Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Biden’s Plan to Squash Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric Exposed

In early February as stories of vaccine mishaps and sudden fatalities began surfacing on Social Media, Joe Biden surreptitiously formed a new government agency...


An obscure New York State lawmaker has authored a bill that will allow the US government to indefinitely imprison people considered a health risk....

Trump to Release “KRAKEN” on 6 January

President Donald J. Trump returned to Washington on Thursday, cutting short a holiday vacation as he prepared to mount a final effort to not...

Biden Promises Bezos “Eternal Lockdowns” to Boost Amazon’s Profits

President-elect Joe Biden and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos met secretly on Monday to discuss Amazon’s roll in a Covid-19 world. Biden was spotted at...

Tiffany Dover is NOT Dead

The conspiracy theorists are at it again, this time claiming that Tiffany Dover, the attractive, young nurse who feinted minutes after receiving a Covid-19...

Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Causes “Monsterism”

Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccination, which the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved on 18 December, may cause recipients to experience an extremely rare but potentially...

Trump Indicts Dr. Fauci; Charged as Enemy Combatant

The United States Justice Department, on behalf of President Donald J. Trump, has finalized a sealed indictment naming Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the...
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