Putin Orders Destruction of All Covid-19 Vaccines in Russia


Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the destruction of all Covid-19 vaccine stockpiles on Russian soil, citing an undeniable connection between what has been dubbed the “Moscow Vax” and a sudden surge of HIV infections in vaccinated persons, FSB agent Andrei Zakharov told Real Raw News.

Although Putin has not made a formal announcement, he has tasked his right-hand man, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, with purging hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies of the Sputnik and CoviVac vaccine variants. The military will ensure compliance by auditing vaccine repositories and performing spot inspections.

Like President Trump, Putin was deceived by a lie; a global consortium of devious doctors, health professionals, and government stooges spun a convincing yarn about a virus that would ravage the world unless vaccines were developed to inoculate the population as soon as possible. The WHO had infiltrated the Russian Ministry of Health and planted agents of evil within the Council of Ministers and State Duma, and Western propaganda—fables of people sick with Covid falling dead on the street—seeped through Russia’s once secure borders. No nation was immune to the most elaborate disinformation campaign in the history of humanity.

On 2 December 2020, Russia launched its first mass vaccination experiment, beating other nations to the punch and delivering 6.9 million doses in the first week. As of 21 June 2022, 81.5 million people have received at least one dose, with 74.3 million fully vaccinated. In the West and Russia, vaccine recipients presented side effects such as cardiac ailments, seizures, and blood clots, with many dropping dead at home, at work, or in the streets.

“The American CIA is brilliant. When harmless Covid spread, they made up stories of so many people dying to get us all to beg for the vaccine. Then when the vaccines came, we did start dying, and the governments can blame it on Covid, not vaccines. It was such a clever plot, the world believed it,” Zakharov said.

In December 2022, the Ministry of Health reported a dramatic, countrywide spike in HIV infections among persons who had received three or more Covid-19 vaccinations and did not fit the standard demographic—homosexuals and needle users. Between 2015-2019, Russia averaged 16,000 new infections per year. In 2022, that figure skyrocketed to 63,000 to include celibate, non-drug users.

Vladimir Putin, Zakharov said, arrived at the inescapable conclusion that vaccines could cause a person to develop HIV and AIDS. The evidence was unassailable; the more jabs a person got, the greater the odds of contracting HIV. Putin viewed the correlation as more than a simple coincidence—the vaccine was tailored to deliver Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

“A fake sickness tricks people into getting a vaccine that gives them real sicknesses,” Zakharov said. “Only satanic people could have dreamed this up. For President Putin, this is a very personal affair.”

Putin, he added, has remained “pureblood,” or unvaccinated, but one of his daughters was diagnosed with HIV two weeks after she’d taken her third jab.

“President Putin told her not to get any more vaccines, but she is Westernized, she accepted the lies, and now she must stay on medicine her whole life. This infuriated President Putin,” Zakharov said.

The daughter’s diagnosis was the last straw. On Wednesday, Putin decreed that Covid-19 vaccines be destroyed, and he banned all vaccine imports. The Russian military, our source said, has already destroyed vaccines at hospitals in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, and Saratov, and was forced to “put down” hospital staff that resisted the vaccine purge. Putin has reportedly said he will not rest until every vial is shattered.

Also, Putin has ordered the execution of 130 scientists responsible for creating the Sputnik vaccines.

“Here we don’t bring the guilty to trial—a waste of time. Why waste time when we know they are guilty. We deal with these matters severely,” Zakharov said.

In closing, we asked Zakharov whether Putin would have ordered such drastic action had his daughter not been diagnosed with HIV.

“No, he still would take care of these criminals. But her diagnosis crystallized his hatred for these evil people. There will be no more vaccines in Russia,” he said.

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stated on March 4, 2023 in a blog post:
Vladimir Putin “orders destruction of all COVID-19 vaccines in Russia.”
Ciara O’Rourke
By Ciara O’Rourke
March 9, 2023
No, Vladimir Putin didn’t order COVID-19 vaccines to be destroyed in Russia
This claim is fabricated. Russia recently sent more batches of a COVID-19 vaccine to cities with low stockpiles.

See the sources for this fact-check
A recent blog post claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin “ordered the destruction of all COVID-19 vaccine stockpiles on Russian soil” because of “an undeniable connection” between the vaccine and “a sudden surge of HIV infections in vaccinated persons.”

“Putin orders destruction of all COVID-19 vaccines in Russia,” the March 4 post’s headline says.

But that’s incorrect.

This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram.)

We found no credible news reports or other sources to corroborate this post’s claims. ‘

Stinky Perfume

I saw that. Facebook put it on my post also. What we know is the whole earth has been a blood and loosh factory for reptilians and elite. The arm stabs were clearly to be a slow kill off but some states had a quick kill arm stab. We know deep state will make elaborate news to lie after all the hard push for the stab from the main stream media and on the top health websites, WHO, NIH, FDA, etc….

We didn’t expect some alternate news to remain without corroborating evidence for this long. RRN has calmed me and given hope. 39K views here is small. Russian news, has nothing I can find to corroborate the evidence such as 130 scientists Putin orders dead. Apparently too many views or testimonies of corroboration is dangerous to people who found out for sure. One case was the exploded clone on the article “two marines die in failed deep state arrest”. The marines confiscated their cell phone videos for their own safety.

My brother was a lifer in the military a Lt Col, weapons trainer former paratrooper, and lived 20 minutes from where the marines supposedly shot down thugs trying to sabotage a power plant next to Lineman college next to Boise, Idaho and he found nothing he chose to say, going out to look 2 days later, and he steered me to watch for earthquakes avoiding further questions, he knows the secrecy routine, but my sister was out there also during the football game when marines shot thugs, and said the roads were insanely crowded at that very particular site during the football game. It’s a bit corroborating that that block of roads were extra heavily clogged during halftime. That was several of my relatives power plant. I would guess the marines blocked the road they used and everyone had to go around another way so that’s what clogged the roads while the town was inside watching football. My sister drove to her daughters around the exact sites block and it’s never that crowded she reported. Yes something happened, in my estimate. Corroborating evidence is just too dangerous. Both sides cover it up.

Above Reproach

Putin is a strong leader, very much like someone else we know. When someone is found to be guilty of a crime, or treason against the Country.
It’s time to remove that person or person’s from ever being able to continue
with their ability to do a workaround. Perfect point, gain of function research
was banned in the USA , but Anthony F. Used our tax dollars to set up shop in China. Telling us that it came from a Bat and a penglin when it came from a biological weapons laboratory he worked at. Ya can’t possibly get anything more F-ing clearer than that.


Do you have any sources for this story? Too good to be true


Do not open that link above. It’s dangerous and will fuck up your computer!

Dave Smith

Hi how do you know that link will fuck up your computer ? Thank You for any information you can give us on this. 😎🙈🙉🙊✌💚💚💚💚💚💚💚😎 🙂 😉

Above Reproach

Never open any link sent on a platform that has topics contrary to the
Main Stream Media. Trolls be living out there in the shadows.
Don’t take the bate.


Here here Putin. There is no such thing as a safe, or affective “Vaccine”! I’m proud of you brother.
There is a world full of evil with no hearts or souls. They are demons in human form. They are acting out like devils all over the world right now, because they know their rein has come to an end. We are taking back our world and ‘nothing can stop what is coming’! God walks again on earth. There will be many trials, shakings, and tribulations, but we will prevail!


www dot ft dot com slash content slash 27125702-71ec-11e5-ad6d-f4ed76f0900a

Dave Smith

Hi what link are you trying to share ? Thank you for any information you can give us on this . Be the change for the better world and universe. 🙈🙉🙊💚💚💚💚💚💚💚✌😎😉:)


I remember when America had a leader with balls. Way to go, Vlad.

Above Reproach

It’s Trump in 24 or the end of the USA. When I say that I’m not saying we will be a communist country.


you mean michael obama?

Pat Nelson

MB, this is NOT directed at you. I think you are doing a great job on reporting “info that is given to you”.

I am also not criticizing Putin.

That being said, I have a problem with the content of this article.

If Russia created their own vaccines “Sputnik & CoviVac” the “Moscow Vax” and beat other nations to the punch, vaccinating 6.9M in the 1st week and 81.5M in the 1st 6 months receiving at least 1 dose with 74.3M fully vaxxed, how is Russia totally innocent in this scenario? Why were their own vaccines “tailored to give HIV & AIDS”? Then he blames Western propaganda and says “when the vaccines arrived”. The vaccine in the US was reported to be ready & stockpiled before the BS of C-19 was announced. How did Russia beat other countries to the punch? Were they infiltrated with scientists that already had the vaccine formula and duplicated it in Russia? Is that the 130 scientists that have a death sentence in their near future? How did it get from the WHO infiltrated Duma to Russia making their own Sputnik vaccine?

We were all duped by propaganda, but not ALL accepted the lies. Putin reportedly did not take the VAX, he suspected the lies.

Sounds like Zakharov is bragging on Russia being 1st to the finish line with the vaccines, then blaming others for the HIV & AIDS inducing abilities of Russia’s vaccines, since they “made their own”?

If they make their own vaccines, why is their a need to ban imports?

Don’t know how true my next statement is, but I have read articles that Russia is against same sex relationships and drug users, that those were death sentences there. SO, 16,000 new, yearly HIV infections, before vaccines, ballooning into 63,000 to include celibate, non-drug users after vaccines? The more I read, the more questions I have. Were the 16,000 non-celibate and/or drug users?

I know I am splitting hairs here, but it seems like the Federal Service Bureau Zakharov doth protest too much, maybe to keep his name off Putin’s execution list?
His rhetoric is not consistent. Russian Zakharov propaganda? Although, would he dare to talk to anyone outside of Mother Russia without permission, fearing his own execution. “Here we don’t bring the guilty to trial—a waste of time. Why waste time when we know they are guilty. We deal with these matters severely,” Zakharov said.

Yes, the U.S. Bozo government & it’s agencies are mostly corrupt, evil, Satanic worshippers, very bad guys, but all the bad guys are not all on American soil. We do have more than our share.

Bombs away, my critics.

Dave Smith

My Guess would be that some of the Russian people might want to get other Vaccines and are getting them shipped in from other places… some probably didn’t trust the Russian vaccines… 😉🙈🙉🙊💚💚💚💚💚💚💚✌ 😉


No way putin was tricked. He is down with depopulation. He was duped eh? Just like trump et al?

Isn’t that convenient?


Alway’s T R U S T Your Intuition.


I honest to God knew the vaccines were HIV from the very beginning if ya just think about it…

Above Reproach

A- F – the proprietor of the HIV. Create a sickness, then sell a cure.
the true model of Pharma. That’s exactly why God gave us nature, to fight against the killers of man. Everything anyone needs to cure themselves is
in Nature. Silver suspended in water at 500 ppm will kill viruses dead.


Yay Putin!–He is actually one of the good guys working with President Trump


I wish more people were aware of that.
Most have bought into the exact opposite, and think ALL in Ukraine are good, and ALL in Russia are bad.


Tell me about it. They never forgave or got over 78 years of Communist rule. Terefo0re all Russians are bad not matter how good the leadership is today.


MSM at your service.

Above Reproach

And the gullible continue to be gullible ! Even though the truth is within a inch of their nose’s. Avoid every single thing pharma puts out. Unless it’s truly the only thing keeping you alive.

mia moriarty

dumbed down duped ,it’s an exact Paul goebbel’s science

Above Reproach

Have you seen the disgusting white growth of slime doctors pull from the corpse’s of people who took the vax. Gee I wonder why people are having trouble with their hearts. Could it be that the heart was never built to pump 3’ long strands of goo.

mia moriarty

Ukraine rulers are israelis ,therefore the most corrupt country on earth /child traffickers /organ harvesting/ money laundering Any depravity you can think of comes out of Ukraine and israel


I’m sorry, he is not. he is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Prophecy by Kim Clement. i no longer trust Putin, as much as i would like to.


Kim Clement is a Zionist shill! How did you miss that?

Above Reproach

(He believes in Christ), All who believe in the lord God and the united family between Man and Women shall be saved. All who don’t are condemned to earth or hell. The deeds of man are his own measure,
some will live at the right hand of the father, others will live under the
souls of his feet.

mia moriarty

not all who proclaim they believe in JESUS CHRIST ,actually DO BELIEVE
There are MANY SATANIC ,PREACHING RANTING FAKE MONEY GRUBBING PREACHERS israel gave Falwell several jet planes to push his end times /chosen people deception on the gullible

mia moriarty

so you trust the zionist satanist kim Clement

mia moriarty

lots of children had terminal cancer Now we know why

Stinky Perfume

It’s all over many news already, high profile scientist deaths in Russia. They don’t seem to know at a local level why these scientists are getting “murdered”. It’s being posted on all news as murders.

But the India news is saying “there’s talk it’s part of a larger conspiracy.” There’s a pattern, it’s high profile vaccine scientists. The news mentions that. Who is killing who exactly and why?

At the level where the dead body is found. Could be any kinda murder. They know they are targeted and may wind up fighting each other in a scram for survival or anger over getting involved in a loser side.

Do the Russians killer ops take the bodies off when they kill them? Do they just leave the dead laying there for the police to figure it out? How are the missing scientists buddies going to figure this out and how are the other scientists going to react to the losses? There’s clearly more evil scientists than 130. Random clinic and hospital and prison workers, small, and large places knew they were killing people and just wanted the money.

The arm stab is making fools out of any ignorance in the mix but I know evil works in small operations plenty.

Will it ever come out widespread these world renowned science people are being finished off for reasons of a killer arm stab or other bioweapons? They must have known Putin was bombing bioweapons labs in Ukraine while they sat safe in Russia in the same kinda place. Arm stabs are bioweapons screams Dr Karen Kingston.

These guesses, are widely offered online: Never does the truth about killers posing legally as doctors and scientists, and workers for them, come out, widespread, and people will generally in vast numbers remain ignorant until they die or maybe that 10 days of darkness lockdown happens where they take over all the news and internet and everybody gets the whole truth news in some massive plan. Maybe solar flash is going to do it all. Maybe karma handles it like killers get killed. Maybe Jesus comes back.

Whatever it is, this is hard times designed to upset with war zone games, until there’s some kinda deal to get on with something agreeable. Living on the planet with wicked scientists, doctors and pharma don’t seem right. What is their desire to kill everyone about? NWO? They seem all conspiring to lie to people to stop them from living too long directly under orders from vampires who RRN has yet to name. Annunaki maybe, or whoever needs adrenochrome and chromachrome.

Who gave the kill order on Kary Mullis after he exposed the razor sharp graphene hydroxide? Random cops come fast, and their kill orders came while he was rolling out live, a truth video exposing the arm stab for what it was.


Russian Scientist Who Helped Invent Sputnik V Covid Vaccine Found Strangled to Death in Home
March 5th 2023, 1:13 pm


Seriously hoping Donald Trump takes a que from VLAD on this one. Why bother with JAG trials? Drop them wherever they’re found!


Yes, with hands and feet bound, into the ocean from helicopters!

Above Reproach

Donald J. Trump has proven to be the kind of president America needs.
He is a economic genius, and Truthful to the point straight shooting American patriot. The #1 reason the democrats hate him so much. Remember the quote from H. Clinton. ( If that man becomes President we
will all Hang) end quote.

Raul Redero

Que bueno los culpables pagaron así deben pagar en USA

Last edited 1 year ago by Raul Redero

¡Sí! Aqui tambien


achtung judan!

Horn N Hardart

Now comes the key question – do you have the education and scientific background to analyze and interpret what these patents were about? Medications and even some cosmetics are tested “in vivo,” living cells or different kinds depending on what result is being studied. That’s why rabbits are blinded to make sure your mascara doesn’t do the same to you. Lab animals are routinely euthanized after experimentation to do an in-depth examination of the effects of whatever was tested on them. Remember too that patents don’t have to be for things that are actually manufactured or even work. Ideas and concepts can be patented even if nothing ever comes of them.


Well said! Keep speaking that truth and spread the news so others can hear you. Whether they believe you or not is their choice, but to those who reuse to listen to you are ignorant, (Prideful) stubborn and scornful to what you say and know as truth. God said, “My people perish because of a lack of Knowledge.” Those that laugh or mock, or fight against you, laugh and walk away because they truth in the law of man and not the Creator (God). Everything you posted is right on and true. Vaccines were meant to harm people and to not benefit for any health measure to keep us fit and healthy but to keep us sick and or death. This is why the medical field grows daily, they are all connected at the hip with one another. This all revolves around depopulation and making them richer why the people get sick and live in poverty. Dr’s are meant to help us when we get injured like in car accidents, or accidents that need medical assistance not to poison us with drugs and vaccines. Any doctor who takes money from governments, elites, globalists, etc. to benefit their pockets is a fool and not a doctor but a murderer and an accessory of a crimes and crimes committed against humanity. Too many of us have listened to Lies from mockingbird media, (MK Ultra) politicians, and elite officials to lead us into destruction and false hope. All of us who know the truth keep sreading the truth wether they like it or not because we are the front line voices that shake foundations and pierce the darkenss with truth and facts. The Word of God Says “The Violent take it by force.” We take it by truth, facts, and love in which is the sword of the Lord in us and that’s what they fear, TRUTH! Love covers a multitude of wrongs and sets captives free. We stand to tear the walls of hell down by the truth the light in us that pierces the darkness and watch the darkness like cock roaches run, but there’s no place to hide but to a local Gallow near them! Justice will be served to these sick people.


spell correction, because they know the truth, but believe in the law of man. Spell correction erased that part.


Are you aware of what the WHO is proposing in its recent meeting? It is complete and utter tyranny. Something needs to be done to put a stop to it and bring down that entity as well as the UNO

Horn N Hardart

The World Health Organization has no legal power to do anything to anybody. Countries that go along with their recommendations do so voluntarily. It’s like the International Court of Justice ion the Hague – mostly for show because no nation has to abide by their decisions. Think of it as a lot of people sitting around making speeches and doing damned little else

Dave Smith

Time to Dismantle the World Health Organization. And Prosecute them for the Crimes against humanity that they are doing. In my opinion. 😎🙈🙉🙊💚💚💚💚💚💚💚✌ 🙂 😉

Last edited 1 year ago by Dave Smith

yea, let’s waste more $ on prosecutions!


Better suggestion?

mia moriarty

We pay for all of these criminal organizations

mia moriarty

and WHO logo / symbol is a SNAKE coiled around the staff and the united nations That is how satanic these people are

Ann Ononomous

Bue Cross/Blue Shield also has a snake coiled around the shield.

Dave Smith

The criminal United Nations Organization needs too be Dismantle and Prosecute for their Crimes against humanity too .In MY opinion too..😎🙈🙉🙊✌💚💚💚💚💚💚💚👍😎 🙂 😉

mia moriarty

WE are paying CRIMINALS TO HARM US….typical


They’ve ALL been commanded by Satan to tell you who they worship, so rather than tell you in words – they use Symbolism.
Symbolism & Logo’s will be their downfall and that is the stage were at right now – people need to understand this because they’re organized, and We The People are only getting to that stage before we destroy them. And, Yes their days are coming to a cold & bitter end when We The People rise ALL over the world. It will be biblical.

mia moriarty

unelected WHO /WEF/UN are the devils’tools They should be hit with missiles WE ARE NOT UNDER THEIR RULE

Michael R Davis

Turn back to GOD patriots, He is very angry with us. The plague is upon us.
Leviticus 26:

21 “‘Yet if you show hostility toward Me and are unwilling to obey Me, I will increase the plague on you seven times according to your sins. 22 I will also let loose among you the animals of the field, which will deprive you of your children and eliminate your cattle, and reduce your number so that your roads become deserted.
23 ‘And if by these things you do not learn your lesson regarding Me, but you show hostility toward Me, 24 then I in turn will show hostility toward you; and I, even I, will strike you seven times for your sins. 25 I will also bring upon you a sword which will execute vengeance for the covenant; and when you gather together into your cities, I will send a plague among you, so that you will be handed over to the enemy.”

If we truly ask for His mercy, His healing our land, in II Chronicles 7:

13 “If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send a plague among My people, 14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Save our people O LORD, heal our land, drive the locust invaders out. 


Um, he is healing our land, because we did turn back & pray. Have you not been paying attention?

mia moriarty

In process Carolyn,NOT quite there yet


“Save our people O LORD, heal our land, drive the locust invaders out. “

Why should God do it when we are unwilling to do it?


So, that’s all they’re experiencing? Just AIDS? No myocarditis and sudden deaths, etc? Why do Americans suffer a whole plethora of different types of serious health issues? I’ve hardly heard of AIDS as an adverse event. Just saying.


And the Europeans as well and suffering multiplicities of fatal illnesses that do not abate or heal. Look for a similar database like VAERS in the UK, for example, and see how many other health problems and lethalities are occurring because of these shots. Astra Zeneca is famous for that.


So you’re not familiar with VAIDS? I certainly have. It’s all over Bitchute.VACCINE ACQUIRED IMMUNITY DEFICIENCY SYNDROME.

Last edited 1 year ago by James

Yes- I have seen it mentioned in a number of places, here in the US.


It’s called VAIDS vaccine induced aids, each shot lowers your immune system, like aids does..


If you read teh whole article, yes they are. Dropping dead.

Last edited 1 year ago by Carolyn
Pat Nelson

Reread 4th paragraph, last line. “In the West and Russia, vaccine recipients presented side effects such as cardiac ailments, seizures, and blood clots, with many dropping dead at home, at work, or in the streets”.


Yet theres even shingles coming out in people to a large degree – we can thank big pharma for their evil doings.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Dave Strickland

I totally back up Vladimir Putin in his actions to remedy the Covid vaxx catastrophe. I just hope that all 130 scientists producing the Sputnik indeed knew they were creating a false and dangerous treatment, and none of them simply acted out of misplaced ignorance. It’s the same in many other countries: thousands upon thousands of ordinary medical orderlies have been directed to administer the vaxx, but out of these, a proportion acted in good faith, not realising what they were doing. This should be allowed for, leaving the rest who were aware of the big lie to be punished appropriately. As sure as day follows night, dealing with this situation accordingly is going to happen.

Michael R Davis

The precautions these lab scientists would have to take, sealed biolevels, complicated safety procedures, full hazmat suits to prevent encountering these experimental unapproved deadly poisonous clot-shot ‘vaccines’, would have assured every one of them of what dangerous chemicals they were delivering to innocent humans. They were without excuse, Putin acting appropriately.

As far as the thousands upon thousands of ordinary medical orderlies, just the act of opening each individual vaccine vial, no warning insert inside to list ingredients, test results, proper dose precautions, etc. should have encouraged each orderly, nurse, doctor, pharmacist to reseach the vaccines themselves thoroughly before giving them out to potential victims. Some individuals did so, refused to administer the poisons, and were forced to quit their jobs, choosing not to poison their patients. Others refused to poison themselves, losing their jobs. Most chose to toss their moral values. To hell with Hippocratic Oaths ‘to first do no harm’.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael R Davis

Thank you, Michael.
Please tell that to my friend who took the shot and got Covid after the fact, whose daughter and mother have also signed up for the shots, who have all been lied to, and she is the one who R-E-F-U-S-E-D to at least check the research I offered her on these shots in good faith, and she and her daughter are in the medical field, and have better access to medical and scientific information and better pharmaceutical sources than I do, and she refused to even consider it.
Let alone consider the fact that these shots have aborted fetal cells which, on principle, no normal-thinking Christian who frowns on pregnancy terminations should hesitate to at least think twice and thrice before taking.

mia moriarty

commi canada is under some kind of satanic spell that so many go along, is shocking Jimmy dore had viva frei on ,eye opening ,since 2016 MAIDS medically assisting suicides ,so they can send the BILLION to corrupt Ukraine’s bottomless pit
I couldn’t understand why Putin tolerated the vax BS ,in the first place


What?! Are these Canadians crazy?! MAIDS for money to the Assoffs?!


Let the crazies take the JABS, be lessor of them to contend with. Start vetting these International corporate minions in government, crooks doing business with other crooks. Trace the PAPER !
This isn’t over till everyone of “”them” are gone.

mia moriarty

AZOV regiments

Dave Strickland

Your reply is wiser than my comment. Thank you.

mia moriarty

many physicians live way beyond their means and have wives who worship their money and would never risk a divorce or to lose their license to practice ,so coercion has been a deterrent to upholding the Hippocratic oath and to being righteous

Horn N Hardart

The Kremlin thanks your for your loyalty to the State, comrade

Dave Strickland

There is a State whose leader is following spiritual principles in good conscience and combats evil for the sake of the good. There is also a State that is immersed in evil and which the USA and the West are supporting. That is why I give my backing to the first of these two.


More of the truth is being exposed and the truth is pouring out. Just like trump said. Drip, Drip, Drip, and then a flood. These nasty demonic elitists and other cult leaders only want one thing DEPOPULATION. This has been going on for a long time. I always would get the heat or rebukes from my family and friends for years telling them why do you take the flu shot. They would shred me, but I stood my ground and told them anyone who takes flu shots is placing a virus in their system. I explained on that twice a year in winter and late spring when they roll out the flu shots they get sick, then pass it on to others and this starts the process of flu season and Dr’s, Clinics, and Hospitals are busy with sick people with flu elements. This is where big pharma comes in with Dr’s making hundreds of thousands of Dolors from these patients and sick people. Now some of my friends and family are starting to believe me. I always believed in natural immunity in which the body’s immune system builds a tolerance like a shield of protection fighting off the viruses and illnesses. Zinc, D3, and Vitamin C I’ve always believed in along with other herbal medications. People put too much reliability in political, medical and science by believing what man tells them. I always believed to follow my inner man, (Spirit) that gut instinct in which is the voice of truth speaking. (God) Years of family and friend wars they placed against me for being the Odd-Ball because I followed my heart not their ways and philosophies. What saddens me is the ignorance and rebellion is those who denied us from telling them the truth to help save lives and to get their mind straight away from brainwashed media and those who follow after man. Now! many of them are paying the price for not listening to us for the Truth that God placed in us to release them from bondage of lies and hypocrisy. We cannot not blame God for this, because God gave man free will, to choose? Weather to listen to truth or reject the truth and follow the lie. Putin is doing the right thing. Never wait to take out a traitor, you hunt them down and put a bullet to their head. Quick and easy. God used King David to fight the evil off the land and many other prophets and Kings likewise. God’s purpose is to fulfill his glory, His Love, His peace to all his people, and to Be Honored and Worshiped for the True God-Head He is because of Jesus. God gives everyone a season to repent, but is not the consequences are disastrous. Mr. Baxtor, thank you for what you do for us all on this site to give us the intel, the real news, and to keep us informed. God is using you to save lives, keep us safe, and to address us with the truth. Thank You Sir. Now the world is going to see the real truth of what these evil people shielded from them by deceiving them into believing their lies and propaganda. The White Hats, and Patriots are in Control.

Horn N Hardart

Yeah that whole natural immunity thing didn’t work out quite so well when the plaque rolled through Europe and killed half the population. Same thing with smallpox, cholera, polio, the list goes on. Perhaps God gave us the wisdom to create treatments and preventative measures, and in doing so, we do His will. Think that over for a while

Horn N Hardart

Plague. Darned spellcheck


I’ve thought over for a while the inclusion of SV40 beginning with the polio vaccine and then the cancer explosion it caused in the following decades. And the unbelievable increase in the number of injections “required” just in the last 30 or so years, starting at birth. They could barely wait until my son was clear of the birth canal before they started injecting crap into him! If i had only known then! I can only come to the conclusion that they are intentionally poisoning people.

mia moriarty

the black plague was caused by wells being intentionally poisoned
Henry Makow

Dave Smith

Go back and do some better Research on what you just wrote . It’s people like you who don’t really research that think their smart are not … In my opinion. 😎🙈🙉🙊💩👎💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💣✌😎 🙂 😉

mia moriarty

NO need to ” think over “your jabberings …YOU might want to though


So glad that some who you know are changing their minds for the better. Sadly, it hasn’t happened to a number of my family members and friends. I had to give up offering info.
Like being forced to watch a daily trainwreck.

Dave Smith

Hi . sending prayers to your family and friends and mine that took the Bioweapon shot .God bless us all amen. Be the change for the better world and universe amen. 😎🙈🙉🙊✌💚💚💚💚💚💚💚✌😎 🙂

mia moriarty

I hear you …tell me about it
that is where PRAYER COMES IN…. It is amazing one of our college indoctrinated daughters , decided her beloved parents would be personna non grata and All I said was
” What do you think of joe biden?” She stormed out of the room …cold shoulder ensued, for the next two years Then when ruth ginsberg croaked Our greatly loved son in law ,who was military .forewarned us that our daughter idolized Ruth ginsberg /to be careful what we said PRAYERS for us have been a Godsend ,thawing out the deep freeze treatment from the undeserving heirs

Dave Smith

Thank you for being the change for the better world and universe God bless us all amen. Do you have any or heard of any ways that people who where tricked into getting this Bioweapon shot can Detoxify or Detoxification programs. Would be greatly appreciated. 😎🙈🙉🙊✌💚💚💚💚💚💚💚✌😎 🙂 😉

Jose Ramirez

Also, Putin has ordered the execution of 130 scientists responsible for creating the Sputnik vaccines. Today Russia are the good guys. White hats have act like Putin: Why waste time when we know they are guilty. We deal with these matters severely. I love it!


Good for him! By the time the US executes 130 scientists, I’ll be long gone. We should be coming on this site every single day and read about executions that have taken place! It’s ridiculous!

mia moriarty

me too We can watch what’s going on from above

Dave Smith

??? 🤔🙈🙉🙊✌👋💚💚💚💚💚💚💚✌ 🙂

Dave Smith

Hi what do you mean by this ? Are you sick ? Sending prayers too you . 🙈🙉🙊✌💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🖑✌ 🙂


Line em up !!


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://payathome12.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
mia moriarty

is this code for something


Everyone should research “vaccines” beginning with the Spanish Flu. Centuries ago these same evil people poisoned the water causing the Black Plague in Europe.

Rose Mary Abbott

I thought that was caused by the fleas on the rats biting people.


Why would some jerk downvote this comment? YES! the black plague was transmitted by fleas that carried the bacteria.

mia moriarty

not everyone believes that fleas were the cause
The black death ,in the 1300’s /estimated death toll was 200 MILLION


Yup, the Spanish Flea as played by Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass. LOL! Blessings my fellow Texan.

Horn N Hardart

It was


And I thought that was caused by people living in filthy conditions and sitting sleeping and eating in their own sewage. They blamed the Jews for the plague, because they never got sick; but that’s because the Jews were clean people and changed their linens regularly and kept their homes clean.

mia moriarty

intentional well poisoning ,was on the Henry makow site

mia moriarty

nope intentional well water poison

mia moriarty

Henry Makow

mia moriarty

research henry makow


Things are starting to move now. Once the zombified coronAmorons here this around the world through back channels, they will realized they was duped. MAN trusting in man, no good. They do not trust in their Creator, they get what they deserve. Sorry to be blunt, but lets get the show on the road and GO

John .S

Wonder if Putin’s crew pulled-off the hit on Rochelle Walensky?


We can only hope so!

Dave Strickland

That would mean knowing where she’s hiding and going in and grabbing her. But she won’t escape forever. Even if she were to elude man’s justice, she can’t escape God’s.

mia moriarty

I think man’s justice would be the easier of the two


And, that’s bullsh*t, too! Why can’t the government(s) obtain intelligence on her whereabouts?? She is one of the top two or three conspirators in the poison depopulation shots, FGS! They found Maxwell and she’s a pimp (meaning not responsible for mass genocide – NOT downplaying sex trafficking of children!) It pisses me TFO that justice can’t be accomplished with this slimebag. Satan’s whore!

mia moriarty

ghislaine caused just as much suffering of little ones tortured very small children with that dental chair a creepy sadistic satanist probably years and ,just as many with her packed submarines and planes


Her time is coming.

tic,,, tic,,, tic,,,

Billy Bob

Farrar, be afraid, be very afraid.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Afshin Nejat

Please inform Zhakarov that I was at the point of foreseeing this inevitable outcome at least 2 years ago. Two bad something or other didn’t allow my warnings to get through.


This was known long time before, was called Agenda 21.
Y2K wasn’t just a precursor, look what followed. 9-11

Mark David

Excellent actions by a great Russian President. I wish the United States would crush every vaccine, and every person involved in their development, delivery, and treatment of people in the country. My son was a Special Forces Medic who was ordered to take the shots He didn’t want to take them, but he was threatened with a Dishonorable Discharge if he didn’t get the Covid-19 “vaccine”. He started getting very sick after the second shot. The shots made him ill with heart issues and he may not make it. Then, the Army DENIED his request for Medical Retirement, and basically THREW HIM OUT. I would ask that the White Hats EXECUTE every commander and every sonofabitch responsible for making their troops take the shots. They should be lined up and executed, especially that fat bastard Austin.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David

That’s awful, sorry about your son. That was cold!! Austin and everybody who forced those guys and gals to get forced-jabbed need to go to GITMO’s exclusivity suite ASAP.


He’s great in terms of loving his country and its people. BUT, watch the music vid of the song Take Me to Church on YT. It’s about Russia and very accurate and Putin condones it.



Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

Homosexuality is wrong. IDC what homosexuals and lesbians do behind closed doors, that’s their choice and their business; but I draw the line at exposing the kids to it in any way. Marriage is between a man and a woman, not two men and not two women. Parents can be single or married but they must be heterosexual, not homosexual or transsexual. LGBTQ people are not fit to be parenting children whether they are born naturally to them or adopted. These days, adoption agencies are refusing to allow opposite-married parents to adopt kids unless they affirm their being gay or lesbian or trans if they are said to be so — but no kid is born that way, so that is a lie.
Russia is a country that supports the Orthodox church, that supports marriage, that supports families, that supports children, that supports sexual morality and not sexual immorality. America was once that way, but has fallen abysmally into depravity and tolerant and accepting and legalizing of the same. This is what HRC, BHO, Xiden, Bliinken, Millie, Browne-Jackson and Hoebag are pushing for America today, and we need to stop it. now.
Putin enshrined marriage as being conjugal in the Russian Constitution, Nigeria enshrined marriage is being conjugal in its official documents, and I would like for that to be done for our Constitution as well. For once, WJC did something right by signing the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996 before Barry had it destroyed starting in 2011.
Putin may be harsh in stopping all international adoptions of Russian kids, and yes that is sad because all kids need good parents from any country to love them, but he will not allow children to be exposed to paedophilia or homosexuality from parents in countries where same-sex marriage and other sexual deviancies are tolerated. The Ukraine, on the other hand, allows that with impunity.
There was a time in America where homosexuals and lesbians were strictly forbidden from being around anybody’s kids, and they had treatment centers for homosexuality and other sexual deviances as far back at the 80s; but since 1973, the LGBTQ has forced the APA to remove homosexuality from the list of treatable disorders, and now they are trying to do the same with paedophilia, because now people are being told that paedohiles are born that way, just like gays and transgender people are born that way, and there is nothing that can be done to change them.
Now parents and families are being calumniated for being bigots and haters JUST FOR PROTECTING OUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS FROM THIS FILTH.
Vladimir is protecting the kids from being exposed to paedophilia and homosexuality and other forms of sexual deviancy that trounce on marriage in Russia. Good for him. Wish we did the same here in America to protect our children, instead of caving to these transsexual and LGBTQ bullies forcing us to let them have at our kids.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena
Dave Smith

Doing some Research at my local Public Library I found a City Ordnance against dressing up as the opposite sex and lewd behavior. It was in 1893 but I’m betting it’s still on the books. I think if people go look at their local city’s Ordinances they can find one like it too .. Do your research it’s out their… I’m planning to use this against there next pride day parade… 😉 we will see what happens..
Get other people who have the same views as you too help
..good luck .Be the change for the better world and universe God bless us all amen. 🙂 😎🙈🙉🙊💚💚💚💚💚💚💚👍✌😎 😉

mia moriarty

That is outrageous i’m sorry to hear that Those threats and the illnesses that have resulted from these intentional poison jabs among our veterans must be exposed Write to congress constantly ,every detail ,every day, fight this One of our sons was in Iraq and Afghanistan for 18 years and also becomes very ill sometimes and is admitted to ICU at least once a year VA denies him care ,of course but fortunately his wife has good health insurance and he goes to a private hospital It is shameful what is going on with veterans
That Austin should be given a public wood chipper execution, a hanging is too good for him and others like him

Dave Smith

Maybe the Swamp People show should use these people as Gator bait 😉 …😎🤔☺😃🤔🤔🤔😎🙈🙉🙊🐍⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰🎣🎣🎣🎣🎣🎣🎣📺🎥💡💰☠⚧🚣🚤🌈🍽🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊✌💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🤔😎😉 😉 🙂


Amen to that. So sorry your son is so ill.
Consider detox formulas. Check out Dr. Zelenko and Dr. Malone websites.

Dave Smith

Sending prayers too your son and his family and friends . I’m hoping everyone involved with making these Bioweapon shots will be charged with crimes against humanity will be delt with swiftly. ☺🙈🙉🙊✌💚💚💚💚💚💚💚👏✌ 🙂


I wonder how the western presstitutes will spin this story, if it makes waves outside of Russia.


Everyone, put the headline and this web site out there. It is the only way people will see this.
WE are the news now.


I’m impressed with the fact that Putin ordered the execution of 130 scientists responsible for creating the Sputnik vaccines.”Why waste time when we know they are guilty.”…great philosophy. Wishing our military would do the same.

Mark David

If the US Military didn’t have such SPINELESS commanders, they would certainly take pride in summarily executing every bastard that gave our troops this poison..


Let the praying people ask God for mercy and pray for miracles for those who took the vax. We serve a merciful and powerful God.

Dave Smith

Thank you for Being the change for the better world and universe God bless us all amen. ✌💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 🙂


Yes, but Warp Speed still proclaims it as his greatest acheivement.


God bless Russia. Let this stand be multiplied through the earth!!


Somehow, it’s hard to contend that Trump didn’t see through this from the get-go, at the very least given whom he’s supposedly working with. Even I knew about this agenda 20 years ago.


I’m curious whether you have had the opportunity to read articles published here in the last 2 months or so, in which there has been a description of the clever disinformation campaign aimed at him through trusted sources. And the elimination of those sources. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we are seeing this here…he appears to have had an epiphany somewhat similar to Putin’s.




I’m sure he just thought most Dems where bad, not the whole world. If Putin was fooled, and he runs Russia with an Iron fist, how would Trump have known.

Trump was surrounded by people who wanted him and his family dead just for running for president, he stood no chance of knowing the truth behind all of this.

Even I find it hard to believe that all the people in hospitals, media, and other places that administered these vaccines could have known they where bad and still administered them. Think of the nurses that administered a vaccine and had someone collapse from a side effect and yet still to this day keep giving people these vaccines.
Trump no longer touts the vaccines as a great accomplishment, even though all Trump haters say he does, No mention of it at all in a long time or even at the CPAC last week.

Last edited 1 year ago by snoopy
mia moriarty

I did notice he omitted the warp speed


Spun a lie 🤔…..yet in Tanzania the President simply did his own research and knew it was BS. Sadly they killed him, well he supposedly died from covid.



Dave Smith

Which 3 ??? Thank You for any information you can give us on this would be greatly appreciated thank you for Being the change for the better world and universe amen. 🙂 🙄🙈🙉🙊✌💚💚💚💚💚💚💚✌🤔 🙂

mia moriarty

I felt bad for him /very intelligent man I believe he had an Oxford degree in micro biology /can’t remember ,then they murdered him when he exposed the C scam


Interesting that one of the creators of the vaccine in Russia was found strangled to death

Dave Strickland

Interesting – I wonder who that was and if he’d been mentioned in the news.


I just heard Martha Stewart pitch the boosters on my radio. Get rid of all actors and companies pushing this crap.


Really? She once had Bill Gates on her TV show years ago. I thought, “She must really regret that interview now.” Because he publicly admitted to a planned global genocide on a TED talk and multiple interviews on the toxicity of the jab. Tedros admitted that the poke kills kids and old people. Martha Stewart is not a stupid woman, she checks information on everything in existence including the congressional hearings, VAERS and the CDC who also admit the shots don’t work. Like any smart person, if she hears something she checks it out. this is how she built her global empire.
If she doesn’t do a double take or an about face like Trump and Putin did on the venom, she will be very regretful.


Unless that is not the real Martha. Clones and actors until this movie ends

mia moriarty

Martha will do anything for money

Stinky Perfume

Putin (well whoever that guy really is and his daughter can I ask came from the real Putin?) took a very long time to come to this conclusion since he was not getting it himself, it’s obvious this program had a hold on him to comply for 3 years.

Sounds like they have needed the masses to start up a doctor and WHO mistrust in general a long time already to let this go on? Seems to me it’s about taking down the corporate leaders in the world. Doctors are all said to be microchipped in medical school so whoever monitors the microchip have a say in what the docs and scientists do according to Dr Katherine Horton they attack with invisible weapons she used to show the proof. How many docs and scientists are on adrenochrome? That’s the thing is when they don’t have that blood, deep state loses functions that gives them abilities.

People have to learn the hard way that doctors and scientists and many pushy medical arm stabbers, have more killer mentality to validate themselves, than formerly realized. GITMO would check if stab pushers were actually taking it themselves. It would be nice to hear Russia report on these 130 scientists blood. Obviously no jab intended but come public and say so. How many news screamers got arm stabbed? How did they promote it in Russia?

People that thought they were getting vaccine protected have to get hurt first before they say never again. I’ve encountered people that thought the stab side effects were something only strong people could handle but for those who couldn’t handle the arm stab were just the losers.

IF they realize their symptoms came from the arm stab they were learning. Except the one that said “it’s okay, we only threw up for a couple of days then we were alright”. It takes more boosters for them to learn. Those people that died soon after the arm stab, are said on Reesereport.com to have been specifically targeted out of red states, where they sent the quick kill vials not the slow kill vials.

Many persons, think they have some other condition, not side effects, as their doctors lie their asses off and give the side effects some other name, deliberately ignoring the cause.

So they recall the stabs, now after all this time. Can they recall it out of people’s arteries?

Isn’t Facebook, the old Twitter and YouTube all in on it, having a board of directors that need to be picked up to GITMO for stopping people from reporting the arm stab is toxic?


Yes — Zuckerberg (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger), Dorsey (Twitter), Paraj (Google) and Wocicki (Youtube). They censor everybody.

Stinky Perfume

Seems some news picked this up today. 3/5/23 YouTube dot com/watch?v=CoBFcq6B1TA

The every music points to these evil stagers being in a horror show from now on.


This was a great decision, Putin.


Article: “We deal with these matters severely.” Here in U.S., we just let bygones be bygones. Or we talk about Nuremberg.

Stinky Perfume

They didn’t just make up a fake virus to sell vaccines, they were out to kill whoever they deemed at the time, knowing the fakery, the slow kill, the quick kill the placebo all of it was I can guess, if the deep state don’t get fresh live blood they want to reset the planet to build up a blood and loosh factory start over the planet reset. They need that birth amnesia and keep people not living too long to run a vampire planet.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Mark David

Take some of that hard-earned money and get the C0v9d 19 jab, and 10 boosters.



Dave Smith

F off and die … lol too the vaccines pushers…

Last edited 1 year ago by Dave Smith
Rene Labre

We find you guilty as charged,you hang at dawn.The USA way.this might set this person to thinking those last hours,They told me this would not happen,now I am broke, yes you are everything you have is confiscated I. had the best of everything,I don’t want to die,I am ready to tell all to keep living.You living dog is better off than a dead lion. may have saved your life.don’t think they are not doing this because they are.That is why some executions are not taking place.if you are lying,they are just gonna do you on the spot.throw you out with the other garbage.

Rene Labre

Micheal for a minute,thinking he did not need to write articles,on the executions,because there are going to be to many to write.Executions are very repetitious stories.Traitors to our republic are being executed in record numbers,never seen before. Most of us do not get off on it,that is as sick as them,they get off on their murders.They of their own free will brought this on themselves. as a patriot I say,hang them high,hang them low,hang them in the new morning.Everyone hanged for this is one less.

Joe Blow

Question is, “Is Trump doing the same thing?”

Mark David

Trump was deceived by all his advisors and doctors. They all lied to him about the effectiveness of the shots. They were all on the take. Now the story unfolds and we are seeing them rounded up and executed. Maybe the story has to be told that way so people seeing this will remember for a very long time. (You can’t make an Omelet without breaking a few eggs.) And remember, this is not Trump’s Plan. This is the US Military COG Plan (Continuation of Government) to save and restore our country from an overwhelming infestation of foreign and domestic Satanic enemies that were doing their best to destroy us.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David
Anthony Gregory

And. I never did lock down.
I went through whitehall.
n parliament on my motorcycle
Every day.
I also revoked the straw man birth certificate register.
Recorded myself Sovereign common law man of living flesh with the common law courts.

Dave Smith

Where you able too get your strawman money’s? Do you have your car or transportation titled have drivers license? Insurance ? Thank You for any information you can give us on this would be greatly appreciated. 🙈🙉🙊✌💚💚💚💚💚💚💚✌🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 🙂