New Orleanians who fled their homes ahead of Hurricane Ida’s terrifying wrath and later tried to return to salvage keepsakes and mementoes met unwelcome visitors along the treacherous stretch of road, highway 610, just south of Lake Pontchartrain.

At an intersection due east of Metairie, sat four amphibious vehicles with FEMA logos stenciled on either side of the carriage. Beside the vehicles, armed FEMA agents peered through binoculars, watching for persons braving the deluge. Next to them, two CDC personnel handled a cooler brimming with Covid-19 vaccinations.

Dennis Farrell, a New Orleans native, and his son Chris had been traversing the perilous stretch of road when he spotted the curious roadblock ahead of his GMC Yukon. He knew that Louisiana’s Governor, John Bell Edwards, had ordered evacuees to avoid the city at all costs, citing flooding, downed power lines, scorching heat, lack of potable water, and potential death as his gravest concerns.

But at the hotel where Mr. Farrell had been staying, he had heard other Ida refugees discussing ignoring the governor’s mandate because roving bands of looters reportedly had been pillaging the city and plundering washed-out homes and businesses.

Mr. Farrell was concerned because he had left behind a locked gun cabinet and his wife’s jewelry box, and he sought to recover those items before they fell into criminal hands. So early Tuesday morning he and his son took to the road in hopes of recovering the valuables—until FEMA stopped them in their tracks.

FEMA, Mr. Farrell told Real Raw News, intercepted his Yukon and demanded he and his son exit the vehicle.

“They weren’t concerned for our safety or anything. Those guys had their hands on their rifles while the CDC folks hung behind them. First thing they asked me was if me and Chris had gotten the Covid-19 shot, and if so, to show them our vaccination cards,” Mr. Farrell said.

When Mr. Farrell admitted neither he nor his son had gotten a vaccination, the FEMA agents became combative and belligerent, and admonished them for “putting their friends and family at risk by not taking the shot like patriotic Americans do.” Mr. Farrell told FEMA he didn’t trust the vaccine, citing rushed development and safety an efficacy concerns, and that his family was in excellent health, with no comorbidities, and at little risk of dying from a virus with a 99.6% survival rate.

“They told me my stupidity was a comorbidity,” Mr. Farrell said.

The agents, Mr. Farrell added, had “great” news for him; fortunately, they had a cooler full of Covid-19 vaccinations, and CDC medical technicians on hand to administer those vaccinations.

“They told me there was a massive Delta outbreak going around New Orleans and they weren’t letting people back without proof of the shot or getting the shot right then and there. When I told them I didn’t want my property looted, they told me if my valuables got stolen, it’d be a small price to pay compared to the damage I might cause by spreading Covid around the community. They said if I wanted to pass, I had to take their shot. If I didn’t, I’d have to turn around,” Mr. Farrell said.

Mr. Farrell refused the vaccination and told FEMA that mandatory vaccinations violated his God-given and Constitutional rights. Rather than push the issue, and risk an engagement with maniacal, armed federal officials, he swung his in the opposite direction and headed back to the hotel.

“We’d rather loose our stuff to looters than be slaves to the government,” he told RRN.

In closing, Mr. Farrell said he had spoken via phone to neighbors who had similar encounters with FEMA. RRN has not yet independently verified additional claims.

Gates Update ASAP

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The Gateway Pundit has a story today sourcing this article. Way to go Mr. Baxter!

Kathleen Ann

Ida a false flag induced by DS HAARP? Maybe…just like Katrina…a way to insert UN directed CDC infiltrators under guise of FEMA…this is war on American people!


I have known for a long time that FEMA was an evil organization. And now this shows it to you. They have been known to pick up the homeless off city streets, drive them to a location where they literally chopped their heads off with guillotines. Comey was in on it and signed the death warrants which is why he literally “lost” his head! Do NOT trust FEMA! BTW WalMart was involved in the underground tunnels they used.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ruth

It is time to stop pussy footing around and to get down to business with all of these Deep State traitors. Round em up, head em out, and shoot the whole lot of them. No need to ask questions anymore, the military knows. I want to know how many have been busted and “met their maker” – and that isn’t God. Destroy the HAARP machines. Send rain to Calif. There actually is a lot of water in CA but the Deep state is diverting it. I am sick and tired of these lying, corrupt a$$-holes.


And yet, nothing happens.


Not even soon . Never .


I recommend printing this article and any subsequent anti-vaxx articles to be proactive against future medical tyranny overt actions.
“Harvard Epidemiologist Says the Case for COVID Vaccine Passports Was Just Demolished – New research found that natural immunity offers exponentially more protection than COVID-19 vaccines.” ~August 31, 2021 in Healthcare, News and Opinions


Search the document at fee.org
(Foundation for Economic Education)

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou

Clarification: I recommend finding the article as described in my comment above. It can be found on many platforms, including “Healthcare, News and Opinions.” First you will read the article and then you can click on the specific study. It is that article and study that we should all print out if the evildoers start knocking on our doors.


Fucking Fema Clowns. Good little bitches.


WOW! Forced Vaccines sounds like a death sentence from FEMA. This is very suspect indeed and criminal too.


Bullies. Resist them, and they’ll flee from you!


If there truly was a pandemic people would be killing each other to get the “vaccine” not giving up their livelihoods to avoid it

Katie jones

With no medical information on that person. Lawsuit get ready to happen. I had covin so the shots are not as good as having covid. I was sick for 5 days then took the shot because my doctor said I could. I have autoimmune so I was afraid of taking the shot. He said I could do I took the shot. I have been fine so far but I do recommend you ask your doctor first. Also in the news they are not using the right name for the theoputic that Invermectin and hydroxychloroquine sulfate are the two you can use Early that are proven you can watch others getting well overseas since they have sent ours overseas. You can get the ivermectin here because Trump bought it for our use and that is what Florida is setting up all over Florida and people are using it. It is either shots interveinously. (Not sure that is spelled correctly but you get the point an ivermectin does NOT start with an “r” that probably is horse medicine. Ours starts with an I get how they are trying to confusion to make you be afraid. Warfare tactics are being used on Americans. Know your stuff and I would NOT give this to children like physer states in their write up to doctors. Not 16 or below show that to your school. I would watch the stock price and then ask Joe and others it they have that stock in his portfolio. I am telling you there is something going on with this mandate from the top. I also want to know the scale of the uptake of the stock. Can some one in the know follow these stocks please. There is something funny going on here and I am sure it is about money. Joe is only driven by money remember that. He has sold out to people because of money and if Americans take the shot then the whole world will. Israel has they most information on this shot.

Last edited 3 years ago by Katie jones
unlabeled quality

they just had an article here in Washington state , where the state Department of Health lied in a news article, about how Ivermectin is unsafe.
Now we have proof of violation of oath of office, AND ‘breach of trust’.
if these so-called health officials really cared about people being healthy, they wouldn’t be lying or suppressing any healthy treatments for what amounts to be a flu. They’re criminals and cowards….plain and simple.

Sandy Koufax

Right, Ivermectin has been approved for decades. They try to pretend it’s only for use on animals.


Any word on Huma’s trial or Birx?


Anybody surprised by this?


Mr. Ferrell, I would have done the same thing… We are losing our freedom of choice to this low life administration….


That is when you politely turn around and then return with armed mates to engage the enemy. Knowing their position and the terrain in the surrounding area would provide an excellent advantage for engagement. They were trying to kill you, reciprocate in kind!


My reaction exactly.


Gotta start organizing people! Get to your Church’s NOW this week, and start building Militia’s or you’re going to die at the hands of evil. Vett everybody!!!!
Start building Gallows to hang these fuckers!!!!! When they come to your neighborhood – hang their ass’s for all to see.
Examples must be made!!!!!!!!!!!

Vince Sly

What if I don’t have a church? Should I try a synagogue or a mosque?


Do churches and militias go together ?


My local militia meets at the public library. They do extensive background checks on all newcomers. There are more than you know. A lot more. And under the Insurrection Act militias can be called to assist the military.


Do you nominate a point person who gets the call and alerts the others? Can you get FMLA if your militia is called to serve?


Are we going to dispute if the Insurrection Act was signed or not again ?


We are organizing exactly what you mentioned at my mosque. We are well along in the process.



Thought FEMA – which we’ve known for like 30 years was evil and the intended “nwo” managers of the US – was part of the “patriot” team that’s working secretly behind the scenes to come save us??

Now if FEMA is bad… and now dod is bad… and the entirety of the fed is bad… and pentagon is now pushing the jab as we see above…… WHO THE HELL are you suggesting are the “patriots”?? Sorry, Michael, but someone in the PR office needs to proof read the material…. SOMEBODY needs to be a “good guy” in order for the story to be believable…

Somewhere back down the road, fema, was supposed to be the guys running the place on Donald’s behalf while all the bad guys were being arrested…. so….. who is doing it now that we see fema is in fact what we always knew they were?? WHO are the good guys??

Bah! I call bullshit!


This is why we have CERT. Citizen Emergency Response Team to assist first responders. Nobody trusts FEMA.


You are not a good guy. You are a crybaby


We The People have no reason to keep a lid on ourselves or anyone else.
Guys were left in Nam’ now guys are left in Afghanistan. Biden is trying to kill or disable us all. If this is playtime, we will all play. Just know one thing all players. There are no rules of engagement to civilians. And Americans are not cross eyed bastards trying to keep towels on greasy heads.


How many in each van. With old Jack Strain out of the picture, four vans with CDC personnel shouldn’t be too much of a problem for the able bodied men of LA.

Gary Lee Taylor

⁷in the 1940s and 50s in the uk they locked single mothers in insane asylums because they thought you must be mad to have a child with no father
In the 60s free love was promoted
In the 70s and 80s the government were giving any pregnant women immediate rights to housing
So boom
Loads of single mothers with no consequences
Load of kids who with no father who progress slowly
Creating a sexual revolution was part of the plan to destroy the west
Dumbing us down
So I don’t blame the sheep for being sheep
We all have been manipulated


So what you’re saying is, to save western civilization we must stop providing any assistance to the most vulnerable women and children in our society, and just leave them to starve and freeze and die on the streets. Ok got it.


Sounds about white.


If you can’t feed ’em, don’t breed ’em!
YES! As a taxpayer for over 50 years I am tired of being forced against my will to pay for 3 generations of welfare broads and their snot-nosed brats. Let them die in the gutter if they refuse to be responsible!


Sounds about white.


They are HELL BENT on giving everyone except themselves the Death Shot. They are in a hurry because in a few months to a year or so thousands of people who got the shot will start getting very sick as their own Immune system targets them as bad because their DNA has been modified/changed The immune system will see it a a threat.. The Vaccine contains a spiked protein DNA that is not a match with your out come Death slow sickly. And as people start dying they the Left/Media and Doctors all in on the plan will call it a new strain a variant virus worse than Delta that is bull sh#t anyway. This whole PLANDEMIC was in the works for almost 20 years. How convenient all this happened right when the 2020 Election and Trump was winning hands down so they needed a lock down to push mail in ballots by the millions more than there were people in some areas. The LEFT”S insurance policy they can’t lose. The World knows what happened as well as the Corrupt Left and Media that all were complicit in the cover up Just like the Obumer cover up and The Biden CCP Hunter Laptop Pizza Gate Epstein When you connect the Dots it fits perfectly like a child’s puzzle with only15 pieces. a 3 year old could figure it out.


They’re in a hurry because the PCR test has been recalled. They have until the end of the year to come up with a new bogus test

Whatever you do don’t wear a mask, don’t get tested and don’t get jabbed. Do not comply at all.

And keep calling out the pedophiles until every one of them are locked up.

john pennington

i did research and Dennis Farrell dose live New Orleans and lives at  7017 Walmsley Ave New Orleans, La 70125-3505

Last edited 3 years ago by john pennington

Yes. That loose end has been taken care of.


Horrible! We need to fight back! Nobody enslaves us!!

joe blow

Situations like that demand a direct line (phone number) to the military (White Hats).


Joe Biden This msg is for you! I know my face is etched into your brain! I was able to look you straight in the eyes yesterday and have words with you. After i lay my son to rest you will be seeing me again! Remember i am the one who stood 5 inches from your face and was letting you know i would never get to hug my son again, hear his laugh and then you tried to interrupt me and give me your own sob story and i had to tell you “that this isn’t about you so don’t make it about you!!!” You then said you just wanted me to know that you know how i feel and i let you know that you don’t know how i feel and you do not have the right to tell me you know how i feel! U then rolled your fucking eyes in your head like you were annoyed with me and i let you know that the only reason i was talking to you was out of respect for my son and that was the only reason why, i then proceeded to tell you again how you took my son away from me and how i will never get to hug him, kiss him, laugh with him again etc… u turned to walk away and i let you know my sons blood was on your hands and you threw your hand up behind you as you walked away from me like you were saying “ ok whatever!!! You are not the president of the United States of America Biden!!!! Cheating isn’t winning!!!You are no leader of any kind! You are a weak human being and a traitor!!!! You turned your back on my son, on all of our Heros!!! you are leaving the White House one way or another because you do not belong there!MY SONS BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS!!! All 13 of them, their blood is on your hands!!!! If my president Trump was in his rightful seat then my son and the other Heros would still be alive!!!! You will be seeing me again very soon!!! Btw as my son and the rest of our fallen Heros were being taken off the plane yesterday i watched you disrespect us all 5 different times by checking your watch!!! What the fuck was so important that you had to keep looking at your watch????You are nobody special Biden!!! America Hates you!!!!!

Yesterday, the outspoken Chappell came out swinging, as she revealed that she had been banned from Facebook-owned Instagram. “It seems Instagram took it upon themselves to delete my account because i am assuming it was because i gained so many followers over my sons death due to Biden’s negligence, ignorance and him being a traitor! I’m gonna President Joe Biden Joe Biden This msg is for you! I know my face is etched into your brain! I was able to look you straight in the eyes yesterday and have words with you. After i lay my son to rest you will be seeing me again! Remember i am the one who stood 5 inches from your face and was letting you know i would never get to hug my son again, hear his laugh and then you tried to interrupt me and give me your own sob story and i had to tell you “that this isn’t about you so don’t make it about you!!!” You then said you just wanted me to know that you know how i feel and i let you know that you don’t know how i feel and you do not have the right to tell me you know how i feel! U then rolled your fucking eyes in your head like you were annoyed with me and i let you know that the only reason i was talking to you was out of respect for my son and that was the only reason why, i then proceeded to tell you again how you took my son away from me and how i will never get to hug him, kiss him, laugh with him again etc… u turned to walk away and i let you know my sons blood was on your hands and you threw your hand up behind you as you walked away from me like you were saying “ ok whatever!!! You are not the president of the United States of America Biden!!!! Cheating isn’t winning!!!You are no leader of any kind! You are a weak human being and a traitor!!!! You turned your back on my son, on all of our Heros!!! you are leaving the White House one way or another because you do not belong there!MY SONS BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS!!! All 13 of them, their blood is on your hands!!!! If my president Trump was in his rightful seat then my son and the other Heros would still be alive!!!! You will be seeing me again very soon!!! Btw as my son and the rest of our fallen Heros were being taken off the plane yesterday i watched you disrespect us all 5 different times by checking your watch!!! What the fuck was so important that you had to keep looking at your watch????You are nobody special Biden!!! America Hates you!!!!!

Yesterday, the outspoken Chappell came out swinging, as she revealed that she had been banned from Facebook-owned Instagram. “It seems Instagram took it upon themselves to delete my account because i am assuming it was because i gained so many followers over my sons death due to Biden’s negligence, ignorance and him being a traitor! I’m gonna assume that Facebook is gonna delete me next! Funny how these leftist one sided pieces of crap don’t want the truth to come out!” Chappell wrote.assume that Facebook is gonna delete me next! Funny how these leftist one sided pieces of crap don’t want the truth to come out!” Chappell wrote.

Vince Sly

You sound like a lunatic.


And you ARE a pedophile.


That was the Instagram post from Shana Chappell that was removed!

Stupid MSM BS, Disrespecting these parents even more… Disgusting.


And Trump replied with this statement to Shana:

“Shana, you are 100% correct. If I were President, your wonderful and beautiful son Kareem would be with you now, and so would the sons and daughters of others, including all of those who died in the vicious Kabul airport attack. Civilians should have been brought out first, along with our $85 billion of equipment, with the Military coming out very safely after all was clear. I love you, and I love Kareem.”


Does anyone know how I can email this to friends?


Copy the link

Vince Sly

You could copy the url and paste it in an email. I don’t recommend that though as most people will laugh at you and think you’re crazy.


Leave your things behind nothing worth taking the vaccination

buck fiden

At first glance, I’d say this story is nonsense. Then I remembered Hurricane Katrina, when Nora Leans Mayor Ray Niggin sent troops to DISARM CITIZENS.

It’s Covid Year 2021 and this kind of fascism could happen.

Angel Askew

Wasn’t Corey Booker Mayor of N’Orleans then? He only got the memo to evacuate 24 hrs before it hit.
I can’t stand him but I don’t recall hearing about any disarmament.


No Corey Booker was not .


No Angel, it was Newark NJ. He was mayor of Newark from 2006-2013.

Angel Askew

Ok. Ray Nagin. They do resemble each other though. This guy is doing 10 years for all kinds of kick backs before during and after Katrina. Are we living in Babylon or what??


bullshit story. I live 20 minutes from there and removing from IDA myself. This shit never happened


I think MB might have jumped the shark with this one, guys. Unlike the secret Gitmo arrest/tribunal stuff, this is firmly in the realm of “if this was actually happening right now there would be some evidence.”


Yes time will tell as it unravels .


I think you may be right. A co worker of mine told me to look at this site and “learn the truth”. All I’ve done is shake my head at the nonsensical illogical stories people will believe
without evidence. Michael Baxter is laughing at all of these poor misguided folks every time he spends one of his ad revenue checks or puts up a go fund me. It makes me sad.


I had a sister tell me to come here and do the same thing. I am a Trump loving republican and feel that he was cheated out of the election as well. However, August was the deadline for him to be put back in office. Today is September 1st and nothing happened. People need to spend their time actually working on solving the issues we are all facing and less time reading all this BS. I just shake my head….


Get out. Problem solved


You have such a big mouth. It amazes me how really stupid people are. Either you support Trump or you don’t. You can’t have it both ways.

Last edited 3 years ago by Nort

Eat shit commie.

Vince Sly

So anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a communist? Ok got it.


Or a pedophile like you


I’ve noticed that people on this site are very thin skinned and intolerant of other opinions. The glee that that is expressed here for other peoples suffering is disturbing to say the least. What would Jesus do? Not this for sure


So you defend pedophiles and others are thin skinned and intolerant? Sorry granny We will never tolerate pedophiles. You people are sick!


Seeing pedophiles around every corner, basically anyone who disagrees with you isn’t exactly a sign of sanity. Lol
And I really think you should do a little research on what communism actually is because this isn’t it


Eat shit pedophile.


You’re a very sick person. Get some help before you get yourself hurt.


You just called a 60 year old Christian grandmother a pedofile without any indication that it is true. You literally pulled that out of your butt. Really are you ok?


No I don’t defend pedofiles and I didn’t say anything defending pedofiles nor did Nort. That came out of your own sick mind. Get some help before you hurt someone.

Last edited 3 years ago by Grams

I’m sorry he attacked you. He is a very sick person. There is no one who supports President Trump more than I do and this is how you get treated in here because you don’t drink the lies being spread in here cool aid. We talk about the left and how bad they are. Just listen to our own on the right and how they treat us. Very sad.


It takes more than that moron to get under my skin

Ed Prida

Vaccination is genocidal….they will go to Court


It would take years and years and be as successful as Trump’s election court cases .


We see you pedophile.


I expect nothing less.

Vince Sly

You have a weird obsession with pedophiles so much so it makes me think you are protecting and fight against your own pedophilic tendencies. I hope you seek help.


We arrest pedophiles like you. We see you

Irish Girl

Over time we have been encouraged to rely on governmental solutions to solve problems or “provide” for us. For instance, instead of managing our own finances, there is the Ponzi scheme called Social Security. (A euphemism if ever there was one). Many of the agencies and “helpful” measures of our government really encourage us to abdicate our liberty.
What I find interesting in these threads is that we have a lot of differences among us, and yet, here we are hammering things out.
If we think we can trust the government, we are delusional. Stick close to your friends and loved ones. We need each other.


The CDC says everyone should mask up indoors for Labor Day weekend. The unjabbed should not travel.

Like anyone cares what the CDC says. Road trip!


CDC…Completely Delirious Cretins


Or NESARA, another good one .

Johnny Lunchbucket

FEMA-fucking each moral american. What a bunch of bullshit. I would have went ballistic on the dickheads and thrown a copy of the institution. They have them brainwashed obviously.


Lockdown Brown & her Leftist Socialist Media are promoting the Jab 24/7 and now at the Oregon State Fair. Fear & Violence is all these Communist Governors understand promoting civil unrest & Indoctrination is what they do best.


A lot of You are totally ignorant of The Truth, and lack the ability to Think Critically. From what my Akashic memory tells me, and from what I see in this incarnation, is the same old crap. Life after life. JESUS is an acronym, as is the word GOD, but that’s irrelevant. What is relevant, is that The “Nothing” that blew up and created everything”, has a F-ing name, and it’s not any if the F-ing acronyms that are used as a name. Even the “name” RA-Respect All. A world of animals, that can drive cars, make technology and do other stupid shit, like a trained monkey. Regardless of what any of You think you know, You’ve all been “guided on dogma”. Plus, denied The Creator. Over and over, you don’t follow anyone except money, or pleasure. The stupid F-ing narrative “must be protected”. I read in a comment once, that if “the tribe of Dan goes down, You ALLL want to go down”, that can and will be arranged. No one survives, that denies The Creator. I have a F-ing name. I despise evil pedophiles and rapists and murderers. F-ing swamp creatures!!!!!! EDEN is the Swamp Peopke!!! Wake TF up!!

David Yanity

Crystal Meth…not even once.


Is that supposed to be the all-seeing eye you signed off with?


This is war!


Yes ! When where and how do we start ?






If your home is looted, the first suspects should be FEMA. They don’t want you in because they plan to take everything valuable from everyone, for themselves.


As if the victims of Hurricane Ida don’t already have enough to deal with, now you have these covid nazis making their life an even greater hellish event. Thankfully this is a small percentage of the population. The upside is homeowners’ insurance should help with a lot of this loss (hopefully they have flood insurance on top of it); yet insurance can’t replace the sentimental value of the items lost.


Why don’t we send out some folks with a camera crew in tow to film this FEMA HORSE MANURE DOG AND PONY SHOW IN LOUISIANA?


Missouri sent 300 National Guard to Louisiana. Missouri is based so hopefully they are deputized and make many deep state arrests. Mayor of NOLA would be a good start.

Missouri also activated the Missouri Guard under the guise of covid response if needed until the end of the year. Got some commie Mayor’s, Health department directors, hospital CEO’s, etc. that need ousting.


why isn’t the military stopping the goings on with FEMA in Louisiana forcing Vaccines on hurricane victims while their trying to salvage their homes.


Because it’s not real, terill.


Cry more pedophile.

unlabeled quality

because not enough of ‘we the people’ know or care about what’s going on.


I have family who evaccuated – I will talk to them

Vince Sly

August has now come and gone and Trump has not been reinstated as you said he would be. What gives Michael?


Cry more pedophile.

Vince Sly

I’m not crying I’m happy and just asking questions. You seem to have some anger issues however as well as some pedophilic thoughts gain I hope you get help to protect those around you. Thoughts and prayers.


Why does he say cry more ?


Go home to mommy pedophile.


Thanks for this article. Nevertheless, you lose your stuff, you don’t “loose” it.


God bless FEMA and the good work they do!

Hal Brown

I wonder if they have hauled any people off to some barge in New Orleans and guillotined them.

Dr John

If you see the UN doing anything like that they are a foreign force and HAVE NO RIGHTS IN THE US as an armed element. They should be treated as an enemy contingent. If we let them know we don’t accept them or their behavior they won’t come back. That goes for FEMA as well. NEVER/EVER go with either the UN or FEMA by force… it will not end well.


Their pretty blue helmets make a nice target, they are an invading army according to the laws of our land, shoot to kill.

Dr John

FEMA is a Federal agency and has no rights in a state without the Governor’s permission. If they have no permission, I would recommend a night raid on their location, take their weapons smash the vials and send them packing on foot. We do not allow illegal forces in our country.

FEMA is not supposed to be a military force; what are they doing with weapons acting like a military unit. We have the National Guard for such action. Anything other than true military is a take over of our country. Get some veterans to put FEMA in their place. They need a forced march to the nearest airport and a flight out of the state ASAP! Don’t forget to take their uniforms and any communications devices. Ask them who gave them authority to act as they have. IT HAS TO BE STATE APPROVED BY THE GOVERNOR. If the Governor approved it, you need a serious discussion with him/her. It needs to be in writing and they should have a copy on them.

If we want to keep our country we have to take a stand. NO FEMA in the United States as armed soldiers! They have just blocked egress through a state highway to a city of the United States under false pretense. It is an illegal act from an illegal communist government, at best!

There is no PROOF of a COVID says the CDC, there never has been. It is all a lie. If there is no COVID how can there be a Delta variant?


You should contact Governor John Bell Edwards’ office and tell them this! I’m sure they will definitely know what you are talking about since this is definitely a real thing that is happening there right now.


My question too is why are they on one of the back roads and not the interstate!


This is an excellent question. Any thoughts, MB?


That’s why MO Governor is using the National Guard if needed. Gov don’t trust the feds.


So why isn’t he sending the National Guard to break up these unconstitutional checkpoints, eh?


Gotta get you pedophiles first.


Before Ida hit I said New Orleans was screwed. At least DC is getting hammered today. I won’t cry if it doesn’t recover.


what a bs story, cmon Michael you can do better


Pretty wild how this checkpoint is right out in the open and they must be imposing these rules on dozens (if not hundreds) of people trying to pass through, and yet nobody has taken a single picture or video or posted about it online or reported it to any news outlets besides RRN, huh?


I like how MB’s British is showing. Carriage?


Cry more pedophile.

a nobody

OK, trying not to get angry here at our servicemen and women who I love, We all need to not forget things when we evacuate. Then they don’t have to feel bad and it just means I am very aware that the Government who said the FDA had cleared the Jab was not telling the truth. They extended the emergency use law. Two very different things. I have had Covid in Jan of 2020. got it coming home on a plane from Oahu with lots of people from China who were sick. Life happens I barely knew I was sick and a simple call to my doctor fixed it in no time. Not bed ridden or anything. Fear is driving one whole lot of this and not using a very strong anti-inflamatory med early on.

Yes Michael I too want to live. Best wishes.

Last edited 3 years ago by a nobody
Sandy Koufax

Attempted murder.