Monday, September 30, 2024


Fauci Endorses Abolishing 2nd Amendment

Plandemic mastermind Deep State Dr. Anthony Fauci wants you to get quarterly boosters. He recommended that Democrat lawmakers relax mask mandates until the midterms. Now, the...

If Biden is Really President, Why is Putin Calling Trump?

The criminal Biden administration and its complicit intelligence agencies have spent the last few months fomenting a narrative that a Russian invasion of the...

Anita Dunn Executed at GITMO

Anita Dunn did not have a happy Valentine’s Day. No flowers, no chocolates, and no cards embossed with cute hearts. She did, however, have her head...

Pedophile Pence in Deep Trouble

Real Raw News has gotten fresh data regarding the military’s recent interest in former Vice President Michael Pence, a man whose entrancing façade and...

JAG Issues Arrest Warrant For Re-Arrest of Michael Pence

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Wednesday issued a warrant for the arrest of former Vice President Michael Pence, a JAG source...

Deep State War on Trump Continues

The Deep State and its liberal media allies have an unhealthy obsession with Donald J. Trump, someone they’ve labeled irrelevant and inconsequential. Nonetheless, they...

State of Real Raw News

It’s no secret that Real Raw News has suffered a lot of down time of late. Understandably, this has disappointed our readers, and, of...

Military Tribunal Convicts Dr. Francis Collins

On Monday, January 31, a military tribunal found Dr. Francis Collins guilty of treason and mass medical malpractice, sentencing him to hang by the...

Navy Chaplain: “Newsom Was Possessed”

Chaplain Drew d'Auguste, a Christian in the U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps, was not speaking figuratively when he told Real Raw News the “White Hat”...

Dick Cheney Hanged at GITMO

The Judge Advocate General’s Corps and the Office of Military Commissions do not typically conduct “business” on Saturdays, but for Richard Bruce Cheney, they...

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