Monday, September 30, 2024


Trump Plane, Possible Sabotage

A private jet carrying President Donald J. Trump from New Orleans to his Mar-a-Lago home had to make an emergency landing after one of...

Putin: Bombed Hospital Was Really Bioweapon Storage Facility

Tales of the Russian military indiscriminately bombing a maternity ward brimming with civilians and pregnant women are either exaggerated or outright inaccurate, Russian President...

Military Tribunal Sentences Sonia Sotomayor to Death

Former Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was sentenced to hang by the neck until dead after a military commission at Guantanamo Bay found the...

Gateway Pundit Affirms RRN Reports of Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine

From   The Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova,  told the...

Putin Puts American “Mercenaries” in Ukraine on Blast

On Monday afternoon the Russian president and Donald J. Trump shared yet another telephone call on which Putin expressed disappointment that American “mercenaries” in...

Putin: Ukrainian Pedophiles Fleeing Ukraine for Neighboring Countries

Pedophile rings across Ukraine have been taking advantage of “humanitarian corridors” meant to allow safe egress for innocent Ukrainians caught amid Vladimir Putin’s war...

Putin: Zelenskyy Tried to “False Flag” Nuke Plant

On yet another call with President Donald J. Trump on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin again rebutted Western media claims that his military was...

Putin Bombs Biden-Owned Villa in Ukraine while Hammering Biolabs & Pedophile Rings

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday told President Trump that Russia’s military destroyed a multitude of foreign bioweapon facilities that had been running carte...

Putin Lights “Purifying Fire” to Cleanse Ukraine of Pedophiles

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday told President Trump he harbored no ill will toward innocent Ukrainians caught amid conflict but will not forsake...

Military: “Biden has NO Nuclear Launch Codes”

The man calling himself President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden, cannot precipitate an atomic apocalypse because he does not have the codes...

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