Monday, September 30, 2024


Putin Vows to “Crush” Child Traffickers in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin has given himself a new mission in addition to ridding the Ukraine of Western-funded biolabs, said a Mar-a-Lago source privy...

Shock Claim: Russian Spetznas Liberate Child Trafficking Victims in Ukraine

It seems an implausible tale. Valiant Spetznas searching for an alleged bioweapons laboratory in central Ukraine accidently stumble upon a child trafficking den, a dimly...

Special Forces Seize Strategic Petroleum Reserves after Biden Gives Away 35,000,000+ Barrels

U.S. Special Forces last Saturday seized control of the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) after learning that the criminal Biden regime had donated to...

Putin Tells Trump, “We’re Burning the Trash.” Biolaboratories Destroyed

Vladimir Putin has kept frequent contact with Donald J. Trump as Russian soldiers, aircraft, and warships continue to bombard eastern Ukraine, targeting not civilians...

Military Defies Biden Regime, Refuses to Deploy

The criminal Biden regime on 2 February announced it had deployed 2,000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division to Western Europe in response to...

Putin to Trump: “Your Media Lies!. This is not an invasion”

Minutes before Russian cruise missiles struck targets in eastern Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin made an urgent call to Donald J. Trump, saying his...

JAG Schedules Melinda Ann French’s Military Tribunal

War between Russia and the Ukraine will have no impact on the U.S. military’s efforts to seek justice against Deep Staters who have flouted...

Dr. Francis Collins Hanged at GITMO

Another Deep State actor has bitten the dust. On Monday, 21 February, Dr. Francis Collins was hanged to death at Guantanamo Bay, but he did...

National Guard Terrorizes New Mexico School Children

Contemporary cartoons like South Park and the Simpsons have predicted the future with almost infallible accuracy. In South Park: The Pandemic Special trigger-happy, gung-ho...

Military Arrests SCJ Sonia Sotomayor

U.S. Marines on Wednesday arrested Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor following a 3-month investigation into whether she had accepted cash payoffs for rulings favoring...

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