Vaxxed and Boosted Fox News Executive Dies of Heart Attack


If Fox News were authentic, it would tell viewers that Senior Vice President of News & Politics Alan Komissaroff, who died of a heart attack Friday at the age of 47, received Covid-19 booster shots in April 2022 and January 2023. A Fox source speaking under anonymity told Real Raw News that Komissaroff was a vaccine advocate who had worn a “Get the vax” lapel pin until other network personalities teased him, even though they, too, were vaccinated.

In August 2021, Kevin Lord, executive vice president of human resources at Fox News parent Fox Corp, required all employees to get vaccinated or submit to daily tests, and later said 90% of the workforce had chosen shots over painful nasal swabs. In the end, many on-air personalities that rightfully railed against vaccine mandates had taken a jab or three.

At least Komissaroff was forthright; nonetheless, he, like so many naïve sheeple, entrusted his life to the CDC, to the promises of the late Dr. Anthony Fauci, to flimsy, ungrounded science, and to an unproven vaccine that killed hundreds of trial participants and hundreds of thousands more after the FDA granted pharmaceutical manufacturers emergency-use authorization.

It’s impossible to know whether the vaccine killed Komissaroff, but he was in a high-risk pool—he had a near-fatal heart attack ten years ago. Vaccine lovers will indeed say that one heart attack amplifies the odds of having a second, more dangerous heart attack, regardless of vaccination status. However, doctors who treated patients with proven drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine proved through empirical research that vaccines killed a disproportionate number of the elderly and immunocompromised.

As for Komissaroff, could the time between his last booster and the moment of death be a coincidence? Anything’s possible. But even skeptical doctors have admitted to seeing an undeniable correlation between vaccines and excess fatalities. It wasn’t until vaccines came along that people in their 30s, 40s and 50s started dropping dead en masse, and physicians began noticing snake-like blood clots in corpses.

Fifteen hundred vaccinated amateur and professional athletes—people in prime health—have suffered cardiac arrest since the proliferation of Covid-19 vaccines; in prior years, the average was 29, a marked difference.

Komissaroff was neither an athlete nor an example of excellent health, but he could be another vaccine statistic, one of the millions.

Our source said Fox would not publicly comment on Komissarov’s vaccination status because HIPPA protects the individually identifiable health information about a decedent for 50 years following the date of death.

“Not to mention, Fox News sure as hell isn’t going to announce to its viewers that 90% of them got vaxxed, and that includes me. Everyone here loved Alan [ Komissaroff]. He made us all laugh. He was a great guy and just did what we all had to do. He’ll be missed. I hope the vaccine didn’t kill him, but many of us here are silently wondering, including some big names you wouldn’t think got the shot,” our source said.

Komissaroff is survived by his wife Rachael, who was his high school sweetheart, along with his children Ben, 17, and Olivia, 13.

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David Hoffer

beeeeeeeeeekay have it your way, except when mike has typos

Jan D Hunsinger

No one cares! Plus most of us don’t believe you.

Michael R Davis

You cannot just ignore the bot can you?

Stinky Perfume

I learned it was feeling worse to pile up red negatives. There’s people on ankle monitors that think they are going to get back, catch up after drugs and prison or get more. Can’t figure out who else answers such a vague job description.

David T

Hacked account being run by a bot.

Nancy Guillen

Speak only for yourself.

Country Girl

So petty and childish!!

David Hoffer

Chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, Italian, Spicy, Bacon & Swiss, Classic. Take one bite and it all starts clicking. Crown up my day.

at beeeekay have it your way

David T

Your first name is Jack not David


I made 1,000 fiat in 15 minutes of MD order for 1 jab. 53,000$ for remdesimir. Stopped and saved lives.

Stinky Perfume

I guess that’s slightly funny.


I made 1,000 fiat in 15 minutes of MD order for 1 jab. 53,000$ for remdesimir. Stopped and saved lives. Then I barfed


How much did you make with one MD written or verbal order? How much did you make with with an anticoagulant?l You killed your patients with remdesivir. Pharmacist, RN, MD: If you knowingly injected our population with the genocide bioweapon you will be hanged by the neck until dead. If you prefer Barray’s way go with Comey. The neck, of course.

Stinky Perfume

It sounds like they might have stopped putting the graphene oxide in the jabs a while back. Del Bigtree: The stab seemed to kill the most aggressive rude competitor types of people that think they are above average normies, in the neighborhood, workforce, or ballgames, whatever, they believe life is a competition and run out to get the stabs (if they believed it was real protection) like it’s a survival competition game. Some competitors realized the stab was a killer thing.

The med mafia owns the doctors hard core. I talked to some, and they were shared shitless not to find victims. They were under ‘take the money and Do OR don’t and DIE order’. (Do or Die). In one case I spoke to at length with, it was his wife and kids jabbed. He said if anyone dies “that’s up to god”.

Besides lot numbers it does appear something higher than random lot numbers was watching over who got what. In other words they weren’t going to kill doc’s wives or kids until they were done using them. In other words docs know it was a kill plan but opted to obey the orders.

Stinky Perfume

I meant to say random lot numbers assigned to people categories.


Thank you, Michael. No worries. Make some fresh hot coffee in the a.m. with some croissants, perhaps with French vanilla and almond filling.


Thanks Michael, very much needed info

Jan D Hunsinger

Your diligence in posting stories even at off hours is noted and very-much appreciated, MB.

Johnny Lunchbucket

No problem Michael, mistakes are human.

Stupid games-Stupid prizes, pure and simple.

Sharon Janice Manning

Most of us aren’t nazi grammarians. Typos and accidental misspellings aren’t worth fighting over. Good grief, people.




THANKS, unpaid, $HIZZLE!


That may be true, but its people like this that have a very discerning eye that are the ones to have discovered and expose the deep state criminal cabal – because they find all these things that don’t add up.


Michael, are you saying that you work for FOX News and that you took the death jab?


MB it’s ok. I thank you. For getting this out for us.

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

if this stuff wasnt real trump and the marines and jag would be all over it like stink on obamass


My condolences to his family. I pray perpetrators and liars reap what was sewn. May all be exposed


I bet it was the blood clots in his body. My cousin got Covid and had blood clots in his lungs and legs. He was put on xarelto. I am also on xarelto 20 mg so when I had Covid toward the beginning of that disease I was already on xarelto so I had no problem. Bill is now flying his plane Company owned and doing fine.



Eve Bright

I wonder if Bill Gates, Tedros of WHO, Charles Schwab really did get the experimental jab❓


The CDC admitted a couple of months ago, over 100K people in the US died from the jab. Worldwide, over 1 million people have died. Do your homework people. This isn’t about any flu/covid, this is about control and depopulation according to the NWO and the deep state.

Tracy Reinert

Clearly & forthrightly stated, Baxter. Good job. Fox, for all their efforts at truth-telling, have also taken Soros’ moneys, & have to kiss~arse as a result. We are the real journalists. We are.


Fairly ironic that the head of the news at Fox dies most likely by injection, the very story that the agency has worked so hard to repress. This is a sad tale. I’m sorry for his wife and kids.

Larry Murray

If you are supposed to be our Nation’s Military, Then why are you acting like a local police force? Americans have lost Trust in Government, Financial system, judicial systemm… Proof in front of your face of outright Treason against We the People and our Nation, yet nothing! We the People will trust None of you in the future for what you have done to Humanity and our planet. Our Military is now the local news media? You have all lost your Integrity and the trust of We the People and other Nations. Wow, We the People, are paying for a Military that can not and will not secure their own Nation’s border! All while providing other Nation’s security? You have all been defunded because out of the whole lot of you, None of you imbeciles would even attempt to think for yourselves and say wait a minute this does not make any sense? You have a whole Nation’s Military that has been dumbed down to meet a Global agenda! I am being paid to destroy my own Nations’ future existence? Peace.

Larry Murray

If you are supposed to be our Nation’s Military, Then why are you acting like a local police force? Americans have lost Trust in Government, Financial system, judicial systemm… Proof in front of your face of outright Treason against We the People and our Nation, yet nothing! We the People will trust None of you in the future for what you have done to Humanity and our planet. Our Military is now the local news media? You have all lost your Integrity and the trust of We the People and other Nations. Wow, We the People, are paying for a Military that can not and will not secure their own Nation’s border! All while providing other Nation’s security? You have all been defunded because out of the whole lot of you, None of you imbeciles would even attempt to think for yourselves and say wait a minute this does not make any sense? You have a whole Nation’s Military that has been dumbed down to meet a Global agenda! I am being paid to destroy my own Nations’ future existence? Peace.

Victoria Flood

Imagine dieing for your job! You can always get another job, but once you die, you can’t come back. No matter how great your job is, it’s not worth your precious life!


HIPPA is now HIPAA. The P for privacy has been replaced by A for accountability. But, if you research it, you’ll find that it has always been HIPAA.


Karma’s a B*tch! Anyone who forced people to get the jab. I feel like he got his KARMA! Justice..and of course it was the jab that killed him. Everyone who got it will be dead in 5 years or less. The more jabs you get, the sooner you die.


And now he’s dead, which makes him eligible for this years Darwin awards! Sorry I have little sympathy for sheeple who blindly follow orders from lying psychopaths!

orange julius

I hope people wake up to vaccines soon.


Cest la vie ~


What a shame to have to hide the real truth, what have we come to?


Why did Fox play hardball with the lives of their executives and staff? Look into dead peasant life insurance. They don’t care about you


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out if you’ve been vaccinated, you are more likely to die of a stroke or heart attack complements of your government and FDA who were pushing it. It’s called population control folks! Wake up and smell the coffee!!!!


R.I.P. Alan!! You will be missed–so sorry you were deceived into getting vaxxed. Praying for you & your family! God bless all of you.


One will be taken, one will be left.

robin earl redwine

charlie ward is a probably the biggest lying grifter on the entire planet. him and dave x22.


can you imagine being so weak minded that you’d submit to getting injected instead of walking away? must be a liberal

robin earl redwine

yes… lets say half the planet is conservative and half liberal.. im sure none of the 4 billion conservatives took the drumpers death jab. intelligent statement.


I don’t forget logistics. I do remember love, compassion and gratitude.


What happens to peoples “like” on their comments? It reminds me of election night. Things disappear over night!


Allot of us didn’t choose the path of the Military because we didn’t trust the government to USE them wisely after Vietnam. Doesn’t mean we are not capable if pressed. SO get your F ing Whit Hat act together and stop looking like Larry Moe and Curley, Get control of the vaxxes / murder weapons used on the population. You will have to answer for that, good or ill. We are capable, either do it right or call us in to help. But killing us off with the vaxx isn’t a good plan. After Berger didn’t realize he was a high value target I am wondering if you have a good plan. If you can’t get the basics right, Command and Control structure = High value target, not just the top guy either. The more we struggle the pissier we get. Especially when we hear about stupid moves and wonder how many more people die because of your stupid moves. Vaxxes, High food and gas prices, people deciding to pay rent or their electric bill, food bill, gasoline bill, gas bill. Get your Mother Fucking act together, and at least quit showing us your shit show.

Pastor Kevin

I walked away from my only source of income in the health field, a twenty-year career, passionate about it (never took an income from the church while pastoring), unable to wear a mask and unwilling to be vaxxed; personally … if more people walked with the courage to stand and fight, rather than submitting to employer mandatory vaccines, I believe we would be over this mess, or certainly much closer to it. Principles are principles, not to be compromised.

PS: Not on my words as a parent, but both my children, imperfect Christians like the rest of us, son and daughter, (latter in Policing) refused mandatory vaccines, and they were no longer hassled about it – and the city where my daughter is employed, took away the right to mandate against the wishes of the employee.


And at some point the WHITE HATS are going to have to explain why they allowed all the people who got vaxxed to get vaxxed. IF they were in charge WTF. Berger and his bumbling incompetence may have a part to play in that as well. How many TOP commanders don’t realize they are a HIGH VALUE TARGET. Right now I’m pretty disgusted. Some of you may be riding this shit show out in a place of comfort, but most of us are not. Get your fucking act together or bring us in on it to help.

robin earl redwine

They will never explain that and quite frankly they dont give two fucks about average human beings. If they were actually fighting the satanists drump would have spoken 9/11 and vaccine truth on day one in 2016.his silence is all you need to know. FYi the vaccine injured trust the planners here wont like someone using logic and common sense when you clearly should just stfu and take drumps beautiful vaccine.

robin earl redwine

the q retards response to why drump pushed the death jab so hard was that ” he didnt know it was bad”. Nver mind the fact that in 2014 drump stated that vaccines were deadly. He thought vaccines were terrible but mass murderer faucis death jab was beautiful.

About time

Oops. Too bad. They pushed the shot, now they got some splaning to do. I’ll be waiting for their non-apology apology.

Last edited 1 year ago by About time
Lone Ranger

The last part of your article, Mike, was a “Bingo”! You really can’t trust Fox! One has to read through the half truths. The Fox people get their paychecks from the same guy. And they WILL toe the line no matter if it’s Tucker, Hannity or whomever. It’s sad to say, but Fox is just another cog in the lame stream media. Wish they weren’t.

Proudly Unaffiliated

This is another, well-written RRN article that can only lend more credibility to Michael Baxter.

Bob whitt

So right on. Question: what is being done to the Satanic Mormon Church of Salt Lake and the millions murdered and injured by the Deadly Covid Jabs? I have kinfolk who permitted some of this to happen. Is there a White Hat contact for Idaho?

robin earl redwine

what is being done? lmao. they will whine about the media and tell you to take their beautiful death jab. If youre looking for actual good people stopping the satanists youve come to the wrong planet sir.

Linda Chambers

“Fifteen hundred vaccinated amateur and professional athletes—people in prime health—have suffered cardiac arrest since the proliferation of Covid-19 vaccines; in prior years, the average was 29, a marked difference.”


Well if he previously had a heart attack at only 37 years of age then he had heart issues.


Please get rid of that annoying “Before you leave” thing that pops up even when one is not leaving but simply moving from article to article.

Brenda Hoten

There are so many folks with “super duper” smart relatives that have debunked the vaxx though. I guess they are on their own journey of 3D earthly lies and they appreciate communism.

Hal Brown

Well, now he won’t be hanged like lying journalists were hanged at Nuremburg,

Sandy Koufax

Trump COVID Shot addicts are the dregs of humanity. Those of us who refused the shot are undoubtedly the best of humanity..

robin earl redwine

many good folks took it. they have been brainwashed since birth and when needing someone to tell them the truth to save their life the drumper and team q decided to kill the stupid goyim. One can only hope the drumper and team q / military suffer the same fate.


Wonder if he got more money for push this genocidal vax. Stupid is as Stupid does. Feel sorry for his family, when they find out about the vac. Hopefully it won’t be 60 years from now.


Great name: “Komissaroff”. The Commissars were the political officers in the Soviet era in charge of politically correct thoughts and propaganda…


That was my first thought too when I saw the headline.

Jose Ramirez

Fox News is a traitor channel. Fuck the Fox News!!!!

Bust A Nut

An autopsy would reveal some useful information about why he crooked.


Take your shots goy.

robin earl redwine

everyone should take drumpers beautiful vaccine.


Bury him with the “Get the Vax” lapel pin prominently displayed.


Thank you, Michael, for this information. So many needless deaths and I still wonder about “Diamond’s” passing. Something is definitely rotten but in more than Denmark.

David Hoffer

but I didn’t know Silk at all. I just learned about Silk.



Their enablers are just as much cannon fodder to the Cabal as we are. In fact, their hit lists may contain more of their own names than our names. Remember that Hawkeye told Chingatchgook “They are a breed apart and make no sense. Don’t try to understand them and don’t try to make them understand you.” Good advice for us.

Delenda Est Coniurati.


Yes, that’s also good advice regarding the Antifa and woke crowd who riot and burn in the streets. Madness and lunacy.

robin earl redwine


Nick NavyBlueSmoke Nicholson

No matter how many of these stories roll out , I am still shocked that the so-called ” Health ” Industry so easily cooperated with an Obvious Depopulation Agenda ! The perps of this Anti-Human event must all be pursued & swiftly meet their deserved fate. Future wannabee perps should have hesitancy in ever launching another Depop Action based on anticipation that THEY will also meet the same fate as those Evil Bass Tards ; that devised & implemented the past event. The line in the story that disturbed me most was saying that the source had also taken the jab ! I sure as heck want to believe Mr Baxter was not the person saying that ! We need him in position & cannot afford to lose him ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

David Hoffer

evil bass tards would be a good band name

David Hoffer

why is klain still tweeting?

in before the “anyone can tweet” excuse

robin earl redwine

same reason tom hanks is still making movies.

David Hoffer

Charlie Kirk’s gums have their own zip code


Oh well. Don’t really care who from Fox Corp dies. They lost all respect many years ago.

CONservative DEMocrat

I wish I could say I care about FOX and it’s employees. Peter Doocey, Tucker and Gutfeld, that’s it.


I am sorry but the stupidty of those who should know better is incredible. What better place to do research but a news company.