Monday, September 30, 2024


DHS Blames Trump, Trump-Supporters for Alleged Rise of Jew-Hatred Online

The criminal Biden regime's Department of Homeland Security says supporters of Donald J. Trump are 90% more likely than the "average person" to commit...

Mark Milley Hanged at GITMO

The criminal Mark A. Milley was demoted to the rank of private and given a dishonorable discharge before a noose was slipped over his...

Special Forces Attack Deep State Listening Outposts

A White Hat Special Forces unit knew how to find a federal listening post that had been eavesdropping on their communications with Fort Bragg...

Marines Capture Deep State Base in Bloody Battle

United States Marines on Wednesday captured a Deep State Army National Guard base and killed its commanding officer in what a source in General...

White Hats Arrest Loony Jihadist Infiltrator

White Hats on Tuesday detained a U.S. Army captain after discovering he was a closet Muslim who wanted to “disembowel all Jewish-looking people in...

White Hats Talk “Going Hamas” on the Deep State

A few White Hat Council members feel they should mimic Hamas’ cruelty and barbarism in their seemingly eternal battles against the Deep State, according...

JAG Convicts, Sentences Mark Milley to Hang

10/10/2023. GITMO. A three-officer panel at Guantanamo Bay convicted disgraced former General Mark A. Milley of treason and sentenced him to hang after a military...

Carrier Strike Group Drops Anchor; Defies Biden Regime!

The Gerald Ford Carrier Battle Group dropped anchor in the Mediterranean Sunday night in a repudiation of the criminal Biden regime's authority over United...

Marine Corps Base Massacre

As the world debated Hamas' surprise attack on Israel, another unprecedented assault occurred closer to home Saturday, with Black Hats launching a shocking attack...

Special Forces Unalive Obama Clone

White Hats on Saturday confirmed to Real Raw News that Barack Hussein Obama, long suspected of running the Deep State from abroad and pulling...

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