Friday, July 26, 2024
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Gavin Newsom’s Christmas Present: A Military Tribunal

Yesterday Real Raw News reported that two noteworthy military tribunals, Marc Mezvinsky and George W. Bush’s, will take place before the Christmas holiday. RRN...

At GITMO, Newsom Blames Pelosi–for Everything!

Gavin Newsom has recovered from a vaccine-induced coma that left him bedridden and intubated for two weeks, and is currently telling investigators from the...

Deep State CIA Spooks Defecting to “White Hats”?

The illegitimate administration’s Central Intelligence Agency and its Deep State director, William Burns, may have a severe problem: A growing number of experienced field...

Military Arrests Bedridden Gavin Newsom

U.S. Marines arrested disgraced California Governor Gavin Newsom on 1 November, delivering another major blow to the Deep State hegemony’s plans to impose permanent...

Military Executes Andrew Cuomo

Disgraced politician, murderer, and sexual predator Andrew Cuomo was hanged at Guantanamo Bay early Tuesday morning for his role in perpetrating the global plandemic...

Vaccinated Pilots Dropping Dead Mid-Flight

Pilots of Southwest Airlines and other major U.S. carriers have good reason for resisting vaccination mandates. Their fellow pilots who had taken the controversial...

Delta Force Raids Adrenochrome Warehouse

Delta Force operators on Monday raided an Adrenochrome storage facility in California and seized 600 liters of a substance that Deep State despots believe...

Colin Powell Committed Suicide

The disreputable, faux Biden administration and its media cohorts have perpetrated yet another fallacy on the American public by claiming that Colin Powell died...

Pfizer Clot Shot Is Tracking You (if you got it)

At Bill Gates' military tribunal, Vice Adm. John G. Hannink (Correction: Darse E. Crandall) touched on the notion that Gates and the pharmaceutical manufactures had...

Military Convicts Andrew Cuomo

On Monday afternoon, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo learned his fate, having been held responsible for the needless deaths of thousands of senior...

Fake Biden Receives Fake Booster on National Television

In a theatrical display of contrived illusion, Joe Biden impersonator Arthur Roberts received what appeared to be a Covid-19 booster shot on national television,...

Covid-19 Task Force Whistleblower Drops a Bombshell

There is a monumental disparity between how Donald J. Trump handled Covid-19 briefings and Joe Biden’s team handles theirs. Trump believed in transparency, and...
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