Looney Tunes New Jersey Schools Blame Trump for New Mask Mandates


Edit: This story was written several days ago, and posted 1/24/2023. It seems the school district in question did lift it’s mandate on 01/23/2023, a day before the article was posted. Therefore, there is currently no mandate. Thank you to the commenters who pointed this out, even if rudely. Yes, we should have checked the district website this a.m. before running the story. However, they did indeed have a mandate in place previously. We appologize for the error and are keeping the story up along with this correction.

The Passaic School District in New Jersey added revisionist history to classroom curriculums when students returned to class after winter recess in early January, with liberal educators scapegoating Donald Trump as the reason kids were once again forced to wear bacteria-ridden facemasks eight to ten hours a day.

Children questioning the necessity for renewed mandates were told to blame Trump because he had not acted quickly enough to stop the spread of Covid-19. Kids were told that Trump’s feckless leadership allowed the Covid-19 Beta and Omicron variants to mutate into the more transmissible XBB.1.5 variant, which, teachers said, was spreading like an uncontrolled wildfire sickening children across the country.

At Etta Gero School, one teacher encouraged 4th-grade students to remind their parents and older siblings not to vote for Trump in 2024, as another Trump presidency would “make covid worse,” and children would have to wear masks forever without reprieve.

Votes matter in Passaic County. Although it leans Democrat, 41% of registered voters voted Republican in the last presidential election, a 6% increase from 2016. Educators there seem bent on impugning Trump’s character and grooming malleable minds to demonize and vilify the 45th President of the United States.

Real Raw News spoke with the parents of an 11-year-old boy whose teacher, a particularly nasty creature, chastised him for momentarily lowering his mask to catch a normal breath of air.

“My son has asthma; the school knows this. He has trouble wearing a mask for too long without a break. What the school’s doing is cruel, inhumane. And on top of that, when he asked why he couldn’t take the mask off for just a few seconds, the teacher told him to ‘ask Trump’ and ridiculed him. It put my son in tears, and then Jenna [last name redacted] told him to go cry to Trump,” the boy’s father said.

Unethical teaching is endemic to the district.

A few miles away at Daniel F. Ryan Elementary School, teachers are telling children that if Trump wins in 2024, he’ll abolish mask mandates and proliferate the spread of disease. Kids opposing mandates are often sent to detention to write an essay on how Trump nearly tricked the country into drinking bleach to cure Covid-19 and why masks are necessary to keep society safe.

A math teacher speaking under promise of anonymity told RRN that liberal Leftists dominate the district and that teachers with conservative values must hide them or risk losing their jobs.

“There’s a concerted effort here to speak negatively about Trump at every opportunity. I voted for Trump twice, but if I espouse conservative principles, I’ll be ostracized and made very uncomfortable. Some of my colleagues are teaching students that Trump caused Covid,” he said.


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Sue Ann

Good for you, Mr Michael!…for keeping the story up!
We’re thankful for all the stories/news that you relay to us, and certainly understand the rapid-changing with all of this rampant wickedness!!


Man you people just really really love being lied to, huh




Where’s the list?


Do your own research.

Sandy Thomas

We Still Needed to Know what those teachers were actually pulling in the classroom when they had the opportunity, Thank you.


Thank you for the clarity Michael. All the best to you and your team!

David T

I can’t help but wonder if word got back to the idiots at the district and they had to backtrack their policy and lift the mandate. Way to go MB! You and RNN had a hand in this positive development, much to the chagrin of the rude troll-turds on here.


Now keep on them! You have to watch them like a hawk because once attention is diverted the teachers and school district will go back to the same garbage. Somebody needs to bring a lawsuit against them for that was certainly abuse. That’s the only thing they understand – power and money.
We need video surveillance in the classrooms 24/7.

Last edited 1 year ago by Guest4579

He just made the story up bro




I want to save lives and not focus on the shills. Those who are awake can easily identify who is coming to our new earth and those shills which we be evaporated and recycled.


I’ve worked for several districts and have been to board meetings, and there’s no way this is false. , though your comment is hardly worth answering.


I literally proved this is false to the point that Michael Baxter felt the need to delete all my posts (free speech amirite?) and make up an ‘update’ to pretend he’s not completely wrong about this school’s actual policy which is clearly posted on their site.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ron
Random American

You should just go shove your head back up your ass, Ron🤣


No thank you 🙂

Sandy Thomas

Ron should just shove his head back up his ass.

Michael R Davis



It’s right there on the article bro. Do you not see the ‘update’?


Lol I proved the story is wrong and your reaction is to do a bunch of mental gymnastics to make up a backstory in which MB didn’t just lie to you.


Always Lying Shill


Zee if I’m always lying then why did MB ‘update’ the article admitting I’m right and he was wrong? He literally thanked me for it. Jesus fucking Christ.

David T

Your unnecessary vulgarity towards my Lord and Savior, is proof that you are the lowest of the low, the stuff on the bottom of my boots after I walked through the cow yard has a higher intellect than you do.


Lol clutch those pearls harder 🙄


I couldn’t have said it better!! Why do these heathens think it is alright to mock our Lord…..he should read the Bible. God says he will not be mocked and you will reap what you sow.

David T

Not at all, DF. no mental gymnastics needed, and the proof is that they just changed their policy the day before the story was posted is proof that they got wind of what was coming and so they hurried up and changed their policy to cover their asses. If you had an even partially functioning, neocortex, you could figure this out.


They announced the change 4 days before the story was posted and MB had no clue because he’s not a real journalist.

Kill ‘em all

Mental gymnastics to explain all the obvious bullshit has become these idiots lives. It’s sad and pathetic really.


No sweat. Close enough, and a thousand times more true than the TV networks.


btw, love your icon, liz taylor?

Robert Ford

Thank you, Michael Baxter, for what you say and do. I appreciate your articles and the information they provide. I would never be able to write without SpellCheck and recommend it to everyone.

Robert Ford

appologize, (apologize)


WOW…just what this site needs, “grammar gods”. Piss off Robert!!

Robert Ford

I don’t know any journalist who does not appreciate being notified of errors in his work, preferably before publication. I certainly do. That is exactly what proofreaders get paid to do.


Do you know any journalist who bans people and deletes their comments for showing proof that their article is wrong? Cause that’s what Michael Baxter did to me for posting the link proving this school district already ended their mask mandate before he even posted this article. Real journalistic integrity, huh


Every writer needs a proof reader. Give MB a break

Michael R Davis

Proofreaders can be very expensive on a limited budget.

Jerry Miller

Dick comment. Why don’t you go and buy yourself a TV so you don’t have to be the spelling Stazi?

Robert Ford

Twit. There is a difference between critical analysis and criticism.

Michael R Davis

No doubt these insane monsters will have the masks back on the kids soon, and a bunch more satanic crap. Parents remove your kids from these bastard enemies of all that is decent. GOD gave them to you, not to the tyrannical Luciferian Communist government.

Michael R Davis

Our Commander-in-Chief has wide shoulders.
He actually encourages enemies attacking himself (Orange Man Bad) over attacking his staff, his teammates, the American people.

Thus, his infamous statement, “In reality they’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.”


He’s right! Pres Trump is a result of the conservative movement in our America.
By the way, he will be speaking this Sat, 1/28, at 4 pm (est).

Nukkin Futz

Trump has the deep state cork sukkers in panic, and as a brilliant chess freak that he is, he’s letting the bad guys fall in their own shit heep and roll in it the more paranoid that they get…, plus he would’ve made a great general in battle…..by tricking the enemy to implode on themselves, without much bloodshed….


Lol Trump isn’t the president anymore buddy

Michael R Davis

But, he is Commander-in-Chief of the US Military.
Meanwhile, the Resident struggles to read the teleprompter and get somebody to change his smelly dripping Depends.


Trump really fucked up that Afghanistan withdrawal, huh man

Rob William

Biden is now in clear for every mistake they have made militarily. Biden will like pin all those mistakes on Trump if possible!

Carol Sims

Yes! All Four of them standing by and waiting to perform. As bad as things continue downward is the LIE that he has Dementia. The dead do nothing! Wanted to slap Hannity silly last night when I forgot to mute my TV. Heard him riding that word DEMENTIA like it was electricity! He chooses which WORD he will stomp all over the place. BORING!


How about Commander in Chief? Biden isn’t Biden anymore!



Robert Ford

There is a difference between being the “Resident” and being the Commander. FJB does not “command” anything, besides not being the real Joe Biden.


So Trump himself blew the Afghanistan withdrawal? Ok got it

Robert Ford

Wow, you purty smaat.


Thanks Rob


Exactly! Schools receive money from the feds according to how many heads they have. If you all pull out, there won’t be any justification for the tax dollars!

question everything

“What the school’s doing is cruel, inhumane,” the boy’s father said.
I agree with the boy’s father, but I can also see that it is child abuse on the part of any parent that would keep their child in these public indoctrination prison camps.


A lot of them don’t know better. And a lot of them also use the schools as a babysitter.

David T

No parent that cares about their kids would willfully stay in that, however, some of those parents may not have an alternate choice. Let’s hope they do and they can have their kids go to school elsewhere.


Thank you for still posting this article. It’s important information about the broken educational system in our country. NO teacher or staff member should be allowed to treat a child this way. It is verbal, mental, and emotional abuse of a minor. Perhaps physical abuse as well since he has asthma. IMHO. Prayers 🙏 for this family.


Yes! They need to bring a lawsuit against that school and district. The only thing they will understand is the loss of MONEY. Democrats don’t care who they abuse, children or anyone else. All they want is power and money.

Last edited 1 year ago by Guest4579
question everything

I understand your point, but lawsuits don’t mean much when the judicial system in this country is owned by the pedophile blackmail mafia, just like the political system is.


Thank you Michael for informing us. WE need to know everything…



David Hoffer



You’re welcome! Did you really have to delete all of my comments and temporarily ban me though? Is that a normal free-speech thing to do when somebody proves you wrong, Mike? 🤔

Last edited 1 year ago by Ron
Tracy Reinert

In California, there is now a mandate, that all school-age children be required to be vaccinated in order to attend school. This battle is far from over. We need to replace the governing bodies, such as the required to join Teachers’ Union. the District Offices. Principle & Vice Principal & Superintendent of Schools. All of these positions were carefully placed with leftist, Communistic, transgender-pushers. They only hired these kooks for teachers, because they had hold of the regent positions.

Stinky Perfume

I see the updates and this issue is a big problem at all institutions I see in California. Jails, prisons, mental lockdown places, group home institutions, all still swabbing and jabbing, even visitors. They got no right to do this anymore but they are ignorant and under orders from deep state evil facility controllers.

Can the military pick up these institutions for choosing to mandate patients and inmates and senior homes….to stabs and/or nasal swabs? People tell me they are bleeding from stomachs, noses, and rectal bleeding so why are they allowed to get away with this? These mandated things are causing bleeding or making people’s old or current issues worse.




I didn’t know that even the group homes required vaccination. It figures though.


It’s still good to bring this info to us. I had no idea this was happening but it figures. Another pray project. Btw I turn to RRN first every morning like opening the door to sweep up the daily paper. If it’s not there I keep checking until it is. As I snap off the rubber band and unroll to read the headlines I’m always invigorated in the fight good vs evil. TY


Thanks for sharing Michael. At least it lets us know what they were planning on doing and what some of these leftist teachers were telling these young students.

Louie Louie

Fast-moving events sometimes appears to sully even the most ethical attempts at reportage.

No harm, no foul, Mr. Baxter.


Michael, this is important information and needs to be shared. Updates can always be added.

This crazed behavior by these influential leftist morons needs to be heard and acted upon. The world has gone freaking mad and parents need to know what is happening; also they need support. These puppets need to be exposed for their vile evil witchcraft! Seriously, how evil and twisted must you be to want to corrupt a minor with this nonsense? smh


As a New Jerseyan, this report is 100% true- Passaic county is unimaginably ungodly and perpetuate every deception of Satan.


Its just layers upon layers upon layers of lies that we need to now deprogram the population from. The layers are so deep I dont know how we will do it. the matrix is crumbling right now and their still trying to indoctrinate whoever they can. Im so sick of these people.


It is a Crazy World that we live in…😕


To quote Bugs Bunny, “Ain’t it the truth/”


Enough of Looney Tunes. Let’s move on

Dr John

MB, it is all too possible they were tipped off that you were presenting the article and took measures to reduce the impact of your article going public. The last thing anyone wants is people spreading a story like this across the internet and them having egg on their face. They took action and now it seems you have egg on your face.

NOT SO, the following you have created and the pressure the conservatives can place on the enemy is tremendous.

It may be a pat on the back for all the work you have done to create this massive awareness is in order. And in that case no apology is necessary.

Congratulations on building a vital war machine, the TRUTH and a place to expose it, their lies and their crimes!


01/26/2023. 11:11 PST.
I was looking for a New ARTICLE


There was a DDoS attack today, Mike is working like hell to fix it.


Please parents, don’t let any so called healthcare worker inject your child with the flu vaccine. If you don’t know already it’s the same biological weapon .

David Hoffer


David Hoffer

surely mikey has thought of some other obscure person to arrest by now

Gladys Wilkes

How long is the charade going to be played out, it’s the FLU people and the jab is just a tactic to promote the who, wef, lefty cabal criminals and so on for their genocidal depopulation agenda


That is stupid to blame trump. But people live up to their IQ.

David Hoffer

like posting under the same name as if you haven’t read the article and already posted 15 times

American Living in Canada

You should of heard all the whack jobs up here on the fake msm, all of them bashing Trump all year of 2015. They need to be held accountable and charged accordingly.

David Hoffer

people on tv bashing another person need to be held accountable lolololol

American Living in Canada

the act of communicating false statements about a person that injure the reputation of that person the act of defaming another:

Last edited 1 year ago by American Living in Canada
David Hoffer


Nancy Joyce Garcia

This is proof that Liberals of the Bigtime Leftist Communist Sort took over the Public School System! Our children are being Dumbied Down by these American Hating Individuals, of whom know next to nothing, especially about Science (Photosynthesis Equation: Carbons + Sunlight + Water = Trees and Plants producing “Oxygen”). Many also push Common Core Math and everything else. I’ll be so glad if this Schools are Made American and become a real Teaching Institutes of knowledge; instead of what they are NOW…Political Brainwashing Babysitters!

David Hoffer

hahahah “Bigtime Leftist” as opposed to the small time leftist


Hello MB, can we go past this Looney crap? I’m sure there are other issues besides this Looney Sesame Street left wing liberal demonic administration.


No man the biggest issue of the modern age that that they made the M&Ms too ‘woke’

David Hoffer

that green one is seeeeexy


I mean, to be fair, whom amongst us would not fuck the green M&M

Jerry Miller

Is this a photo of children in a south american school?


Mask do not work so this is the unions inserting their bullshit and listening to the teachers listening to the unions. Stupid get rid of the unions

David Hoffer

ok. we heard you the first fifteen times


Lol speaking of ‘revisionist history’ this article originally ended with the line “Mandates, she declared, would remain in place indefinitely.”

Where did that line go, Mike? I guess you decided it didn’t really fit the narrative anymore after I proved the mandate was already lifted before you posted this article, huh man 🤷‍♂️

David Hoffer

that is weird

Son of Ethan Allen

How come my + keep disappearing?


Schools have always been indoctrination centres. The issue now is they have turned up the level and it is now more intense. Too much woke stuff and general, the state knows best, stuff is now going on. The point is that these mask and vaccine mandates are still in existence and being forced onto people. So we have had 2 years of White Hat Military rule but nothing appears to have changed?

David Hoffer


Tracy Reinert

Some parents are smartly starting their own schools, getting together & hiring a teacher for a small group teaching situation. It is a win win. Clearing out these immoral teachers, pushing a treasonous & un-Constitutional agenda, may take a little while. Many teachers & msm journalists are as culpable as doctors & nurses who complied with this genocide. Send ’em to Gitmo or Nuremberg 2.0. Teachers who are sane & sound, should now consider retaking positions of authority & decision-making within schools, such as their Principal-on-down hierarchy, & school boards, which are required to have an equal number of parents chosen to make decisions. We have a lot of local areas where we can make a huge difference.


You bet!


You bet!


The DS are PANICKING!!! Eyes are open and parents will not be fooled again!

David Hoffer

the ds panicked so much they cancelled the mandate!


Remdesivir is not a joke. Keep those little ones at home. If you let them be swabbed and is positive then the deep state docs might prescribe remdesivir which will ultimately lead to organ failure.Remove those masks. ER can help with emergent situations. Don’t get a transfusion. Most blood is tainted. You will get vaccinated with this blood. Had a recent mild surgery and needed a little hemoglobin? Also requesting pure blood is a joke. There are still many docs who take the fiat. The numbers are unaccountable. Vaxxed blood is just as evil as the injectable’s .Keep kids home. Children have extremely high levels of glutathione.That’s why you don’t see the kids becoming sick…unless you are jabbed, forced to suffocate by masks or shall I say have been been shedded upon by the by 70 percent of people who did it to themselves.


I went to the VA Hospital in Ann Arbor yesterday and they are still requiring masks and are still pushing covid and flu shots. Even the Infectious Disease physicians refuse to listen when told about the Nuremberg Code and the fact they will be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. As a retired nurse, I have lost all respect and trust in modern medicine.


You are not alone

David Hoffer

yes it is


Sad state of affairs. Doctors and nurses alike disregarding all international law for a check. The Declaration of Geneva of 2017, the Nuremberg Code of 1947, the UDHR of 1948, the UN Charter of 1946, the UNESCO article on Bioethics and Human Rights 2006, aren’t there for nothing. THEY MEAN SOMETHING TO US AS HUMAN BEINGS.


Sad state of affairs. Doctors and nurses alike disregarding all international law for a check. The Declaration of Geneva of 2017, the Nuremberg Code of 1947, the UDHR of 1948, the UN Charter of 1946, the UNESCO article on Bioethics and Human Rights 2006 aren’t there for nothing. TEHSE LAWS PROTECT US, THEY MEAN SOMETHING TO US AS HUMAN BEINGS.


I did it. I I left my pay check in 2020 and have not lived lavishly anymore. I knew deep in my heart what was being done to humanity. It tortured me to see the unbelievers. I spoke up and was reprimanded by society, family and so called friends. I was called crazy. I told my co workers what was really happening but they took the jab to save their jobs in the health care industry. I lost A LOT of material luxuries. But my service to humanity has given me peace.

Sandy Koufax

Steph, you are undoubtedly the best of humanity. You are of a special kind; you are the soldier that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. You are the parent that every child wants to have and the child that every parent dreams of having. You are a being above the average of society, you are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. You are a superhero.

You did what others could not, you were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion.

Banned from you families’ table at Christmas, you never saw anything so cruel. You lost your jobs, let you career sink, had no more money … but you didn’t care. You suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation … but you kept going.

Never before in humanity has there been such a “casting”, now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

That’s you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand.

You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark.”


You are so very kind.Thank you. I believe you are one of the bravest to speak the truth. You glow in the brightest of light for you see the truth.

David Hoffer

mike talking to himself is hilarious


Sad state of affairs. Doctors and nurses alike disregarding all international law for a check. The Declaration of Geneva of 2017, the Nuremberg Code of 1947, the UDHR of 1948, the UN Charter of 1946, the UNESCO article on Bioethics and Human Rights 2006 aren’t there for nothing. TEHSE LAWS PROTECT US, THEY MEAN SOMETHING TO US AS HUMAN BEINGS.

Michael R Davis

I have refused to enter my VA hospital for the past 2 years, about a 30 mile drive. Fortunately, my VA doctors still fill my prescriptions, the VA pharmacy still mails my refills. When the doctors call me, first question is, “Did you get a covid vaccine or booster? No. Are you going to? No. Did you get a flu shot? No. Are you going to? No. Are you taking your prescriptions as advised? Yes. How are you feeling? Fine. You need to come to the hospital for a checkup. Not safe. Ok. Call us when you decide to come in. Ok.”


In my opinion I will only go to the ER if it is due to a loss of limb. There will be so many non pharmaceuticals that will be introduced to us. Stay strong. This soon shall pass.

David Hoffer

n0body cares

Cynthia Snyder

It’s no wonder more parents are choosing to homeschool their children and protect their children from the school system. Some of those leftist teachers may find themselves out of a job.


Probably all of them. They have been deceived.

John .S

America needs a dollar-for dollar tax deduction in sending kids to private school.

David Hoffer

i don’t need buddy christ brain washing kids at school just because you believe (and probably contribute) fake news

Last edited 1 year ago by David Hoffer
John .S

Don’t do jury duty, you might send an innocent person to prison.

My post never referenced ‘Parochial School, keywords posted: “Private School”.

BTW, in my zone there’s a
private school called: Kew-Forest School serving Pre-K to 12th grade, tuition is expensive.

Dollar-for dollar tax deduction would lighten the burden on parents, also public school overcrowding.

FYI, Trump went to Kew-Forest School currently its tuition starts at $14k almost touching $40k as per website.

Again: don’t do jury duty.

Michael R Davis

Trump went to New York Military Academy for his high school 4 years, which shares some instructors with nearby Westpoint Military Academy. His military tactics are superb combined with the Sun Tzu Art of War tactics.

David Hoffer


John .S

The Donald is a smart guy, also a knock-around Queens guy.

On different note.
Would bet every dollar I have that Donald frequented Jahn’s ice cream parlor, and went sleigh riding in Forest Park, and back when, bellied-upped to the shrimp buffet at Beef Steak Charlie’s in Forest Hills.

The Donald is a real NYer, so is Dr. Michael Savage. Could say both as genuine street kids.

David Hoffer

he is a real NYer and everyone there hates him

Boss Lady

This is mental, emotional and physical ABUSE at the highest level. I’d sue every teacher independently as well as the school.


I Think it is about time SOMETHING
REALLY BIG Must Happen !!

David Hoffer

my adrenochrome supply is about to be topped off! hallelujah!


Lol you say this literally every week, did it ever occur to you’re just a loser waiting on nothing?

John .S

It’s happening slowly via public upheaval, could say: anti narrative Patriots speaking out.

In my realm leafleting & vehicle window writings taking anti vax stance, similar as a termite eating away at a structure.

Recently had vax mobile call out the dogs on me while in public, Popo wanting my ID, and looking to cuff & stuff me. Handed cops my 8 1/2 × 14 script, doing the tuck and tail.


Lol this doesn’t sound like much ‘public upheaval’ John. It sounds like they called the cops on you and you ran away.


it’s all the jew kid’s fault, GTberg


Karen Kingson reports that all vax scenes are really bio-weapons as written in the vax scene patents. Taking a vax scene is like eating rotten tomatoes, but way worse, can even kill you. If you are a victim of a vax scene jab, remember Jesus and the Holy Spirit will take the poison out of your body, if you repent and and give your life to Christ, so in the next life you can see His Kingdom with gold roads singing flowers, colors beyond the rainbow, a paradise, rather than ending up falling off a cliff into hell, where fire never goes out. Renew your heart as when you were a child.

David Hoffer

vax scenes 


Hahahahaha holy shit


“I’d be ostracized and made uncomfortable”



Let’s get on past this loonatics.

When is ron klain’s execution?

David Hoffer

see if he tweeted about it


It is so amusing to see libtards so unremittingly threatened by a has been. But why not, they are still threatened by the Founders from nearly 300 year ago!


Parents need to GET INVOLVED! Sit in on your child’s class, even if sporadically, and when you hear a teacher say something ‘woke’ yell out, “That’s a LIE!” Hold them accountable. My sister often sat in on her son’s class. Also, if possible, have a parent volunteer as a teacher helper to assist in class (some schools do this).
These are your kids and your tax dollars. You are paying them to educate, not brainwash.

David Hoffer

ahahaha this is gold.


Totally agree!

Rose Mary Abbott

Everyone at the schools that did this is treasonous. They are all part of the Cabal and each has worked towards overthrowing our government. They are Communists and they belong at GITMO! I am only one person who cannot pull any strings to get it done, but it needs to get done! They are destroying all of the children’s lives who are FORCED to listen to them without the ability to hear and argue for the truth. Most of them are too young to fight back with reason.

David Hoffer

lol @ treason

Jose Ramirez

I don’t care what anybody say. I voted for Trump every time and I will again. I’m Latino and I’m very proud I support our great president Donald J Trump. Latinos for Trump! Trump all de way!!!! Yes!!!!!

Rose Mary Abbott

You are awesome Jose! Keep up the great work!


Agreed,. 👍


“all the way” not “de.” Don’t speak like the ghetto dwellers.

Sandy Thomas

Why don’t You just don’t speak.

David Hoffer

this is why you stay in school kids

Jose Ramirez

Whatever, I will vote for Donald J Trump all the time! Trump loves USA, the USA’s constitution, Trump is fighting for us.. I WILL GET A BULLET TO PROTECT DONALD J TRUMP! TRUMP ALL THE WAY! WWG1WGA !!! Latinos are not stupid, and we love Donald J Trump!!!


Ok man, you do you






It’s frightening to think that these teachers are shaping the minds of a whole generarion of children. When did devotion to Communism, Socialism and Marxism become a requirement to be an educator?

Rose Mary Abbott

When we elected Barack Hussein Obama as President of the United States of America. IF we elected Obama or even NOT he did it and there you have it.

Michael R Davis

Passaic City School District – Quick Stats (2023)

  • District size: 17 schools
  • Grades: PK-12
  • Enrollment: 12,888 students
  • Student:Teacher Ratio: 12:1
  • Minority Enrollment: 99%
  • Graduation Rate: 64% (Btm 50% in NJ)
  • Overall District Rank: Bottom 50%
  • Math Proficiency: 7% (Btm 50%)
  • Reading Proficiency: 26% (Btm 50%)
  • Source: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), NJ Dept. of Education

For the 2023 school year, there are 17 public schools serving 12,888 students in Passaic City School District. This district’s average testing ranking is 1/10, which is in the bottom 50% of public schools in New Jersey.

Public Schools in Passaic City School District have an average math proficiency score of 19% (versus the New Jersey public school average of 44%), and reading proficiency score of 32% (versus the 57% statewide average).

Minority enrollment is 99% of the student body (majority Hispanic), which is more than the New Jersey public school average of 59% (majority Hispanic).

David Hoffer



My sister thought it would be nice to have her little son learn to speak spanish since they own a fence company and employ many mexican workers. That way he would be able to communicate with them. One day she sat in on the class and was appalled. They don’t expect anything of those kids and if she had allowed her child to stay he would have been hopelessly behind all his peers. The very next day she yanked him out and put him back into a regular class!

Last edited 1 year ago by Guest4579

Good for her!


Good for her!


Not sure what this post is getting at, other than you hate minorities I guess

Michael R Davis

Edit: This story was written several days ago, and posted 1/24/2023. It seems the school district in question did lift it’s mandate on 01/23/2023, a day before the article was posted. Therefore, there is currently no mandate.”

This is the school district which the day before on Sunday was mandating useless masks on innocent children, and prior to Sunday. More than likely, the school district will return to mandating masks, likely mandating the deadly JAB ‘vaccines’ also very soon, repeating the insanity from the left we have seen the past two years.

John .S

Back in early 80’s went to Passaic Theater catching rock and roll shows there. Then the area a dump, heard being regentrified.

Jerry Miller

The educational system is run by Marxist- They must be weeded out. Children are our future. What future do we have if we allow dangerious people to fill their minds with poison. I think it’s funny how schools force kids to sit through FICTION ( yes, real fiction) like Shindler’s List, BOy in the stripped pajamas and Anne’ Frank’s Diary (all fiction) but refuse to talk about the hundreds of millions murdered under Marxism. (FACT) Teachers Unions are Marxist.

Rose Mary Abbott

I’m 67 years old and they taught about the “Diary of Anne Frank” to me. I have also read other biographies that back up her information.

Rose Mary Abbott

I’m 67 years old and they taught about the “Diary of Anne Frank” to me. I have also read other biographies that back up her information. It sounds to me like you are also trying to promote a form of “revisionist history” by saying that there was no Holocaust in WWII. The Iranians try to promote that crap to their children to make them hate the Jews.

Michael R Davis

Written in the style of a man with a yet to be invented ballpoint pen. Impossible. Fiction by a paid mystery author.


The Diary of Anne Frank is real. She wrote it in fountain pen. All of it. Her father inserted two pages of his own, and as well, he numbered Anne’s pages with a ballpoint pen. Ball point pens were released onto the market in 1945. She was real, and she lived locked up in a blacked-out apartment for two years, with her family and another family, until a bloody NURSE ratted them out as to their hidden location. She survived three camps and died in the last one just days before the Americans came to release the prisoners. She lived through unspeakable atrocities. She died a horrible death, but she had a bright and beautiful spirit and it comes through in her writings.


Oh please. My father fought in WWII which was NOT fiction. And yes, millions have been murdered under marxism. Didn’t you know that Nazi is an abbreviation of the German Nationalsozialist (based on earlier German sozi, popular abbreviation of “socialist”), from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei “National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party.”


What evil Satanic swine these teachers are.!!!!


People in NJ are still wearing masks voluntarily. The pure definition of stupid, the indoctrinated coronAmorons

Michael R Davis

Just witnessed an idiot wearing a white N95 mask, wearing a very expensive suit and hat, driving a 100,000 dollar Mercedes with mask on, walking a long distance to the store in a snow storm, turning in frustration to recover his forgotten wallet back in the car, the snow quickly melting off the mask due to his hot breath with molecules of visible vapor coming through the mask a hundred times larger than any ‘corona virus’ he might encounter.

Dozens of customers just stared, some laughing, some shaking their heads, hat and suit covered with snow, mask dripping water down his chest. A freak, frightened to death by CNN, MSNBC, FAKE News, Dr Fraudci.

American Living in Canada

The people I have a soft spot for are the ones wearing a mask and terrified that maybe don’t have loved ones around to help them out and inform them of the deceit that’s going on. There are good people out there and their wires are not all connected that well as the same as others.

That’s why I want to see the fake msm burned to the ground and exposed for their crimes against Humanity.

David Hoffer

sounds like you’re a stalker


Why do you care if other people wear masks? How does this affect you in any way whatsoever

Ruby Kennard

These ‘teachers’ are demonic. Children are impressive and are being indoctrinated with pure hatred. These people are using innocent children to spread their hatred and far left ideology. They should never be allowed near a child or classroom.

Rose Mary Abbott

It is like the Muslim schools teaching the Muslim children to hate the Jewish children.

Michael R Davis

Muslim schools teach Muslim children to hate everybody who is not Muslim.


You are right; democrats are filled with hate. Always have been.


Gene Decode refutes the flat Earth theory, saying it first began as a psyop to further dumb the masses. He says some people are still in 2D and can’t see in 3D.

Sandy Thomas

I’ve always known it was a psy-op. If they can hypnotize Some truthers into it than Truth looks stupid.

Nick NavyBlueSmoke Nicholson

It seems that the WEF , The Pyramid Structure & all of the other orgs bending over for the Traitor to Heaven are extremely desperate ! They know their time is short in this era , the awakening is happening and they now count on their most dumbed down drones Teachers ! Even CNN has done a turnaround & started to tell the truth but Teachers are dumb enough to continue the lies while everyone else realizes they will not have a job if they continue to lie …… It’s Bizarro World & Thankfully 90 % + of the Dem / Rinos took the clot shot & they will not be reproducing more , immoral hair snffing perverts …… Change is in the air & we are at that front & leading the way …….. Engage Warp Drive Scotty , we’ve got to find Intelligent Life ; Somewhere ………… Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


They are a bunch of liars and morons. They should be X commuted from this country.

David Hoffer

x commuted

Nukkin Futz

Sounds like the deep state lefty dumbocrackers are getting very desperate, right now….They need to watch some older James Bond and Mission Ridiculous flicks to get some fresher ideas of mind control. They are upholding the first amendment and this is seditious treason for the first count of their future trial, against the US Constitution………hang’em high….

David Hoffer

seditious treason


This is very tragic that they’re molding children’s minds to go against thee ONLY president ballsy enough to take down the DS with the help of God and the military WH.
The masks are doing NOTHING but creating bacteria pneumonia when worn extensively; among other psychological effects. dr. fakey said that in 2011! Now he said for everybody to wear 3 masks! When will this movie end!

David Hoffer

damn god and the military couldn’t take down the ds in 4 years


Maybe we should send teachers to a re-education camp. Just kidding, I know you can’t change the mind of someone so thoroughly indoctrinated.


Maybe, it may work.

David Hoffer


Sojourner Truth

For teachers to be telling lies about Trump to the students is despicable! They are like the media that suppresses the truth. How can they say it is Trump’s fault that the disease proliferated!! Trump was the one closing the border off to China, while Biden was calling Trump “xenophobic” for closing the borders. Thank God Joe wasn’t president at the time COVID broke out. Deceiving children is the opposite of education. Instead of enlightenment, it is darkness!


I guess teaching kids to respect righteous leaders in authority is out the window as well.

David Hoffer


orange julius

I feel so bad for parents who have to send their kids to these terrible schools.


The parents were brainwashed long ago. This has been going on since at least the 1950s and 1960s.


Child abuse right in your face.


>teachers with conservative values must hide them or risk losing their jobs.

bullshit. the teacher’s union is one of the most powerful unions left in this country. if these dickless wonders really are skeert to lose their jobs, they need to grow a pair and stand up for what they believe. and even if they are fired, when the dust settles after the lawsuits, they will be vindicated (and wealthy).

Last edited 1 year ago by Flint

Why do they have masks on period? You can not prove it is necessary can you?