone. Scored with perfect parking spot. No leafleting today.

I’m in glee silently inciting lunch time hysteria. Libtards aka, Hochul & Schumer supporters called cops on me.

Cops drove past a few times, knowing exactly who I am, giving me the thumbs up.

Later one cop pulled alongside me saying: “4 disgruntled calls on you already, anticipate more”. My response: “when reaching 10 you can bring me slice of pizza with can of soda”. Cop said: “will do”.

God Bless America.


👍. 😀. 🆒. 😼


Praise the Lord for the cops favorable reaction. They probably belong to the silent majority or white hats. Lord help us. Blessings,

John .S

Lose-lose, caught in three strikes rule, Hochal and Schumer won, strike 1 & 2.

Strike 3, I’m disenchanted, flabbergasted, upset, disheartened, besides my myself that police lied saying: “will do”, heard I had 14 complaints waged and no pizza.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

Maybe the real pizza was the friends we made along the way, buddy

Susan Banks

Thank you Special Forces! Thank you Mike Baxter for all of this information you give us to keep us Patient! In the end it will be Amazing and worth every minute!! God. Less our Military, President Trump, and all of us Patriots!!


You can say that again and be proud for saying it. Blessings,


They should keep his phone and have him call her and act like nothing is a miss except for the fact she didn’t show up.
They should have offered him a lesser sentence in return for his help to get other people. “lesser sentence, wink, wink”.
Now she will run and tell everyone that it is true, that the military is arresting people without the DOJ, CIA and FBI permission.
All thought I’m sure they are doing things like this to try and catch other people.


Possible scenario: could it be that Walensky is already at Gitmo, and cut a deal with the White Hats to lure Bancel to a place where he could be apprehended?

We can speculate and assume, but we just don’t have confirmation of the real story or the real backstory at this point. Could be all valid information, or bogus and intended disinformation or a combination.


Nope, none of this happened bro