In liberal circles William Charles Ayers is known as a progressive activist, a retired professor at the University of Illinois, and a philanthropist who...
The criminal Biden regime is more interested in vaccinating than feeding babies and infant children, said a whistleblower in the administration's communications office who...
U.S. Special Forces on Saturday raided a Moderna-leased warehouse on the outskirts of Kansas City and destroyed approximately 250,000 vials (25,000 boxes) of the...
“…You’re fired, traitor!”
President Donald J. Trump’s signature phrase echoed through the Mar-a-Lago War Room during a heated Friday evening phone call with boisterous Infowars...
White Hats on Tuesday arrested the criminal Biden regime’s secretary of agriculture, Thomas J. Vilsack, after connecting him to the calculated destruction of a...
President Donald J. Trump on Monday urged friends, family, and advisors to immediately cancel their Netflix subscriptions after hearing a “pretty damn believable” story...
For reasons not given but easily imagined, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps abruptly amended Anthony S. Fauci’s scheduled date of execution from...
Russian Special Forces last week discovered a mass gravesite that held the remains of children who had fallen prey to Ukraine’s child trafficking syndicates,...
White Hats within the U.S. military and at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago command center have recommended that President Donald J. Trump avoid more interviews with Deep...
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