Friday, July 26, 2024
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Operation Warp Speed Architect Arrested

U.S. Army Rangers on Saturday arrested Operation Warp Speed architect Moncef Slaoui, the Moroccan-born pharmaceutical mogul who in May 2020 spearheaded the administration's efforts...

Vaccine Scientist Hanged at GITMO

A sniveling Richard Tillyer, the vaccine scientist JAG sentenced to death last Friday, was cowering in the corner of his cell Tuesday morning when...

JAG Sentences Janssen Vaccine Scientist to Death

The United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Friday convicted and sentenced to death Janssen Pharmaceuticals scientist Richard Tillyer, who stood accused of...

Putin Exterminates “Mad” Covid-19 Vaccine Scientist

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday ordered the execution of a vaccine scientist who tainted Covid-19 vaccines with live HIV, FSB agent Andrei Zakharov...

Putin Orders Destruction of All Covid-19 Vaccines in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the destruction of all Covid-19 vaccine stockpiles on Russian soil, citing an undeniable connection between what has been...

Military Arrests Vaccine Scientist on Charges of Accessory to MASS Murder

United States Navy JAG investigators on Tuesday arrested a Janssen Pharmaceuticals executive on charges of “accessory to mass murder and negligent homicide” for misleading...

JAG Sentences Jerome Adams to Death

Three officers impaneled to weigh JAG’s case against Jerome Adams found the former surgeon general guilty of treason after viewing documents showing he had...

CDC Deputy Director Arrested for Covid Crimes

United States Marines on Tuesday arrested CDC Deputy Director Tom Shimabukuro on treason charges after obtaining a military arrest warrant attesting that U.S. Army...

Looney Tunes New Jersey Schools Blame Trump for New Mask Mandates

Edit: This story was written several days ago, and posted 1/24/2023. It seems the school district in question did lift it's mandate on 01/23/2023,...

Military Arrests Former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn

U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Thursday arrested former Food & Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn for having committed treasonous acts against the nation and...

Jeff Zients Dies in GITMO Custody

Former Covid-19 coordinator Jeff Zients, 56, died of unknown causes Wednesday morning at Guantanamo Bay’s Camp Delta detention block, sources there told Real Raw...

Military Arrests Covid-19 Coordinator Jeff Zients

The White Hat partition of the U.S. military on Monday arrested the criminal Biden regime’s former Covid-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients for treason and...
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