Marines Catch FBI Trying to Sabotage Substation in Idaho, and Kill Them.

Stock Photo.

United States Marines on Sunday gunned down criminal FBI agents trying to sabotage an electrical substation in Meridian, Idaho, sources in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Over the last three months, at least nine substations have been attacked in North Carolina, Washington, and Oregon, depriving tens of thousands of people of power, sometimes for several days. Following those attacks, the FBI posted a $250,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of whoever carried out twin attacks in Moore and Randolph Counties, N.C.

The feds also timidly implicated Trump supporters who oppose the LGBTQ community because the saboteurs struck cities hosting trans-friendly events.

The military now says the FBI should have put the 250K bounty on itself, for all signs suggest corrupt agents perpetrated the substation mishaps.

According to our source, the FBI’s “5th Column,” a growing number of agents working against Merrick Garland and his abhorrent Department of Justice, told Gen. Smith’s office that rogue agents were planning to disable a “power station near Boise” during the Super Bowl, but the tipster didn’t know which substation would be struck. And since Boise, a city with 250,000 residents, and its suburbs had numerous substations, Gen. Smith wanted specifics before committing his Marines to what could have been a wild goose chase. Such an attack would undeniably have made people angry and left thousands without electricity on a frigid night. Although some earlier “5th Column” tips yielded fruitful intelligence—and led to Deep State arrests—others were a bust, a waste of time and resources.

White Hat resources, he said, are stretched thin across a broad battlefield, and Gen. Smith must judiciously pick his fights based on concrete intel, not rumor, speculation, or innuendo.

“In the grand scheme of things, deploying a platoon or two might not seem like a big deal, but it could mean we’d have to pull Marines off current, just-as-important assignments. We have limited elasticity and need to know we’re using assets appropriately,” our source said.

He also let slip that Marines and members of the Special Operations community are involved in overseas assignments, but he wouldn’t elaborate.

When the substation tip came in, Gen. Smith asked, “Boise? Why Boise?”

But the whistleblower seemed clueless. He couldn’t say whether Merrick Garland or Director Christopher Wray authorized the attack, or name the field office—Boise has one—from where the sinister agents would emerge.

“The agents fighting the regime’s takeover—we know they put themselves at risk. We still must be wary of wolves in sheep’s clothing and traps,” our source said.

He added that Gen. Smith spent two days pondering a course of action: either disregard the tip or send a small expeditionary force to Idaho. The general decided on the latter because “If something went down and Marines weren’t there to try to thwart it, Gen. Smith wouldn’t forgive his inaction.”

By Super Bowl Sunday kickoff, a Marine reconnaissance platoon had already arrived in Idaho and had scouted five distribution substations within a 30-mile radius of downtown Boise. They decided that anyone brazen enough to assault a utility while the sun still shone would choose a remote location with the sparsest nearby housing. But no such locale existed. The surrounding substations in Boise, Eagle, and Meridian were densely populated, with homes, in some cases, only meters away from buzzing and humming transformers. The platoon commander, unwilling to stretch his forces too thinly, divided the Marines into three 8-man teams, stationing them at substations with the least visible security—chain fences and such—and foliage the agents could use to avoid detection.

An hour into the game, the Eagles were beating Kansas City, but the Marines in Idaho saw no signs of FBI saboteurs. At halftime, as a demonic Rhianna dressed in a crimson bodysuit with a pentagram belt took the stage, an SUV sporting “Trump 2024” bumper stickers stopped beside the gate of the Columbia substation in Meridian. Four men, none of whom looked like feds, exited the truck and approached the locked gate. All wore MAGA regalia—hats and jackets endorsing Trump’s 2024 presidential bid—and one carried bolt cutters. Two had AR-15-style rifles slung across their shoulders.

The Marines challenged the quartet as it snapped the padlocked gate. The intruders were told to stand down and surrender, but one unshouldered his rifle, rocked the charging handle, and leveled the muzzle in the Marines’ direction. He never had a chance to pull the trigger.

The Marines, armed with suppressor-equipped M27 rifles, opened fire, killing the aggressors. Upon searching the bodies, the Marines found several magazines and a belt pouch of C4 explosives, though none of the dead had wallets or identification. They ran a make on the SUV’s VIN and plates, which traced back to a laundromat in Wilmington, Delaware.

The dead, our source said, were fingerprinted, and White Hats with access to the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System matched two sets of prints to FBI agents assigned to an FBI office in Spokane, Washington.

“We can’t interrogate the dead, but at least now we know the FBI is complicit in the substation attacks,” our source said. “What’s worse, we’ve given the proof to MSM but they refuse to air it, and, yeah, this includes Fox, OANN, and Newsmax.”

As an aside, on Tuesday, we asked our source if White Hats had looked into the East Palestine derailment since residents have fallen ill from the release of vinyl chloride into the air. Real Raw News has also heard unsubstantiated rumors of a joint EPA-FEMA task force killing livestock and pets near the derailment. Our source said, “it’s being looked at,” but had no further info to share. He also wouldn’t comment on tales of hordes of walking wounded, supposedly effected by mind-altering petrochemicals, roaming the streets.


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Whats going on Mr Mike? There has not been anythin posted in over a week???


I was wondering, I usually use Qwant, and Mr. Baxter’s stories are not updating on that site? Any reason as to why?


Well, as we know when you are “Over the Target” the Flack gets thick. Be well, Michael.

just looking

Snopes is BS

Merry Reed

There are many comments—most all are great—i posted one myself and now cannot find it—deleted??? perhaps or i just did not find it… so here it goes again… i used to live in Idaho– Boise/Meridian area and have many friends still there in the area mentioned—there was noting going on—- and with gun fire—you can be something would have been noticed…so i scratch my head and wonder if this article is true—and if it is not?? how may other are— question everything


Ive been down same road for yr now. Articles seem written like mystery novels. If MB is getting intell it’s to confuse people like other truthers are doing. He could be black hat opposition who knows. When lies are discovered trust is hard to win back.

Merry Reed

i am not sure about this one???? i live in another part of the country— but i lived in Idaho (boise/Meridian area–and have many friends who live in the area that you spoke of—and there was Nothing going on according to them—and They follow YOU—- so i am not sure about this—especially when you covered your “six aclock” with saying OAN and Fox and Newsmax did not cover this either my thoughts are this ???????????????????

mary pascucci



At the comment of the RRN source: “We’ve given the proof to MSM but they refuse to air it,” I wonder why the U.S. military did not give the same proof to the GOP-controlled Congress. As we all know, quite a few of the Republicans there are eager to investigate the FBI’s bad behavior.


Thats what we are led to believe. Nothing any government officials are doing can be trusted no matter what side they claim to be on.


Im always sharing RRN articles in so called truther sites and I get the same kick back. But I also KNOW this is legit, how the hell could he use active military officers actual names and not be shut down for several years now!?!?

mia moriarty

I still can’t get over how i can post anything on this site I’m so used to other sites where I’m banned and the content is removed etc


All FBI agents should be placed on terrorists watch list as it is now quite obvious the FBI is a large terrorist organization!

larry smith

Shared by many, I am sure, but, gotta say: our military is just awesome!


since residents have fallen ill from the release of vinyl chloride into the air.”
nice,… hey here’s a thought for our near to non-existent military – maybe not let things like the vinyl chloride leak into all of God’s creation headin’ down the damn ohio river. I am over 50 years old today and I have NEVER, Ever seen such an embarrassing bunch of shit. If it’s not covered in glitter, satanic or straight up just bullshit .. well, gee I guess we’ll all be dead one way or another; land air water, food.. wtf ever. fking embarrassing! They need to literally oust every blue haired, liberal communist and comped rino’s the hell outta’ here. Send em’ all to fkin’ china since they love it so much. This country is being ran by idiots with a license to obviously have carte blanche when it comes to killing and faggotry. fking hell, but hey – the best is yet to come. Anyone ever had a thought maybe Trump isn’t the guy he was supposed to be or maybe, -he is and no one wants to admit it. Warp speed -whew! thank goodness for that. I’ve had people i’ve tried and tried to prevent them from getting the shots including my own mom. she was as healthy as a horse 4 months ago. yearly physical was 100% – had echocardiogram etc.. fast forward to 3 days ago – massive heart attack and 3 THREE fully clogged arteries. yeah buddy sure am getting sick of winning. oh and so is my 19 yr old nephew who died in his sleep of natural causes. bullfking shit. This country has gone to hell in a handbasket. reposting since my opinion was …well, censored. lmao unreal Realrawcensorship. awww, we must’ve hurt sum widdle guy’s feewings. lmao grow the fuck up. it’s free speech and it’s an opinion you puke. post it!


100% Agree. Many thanks for having the balls to say it.


I agree 100% too. Im 57 years old, live in california and just waiting for some money to come in to get the fuck outta this hell hole communist state. Im so sick of seeing the walking dead in their double mask virtue signaling, everybody now even grown men are offended by my dogs when we go walking in the neighborhood. I thought these leftist loved animals. I dont think they love or have any values of their own. Oh yeah so glad I stocked up on the Trump coins they kept telling to me get in 2019. Their not worth anything, as a matter of fact the people that are supposed to be buying them back dont even know about them. Im also thinking we were severely screwed over by Trump.Im trying to live on a retirement and the inflation is starving me. Thanks Trump, oh but lets just wait till 2024 and try to win a rigged election back fair and square? WTF? Oh but thats ok that you all have geocided everybody I fucking know not one person heeded my warnings about the death shot. and 3 are now dead, 4 more headed out. thanks Trump. LOVE YOU!!

mia moriarty

I’m sorry for your loss It must be military to jump start the revolution God willing it is soon
We would join in ( MILLIONS OF US) but can’t do it alone


Yeap the clot shots are killing people and evil is winning. Sick of bearing white hats got this….sure as hell dont sound or look like it.
Trump might be back in two years ya, maybe by then half of us might still be here. What happened to ”we have it all” and ”I caught the swamp,, I caught them all” obviously not when Weather machines are leashing storms, poison by way of drugs, shits, placed in air, food, water…every facid of life.
So who is winning? Who’s lying?

johnny galt

TRIGGER THE EBS SYSTEM and shut-down the MSM. The masses need to be woken up NOW, declare martial law PUBLICLY and allow the military to end this shit-show.

Jeff Snowden

How much longer is this charade going to go on it has to end soon and it now God bless America

Izonda Skyz

Problem is so many are brainwashed in the military. I think they’re battling that along with all the other evil the (mostly) left is doing.

mia moriarty

“brainwashed” is a satanic spell To even allow that thing ,not worth spit on the super /stupid bowl FLAUNTING witchcraft and a baphomet on jill and joe snake oil ‘s mantel in the dark house of evil at xmas ( whether a studio or not ),shows how far down as a nation we have sunk….. Disgusting
We need to rise up and we need to PRAY THAT ALL SPELLS are removed and that God’s power . might , protection , is upon every patriot in our precious country, to give us strength ,courage ,and to defeat the forces of evil NOW!!!


Yeah they just continue to let evil wax worse. You can’t negotiate with evil it has to be rooted out.


Can’t interrogate the dead. The military had guns pointed at the four. They stated that only one drew his gun and was killed. Seems like since the military had guns pointed they already had aim at the ones without guns drawn, the remaining three could have just been wounded to interrogate instead of killed. But I wasn’t there, I didn’t see what happened. Just asking.


We need a Convention of States to gather and then we can abolish the FBI. We need 15 more states. We have 19 all signed up and ready to start making necessary changes to the deep state.


Which 15?

mia moriarty

it’s not just FBI


“He never had a chance to pull the trigger…..”
–Stupid does because stupid is. 🙄

Sparky Sr

Ladies & Gentlemen,

Think here: You all need your thinking hats on for this…
You have a corporation with many deptments.
This corp has many 3rd party contracts.
What happens to that Corporation when it goes bankrupt & closes?
What happens to all thos departments in the corp???
What happens to those 3rd party contracts?

Now that you have your BASIC answer – the corp no longer exists and the contracts are gone….

Thinking hats on:

Back in 1871, our gov’t made the USA into a corporation WITHOUT the PEOPLE’s consent. The Reconstruction Act.

The US Constitution is a contract of the PEOPLE in how our gov’t is formed and run with our God Given Rights that cannot be changed.

Our gov’t, at that time, became a 3rd party contract (The Act is a contract) with the PEOPLE & the PEOPLE didn’t know it… under the table dealings…

Why do you think TRUMP kept saying – The PEOPLE have the POWER…
The gov’t doesn’t want you to know that….

In October 2020, President Trump (CEO of the US Corp)(remember Hillary saying in the debates that you are appointed) put in the paperwork in Florida for the US Corp bankruptcy, finalized January 7, 2021 a day after the so-called ‘insurrection’ where President implimented the 1807 Insurection Act – though he signed it on the night of the steal. There had to be an ‘insurrection’ and the President had to tell the people that We The People abide the laws and to go home!

What does this all mean – The US Corp is gone, The US Constitution is law of the land, We are at war – Insurrection Act signed & implimented..

BUT BUT BUT People are clueless to this fact – WHY?? Cause they don’t know – fact! AND Trump didn’t come out and say it – WHY?? You don’t tell your enemy what you are doing and to also appear weak when you are totally strong – “Art of War”

Our Military is in complete control, though they say short handed. (see above)
President Trump is still your President – did you figure it out yet??



is the US mil in complete control of the south border? Go to new mexico and hang out at the juarez border area after dusk. It does NOT sound as if the US mil is in control. Groups of 100-300 illegals accompanied by men with AK’s 60miles NORTH of the border are being spotted. Is the mil in control of these men in full camo and kit, just minus the arms?


so sick of hearing that while trains are being derailed all over the united states with hazardous materials. If Trump is still President then why the hell is he letting the united states of america continue to be nuked with acid!!!

mia moriarty

the sneaky train company went door to door with the paper to allow an in their home inspection for toxins SMALL print was a clause releasing any liability Hundreds missed the SMALL PRINT clause and signed it
A few caught it and refused to sign it


you do your fucking research!!!

mia moriarty

yes and people are “clueless”that federal reserve too is a corporation /no more federal than a bug on a rug /a loan shark gang created in 1913 WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF WE THE PEOPLE and that is also huge deception ,as is IRS The gullible have had their ,cosy life NOW it’s time ,every patriot rise up, take OUR country back and grow some ….how that plays out is up to every one of us and GOD ALMIGHTY


Tough period for the mason cucks.

Gas is cheap.
Food prices are moving down.
They haven’t gotten the majority of Americans fully clotshotted,
Money is still flowing in the economy
NATO can’t even actuate a solid strategy in Ukraine vs russia for fucks sake.

What’s taking so long to get the guns from Americans? I mean, it’s almost as if they know they would be DECIMATED if they did that?
What’s taking so long to get all Americans clotshotted?
Deep state eunuchs have been relegated to derailing trains and attacking electric stations, for fuck’s sake? LOL

I was convinced the masons/DS had Power. I stand corrected, and now Correct is how I can only stand.

Last edited 1 year ago by Julie

DS/masons and their ilk have had since 2008 to get our guns. The dark kenyan failed. WTF?

And here we sit, 2023 and we can get ammo delivered to our houses and we can buy and shoot basically any gun we want.

And no one gives a fuck about the ATF’s pistol brace ‘rule’. lol

mia moriarty

my grand son makes his own ammo and they could drone us all so with all due respect Julie,your theory could be flawed and our slaughter may be pending UNTIL patriots ALL of us UNITE , rise up in mass TOGETHER the same tyranny that is in place will still exist Take a look commi Canada justinia Castro was OBEYED. took children away ,froze bank accounts , destroyed semi’s imprisoned leaders of the truckers movement and they caved soon after ,and all went home …even after impressing the entire world with weeks of effort and courage ,in below zeros This revolution was a test You don’t think CIA was lurking among them yellow jackets in France /same thing ..that went on for months and many deaths there idf among them FOR US , It has to be UNITING and FIGHTING like we have never seen in our country before and maybe half of the country are purple haired yellow bellied freaks who have adoration for snake oil joe THEREFORE I’m loyal to DJT ,and pray to GOD ,DJT is the patriot I want him to be Not everything /the slow roll etc ,convinces me he will have our backs ,when the inevitable begins but it wouldn’t be the first betrayal in my life ,nor the last and my FAITH IN JESUS IS MY STRENGTH All I pray for is ,when the SHTF ,I have a few minutes left to end my four rescued beloved dogs’ lives mercifully and we all go together I will give my life for the country I love at 80 I have nothing much to lose

mia moriarty

nope gas is NOT CHEAP
food prices are NOT moving down clot shot genocide isn’t on the wane and nothing is tough for the trillionaire loan shark psychopaths
with all due respect ,I disagree



mia moriarty

the holy spirit is our teacher and by grace we are saved The war is spiritual Like trees in a forest ,we all grow at different rates and how awake we become and our discernment level , is in the hands of our heavenly father We can attempt to enlighten those around us PRAYER IS OUR POWER

mia moriarty

is this code for something


The timestamps are behind on the RRN comments by at least ten hours. Meanwhile, Merrick Garland gave a speech in St Louis yesterday discussing 200 Million being dished out to community groups aimed at reducing gun violence. Just feeding the Cabal’s street members to keep the Democratic operatives alive and well. He also gave a speech in DC on Monday. Whether he is the real deal or a body double- he is not hiding.


Thats great!… So is having the ups and downs button to respond, yeay

Rob William

Why would MB help you? People who support him are not deterred by millions of naysayers — they don’t need a proof, they just need MBs approval.


I hope that when they release the evidence of these events that RRN will get the first shot at releasing some of it – after being the only site with the connections & the stones to publish it.

Rob William

Yeah let’s see. I suspect that we will never see any evidence of anything ever published on RRN.

mia moriarty

the butt geeg gang are glopping together on the OHIO ATROCITY /covering their A wipes



Sandy Koufax

Trump has acknowledged the reconsideration hearing of the Brunson Brother’s Supreme Court case on February 17, 2023.


we are so far beyond any court case for fuck’s sake. trump and berger just delay and delay.


Please, satan owns the court system. We can’t even find ONE righteous judge…just one that will rule against the cabal.


The reports I’m getting they denied it today, so what’s next, before our country dies…


“What’s worse, we’ve given the proof to MSM but they refuse to air it, and, yeah, this includes Fox, OANN, and Newsmax.”

– Not shocked at all.

-> Glad to hear Battles are being won.

Stinky Perfume

What happened to the dead bodies? What is news expected to say? What could have been the scenario played out of these guys succeeded? Is any of this on camera? Why would security of such an important place be so easy to breach after all the other recent substation attacks? Boise is freezing so seems could have been worse.

Could deepnstaters come back and try attacking any place else? What could be expected people could or would do if they knew they almost got a serious deadly problem?

Michael R Davis

Since they got their fingerprints, most likely the Marine Recons took the bodies with them, ran the prints, put them on ice with a FBI tag on their toes. The C4 belt pouch was checked to see where it was manufactured and purchased. The bolt cutters where it was purchased. Perhaps the two not identified were ISIS or Blackrock mercenaries. Wouldn’t be surprising at all, would it? Could have been a lot of evidence left out of the article for security reasons. Would apply to all articles. News is expected to censor, which Faux, OANN, Newsmax obeyed obligingly, more than likely because their families are threatened with death. Why don’t white hats protect reporters? Most of us wouldn’t lift one finger or piss on FAKE News reporters if they were on fire.


I would rather use my urine to grow grass

mia moriarty

mine gets sprinkled around my property to keep snakes away

mia moriarty

organ harvesting


If there on the air, they are part of the problem. We do know this much. Other than that, we are in free fall

mia moriarty

A wipes

mia moriarty

Here’s what we know
Fox Fers with zero balls,get 35 million each to blab meaningless cow dung and won’t make it to maggot ,next time around a couple of Tokyo rose sissies Why have they never visited the spa



Thnx Elon!!!!
But we already knew this was going on.


Messianics, and Khazari…. not Rabbinic Jews.


that’s devisive. they’re all joos under the talmud


No – Evangelicals pretending to be Rabbinic Jews, and Nazis pretending to be Rabbinic Jews, is not even funny.

They will never be accepted, or recognized, by Rabbinic Jews as anything more than a continuation of Nazi Party Policies of World War 2.


“They” are desperate soulless muTanT’s, and will do whatever it takes without regard for anything, but “their” objective.


mia moriarty

Henry Makow

Son of Ethan Allen

They are lying about the helicopter crash in Alabama.




“They Live”


I am the Son-Of-Ja, Rastafari….I am the highest I.

Rene labre

Thank you Dr. Baxter.

Rene labre

I am pretty convinced now that this site is not about the money, it is about true, honest journalism.The stories as well as the comments from the patriots.Dr. Baxter will end up totally justified. when the EBS rolls out.



Rob William


Robin redwine

Lmao..2 weeks tight q tard?

mia moriarty

thank you for that

Stinky Perfume

Probably when enough bad guys won’t be scramming after money because they are dead. I would ask how many dead or in prison and how many more on the list.

Rene labre

Caught in the act.Armed as well.No move to surrender.Execute them. Possibly arrested and detained.Many in the deep state will not talk. Obama will defend me.We would be talking a murderous traitor here ,an enemy combatant.i offer some French advise.I guarantee,, The French will make you talk. How,you may say??? after whooping up on you real good,, depriving you of both food and sleep, The guy walks into the room with a little pot,some canned heat and some pure lead bars, which he begins to melt in the pot whats up with him? “He is preparing the enema we are going to give you if you won’t talk””he is going to put that hot lead up my rear end?” Oui Monsier!! hold it,hold on stop,alto,halt,finito! I have changed both my mind and my heart, I WILL TALK,LET’S START OVER,I WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING IN DETAIL! DO NOT POUR THAT HOT LEAD IN MY BUTT!” As I said The French will make you talk.



mia moriarty

yes the French have their ways ,they say ” all goes well in the bedroom ,the rest of the house runs smoothly ” They sat around on stools knitting, ,cheering as heads dropped into the bucket
” a drop in the bucket ” When the bucket was full of heads and overflowing , they cheered again, as heads rolled down the hill ” heads will roll”

mia moriarty

many common phrases came out of the French revolution Guillotined heads fell into the bucket “Drop in the bucket” when the bucket was full of heads and had too many heads ,some rolled on to the ground “heads will roll”

mia moriarty

did not mean to repeat the first one didn’t get posted right away so I thought he did not approve and tried again with different wording

robin earl redwine

feb 16th 2023 the satanists are in the process of literally destroying the usa…. where is the obese vax pimp or the military white hats? lmg sitting in a dumb with jfk laughing at the satanists murdering us?


So, what do you give a shit for? All you’ve done is negate anything anybody ever wrote here. You’re a freaking Troll.

David T

With a terminal case of TDS.


RRN has a terminal case of BDS. cope


Son-Of-Ja is the highest Eye of the rastafari!!!!

Robin redwine

Hopefully drumps death jab takes out your entire family..would be fitting.


El Rushbo, are you listening? Thanks for coining the now all too familiar phrase TDS that is living rent free in all radical leftist minds. Blessings, 🙏🙏

Robin redwine

That didn’t answer the question q retard

It wasn’t a hard question…even for a vaccine injured q retard.


so you acknowledge the ‘vaccine’ is injurious? cool. there IS progress


the satanists are a bunch of weak cucks. they can’t even destroy their own Georgia Shitstones properly. lol

Katie jones

Boy you can’t trust the government under Biden. Look what is happening

question everything

Your statement seems to imply that you could trust the government if a different puppet, I mean politician, were “in charge”.

robin earl redwine

98 percent of the folks here are q retards and obese cheeto supporters.

question everything

Assuming your statistics are accurate, that would mean that 2% might be capable of critical thinking, and of the 16,694 viewers thus far, that would be at least 333 people capable of ascertaining the truth. There is always a remnant.


except the numbers you see are fiction. when a new article comes out, within minutes it has over 10k views which is highly improbable


yea, almost as improbable as biden winning an election!

Last edited 1 year ago by Julie
question everything

Dominion Tabulation Software®

David T

DF troll turd with a terminal case of TDS.

question everything

Acronomically speaking, DT, WTF is your obsession with DFTT?

Robin redwine

Ha . hopefully trumps beautiful vaccine kills you’re entire family …I would laugh


Robin drank too much of his/her redwine again.

Robin redwine

Ha..good one q retard.


Sources say Robin Redwine was a struggling airforce cadet who decided to make some extra coin working at a gaybar. Goodlooking enough, robin attracted some men who suggested he get a foley catheter bag, fill up the bag with redwine, and then insert the catheter into his penis to fill his bladder with his formulaic redwine.

Then he would jump up on the bar and piss his redwine on the rich hollyweird faggot executives.

Robin is a human Decanter-er!


you will reap what you sow you creep

mia moriarty

closer to 98%


i’m completely surprised!!!


That was a low blow.

question everything

It was rational thought, not wind talking or hot air.

question everything

Do you think that he is actually using his real name with other alternative media sources? For OBVIOUS reasons, I doubt that he is, but I’m sure you are more of an expert in wind than I am.


Yes, I am.




Well, Mickey I just wanted to let you know that I admire your efforts to do something 🙂




who uses fake names?


Not really, I think that it was well deserved


Each to their own.

question everything

When seeking ways to “lend credibility”, you might consider these things.


famed huh? lmaooooooooooooooo

question everything

It is a relative term, so, yes, more famous than Jason, but probably not as well known as Bank of America.

mia moriarty





They should’ve shot them in the legs and just maime the bastards, then take them into custody to……well … You know the rest

Michael R Davis

No. Shoot to kill, always. Take him down. Wounded are still dangerous, a killshot to the head. Miss that smaller leg target, the Marine dies.


Legs don’t aim or pull triggers.
“Their” choice is/was perfectly clear, so is Mine.
Clones are programmed for one thing, even then there is No guarantee their info is valid.


Robert James

For the fourth time straight, i.e. the foregone recovery of the Amphibious Assault ship and the two cloning labs and now three non-resistiting FBI traitors.. Valuable people and equipment were not recovered or captured but neglected in planning and lost. When are the planners going to realize they serve us best by recovering ships, aircraft, other material as well as potential informants and highly skilled staff technicians?


The planners are in-on-it.

Michael R Davis

The Amphibious Assault ship was anchored next to a Venezuelan naval base filled with warships any one of which could have sunk the defenseless Boxer crewed by 32 Seals, not trained in operating a large ship in shallow coastal waters. The disabled engines will keep it there. Later, it can be retrieved from a defeated Venezuela.

Capturing prisoners adds a great danger element to an assault mission. Take no prisoners. Get in fast, get out fast before enemy supporting forces arrive,


Not enough manpower available to perform the wish list.


or maybe these articles are BULLSHIT meant to keep you placated and docile, and most importantly, INACTIVE.

Do you really think highly trained FBI agents would be on their way to the objective without having their carbines locked, cocked, and ready to rock? They had to charge their rifles AFTER THE THREAT WAS IDENTIFIED????

Last edited 1 year ago by Julie

or maybe these articles are BULLSHIT meant to keep you placated and docile, and most importantly, DONATE!



Why is this article not under the USA section?


because mike doesn’t know how tags work

question everything

UTICA, OH — Locals are rejoicing this morning at the news that a nearby food production facility made it through another night without being burned to the ground like others all around the country.
“Wow, what a beautiful sight — seeing Walt’s Soybean Corp. still standing tall and unscathed,” said local woman Pam Gohr. “We’re not sure how this happened! It’s a miracle!”
Sources say residents had expected the worst after the recent torchings of the Amish Corn Co-op, the Piltington Dairy Farm, and Bawk-Bawk Egg Collective due to mysterious unseen forces that are in no way suspicious or coordinated. “The TV told us these are all a coincidence and that we shouldn’t worry about them,” said Gohr. “Then a commercial for fried crickets came on. I’m sure everything’s fine.”
Authorities are urging locals who see suspicious activity around other food production facilities to keep walking and not report anything because nothing is happening that anyone should worry about. “There is absolutely nothing to see here,” said local FBI Field Office Director and BlackRock consultant Ted Smith. “We urge everyone to just do their jobs as citizens and watch more Netflix.”
At publishing time, sources had confirmed Walt’s Soybean Corp was on fire.


thanks! lol hahahaha

question everything

Sometimes we need a little humor to keep or regain our sanity. This article was from the highly accredited Babylon Bee, not to be confused with the Babylonian Legacy News Wire.

Dave Kelly

I did not realize you were being facetious.

question everything

Yes, as far as I know, the Bawk-Bawk Egg Collective is completely ficticious, although there is a fried chicken delivery company with a similar name. And although there are many connections between the FBI and Blackrock, the name Ted Smith is a complete and total fabrication. And from everything I have heard, fried cricket companies don’t sponsor commercial advertisements during the news hour yet.

mia moriarty


mia moriarty



The only good thing about Soya is the fermented Soya Sauce, Soya would be much better utilized by plowing it back under for field restoration of nutrients for other non-GMO crops.

LMa0 @ netflix muTanT programming.

question everything

I have no intention of defending soy or GMO crops, but I would prefer soy products to starvation or drinking water from the creek in East Palestine, OH.

Dave Kelly

The plant survived because it a soybean corporation, go do some research on soy products , yes they are a food source and yes they are PROBLEMATIC. GO check for yourselves , soy products are not good.

mia moriarty



thanks! awesoem post


Michael, you need to post this under USA and not just under News.

Dave Kelly

Mr. Baxter , So all of my posts made yesterday at this story have not survived. I made more posts today, lets see what posts survive today. Maybe you can clue me in on what seems to be the problem. Till next time.


you need to increase the quality of your posts

Dave Kelly

Quality and content are just fine, I have been posting and commenting here for quite some time, my inquiry was directed to Mr. Baxter, but thanks for your response just the same.

Stinky Perfume

Wording is scanned and held for approval, they don’t approve the face site. They don’t approve dot com links. People are wording them expecting others to write it in their browsers accurate.

Dave Kelly

I have been posting and commenting the same way , I am aware of the other things you have mentioned, thanks.

Michael R Davis

Dave, you need to hit the ‘refresh’ on your browser, then the website catches up.
I hit the refresh every time I visit, then again after reading a while.

Dave Kelly

I will give that a shot, Thanks


“We find by an unanimous vote that no widespread fraud took place in Georgia 2020 presidential election that could result in overturning that election.”

good thing trump wears diapers when he hears this news lol



I don’t always post as Jason, but when I do I write the dumbest shit ever!


you gotta admit those diapers come in handy!


Yes, for Biden! During the presidential campaign while he was hiding in his basement, one of his staff was sent to purchase several different brands of adult diapers. His staff wanted to find out which brand would rustle the least so it would not be picked up by the microphones.
In addition, a doctor with a suitcase full of drugs always follows Biden around.

mia moriarty

didn’t work out
He croaked in 18 The actor in the rubber mask signed the blank pieces of paper /EO’S with his right hand bidung was left handed

mia moriarty

so what’s with your diaper fettish jason and the president trump obsession I’m sure you couldn’t possibly be IDF

question everything

Do you really think anybody has that kind of reaction when all the alleged fact checkers agree on anything? You may be more naive than I thought.

David T

Jas0n and Jul1e are the same troll turd DF.

question everything



many people are saying julie is just gaybill, forgayken, and others, but i’m not saying that.


yet more say I post as Jason.

question everything

I don’t focus as much on who says something as much as I focus on what is being said, but my eyes tend to glaze over when they get all caught up in names and name calling and all that nonsense.

question everything

I think it is in an effort to discredit your words, because any half-wit with an attention span exceeding two minutes could see that most of your characteristics are opposite those of Jason, and could also tell that Jason just doesn’t have the talent necessary to create your persona.

mia moriarty

do they get minimum wage shekels or a perk / better sniper position to kill Palestinian children

mia moriarty

reply was to jas son

mia moriarty

sorry David T my reply was intended for JasOn ,NOT you

mia moriarty

that was a given

Tracy Reinert

I really loathe that they fake ‘dress up as Trump supporters,’ while they do their crimes, to try to blame MAGA. These three-letter agencies are rogue as hell. They are not real Americans. Good job, fellas.


But it is just so obvious. Just like J6.


it was definitely antifa in the capitol dressed up as magatards!


Yes, Pelosi hired them.

Stinky Perfume

Boston tea party at least was in the history books.


The Hisstory books, lolol. Right off the bat, bells and whistles. Books are made for indoctrination


Its as obvious as scooby doo pulling the mask off of imposter. Think about it, why is the blond haired dude called Fred as in Trump with blond hair. Trumps fathers name is Fred. Scooby Doo where are you was made for this moment in time. Back to the future.

mia moriarty

Fred was not his dad

question everything

Just curious, did you also loathe the patriots that dressed up like Mohawk Indians at the Boston Tea Party?


Who cares.

question everything

People who have principals.

question everything

…and the Mohawk Indians probably weren’t too happy about it either.

Last edited 1 year ago by question everything
robin earl redwine

why wouldnt they… its not like drump or these cowards spoken about here are actually gonna do anything about it.


Sources say Robin Redwine was a struggling airforce cadet who decided to make some extra coin working at a gaybar. Goodlooking enough, robin attracted some men who suggested he get a foley catheter bag, fill up the bag with redwine, and then insert the catheter into his penis to fill his bladder with his formulaic redwine.

Then he would jump up on the bar and piss his redwine on the rich hollyweird faggot executives.

Robin is a human Decanter-er!


God will act and you will see it. And He won’t rely on a 2024 election.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sue

Saw a ccp military parade video. Very impressive. I do not know how they got so many male AND female chinks to look like they are half black–not just in skin color but in facial bone structure. Blacks have incredibly strong bones. Well done ccp!

Bob whitt

When is the Satanic Mormon Church going to be exposed on Real Raw News?

Rose Mary Abbott

Why are the Mormons being called satanic? They believe what we do and they have more history to guide them along. They learned by talking to the American Indians that Jesus Christ actually came to them before he left the Earth and taught them what they needed to do to keep this land, but they didn’t keep His teaching so they fell when we came across the ocean. They have a knowledge about America that we just simply rejected because we were greedy and wanted it all for ourselves. Our attitude probably would have been different if the Indians would have stuck to the words of Jesus. He is how they knew about the “Great White Father.” The history that they knew about and accepted was severely unpopular with the government of the United States at the time. I am not a Mormon, but I did take the time to learn from a friend what the fuss has been about.

Bob whitt

This 85 year old was brainwashed with Mormonism since birth and served in many high leadership positions including Bishop. When they started pushing the depopulation deadly Covid vaccines/jabs that have murdered and injured millions i quit the church. They are totally involved with freemasonry and Masonic secret societies and moloch offerings including secret handshakes and slicing of throat from ear to ear, removal of tongue and heart and bowels. Many of the top leaders have been arrested and will undergo military Tribunals. The Satanic ARRINGTONS have been exposed. And on and on and on.


Well said… ALL Re-Legions were created to divide and conquer. The one god that they speak of is satan. Satan wants to lift his throne above the clouds of heaven and be like the Most High. No mention of the term GOD, The Most High Creator is who He is, satan thinks he can usurp that, lololol, satan is a joke who has changed everything. ALL Re-Legions are compliant to 501c3, part of the govern-ment, control-mind, mind control. Millions of people across the world are involved, the minions of satan and his secret societies

mia moriarty

A satanic cult 1000%


collusion among IRS and Church of LDS.

“A $100 billion investment fund owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which believes the church tried to keep the massive portfolio secret, The Wall Street Journal reported late Friday.

Ensign Peak Advisors Inc., an investment management firm in Salt Lake City, is owned by the LDS Church, which is also headquartered there. The company only began disclosing its investments in SEC filings under that company name in February 2020, the newspaper said.

Certain investments, such as U.S.-listed stocks directly managed by the firm, must be disclosed in SEC filings. The Journal said those holdings “amounted to roughly $40 billion” as of Sept. 30.”


The “hidden Sovreign wealth fund has 250% from $40 Billion to $100 Billion in the since January 1, 2021.

Australia, alone, is seeking $20 Billion. From LDS for tax evasion in Australia….LDS was using tax-avoidance schemes used by Apple and Amazon. Itnis not a crime to make money, nornis it a crime to avoid taxews.

But lying and deciving IRS and SEC, is unacceptable by any measure.


Time to stop being fooled by all the types of Jesus religions.
You must know the truth and the truth will set you free

Jesus Was An Invented Character The Piso Family In The New Testament | Part 1
‘THE PISO FAMILY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT’ – The Pisos felt that they had a ‘right’ to make a new religion based on Judaism, because they were descendants of the Herodian/Hasmonean hierarcy that appointed the Jewish High Priests. Arrius Piso was called ‘Mountanus’ in History. His name was Arrius, which is ‘Mars’.
bibliotecapleyadesDOTnet › sociopolitica › esp_sociopol_piso02b.htm
Pray only to God,The Infinite of ALL that IS.
find out who you are praying to when calling on Jesus. The Great Teacher that the Caesars modeled their fiction of Jesus on was much more than you’ve known. Was not Jewish and lived a very long life. YOU WILL NEVER FIND ANY TRUTH THAT THIS FICTION OF JESUS EVER EXISTED.


Thanks for the link this is the kind of info I enjoy and want from the site not the BS personal attacks and suppression of free speech in the comments.

mia moriarty

when is 99 yo kissanassinger going to be arrested

robin earl redwine

lmao.. 2 weeks.


When they got Mittens on a string

mia moriarty

and heinz kissanassinger and benny the chosen from unholy land

Bob whitt

Great stuff on Telegram about Med Beds. How does one get in line for one? Looks like a space spaceship will be involved.


you get in line with your wallet in hand and give it to a grifter


is that what one of the rites is for your masonic ritual?


it’s also a rite of magatards on rrn!


you fell for their ruse, again. lol ffs

Tracy Reinert

NO. The real med beds are entirely free. Only the military have them at present. They will be available as soon as we have secured our freedom.

Rose Mary Abbott

Where did the existence of “med beds” first come from? How do we know that the story of their existence is true?


it’s from the usual q grifters/influencers


Well your belief system will ensure that you are last in line. Better for us.


i won’t be in line dumbass. they don’t exist but get in line to donate more money!


They are real. The only reason they aren’t real to us is because the Medical bastards and the DS are making sure that we don’t get them. Their cash cow would be utterly gone. LOL



mia moriarty

my husband said Mehran Keshe, a nuclear physicist was selling them

Stinky Perfume

I heard companies are making many med. Ed’s and they are not the same. I real med bed has an ET RIGHT THERE WITH IT.


There are fake ones out there for sure, like ones that hook up to your bed at home and cost thousands of dollars. LOL So ridiculous. The real ones will be released at some point. They will be free.


I real med bed


What? you took the clotshot?

robin earl redwine

we dont. as least not for us. the goyim.




Great work from the Marines!! I think this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as the crooked FBI is concerned. But time is running out for the DS & it’s stooges, they will pay for their crimes for certain, in this world or the next!

Last edited 1 year ago by John

I see the comments are turned off. Lol


Make no Mistake, #CIA (of #GWU) Sabotaging Trump’s Administration and subsequent Presidential Campaign comes down to the same.


“Pure science.”

Dave Smith

God bless the Marine and all who helped on this .Thank them for being the change for the better world and universe amen. God bless us all Amen.